A little about the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine

A little about the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine

I have been asked to express my position on the topic I will touch on today for quite some time. The enemy constantly talks about it, and, alas, even among our readers there are supporters of this approach. From those radicals whose position is expressed in three words - "why should we pity them"? ... And you can't argue, it seems that we really should pity our soldiers. We will talk about the use of tactical nuclear weapons weapons.

As a person from the USSR, I had to study the tactics of using TNW quite deeply. And I must say that for the tasks that the army of the Soviet Union faced, it was quite effective and really allowed the tasks to be completed in a fairly short time.

Let me remind you that at that time we were up against well-trained and well-armed NATO forces, not what the bloc has turned its army into today. The strategic task was set very strictly. To prevent war from entering our territory and to destroy the enemy in its lair. Let me remind you that back then, in the 70s and 80s, the country and the army were led by veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Older readers will remember the joke from the Soviet era: “Russians Tanks will be on the English Channel coast in a couple of weeks." Well, a couple of weeks is a task for the tankers of the GSVG (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany), but for those who were on the territory of the USSR, they were given a month, 30-35 days, "for the journey."

It was then, in the 70s and 80s, that our army began to artillery systems that could use TNW as one of the types of ammunition. Shells for these systems also appeared. For example, the Zababakhin shell. The D-20, ML-20 guns, the Akatsiya, Pion and Giatsint self-propelled guns (as the artillerymen joked at the time, "genocides") used the 3B83 shell (weight 53 kg, range 17 km, power 2,5 kilotons) without any fine-tuning.

By the way, the Americans also created such ammunition. But they could only be used from guns specially created for this purpose. If you are interested, watch "Atomic Annie".

Well, and lastly, but probably the most unexpected for many. The very concept of "tactical weapons" in the modern interpretation has changed. For some reason, even some experts "changed" the standard for dividing weapons into strategic and tactical. Instead of the criterion of "firing range", they began to use the criterion of "ammunition power".

Tactical weapons are those whose range does not exceed 500 km... Today we will talk about low-yield TNW.

How is TNW used and what is it intended for?

Today, TNW are in service with the world's leading armies. Both we and the Americans have a doctrine for the use of such weapons, which clearly and understandably shows the goals and objectives, and even the level of decision-making on the use of tactical charges.

Let me start with the goal. In any war, situations periodically arise when an offensive has to be abandoned because there is a well-equipped and fortified line in the path of the attackers. On the one hand, the attackers cannot attack, but the defenders cannot counterattack either. A positional deadlock!..

In both cases, offensive and counter-offensive, the losses will be so great that none of the opponents will be able to develop the operation due to lack of forces. Those who supposedly win in this confrontation will run into fresh reserves brought up by the enemy and will be routed.

Here is a quote taken from one of the Telegram channels:

“Breaking through a sufficiently prepared defense requires an inadequately large expenditure of equipment and unacceptably high losses of personnel, and victory does not provide the opportunity for strategic development of success.”

So, the goals are clear. To preserve personnel, not to prolong the offensive, to disable a large number of enemy personnel and equipment, and to destroy the enemy's stronghold or fortified area. Instead of a long bombardment or artillery shelling, instead of a multi-hour or even multi-day assault, one strike...

Now let's look at the situation in the SVO zone. First, the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not organize fortified areas in the fields. Cities and towns are used to create defense centers. Moreover, large cities are especially fortified. It is clear that equipping strong points inside a residential building costs orders of magnitude less than building a full-fledged area somewhere outside of populated areas.

At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces use civilians as human shields. And they don't hide it. Those who, by order of the Ukrainian army command, do not evacuate from populated areas, are automatically declared pro-Russian and become this very shield. 

Thus, a TNW strike on a stronghold in the city will take the lives of not only military personnel, but also civilians... How, given the current situation with informing Ukrainians about the situation in the SVO zone, will ordinary Ukrainians react? And what kind of squeal will begin in the world media...

And secondly. The Russian army has been using FABs for quite some time now. Remember their calibers? The FAB-3000 is more powerful than the Zababakhin shell!.. And the smaller FAB-1500 is only slightly inferior to this shell. It turns out that using expensive shells is simply economically unprofitable.

To be honest, I am somewhat anxiously awaiting the discussion about the forgotten weapon, the most inhumane, in my opinion. I am talking about another type of nuclear weapon, the neutron bomb. For the youth, I will remind them of the principle of action of this inhumane weapon.

A neutron bomb differs from a regular atomic bomb by an additional block filled with a beryllium isotope. The detonation of a low-power plutonium charge triggers a thermonuclear reaction in the additional block, which results in the release of a stream of fast neutrons, which are destructive to all living things.

At the same time, the force of the shock wave and the destruction it causes is comparatively small. And the residual radiation quickly disappears, since the neutrons generate short-lived isotopes. Such a munition kills all living things within a radius of 1,5-2 kilometers.

There is no need to invent anything to use such weapons. Many have seen the famous mortar "Tulip". Well, this mortar is capable of using neutron weapons without additional modernization. And special mines have existed for more than 40 years.

Why do I call such weapons inhumane? Simply because there is another peculiarity. Although NT is a type of nuclear weapons, when using it, radioactive contamination is minimal. In simple terms, if you used such TNW, and after a day and a half or two you could enter a deserted fort without fear. Only corpses all around...

But my attitude to neutron weapons applies only to the time when the enemy is playing "fairly". When there are no chemical or biological weapons. When there is no threat of using "dirty bombs" in our rear. Alas, in Kyiv, and in the West, they have been talking about a "dirty bomb" for a long time. Moreover, there is information that components for creating such a bomb have already been brought from Moldova to Ukraine.

It is clear that after the Kyiv regime attempts to use such bombs, the operation will move to a completely different format. And no one will spare Ukraine. Military facilities will be cleared completely. Throughout the entire territory. It is clear that in addition to the military, civilians will also suffer at the factories…

Instead of conclusions

I don't want to draw any conclusions. Anything can be expected from the cornered Zelensky. And we must respond to the hysteria with dignity. So that next time they think whether it is worth it or not to hit civilians with serious weapons. And the example of the independent state should calm down the militant Balts and their ilk a little.

It is stupid to refuse something that can bring us victory. Gentlemen rarely survive war. I immediately remembered President Putin's phrase about the uselessness of the world if there is no Russia in it...

There is no need to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine today. But NATO is too zealous in deploying units and formations on the borders of Russia and Belarus. Western countries, including former Soviet republics and "friends and neighbors," are not Ukraine. No one will smear snot all over their faces. If we're going to fight, let's fight.

I don't think that "Soviet joke" about tanks has lost its relevance today. We are not vindictive, but we have a good memory. These are not my words, but they speak well of the prospects of a military conflict with Russia...
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  1. -1
    7 November 2024 05: 08
    Of course, I may be confusing the authors (I am not hinting at anyone in any way, otherwise I will get a warning or a ban), but it seems to me that not so long ago the site was stubbornly pushing for the use of TNW, and from time to time something like this appears: Maybe Let's Bang! But now TNW will not give any strategic advantage, except for international censure, and turning away our last partners and allies from us, and I repeat, this will not be an indicator of striking power, but an indicator of our own impotence...
    1. -1
      8 November 2024 14: 07
      "International censure" - is it the whining of all sorts of moral tridvaras and other transgender quadrobbers? This whining is still going on. What will change for the worse?
  2. -4
    7 November 2024 05: 49
    It is foolish to give up what can bring us victory.

    And what will such a victory cost?
    1. +2
      7 November 2024 14: 03
      Quote: parusnik
      And what will such a victory cost?

      The most precious thing is the saved lives of our soldiers and the speedy fulfillment of the tasks set by the president to demilitarize and denationalize the zoo.
      1. +3
        7 November 2024 17: 14
        Something tells me that this will be a Pyrrhic victory, and instead of saving the lives of soldiers and completing tasks, we will get the exact opposite effect.
        1. +2
          7 November 2024 17: 26
          We have already received a country of rabid, bestial fascism right next door. And this hatred will live in them for decades. In general, hand on heart, I have already stopped understanding the geostrategist, the General Staff, the propagandists, and everything else. Therefore, my thoughts on the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the SVO are attempts to grasp at a straw. Maybe it will turn out to be rotten.
          1. +4
            7 November 2024 18: 09
            We already have a country of rabid, bestial fascism right next door.

            Well, let's be honest - it was we, with our unsuccessful decisions, who contributed greatly to the growth and strength of this rabid fascism.
            1. +2
              7 November 2024 18: 19
              Quote: Sergey Sfyedu
              It was we, with our unsuccessful decisions, who contributed greatly to the growth and strength of this rabid fascism

              I do not argue, that is exactly how it is. The geostrategist's long-term game gave birth to this monster, significantly accelerating the reformatting of brains. In 2013, 20% hated Russia and Russians, in 2022 already 80%.
              1. -1
                8 November 2024 06: 52
                And if so, then this problem, 80% of us hating, must be solved radically. Second: in this conflict, nuclear weapons are needed not on the front line, but in the depths of Ukraine: bridges, CPR and other crap. And the fate of 80%... it is better for our soldiers to go home. The life of every Russian is sacred, and if there is a chance to save at least one: use nuclear weapons without hesitation.
              2. -2
                8 November 2024 14: 04
                The problem you described is neutralized by the Russian hussim on your hatred.
                1. -1
                  8 November 2024 14: 20
                  Yes, I know... Only more than one million of them have already entered the Russian Federation under the guise of refugees, after the war another couple of tens of millions will enter. The state will immediately give everyone citizenship and housing certificates. But their hatred will not diminish from this.
        2. 0
          14 November 2024 18: 36
          instead of saving the lives of soldiers and completing tasks, we will get the exact opposite effect.

          What kind of effect is this? Let's go into more detail. For example, I see only advantages in purely military terms. And what about world opinion? It's very doubtful that we can become complete outcasts. And some countries will probably even gloat that NATO got punched in the face.
  3. +1
    7 November 2024 06: 17
    Hmm... "If we're going to fight, let's fight", "We haven't started yet"... And again about the dirty bomb, combat mosquitoes and the evil NATO... The prospect of a military conflict between Russia and NATO - well, only the nuclear club that many people love here, there's no other way... It can't be handled. In the meantime, both figurehead presidents are playing their roles properly...
  4. -1
    7 November 2024 06: 22
    1. The use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine is inappropriate, I agree with the author on this. These are our lands, and we absolutely do not need to contaminate them. People, of course - not all of them, are also ours.
    2. I'm not sure that we store neutron charges in warehouses. I also remember them from the times of the USSR. And I remember that they were recognized as inhumane. What's the point of storing them "for centuries" if it was decided to abandon them?
    3. We must remember, and our leadership seems to have already realized this, that our enemy is beyond the English Channel and beyond the Atlantic. TNW can be used against the territory of NATO countries in Europe if they officially decide to fight. And even if they enter the territory of Ukraine, in my opinion, we will be able to deal with them there with conventional weapons. But against their warehouses, the location of their units, and airfields in Europe - that would be the best thing to strike with NNW.
    1. 0
      7 November 2024 13: 59
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      Our leadership seems to have already realized that our enemy is beyond the English Channel and beyond the Atlantic

      So we'll continue to conduct meat storms and bury the boys? Just don't shove life-affirming reports from central TV channels in my face. Go for a walk through the cemeteries.
      1. 0
        7 November 2024 14: 42
        Stop telling me nonsense according to your manuals. Do you have any concrete evidence?! Documentary evidence? No - go to hell. I have a matchmaker there, I know what's going on there.
        1. +1
          7 November 2024 15: 28
          But I live in the desert and my only sources of information are flies and Solovyov and Kiselyov. Don't think it's too much trouble, walk through the cemeteries. May Svat survive and return alive and, if possible, healthy.
        2. -2
          7 November 2024 17: 11
          Do you need photos of cemeteries with flags? And you are not the only one who has friends and relatives there.
          1. -2
            7 November 2024 17: 20
            I don't need any photos. I find armchair humanists touching.
          2. +3
            7 November 2024 18: 38
            Do you need photos of cemeteries with flags?
            Why do I need a photo? Official documents, that's all. Which say what was said above:
            Therefore, we will continue to carry out meat assaults.
            Who, where, when, whose order was it.
            If a person claims something, then he probably has irrefutable evidence. Otherwise, he is a chatterbox.
            1. 0
              7 November 2024 19: 58
              The original source wrote:
              So we'll continue to carry out meat assaults and bury the boys?

              But I won't call you a chatterbox. After all, it is customary to respect your opponent and his point of view.
              1. 0
                8 November 2024 04: 01
                Provide documents about the meat storms. And don't look for loopholes. I don't take your word for it.
                1. -1
                  8 November 2024 14: 15
                  Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
                  Provide documents about the meat storms. And don't look for loopholes. I don't take your word for it.

                  You don't work for Solovyov by any chance?
            2. 0
              8 November 2024 02: 51
              Prigozhin told you everything and even posted videos more than once and voiced figures on the assault on one settlement. Have you forgotten already? Or is it more convenient this way?
              1. 0
                8 November 2024 03: 59
                What does Prigozhin have to do with it? Did he voice his figures on behalf of the Ministry of Defense? A PMC is not the Russian Armed Forces. And the words from the video are not documents.
                1. 0
                  18 November 2024 11: 11
                  I looked for documents. Well, with seals, etc. I was convinced that you are right. There are no losses, neither for us nor for them. Because I did not find such documents. Right?
                  1. 0
                    18 November 2024 16: 15
                    I looked for documents. Well, with seals, etc. I was convinced that you are right. There are no losses, neither for us nor for them. Because I did not find such documents. Right?
                    Please read carefully what documents I demanded... If a person claims that we are conducting meat storms, then he is not making this claim out of thin air? That means he has documents about such storms on our part.
                    1. 0
                      19 November 2024 18: 10
                      Ask Prigozhin where the documents are? For that video of losses that he posted and voiced?
                      1. 0
                        19 November 2024 18: 20
                        What does PMC have to do with this?! PMC is NOT part of the Russian Armed Forces. What does Prigozhin have to do with this?!
                      2. 0
                        21 November 2024 12: 56
                        Are PMCs' losses much higher than those of regulars, or is it the other way around? And "what does that mean"? Do PMCs' losses cause less damage to Russia?
                      3. 0
                        21 November 2024 14: 55
                        Once again: PMCs are not an integral part of the Russian Armed Forces. I don't care about private shops at all. PMC losses are the PMC's problem, nothing more.
                      4. 0
                        21 November 2024 17: 29
                        This is stupid! PMC losses are damage to the country first of all. Have you heard anything about the economy? Well, war correspondents wrote about the losses of the Russian Armed Forces, but soon it was taboo. But what they wrote is enough
                      5. 0
                        21 November 2024 17: 37
                        PMC losses are damage to the country first and foremost
                        You do not differentiate between private shops and the state sphere of influence? First study the issue, then enter into polemics. Private military companies do not influence the economy in any way. In the word - at all. And even more so, they are not tied to the state in any way. If you are not aware, mercenaries are generally prohibited in the country.
                        Well, war correspondents wrote about the losses of the Russian Armed Forces, but soon it was taboo. But what they wrote is enough
                        Yeah, and the Americans have been to the Moon. What's the point of what you're telling me here if there are no official documents? Who wrote something and where - I'm not interested. No official confirmation - that means all the information is rumor. To believe rumors is to disrespect yourself.
                      6. 0
                        6 December 2024 11: 46
                        Not rumors, but reports. However, everyone chooses what to believe. That's what a person's brain is for. And the fact that losses in PMCs consisting of Russian citizens do not affect the country's economy is an absolutely unscientific position. And how they affect!
                2. 0
                  18 November 2024 11: 14
                  And what country's citizens are in the PMC?
              2. -2
                8 November 2024 14: 07
                Bandyugan has become an official source for you. Lovely.
                1. 0
                  18 November 2024 11: 14
                  Well, he posted video footage and provided figures. And he's not a "gangster", but a hero of the SVO. You should be more careful.
            3. +1
              8 November 2024 08: 11
              Why do I need a photo? Official documents, that's all. Which say what was said above:

              That is, you need at least extracts from the personnel department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation?
              Well then. Then the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are 36 thousand people. Since you are 100% unable to provide similar documents for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And all these photos of cemeteries or videos with corpses are worth nothing.
              1. 0
                8 November 2024 08: 14
                I need official information. I don't trust other sources. Is that clear?
                1. 0
                  8 November 2024 08: 38
                  Neither side will give you such information during the battles. And even what they give you should not be taken on faith 100%.
                  The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the beginning of 2024 were 36 thousand people. This was officially stated by the Supreme Leader of Ukraine. Or do you not believe the official statements?
                  By the way, here is their official data on losses of the Russian Armed Forces
                  On October 30, 2024, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published new data on the losses of the Russian army during military operations on Ukrainian territory (since February 24, 2022).

                  personnel – 693640 (+1560) people
                  aircraft – 369 (+0)
                  helicopters – 329 (+0)
                  tanks – 9137 (+8)
                  armored personnel carriers/armored vehicles/infantry fighting vehicles – 18433 (+29)
                  artillery systems – 19955 (+38)
                  Air defense systems – 986 (+2)
                  multiple launch rocket systems – 1242 (+1)
                  cruise missiles – 2624 (+0)
                  automotive equipment, including fuel trucks – 27840 (+91)
                  Operational-tactical level UAVs – 17979 (+40)
                  boats/ships – 28 (+0)
                  submarines – 1 (+0)
                  special equipment – ​​3567 (+1)

      2. 0
        7 November 2024 19: 41
        And walking through cemeteries is difficult, you can stop believing in fairy tales. Drawn by TV.
        The interests of one's people, the lives of one's guys who are now forging this Victory there, should come first. But unfortunately, this is not about the "celestials"...
        1. 0
          8 November 2024 14: 10
          Let's also drag in Stalin and Zhukov from the Great Patriotic War. You don't itch for these cemeteries, because you and your parents wouldn't exist at all. "Here we count, and here we turn over nonsense."
    2. +2
      8 November 2024 02: 06
      Dilettante grandfather
      Only anti-war propaganda recognized neutrons as inhumane. Weapons in general are inhumane, even non-nuclear ones.
      And the neutrons are useless. They can create more problems for themselves than for the enemy. That's why they removed them.
    3. 0
      14 November 2024 13: 31
      Apparently, a regular bullet is more humane, or explosives under a car, or napalm in a forest belt. If a person is dead, he doesn't care what killed him. And if there is no contamination of the area, this weapon is simply more effective, that's all.
      And about NATO's entry into Ukraine - what's the point of going after an animal with bare hands if you have a gun? And this isn't some kind of game there, people pay for decisions with their lives here.
      How can you feel sorry for your enemy and not value your family?
  5. +4
    7 November 2024 06: 26
    Strange article.
    In essence, it is an advertisement for our use of tactical nuclear weapons in the current situation. The author happily inserted a recollection of the neutron bomb and added at the end:
    To refuse what can bring us victory is foolish. Gentlemen rarely survive war.

    Meanwhile, it was not for nothing that they abandoned the neutron bomb - the flow of neutrons forms radioactive isotopes of their chemical elements in the soil and building materials, creating powerful secondary radiation.
    So it will be possible to occupy and use these territories only after a more or less long time. Unlike radioactive dust, contamination occurs in the material itself and is firmly connected to it, which makes its decontamination difficult or impossible.
    As for the use of TNW, we are not fighting with Ukraine, but with the US/Great Britain, which also possess TNW. Moreover, unlike us, the transition to mutual use of TNW in this war does not threaten them in any way.
    In many publications I have come across proposals that are capable of causing an explosion of stormy applause in the camp of our enemies. Why is this happening?
  6. +3
    7 November 2024 07: 09
    Thank you, Alexander, for your attempt to analyze the necessity of using tactical nuclear weapons.
    Today, TNW are in service with the world's leading armies. Both we and the Americans have a doctrine for the use of such weapons, which clearly and understandably shows the goals and objectives, and even the level of decision-making on the use of tactical charges.

    Excellent! And what kind of targets should be destroyed by TNW? It turns out:
    So, the goals are clear. To preserve personnel, not to prolong the offensive, to disable a large number of enemy personnel and equipment, and to destroy the enemy's stronghold or fortified area. Instead of a long bombardment or artillery shelling, instead of a multi-hour or even multi-day assault, one strike...

    Exactly what was abandoned back in the 50s due to the ineffectiveness of nuclear weapons against an enemy dispersed in field fortifications!
    Yeah, here's another "niche" for the use of tactical nuclear weapons:
    Cities and towns are used to create defense centers. Moreover, large cities are especially fortified.

    Excellent! So, it is proposed to crush the enemy who has organized a dense defense in the urban area with nuclear weapons? Historically, the first victim of a nuclear bombing - Hiroshima did not lose a single capital bridge, railway or tram tracks, or buried infrastructure in the form of pipelines or power cables. So the idea of ​​​​hitting a festung city with TNW, and then storming it with infantry anyway - so-so idea.
    In fact, TNW in an offensive serves exclusively to suppress air defense and anti-tank defense in the direction of the offensive of breakthrough units and block the transfer of enemy reserves. The developments of Marshal Ogarkov and Sokolovsky envisaged precisely such actions in advancing to the English Channel. Add to this actions against warehouses and reserves, nuclear mining of critically important objects in the enemy's rear by special forces, and we get a coherent picture of a general offensive in the European theater of military operations, the meaning of which is not in "grinding", but in blocking the defending enemy groups with the capture or destruction of the main objects ensuring this defense.
    Neutron weapons - indeed serve to destroy LS, but are effective only against targets located behind low-density shelters due to the short range of fast neutrons in hydrogen-containing environments. So it is rather an indiscriminate weapon against the population, which, of course, is not relevant.
    1. 0
      14 November 2024 18: 50
      In fact, tactical nuclear weapons in an offensive serve exclusively to suppress air defense and anti-tank defense in the direction of the attack of breakthrough units and block the transfer of enemy reserves.
      [Quote] [/ quote]
      Nowadays, tactical airborne (precisely airborne, which practically does not create significant radioactive contamination) nuclear explosions in the enemy’s near rear and front lines would successfully suppress UAVs and DRONES and their control points, which would remove many problems during an offensive.
  7. -5
    7 November 2024 08: 26
    There are only corpses all around...
    "And along the road stand the dead with scythes. And silence..." (c) And why not? Bang BUT and "Big cities, empty trains, no shore, no bottom, start all over again" (c). But victory, all of Ukraine can be annexed, big deal, there won't be any people, so what, and we'll bring in Kenyans, Tajiks and the rest. And they weren't people, just Ukrainians. But we'll destroy Ukrainian Nazism once and for all. And plus demilitarization and denazification of the country and the entire people at the same time. The goals outlined by the SVO will be achieved. laughing laughing
  8. 0
    7 November 2024 09: 01
    IMHO, it's just a PR stunt.
    "At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces use civilians as human shields. And they don't hide it. Those who, by order of the Ukrainian army command, are not evacuated from populated areas, are automatically declared pro-Russian and become this very shield."
    just read it...

    I wonder if the author could write that during WWII, non-evacuated residents of Stalingrad were used as human shields?

    By the way, I read that China is also a “guarantor” of the non-use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
    And somehow it contradicts - calls in the media to strike with nuclear weapons themselves and fears that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will make a dirty bomb there.
  9. G17
    7 November 2024 11: 08
    It is necessary to clearly understand that the war is now taking place on Russian soil and turning it into one huge Chernobyl is not a solution.

    The most important thing is that even the use of tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) will not bring us victory. The enemy will not capitulate. Simply because the so-called "Ukraine" and "Ukrainians" for the masters of the world game are only a tool for creating problems for the Russian world and they do not feel sorry for it at all.

    After our first use of tactical nuclear weapons, such weapons will immediately appear in the hands of Ukrainian fascists and, without a doubt, will be used against Russia to the delight of the West, which is not at all averse to turning Eastern Europe with its Slavic population into a huge radioactive ash heap.

    The next option. We can use TNW against Poland, Romania and the Baltics. But here we will face the same consequences as described above. TNW will immediately appear in Bandera's Ukraine, and NATO will certainly strike back at us. There are no options. This option has long been analyzed by the enemy with the corresponding conclusions and pre-prepared solutions, including a catastrophic sanctions regime for us and a complete cessation of ties with China, which will not quarrel with the West over Russia. In the best case, Belarus will be the victim of the strike, which will be punished in an exemplary manner in order to stop further use of TNW by Russia.

    Strategic nuclear weapons remain. But in this case, it is necessary to immediately strike the US and Great Britain, as the main organizers and instigators of this war, and then pray that we will withstand a retaliatory nuclear strike from the entire NATO bloc. And we will not withstand it. We have only 146 million people, and in NATO countries and the collective West it is ten times larger. Therefore, even the loss of 50 million people and the destruction of dozens of cities for the enemy and the global economy is not fatal, but for us it will be catastrophic.

    The assertion that we are capable of destroying the entire world with our nuclear potential also does not work. This was possible in the times of the USSR. Now our nuclear arsenal has been reduced by the START-3 treaty to a level where we are not only incapable of destroying the planet, but also of hitting all NATO military and logistical facilities. And there are more of them scattered around the world than we have warheads. Note that the US, on its own initiative, tore up all the treaties with us that somehow limited the arms race, but carefully preserved only one - START-3. Simply because it keeps our nuclear potential within the limits the Americans need. That is, in the current conditions, we are guaranteed to lose a nuclear war at any level and in any development of events.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      7 November 2024 23: 36
      Quote: G17
      After our first use of tactical nuclear weapons, such weapons will immediately appear in the hands of Ukrainian fascists

      Will not appear.
      Quote: G17
      The next option. We can use TNW against Poland, Romania and the Baltics. But here we will face the same consequences as described above. TNW will immediately appear in Bandera's Ukraine.

      Will not appear.
      Quote: G17
      and NATO will certainly strike back at us.

      What and who exactly will attack us?
      Quote: G17
      There are no options.

      Quote: G17
      The assertion that we are capable of destroying the entire world with our nuclear potential also does not work.

      We don't need to destroy the whole world. We only need to destroy the "key figures". And then the process will go on by itself.
      Quote: G17
      Our nuclear arsenal has now been reduced by the START III treaty to a level where we are not only incapable of destroying the planet, but also of striking all NATO military and logistical facilities.

      Not everything is required. Only "key figures".
      Quote: G17
      That is, in the current conditions we are guaranteed to lose a nuclear war at any level and under any development of events.

      And the “key figures” are guaranteed not to win a nuclear war with us in any scenario.
  10. -1
    7 November 2024 14: 11
    Why is everyone so afraid of condemnation from the world community? And which one exactly? European? Progressive (El KGB)? Chinese? African? Islamic (especially him)? Yes, the Islamic world will anoint the geostrategist a saint after the West's funeral! The African will simply say thank you for the revenge. The Chinese will rub their hands contentedly, they are now the economic king of the world. We are at war with the multi-colored. Europe has long since become fascist again.
    1. +3
      7 November 2024 17: 21
      Why is everyone so afraid of condemnation from the international community?

      Obviously because this "condemnation" will have very real sad consequences for us. The post of the respected G17 describes it in detail.
      1. +1
        7 November 2024 23: 46
        Quote: Sergey Sfyedu
        Obviously because this “condemnation” will have very real, sad consequences for us.

        It will not.
        Quote: Sergey Sfyedu
        The post by the respected G17 describes it in detail.

        What is written there is nonsense.
  11. +5
    7 November 2024 15: 35
    Alexander. Good afternoon. The shell has the index 3B83, not 3VB3. Do you seriously think that FAB-3000 is more powerful than this shell? The bomb contains about 1 kg of explosives, of course, this is not pure TNT, but a mixture with hexogen, the TNT equivalent of hexogen is 000. Regardless of the concentration, the TNT equivalent of the bomb cannot exceed this figure - 1,4 kg. Now the shell - part of the explosion energy - up to 1400-35% goes to light and radiation, everything else is a shock wave - up to 40 TONS OF TNT EQUIVALENT. That is, FAB-1 is 500 times weaker than this tiny shell.
    1. +3
      8 November 2024 00: 31
      That is, the FAB-3000 is 1 times weaker than this tiny projectile.

      Amazing. Staver claims complete nonsense and almost everyone bought into this nonsense.
    2. +1
      8 November 2024 11: 04
      I also noticed this mistake by the author.
      FAB-3000, the explosion energy, well, let it be a maximum of 3 tons in TNT equivalent,
      and the 3VB3 projectile has an explosion energy of about 2,5 thousand (!!!) tons in TNT equivalent...
      The author got confused in units of measurement... kilograms, kilotons... wink
  12. 0
    7 November 2024 20: 13
    A strange victory, with the help of tactical nuclear weapons, on its own territory... What to do with this territory then? With the flora and fauna, with the gene pool, from those territories, with the "sea" of cripples, sick people, from those territories? The US doesn't give a damn about Ukraine, or about the EU as a whole.
    1. +2
      7 November 2024 23: 48
      Quote from nordscout
      What to do with this territory then?

      And this is unclear even without the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
    2. -1
      8 November 2024 02: 13
      What to do with this territory then? With the flora and fauna, with the gene pool, with those territories, with the "sea" of cripples, sick people

      Don't exaggerate. This is all there is. TNW won't add anything to this. The problem is something completely different...
      And a separate article is needed about why the use of any nuclear weapons is actually unacceptable.
  13. +1
    8 November 2024 02: 02
    The author simply shines with competence...
    For example, TNW is not only nuclear artillery. It is also bombs for frontline aviation. Nuclear land mines. Naval weapons. Short-range missiles.
    Referring to "Atomic Annie", Staver apparently does not know about the 155-mm shells that can be fired even from the 777. And only the lazy have not spoken about the F-16 as a carrier of TNW.
    There are very strange judgments about neutron weapons in general. What does beryllium have to do with it? It is simply a low-yield, two-phase thermonuclear munition with an enhanced neutron yield. And Staver is captivated by the ancient myth that "we will kill people in the equipment, but take the equipment." After strong neutron irradiation, induced radioactivity remains in the equipment for a long time. By the way, this was the main reason for abandoning neutron munitions, and not some kind of "inhumanity." War is an inhumane thing anyway. Has this ever bothered anyone?
    TNW was planned not only against fortified areas. By the way, fortifications can be made quite resistant to a nuclear strike.
    TNW can destroy troops on the march. It can destroy an important stationary area object - it is difficult to miss. It can create impassable obstacles and even cause a small natural disaster.
    Well, and destroy the enemy's tactical nuclear weapons too.
    The article is about nothing. The author waved his sword, but did not reveal the topic
  14. -1
    8 November 2024 02: 59
    There is no need to use nuclear weapons. And here's why:

    1. It serves as an excellent scarecrow. Overrated and overhyped and therefore even more scary. Let it be so. And if you apply it, some of the fears will dissipate. No need for that.

    2. Well, the Tarasiks don’t have such goals that they would waste expensive nuclear weapons on them and accept the corresponding reputational losses for this.

    3. The Tarasiks will respond. And it will be expressed in persistent attacks on nuclear power plants by drones. And if even one drone arrives as they wanted, the nastiness and damage will be many times greater than from a dozen tactical nuclear charges. Simply because there is hundreds of times more radioactive muck in the reactor than in the most nuclear bomb. Remember Fukushima and Chernobyl.
  15. -1
    9 November 2024 12: 03
    The author studied nuclear weapons so much that he forgot arithmetic...
    That's why his FAB-3000 is more powerful than Zababah, although this is not true at all...
    FAB-3000 is a little more than 1 ton of explosives, yes, it contains a more powerful explosive than TNT, but still it is no more than 3 kg in TNT equivalent...
    Zababah is 2,5 kt in TNT equivalent, that is 2 kg.
    Another thing is that the use of TNW at this stage is pointless anyway... The troops are dispersed and TNW can only give a maximum psychological effect against the "zombified" Ukrainians won't make much sense.
    The TNW took place in the first minutes, hours of the special operation...
    This is a strike against large military units at permanent deployment points, where 1 Iskander that had arrived would have buried all the soldiers and the entire fleet of equipment in the unit... It also made sense to strike at airfields, immediately burying the aviation equipment and making the airfields unsuitable for further use, and the psychological effect would have been different, and the absence of troops (if the units were destroyed in the PDP) would have led to the capture of Kyiv most likely on the very first day...
    It would also make sense to strike the air defense deployment around Kyiv with TNW, this would give a real opportunity to use the military transport aviation to drop a full-fledged landing force just like in the films In the Zone of Special Attention and Counterattack. Which would actually lead to the capture of Kyiv... The police and the SBU would hardly have resisted after seeing a dozen nuclear explosions in Kyiv and the region, and also learning that military units throughout the country were destroyed (well, except for those deployed in Donbass). The deployed units would also most likely lay down their arms on the very first day...
    But for this, the first powerful, disarming blow was needed...
    And now all this makes no sense...
    If we were to strike now, then with strategic forces, let's say by wiping Ternopil, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk off the face of the earth, throwing 5-10 poplars at them and issuing an ultimatum, and in case of delay, wiping out Khmelnitsky as well and announcing that Kyiv still has half an hour, otherwise Kyiv will be next...
  16. -1
    11 November 2024 12: 00
    Our generals and military-industrial complex have demonstrated such low combat capabilities that the West has been tempted to intervene. If NATO divisions enter Ukraine, then without TNW, the only option is to surrender.
    Option: invest in the military-industrial complex and give the army modern weapons. Invest not only money, but also brains, otherwise without the highest supervision tank design bureaus will drive tracks, aviators wings, gunsmiths guns and missiles, but there will be no robots in them, as there were not, and will not be.
    It can be done quickly and cheaply...
  17. +1
    11 November 2024 13: 28
    The author was 1000 times wrong about the power of the Zababakhin charge. FAB-3000 is 3 tons, and the nuclear shell to 152 mm has a power of 2,6 THOUSAND tons. After such a gem I did not read any further - everything is clear anyway, amateurish lines.
  18. 0
    11 November 2024 17: 51
    Maybe this article will cool some hot heads, someone always wants to swing a TNW club...
  19. 0
    11 November 2024 21: 04
    ...In fact: with the sudden (like an appearance from nothingness), very unexpected and quite triumphant return of Trump to the political arena... - the general strategic situation associated with the protracted military confrontation on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR may become completely different, radically...

    (By the way, I would like to point out once again - none of our full-time or part-time propagandists, a motley gypsy crowd crowding around the state's satiating feeding trough... - have managed to even hint at this Trump triumph... However, many of them are already "giving predictions" about what "this wonderful world" will be like under Trump's presidency... Somehow forgetting to first and sheepishly justify their blunder to the readers.)))))))

    Since I have no connection with this riffraff, I will risk (with a clear conscience) expressing my (IMHO) opinion on the topic of using low-yield nuclear weapons in the territories of the former Ukrainian SSR...

    ...I assume that with the advent of Trump, the probability of using this weapon has sharply decreased and is close to zero.
    And this is, on the one hand, a very positive moment...
    ...Trump is unlikely to abandon the Ukrainians... But this does not mean that the clown's gang can sleep peacefully...
    (A clown in the presidential chair... His lackeys and servants are nearby...) For obvious reasons...
    Trump is unlikely to leave him alone, but most likely (and in the near future) - he will give him (the clown) and his gang a good kick in the ass, and kick this entire lousy team out of their comfortable seats of power in the territories of the former Ukrainian SSR...

    But we shouldn't rejoice...

    A new team will be recruited, headed by a new president, possibly even more fierce enemies of the Russian Federation, only an order of magnitude more skilled, intelligent and obedient to the masters. (Now to Trump's people.)
    And, also, as far as possible - free from the vices of corruption and other criminality...
    The nature of the Ukrainian Wehrmacht's combat operations will be reformatted, and no one will advertise "counter-offensives" to the whole of Ivanovo anymore...
    The main emphasis will be on equipping the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the most technologically advanced weapons...
    A sharp increase in sanctions against the Russian Federation is possible... (In order to finally prevent the Russian Federation from acquiring modern technical components for the production of advanced weapons... This means that the pressure on China will also be sharply increased.)

    The Kremlin will be put into action through outright blackmail - direct entry into the BD and participation of US troops in the conflict...
    In some moment.
    (In the format - the main shock phalanx is the US army, on the flanks are the troops of the European sixes...
    And not as it was previously assumed - you fight, and we will help you from across the Ocean.)
    (Here, by the way, it’s worth remembering about our bases in Syria... Yeah... About Transnistria...
    The Turks may be pressured, and an enemy fleet will appear in the Black Sea... Etc. Etc.)

    Moreover, in the event of a real catastrophic situation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Trump will not hesitate to give the appropriate orders for the entry of the American military contingent into the conflict...
    Naturally, at first they will not go to the LBS (excluding special forces), but will be placed in the rear, in the most important cities and towns in military terms...
    But if our BP or Caliber arrives at this legitimate target - accidentally or not - they will rush into battle without thinking twice...
    (Although, something tells me... - it is unlikely that anything will arrive, given this scenario...)))))))))

    Of course, they are unlikely to invade our territories, but they will save us from complete "zeroing out"...
    Trump is very decisive and, WHICH IS MOST UNPLEASANT - EXTREMELY STUBBORN in achieving his goals - our overseas "partner, friend and "faithful" comrade"!))))))))

    In general, in a situation of direct clash between military contingents of the Russian Federation and the United States, it would be stupid to use nuclear weapons...
    Any, even the most insignificant, shootout with the most low-power tactical nuclear warheads will instantly escalate into a GLOBAL CATASTROPHE for the entire Planet...
    Nobody wants this... First of all, the military themselves...
    And since there will no longer be any clown thugs in Kyiv, but there will be, albeit inveterate, but reasonable and obedient to their masters - enemies, then no one will use any kind of "dirty" bombs and no one will allow it... And there will be no reason to do this... If the First (as they say) most powerful army in the world really will be behind us...
  20. 0
    13 November 2024 10: 27
    The author was seriously and fundamentally mistaken. "... the 3B83 projectile (weight 53 kg, range 17 km, power 2,5 kilotons)... FAB-3000 is more powerful than Zababakhin's projectile!.. And the smaller FAB-1500 is only slightly inferior to this projectile." FAB-3000 is 3000 kg or 3 tons or 3000 kg in TNT equivalent. 2,5 kilotons is 2500 tons or 2 kg in TNT equivalent, i.e. a difference of almost 500 times!
  21. 0
    15 November 2024 04: 11
    Somehow, for some people, it quickly changed from "we are going to liberate them from the fascist regime" to "why feel sorry for them, we'll hit them with a nuclear weapon"