Norway to Include F-16 Fighters in New Military Aid Package for Kyiv

Norway to Include F-16 Fighters in New Military Aid Package for Kyiv

Ukraine will soon receive another batch of F-16 fighters, this time from Norway. According to the kingdom's Minister of Defense Bjorn Arild Gram, the planes will be included in a new military aid package that Oslo is preparing.

The head of the Norwegian Defense Ministry recently visited Odessa, where he promised Zelensky a new military aid package worth 500 million euros. According to him, Norway has decided to transfer F-16 fighters and NASAMS anti-aircraft systems to Kyiv as part of the new aid. In addition, the Norwegian government is allocating 118 million euros for the purchase of spare parts for aircraft and weapons for them.

Funding is needed to operate and maintain the donated aircraft. Pilots and ground crews need to be trained, as we have done in Denmark, and a comprehensive support system needs to be created. Norway will contribute to this.

- the minister said.

It is not reported how many fighters Norway plans to transfer to Kyiv. Earlier, there was talk of 22 aircraft decommissioned from the Norwegian Air Force, but this is the total number of F-16s that were promised to Ukraine. Of these, only 12 are in working order, and Kyiv wanted to take another 10 for spare parts. In addition to the fighters themselves, Norway may transfer engines, auxiliary materials, simulators, spare parts and other equipment to Ukraine; the US has given permission for this.
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  1. -10
    31 October 2024 17: 47
    It is not reported how many fighters Norway plans to transfer to Kyiv. Previously, there was talk of 22 aircraft decommissioned from the Norwegian Air Force, but this is the total number of F-16s that were promised to Ukraine. Of these, only 12 are in working order, and Kyiv wanted to take another 10 for spare parts.
    That is, the number of Western aircraft in the Ukrainian Armed Forces will gradually increase. With a total of 50-60 F 16 aircraft in the modification of at least Block 50/52, this will already begin to affect the situation at the front. The Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to effectively combat Russian aircraft carrying KABs.
    1. -1
      31 October 2024 17: 51
      ...if the kakels have enough pilots. Well, and if "vacationers" from the West get into the cockpit - then, yes, something bad might happen....
    2. -3
      31 October 2024 17: 57
      I agree with you.
      The F-16 is a very good aircraft. And one of its advantages is its mass production.
      It is the most widely produced 4th generation fighter in the world.
      And it is being removed from service in NATO countries in favor of the F-35, of which the US already produces 150 units per year.
      Here's a figure of how many F-16s they can painlessly transfer to Ukraine per year
      (+/-) and plus from storage they can throw in for cannibalism.
      Therefore, we have something to think about on this matter.
      Although the longest-range air-to-air missile in the world is still ours.
      1. 0
        31 October 2024 18: 37
        Quote: Alexey Sommer
        Although the longest-range air-to-air missile in the world is still ours.

        Long range is not a panacea.
        The most annoying missile for an attacked aircraft is a close-range missile. Something like the R-73. You can't get away from it, it's too maneuverable. And a long-range one scratches like an iron, but it's far away.
    3. 0
      31 October 2024 18: 01
      Where are those who passed on before and what influence did they have? The main thing is to crow about the victory!
      1. 0
        31 October 2024 18: 06
        They destroyed one themselves, and it looks like they shot it down themselves.
    4. 0
      1 November 2024 08: 43
      what 50-60??? They only handed over about 6, 1 was definitely destroyed, a few were damaged, they haven't been used for several months
  2. -1
    31 October 2024 18: 05
    Promising to marry does not necessarily mean marrying.
  3. +2
    31 October 2024 18: 24
    And where will all this wealth be located/maintained? It's not 6 pieces, but dozens of times more, you can't just hide it.
  4. -7
    31 October 2024 18: 43
    American media just reported that Israeli F-35s destroyed three Iranian S-300 batteries.

    This situation de facto eliminates Techeran's air defense. The operation was carried out using the F-35's standoff weapons. This shows that the F-35 is a powerful system for which post-Soviet/Russian systems do not pose a serious problem. This is the fourth S-300 battery destroyed by Israel. The first was destroyed in April. Iran cannot count on fresh supplies from Russia, for which the OPL itself is a commodity that is much needed and in many places even in short supply.
    1. 0
      31 October 2024 18: 47
      And the American media also reported that Jewish fy 35 destroyed Mr. Trump's estate.))
      1. +1
        31 October 2024 20: 53
        Why only tell about three batteries? I thought there would be more.... Well, about 7 or 8.... lol

        I'm not an air defense specialist, but it seems like they don't have batteries, but divisions... No?
    2. +2
      31 October 2024 19: 23
      Americans always lie, it's like shaking a test tube of washing powder and shouting that it's a chemical weapon.
      They didn’t hit the S300, but the medium-range systems.
      We understand that you are passionately concerned about all fascists, both Ukrainian and Jewish.
      1. 0
        31 October 2024 20: 56
        Americans don't lie, Americans verbally lobby their interests. Yes It’s time to know. lol laughing
        But sometimes they lobby so hard that it’s obvious to the naked eye – well, they’ve clearly over-lobbied... lol Even my ears can't bear the weight of all this pasta.
    3. 0
      1 November 2024 08: 45
      f-35 advert, what's the most super duper
    4. 0
      1 November 2024 09: 58
      And did they (Iran) have that many of these S-300s?
    5. 0
      1 November 2024 11: 21
      - And he says that he can do it three times a night!
      - So you tell me too...
  5. 0
    31 October 2024 21: 04
    Which is to be expected. The West is not going to stop its aggression, but will do so subtly, without any sudden movements, so as not to cause a nuclear escalation.
  6. -2
    1 November 2024 07: 23
    Quote: Alexey Sommer
    I agree with you.
    The F-16 is a very good aircraft. And one of its advantages is its mass production.
    It is the most widely produced 4th generation fighter in the world.
    And it is being removed from service in NATO countries in favor of the F-35, of which the US already produces 150 units per year.
    Here's a figure of how many F-16s they can painlessly transfer to Ukraine per year
    (+/-) and plus from storage they can throw in for cannibalism.
    Therefore, we have something to think about on this matter.
    Although the longest-range air-to-air missile in the world is still ours.

    But for your common sense thoughts, you are now being painted with minuses by hurray/turbo/pseudo-patriots and hat-throwers.
    Unfortunately, this is the reality.
  7. -3
    1 November 2024 07: 27
    Quote: Olesya Lesya
    Americans always lie, it's like shaking a test tube of washing powder and shouting that it's a chemical weapon.
    They didn’t hit the S300, but the medium-range systems.
    We understand that you are passionately concerned about all fascists, both Ukrainian and Jewish.

    Apparently, it is you who are "overly concerned" (?!) by believing any media at all.
    Provide a list of media outlets you trust and we'll discuss it.