NYT: The main reason for the successful advance of the Russian Armed Forces in recent months is the lack of fortifications of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

NYT: The main reason for the successful advance of the Russian Armed Forces in recent months is the lack of fortifications of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The Russian military continues to successfully fulfill the goals set before them by the command within the framework of the SVO, liberating the territories of new regions occupied by the Kyiv regime. At the same time, the offensive actions of the RF Armed Forces have recently become increasingly effective, which is noted by Western analysts as well.

Experts often attribute the current trend to a shortage of personnel and weapons in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Meanwhile, as The New York Times writes, one of the main factors that ensured the success of the Russian army was the weakly fortified line of defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, especially in open areas where Ukrainian units are unable to resist.

As an example, the article cites the city of Ugledar (DPR), the liberation of which opened the way to the north for the Russian Armed Forces. In a short period of time, the Russian military was able to advance 10 km, since the Ukrainian Armed Forces had weak defensive structures in this area.

The authors of the article quote Finnish military analyst Pasi Paroinen, who believes that the Russian army has already managed to overcome Ukrainian fortifications and minefields that held back its advance in 2023. Now, the attacks of the Russian Armed Forces are often aimed at weakened Ukrainian positions.

The article also cites Ukrainian soldiers as saying that the constant offensive actions of our military since last year have gradually exhausted the resources of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. As a result, Ukrainian troops, experiencing a shortage of personnel, are forced to defend too long sections of the front, which significantly reduces their combat capability in certain areas.

Finally, an important role was played by the adventurous operation of the Kyiv authorities in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, where the Ukrainian command subsequently transferred some of its experienced units from Donbass, which led to a further weakening of the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

As experts put it, the constant attacks of the Russian army today resemble continuous pressure on "pain points", which Ukrainian units simply do not have time to physically resist. As a result, any weak spot on the front line becomes an opportunity for the Russian Armed Forces to quickly advance.
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  1. -1
    31 October 2024 17: 06
    The main reason for the successful advancement of the Russian Armed Forces in recent months is the lack of fortifications in the Ukrainian Armed Forces

    And where did they go?
    1. 0
      31 October 2024 17: 12
      Alexey Sommer hi, well, probably in the same place where "the wall of Senya coolies in the forehead".
    2. +4
      31 October 2024 17: 21
      Quote: Alexey Sommer
      The main reason for the successful advancement of the Russian Armed Forces in recent months is the lack of fortifications in the Ukrainian Armed Forces

      And where did they go?
      Do the "experts" at the NYT know, for example, what "volatile explosive munitions" are?
      As practice shows, you can take anything, any fortification. It's not about them. Ukraine, and with it the entire West, are starting systemically fall. And then don’t dig anymore - it’s useless.

      And to the "experts" from NYT - they should at least sit for a month where the shooting is going on. They would understand much more than in their entire previous life, where their main "combat experience" was a Sunday game of Monopoly with their grandmother.
    3. 0
      1 November 2024 05: 26
      They weren't even there, everything was stolen.
  2. -13
    31 October 2024 17: 08
    Well, this is also a double-edged sword. Videos surface where, due to the incompetence of commanders, assault groups are knocked out by 80-90%. So such advances come at a high price.
    1. +9
      31 October 2024 17: 23
      These are your forelocked dreams!!! The TsIPSO hoax. The Ukrainian Armed Forces themselves write that the Russians are advancing almost without losses. And where did you find incompetent commanders??
      1. +3
        31 October 2024 18: 09
        They still have reserves. I wouldn't want to turn Pokrovsk into a new Bakhmut. It looks like Kiev has given up on Kurakhovo. The enemy understands that the city is doomed. Therefore, they decided to concentrate their forces on Pokrovsk. It is expected that the battles for it will begin in a couple of weeks. The day before, entry and exit for civilians were closed here. Civilians were not evacuated. Apparently, to use them as a human shield.

        Wagner veteran and author of the Condottiero channel notes:

        The enemy is taking away everything that concerns the administration and documents. That's it, it has begun. Pokrovsk is empty, almost all the shops and pharmacies are closed. About 12 thousand people remain in the city, including children.
        Intelligence reports that reserves are being pulled into Pokrovsk. The Ukrainian General Staff is transferring brigades here from the Kharkov region and the border region with Belarus. Troops are arriving from Pavlograd and Dnepropetrovsk. Some forces have also been transferred from Zaporozhye and Kherson.

        The Ukrainian channel "Woman with a Scythe" sees the situation this way:

        Zelensky is withdrawing maximum reserves from the rear and throwing them at the front line. Stavka's favorite tactic is to put out any fire with manpower. But this tactic is no longer working. Soldiers are fleeing en masse from their positions, and the Russians are increasing their onslaught. The General Staff has banned the evacuation of the fallen from the front line, so the number of "missing in action" has increased.

        While Ukraine is losing one city after another on the front line, fresh forces are being formed in the rear. The West is arming 14 new brigades. They are "vacuuming up" equipment from all over the world. Russian political scientist, director of the Institute of International Political and Economic Strategies Elena Panina wrote about this on her channel. Each new brigade will have 2000 bayonets. Germany, France and Australia are organizing arms deliveries for them.

        Panina concluded:

        The allies will continue to supply Ukraine with everything they can gather from around the world. An important detail: mechanized brigades with heavy equipment are being formed for the offensive. This means that unpleasant surprises await us.
      2. 0
        31 October 2024 18: 46
        Quote: Lemon
        The Ukrainian Armed Forces themselves write that the Russians are advancing almost without losses.

        In this matter I consider the late Prigozhin to be quite trustworthy, and according to him it turned out that Wagner exchanged about one of its own for three of the Ukrainians. But with a ratio of 1:3 during our offensive and the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the hundreds of thousands (now maybe already under a million) ours are also very sensitive
    2. 0
      31 October 2024 17: 49
      I think that this does not happen everywhere and not always. Otherwise, we would have stopped long ago. And the fact that here and there opponents catch each other is the norm. Especially since assault groups today are often the size of one or two squads. You can take out 5-8 people with a couple of successful shells. And it doesn't matter what kind of competence there is.
    3. +4
      31 October 2024 17: 52
      Western experts on the ratio of losses of the Russian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian Armed Forces:

      "Let's be honest: you can't believe that Russia has suffered more casualties than Ukraine. We've all seen what happens on the front lines. When it's too risky, the Russians don't even bother sending troops to clear out buildings occupied by Ukrainian soldiers. They just call in the Air Force and turn the whole place into fine dust. The Russians have significantly more air support than the Ukrainians. Use your brains, guys, it's not that hard."
      1. 0
        1 November 2024 09: 01
        Having air superiority, all warring countries have been doing so since September 1939.
        1. 0
          6 November 2024 18: 01
          The Russians don't even bother sending troops to clear out the buildings occupied by Ukrainian soldiers. They just call in the Air Force and turn the whole place into fine dust.
          Having air superiority, all warring countries have been doing so since September 1939.
          Exactly. You'd think the Americans would do it differently. That's exactly what they do. We now have the opportunity to do the same.
    4. 0
      1 November 2024 05: 28
      90% are knocked out and then who attacks again?
  3. +3
    31 October 2024 17: 19
    ...and soon there will be magnetic storms - it's scary to even imagine how this will affect the defenders....
    1. +2
      31 October 2024 17: 28
      Solar flares... bully ...........
      1. +1
        31 October 2024 17: 57
        They will say - because of this, a lot has flown by, give us money and weapons to fight... but the main thing is money, and more of it. Yes and better in cash. The money will burn too - the Muscovite Dagger will fly in - and that's it, the money will be burned.... Such a disaster....
      2. 0
        31 October 2024 21: 27
        Quote: Mouse
        Solar flares... bully ...........

        Do you think the pots won't be screened?
        1. +1
          1 November 2024 06: 05
          Just a tinfoil hat... classic! wassat
  4. +1
    31 October 2024 17: 41
    They might as well have written about the lack of ammunition...
  5. -2
    31 October 2024 17: 50
    These newbies are quietly hinting that Ze stole the money. And overall he was poorly prepared.
  6. +2
    31 October 2024 17: 55
    You mattress scum have gone wild! You had Yankees fortifications in Afghanistan and how did they help you? And how you ran, how you ran. A fairy tale, damn! sad
  7. 0
    31 October 2024 18: 33
    Yeah..they are just fucking GENIUSES!
    NYT: The main reason for the successful advance of the Russian Armed Forces in recent months is the lack of fortifications of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
  8. 0
    31 October 2024 18: 34
    A... aren't cities with a population of 100 fortifications... like Selidovo?
  9. -1
    31 October 2024 18: 41
    As a result, any weak spot on the front line becomes an opportunity for the Russian Armed Forces to quickly advance.

    The only problem is that our troops still can't move quickly. And we don't have much time left - the economic crisis is just around the corner.
    1. -1
      1 November 2024 05: 32
      What crisis? Nothing will happen.
      1. +2
        1 November 2024 06: 49
        In fact, it has already begun.
        1. 0
          1 November 2024 07: 57
          global crisis? maybe it has started, we little ones don't care, prices are rising even without a crisis
          1. +2
            1 November 2024 09: 20
            What does the world have to do with it? Our construction has begun to crumble, since the end of preferential mortgages is coming, the civil industry is sinking to the bottom, because the cost of loans has become completely exorbitant. Soon there will be a spiral of rising prices for a lot of goods in order to recoup bank interest rates
            1. 0
              1 November 2024 10: 02
              in our Krasnodar region they keep building and building and they can't stop, we're tired of these construction sites all around, do we have a lot of industry? all the goods are from China and the price there depends only on the exchange rate, if the goods become more expensive, they will simply stop buying them
              1. +1
                1 November 2024 11: 04
                While they are building, mortgages were roughly stopped a month ago, demand for apartments has now fallen sharply, which will affect both construction and all industries that provide it. Less metal for reinforced concrete, less cement, finishing materials, etc.
                Quote: Nastia Makarova
                do we have a lot of industry?

                Actually, yes. Not all goods are from China. But, by the way, it won't be very good from China either - resellers are sitting on loans no less than manufacturers
                1. 0
                  1 November 2024 11: 29
                  demand has fallen and the bastards are not lowering their prices, they are still empty, why do we need resellers? Let them get down to normal business
                  1. +1
                    1 November 2024 13: 40
                    Quote: Nastia Makarova
                    demand has fallen but the bastards are not lowering prices

                    Why should they reduce it? They don’t want to work at a loss.
                    Quote: Nastia Makarova
                    Why do we need resellers?

                    You just talked about China. And their products come to you through resellers
                    And to develop production, investments are needed, that is, again, investment loans.
                    1. 0
                      1 November 2024 13: 45
                      so we'll have to lower it if no one buys at all
                    2. 0
                      6 November 2024 18: 07
                      Why should they reduce it? They don’t want to work at a loss.
                      There is basically no "in ubtok" there. They don't want to work on just the profit margin. They are used to living on SUPER-profits.
                      1. 0
                        6 November 2024 18: 39
                        Quote: abrakadabre
                        They are used to living fat on SUPER-profits.

                        You see, the 90s are long gone. There have been no super profits there for a long time now.
  10. +2
    31 October 2024 19: 38
    Quote: dementor873
    Well, this is also a double-edged sword. Videos are surfacing where, due to incompetence,

    This is what is floating up from under you in the bathtub, you are our sent one.
  11. -1
    31 October 2024 20: 46
    "...the weakly fortified line of defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces..." - a lie! Exactly, exactly... everyone knows that in reality the weather and vegetation are to blame (the presence or absence is not important), even ask those same British spies - "British intelligence stated that bushes and weeds are to blame for the failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces counteroffensive."
    1. 0
      1 November 2024 09: 03
      And also field mice that eat the electrical wiring of armored vehicles, washing it down with diesel fuel.
      1. 0
        1 November 2024 12: 29
        Well, these are already saboteurs sent by the hand of the Kremlin... they are called khokhlopranorshchiki wink
  12. 0
    1 November 2024 11: 16
    The main reason for the successful advancement of the Russian Armed Forces in recent months is:
    1. transfer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Donetsk to the Kursk-Belgorod direction
    2. replacement of regular units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with territorial defense units
    3. NATO's failure to deliver promised weapons in full and within the agreed timeframes