Combating illegal migration and Islamization: the first step has been taken

Combating illegal migration and Islamization: the first step has been taken

On Tuesday, October 29, the State Duma adopted four laws aimed against illegal migration in the second and final third reading. The authors of the bills were State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin, head of the commission on migration policy, vice-speaker Irina Yarovaya, faction leaders and deputies.

The first law classifies the organization of illegal migration by an organized group of persons as a particularly serious crime. The second law classifies the commission of a crime by a person illegally residing in Russia as an aggravating circumstance. The third law introduces extrajudicial blocking of Internet resources containing offers to provide illegal services to migrants. The fourth law establishes a complete ban on intermediary organizations participating in the administration of migrants' examinations on knowledge of the Russian language, basics stories and Russian legislation.

The laws are certainly necessary, although clearly belated. At the same time, some Russian regions have begun to fight the creeping Islamization of Russia, which is still going neither here nor there.

The State Duma has taken up the fight against illegal migration in earnest

"Illegal migration is a source of completely different illegal acts. This is a dangerous, organized criminal activity, which in any state has the highest degree of danger <…> We will propose a whole range of additional measures to the government, we will continue our work,"

– said the head of the State Duma Commission on Migration Policy, Irina Yarovaya.

Such statements inspire some optimism that the State Duma seems to have taken up the fight against illegal migration seriously. Now the punishment for organizing illegal migration will be from 8 to 15 years of imprisonment (previously the maximum term was up to 7 years), a fine of 3 million to 5 million rubles, as well as deprivation of the right to hold certain positions.

The law also increases liability for forgery, production or circulation of forged documents, as well as for crimes related to fictitious registration. No less important were the amendments prohibiting private individuals from taking Russian language exams from migrants. According to Irina Yarovaya, a large-scale shadow market with billion-dollar turnover has developed in this area, the participants of which even filed a complaint with the FAS that their removal “violates competition.”

In addition, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin promised to also address legal migration once work on combating illegal migration is completed.

"As soon as we complete the work on illegal migration, we will formulate proposals in this area," Volodin promised. Irina Yarovaya, in turn, expressed the opinion that the government, after a comprehensive analysis, should "answer what workers are needed, in what quantity, quality, and under what conditions of stay."

How effective will these measures be? In the material «The State Duma's fight against illegal migration: will there be results?"The author has already noted that these measures are important and necessary, but they are insufficient, so these bills should be followed by several more.

Speaking in the State Duma during the adoption of a package of laws toughening penalties for crimes in the sphere of illegal migration, deputy Mikhail Matveyev, in particular, said, what other steps need to be taken:

"First: "clients" of illegal migration services should also bear responsibility in the form of cancellation of their documents, expulsion and entry ban. Second: it is necessary to expand the grounds for termination of citizenship for former migrants to include all serious crimes, including, of course, crimes in the field of migration. Third: it is necessary to retake exams on knowledge of the Russian language, history and legislation for those migrants who took them at commercial universities. If knowledge is not confirmed, documents will be cancelled and they will be expelled."

Nevertheless, the adoption of these laws is already a step forward.

Banning niqabs: the first step has been taken

In parallel with the tightening of the fight against illegal migration, some regions of Russia have begun to fight creeping Islamization. The authorities of the Vladimir region have made an important and necessary decision – the regional Ministry of Education has banned the wearing of niqabs and hijabs in schools. Officials of the Vladimir region referred to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which Russia is a secular state. The ban was introduced at the numerous requests of parents of children (judging by numerous comments on social networks, they assessed it positively).

This decision challenged the course of Islamization of Russia, which is supported by quite influential forces. Therefore, it is not surprising that it caused serious opposition from the Caucasian regions (Dagestan and Chechnya), as well as various Islamist organizations.

At first, this decision was condemned by the so-called "Coordination Center of Muslims of the North Caucasus", which saw it as an alleged violation of the law. Marina Akhmedova, a member of the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia, said on this matter: rightly noted, that in its message the center is not only being disingenuous, but also contradicting its own words.

"Firstly, the center considers the Vladimir act a destructive initiative aimed at inciting ethnic hatred. They say that the target is only Muslim clothing - hijabs and niqabs. Cunning. Where in schools is there a conspicuous presentation of the attributes of other religions? Buddhists in their clothes, Hasidim in hats, Orthodox - I don't even know in what, except for crosses under their clothes. The emphasis is on Islamic clothing because it is Islamic clothing that is present in schools as religious. In the Vladimir region, there are many children of migrants who came to school in hijabs. There were no Hasidim in hats. Then the representatives of the center say that the hijab is not a religious attribute, but the daily clothing of Muslim women. They are being disingenuous again. Everyday clothing is a headscarf. Traditional for native Russian Muslims. Muslim women in Russia have not worn either the hijab or the niqab, it is Arabic,"

She remarked.

Marina Akhmedova noted that it is not the decisions of the Vladimir region authorities that are sowing discord, but the statement of the “coordination council.”

"So the center's representatives contrast girls in hijabs with girls without them? Does that mean that girls in hijabs study better and do not engage in destructive activities? But if this contrast is made, then it is logical that girls with uncovered heads are involved in destructive activities. This is where the problem of such centers lies - they believe that their every line does not reveal an arrogant attitude towards girls of other religions. But it does."

Moreover, it was not limited to condemnations alone – deputies from Chechnya began to put pressure on the authorities of the Vladimir region to cancel this decision.

“If anyone in the Vladimir region does not understand these simple truths, then we will clearly explain what religious traditions are and why they cannot be unceremoniously banned!”

- said, in particular, Adam Delimkhanov.

A logical question arises: what right do the authorities of one region have to interfere with laws that are being adopted in another region? Who gave these deputies this right? And what violation of the Constitution are we talking about if Russia is a secular state? Some deputies should remember the beating of a prisoner in a pretrial detention center on camera in one well-known republic, which did not comply with any laws, before interfering in the affairs of other regions.

The authorities of the Vladimir region can only be wished fortitude, and the authorities of other regions, where Russians make up 96-98%, should follow the example of their colleagues from Vladimir - then it will become more difficult for the defenders of the Islamization of Russia to achieve their goals.
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  1. +49
    31 October 2024 03: 53
    These guys have completely lost their bearings.
    State Duma deputy from the Chechen Republic Adam Delimkhanov announced his intention to achieve the lifting of the ban on wearing hijabs and niqabs in schools in the Vladimir region. The legislator said that he held a meeting with State Duma deputy from the Vladimir region Igor Igoshin. One of the key topics of discussion was the ban on wearing religious clothing in local educational institutions introduced by the regional authorities.
    “The outcome of the meeting was a decision to work together to achieve the cancellation of the provocative order,” Delimkhanov emphasized.
    Religious values ​​are respected at the highest level in the country. For this reason, the parliamentarian considered the "unceremonious ban" of traditions inherent to a particular faith to be unacceptable. Earlier, the Mufti of the Chechen Republic Salah Mezhiyev condemned the introduction of a ban on wearing hijabs in schools in the Vladimir region.
    Hold on, Vladimir, we are with you!
    1. +27
      31 October 2024 04: 22
      Quote: seefahrer
      The legislator said that he held a meeting with Igor Igoshin, a deputy of the State Duma of Russia from the Vladimir region.

      One has already been explained. And not just a simple citizen, but an untouchable deputy. The deputy turned out to be a timid one.
      1. +24
        31 October 2024 09: 02
        Quote: Stas157
        Quote: seefahrer
        The legislator said that he held a meeting with Igor Igoshin, a deputy of the State Duma of Russia from the Vladimir region.

        One has already been explained. And not just a simple citizen, but an untouchable deputy. The deputy turned out to be a timid one.

        "Khamzaev called. He threatened," Evgeny Popov noted in his Telegram channel after the "60 Minutes" program, where the same issue was discussed.
        1. +19
          31 October 2024 17: 21
          At first, this decision was condemned by the so-called “Coordination Center of Muslims of the North Caucasus”, which saw it as an alleged violation of the law.

          I don’t understand what religious values ​​have to do with it?

          How can one apply medieval Islamic norms (13th century) to modern life?
          Some, supposedly VERY religious, do not wear underwear, because in the time of the Prophet they did not exist, and the Prophet did not wear them. But everyone sits with their noses buried in smartphones, uses public transport, central heating, water supply and electricity. They drive cars.

          All these benefits of civilization, which definitely did NOT exist in the time of the Prophet... do not prevent the faithful from using them? Balagh, to which, for a moment, the Islamic world has a very indirect relation, that is, if not for Western civilization, they would still ride camels. For example, we can recall that the Arabs learned how to cross the desert on their camels from a British officer. They themselves did not figure it out, by the way. For centuries they did the same thing, but they never bothered to think more broadly. Are these "traditions" offered to us all as a basis? Traditions instead of progress? Do we need this? No, if we are talking about the ancestral lands of peoples who traditionally profess Islam, then this is indeed their business, but the Vladimir region CLEARLY does not belong to them.

          Therefore, I have a question, on what basis do supporters of strict Islamic traditions demand their observance where they never existed. And how are they going to observe them in schools, where, according to Islamic tradition, girls are NOT allowed at all. If Islamic tradition is so important to parents of girls, then let them teach them at home and the issue with hijabs and ESPECIALLY niqabs in schools will be resolved by itself.

          Let's call on especially jealous Muslims NOT to send their daughters to school. Let them sit at home in niqabs and FULLY observe the tradition, in which a woman must be dense and uneducated, so as not to confuse self-confident bearded men with her intelligence...
          1. +5
            31 October 2024 17: 56
            Quote: alex-defensor

            Great! I support every word!
          2. +4
            31 October 2024 21: 24
            Quote: alex-defensor
            Let's call on especially jealous Muslims NOT to send their daughters to school. Let them sit at home in niqabs and FULLY observe the tradition, in which a woman must be dense and uneducated, so as not to confuse self-confident bearded men with her intelligence...

            In the USSR they fought for free women in Asia and the Caucasus without a burqa. They taught them to read, write, etc. And now they are dressing them in hijabs again and wrapping them in rags... from head to toe... Progress, however... You can't follow the lead of radical religious movements.
            1. +3
              31 October 2024 22: 16
              Quote: 30 vis
              During the USSR, they fought for free women in Asia and the Caucasus without a burqa.

              I don't want to upset you, but the USSR is no more and has been for quite some time. And the global vampire elite has already molded a Frankenstein monster out of radical Islam.
              Quote: 30 vis
              And now they are dressing us in hijabs again and wrapping us in rags... from head to toe

              Now we need to be realistic and act based on the current situation.
              Quote: 30 vis
              We must not follow the lead of radical religious movements.

              Tell this to our authorities, so far the trends are not encouraging and the morals of QUASI-medieval Islam are not only raging in traditionally Islamic regions... we are actually discussing here the attack of Islamic moralists on completely NON-Islamic regions... they like, you know, to declare the laws of the Koran, pointing a finger at the sky. And since our current elite has nothing to offer the people except incomprehensible traditional values, it turns out that there is nothing to present to the fanatics. Better think about this for now... The USSR had many shortcomings, but it really offered a different path, a different model. And what DIFFERENT path, different from the West, does Russia offer now? So only "traditional values" remain...
            2. +2
              3 November 2024 18: 04
              Orthodox obscurantism, to be fair, also has a place to exist. And it also tries to creep into comprehensive schools in the form of lessons taught by deacons, for example. It is useful to study the history of religions in schools, but to impose religious dogmas? To stuff children with stories from the Bible about half-wild nomads and bloodthirsty Jewish kings and their customs in the past? About mental deviations passed off as revelations, insights and the "voice of God"? No, only secular education, only science. Everything else is a step back and simply a way to create biomass on which one can parasitize and which is convenient to control. As the USSR fell, so the "obscurantist thistle" blossomed in full bloom.
          3. +1
            2 November 2024 08: 31
            I don’t understand what religious values ​​have to do with it?

            And I don’t understand other people’s religious values.
            How can a graduate of an Islamic center from Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Turkey preach on the territory of the Russian Federation?
            In our country there is a world-recognized center of Islamic education in Kazan. Why do we allow propaganda of customs and values ​​that are alien to the native inhabitants of the country, because even niqabs and hijabs have never been worn on the territory of the Russian Federation, it all came from outside.
            Wahhabism, by the way, was never preached by a prophet, this movement came artificially from England in the 19th century. I am especially touched by the fact that we are called infidels, but Mohammed was the fifth prophet, and the fourth prophet was Isa. Anyone who has ever been interested in Islam knows that this was the name of Jesus Christ in those days. If the new supporters of Wahhabism knew this, they would never believe it, because none of them have read it, and the preachers bring their version of the Koran to them.
            Well, this is just for reference. But none of the preachers from Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Turkey tell such things. They preach only the Wahhabi version of Islam.

            Why did I write all this?
            Until the state fights at the state level against such preachers from the above-mentioned countries, who are alien to our country and until recently were absent from the territory of Russia, nothing will be changed.
            1. +1
              2 November 2024 18: 55
              Quote: user
              How can a graduate of an Islamic center from Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Turkey preach on the territory of the Russian Federation?
              In our country there is a world-recognized center of Islamic education in Kazan. Why do we allow propaganda of customs and values ​​that are alien to the native inhabitants of the country, because even niqabs and hijabs have never been worn on the territory of the Russian Federation, it all came from outside.

              This right to preach generally follows from the nature of Abrahamic religions. So Christian preachers traveled around the world.
              But this is not a decree for a state that must be SOVEREIGN!
              So we shouldn't let anyone in, including Christian preachers from the West. We don't need them.

              And Niqabs and Hijabs are generally a topic of the Arab world, so where Islam exists, and the Arab world does not, these attributes of clothing are not needed. Russian Muslim women can go without a head covering at all. This has nothing to do with religion and is essentially a cultural intervention. THIS is what we should really oppose.

              Quote: user
              Wahhabism, by the way, was never preached by the prophet; this movement came artificially from England in the 19th century.

              All the nasty things from Britain

              Quote: user
              I am especially touched by the fact that we are called infidels, but Mohammed was the fifth prophet, and the fourth prophet was Isa. Anyone who has ever been interested in Islam knows that this was the name of Jesus Christ in those days.

              We know this, as well as the fact that the Koran also acknowledges that Isa was born of the Holy Spirit. But we read and are generally educated. And the intervention in our territory is not led by enlightened Islam, but by archaic (dense), in which, according to ancient tradition, the flock itself knows nothing, but only listens to the imam. Many simply do not know what is written in the Koran... that's all.

              Quote: user
              Until the state fights at the state level against such preachers from the above-mentioned countries, who are alien to our country and until recently were absent from the territory of Russia, nothing will be changed.

    2. +27
      31 October 2024 09: 25
      Quote: seefahrer
      Hold on, Vladimir, we are with you!

      We are with him.
      But Vladimir really needs help from the central authorities. For at least someone to say something in their defense. Otherwise, they will be eaten up. And "eaten up" is not figurative.

      Silence for now. Apparently, they think it's easier to sacrifice some Vladimir than to lose these guys.
      1. +27
        31 October 2024 09: 31
        Yes, then there will be a test - who is our "leader" with - with the Russians, or with these. If he forces this law to be cancelled, then he is with these.
        1. +1
          31 October 2024 10: 29
          No matter how much we Russians would like this, it is impossible for completely objective reasons.
          The President is the President of all. And these too. They voted for him too. He is by definition "above the fray".

          In my opinion, the State Duma and the Federation Council should express their opinion on this.
          There, representatives of specific regions, specific voters MUST express their position. And the President, guided by the principles of democratic centralism (that is, subordination of the minority to the majority), must already make certain decisions.
          1. +19
            31 October 2024 10: 33
            But the reality is that only one person took sole, monarchical power for himself, subjugated the entire people, both the “upper classes” and the “lower classes”, intimidated one part of the people, and zombified the other with propaganda.
            And on this site many people repeat propaganda techniques.
            1. +10
              31 October 2024 10: 37
              The procedure must be followed.
              No one is stopping Himself from picking up the phone, calling the Speaker of the State Duma and suggesting that such and such a topic be discussed at the meeting, because “the issue has come to a head.”
              Well, and he, rubbing his hands with joy... finally they called... now we're like... oh, we're like...!
            2. +1
              31 October 2024 15: 34
              Quote: tatra
              the man took it for himself sole , monarchical power, subjugated to himself whole the people, both the "upper classes" and the "lower classes", one part of the people intimidated ,another zombified propaganda.

              Even Stalin is not credited with this lol lol lol I swear to God...
              Such rates TATRA you will go from: "Never has America lived so badly - as under Putin!" © alas, not mine, to "The cat abandoned her kittens..."
              For God's sake, stop it. lol lol lol
        2. +3
          31 October 2024 18: 09
          The President has already spoken out on this topic a long time ago. Dig into the history of his statements. Moreover, he spoke out (as did the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) in defense of the Secular State.
          1. +1
            31 October 2024 18: 38
            The President of the Russian Federation says a lot, but it all goes down the drain. How he sang about the pension reform! Huh? But in the end he turned out to be the master of his word. He gave it if he wanted, and took it back if he wanted. And what about the several May decrees? How he sang, how he sang! But the result is zero. Now he is silent about them. People just can't understand that the guarantor doesn't give a damn about them. He cares only about the welfare of the people, if we only consider his closest circle to be part of this people. Then - yes, he keeps his word.
            1. 0
              4 November 2024 13: 07
              Only stupid fanatics do not change with time, and big people must do things, and not keep an oath of allegiance, and it is not even clear to whom.
    3. +24
      31 October 2024 10: 23
      Quote: seefahrer
      State Duma deputy from the Chechen Republic Adam Delimkhanov announced his intention to achieve the lifting of the ban on wearing hijabs and niqabs in schools in the Vladimir region.

      Russia is generally a secular state. With all due respect to faith, religious clothing is worn in religious educational institutions.
      1. +4
        31 October 2024 17: 16
        Quote: APASUS
        Quote: seefahrer
        State Duma deputy from the Chechen Republic Adam Delimkhanov announced his intention to achieve the lifting of the ban on wearing hijabs and niqabs in schools in the Vladimir region.

        Russia is generally a secular state. With all due respect to faith, religious clothing is worn in religious educational institutions.

        It would be interesting, against the backdrop of such performances, to organize weekend tourist trips to the Caucasian republics in frivolous clothes (in warm seasons)!
        1. 0
          1 November 2024 08: 32
          Quote: Starover_Z
          It would be interesting to organize weekend tourist trips to the Caucasian republics in frivolous clothes (in warm seasons) against the backdrop of such performances.

          They will quickly put you in your place, 200% guarantee
    4. +3
      31 October 2024 11: 59
      Are you talking about the city now?!

      The text of your comment is too short and in the opinion of the site administration does not carry useful information.
    5. +10
      31 October 2024 12: 12
      Moreover, in Chechnya, the "niqab" is prohibited (as is the case in many other places).
      until they repeal the article on the protection of "religions" and stop introducing lessons, etc. about religion in schools (educational institutions), there will be no peace.
    6. +5
      31 October 2024 15: 54
      And it would also be nice: Wait, Adam Delimkhanov, we are coming to you!
    7. +5
      31 October 2024 17: 23
      "Moscow. October 30. INTERFAX.RU - More than 740 thousand foreign citizens were in the Russian Federation illegally as of October 1, said Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev."
      And their number is constantly increasing. That is, in essence, a whole army of criminals. And who should we thank for this? And who can think that all this was done for nothing?
    8. +1
      6 November 2024 20: 04
      Another strange thing is that our confessions are separated from secular society by law, but confessions, especially Muslim ones, are pushing their charter into a secular "monastery". Moreover, it is not clear what Muslims are doing in a traditionally Orthodox region of Russia, maybe they should return to their mosque in their homeland?
  2. +64
    31 October 2024 03: 55
    All these [censored] diasporas should be equated with organized crime groups and extremist organizations!
    1. +38
      31 October 2024 05: 10
      Quote: seefahrer
      All these [censored] diasporas should be equated with organized crime groups
      And this is an organized crime group
    2. +44
      31 October 2024 07: 57
      Diasporas - ban!

      Delimkhanov should be dismissed for incompetence in his position.

      Another very good medicine is to cut budget subsidies to Chechnya.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +18
        31 October 2024 09: 12
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        Diasporas - ban!

        Delimkhanov should be dismissed for incompetence in his position.

        Another very good medicine is to cut budget subsidies to Chechnya.

        What is the connection between diasporas and Delimkhanov? Don't confuse diasporas and ethnic... groups. Understand the issue, and then wave your saber.
        Delimkhanov should be dismissed for incompetence in his position.
        I agree with this. And Khamzaeva is there too.
        In general, some kind of incomprehensible movement has begun in the Caucasus. Ethnic and religious issues have begun to be raised too often. This is not good. Some kind of nasty wind has begun to blow from those parts.
        1. +16
          31 October 2024 10: 58
          Quote: BecmepH
          In general, some kind of incomprehensible movement has begun in the Caucasus. Ethnic and religious issues have begun to be raised too often. This is not good. Some kind of nasty wind has begun to blow from those parts.

          It hasn't even started yet, but it's been going on for a long time. There are strong extremist and Russophobic sentiments there, and we built them a special forces university with our own money. Although they didn't deserve anything except agricultural universities for the two Chechen wars.
          The formed battalions were given the names of the separatist Baysangur Benoevsky and the Turkish agent Sheikh Mansur.
        2. +13
          31 October 2024 12: 04
          It seems to me that the main thing in resolving this incomprehensible movement will be Putin's position and a conversation with his loyal foot soldier. Especially since at the moment the latter is aware of the changes that have occurred in Russian society, in moments that have become and will become part of the ideological core of the state, as well as in the increased ability of the RF Armed Forces to decisively resolve challenges and unpleasant situations that may arise for our Russia and its citizens.

          And in general, it is high time for the leadership of our country to pay attention to the "amateur art", which is slowly spreading to the outskirts of the state. It is time to support the laws of the state with fair and tough actions and explain that they are MANDATORY FOR EVERYONE!
          1. +5
            31 October 2024 12: 19
            Quote: Sebastian Aristarkhovich Pereira
            And in general, it is high time for the leadership of our country to pay attention to the "amateur art" that is slowly spreading to the outskirts of the state. It is time to support the laws of the state with fair and tough actions and explain that they are MANDATORY FOR EVERYONE!

            That's right!
        3. +2
          31 October 2024 21: 31
          Quote: BecmepH
          In general, some kind of incomprehensible movement has begun in the Caucasus. Ethnic and religious issues have begun to be raised too often. This is not good. Some kind of nasty wind has begun to blow from those parts.

          They have nothing better to do, so they're going crazy with fat... They've climbed to the top to power and budget money, they've imagined themselves to be khans and prophets. It wouldn't be bad to throw them a project to build a tunnel under Elbrus... -Kazbek. Let them chop granite with picks... Creative hard physical labor helps a person get rid of bad thoughts and habits. Especially for the good of the country.
          1. 0
            1 November 2024 22: 31
            Quote: 30 vis
            It wouldn't be bad to give them a project to build a tunnel under Elbrus... -Kazbek. Let them chop granite with pickaxes.

            Yeah, I think they just ran off to chop up the tunnel with pickaxes! They have a lot of their own
            what did you set up?!
            1. 0
              2 November 2024 08: 51
              Quote: Starover_Z
              Quote: 30 vis
              It wouldn't be bad to give them a project to build a tunnel under Elbrus... -Kazbek. Let them chop granite with pickaxes.

              Yeah, I think they just ran off to chop up the tunnel with pickaxes! They have a lot of their own
              what did you set up?!

              I agree. They are real hard workers. Eating shashlik and clicking their tongues at women passing by. You know, horsemen. But who works there? The poor!
      3. +9
        31 October 2024 13: 40
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        Another very good medicine is to cut budget subsidies to Chechnya.

        This way they will start fighting in the other direction.
      4. +11
        31 October 2024 13: 44
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        Delimkhanov should be dismissed for incompetence in his position.

        It was a different matter when he was Raduev’s personal driver.
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        Another very good medicine is to cut budget subsidies to Chechnya.

        Who would explain to me: why is there literally a "representative of the head of the Chechen Republic" in every region of the Russian Federation? None of the governors or heads of other regions have such "representatives". What do they "represent" there? Are they perhaps the interests of the Chechens, bypassing state laws? The authorities are flirting with them beyond measure...
        1. +1
          3 November 2024 23: 54
          Our "representative" turned out to be a drug addict.
          A much greater danger is the legalized Azerbaijani organized ethnic criminal diaspora and thieves in law, the most numerous and influential, based from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Which has pushed aside all other ethnic organized crime groups, including the Chechen one. What are they doing in our country and why do they occupy such a position, is the question.
          1. 0
            6 November 2024 13: 16
            That's true, there is such a problem too. What can we say, if Peter has turned (figuratively speaking) into "Baku-on-Neva", with Beglov's connivance.
      5. +1
        31 October 2024 14: 11
        Diasporas are a sociological concept, they really exist in most countries. For example, there are Russian and Armenian diasporas in the USA. There should be no organizations of these diasporas trying to influence politics.
      6. +5
        31 October 2024 18: 42
        When Kadyrov was asked where the money came from, he groaned as usual and said: "Allah gives!" He gives quite a bit from our pockets!
  3. +42
    31 October 2024 04: 08
    “If someone in the Vladimir region does not understand these simple truths, then we will explain it clearly, What are religious traditions and why they cannot be unceremoniously banned!

    - said, in particular, Adam Delimkhanov

    What is this? A threat of physical violence?

    They are not embarrassed about anything. And they will really explain. Because for "explanations" they will not get anything, as nothing has happened before.
    1. +31
      31 October 2024 06: 20
      What could happen to them, they are Putin's foot soldiers
      1. +27
        31 October 2024 08: 00
        Gather these "infantrymen" and send them to storm Kyiv.
      2. +19
        31 October 2024 08: 25
        Putin's TikTokers.
        Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
    2. +18
      31 October 2024 06: 26
      Quote: Stas157
      What is this? A threat of physical violence?

      Your question comments on the article beautifully.
      "They passed laws" laughing laughing laughing
      And what, those who already exist - do they apply it to migrants? Or do they pretend to?
      In general, the media space assures us of the struggle for the rights of the Russian people.
      And in real space, they explain real rights and what to hope for.
      1. +21
        31 October 2024 08: 21
        It's surprising that the authorities of the Vladimir region are trying to honor the Constitution, but the highest authorities are not. There is political will in the Vladimir region, but the highest authorities do not. How is that? laughing
      2. +2
        31 October 2024 18: 44
        Nobody will do anything, because it is this contingent that is planned to be used for the final cleansing of the country's indigenous population.
    3. +17
      31 October 2024 09: 19
      Quote: Stas157
      They are not embarrassed about anything. And they will actually explain.

      Do you think that only Chechens and Dages are so warlike? I don't think they would dare in these difficult times. They are only good at barking and "you come alone, we will come alone too."
      1. The comment was deleted.
    4. 0
      3 November 2024 23: 59
      Once again they confuse their wool with the state...
  4. +35
    31 October 2024 04: 27
    Not that it is belated, but very belated, this should have been done 10-15 years ago. Well, one region has made a ban, others are silent, and only Vladimir region can push through. The most offensive thing is that there is not a single law that would reduce this crazy flow of migration, or a law that would make it unprofitable. And so half measures, here it is already generally clear to everyone that they will not accept our culture, but will create their own in opposition to ours. More precisely, they have already created it, so it needs to be removed, and whoever does not agree to be deprived of citizenship for life, to ban entry, including relatives, and a suitcase, a train station, to the homeland ...
    1. +38
      31 October 2024 05: 04
      All these Khusnulins lack workers - labor migration without obtaining citizenship. Shift work. No families. That's it. This has already been tested in the Persian Gulf countries. Why do we have to [censor] this matter? "The question is, of course, interesting." © The damned imperialists call it "lobbying." In the wild Asias they still shoot for this kind of thing...
      1. +1
        4 November 2024 00: 12
        There is only one explanation - there are many who are warming their hairy little hands on this. In general, there are many questions about the competence of the stubborn guarantor, about the domestic policy he is pursuing, the economy, education including military, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces, housing and communal services, the judicial system, the Central Bank policy, the activities of the Academy of Sciences, the Institute of the USA and Canada, the pension system, migration and national policy and the selection and appointment of personnel. The only thing that saves him is the appointment of Mishustin and Belousov, but apparently he was forced to do so.
    2. +25
      31 October 2024 08: 02
      No measures are too late if they are made retrospective. With a depth of 15-20 years. Review all issued citizenships for this period.

      And to start with, check your knowledge of Russian. Let them write a dictation.
      1. +4
        31 October 2024 12: 27
        and they will write 99% for 5)))) they will just give money as always
  5. +20
    31 October 2024 04: 29
    How effective will these measures be?

    This issue has already been commented on by a deputy from the Chechen Republic.
  6. +33
    31 October 2024 05: 08
    A logical question arises: what right do the authorities of one region have to interfere with laws that are adopted in another region?

    Anything can happen here. One guy insulted the religious feelings of believers in Volgograd, so he was tried in Grozny. Everything for his own, the law for the rest.
    1. +16
      31 October 2024 10: 12
      One guy insulted the religious feelings of believers in Volgograd, so he was tried in Grozny. Everything for his own, the law for the rest.

      Let me remind you that “one person” is student Nikita Zhuravel.
      I have a long and evil memory.
      1. -3
        31 October 2024 15: 55
        Did he bite you or something?"""
        1. +8
          31 October 2024 18: 19
          He bit you...?

          Nikita, who was in handcuffs, was beaten by Adam Kadyrov. The federal government ignored the fact. Despite powerful public protests against Nikita's transfer from Volgograd to Chechnya and his subsequent beating, the Russian guy was left alone with the local "Islamic justice".
          By the way, I didn’t expect any sarcasm from you.
          1. 0
            31 October 2024 18: 23
            You wrote that and I thought that you had a bitter memory of Zhuravel. That's why I asked him what bad thing he did to you. And our federal government ignores a lot of things and I feel like it's all heading towards a third Chechen war.
  7. +35
    31 October 2024 05: 54
    The new measures will only affect the formal side of migration – illegal migration. The substantive side – migration as an aggressive expansion replacing our people – these measures will not systematically affect and will be “late” for a long time.
  8. +35
    31 October 2024 06: 08
    "Mines" laid under our State, which pose a threat to the existence of our State itself:
    1 national question - some nationalities are allowed more than others, there are territories in our Country where Secular laws simply do not work;
    2 national diasporas, or, more simply, national organized crime groups, which are already the “second power” in the Country, but for their own people they are already the “first”;
    3 the number of migrants in the Country, which is already more than 10% and this does not include those who were “given” Russian passports;
    4 corruption
    All of NATO taken together does not bear even a tenth of such a threat. It is precisely the West (the US and Britain) that is betting on these "mines".
    The laws that the Duma is trying to pass now are half measures that are 30 years too late. I can't even imagine what forces and means could be used to correct the situation in the State.
    1. +21
      31 October 2024 07: 08
      Quote: Vladimir M
      I can’t even imagine what forces and means could be used to correct the situation in the State.

      Apparently, to begin with, there must be political will and the rule of law for everyone...
      1. +10
        31 October 2024 07: 16
        I agree, there is no "political will". But even if there is "political will", what means and forces will have to be used to solve these issues? And what will this ultimately result in? Sooner or later these "mines" will explode.
        1. +10
          31 October 2024 07: 24
          Quote: Vladimir M
          Sooner or later these "mines" will explode

          If this continues, this is the beginning of the end...
          Quote: Vladimir M
          What means and forces will need to be applied to resolve these issues?

          Not small, but it is not unrealistic. If important issues are not resolved in time, they will sooner or later turn into a problem, and then into a catastrophe...
          1. +7
            31 October 2024 07: 31
            We have reached a stalemate. It is no longer possible to leave and ignore the situation in the country. But it is also dangerous to bring order to the country abruptly in these conditions. Both options pose a threat to the existence of our State. Which option is less dangerous is another question.
            1. +5
              31 October 2024 09: 31
              Quote: Vladimir M
              We have reached a stalemate. It is no longer possible to leave and ignore the situation in the country. But it is also dangerous to bring order to the country abruptly in these conditions. Both options pose a threat to the existence of our State. Which option is less dangerous is another question.

              "Boss, all is lost! The client is leaving!.. They're removing the cast!.. I'll kill him!.. Ours... Yours... He's dead!"
              Maybe it's time to stop hyping up and panicking? All of this is solvable. Only, as noted
              (Alexander) There must be political will and the rule of law for everyone...

              I agree, I want this to happen here and now, but unfortunately, our officials are slowly getting going. While officials are getting going, the people themselves decide these issues. And you should join the people, and don't panic.
              1. +14
                31 October 2024 09: 49
                The problem is that when "the people decide for themselves" - this is the path to a "Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless."
                At 9.42 I wrote about the problems with the "Russian Revolt".
                p.s. I want to live myself and for my children and grandchildren to live in a Secular State and according to Secular laws without upheavals.
                1. +5
                  31 October 2024 11: 53
                  Quote: Vladimir M
                  The problem is that when "the people decide for themselves" - this is the path to a "Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless."

                  But there is the "Russian Community" which resolves issues without senseless and merciless riots.
                  We want to live without shocks, but for someone else to take on these very shocks.
                  I want to live myself and for my children and grandchildren to live in a Secular State and according to Secular laws...
                  So start building it, and people will follow you. Organize it yourself, and don't panic.
                  1. +11
                    31 October 2024 12: 02
                    The question will arise, "Russian Community" will be quickly closed. "Russian Community" with all its merits, simply will not cope against the national organized crime groups, especially when the whole "state machine" is on the side of these organized crime groups. Generally, in the Legal Secular State these issues should be dealt with by the State itself.
                    The problem is that it can't go on like this, but a Russian revolt is not a solution. It's not clear what's worse, it may turn out that "a terrible end is better than endless horror."
                    1. -1
                      31 October 2024 12: 16
                      Quote: Vladimir M
                      The question will arise, "Russian Community" will be quickly closed. "Russian Community" with all its merits, simply will not cope against the national organized crime groups, especially when the whole "state machine" is on the side of these organized crime groups. Generally, in the Legal Secular State these issues should be dealt with by the State itself.
                      The problem is that it can't go on like this, but a Russian revolt is not a solution. It's not clear what's worse, it may turn out that "a terrible end is better than endless horror."

                      It must be hard to live as a pessimist. I sincerely feel sorry for you.
                      1. +3
                        31 October 2024 12: 42
                        I believe that in the end, Russia will be "pulled out by the ears" by the "Higher Powers" (there is simply no one else), as has happened more than once in our history. But the peoples of Russia will have to go through trials once again. Although all this could have been avoided, it seems that this is our "national tradition".
                      2. +6
                        31 October 2024 13: 35
                        Quote: Vladimir M
                        I believe that in the end, Russia will be "pulled out by the ears" by the "Higher Powers" (there is simply no one else), as has happened more than once in our history. But the peoples of Russia will have to go through trials once again. Although all this could have been avoided, it seems that this is our "national tradition".

                        There are no "higher powers". There are the people and there are people from the people. Together, they have been saving Russia since ancient times!
                  2. +3
                    31 October 2024 14: 43
                    so that someone else would take on these very shocks.

                    This is why the state and government bodies exist, to take, prevent, and regulate disagreements, the country’s problems...
                    1. +2
                      31 October 2024 17: 51
                      Quote: Ilnur
                      so that someone else would take on these very shocks.

                      This is why the state and government bodies exist, to take, prevent, and regulate disagreements, the country’s problems...

                      I wrote
                      and there are people from the people.
                      Here they are, people from the people and they are the State. In Rus', always, in difficult times, there were those who saved the Motherland!
                      And those who whine and blame the state for everything do not bring any benefit to the Motherland. The "patriot" sits on the couch and blames everyone and everything. And what did you do for the victory? Or are you only a master at criticizing?
                      The question is not addressed to you personally.
                      1. +2
                        31 October 2024 19: 23
                        The "patriot" sits on the couch and blames everyone and everything.

                        Not everyone and everything, but the actions of those in power, who should solve state problems, and migration from the villages is a problem. I can only express my opinion on the issue under discussion while lying on the couch, I am an ordinary citizen, not vested with powers of authority...
                      2. +1
                        1 November 2024 06: 55
                        Quote: Ilnur
                        Not everyone and everything, but the actions of those in power, who should solve state problems,

                        The whole problem is that we choose these very people ourselves
                        those in power
                        We'll choose, and then we'll shout "boss, everything's lost..."
                        To be honest, I don’t know how to make those in power work for the people.
                        I consider myself honest, but if I get into the ranks of those in power (purely hypothetically), I might become the same. The system will break, the system will force...
                        And again the eternal question arises: "What to do?"
                      3. +1
                        1 November 2024 09: 06
                        the eternal question arises: "What to do?"

                        Without Stalin, without a harsh punishing sword that would force officials to work, that would severely punish for failure to fulfill assigned tasks, that would punish for theft and corruption, it would be impossible...
                        But where to get it? How to bring it to the top? It turns out: "the top can't and don't want to, and the bottom can't at all"...
                        And elections are a fiction, we choose whoever we are given to choose, we can’t change anything here either...
                        There remains only a new October, with its: "we will destroy the whole world and then..." - which is impossible
                2. +4
                  31 October 2024 14: 39
                  to live and lived in a Secular State and according to Secular laws without upheavals.

                  I agree, and so that some who have been elevated above Russians and above the laws, and generally alien migrants, do not tell us how to live and what to do in our country...
      2. +13
        31 October 2024 10: 36
        There must be political will and the rule of law for everyone.

        And who should demonstrate this will, isn't it the one who adheres to the principle of Leopold the Cat: "let's live in peace" and, moreover, he says this to the Russians, while this does not concern the other various "diasporas" and representatives of the Caucasian regions...
    2. +7
      31 October 2024 09: 07
      Quote: Vladimir M
      I can’t even imagine what forces and means could be used to correct the situation in the State.

      There are historical examples:
      The Democratic Conference does not represent the majority of the revolutionary people, but only the conciliatory petty-bourgeois upper crust. We must not be deceived by the election figures; the issue is not the elections: compare the elections to the city councils of St. Petersburg and Moscow and the elections to the Soviets. Compare the elections in Moscow and the Moscow strike of August 12: here are objective data on the majority of revolutionary elements leading the masses.
      The Democratic Conference is deceiving the peasantry, giving them neither peace nor land.
      The Bolshevik government alone will satisfy the peasantry.

      The Bolsheviks must take power (Lenin)
      1. +8
        31 October 2024 09: 42
        In fact, the problem is that the indigenous population of Russia is no longer afraid of the article on "interethnic discord." This is what the events in Korkino showed.
        There is nothing good for the State in this either - this is a direct path to a "Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless."
        The problem with the "Russian revolt" is that it starts out as a just cause with good intentions..., but ends with no one remembering why the revolt started, what good intentions the revolt had...
    3. +1
      31 October 2024 14: 13
      6,5 million migrants permanently reside in the country, not counting those who have accepted citizenship. Still, this is not 10 percent, but much less.
      1. +9
        31 October 2024 14: 34
        Quote: Sergej1972
        6,5 million migrants permanently reside in the country, not counting those who have accepted citizenship. Still, this is not 10 percent, but much less.

        I suspect that Mr. Bastrykin has more information.
        It's unbelievable, but true: no one knows how many migrants are currently in Russia. As the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation clarified, figures of 14,5 million people and 16,5 million are mentioned. If we compare this with the country's population, it's about every tenth.
        Meanwhile, 4 million migrants arrived in Moscow in the first 2024 months of 1,2, 880 in the Moscow Region, and 860 in St. Petersburg. “I have great respect for Sergei Sobyanin, we are friends, but here, at the economic forum, he said that 95 percent of migrants are good guys. I understand that Moscow is being built, expanding, but do we really need 1,2 million for this?”

        Professor Bastrykin is overcome with doubts when he hears that we cannot build anything without migrants. Because, according to his data, only 13% of those who come to us work on construction sites, the rest work as taxi drivers, delivering food products and at markets.
        1. +5
          31 October 2024 14: 47
          Although Kolokoltsev should have complete information on migrants. After all, it's "his cow and he milks it."
          If you add "newly minted citizens" to the number of migrants, it becomes sad.
        2. +1
          31 October 2024 17: 15
          I rely on the data of the Minister of Internal Affairs, voiced by him yesterday. It is necessary to take into account both the numbers of those arriving and the numbers of those leaving the country. Many migrants can come to the Russian Federation and leave for their homeland two or three times a year.
      2. +5
        31 October 2024 14: 36
        The figure of 6,5 million was announced on October 30, 24 by Kolokoltsev, and of these, 700 thousand were illegals. The figures seem to have been pulled out of thin air.
        In the spring of 24, the number of migrants was announced at 12-14 million, of which up to 4 million were illegal.
        On 14.12.23/10/XNUMX, the GDP reported XNUMX million migrants in Russia.
        It seems that no one really knows how many of them there are.
    4. +6
      31 October 2024 17: 11
      And who laid these mines? This is the main question to which everyone knows the answer, but is afraid to voice this answer.
      1. +1
        1 November 2024 09: 47
        but they are afraid to voice this answer.

        Why are they afraid? It wasn’t you and I who brought it in. It was the government that, to please the oligarchs who need cheap labor, and to please the Central Asian bais who are supposedly the CIS, is conducting and has been conducting such a migration policy, and our government is the president, without his decision nothing is done...
        1. 0
          4 November 2024 00: 33
          [quote=Il'nur][quote]but they are afraid to voice this answer.[/quote]
          Why are they afraid? It wasn’t you and I who brought it in. It was the government that, to please the oligarchs who need cheap labor, and to please the Central Asian bais who are supposedly the CIS, is conducting and has been conducting such a migration policy, and our government is the president, without his decision nothing is done...

          We have shifted the issue of migrants' problems to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but they are only ready to make a profit, and they have shifted the blame to the education system, poor teachers, they squeal and moan. But in reality, the entire burden of problems is borne at the everyday level by the common population, as a rule, the weakest and most unprotected strata. And what can an individual oppose to an ethnic diaspora, a practically legalized ethnic organized crime group, influencing local officials, security forces and the court. And those who should be held accountable are hiding behind the high fences of their guarded villages.
  9. +29
    31 October 2024 06: 10
    It would be better to introduce a uniform in state schools as in Soviet times. If you want to wear religious clothing in educational institutions, then open your own private school at your own expense with all the requirements for the curriculum.
    1. +11
      31 October 2024 07: 13
      Quote: Glock-17
      It would be better to introduce uniforms in public schools

      Already. But, again, half measures - each school has its own, and from the 5th-6th grade, wearing it is "desirable", but not mandatory...
      Quote: Glock-17
      so open your own private school at your own expense

      They already have almost everything of their own: shops, beauty salons, hospitals, sports clubs, businesses, and it won’t be long before they have their own educational institutions, even higher education...
      1. +11
        31 October 2024 07: 57
        Of course, the task can be simplified and a strict dress code can be introduced, where the rules will be the same for everyone. Private schools must undergo strict accreditation and state inspections in order to exclude the teaching of extremism.
    2. +22
      31 October 2024 08: 39
      If you want to wear religious clothing in educational institutions, then open your own private school at your own expense, fulfilling all the requirements for the curriculum.

      And they will open at any moment in all regions. With a bias towards Islamization. A number of deputies will knock out subsidies for these schools, and on paper everything will be fine in them. But you will open the textbooks of these schools and be horrified at how everything will be described in Uzbekistan, only about Bashkiria, Tatarstan, the Caucasus, etc.
      This cannot be allowed under any circumstances. Education must be completely under the control of the state. And if you want to save the younger generation from stupidity, then revive the pioneers. Without the influence of centers promoting any religion.
      1. +11
        31 October 2024 09: 08
        Pioneering was an ideological movement, where they taught "to live, study and fight as the great Lenin bequeathed." It is unlikely that the current government will do this, blaming the Soviet government for all the troubles. And there is no official ideology.
    3. +16
      31 October 2024 09: 11
      Quote: Glock-17
      It would be better to introduce uniforms in public schools as in Soviet times.

      And what we have is complete crap: students come to school and start teaching teachers about life.
      You said it right: either you go to school, behave and study according to the school rules, or go to a madrasah...
  10. +27
    31 October 2024 06: 21
    First hijabs, then niqabs, then like in Afghanistan women will be forbidden to speak, and then anyone who opposes them will be stoned to death. The main thing now is to get the hijab into schools.
    1. +8
      31 October 2024 07: 45
      In response to these challenges, Eye Media Group launched Amu TV to continue providing independent news and entertainment to the Afghan people both domestically and internationally."
      I wonder why you are spreading news from a Virginia-based propaganda channel? wink
      1. +4
        31 October 2024 08: 40 Я не читаю каналы из Вирджинии
        1. +3
          31 October 2024 12: 38

          The source of the news is Amu TV or BBC, which are by definition biased sources.
  11. +35
    31 October 2024 06: 22
    Too little and too late. It was funny to hear VVP talk about the mine planted under Russia by Lenin when Ukraine was founded. But I am embarrassed to ask, is this accelerated turbomasturbation of Russia with the connivance and even blessing of officials appointed by VVP not a mine? It is not even a mine, but a torpedo that will inevitably explode, and it will be a big deal for everyone!
    1. +23
      31 October 2024 06: 39
      Quote: g_ae
      This accelerated turbomasturbation of Russia with the connivance and even blessing of officials appointed by the GDP is not a mine? It's not even a mine, it's a torpedo

      Atomic bomb. This is how Putin assessed Lenin's ideas on autonomization:

      "They planted an atomic bomb under a building called Russia, and then it exploded"

      A man who is always innocent is good at accusing others of all sorts of crimes.
      1. +15
        31 October 2024 08: 01
        At the same time, he himself divided the Russian Federation into 8 regions and 22 republics, and believes that this is normal.
        1. -5
          31 October 2024 08: 29
          Quote: tatra
          At the same time, he himself divided the Russian Federation into 8 regions and 22 republics.

          Can you remind me whose words it was: "Take as much sovereignty as you can swallow" (hint: not Putin's).
          1. +7
            31 October 2024 08: 31
            The second of the three "leaders" of Lenin's enemies, and the benefactor of their third "leader".
            1. -5
              31 October 2024 08: 32
              Quote: tatra
              The second of the three "leaders" of Lenin's enemies, and the benefactor of their third "leader".

              "Sister's last name, last name"
              1. +11
                31 October 2024 08: 33
                Have you forgotten? Is it sclerosis already? Then I will remind you - Yeltsin, whom Lenin's enemies imposed on Russia and the Russian people as President in 1991. And then they cowardly threw him to the Soviet communists and their supporters.
                1. -4
                  31 October 2024 08: 39
                  Quote: tatra

                  Thank you. I thought you were afraid to call this radish by its last name...

                  Quote: tatra
                  And then they cowardly threw it to the Soviet communists

                  And what did the Soviet communists do?
                  They all fit in well with the perestroika and everyone grabbed what they were sitting on... Even the cleaning lady who cleaned the high offices was given public toilets to feed.
                  1. +10
                    31 October 2024 08: 42
                    That is, according to the cowardly ideology of the enemies of the communists, the Soviet communists are to blame for everything, and their enemies have “nothing to do with it.”
                    1. -4
                      31 October 2024 08: 44
                      Quote: tatra
                      the soviet communists are to blame for everything

                      Communists-Trotskyists. By the time of perestroika there were no Bolsheviks left in the party. In 40 years they were all exterminated.

                      Art. 6 of the Brezhnev Constitution, remember? So what are we talking about then?
                      1. +10
                        31 October 2024 08: 47
                        In you, the enemies of the communists, there is nothing good, not even normal, rational. Here, you simultaneously slandered the communists, and this is your only justification for your seizure of the USSR in 33 years, and at the same time you blamed them for your seizure of the USSR and the division of the USSR into your evil anti-Soviet-Russophobic States.
                      2. -1
                        31 October 2024 08: 49
                        Quote: tatra
                        There is nothing good in you, enemies of the communists.

                        I am a Bolshevik. And for every "Trotsky" hiding behind a party card, we have our own "ice pick".
                      3. +3
                        31 October 2024 09: 37
                        Quote: tatra
                        In you, the enemies of the communists, there is nothing good, not even normal, rational. Here, you simultaneously slandered the communists, and this is your only justification for your seizure of the USSR in 33 years, and at the same time you blamed them for your seizure of the USSR and the division of the USSR into your evil anti-Soviet-Russophobic States.

                        Good girl!
                      4. -1
                        31 October 2024 16: 38
                        Quote: BecmepH
                        Quote: tatra
                        In you, the enemies of the communists, there is nothing good, not even normal, rational. Here, you simultaneously slandered the communists, and this is your only justification for your seizure of the USSR in 33 years, and at the same time you blamed them for your seizure of the USSR and the division of the USSR into your evil anti-Soviet-Russophobic States.

                        Good girl!

                        In what place?
                        In this
                        Quote: tatra
                        then cowardly they planted it on the Soviet communists and their supporters.
                        ? If you know - what happened next?
                      5. +1
                        31 October 2024 17: 54
                        Quote: your1970
                        If you know, what happened next?

                        What happened next? Enlighten me!
                      6. 0
                        31 October 2024 18: 24
                        Quote: BecmepH
                        Quote: your1970
                        If you know, what happened next?

                        What happened next? Enlighten me!

                        And then
                        Quote: tatra
                        at the same time they slandered the communists

                        Quote: tatra
                        at the same time they blamed them for your seizure of the USSR

                        And then - slandered and deceived at the same time communists - with a death grip blue in the face nails clung to power and money.
                        As strange as it may be for Tatras - for some reason EVERYTHING in this country it was divided between By yourself members of the CPSU...
                      7. 0
                        1 November 2024 06: 47
                        Quote: your1970
                        Strange as it may seem for Tatra - for some reason EVERYTHING in this country was divided among themselves by members of the CPSU...

                        Is it different now? What has changed with the change of power?
                      8. +1
                        1 November 2024 07: 46
                        Quote: BecmepH
                        Quote: your1970
                        Strange as it may seem for Tatra - for some reason EVERYTHING in this country was divided among themselves by members of the CPSU...

                        Is it different now? What has changed with the change of power?

                        So the power has not changed - if you haven't noticed...
                      9. 0
                        1 November 2024 08: 46
                        Quote: your1970
                        So the power has not changed - if you haven't noticed...

                        And I'm talking about the same...
                      10. 0
                        1 November 2024 09: 07
                        Quote: BecmepH
                        Quote: your1970
                        So the power has not changed - if you haven't noticed...

                        And I'm talking about the same...

                        You started talking about something else - about the "smart guy" Tatra and the supposedly slandered communists - who, as it turned out, took power/money for themselves.
                        it turns out that
                        Quote: tatra
                        COWARDLY they planted it on the Soviet communists and their supporters
                      11. 0
                        1 November 2024 09: 17
                        Quote: your1970
                        You started talking about something else.
                        So what? I wrote this too.
                        Is it different now? What has changed with the change of power?
                  2. +11
                    31 October 2024 09: 17
                    Quote: Boris55
                    Thank you. I thought you were afraid to call this radish by its last name...

                    He has a fitting abbreviation of his initials - EBN.
                    EBN-center, EBN-period of rule, EBN-team...
                2. +1
                  31 October 2024 16: 36
                  Quote: tatra
                  And then they cowardly threw it at the Soviet communists and their supporters.

                  А Soviet communists They clung to it until their nails turned blue - this is not the idea of ​​unfortunate Marxism, this is money...
          2. +6
            31 October 2024 14: 50
            Do you remember whose words these are?

            Yes, there was such an alcoholic who was installed as president, destroying first the USSR, then Russia in the 90s... His last name was Yeltsin
        2. +3
          31 October 2024 14: 16
          These regions are federal districts, which are divisions of the Presidential Administration. And 22 republics of the Russian Federation are the successors of the ASSR and most of the autonomous regions of the RSFSR. They were all created in Soviet times. Only the DPR and LPR are new. Plus Chechnya and Ingushetia arose on the basis of the former Chechen-Ingush ASSR. And although a significant part of the republics within the Russian Federation are, based on the real ratio of the Russian and "titular" population, rather pseudo-national entities, it is not so easy to abolish them or transform them into karyas or regions. In many cases, this can lead to an aggravation of interethnic relations. In fact, to be honest, about half of the republics should not have been created in the first place, or, at least, they should have been created within borders more in line with the areas of settlement of ethnic groups. However, what was done 90-100 years ago is done. People have simply become accustomed to living in these national entities since Soviet times.
      2. +3
        31 October 2024 14: 27
        And you call yourself a communist. Stalin came up with the idea of ​​"autonomization", that is, the inclusion of Transcaucasia, Ukraine and Belarus into the RSFSR as an ASSR, and Lenin criticized it and put forward a plan to create a supra-republican, supra-national entity - the USSR.
      3. 0
        4 November 2024 00: 43
        Quote: Stas157
        Quote: g_ae
        This accelerated turbomasturbation of Russia with the connivance and even blessing of officials appointed by the GDP is not a mine? It's not even a mine, it's a torpedo

        Atomic bomb. This is how Putin assessed Lenin's ideas on autonomization:
        "They planted an atomic bomb under a building called Russia, and then it exploded"

        A man who is always innocent is good at accusing others of all sorts of crimes.
        Only a madman could let uncontrolled migration processes take their course, and such a criminally ugly organized one, and from regions where the influence of religious radical terrorist movements is strong, and under the control of the Anglo-Saxons themselves, or through their intermediaries.
        This can only be compared to putting out a fire with gasoline.
  12. +21
    31 October 2024 06: 31
    I would swap the words migration and Islamization. We need to resist Islamization, and internal Islamization at that.
    The events around the Vladimir region have shown the permissiveness of some of "our" government officials, who do not hesitate to threaten officials.
    We have a secular state, not Islamic or even Orthodox. I repeat, under Soviet rule there were 25 Juma mosques in Dagestan, now there are XNUMX.
    I have a good friend, a former teacher, from Tashkent, he knows Russian history better than many and is an agnostic....if there were such migrants, then I would be for them, instead of local Wahhabis
  13. +17
    31 October 2024 06: 38
    The cases of all Central Asians who received citizenship since 2000 should be sent for review, or better yet, immediately stripped of it.
  14. +17
    31 October 2024 06: 51
    I assume that this "Coordination Center of Muslims of the North Caucasus" when it was created and established did not encounter protests from the State Duma. In any case, it was authorized, registered and today it is functioning menacingly. And now imagine that the Orthodox of Russia would like to establish, let's say, "Coordination Center of Orthodox of Central Russia" or there "Coordination Center of Orthodox of Siberia", What are you talking about! Who would allow Russians in Russia to take care of themselves in their own homeland and on their own land. The coordinators of such a center who wanted to coordinate and take care of Russians in an organized manner would end up in prison, and no one would allow Orthodox Russians to establish such a center in their own homeland in Russia.
    This is firstly. Secondly, it is good that the State Duma, although late, has nevertheless stirred about the danger to Russia of migrants from Central Asia. But I have already emphasized several times in the comments that while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Duma, and the President will be "embarrassed" by the leaders of Central Asia to poke their faces into the countries' shit-heap consisting of indiscriminate Russophobia, distortion of history about the centuries-old Russian "occupation", the invention that they themselves in 1991, having defeated Russia, gained Central Asia's independence from Russia, and if they had managed to do this in the XNUMXth century, then the Uzbeks and other Tajiks would be living like sheikhs in the United Arab Emirates today. Once Central Asia stops officially training haters of Russia and Orthodoxy, then in about twenty years we will be able to talk about the migration to Russia of Central Asians who have recovered from Russophobia and hatred of Russia.
    But how can Russia poke them in the shit they themselves have created, if Russia drags them by the hand through the CIS, SCO, BRICS, etc., as equals, equivalents, and, supposedly, not sick with Russophobia or rewriting history.
    1. +4
      31 October 2024 11: 05
      Quote: north 2
      And now imagine that the Orthodox of Russia would like to establish, let's say, a "Coordination Center for the Orthodox of Central Russia" or a "Coordination Center for the Orthodox of Siberia." What are you talking about! Who would allow Russians in Russia to take care of themselves in their own homeland and on their own land.

      Well, it seems like no one is really interfering. The Russian community and others like them are working successfully.
    2. 0
      4 November 2024 00: 49
      In Tajikistan, Rakhmon has already voiced claims against Russia for compensation for the damage to the health of local migrant workers working in Russia.
  15. +17
    31 October 2024 07: 10
    As they used to say in my workers' settlement - "After a fire, the male sexual organ is a pump." Why they said that, because currently 80% of the residents of the settlement are from Central Asia.
  16. +16
    31 October 2024 07: 12
    Or maybe we should start enforcing existing laws first?

    If the migration is already ILLEGAL, then the laws have already been broken.
    1. +5
      31 October 2024 10: 27
      Well, with illegals, it’s simple: organize a dozen centers for them in the far North and study their problem for years: deportation for the money they earned.
    2. 0
      4 November 2024 00: 51
      If there is ILLEGAL migration, and on such a scale, then those responsible for it should be punished?
  17. +27
    31 October 2024 07: 13
    Everything is clear with Delimkhanov and Khamzaev, two parasitic organisms living at the expense of the state. I think the investigative bodies will still catch them by one place and send them to Arushukov's company. I have a different question. Where is the review of ALL issued citizenships over the past 15 years for the legality of their issuance? Where is the introduction of a probationary period after the issuance of citizenship for a period of also 15 years, during which, in the event of ANY administrative offense, the person who received it and his ENTIRE family are automatically deprived of citizenship with subsequent deportation and a lifelong ban on entry? Where are these measures. Where is the introduction of a visa regime? Where is the introduction of personal criminal liability of the employer for migrant workers? These macaques need to be brought to their senses, harshly and even cruelly. This is the only way to restore order ... And to show them that they are strangers here and no one needs them, let them go back to the villages. Received a patent, came, worked for six months and went home straight away. Without a family and larvae of zamatotashki. Next time to enter in a year or two. Any violation = deportation. A cigarette butt past the trash can, drove through a red light, listened to loud music after 22 p.m. - suitcase aul kishlak. Only like that ... And all these increases in terms, equating to especially serious ones - all this with a palm on the pussy
    1. man
      31 October 2024 09: 28
      A cigarette butt past a trash can, drove through a red light, listened to loud music after 22 pm - suitcase, village, kishlak.
      Farted not in the toilet, forced relocation to Antarctica!
  18. +22
    31 October 2024 07: 21
    All these blacks will now scream from every crack that they are oppressing, humiliating, inciting hatred and that they are Russian. They need to be kicked out of their ruling positions, many hospitals are already filled with non-Slavic doctors, where have they not crawled? Ban all MMA rooms and prayer rooms, all Islamic fighting clubs, track groups in TG.
    1. man
      31 October 2024 09: 19
      Quote: Vadim S
      All these blacks will now scream from every crack that they are oppressing, humiliating, inciting hatred and that they are Russian. They need to be kicked out of their ruling positions, many hospitals are already filled with non-Slavic doctors, where have they not crawled? Ban all MMA rooms and prayer rooms, all Islamic fighting clubs, track groups in TG.

      What can I say, let's just shoot all the brunettes and be done with it!
    2. +2
      31 October 2024 14: 52
      This is impossible. This is state policy. VVP built a system of checks and balances, including in the area of ​​nationalities. On the one hand, it has the right to exist, but when it was implemented, it initially gave a strong tilt to the anti-Russian/anti-Slavic side, and now it is completely blossoming in all the colors of Russophobia, and within the country.
  19. +15
    31 October 2024 07: 23
    I suspect that illegal migration is 1%. So all this is an imitation of the struggle. About the ban. In different Tochikistans they are banned. But in Russia for some reason it is not allowed. Besides, they will not bring in migrants, and there is no need to ban anything.
    there is just one nuance, I suspect that the indigenous population in Russia is no more than 125 million.
  20. +21
    31 October 2024 07: 31
    For some reason, naive guys think that if previous laws were not observed, then new ones will definitely be observed.
    1. +10
      31 October 2024 08: 15
      if previous laws were not followed
      They will take more, at a higher level, and the small change will remain without extortion. That's all.
    2. +11
      31 October 2024 09: 06
      I also doubt that these newly adopted menacing laws will change anything radically. As usual, they will make some noise and then let it slide... All that will remain is a new feeding trough for someone. Too bad!
  21. +15
    31 October 2024 07: 31
    The State Duma has taken up the fight against illegal migration in earnest

    It will be possible to talk about "seriously" when visas for Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc. are issued.
  22. +16
    31 October 2024 07: 59
    we will explain it clearly
    What's that? A punch or two in the face, or will they take you to Chechnya for an audience with Adam Kadyrov? Or a straight axe to the head?
  23. +12
    31 October 2024 08: 13
    With the adoption of these laws, corruption will grow even more, they will take more. But not the small fry, but the big ones. The small fry will be left without bribes, and their bosses will take them, for themselves and for those guys and for other guys.
    1. man
      31 October 2024 09: 29
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      With the adoption of these laws, corruption will grow even more, they will take more. But not the small fry, but the big ones. The small fry will be left without bribes, and their bosses will take them, for themselves and for those guys and for other guys.

      Why such touching concern for small fry? laughing
      1. +7
        31 October 2024 09: 41
        Why should they care about them? But it will look like a fight against corruption. We still have capitalism, and it is everywhere, even with corruption schemes, the larger ones swallow up the smaller ones. And the new laws were written in order to organize cash flows. It seems like everything will be fair, at first glance, but in reality it will remain the same. They will negotiate with the boss. And there they will get more cash and the change will not get anything, they will be ordered and that's it.
        1. man
          31 October 2024 09: 44
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          Why should they care about them? But it will look like a fight against corruption. We still have capitalism, and it is everywhere, even with corruption schemes, the larger ones swallow up the smaller ones. And the new laws were written in order to organize cash flows. It seems like everything will be fair, at first glance, but in reality it will remain the same. They will negotiate with the boss. And there they will get more cash and the change will not get anything, they will be ordered and that's it.

          You describe corruption schemes with some knowledge of the matter. laughing
          1. +8
            31 October 2024 09: 48
            And we give bribes, that's where the knowledge comes from. Do you think it's easy for our farm to trade fish? A minor official doesn't decide anything, you have to go to a more senior official. The market here also depends on the roof, it has its own specifics. Do you think there is no corruption in the country? For example, people come to our village for viburnum, but it's not for sale in the city. The product doesn't have a European certificate. It's officially impossible to trade, so city dwellers come to us. And you here are all concerned about the problem of migration, not corruption.
            1. man
              31 October 2024 09: 54
              You think there is no corruption in the country.
              On TV, not a single political scientist said a word about our corruption, only about Bandera’s!
              This means we don’t have corruption!
              Don't you believe the TV??? laughing
              1. +9
                31 October 2024 10: 24
                Don't you believe the TV???
                TV is my best friend, it is the only one that tells me how well I live.
                1. man
                  31 October 2024 10: 26
                  Quote: kor1vet1974
                  Don't you believe the TV???
                  TV is my best friend, it is the only one that tells me how well I live.

                  And you will buy another one laughing
                  1. +7
                    31 October 2024 10: 47
                    Why do I need two friends who will repeat themselves? I don't need to be told twice that I live well. I don't work in the police. You know? A citizen comes up to a policeman and asks, do you want me to tell you a political joke about Putin? Well, I'm a policeman... And I'll tell you twice.
                    1. man
                      31 October 2024 10: 51
                      Why do I need two friends who will repeat themselves? I don’t need to be told twice that I live well.
                      And you set them up for different programs. smile Although what am I talking about... all programs are the same smile
                      1. +5
                        31 October 2024 10: 52
                        I'm not a policeman, you don't need to repeat the same thing to me.
                      2. man
                        31 October 2024 11: 00
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        I'm not a policeman, you don't need to repeat the same thing to me.

                        You are inattentive, I have never repeated myself. smile
                      3. +5
                        31 October 2024 11: 04
                        You are also not attentive.. Once again, why do I need two friends who say the same thing when I am not a policeman? Who needs to repeat the same thing twice. smile
                      4. man
                        31 October 2024 11: 08
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        You are also not attentive.. Once again, why do I need two friends who say the same thing when I am not a policeman? Who needs to repeat the same thing twice. smile

                        Yes, I'm kidding... I'm in a bad mood, trying to cheer myself up
                      5. +6
                        31 October 2024 11: 11
                        Go to another article, everything is very optimistic there, read about the Poles, you will get a charge of xenophobia laughing The mood will rise laughing
                      6. man
                        31 October 2024 11: 14
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        Go to another article, everything is very optimistic there, read about the Poles, you will get a charge of xenophobia laughing The mood will rise laughing

                        I am old and xenophobia does not make me happy, that is not how we were raised
                      7. +5
                        31 October 2024 11: 19
                        And now this is a trend, xenophobia, all nations, mind you, nations, not the bourgeoisie among the people, but the nations are bad and only we Russians are good and our bourgeoisie too. And all the bad things they do and plan are not local bourgeoisie, but the nations. wink And their bourgeois and ours... went out to smoke laughing
                      8. man
                        31 October 2024 11: 31
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        And now this is a trend, xenophobia, all nations, mind you, nations, not the bourgeoisie among the people, but the nations are bad and only we Russians are good and our bourgeoisie too. And all the bad things they do and plan are not local bourgeoisie, but the nations. wink And their bourgeois and ours... went out to smoke laughing

                        Yes... alas, nothing new... no need to read... sad
                        However, the working day has long begun. Goodbye! smile
                      9. +2
                        31 October 2024 16: 46
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        And now this is a trend, xenophobia, all nations, mind you, nations, not the bourgeoisie among the people, but the bad nations

                        Well, that is, you understand the trends and all the hysteria around the article? lol
                      10. 0
                        31 October 2024 18: 19
                        Otherwise - "beaver bitch, I'm a pe..." laughing
                        I wonder if the Poles came to us as migrants, what would they plant here? hi
            2. man
              31 October 2024 09: 57
              Quote: kor1vet1974
              And we give bribes, that's where the knowledge comes from. Do you think it's easy for our farm to trade fish? A minor official doesn't decide anything, you have to go to a more senior official. The market here also depends on the roof, it has its own specifics. Do you think there is no corruption in the country? For example, people come to our village for viburnum, but it's not for sale in the city. The product doesn't have a European certificate. It's officially impossible to trade, so city dwellers come to us. And you here are all concerned about the problem of migration, not corruption.

              By the way, haven't they forced you to attach an "HONEST SIGN" (!) to every sprat yet? smile
              1. +4
                31 October 2024 09: 59
                We are raising trout, there was talk, but it is still at this stage.
                1. man
                  31 October 2024 10: 05
                  Quote: kor1vet1974
                  We are raising trout, there was talk, but it is still at this stage.

                  Soon they will be forced to install sensors in toilets to control the amount of shit. I took care of it in advance, installed wired Internet in the toilet! fellow
            3. man
              31 October 2024 10: 12
              For example, people come to our village to buy viburnum, there are none for sale in the city.
              Damn, I know, there are problems with red viburnum, I have blood vessels, and it cleans the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure sad Probably the damned migrants ate all the viburnum am
              1. +4
                31 October 2024 10: 17
                Probably the damned migrants ate all the viburnum

                A good explanation for why Kalina is not officially available for sale
                1. man
                  31 October 2024 10: 24
                  Quote: kor1vet1974
                  Probably the damned migrants ate all the viburnum

                  A good explanation for why Kalina is not officially available for sale

                  I hope our propagandists don't take this up as a weapon smile
                  1. +5
                    31 October 2024 10: 26
                    But seriously, before, when everything was really bad, not like now, we collected viburnum, chamomile and some other medicinal herbs, handed them in to the pharmacy, and got some money.
                    1. man
                      31 October 2024 10: 30
                      Quote: kor1vet1974
                      But seriously, before, when everything was really bad, not like now, we collected viburnum, chamomile and some other medicinal herbs, handed them in to the pharmacy, and got some money.

                      Have you tried bringing viburnum to the Moscow fair?
                      Everywhere there is either a crop failure due to the May frosts or the birds have eaten them request sad
                      1. +2
                        31 October 2024 10: 49
                        Got it, you're from decided to make fun of a provincial...we're stupid here, unlike you hi
                      2. man
                        31 October 2024 10: 58
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        Got it, you're from decided to make fun of a provincial...we're stupid here, unlike you hi

                        You are not right. Firstly, I am not making fun, but sad, and secondly, I am not talking about "provincials", but about the unfortunate generations who were forced to sell vodka to survive, instead of studying.
                      3. +4
                        31 October 2024 11: 02
                        Excuse me, hi that's how...once again...about viburnum, viburnum is now considered a wild plant and is not intended for sale, although there are selective varieties, but no one deals with them, it's not profitable, they are not apples.
                      4. man
                        31 October 2024 11: 06
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        Excuse me, hi that's how...once again...about viburnum, viburnum is now considered a wild plant and is not intended for sale, although there are selective varieties, but no one deals with them, it's not profitable, they are not apples.

                        Damn, tIt seems that our government has existed since 2014 not only to steal, but also to make people's lives as difficult as possible
                      5. +6
                        31 October 2024 11: 08
                        Did you ever think differently? Thank you, dear government, that in our mountains we can collect deadwood for free. And it’s so good that we grow berries that grow in our mountain forests. laughing
                      6. man
                        31 October 2024 11: 11
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        Did you ever think differently? Thank you, dear government, that in our mountains we can collect deadwood for free. And it’s so good that we grow berries that grow in our mountain forests. laughing

                        There was no such chaos before 2014, then it was like they went crazy...
                      7. +6
                        31 October 2024 11: 16
                        Well, it's capitalism, where I live, everything used to be collective farm property, everything around was mine... Now it's not, it's private property. Oh! How! Barbed wire, fenced in, security, freedom, you know... Do whatever you want, you can't go there, you can't go here... No more than two people can gather. God forbid you think of anything.
                      8. man
                        31 October 2024 11: 27
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        Well, it's capitalism, where I live, everything used to be collective farm property, everything around was mine... Now it's not, it's private property. Oh! How! Barbed wire, fenced in, security, freedom, you know... Do whatever you want, you can't go there, you can't go here... No more than two people can gather. God forbid you think of anything.

                        I read that this is not only happening to you now... everywhere sad
                        I remember lines from a Soviet song:
                        "I don't know of any other country like this,
                        Where a person can breathe so freely"
                        But here too the communists were not lying; within our own country, compared to the current one, we really are,
                        breathed deeply... and we, young fools, laughed... sad And abroad... well, screw it...
                      9. +5
                        31 October 2024 11: 53
                        And abroad... well, screw it...
                        You can go abroad laughing If you don’t like the Chinese iron wire in your place, go to a place where it’s from the same manufacturer. laughing
                2. 0
                  1 November 2024 13: 10
                  "an explanation of why Kalina is not officially available for sale"
                  and has she ever been there?
            4. man
              31 October 2024 10: 21
              And here you are all concerned about the problem of migration, not corruption.
              Migrants are a powerful distraction from the deep unprofessionalism and boundless corruption of the elites.
              People don't understand this, they have lost the ability to analyze. sad request
              1. +4
                31 October 2024 10: 51
                Based on numerous comments, I guessed it.
                1. man
                  31 October 2024 11: 02
                  Quote: kor1vet1974
                  Based on numerous comments, I guessed it.

                  About what?
                  1. +4
                    31 October 2024 11: 05
                    Migrants are a powerful distraction from the deep unprofessionalism and boundless corruption of the elites.
                    People don't understand this, they have lost the ability to analyze.
                    About this...
        2. man
          31 October 2024 14: 15
          We still have capitalism, and it is everywhere, even with corruption schemes, the larger ones absorb the smaller ones.
          The law of the jungle in all its glory
  24. +14
    31 October 2024 08: 14
    A good initiative was put forward by the Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education Ksenia Goryacheva. She proposed introducing a mandatory state exam in Russian for children of migrants when entering school. Without knowledge of the language, do not accept.
    It would be better if they didn't exist at all. We should prohibit migrants from bringing their families. But as a preliminary measure it would be quite suitable and would solve some of the school's pressing problems.
    1. man
      31 October 2024 09: 41
      A good initiative was put forward by the Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education Ksenia Goryacheva. She proposed introducing a mandatory state exam in Russian for children of migrants when entering school.
      I categorically disagree! The rights of other peoples of the Russian Federation cannot be infringed upon!
      We need to introduce state exams in the languages ​​of ALL the peoples of Russia! If you want to come to Russia, learn Mordvin, Udmurt, the languages ​​of the peoples of Dagestan and others!
  25. +18
    31 October 2024 08: 25
    As for headscarves in schools, the following train will follow:

    1. Nutritional requirements.
    2. Demands to remove images of living creatures and people in school.
    3. Requirement for public prayer in the school hall or separate rooms for those praying.
    4. Demand for a ban on music.
    5. Demand to ban art lessons where children draw people.
    6. The requirement to create mixed-sex classes.
    7. The requirement for all girls to dress in accordance with their religion, regardless of their affiliation with the faith (as is now the case in Chechnya, where since 2013 the Government has obliged all girls to wear headscarves, and the Prosecutor General’s Office is silent).
    8. The demand to refuse to perform the anthem and flag, because religion prohibits these symbols if the state is not religious.
    1. man
      31 October 2024 09: 49
      The requirement to create mixed-sex classes.
      I bet they demand parquet for their own, the scoundrels? laughing
  26. +19
    31 October 2024 08: 26
    Events of the current week.
    I have a friend who is assigned to take their first-grader great-granddaughter to school and meet her. On Monday she was walking home in tears. Her "girlfriends" - two Madinas - wouldn't let her go home. They kept her in the school yard and bullied her.
    The reason: back in September they asked the girl for a toy to play with for a day, but were in no hurry to return it for a week. When the toy was almost taken away, its owner instantly became an enemy.
    On Tuesday the girl came home without a hat. When asked where the hat was, she sullenly remained silent and cried.
    The mother contacted the school, where they told her: everything happened on the street, the school had nothing to do with it, sort it out yourselves.
    An application for transfer to another class has been submitted.
    But there are no fewer dark-haired children there. Judging by the appearance, about 50-60% of the children in the primary grades of this school are migrants.
    The action takes place in a Ural city with a population of over a million.
    1. +16
      31 October 2024 11: 50
      I sympathize. In 1973, my parents left everything and took us from Grozny to Stavropol, because proud mountain horsemen, according to beautiful Muslim custom, wouldn't give my older sister a break at school. And in the 90s, my father's relatives fled from Naurskaya to us in Stavropol. Those whom the noble Chechens didn't manage to slaughter. And some were slaughtered there. And now a Russian has nowhere to run. They are everywhere, and in a privileged position. The police, the prosecutor's office, the courts, officials cover for them, only Bastrykin does something, but what if he's gone? What if someone like this "deputy" or his relative takes his place? There's little hope for the police. It's not for nothing that those little animals from the village who stabbed a Russian guy in Chelyabinsk were going to join the police. And they would have done so. What would they have been! That's what kind of law enforcement officers we would have!
      1. +1
        1 November 2024 13: 33
        "Bastrykin alone does something, but what if he's gone?"
        and what does he do? he gets excited all the time and that's it. and that's bad for your health laughing . it is unclear how our laws work, but in any case, everyone is equal before the law - a Buryat, a son of the steppes, and a Finn. all these "these" are the same citizens of the Russian Federation, and have the same rights as all other people. so Bastrykin is just talking words, promoting himself, maybe he is going to run for president? well, they sent a dozen completely stupid people to their historical homeland, well, they imprisoned some of the domestic criminals, so what? small change, dust in the general mass. the gypsies still live in camps in illegal buildings, they still trade in drugs, they still trade in them, they still buy in the same way the authorities bought, they still buy in the same way. Muslims are actively degenerating into Islamists, they are establishing their customs and laws, even to the authorities of the original Russian regions, they tell them how to live and what to wear. Chechnya is generally unholy, for some reason. Russian laws do not work there, and even the "omnipotent" Bastrykin is silent about it
        1. +1
          1 November 2024 13: 47
          That's what I'm talking about. He's not "omnipotent", and he's already old, but compared to the police, the prosecutor's office or the courts, he's simply a protector and a father. But if they put a mountain horseman in his place, then the Russians will laugh. And there will be nowhere to run.
  27. +15
    31 October 2024 08: 39
    Chechnya is still striving towards the Middle Ages.
    1. +12
      31 October 2024 08: 44
      The enemies of the USSR want to live in the 21st century, to enjoy all the benefits of Western development, but they stubbornly drag the people back to what was 100 or more years ago.
      1. +4
        31 October 2024 13: 13
        Quote: tatra
        The enemies of the USSR want to live in the 21st century, to enjoy all the benefits of Western development, but they stubbornly drag the people back to what was 100 or more years ago.

        Well, it's logical... A century ago, the cattle were almost exemplary, and then the "hated communists" came and taught everyone...
    2. +9
      31 October 2024 09: 44
      Oh, come on, Russia, where Russians live, they strive for progress, churches instead of planetariums, instead of lectures on whether there is life on Venus, religious processions
      1. +11
        31 October 2024 09: 55
        So the majority of Russians don’t need these churches. They are built without our consent.
        1. +3
          31 October 2024 10: 21
          Well, yes, somewhere you have to spend time culturally according to the schedule. Matins, Mass, Vespers
  28. +7
    31 October 2024 08: 53
    "began a fight against the creeping Islamization of Russia, which is still going neither here nor there." So what exactly is going neither there nor there? Judging by what was written, it is Islamization. Literacy is neither there nor there...
  29. +7
    31 October 2024 09: 57
    After all, there were no problems with religion in the USSR.
  30. +8
    31 October 2024 10: 01
    I believe that "inflating" the issue with hijabs is inciting discord on religious grounds. This is what Delimkhanov and company are doing. Purposefully. And sowing discord among the peoples of Russia is the dream of Great Britain and the USA. And such deputies have no place in the parliamentary chair. And there is an article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for such actions.
    1. +7
      31 October 2024 14: 03
      Quote: Alexander X
      There is an article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for such actions

      This article was adopted for Russians, for Orthodox Christians. Not a single Muslim will ever be jailed for this.
  31. +6
    31 October 2024 10: 31
    A rare case when I agree with this author
  32. +6
    31 October 2024 11: 24
    Those who don't know our language can, of course, be sent away, but what about their minor children, who were already born here and who already have SNILS and insurance policies? Are they citizens of Russia or will they follow their parents? Or do parents, despite everything, have the right to live with their child at his or her place of residence?
    1. 0
      1 November 2024 13: 37
      "Are they citizens of Russia or will they follow their parents?"
      and do we give citizenship by birthright, even from non-citizens? no, home, home to all and the imam's fathers and their offspring. the village calls
  33. +9
    31 October 2024 11: 29
    And weren't these same deputies who passed all these laws? There were no others. So, maybe they will go to the places of those they lulled (to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan) or pay fines for organizing migration (the devil knows whether it was legal or not) in especially large amounts.
  34. +12
    31 October 2024 11: 31
    Is it really about illegal migration, or not about creating migrant communities and lobbying their interests in government?
  35. +13
    31 October 2024 11: 33
    I am for a complete ban on religious paraphernalia. A ban on any explicit expression of affiliation with any religion by students in educational institutions, except for specialized ones that are not state-owned. The same applies to civil servants in various fields.
    The clothing of schoolchildren, students and civil servants must be neutral, and nothing else.
    Niqabs, hijabs and other similar paraphernalia are propaganda of radical Islamization, which they are trying to forcefully impose on a secular state, already with veiled threats.
    Regions should not forget that they are the masters of their lands.
    1. 0
      1 November 2024 13: 40
      "Regions should not forget that they are the masters of their lands"
      They, and not the aliens. But there are people in power who will not allow this to happen. After all, they are all colleagues, partners and dear Russians.
  36. +5
    31 October 2024 11: 58
    Combating illegal migration and Islamization: the first step has been taken

    This is only the first long-awaited step and, unfortunately, this is not the final solution to the problem! There are too many people interested in using such a convenient migration problem to weaken Russians and Russia. Here are the Anglo-Sarxes with their IOM agreement - fighters for democracy throughout the world, eternal "well-wishers" of Russia, and internal enemies, first of all, in the form of mafia diasporas, striving to establish themselves in power with their not selfless patrons.
  37. +7
    31 October 2024 12: 40
    Why did the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin and deputies from other Russian regions not invite a group of deputies from the Chechen Republic to continue the heated argument that took place with the deputy from the Vladimir Region?
  38. +9
    31 October 2024 12: 48
    Let's be honest then
  39. +6
    31 October 2024 13: 49
    Aren't the authorities themselves tired of deciding where the beginning and the end are? It's high time to understand that if people come to our country, which is secular, then they must necessarily assimilate, and not bring the foundations and laws from their homeland. Those who do not understand this should be sent back, without the right of entry for life, with all their relatives included.
  40. +4
    31 October 2024 13: 58
    first step taken

    It would be good to take a few more steps, and not, as often happens with us, one step forward and then two steps back.
  41. +6
    31 October 2024 13: 59
    Viktor Biryukov is probably not aware that the Government of the Russian Federation has lifted the ban on wearing niqabs. In the end, the Islamist lobby won. He also does not know how many priority and most important bills on migration the State Duma of the Russian Federation, represented by the United Russia faction, has rejected. But of course, it is necessary to write articles about the State Duma's difficult and exhausting fight against illegal migration and Islamization, without this you can't spread caviar on ham!
  42. +9
    31 October 2024 14: 12
    This law banning hijabs should be adopted at the federal level. Then there will be no desire to come and sort things out. Although in their republics, let them wear whatever they want
    1. +1
      1 November 2024 13: 45
      "Although in their republics, let them do as they please"
      In which of yours? In Tajikistan or Chechnya?
  43. +6
    31 October 2024 15: 41
    For now, it's like aspirin for stage 2 cancer. We need to introduce a visa regime and review all previously issued citizenships to Asians.
  44. +5
    31 October 2024 16: 06
    Quote: BecmepH
    Don't confuse diasporas and ethnic... groups.

    How can you tell them apart?
  45. +3
    31 October 2024 23: 45
    Quote: alex-defensor
    Let's call on particularly jealous Muslims NOT to send their daughters to school.

    And sons too! Sit at home and make Faberge for sheep! Or polish medals, Don
  46. +4
    1 November 2024 11: 02
    I hope that the authorities of Vladimir region, the native land from which Russian statehood largely originated, will have enough courage and strength to repel the attacks of the Islamists.
    And secondly, since when did Dagestan and Chechnya begin to determine what and how should be in Russian lands?
    1. +2
      2 November 2024 02: 08
      Quote: Tank DestroyerSU-100
      Since when did Dagestan and Chechnya begin to determine what and how should be in Russian lands?

      Since the state chose the path of gradual Islamization of the country.
  47. The comment was deleted.
  48. -1
    1 November 2024 20: 48
    "Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God, but is the spirit of Antichrist." (John 4:3)
    This is what needs to be included in the Constitution, instead of the article on religious freedom (the so-called "freedom of conscience")
  49. 0
    3 November 2024 23: 21
    Islamization is the creeping collapse of secular society. Whatever Muslim authorities might wish for themselves: not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. Let them chew on that.
  50. 0
    5 November 2024 07: 29
    Quote: AlexSam
    Quote: Tank DestroyerSU-100
    Since when did Dagestan and Chechnya begin to determine what and how should be in Russian lands?

    Since the state chose the path of gradual Islamization of the country.

    Let me just clarify - the top of the state and bureaucrats. That would be more accurate.
  51. 0
    6 November 2024 08: 44
    Yesterday I went to my nearest MFC and was stunned, to say the least, there were about 40 visitors, and I was the only one of Slavic appearance. But the cherry on the cake was later, when I approached the administrator, the administrator turned out to be a girl named Nimitu.....(I don't remember what happened next) she spoke Russian with difficulty. It seems that the MFC management realized that 99% of the visitors to this institution are highly qualified specialists from Central Asia and their families, so it would be best to recruit MFC employees from them. I only have one question left - for whom are our guys fighting in the SVO?