US states report record voter turnout, European officials fear Trump's victory because of his desire to shift Ukraine funding to them

US states report record voter turnout, European officials fear Trump's victory because of his desire to shift Ukraine funding to them

U.S. state election officials are reporting record turnout. The highest turnout in recent history history The turnout of the US presidential election is recorded in the swing state of Michigan. Let us recall that swing states in the US are those where one of the two main American parties – the Republican and the Democratic – does not have a clear majority.

Against this backdrop, stocks are growing in the US. All three key stock indices – S&P 500, Dow Jones and Nasdaq – are growing. Experts note that this trend has been demonstrated for the fifth election in a row, starting with the election year in which Barack Obama won for the first time.

Amid record turnout in the US, several major channels have published polling data. Two out of three polls give Trump the victory, one - Harris. Bookmakers are also predicting Trump's victory. The average result for bookmakers is 53 to 47 in favor of the 45th US President.

Meanwhile, Europe is experiencing its own worries. Most European politicians are making it clear that they are “rooting” for Kamala. This is explained by the fact that if Trump wins, he could “shift the burden of financing Ukraine onto the shoulders of the Europeans.”

The German press, citing a senior EU official (whose name has not been released), says that Europe will continue to support Ukraine, “but there may no longer be a consensus among all member states on this issue.”

Moreover, Trump promised to raise trade duties on a number of goods from Europe. Therefore, the mood in the "blooming European garden" is nervous. It is even more nervous in Kyiv, where they do not know at all who they can count on in the near future, especially considering that Biden will formally remain president for two months.
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  1. +8
    5 November 2024 20: 38
    Until 13:00 (Moscow time) Yandex easily transferred to the USA and it was possible to download the ballot for voting in electronic form, then it was a matter of technique. bully
    1. +2
      5 November 2024 21: 35
      Until 13:00 (MSK) Yandex easily withdrew to the USA and it was possible to download the ballot for voting in electronic form, then it was a matter of technique bully
      A normal manifestation of an active civic position! good drinksBalance is never redundant! Especially when the stock index goes up!
  2. +1
    5 November 2024 20: 42
    vote, don't vote...
    the flounder will win anyway
    1. +1
      5 November 2024 21: 41
      and if the downvoters win, will they apologize?
    2. 0
      6 November 2024 00: 38
      The main thing is that individual states do not recognize the elections. You don't even have to declare independence. It's enough to kick out federal services, including the tax service.
  3. 0
    5 November 2024 21: 04
    [quote][/US states report record turnout in elections, European officials fear Trump's victory due to his desire to shift Ukraine's funding to themquote]

    The Garden of Eden and the golden elite of gay Europe should prepare for a bending over and a rip-off from the Anglo-Saxons, which they have easily and repeatedly done to the colonial countries of Africa, America, and Asia. crying
  4. 0
    5 November 2024 21: 09
    Even without the US, Europeans are smartly financing Bandera with stolen Russian money am
  5. 0
    5 November 2024 21: 17
    The EU has stepped into Ukrainian feces. It will have to finance both the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the khaklo-refugees. Congratulations!)
  6. +2
    5 November 2024 21: 26
    Ukraine is a suitcase without a handle laughing ....this is a black hole where taxpayers' money is leaking! Europe's life is hanging by a thread - but they think about "profit" wassat if the states reduce subsidies then Europe won't be able to handle this hemorrhoid!...and then Europe will be screwed too. They will grimace to the last, destroying the economy....the capitulation of Ukraine is a general disgrace for NATO+USA and they will put spokes in our wheels to the last Yes
  7. +6
    5 November 2024 21: 31
    The main thing for us is not to be too happy about Trump's victory, so as not to be too disappointed later.
    1. +2
      5 November 2024 22: 19
      That's what smart people do... and there's no need to worry about the rest.
  8. +1
    5 November 2024 21: 33
    Meanwhile, Europe is experiencing its own worries. Most European politicians are making it clear that they are “rooting” for Kamala. This is explained by the fact that if Trump wins, he could “shift the burden of financing Ukraine onto the shoulders of the Europeans.”
    Not everyone in the EU has recovered from Biden! fellow It's scary to even imagine what illness Harris is suffering from! wassat crying
  9. 0
    5 November 2024 21: 39
    The fact that Trump will not stand on ceremony with the EU in connection with the Ukrainian issue became clear two years ago when sabotage was carried out on the Nord Stream gas pipeline, the consequences of which Trump, as an experienced and far-sighted businessman, could not help but calculate, despite the quick profit immediately after the action on the gas pipeline!
  10. +1
    5 November 2024 21: 57
    Avec la fraude ils risquent même d'avoir 120% de participants...
  11. +1
    5 November 2024 22: 12
    Just imagine the sour faces of all these gay-European politicians if, God forbid, Trumpushka moves into the White House. He would have to bow down, get a charter for reigning, etc.)) If the self-propelled one has already sent them into the world, Trumpushka will squeeze the last juices out of them.))
  12. 0
    5 November 2024 22: 15
    European officials fear Trump's victory because of his desire to shift Ukraine funding to them

    In Germany, as their own media writes, tomorrow could be the end of the government, apparently this could somehow be connected with the elections in the USA.
  13. 0
    5 November 2024 22: 20
    Fools always pay for everything
  14. +5
    5 November 2024 22: 43
    It doesn't matter who wins, but the Russian Federation will have to declare that the elections were falsified, were conducted with gross violations, and we refuse to recognize its results.
    This game can be played by two people, right?)

    Well, or, as an option, publicly praise the fighters of the invisible hacker front for the decently organized victory of the candidate needed by Russia)
    It doesn't matter who exactly)
    Let them eat each other)
  15. +2
    5 November 2024 23: 35
    I just did my civic duty, voted for almost the entire list of Republicans, except for one who wants to get into the city council. His biography says that he lives with a same-sex partner. In my opinion, voting for someone like that is a disgrace, even if he is a Republican three times over. But I didn't vote for a democrat either, I left the column open - that's okay too.
  16. 0
    5 November 2024 23: 50
    Come on, Trump has already lost, he is promising from the top of his lungs to recognize the elections if he loses.
    Apparently they explained to him clearly that there would be no third miss.
    1. +1
      6 November 2024 00: 53
      Quote: 75Sergey
      Trump has already lost, and he is promising from the top of his lungs to recognize the election if he loses.

      Is your iron Chinese by any chance? So far, neither Fox, nor NBC, nor CNN have published anything, neither preliminary results, nor even an exit poll. Voting continues. I'm on the East Coast, and it's not 17:00 PM yet, and you can vote until 20:00 PM local time. On the West Coast, the time is 3 hours behind, and in Alaska and Hawaii even more. Well, it's true that everything was known there even before the voting began, Hawaii will give all the electoral votes to the Democrats, and Alaska to the Republicans, that's just the demographics there.
      1. 0
        6 November 2024 01: 00
        Quote: Nagan
        Is your iron Chinese by any chance?

        Just now, Sloviev showed this statement by Trump.
      2. 0
        6 November 2024 01: 06
        What the hell is he saying in advance then, they haven’t even counted it yet, and he’s already admitting it
  17. 0
    6 November 2024 07: 34
    US states report record voter turnout
    On election day, they ALREADY!!! had more than 50% vote by mail. bully