Pilots of plane flying to Irkutsk were tried to be blinded with a laser

Pilots of plane flying to Irkutsk were tried to be blinded with a laser

In Russia, some irresponsible citizens continue to use various laser devices for other purposes, trying to blind airplane pilots with them.

There have been similar incidents more than once this year. Another one happened yesterday with the crew of the Bangkok-Irkutsk flight. As reported by the press service of the East Siberian Linear Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on transport, when the plane was approaching to land in Irkutsk, they tried to blind the pilots with laser beams.

During the landing approach of an aircraft on the Bangkok-Irkutsk route at a distance of more than 100 kilometers from the airport (from the direction of Slyudyanka), an attempt to blind the crew with laser beams was recorded

- stated in the message of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The incident proceeded without incident, and the plane landed safely. An investigation is underway into the incident.

Yesterday it was reported that a Boeing 737-800 flying from Alma-Ata to Moscow was also “attacked” by a green laser. The incident did not affect the flight.

Although the Ministry of Internal Affairs says that such cases are most often pranks, they still warn that any interference in the operation of rail, air and water transport that threatens its safety may entail criminal and administrative liability.
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  1. -2
    6 November 2024 09: 21
    There will be no lasers on the open market - there will be no blinding.
  2. +4
    6 November 2024 09: 23
    Has it started again? It seems like last time all the laser pointers were taken away from the young hooligans.
    1. +3
      6 November 2024 11: 40
      Quote: Phrases
      Has it started again? It seems like last time all the laser pointers were taken away from the young hooligans.
      Back then, they would attack young hooligans with laser pointers. I think they even caught someone...
      Now, I think, it is not "boys" who are fooling around. Advertisers and others involved in light shows have SUCH lasers - what kind of "pointer" is that... Accordingly, there will be someone who with such an installation (I once saw one at a friend's, the owner of an advertising firm - the size of a parcel box) for Ukrainian money will try to at least in this perverted way "distract" us from the front. At least in the media space, the plane crash would be on the front pages for more than one day.

      All hope is on inconspicuous people with an ID in their pocket. They can catch mice too - maybe they'll "catch" something.
      But they should be tried not for “hooliganism” and not even for “attempting to organize a terrorist attack” - but for treason.
  3. +7
    6 November 2024 09: 24
    Quote: pyagomail.ru
    There will be no lasers on the open market - there will be no blinding.

    If there are no kitchen knives on the open market, there will be no injuries and deaths from domestic violence?
    1. +2
      6 November 2024 09: 34
      If only they could ban everything, they don't know how to do it any other way. Punishment should be given not for "possession", but for "action".
  4. 0
    6 November 2024 09: 31
    The pioneers are fooling around. He's a child, he can do anything!
    1. +4
      6 November 2024 09: 36
      Quote: Ilya22558
      He's just a child, he can do anything!

      And on the bottom? And collect a nice sum from the parents for moral damages to the pilots?
      1. +7
        6 November 2024 09: 48
        But you can't spank me! Lifelong trauma and the guardianship authorities will get excited, and other heresy. God, how did we survive when any passerby could twist our ears off for the indecency we were committing, and after that the parents wouldn't run to complain, "they're bullying the child," but would add even more! A nightmare. laughing
      2. +2
        6 November 2024 09: 50
        Quote: Egoza
        And on the butt?

        Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 267.1. Actions that threaten the safe operation of vehicles
        Up to two years.
  5. +3
    6 November 2024 09: 47
    O. It's a good device, why isn't it used in the air defense system to blind drivers, operators, gunners, that's where it could be used well. But in civilian life, especially with a passenger liner, it's a crime. (Probably the mother-in-law was there)
    1. +1
      6 November 2024 10: 14
      This method has long been mastered in many armies of the world, ever since the invention of the laser. But in war, it is important not to blind the enemy, but to destroy him. So instead of a laser, an anti-tank guided missile or a drone is more reliable.
  6. 0
    6 November 2024 09: 54
    may entail criminal and administrative liability.

    "Just a moment, Inspector Lavrova," I stopped her. "I look at you, Obolnikov, and I think that it is wrong when the law and our morality completely exclude the possibility of corporal punishment. You need to be flogged. Not beaten, but flogged. With salted rods. Only fear of an imminent flogging can keep you from villainous actions for some time."
    The Vainer Brothers, "A Visit to the Minotaur"
  7. 0
    6 November 2024 09: 55
    Quote: Egoza
    Quote: Ilya22558
    He's just a child, he can do anything!

    And on the bottom? And collect a nice sum from the parents for moral damages to the pilots?

    Get ahead!
  8. +1
    6 November 2024 09: 56
    This thing costs from $1000. You can poach with it. Animals are not afraid for some reason. But it is much more powerful than a pointer.
  9. +5
    6 November 2024 09: 56
    Quote: pyagomail.ru
    There will be no lasers on the open market - there will be no blinding.

    There will be no .... (prohibited by the rules of VO), there will be no rape. Let's start with you?
  10. +2
    6 November 2024 09: 58
    Quote: Ilya22558
    when any passerby could twist off our ears for the obscenity we were committing

    More frightening than any ears were the words: "Let's go to our parents!"
  11. +2
    6 November 2024 10: 04
    Previously, there were very frequent cases with such toys. Then it died down. "And here it is again."
    Although the Ministry of Internal Affairs says that such cases are most often pranks, they still warn that any interference in the operation of rail, air and water transport that threatens its safety may entail criminal and administrative liability.
  12. 0
    6 November 2024 10: 07
    Dad needs to be issued a fine, 300 thousand and everything will be over quickly. There was money for a laser pointer and there will be money for a fine
  13. -2
    6 November 2024 10: 29
    Probably, "the Englishwoman is shitting" or h.a.h.l.y smile
  14. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 19
    Quote: Ilya22558
    any passerby could twist our ears for the indecency we were committing, and after that the parents would not run to complain, "they are bullying the child", but would add more! A nightmare

    Exactly! They thanked that passerby and would have given him a full penalty at home. And now all sorts of liberals have come up with so many laws that you can't even touch one of your own. No, of course we need to fight real beatings. But no one has ever died from a belt for a reason. And they spoke politely to their elders, and brats didn't yell obscenities at the top of their lungs.
  15. +1
    6 November 2024 12: 04
    Although the Ministry of Internal Affairs says that such cases are most often pranks, they still warn that any interference in the operation of rail, air and water transport that threatens its safety may entail criminal and administrative liability.
    In principle, it is possible to incriminate as an attempt to commit a terrorist act. After all, the consequences can be very dangerous... Pampering...
  16. -1
    6 November 2024 13: 11
    What 100 km, a person sees the horizon at a distance of 7 - 10 km. The laser works strictly in a straight line, fantastic!
    1. 0
      6 November 2024 18: 25
      Quote: Vasily12
      What 100 km, a person sees the horizon at a distance of 7 - 10 km. The laser works strictly in a straight line, fantastic!

      Now remember that they fly at an altitude of 7 meters and the horizon, as a result, is much further away...
      1. 0
        6 November 2024 21: 03
        Indeed, what does it cost to hit a pilot in the eye with a laser at an altitude of 7000 meters for 100 km...
        1. -1
          6 November 2024 23: 21
          Quote: svarog77
          Indeed, what does it cost to hit a pilot in the eye with a laser at an altitude of 7000 meters for 100 km...

          The discussion was not about hitting the eye, but about the distance to the horizon.
          And hitting an airplane with a laser even at a distance of 7 km is probably problematic...
  17. 0
    7 November 2024 12: 00
    Quote: Old_geologist
    But no one has ever died from a belt.

    And once they stuffed nettles into my pants laughingThe boys and I climbed into someone else's garden to pick apples!
    Sorry for the OFF, memories came flooding back.