Zelensky: Ukraine cannot give up its territories, as it is unconstitutional

Zelensky: Ukraine cannot give up its territories, as it is unconstitutional

The head of the Kyiv regime gave another interview to a foreign publication. This time, the platform for Zelensky was provided by the KBS channel from South Korea. During the interview, the conversation turned to the fact that Ukraine "may give up some of its territories to achieve peace." Let us recall that politicians in the West are increasingly making such statements, moreover, such voices have often begun to be heard in Ukraine itself.

Zelensky, answering a question from South Korean journalists, stated that “Ukraine cannot give up its territories, since this is legally impossible.”

Head of the Kiev regime:

This is unconstitutional. We have no right to give up our legal state territories, because this is not provided for by law, no matter what Putin comes up with. Ukraine will never recognize these territories, no matter who wins in the US and no matter how long Putin is the leader of Russia.

It is quite possible that Zelensky has forgotten about the incredible flexibility of the Ukrainian constitution. According to it, as is well known, there can be three rounds of presidential elections, recognition of a coup d'etat in the country, waging war against one's own people, a ban on the language spoken by the majority of citizens, a ban on political parties without a decision by the Supreme Court, and even a ban on religions, a president without elections, despite the fact that none of these points are in the constitution. And if this is not in the basic law, but all this is in Ukraine, then somehow "we will get used to it, we will love it" even with the loss of territories.

Here Zelensky needs to think more about ensuring that at least some territory called “Ukraine” remains on the world map.
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  1. +13
    31 October 2024 20: 46
    And is Zelya himself constitutional? Or what?
    1. +2
      31 October 2024 20: 59
      Well, Zelensky himself is not constitutional. So it's normal. He will hand over everything that needs to be handed over. For a separate fee, of course. That's why an unconstitutional president exists.
      1. +5
        31 October 2024 21: 19
        If it is not possible, but you really need it, then it is possible.
        The constitution of the independent state is amended almost once a quarter. It's no big deal, they'll just rewrite it once more... request
        1. -10
          31 October 2024 21: 39
          Changes are made to the independent country's constitution almost every quarter

          There is someone to follow as an example. Forgotten to reset?
          1. +7
            31 October 2024 21: 43
            Well, that's not really the point here... request
            "At least I was ashamed of the ambassador! ..
            Is Al completely headless?
            No matter what they say -
            It will still drive you crazy!"
            L. Filatov.
            1. -12
              31 October 2024 21: 55
              Well, that's not really the point here...

              And what about? Precisely about "Whose cow would moo...". They got dirty themselves with the "necessary" amendments and in the terms from 4 to 6, and with the zeroing out, and now we are teaching someone? And in fact, two bourgeois countries with wild capitalism and disenfranchised peoples here and there are trying to feign innocence?
              1. +5
                31 October 2024 22: 44
                Zelensky: Ukraine cannot give up its territories, as it is unconstitutional

                A piano freak, a player with a bolt on the piano, and the coup d'etat in the former Ukraine, in his opinion, was constitutional? In 2014, Ukraine itself ceased to exist, in its place a quasi-state was hastily erected, under 100% external control, the constitution, legislative and law enforcement system of which is a complete fake. The entire country was turned into "Kvartal 95"
                1. +2
                  31 October 2024 22: 53
                  rather, the country can be described as a hellish circus.
                  Men are being driven to the slaughter, an expired president is rushing around foreign countries demanding more and more weapons of all kinds, the population's brains have been polluted with an endless telethon about effort and victory.
          2. +1
            31 October 2024 22: 26
            and that all changes to the Ukrainian constitution also took place through a referendum?
            1. -8
              31 October 2024 22: 31
              all changes to the constitution of ukraine

              No, damn. Everything is decorous and noble. Like in Moscow. Everyone quickly forgot history. Both Ukraine and Russia.
              are no different from each other. Countries of wild capitalism and oligarchy.
              1. +3
                31 October 2024 22: 33
                I don't understand something, here you seemed to be talking about time periods, but the photos are from Yeltsin's time, what are you smoking there? laughing
                1. -11
                  31 October 2024 22: 40
                  And it was with this shooting that the wiping of the ass with a piece of paper called "the constitution" began. The Ukrainians a little later. It took their oligarchs a long time to understand that this was possible.
                  1. +3
                    31 October 2024 22: 46
                    Well, you lost 30% of your territories because of this erasure of the constitution, and it looks like there will be even more in the future
                  2. +2
                    31 October 2024 23: 11
                    Well, in general, I understand that you looked at Yeltsin's actions, how he was squandering the country, and decided to follow his example, well, in general, you are great
                2. +2
                  31 October 2024 23: 22
                  Quote: sergey822
                  and the photo is from Yeltsin's time, what are you smoking there?

                  Well, in Ukraine they still imagine Russia in Yeltsin’s time, where there really were some things that they attribute to today’s Russia, but they don’t understand that all this is already a distant past and Russia has changed a lot since then.
          3. -1
            31 October 2024 22: 52
            So, answer us without evading, did you ask the people of Ukraine? Do they want changes to the constitution or not? laughing
    2. +5
      31 October 2024 21: 00
      Quote: Nexcom
      And is Zelya himself constitutional? Or what?

      An illegitimate one blurts out something, and all the legitimate ones respond to him. This is how Zelya cleverly lowers everyone to the same level as himself with his idiotic reasoning.
  2. +1
    31 October 2024 20: 54
    And who is he himself, how much of this very constitutionality is in him?
    Damn clown...
  3. +2
    31 October 2024 20: 54
    And who will ask? At the moment, even Ukraine's allies are trying to persuade the overdue to conclude peace in exchange for territories.
  4. +3
    31 October 2024 20: 55
    He changes his shoes on the fly; what is not allowed to Caesar is allowed to a slave.
  5. BAI
    31 October 2024 20: 58
    So Russia cannot abandon its territories specified in the Constitution.
    2 mutually exclusive demands. What are we going to do?
  6. +7
    31 October 2024 20: 59
    Very funny comments from the "president" of Ukraine.

    1. Ukraine as an independent state is nonsense. It appeared only in the context of such an entity as the USSR, created artificially, assembled from parts of other state entities: part was taken from the RSFSR, part from Poland, part from Hungary, part from Romania. Cities such as Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Nikolaev, not to mention the Taurida Peninsula (Crimea) - have belonged to the Russian heritage since ancient times, having been temporarily occupied by the Tatars during the Golden Horde. What relation the Kyiv authorities of different times had to the tsarist Rurikovichs who ruled in Moscow is unclear. Kyiv was ruled for a long time by Poles in equal parts with Jews.

    2. An unconstitutional president, which Zelensky is, teaches everyone the Constitution. Being a supporter of Israel, a state where there is no Constitution, he teaches everyone the norms of the Basic Law. This is simply wild!

    3. In fact, there is nothing Ukrainian in Ukraine. Except for the artificially created language, concocted in a week or two by the so-called national awakeners. The work of the Austro-Hungarian General Staff on the eve of the First World War bore wonderful fruit. But who would have thought that the Americans would nurture self-proclaimed supermen from the newly molded Ukrainians. They dug up the Black Sea, and Alexander Makedonenko and Yuliy Tsezorenko are descended from them. The entire history of Ukraine is a myth. As is Ukraine itself.

    4. There is no Ukrainian state or people. There is a territory controlled by various mafia structures with connections in Washington, Tel Aviv and London. That's all!
    1. +9
      31 October 2024 21: 12
      Ukraine as an independent state is nonsense.

      But there was a chance. There was. A huge legacy left over from the USSR. Favorable climate, fertile land, a population of about 50 million. Industrial base, machine tools and advanced technologies. Nothing left. Everything was sold. Rotted. Apparently, they can’t live without a lord/king. It’s their own fault. Now it’s time to pay for everything. And not just with money. Lives. Territory. But they asked, offered, practically begged. All in vain. Everything they got for free will have to be given back. Decommunization, so decommunization.
    2. +4
      31 October 2024 21: 52
      I wonder - is it possible for our guarantor to revoke the Russian Federation's signature on the Belovezh Accords? what
      1. -6
        31 October 2024 22: 13
        weak to our guarantor

        This is a guarantor - who needs a guarantor. Don't stick your nose into the round table where they're dividing up the pie called "the Soviet Union."
  7. 0
    31 October 2024 21: 15
    Correct the grammar. Please.
    We are on VO, not on some X networks.

    "This is unconstitutional. We have no right to give up our legal state territories, since this is not provided for by law, no matter what Putin comes up with. Ukraine will never recognize these territories, no matter who wins in the US and no matter how long Putin is the leader of Russia."
  8. 0
    31 October 2024 21: 17
    Quote: Nexcom
    And is Zelya himself constitutional? Or what?
    Well, sort of. They have a war with us there and martial law has been declared. That is, as the head of state - quite, but as the prez - no.
    But here is the question about "Not constitutional". Here he lies like he breathes. There are no such lines in the constitution on the outskirts as in Ours - You can demarcate others', but you can't alienate your own. Let him stop babbling.
    And again about the ban on negotiations with Russia. Under martial law, changes to the constitution are not legitimate
  9. +8
    31 October 2024 21: 18
    Zelensky: Ukraine cannot give up its territories, as it is unconstitutional

    Zelensky talking about constitutionality is like a prostitute talking about virginity.
    1. +4
      31 October 2024 21: 23
      Quote: guest
      Zelensky talking about constitutionality is like a prostitute talking about virginity.

      This is five points. laughing
  10. +4
    31 October 2024 21: 18
    the coup d'etat in 14 is constitutional, but the rest is not
  11. +2
    31 October 2024 21: 28
    This is no longer a performance. This is a pig squeal, from hopelessness.
    1. +2
      31 October 2024 23: 01
      Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
      This is a pig's squeal, from hopelessness.

      Well, in general, they squeal for any reason, that's the essence of it.
  12. +4
    31 October 2024 21: 41
    After the illegitimate coup of 2014, it is simply ridiculous to grunt about the constitutionality.
    1. -8
      31 October 2024 22: 04
      And after the shooting of the House of Soviets in Moscow in 1993? Nothing, we grunt constitutionally.
      1. +3
        31 October 2024 22: 30
        you reek of citizenship of an independent state a mile away, so it's time for you to grunt
      2. +2
        31 October 2024 22: 56
        Quote: dauria
        And after the shooting of the House of Soviets in Moscow in 1993?
        and what is the connection?
      3. +1
        31 October 2024 22: 59
        Quote: dauria
        And after the shooting of the House of Soviets in Moscow in 1993?

        And who gave the order to shoot at the House of Soviets? That's right, the liberal Yeltsin.
  13. 0
    31 October 2024 21: 41
    This one is now spinning like a snake on a frying pan and out of helplessness (after a line of coke) she is talking such nonsense...it's a real shame wassat ...he already knows with his ass what will happen to him Yes
  14. +1
    31 October 2024 21: 44
    We have to take territories in defiance of the "Ukrainian constitution". lol

    We take what's ours, no matter what.
    It is reported that in the Kurakhovsky direction, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces liberated the settlement of Kremennaya Balka and entered the settlement of Voznesenka.
  15. 0
    31 October 2024 21: 48
    he said, but who said that? according to the constitution he is nobody
  16. 0
    31 October 2024 21: 49
    Ukraine cannot give up its territories

    Well then let him refuse other people's.
  17. 0
    31 October 2024 22: 22
    Ukraine will never recognize..

    Please, the sheriff doesn't care about the Indians' problems :)
  18. -1
    31 October 2024 22: 37
    Come mai Putin non fa niente per bloccare la bocca del comico?
  19. 0
    31 October 2024 22: 55
    War is not a constitutional thing at all - put your hands up and come out and hand over your weapons!
  20. +1
    31 October 2024 22: 58
    Ukraine will never recognize these territories, no matter who wins in the US and no matter how long Putin is the leader of Russia.
    this is if there will be that Ukraine
    1. 0
      31 October 2024 23: 13
      Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
      this is if there will be that Ukraine

      That is why there should be no Ukraine.
  21. 0
    31 October 2024 23: 47
    He says it right; that’s what the Constitution is for, to keep bureaucrats at all levels within the law.
    The Russian Federation is acting in exactly the same way with regard to three tiny islands of the Kuril ridge, and Zelensky is being asked to give up entire regions with huge deposits of natural resources and agricultural land.
    Turkey and Iraq have been fighting for decades to maintain control over Kurdish territory, and there are plenty of examples of this
  22. 0
    1 November 2024 07: 34
    All things considered, it's a pretty weak argument.
  23. 0
    1 November 2024 07: 58
    Zelensky: Ukraine cannot give up its territories, as it is unconstitutional
    - it is not for a constitutional mug to discuss constitutionality.
  24. 0
    1 November 2024 08: 37
    So funny, he remembered the Constitution!
    Nobody has even read the Constitution, but everyone is trying to squeeze an intellectual out of themselves.

    Usurpation to the fullest: 15 articles of the Constitution that Ukraine has violated

  25. 0
    1 November 2024 10: 40
    We have no right to give up our legitimate state territories.

    By the word "his own" this illegitimate person speaks about the lands of his masters, which this illegitimate person sold out, and on behalf of his masters he opens his mouth in defense of these territories and sends the citizens of this territory to be slaughtered, defending the property of his masters...
  26. 0
    1 November 2024 10: 51
    This is unconstitutional. We have no right to give up our legal state territories, because this is not provided for by law, no matter what Putin comes up with.

    - You have no right... You have no right! This is lynching! I demand that I be tried according to our, Soviet, laws!
    - And did you buy it according to Soviet laws? Or maybe you stole it according to Soviet laws? Let's stop this useless discussion. Sister, turn up the TV. Let's begin.
  27. 0
    1 November 2024 11: 38
    The further into the forest (c), the more convinced I become:
    So that not even a spirit remains!
    Complete oblivion!
  28. 0
    1 November 2024 12: 49
    An unconstitutional clown started talking about constitutionality.....what a countryUkraineа laughing Khakhly, do you even understand a little bit who rules you? Or don't they blow under the pots?
  29. 0
    1 November 2024 14: 37
    Change the constitution stupid people!
  30. 0
    2 November 2024 21: 37
    In 1991, a coup d'etat was carried out, the Soviet Union was liquidated and dismembered. At that time, everything was legal and legitimate for Ukraine. According to the Constitution of the USSR, Ukraine was an administrative territory within the USSR. Ukraine is not a legal, legitimate state.