Warships and Gas Masks: Sweden Announces Another Aid Package for Ukraine

Warships and Gas Masks: Sweden Announces Another Aid Package for Ukraine

Following the used boats that Australia promised from its own navy, Ukraine will also receive ships, but from Sweden. And also gas masks. This was stated by the Kingdom's Minister for Civil Defense, Carl-Oskar Bohlin.

The Swedish minister visited Kyiv, during which he announced that the Swedish government had decided to transfer two ships and 40 gas masks to Ukraine. The gas masks are being transferred for the civil defense of Ukraine, and the ships, along with additional equipment, are to be used to equip Coastal Defense units. The Swede did not specify which ships he was talking about. All this "good stuff" together with the gas masks is worth 100 million Swedish kronor or 8,5 million euros.

Today I presented a new civilian aid package consisting of 40 gas masks, as well as a naval package consisting of two large coast guard ships and additional equipment,

— the Swedish minister said.

Karl-Oskar Bolin announced the transfer of ten warships and 20 assault boats to Ukraine back in April of this year, during the second Black Sea conference on the security of the "Crimean platform" in Sofia. However, no details were reported about either the ships or the boats. The Swedes had previously transferred Stridsbåt 90H (Strb 90H) boats to Kyiv, but they had been announced even earlier.

Earlier, Carl-Oscar Bohlin stated that Sweden would use the experience of Ukraine's military operations in the Black Sea to protect its own coast.
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  1. +5
    5 November 2024 20: 06
    Sweden is closing projects out of 13 wind power plants 12. The reason is that the projects threaten Sweden's national security, Russian submarines will hide behind the noise of wind generators, and the wind generators themselves are an easy target. They will build nuclear power plants, but when will this happen? Germany will not see cheap electricity from Sweden, Norway is first in line. The Scandinavians think about themselves first.
    1. +2
      5 November 2024 20: 15
      Offshore wind power plants, our submarines have not yet learned to crawl on land, they can on the seabed. The Swedes are not lying. The experience of military operations in the Black Sea has been taken into account by the Swedes.
    2. +1
      5 November 2024 21: 29
      Andrew, hi . Your comments are always informative and educational - it is immediately obvious that you have the time and desire to work with sources of information. Have you thought about writing a couple of articles, at least in the "Opinions" section?
      1. +1
        5 November 2024 21: 37
        Motorist hi I just very rarely use Russian sources, mostly Western ones. Yes, I have time, but I'd rather be a commentator. Thank you for appreciating. good
        1. +1
          5 November 2024 22: 04
          Quote: tralflot1832
          I'll be a better commentator

          VO is a good publication, but I can't publish articles here. I can cover too narrow topics with knowledge (I think) of the matter, like cylinder lubrication or crankshaft repair; especially since this is not quite (not at all...) the subject of the site. So, I will also remain just a "participant". And I comment more on topics not related to the articles - again, due to the specifics of the site: I have no competence... crying
  2. +4
    5 November 2024 20: 20
    These are the Swedes taking revenge for the Kemsky volost
    1. 0
      5 November 2024 21: 29
      The Swedish government has decided to transfer two ships to Ukraine

      Apparently it's a pity to spend money on recycling the junk. All that's left is to find a suitable reservoir for them.
  3. +1
    5 November 2024 20: 32
    and 40 thousand gas masks.

    Disposal of the rotten legacy of the Cuban missile crisis is practically free. Loading and transportation.
  4. +2
    5 November 2024 20: 57
    The transfer of gas masks, the announcement of a new counteroffensive, the concentration of Ukrainian Armed Forces forces on the border of the Kursk region. Will they really use combat toxic substances this time?
  5. +3
    5 November 2024 20: 59
    It looks like the Ukrainians are planning to either use chemical weapons or do something else to force Russia to hit them with tactical nuclear weapons.
  6. 0
    5 November 2024 23: 13
    I hope the Russian Federation will sink these ships in neutral waters and elsewhere!
  7. 0
    6 November 2024 06: 52
    Well, you can’t go anywhere without gas masks, and now there are 40 of them, well, now they’ll start pouring in.