US Media: American Drones Supplied to Kyiv Fall, Get Lost, or Fail to Take Off

US Media: American Drones Supplied to Kyiv Fall, Get Lost, or Fail to Take Off

The Ukrainian military has complaints about the UAVs coming from America. They are difficult to operate and function unreliably.

This was reported in an article published in The New York Times, citing sources from Ukraine.

They often malfunctioned, were difficult to operate and expensive, Ukrainian officials said.

- writes US author Heather Somerville.

She claims that the American weapons supplied to Kyiv Drones fall, get lost or don't take off at all. Most often, Russian systems have such a "detrimental" effect on them EW.

Under the influence of electronic warfare, most American drones, delivered to Ukraine, went off course, crashed or even had difficulty taking off

- US media reports.

But the author notes that there are exceptions. According to the journalist, it is one American startup. We are talking about the Shield Al company from California, whose drones allegedly manage to counteract the Russian army's electronic warfare systems. They are helped in this by artificial intelligence.

California startup Shield AI has scored a major victory in Ukraine over a battlefield littered with US drone debris.

- the article says.

Therefore, the Ukrainian military, according to journalists from the United States, who more often use locally produced drones, decided to order hundreds of units of the aforementioned manufacturer's products.

However, when our soldiers get their hands on such drones or their remains, they will certainly figure out whether these devices are as good as they are said to be.
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  1. 0
    31 October 2024 16: 18
    Everything is known by comparison...
    1. 0
      31 October 2024 18: 06
      The Ukrainian military has complaints about the UAVs coming from America. They are difficult to operate and function unreliably.

      And are the Skakly ever grateful and happy with anything...??? Whatever you give them, it's all over the edge... Everything goes down the wrong way... am
  2. +5
    31 October 2024 16: 20
    I wonder if the Ukrainian Armed Forces have any complaints about Chinese drones?!
    1. 0
      31 October 2024 16: 27
      Sooner or later, any device gets hacked.
    2. 0
      31 October 2024 16: 30
      The kakels have complaints. Everything that hits and reaches is not made by the "Rusnya" (c), but by the Iranians and Chinese. wassat
      The internet meme from the Kakes is well-known - like before launching we paint over the inscriptions in Farsi Shahed on Geranium in Russian. wassat
      1. 0
        31 October 2024 16: 32
        Nexcom hi, only in this case China not only helps us, and in general it (China) is for peace throughout the world, but money is more important wink
        1. 0
          31 October 2024 16: 34
          So the Turks generally maintain peace with the Bayraktars, but tomatoes and our tourists are more important. Murmur 55 hi
          1. 0
            31 October 2024 16: 38
            Nexcom, the Turkish Standard Bearers were quickly thrown out of the sky, they weren’t allowed to deploy, but the Chinese birds of all sorts seem to be working properly.
            1. +2
              31 October 2024 16: 41
              This is also not our merit - it was Iran and the Juchees who planted air defense missiles on us - come on, don't you read Western media or something? wassat Like in the West - everything is rotten here. And the Ukrainian Armed Forces are advancing on Kiev - they were forbidden to say the word retreat. When will the Ukrainian Armed Forces start advancing on Poland? laughing
  3. +1
    31 October 2024 16: 25
    American drones supplied to Kyiv are falling, getting lost, or not taking off at all.

    The training is no good...
    Most often, it is Russian electronic warfare systems that have such a “detrimental” effect on them.

    But they listen to us...
    They said sit! They will sit! bully
  4. +1
    31 October 2024 16: 25
    How Ukrainian to bite the hand of the giver! Abrams, F-16, Javelins are now drones and all are bad.)))
    1. +1
      31 October 2024 16: 37
      All that we have succeeded in is China, Iran, North Korea - our only failures. wassat It's time to get used to Western propaganda....

      Even our latest successes were attributed to the work of the Jucheites...
  5. +1
    31 October 2024 16: 28
    Here, another betrayal has arrived. In response to Washington's approval of the sale of attack drones to Taiwan, China imposed sanctions that hit several major drone manufacturers in the US, refusing to supply them with components.
    1. 0
      31 October 2024 16: 33
      Comrade Beria hi, it would be better for us if Beijing would cut off Ukraine’s “oxygen” in this regard with a guarantee.
      1. 0
        31 October 2024 16: 48
        China was screwed with Motor Sich. And the Chinese continue to "rinse banana peels in the river" (c)..... No, do they seriously think that they will get their money back? Well, as an option, they can return three bombed hangars and say - that's all, the Muscovites burned everything, demand money from them...
  6. +3
    31 October 2024 16: 29
    But the author notes that there are exceptions. According to the journalist, one American startup is one. We are talking about the Shield Al company from California, whose drones allegedly manage to counteract the Russian army's electronic warfare systems.

    Ugh, ugh, ugh... What a rude advertisement. Can American journalists really so shamelessly scribble custom-made articles? I would never have thought... belay
    1. 0
      31 October 2024 16: 52
      In the Americans, women can also change their minds in the morning after a consensual fuck and report rape - "postcoital non-consent" (c). Yeah. wassat
      This is not a joke. Where can honest rednecks go after this? Only to rear-wheel drive... lol Or fuck Millie's sheep on her ranch.
  7. -1
    31 October 2024 16: 31
    They often malfunctioned, were difficult to operate and expensive, Ukrainian officials said.

    The Americans don't have cheap and simple weapons, they most likely crammed hundreds of functions into this UAV, but they didn't tell the Ukrainians
  8. +1
    31 October 2024 16: 32
    When I was a kid, we made drones with rubber-band motors in our aviation club - they were very reliable. tongue
    1. +2
      31 October 2024 16: 44
      The elastic band called "Hungarian" was especially prized.
      1. +1
        31 October 2024 17: 05
        ..and if you also braid this elastic band in a clever way.... mmmm - how far it flew....
        1. 0
          31 October 2024 17: 26
          And not only did it fly, but it also walked on the lake
    2. 0
      31 October 2024 20: 46
      made drones with rubber motors

      Well, they do it now! By the way, among the "joking" UAV projects (more precisely, ammunition) there are some with a "rubber band"! wink
  9. 0
    31 October 2024 16: 37
    Anything of value that doesn't make it to the Ukrainian border is successfully sold by accomplices to bearded rebels, and at the front, excuse me son, this is what our friends and partners give us.
  10. +1
    31 October 2024 16: 43
    American drones supplied to Kyiv are falling

    Nuland's cookies didn't fly well either. However, that didn't stop a dozen new oligarchs from appearing in a country where even a drug-addicted clown can become an expired president.
  11. 0
    31 October 2024 17: 23
    When one model (supposedly good) is contrasted with the others (really bad), it is 99% marketing. Advertising of the client, that's all...
  12. 0
    31 October 2024 20: 50
    You can borrow a mortar and broom from Baba Yaga if she gives you one, but she'll most likely send you to hell...