"He is stubborn, but the system is stronger": Medvedev comments on Trump's victory in the US elections

"He is stubborn, but the system is stronger": Medvedev comments on Trump's victory in the US elections

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, in his usual manner, commented on the results of the US presidential election, which was won by Donald Trump. According to the Russian official, there is a certain plus for Russia in the Republican's victory.

Trump has one quality that is useful to us: as a businessman to the core, he mortally dislikes spending money on various hangers-on and freeloaders – on idiotic allies, on stupid charity projects and on gluttonous international organizations.

– recalled Dmitry Medvedev.

He clarified, however, that Trump’s victory does not mean that US funding of the Kyiv regime will cease.

The question is how much will Trump be forced to give for the war. He is stubborn, but the system is stronger

– emphasized the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Trump himself, in his victory speech, however, preferred to focus on the internal problems of the United States, which he intends to solve.

Now we're going to take it to the next level because we're going to help our country heal. Our country needs that help. We're going to fix the border, we're going to fix the current economic situation. We're going to build again. history

– said the 47th President of the United States.

He added that the result he showed during the presidential vote was a political victory that had never been seen before in US history.
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  1. +10
    6 November 2024 11: 06
    Yes, America is ruled from the shadows. And the president has been turned into a talking head. At the right moment, people in black jackets will come, "straighten him out" and tell him what and how the president should do.
    1. +6
      6 November 2024 11: 16
      And Trump is also very vindictive, without any options, after appointing his attorney general, he will close the cases against himself, release everyone who stormed the White House in 2020 and... imprison Biden's son for 700 years.
      1. +4
        6 November 2024 11: 21
        Quote from Silver99
        without any options, after the appointment of his prosecutor general, he will close the cases against himself
        He can't close it, just as he can't pardon himself. But it's not necessary - the prosecutors will race to close the cases themselves with the most brutal bending.
        But he will definitely leave Biden Jr. with two options - either to dry crackers for twenty years, or to emigrate to Russia. The only place where the blind but tenacious American Themis will not get him.
        1. +6
          6 November 2024 11: 29
          or emigrate to Russia.
          Even if this jerk wants to accept human values ​​(which is unlikely), he is of no use here.
          1. +3
            6 November 2024 11: 31
            Quote: barclay
            Even if this jerk wants to accept human values ​​(which is unlikely), he is of no use here.
            I'm not saying that he is needed here. I'm just saying that this is the only place on Earth where his native "democracy" won't reach him.
            1. +3
              6 November 2024 11: 32
              In theory, yes. But that's only in theory...
      2. BAI
        6 November 2024 12: 09
        and..... will put Biden's son in jail for 700 years.

        He will grant amnesty. He has already spoken out on this matter.
    2. +1
      6 November 2024 11: 20
      Quote: barclay
      Yes, America is ruled from the shadows. And the president has been turned into a talking head. At the right moment, people in black jackets will come, "straighten him out" and tell him what and how the president should do.

      Just like Kennedy.
      1. +2
        6 November 2024 11: 33
        One below wrote Kennedy with one "n", and immediately "followers" appeared. Kennedy is both pronounced and written with two "n".
        1. +1
          6 November 2024 11: 36
          Quote: Andrey Gladkikh
          One below wrote Kennedy with one "n", and immediately "followers" appeared. Kennedy is both pronounced and written with two "n".

          T9 rules like that))) But in reality I don't give a damn how much n he has.
          1. +6
            6 November 2024 11: 42
            "Повгиг" is an adverb and is written as one word. Although I suppose that you don't care either. A povigist is a povigist, even in Africa.
          2. +1
            6 November 2024 12: 16
            Quote: Wend
            T9 rules like this

            A very convenient excuse - to blame all your mistakes on T9. And you lack the intelligence to check before clicking "send". How did you ever live before? laughing
            1. -2
              6 November 2024 12: 39
              Quote: Piramidon
              Quote: Wend
              T9 rules like this

              A very convenient excuse - to blame all your mistakes on T9. And you lack the intelligence to check before clicking "send". How did you ever live before? laughing

              When there is nothing to say, they resort to spelling laughing laughing
    3. +2
      6 November 2024 11: 41
      Quote: barclay
      At the right moment, people in black jackets will come, “straighten things out” and tell the president what and how to do.

      In general, I agree. But the "people in black jackets" who are on the side of the Democrats and have enormous opportunities in the form of the current president and administration, could do nothing to keep the Democrats in power.
      1. +5
        6 November 2024 11: 50
        These people don't care what party it is. All these parties are just for PR of certain groups during "democratic" elections.
        1. +1
          6 November 2024 12: 10
          All right
          Quote: barclay
          All these parties are just for

          show-offs. They say we have democracy
    4. -3
      6 November 2024 11: 50
      Today, 11: 06
      Yes, America is ruled from the shadows. And the president has been turned into a talking head. At the right moment, people in black jackets will come, "straighten him out" and tell him what and how the president should do.

      hi Wouldn't it be a good idea for the Kremlin to request from the bidet (Fashington headquarters) and personally shot Ushatik (after the inauguration), a payoff (ideally - a natural political agreement on the division of interests) in overt and covert assistance in the elections in Penguinia, remembering the words of the Supreme about the preference of grandfather Dementiy and a number of other facts that had a beneficial effect on the political results? drinks
    5. -2
      6 November 2024 12: 06
      Quote: barclay
      Yes, America is ruled from the shadows.

      How do you know?
    6. 0
      8 November 2024 08: 54
      not like Medvedev, he has willpower and steel, but Trump is just an ordinary seedy billionaire
  2. +8
    6 November 2024 11: 09
    And Medvedev doesn't want to talk about his victories? Or is his modesty going off the charts?
    1. +3
      6 November 2024 11: 37
      Okay, let the man think about it. That's his job now. Today, we also need loud statements from philosophers and theorists.
    2. -2
      6 November 2024 11: 43
      Medvedev doesn't want to talk about his victories? Or is his modesty going off the charts?

      at least showed us, the serfs, a fresh photo of himself, without retouching...
    3. -3
      6 November 2024 11: 55
      Everything will still be there. Second term in 2030? laughing
  3. +5
    6 November 2024 11: 10
    Elections between a toad and a viper. The only hope is that Trump will start toppling liberal globalist institutions, and under this case, the Russian Federation will have the opportunity to start bringing order to the Central Bank.
    1. +7
      6 November 2024 11: 12
      And without Trump's approval, we can't put our homegrown liberals up against the wall? what
      1. +1
        6 November 2024 11: 18
        No, we can't. And who will put it up?
      2. +3
        6 November 2024 11: 21
        And without Trump's approval, we can't put our homegrown liberals up against the wall?

        Well, it hasn't worked out for 30 years now. Even the leader of all the liberals was released from Russia. Now he's somewhere resting from his worries, drinking away the money he stole from the people...
        1. 0
          6 November 2024 12: 57
          "drinking away the money stolen from the people..."

          And to his health)))) Why remember him all the time? The more he drinks, the better. As they say in Russian literature: "cirrhosis - the governor patrols his domains..." Sergei Dovlatov.
      3. 0
        6 November 2024 12: 24
        The liberals have multi-level protection. Trump will approve, but the internal Gorbachev will forbid. Just like with the death penalty.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. -1
      6 November 2024 12: 36
      who would have doubted it, EVERY article is flooded with commentators following the "down with the Central Bank, give us a fixed rate" method))
  4. +5
    6 November 2024 11: 10
    Now we need to see how Western business will react to Trump's victory and what shocks there will be in the economy. And they will be, Trump will cut trillions in spending on pseudo-green energy. What position will Musk, Carlson and Kennedy Jr. have? Almost nothing is known about Trump's team. And Trump needs to "deceive" the "beast" presidential Chrysler.
    1. +1
      6 November 2024 13: 01
      Quote: tralflot1832
      What position will Musk, Carlson and Kennedy Jr. have? Almost nothing is known about Trump's team

      This is an interesting topic, although it is quite possible to assume that Trump has already figured out everything in advance regarding the career fate of the above-mentioned characters.
      Quote: tralflot1832
      The presidential Chrysler must be "fooled" by Trump.

      Not a bad precaution, given the unfortunate experiences of some previous presidents and the shot ear.
  5. +11
    6 November 2024 11: 11
    Trump is a complete huckster. Now he will try to sharply raise the stakes on Tsegabonia in order to wheedle out some crappy starting positions in the auction. He has done this all his life. And we must be prepared for this. For the coming inevitable aggravation.
    1. +5
      6 November 2024 11: 19
      Absolutely right, he will start with the trades on the topic of Ukraine. The huckster will remain a huckster.
    2. +6
      6 November 2024 11: 22
      Wait, not only will he warm up Ukraine, he will also start another war. In the Caucasus or Taiwan.
      1. +3
        6 November 2024 11: 30
        He will only do what he can really make money on.. So in the Caucasus - unlikely, however - as well as in Taiwan. Until all chip production is moved out of there - the US will not even twitch. Because they clearly understand - without the factories there they will lose in a couple of months..

        But Iran and others like it really need to get seriously worked up.
        1. +2
          6 November 2024 13: 11
          China is/was betting on the globalists, so Trump is also a headache for them, which is good, in my opinion - maybe they will finally stop fussing between two chairs. In general, it is sad that the world has come to a situation where non-Western leaders, instead of uniting, are looking for ways to please a sect that has gone crazy or at least not to anger it more than its neighbor, in the hope of sitting out another row.
    3. +5
      6 November 2024 11: 30
      Only one thing is clear: things won’t be easy or simple for us under Trump, and we shouldn’t delude ourselves with illusions that he will help us or make concessions in any way; we need to be prepared for everything.
      1. +2
        6 November 2024 11: 31
        Trump is at least understandable. A huckster is a huckster. Unlike the Democrats, who are ready to destroy the entire planet for the rights of LGBT and blacks. Including America itself.
  6. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 12
    yeah, it's good that he's a businessman, but it's bad that he's part of the system!
  7. -1
    6 November 2024 11: 15
    "He is stubborn, but the system is stronger": Medvedev comments on Trump's victory in the US elections

    hi The shot and victorious Ushatik is, first of all, a businessman and a trader in a triple bottle, with an explosive mixture of choleric and unpredictable actions, which makes it difficult to conduct political dialogues with him.
    Following the example of the famous Baerbock, which was turned 360 degrees, this mattress can only turn 180 and cause harm to China and other business giants, which already happened in the first term. negative
  8. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 17
    It remains a mystery why Kamala Haris did not involve the Moldovan diaspora abroad in the elections? recourse
    1. +2
      6 November 2024 11: 19
      They placed their bets on the Estonian diaspora, the mail hasn't arrived yet.
      1. 0
        6 November 2024 11: 20
        Well, that's still a long wait... request
  9. -1
    6 November 2024 11: 18
    Trump has one quality that is useful to us: as a businessman to the core, he mortally dislikes spending money on various hangers-on and freeloaders – on idiotic allies, on stupid charity projects and on gluttonous international organizations.

    But with us it’s the other way around.
    Now Medvedev won't have Friday, so he'll have to work.
    It's good that Trump won - at least he'll shake his friend and friend of friends.
  10. +3
    6 November 2024 11: 24
    Victory. Moscow rejoices. Now there is hope for a holy deal on Ukraine. And even, who knows, that the black mark on the Yeltsin-Putin authorities will be revoked for 4 years. So far only hope, but for the Russian authorities this is the light at the end of the tunnel.
    1. 0
      6 November 2024 11: 45
      that the black mark on the Yeltsin-Putin authorities will be revoked for 4 years. So far it is only a hope, but for the Russian authorities this is the light at the end of the tunnel.

      without words..
    2. 0
      6 November 2024 11: 57
      Quote: Belisarius
      Victory. Moscow rejoices. Now there is hope for a holy deal on Ukraine.

      Betrayal. Kiev is in mourning. Now there is no hope for a holy victory and a drinking binge on Red Square. crying
    3. 0
      6 November 2024 14: 59
      "Horseradish radish is not sweeter."
  11. +3
    6 November 2024 11: 25
    These Americans are interesting.
    They elect black lesbians as presidents and prime ministers for their entire world.
    So they appointed a white man for themselves.
  12. +1
    6 November 2024 11: 27
    Why does China always win in oil prices, after Trump's victory prices went down.
  13. +7
    6 November 2024 11: 32
    Russia has nothing good to expect from either candidate for the presidency of the Pinsk People's Republic. Kamalka is a predictable enemy, and Trump is an impulsive enemy.
  14. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 34
    We would like to have a system such that with the arrival of the next leader of the country they would not start with the slogan "we will destroy everything to the ground", leaders must change and the course for the country must be unshakable, for the development of the country. But not like the wild capitalism we have now.
  15. HAM
    6 November 2024 11: 38
    As the Anglo-Saxons liked to call their kings, "Richard the Lionheart", "Knight of the White Rose"... and this one will probably be "Donald the Earless"...
  16. +6
    6 November 2024 11: 44
    The question is how much will Trump be forced to give for the war. He is stubborn, but the system is stronger.

    You should pay less attention to the American system, otherwise it seems that you are waiting for the newly elected president to solve Russia's problems...
    Okay, they change every 4 years, and you can blame all the "sins" on your predecessor. But when you rule without a change, you say one thing and do another with the excuse: "Well, it didn't work out!", in addition, some "liberals" you put in power yourself are talking all sorts of nonsense and drivel, robbing the country with almost impunity and going home to the quiet corners of the West, when all the orders, initiatives, breakthroughs and leaps burst with "bangs", without reaching the final stage, then what to do and what to expect?!
    He added that the result he showed during the presidential vote was a political victory that had never been seen before in US history.

    And here Pamfilova announces every time that there has never been such unanimity in elections and...
    The cart remains in place. Only the load is being removed from it, and (from where - who the hell knows!!!) spokes are being added to the wheels of the cart, which, according to the assurances of the same "liberals", is still spinning moving...
  17. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 52
    I wonder if Trump will become the first president to be assassinated BEFORE taking office?
  18. 0
    6 November 2024 12: 02
    Quote: Andrey Gladkikh
    "Повгиг" is an adverb and is written as one word. Although I suppose that you don't care either. A povigist is a povigist, even in Africa.

  19. 0
    6 November 2024 13: 15
    on idiotic allies, on bad charity projects and on gluttonous international organizations
    – recalled Dmitry Medvedev.
    The example of Israel and in particular Netanyahu is more than indicative.
  20. -1
    6 November 2024 13: 19
    I'm sincerely happy for Donald Trump! Who wouldn't like anything! good drinks The EU will definitely face difficult times, and not only the EU, but also Israel. Despite the fact that Trump is far from an ambiguous personality, it is worth noting that the frankly dishonest elections of the 46th administration predetermined the further work of the Biden administration, which turned out to be a complete failure.
  21. 0
    6 November 2024 16: 42
    That's it, now our president is Trump for the next 4 years? Yes laughing