Instrument of Deterrence: North Korea Tests Hwasongpo-19 ICBM

Instrument of Deterrence: North Korea Tests Hwasongpo-19 ICBM
Start missiles "Hwaseongpo-19"

The DPRK continues to develop strategic missile weapons, with the help of which it intends to contain a potential enemy or strike back. Recently, a new result of this process was demonstrated - the promising intercontinental ballistic missile "Hwasongpo-19". In terms of its range characteristics, this product is, at a minimum, not inferior to leading foreign analogues.

Strategic project

New achievements of the DPRK almost always become known only from official statements and publications. The promising ICBM "Hwasongpo-19" ("Mars-19") was no exception. When the development of this missile began and how much time it took remains a mystery. It is also unknown which design organization created it. Nevertheless, despite the strictest secrecy measures, the missile complex was successfully developed and brought to the testing stage.

The first test launch of the new ICBM took place on October 31 local time. The following day, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) published information about this event. In its signature style, it described the tests and their importance for national defense. In addition, the agency published photographs that show all the key stages of the process.

Hwasongpo-19 at the top of its trajectory: the camera is mounted directly on the ICBM body

The missile was launched at one of the land-based test sites. The test flight of the new type of missile lasted 5156 seconds – about 1 hour and 26 minutes. The launch was carried out along a “high” ballistic trajectory, and the missile rose to an altitude of 7687,5 km. Its flight range reached 1001,2 km, and the warhead simulator fell into the Sea of ​​Japan.

Due to the special significance of the Hwasongpo-19 project, the DPRK leader Kim Jong-un personally attended the tests. He gave the order to launch and then watched the launch and flight of the missile. Then the head of state congratulated the project participants on their success and called on them to continue their fruitful work for the benefit of the country. The result of this activity should be new types of weapons that will effectively deter the enemy.

According to KCNA, work on the Hwasongpo-19 ICBM has been completed. This product is ready for adoption and deployment in units. It is reported that this missile will become the "leading and main" means of defense and deterrence. At the same time as the new ICBM, the already known Hwasongpo-18 complex, which has similar characteristics, will be in service.

Technical records

At the moment, not much is known about the Hwasongpo-19 missile system with the ICBM of the same name. However, even the published materials allow us to form a general picture, as well as understand why this product is truly a source of pride for the DPRK. In general, we are talking about a number of technical achievements and records.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un watches a missile flyby

The DPRK is building a land component of its strategic nuclear forces based on mobile ground-based missile systems (MGMS). The new Hwasongpo-19 also belongs to this class. At the same time, the need to achieve maximum combat performance has had a significant impact on the appearance of the system and its main components.

Like other North Korean PGRKs, the new Mars-19 is based on a special multi-axle chassis. In this case, a vehicle with 12 axles and an unknown wheel arrangement is used. In terms of layout, it resembles other PGRK chassis, but differs in general proportions and other features. In particular, due to the larger diameter of the rocket, it was necessary to use narrower side crew cabins.

The missile is transported in a transport and launch container (TLC) and launched from it. The launch is carried out from a vertical position using the mortar launch principle. Using a starting charge, the ICBM is ejected from the TLC, after which the first stage engine is activated.

The dimensions of the new missile have not yet been disclosed. However, the appearance of the self-propelled launcher indicates that it is longer and has a larger diameter than previous Korean ICBMs. Recall that the Hwasongpo-18 is about 25 m long and no more than 2 m in diameter, and its launch weight is estimated at 15-20 tons.

The launcher after the rocket launch

The Hwasongpo-19 missile is believed to be a three-stage missile. All stages use solid-fuel rocket engines, which are distinguished by increased energy efficiency. It is this design that ensures high flight characteristics and the ability to hit targets at strategic ranges.

The first test flight was conducted along a "high" trajectory, but its results can be used to estimate the real parameters of the rocket. Using an optimal, flatter trajectory, the Mars-19 rocket could send the combat unit to a distance of about 15 thousand km.

What kind of warhead the new ICBM carries remains unknown. It may have a multi-warhead stage. The KCNA report mentioned the Hwasongpo-19 missile in the context of nuclear deterrence, which may indicate the possibility of installing nuclear warheads. The DPRK has already established production of such products, and an ICBM with the highest characteristics could be an ideal delivery vehicle.

Given the difference in the sizes of the two rockets, it can be assumed that the new Hwasongpo-19 differs from the previous Mars-18 in its increased payload. It was the increase in the dimensions and mass of the payload that led to the need to increase the diameter of the body.

Special remedy

Thus, the DPRK has developed, tested and is going to put into service a new strategic complex with an intercontinental ballistic missile. The Hwasongpo-19 product is somewhat similar to the existing PGRK and ICBM, but has a number of important differences and advantages. It is expected that these features will help the new complex contribute to the country's defense capability.

The current status of the Mars-19 project remains unknown. KCNA claims that the missile is ready for adoption, but so far only one test launch has taken place. It is unclear whether this is enough to fully test and refine the ICBM design. Perhaps Pyongyang is confident in its capabilities and believes that even such tests have allowed the new PGRK to be fully tested.

If the current assessments of the new missile are correct, then the DPRK has acquired a new delivery vehicle with unique characteristics. Only a few ICBMs in the world have a flight range of about 13-15 thousand km, and now the DPRK is among the narrow circle of their creators. This shows that even in conditions of isolation, the country continues to develop its defense industry and create new models of the most complex weapons, inaccessible even to more developed countries.

The expected range makes the new missile a special military-political tool. Hwasongpo-19 is capable of hitting targets throughout the United States, including the most important facilities on the East Coast. If the missile is equipped with nuclear warheads, its potential and capabilities will reach a completely new level.

Participants in the test launch of Hwasongpo-19

It is reported that in the strategic deterrence system the new Mars-19 ICBM will be used together with Mars-18. This ICBM of the same name PGRK is significantly smaller than the new one, but is assumed to have similar range characteristics. There is reason to believe that it carries a smaller payload, but in the context of combat use this is not a fundamental problem.

One can imagine what military and political leverage Pyongyang will gain by creating a full-size fleet of the Hwasongpo PGRK of the last two models. It will be able to deliver, at a minimum, a tangible and painful retaliatory strike on strategic objects of the enemy. Whether a potential enemy has the means to intercept such missiles, especially during a massive launch, is a big question.

To keep the peace

Both previously and now, the DPRK faces a number of characteristic threats from abroad. One of the main responses to them is considered to be the construction and development of strategic missile forces, as well as the creation of missile systems of different classes and types for them. The latter task is solved in the DPRK with particular enthusiasm and new successes in this matter are regularly demonstrated.

Just a few days ago, North Korea successfully tested a new ICBM with special characteristics. Third countries were able to observe the test launch and draw conclusions, and the official Korean news agency added food for thought. Whether the Hwasongpo-19 will be able to cool hot heads abroad and help improve the situation on the Korean Peninsula is still unclear. However, potential adversaries should now remember this product and take into account its combat capabilities.
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  1. -1
    6 November 2024 04: 30
    The first test launch of the new ICBM took place on October 31 local time.

    Well, it's good that it's not the Moscow way.
  2. +4
    6 November 2024 07: 06
    Let us recall that the Hwasongpo-18 is about 25 m long and no more than 2 m in diameter, and its launch weight is estimated at 15-20 tons.

    The Hwasong-18 TEL is 9-axle and is based on the Chinese 8-axle (16x12) WS51200 tractor with a lifting capacity of 80 tons ( Taking into account the hydraulic mechanism and controls for installing the missile, the weight of the ICBM should be 80+ tons.
    TEL "Hwaseong-19" (I saw only 11 axles) has 12 axles and weighs 110+ tons, or rather 150+ tons, since the original axle load from cargo alone is 10 tons, and the tractor itself also weighs a lot.
    Only a few ICBMs in the world have a flight range of about 13-15 thousand km.

    The Hwasong-17 and Hwasong-18 have a range of 15 km, according to North Korea.
    Using an optimal, flatter trajectory, the Mars-19 rocket could send the warhead a distance of about 15 thousand km.

    The range is estimated at 17 km (Japan), but the DPRK has not yet provided any information.
    1. 0
      6 November 2024 14: 44
      Quote: smart fellow
      TEL "Hwaseong-19" (I saw only 11 axles) has 12 axles and weighs 110+ tons, or rather 150+ tons, since the original axle load from cargo alone is 10 tons, and the tractor itself also weighs a lot.

      Well, the load is always calculated with a good reserve, and there have never been any solid-fuel missiles with such a (150+) launch weight in history. But the fact that this missile could be an analogue\copy\created on the basis of technical documentation and with the help of specialists from the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau is quite possible. Moreover, specialists from the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau definitely helped them with engines and not only for liquid missiles. We are talking about the Molodets ICBM with a launch weight of 108 tons. And in the photo, where the 3rd stage engines are shown, it looks very much like the same stage of the Molodets. And if this is so, then the North Koreans can be congratulated on a very good choice of prototype for their new ICBM... And sympathize with the United States if such missiles are used against them.
      Quote: smart fellow
      The range is estimated at 17 km (Japan),

      I also immediately estimated the approximate range of this missile, but it is unknown whether its combat load (by weight) was standard. This is definitely enough to reach any point on the US East Coast.
      Quote: smart fellow
      The Hwasong-18 TEL is 9-axle and is based on the Chinese 8-axle (16x12) WS51200 tractor with a lifting capacity of 80 tons ( Taking into account the hydraulic mechanism and controls for installing the missile, the weight of the ICBM should be 80+ tons.

      Well, this one could be an analogue of the new Chinese ICBM, the launch mass of which is indicated as 85 tons. Which was also probably created not without the help of specialists (maybe invited to China under a contract) from the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. At least immediately after the collapse of the USSR, the Chinese were very closely recruiting design personnel at Yuzhmash, and in the mid-90s, an entire intelligence network of recruited employees was uncovered there, who, while continuing to work at their enterprise, carried out calculations and orders from the Chinese side and simply sent them by e-mail. And Yuzhmash definitely had something to share.
      1. 0
        7 November 2024 07: 14
        and there have never been any solid-fuel rockets in history with such a (150+) launch weight

        This is just an assumption, because it is difficult to compare. For example, the PC-24 Yars weighing 46 tons is transported on the MZKT-79221 with a lifting capacity of 80 tons, and the North Korean tractor is based on the Chinese one, which is based on the Belarusian one, only the formula is 16x12 instead of 16x16. If we stick to this analogy, then the weight of the ICBM should be 46/8*12=69 tons.
        But Russian PGRKs are designed to move on low-grade roads or off-road and to make long marches for safety reasons. The safety of Korean PGRKs is ensured by their location deep underground and they only need to roll out to the launch position and launch (making marches in the conditions of the small size of the DPRK, the lack of a large road network and having the USA and the Republic of Korea as adversaries is suicide). That is, in this case the load should be maximum. And based on this, we get 150 tons instead of 69 tons.
        Moreover, specialists from the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau definitely helped them with engines and not only for liquid rockets

        Highly Likely?
        but it is unknown whether its combat load (in terms of weight) was standard

        The Northerners successfully tested the KN-23 ballistic missile with a 6,5-ton warhead, while the original version carries a 1,5-ton warhead at a range of 800 km. In both cases, these are standard loads.
        One thing can be said with high probability. This is that the new ICBM has MIRV, because otherwise there is no point in creating it. It is assumed that the solid-fuel Hwasong-18 and Hwasong-19 will form the DPRK's strategic nuclear forces, and the Hwasong-17 will be removed from service.
        Well, this one could be an analogue of the new Chinese ICBM, the launch mass of which is indicated as 85 tons. Which was also probably created with the help of specialists (maybe invited to China under a contract) from the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau.

        You simply assume that the DPRK (and the PRC) cannot create something of their own and better than others, for example, the USA or the USSR/Russia. That is, again, “Highly Likely” and “everything was stolen from us.”
        1. 0
          7 November 2024 14: 54
          Quote: smart fellow
          That is, in this case the load should be maximum. And based on this we get 150 tons instead of 69 tons.

          Not maximum, but "close to maximum". This concept includes such values ​​as 85 tons and 108 tons. With variations for local production, of course.
          Quote: smart fellow
          Moreover, specialists from the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau definitely helped them with engines and not only for liquid rockets
          Highly Likely?

          No, this is a well-known scandal that occurred around 2015-2016 after the Americans found out that the so-called "Privat Group" (Kolomoisky), which had acquired Yuzhmash as its property, began to literally "auction off" the technical secrets of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. Thus, a package of technical documentation for the R-36M was sold to Saudi Arabia, on the basis of which the Saudis wanted to order an IRBM with a very powerful warhead based on the first stage of the missile. Yuzhnoye Design Bureau had several contracts with North Korea and technical documentation for heptyl liquid-propellant rocket engines was definitely sent there. Investigative films were made, they were published not only on b\u but also on the resources of VO, Politikus, Political Review, on YouTube and, of course, on Ukrainian TV during the period of Kolomoisky's removal from the post of governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region. The Americans found out too late that the documentation, and through official channels, was sent not only to China and the KSA, Iran... but also to North Korea, perhaps that is why they got so furious and completely "de-Cossackized" Kolomoisky. That is why he is in prison. Not only for his own puffing at the authorities.
          As for the Chinese network of recruited Yuzhmash employees, I learned about it back at the turn of 1995-1996 from the investigator for especially important cases, who was in charge of this case.

          Quote: smart fellow
          You simply assume that the DPRK (and the PRC) cannot create something of their own and better than others, for example, the USA or the USSR/Russia. That is, again, “Highly Likely” and “everything was stolen from us.”

          Well, they are not only extracting secrets, knowledge and technologies from us. They have simply saved themselves a lot of time, money, insured themselves against many mistakes and false directions, received highly qualified specialists who trained their own design personnel and helped in the development of what China and S. Korea are now rightfully proud of.
          You won't argue with me that the General Designer of the Soviet "Krechet" signed a contract and worked in China for a long time, taught and helped the Chinese understand the design documentation, helped/designed the modified project of the "Liaoning" and the next ski-jump aircraft carrier. He laid down/created and trained an entire shipbuilding design school in China. And now look at their (the Chinese) successes. Or will you argue with this too?
          And they "stole" little, most of the documentation and contracts with specialists were concluded quite officially. Bought? YES.
          b\u sold EVERYTHING from the very beginning of the 90s. There were bans and restrictions in the rocket and space industry, but after Maidan Benya just let loose completely... It was just a bacchanalia of selling off the latest secrets and technologies. In addition, Yuzhmash and Yuzhnoye Design Bureau belonged to Ukrcosmos and Benya did not have access to its assets and archives... but REALLY wanted to get it. In 2014, he got it.
          1. -1
            7 November 2024 15: 17
            Not maximum, but "close to maximum"

            This is the same as I said. No one knows the weight of an ICBM (except the Koreans of course), one can only guess based on reasoning. If the DPRK had said that the weight of an ICBM was ..., then this could have been considered proof.
            No, it's a well-known scandal.

            No, it's "Highly Likely". Powell was waving a test tube at the UN.
            Well, they are not the only ones who obtain secrets, knowledge and technologies from us.

            This is also "Highly Likely".

            All these investigations are called conspiracy theories.
            1. 0
              7 November 2024 15: 52
              Quote: smart fellow
              All these investigations are called conspiracy theories.

              These are criminal cases.
  3. +6
    6 November 2024 08: 28
    And I am glad for the success of my brothers in arms!
  4. +2
    6 November 2024 10: 40
    Well done, Koreans!
  5. 0
    7 November 2024 13: 54
    Let us recall that the Hwasongpo-18 is about 25 m long and no more than 2 m in diameter, and its launch weight is estimated at 15-20 tons.

    Experts estimate that the entire Hwaseong-18 weighs 55-60 tons, is 25 meters long and has a diameter of 2 meters.
    Estimates for Hwaseong-19: length 30 meters, diameter larger than Hwaseong-18 judging by the size of the driver's cabin. Total about 100 tons or more.
  6. 0
    11 November 2024 13: 16
    Let us recall that the Hwasongpo-18 is about 25 m long and no more than 2 m in diameter, and its launch weight is estimated at 15-20 tons.

    Average diameter is 2 meters and length is 25 m. Hwason-18 gives a volume of 25*2*2*3,14/4 = 78,5 cubic meters and with an average relative volume of a solid-fuel missile of 0,8 tons/cubic meter (like the Soviet ICBM Topol) this is approximately 63 tons but not 15-20 tons.
    For Hwaseong-19 the diameter is larger, about 2,2 meters and the length is 30 meters, which gives a total weight of slightly more than 90 tons.
    And this matches very well with the load of 11 TPU axles.
    The throwing mass of Topol is 2,6% of its weight at 12 thousand km, and for Hwason-19 it will be 2,4 tons at the same range.
    Thus, a package of technical documentation for the R-36M was sold to Saudi Arabia, on the basis of which the Saudis wanted to order an IRBM with a very powerful warhead based on the first stage of the missile. The Yuzhnoye Design Bureau had several contracts with North Korea, and technical documentation for heptyl liquid-propellant rocket engines was definitely sent there.

    R-36 is a liquid rocket and heptyl is also a fuel for the LRE. Here is a completely different solid fuel and turbojet engine.
    Even if Western experts had doubts about liquid-propellant rocket engines, there is no doubt that turbojet engines and their solid mixed fuel were made independently in the DPRK.