Georgia State Official: I Don't Know How to Describe It, But We're Seeing Russian-Origin Threats at Polling Stations

Georgia State Official: I Don't Know How to Describe It, But We're Seeing Russian-Origin Threats at Polling Stations

It has begun... Before the American electoral commission had even counted half of the votes cast for the candidates, voices of a different kind began to be heard. In principle, the usual ones.

The US state of Georgia has announced that "polling stations have encountered some threats from Russian territory."

In an interview with American journalists, against the backdrop of Donald Trump overtaking Kamala Harris in several swing states, the official stated that “sources of threats in western Russia have been identified.”

From the statement of the official:

I don't know how to describe it, but we are recording threats of Russian origin. According to some sources, they are coming from the western part of Russia.

Meanwhile, US social media reported, citing emergency services, that “threats of explosions or arson at polling stations were made.”

It seems that all these statements are intended to once again create a myth that “Russia’s interference has created a threat to the US elections, and therefore a threat to democracy around the world.” At one time, after Trump’s victory in 2016, as is well known, the Democrats unleashed a real hysteria around the alleged Russian interference. Then the topic was hushed up, without any intelligible evidence being presented.
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  1. +14
    6 November 2024 08: 15
    I don't know how to describe it, but at polling stations we are recording threats of Russian origin.

    Well, yes...a serious case in the psychiatry of American officials.
    1. +1
      6 November 2024 08: 19
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Well, yes...a serious case in the psychiatry of American officials.

      Or maybe the SBU is replacing the source of the threat via VPN? By the way, the US State Department has decided who Russia wishes victory to: Trump or Harris? Putin somehow vaguely announced the preference for Harris, who will not allow America to become great again.
      1. +3
        6 November 2024 08: 28
        Anything is possible...Russia is being blamed for everything and everyone...everyone and their dog is blaming their sins and pranks.
        So we should expect accusations from the US against Putin THAT he helped Trump, Harris, the devil, the devil, Satan and anyone else...VVP's arms are long and can reach everyone.
      2. +1
        6 November 2024 08: 31
        By the way, the US State Department has decided who Russia wants to win: Trump or Harris?
        They will decide after the votes are counted. But in general, Russia is just watching the show and cracking sunflower seeds. smile
        1. -3
          6 November 2024 08: 39
          Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
          In general, Russia is just watching the show and cracking sunflower seeds.

          Perhaps it would have made sense to engage with China regarding the US elections instead of passively observing them?
          1. +1
            6 November 2024 08: 50
            Perhaps it would have made sense to engage with China regarding the US elections instead of passively observing them?
            Why? We don't interfere in their elections, we just have fun. And I don't know if the Chinese like to crack sunflower seeds, or eat popcorn while sitting in front of the TV. smile And we will be able to send greetings overseas in the form of warheads even without interaction with China. If some people in the US go crazy, of course. hi
      3. 0
        6 November 2024 09: 58
        Who knows, these hoopoes, maybe this chatter is saying that the elections are invalid?
        Perhaps there will still be turmoil and pogroms recourse I hope
    2. +4
      6 November 2024 08: 27
      Well, yes...a serious case in the psychiatry of American officials.

      Well, yes... Vankas in quilted jackets with Kalashnikovs and tricolors did not allow American citizens to go to the ballot boxes... Hollywood worked for a long time on this image of a terrible Russian and clearly achieved certain successes... No psychiatry will help here...
      1. man
        6 November 2024 10: 17
        Vankas in quilted jackets with Kalashnikovs and tricolors did not allow American citizens to get to the ballot boxes...
        I'll add: riding on bears playing balalaikas
        1. +1
          7 November 2024 07: 15
          Quote: mann
          Vankas in quilted jackets with Kalashnikovs and tricolors did not allow American citizens to get to the ballot boxes...
          I'll add: riding on bears playing balalaikas
          The most interesting -
          We are recording threats of Russian origin. According to some sources, they are from the western part of Russia.
          Ask him to point his finger at the map, and there is no guarantee that he won't point at Kyiv. With their knowledge of geography, that "America and the rest of the foreign countries exist" for him on the map, Kyiv, Minsk, Voronezh, Kazan - all are "the western part of Russia".
          On the map of America, he can count all the highways on his fingers, but with the rest of the world, they traditionally have a difficult time.
    3. +4
      6 November 2024 08: 41
      I don't know how to describe it, but at polling stations we are recording threats of Russian origin.

      Well, you can't just give yourself away like that, V.V. Putin is losing his official ID in the US voting booths again. And what's remarkable is that each booth has different IDs. bully
    4. +1
      6 November 2024 08: 42
      ....I feel like they're bending me over, but I can't understand what exactly they're bending me over... (c) wassat
      You are right, dear sir, they already have a clinic...
    5. 0
      6 November 2024 08: 49
      Well, yes...a serious case in the psychiatry of American officials.

      so it's from the lack of creativity in actions...
      "Service people" are recruited into politics, but creativity is beyond them...
      look at the political career of the democratic candidate - from bed to politics... and what can she offer in the end? just read what others have written...
      1. 0
        6 November 2024 08: 54
        And they are not supposed to voice their own. They are like TV announcers - what they wrote, they broadcast. The President in the USA is a media personality - he is purely there to fulfill official duties, read the teleprompter, sign something that was not his decision...
      2. -1
        6 November 2024 09: 15
        Quote: Dedok
        "Service people" are recruited into politics, but creativity is beyond them...

        There are some ambiguities there. Musk is a creative person and a successful manager who managed to ridicule and bend Rogozin. But why did Musk support Trump? Musk is nipping the trade union movement in the bud at his enterprises. Biden, in the election campaign, spoke out in defense of the rights of Americans to protect the rights of workers and made Musk his opponent. That is, Musk believes that under Trump it will be easier to squeeze all the juices out of engineers and workers, condemning people to stress and impotence from stress. Musk turns his workers into mules incapable of reproduction, and he himself fertilizes a temporary harem that the Moroccan sultan might envy. Pavel Durov, who fled not from Putin's dictatorship, but from Russian laws that punish and ruin alimony defaulters, does exactly the same.
        1. 0
          6 November 2024 09: 19
          Musk is turning his employees into mules who are unable to reproduce

          so the same picture was with Steve Jobs: EVERYTHING for work - nothing for home...
          regarding Durov - there are too many "nuances" to "cut off the shoulder", but you are right - he also belongs to these same people...
          1. 0
            6 November 2024 09: 30
            Quote: Dedok
            there are too many "nuances"

            I just wanted to say that not everything is great about Durov and Musk. It is not for nothing that in the US the winners are separated from the losers by not tens but single percentage points. And for now the US is the first country in the world that is, in principle, convenient for people from all over the world to live in.
            1. 0
              6 November 2024 10: 50
              I just wanted to say that not everything is great about Durov and Musk.

              there are wonderful - only the results - of the work of the entire team - behind the backs of these names...
              no matter what they do
    6. 0
      6 November 2024 09: 30
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Well, yes...a serious case in the psychiatry of American officials.

      Well, if there are instructions from the State Department - "It's all the fault of the Russians!", then in the mental hospital they took it under their wing, from all irons and saucepans - "The Russians are coming." Look, Biden's male shepherd broke his leg, and they said that it was Putin's fault.
    7. 0
      6 November 2024 10: 31
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      I don't know how to describe it, but at polling stations we are recording threats of Russian origin.

      Well, yes...a serious case in the psychiatry of American officials.

      I think this is already a diagnosis, there is no cure. laughing laughing
    8. 0
      6 November 2024 12: 06
      It's strange, but for some reason China "doesn't interfere" in their elections. It's a shortcoming, however...
    9. 0
      6 November 2024 14: 00
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Well, yes...a serious case in the psychiatry of American officials.

      I hope this official will also jump off the roof of a high-rise building shouting "the Russians are coming".
  2. +1
    6 November 2024 08: 16
    I don't know how to describe it, but at polling stations we are recording threats of Russian origin.

    Do Russians spit and cough into ballot boxes or use them as latrines?...
    1. +1
      6 November 2024 08: 39
      Why did it have to be like that? I came, pressed the right buttons, told the guy standing next to the voting machine "take care", got "have a nice day" in response, and that's it.
      1. 0
        6 November 2024 08: 56
        Have you stocked up on ammo? (not a joke)
        It seems like you're already getting ready for the hustle and bustle...
        1. +1
          6 November 2024 09: 00
          Yes, it seems quiet. However, if anything, I have about fifty rifles, and several hundred revolvers. Of course, it would be better the other way around, but we'll have to make do with what we have.
          1. 0
            6 November 2024 09: 02
            They write that the Texans allegedly stated that they would perform if Donnie fails. A lie? Are they hyping things up?

            zy Having a couple of rifle zincs is a sacred duty in these troubled times. And it would be better to have a buried machine gun. As you say - it's better to be imprisoned than carried in hands.....
            1. +1
              6 November 2024 09: 04
              Quote: Nexcom
              Have a couple of three zinc rifles

              Russian cartridges under sanctions sad
              1. 0
                6 November 2024 09: 05
                Well, it was necessary to quietly acquire an M60 (or whatever it's called) or MG-3 for NATO caliber. Or even better, a decommissioned Sherman. They definitely won't get it in a tank.
              2. 0
                6 November 2024 09: 21
                Russian cartridges under sanctions

                but aren't there "Chinese" of the same caliber?
      2. +2
        6 November 2024 09: 02
        Of course. You just observe basic conspiracy measures.
        As we were instructed, it is better to take off the Budenovka at the entrance and leave the AK-47 with the cloakroom attendant.
      3. +1
        6 November 2024 09: 04
        Quote: Nagan
        Why did it have to be like that? I came, pressed the right buttons, and told the guy

        — Do you sell Slavic wardrobes?
        Quote: Nagan
        received in response

        — The wardrobe is sold, I can offer a nickel-plated bed with a nightstand.
        Quote: Nagan
        and all things

      4. 0
        6 November 2024 14: 10
        That's what he writes
        I don't know how to describe it, but at polling stations we are recording threats of Russian origin.

        So it turns out that the Russians have polluted all the ballot boxes, and the poor official doesn't even know how to describe it in pure English. But in Russian, everything is quite describable... That's why everything is so frank.
    2. +1
      6 November 2024 08: 44
      Quote: The Truth
      I don't know how to describe it, but at polling stations we are recording threats of Russian origin.

      Do Russians spit and cough into ballot boxes or use them as latrines?...

      Of course, but this moron hasn't received instructions yet on how to describe it (I don't know which syllable to put the stress on) request
    3. 0
      6 November 2024 08: 56
      Quote: The Truth
      Do Russians spit and cough into ballot boxes or use them as latrines?
      It would be nice wink
    4. The comment was deleted.
  3. +2
    6 November 2024 08: 17
    “I don’t know how to describe it, but we are recording threats of Russian origin” —

    - Well then. "it can't be described in a fairy tale or with a pen", then it's definitely Russia! ...
    1. +1
      6 November 2024 08: 45
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      “I don’t know how to describe it, but we are recording threats of Russian origin” —

      - Well then. "it can't be described in a fairy tale or with a pen", then it's definitely Russia! ...

      I wonder how they record them then? fool
  4. +2
    6 November 2024 08: 24
    Regardless of the election results, a new word will enter the English language: "otbleutenili (in Russian)".
    1. +2
      6 November 2024 09: 10
      In Russian it looks like this: "they gave a ballot". In your case it's like a repeater.
  5. +2
    6 November 2024 08: 28
    The China topic is not covered. This official is a bit dumb. The soundtrack on the record could do with cleaning. The one who doesn't need Don's victory is the Celestial Empire. Russia is fifty-fifty on these elections.
    1. +2
      6 November 2024 08: 54
      Quote: NICK111
      These elections are fifty-fifty for Russia.

      It's not clear why the Russian media is all going nuts over these elections. Don't they have any business of their own?
      1. +1
        6 November 2024 09: 00
        Well, we need to distract our average citizen from his pressing problems...
        1. +2
          6 November 2024 09: 02
          Quote: Nexcom
          Well, we need to distract our average citizen from his pressing problems...

          Not otherwise.
      2. +1
        6 November 2024 09: 13
        Quote: Clear
        Quote: NICK111
        These elections are fifty-fifty for Russia.

        It's not clear why the Russian media is all going nuts over these elections. Don't they have any business of their own?

        If people are interested in watching a circus show, it doesn't mean they're nuts. Besides, a free circus, especially one that only happens once every four years, always attracts more viewers. The media now simply act as a broadcaster of events for the public. smile
      3. -1
        6 November 2024 09: 22
        Poor Americans, and the rest of the so-called "developed democracies" - they always have "someone interfering" in their elections. It's a different story with the Russian Federation, no one interferes in its elections and voting, because it's useless, since only in the Russian Federation are the most protected, the most private, the most democratic elections, in which the real people's representative always wins, and not the oligarchs' protégé, as in the West...
  6. +2
    6 November 2024 08: 29
    I don't know how to describe it, but we are recording threats of Russian origin. According to some sources, they are coming from the western part of Russia.
    It seems we haven't put the Strategic Missile Forces on full alert... Once we do, they'll start squealing about the threat. But for now, they should shut up and count more carefully...
    1. +3
      6 November 2024 08: 56
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      In the meantime, shut up and count more carefully...

      He can't shut up, because his credit card will immediately shut up.
      1. +1
        6 November 2024 09: 08
        But you should have saved money in a bank, not on a card! In a three-liter one! laughing
  7. +3
    6 November 2024 08: 29
    All that was left was to go out the window shouting: "The Russians are coming!"
    1. +2
      6 November 2024 08: 47
      Quote from Aleks
      All that was left was to go out the window shouting: "The Russians are coming!"

      Interview in a cult:
      - And if everyone jumps from the ninth floor, will you jump too? lol
  8. +3
    6 November 2024 08: 30
    Do bears play balalaikas and hand out vodka?
  9. +2
    6 November 2024 08: 32
    We have no evidence, but we know for sure. Or we have evidence, but we can't provide it, it's secret, but rest assured, it's true. The most shameless nation, what can you do?
    1. +2
      6 November 2024 08: 45
      What evidence do you have? We certainly don't have evidence, but we know. Cocaine, copitalism... A nation raised by Hollywood.
    2. +2
      6 November 2024 08: 50
      Quote: MARGADON
      The most shameless nation, what can you do?

      There is no nation there. It is all international. The Masons there are impudent and they have turned everyone into zombies. Even the dollar is full of their symbols.
    3. +1
      6 November 2024 09: 27
      Quote: MARGADON
      We have no evidence, but we know for sure. Or we have evidence, but we can't provide it, it's secret, but rest assured, it's true.

      That's right, the French Georgian Zurabishvili expressed it in approximately the same way, that feeling the interference of the Russian Federation in the elections is more important than providing confirmed evidence. smile
      "It's always very difficult to demonstrate. No country has been able to demonstrate it, not even the United States (...). But “What is important is not what we demonstrate from the outside, but what the Georgian population knows, feels and sees,” the politician said.
  10. +3
    6 November 2024 08: 33
    I don't know how to describe it, but we are recording threats of Russian origin. According to some sources, they are coming from the western part of Russia.
    What is it like?!!!
    Trump congratulations cards or balloons with feces?
    1. -1
      6 November 2024 12: 40
      Peskov should congratulate both candidates on the elections. On behalf of VVP.
  11. +1
    6 November 2024 08: 50
    They are already paranoid about threats. They create them themselves and are afraid of them themselves, and try to fight something that does not exist. This is not curable.
  12. +2
    6 November 2024 08: 50
    Are three-letter words in the Ctrillic alphabet appearing on the sites? With the addition of "... to you Harris" after these words.
  13. +1
    6 November 2024 09: 44
    please change my mind, but I did not go to the US presidential elections
  14. +1
    6 November 2024 10: 15
    I don't know how to describe it, but at polling stations we are recording threats of Russian origin.

    But I can easily evaluate this throw-in. It depends on who wins. If Harris, the case will be hushed up, but if Trump...................
  15. +1
    6 November 2024 10: 19

    In an interview with American journalists, against the backdrop of Donald Trump overtaking Kamala Harris in several swing states, the official stated that “sources of threats in western Russia have been identified.”
    Yes, and these “threats” come from the sky, or from the stars.
  16. 0
    6 November 2024 10: 58
    Georgia State Official: I Don't Know How to Describe It

    Well, something like this:
  17. 0
    6 November 2024 11: 35
    Is someone swearing in Russian at the polling stations?
  18. +1
    6 November 2024 11: 36
    They are all already obsessed with the Russian threat.
  19. -1
    6 November 2024 11: 43
    A drunk bear with a balalaika and a Budyonnovka hat with a red star is walking around the state of Georgia, singing obscene ditties about US presidents? wassat
  20. +1
    6 November 2024 11: 50
    Was the San Andreas fault also orchestrated by Russia? what
  21. 0
    6 November 2024 12: 16
    From the statement of the official:

    I don't know how to describe it, but we are recording threats of Russian origin. According to some sources, they are coming from the western part of Russia.
    Rather than threats, they are warnings about possible "actions" of the broad democratic public from the US Democratic Party in connection with the defeat of Kamala Harris in the elections of the 47th administration! And also about taking measures to strengthen security, especially in light of the actions of BLM representatives and other marginal individuals from among migrants supported by the US Democratic Party.
  22. -1
    6 November 2024 12: 20
    Yes, it will be difficult for Trump to reach the coveted throne!
  23. -1
    6 November 2024 12: 32
    What??!! Again?? Again forgot the balalaika, the Budyonovka and the bottle of Moskovskaya Osobnaya? No, well, our spies have completely relaxed....
  24. 0
    6 November 2024 17: 11
    I don't know how to describe it, but... we are recording threats of Russian origin.

    Well, what can I say... fool
    If someone somewhere in our country sometimes does not want to live honestly, then the thief will certainly lose his hat. Let them first answer for Maya the Bee, how did they manage to let 500 thousand out of 10 thousand people want to vote in Russia?!
  25. 0
    6 November 2024 17: 18
    Trump has won: Trump Donald will become the President of the USA from January 2025. So all talk about "Russian interference in the elections" will be silenced tomorrow, or rather, no one will be interested in them. But for us in Russia this means a nuclear war with the USA: it was not for nothing that V.V. Putin clearly and officially "voted" for Kamala Harris! It's not funny. Evil Uncle Trump will definitely start a big war with us! Because they simply have nowhere to go in the US: the entire economy in the US is completely destroyed, the financial system in its current state is undermined and hopeless. The entire structure of the peaceful basic economy is destroyed. The main resources, including energy, are exhausted. The Democrats wanted to slowly conquer us "peacefully" through proxy wars of vassals. At that time, the US expected to hold out on the conquered resources of Russia for several decades, just as they held out for 30 years on the resources of the collapsed USSR. Trump, like Ulyanov Lenin, whom he greatly reveres, "will go a different way: Total War - with everything that the USA has. He has nowhere to go: he has no other way to prevent the collapse of the collapsed US economy and the accompanying failure of the lives of Americans!
  26. 0
    6 November 2024 17: 20
    And former Marine Vice President Vance will greatly support Trump in the Total War against Russia.
    There is now only one option to avoid a US attack: eliminate Trump before January 2025.
  27. 0
    6 November 2024 17: 36
    These are not just throwing out rumors. Then the Democrats will stir up an investigation again, they will put pressure on Trump, who will demonstratively disown Russia and his promises. It has happened before.
  28. 0
    6 November 2024 20: 08
    Georgia State Official: I Don't Know...
    Go to a psychologist, or rather, a psychiatrist, he will explain everything, put it all into perspective and... you can sleep peacefully.
  29. 0
    6 November 2024 22: 45
    You go to the polling station and there is a Russian threat. laughing
  30. 0
    7 November 2024 07: 00
    I can imagine what polling stations in the US look like. You walk in, Kalinka-Malinka, Yablochko are playing... All with portraits of Putin. You get your ballot, they give you a free ticket to the mausoleum, and when you vote, the entire station shouts: Goyda!
  31. +1
    7 November 2024 08: 07
    I sense that there are threats, I don't know what they are, but I will, I will not see a century of freedom and precisely from the western part of Russia. It seems to me that they voted for Trump because he is "Putin's protégé", since life was somehow better under him. I don't understand one thing, why do they need a mediator, let them choose Putin in the next elections, he will just be freed.
  32. 0
    7 November 2024 08: 07
    I don't know how to describe it

    A hatch opened in the wall...
  33. 0
    7 November 2024 08: 56
    It's time for a Georgia official to jump out of a window screaming "The Russians are coming"
  34. 0
    7 November 2024 15: 40
    I don't know how to describe it, but the whole world feels threats of American origin.
    Something like that.
  35. 0
    7 November 2024 15: 41
    Naturally, how could we do without threats from Russia?
  36. 0
    7 November 2024 15: 43
    The eye caught sight of a black man in white, then after a while a black man in blue, then a black man in red. Fuck. That is a Russian treatment.