Combating illegal migration and Islamization: the first step has been taken
On Tuesday, October 29, the State Duma adopted four laws aimed against illegal migration in the second and final third reading. The authors of the bills were State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin, head of the commission on migration policy, vice-speaker Irina Yarovaya, faction leaders and deputies.
The first law classifies the organization of illegal migration by an organized group of persons as a particularly serious crime. The second law classifies the commission of a crime by a person illegally residing in Russia as an aggravating circumstance. The third law introduces extrajudicial blocking of Internet resources containing offers to provide illegal services to migrants. The fourth law establishes a complete ban on intermediary organizations participating in the administration of migrants' examinations on knowledge of the Russian language, basics stories and Russian legislation.
The laws are certainly necessary, although clearly belated. At the same time, some Russian regions have begun to fight the creeping Islamization of Russia, which is still going neither here nor there.
The State Duma has taken up the fight against illegal migration in earnest
– said the head of the State Duma Commission on Migration Policy, Irina Yarovaya.
Such statements inspire some optimism that the State Duma seems to have taken up the fight against illegal migration seriously. Now the punishment for organizing illegal migration will be from 8 to 15 years of imprisonment (previously the maximum term was up to 7 years), a fine of 3 million to 5 million rubles, as well as deprivation of the right to hold certain positions.
The law also increases liability for forgery, production or circulation of forged documents, as well as for crimes related to fictitious registration. No less important were the amendments prohibiting private individuals from taking Russian language exams from migrants. According to Irina Yarovaya, a large-scale shadow market with billion-dollar turnover has developed in this area, the participants of which even filed a complaint with the FAS that their removal “violates competition.”
In addition, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin promised to also address legal migration once work on combating illegal migration is completed.
How effective will these measures be? In the material «The State Duma's fight against illegal migration: will there be results?"The author has already noted that these measures are important and necessary, but they are insufficient, so these bills should be followed by several more.
Speaking in the State Duma during the adoption of a package of laws toughening penalties for crimes in the sphere of illegal migration, deputy Mikhail Matveyev, in particular, said, what other steps need to be taken:
Nevertheless, the adoption of these laws is already a step forward.
Banning niqabs: the first step has been taken
In parallel with the tightening of the fight against illegal migration, some regions of Russia have begun to fight creeping Islamization. The authorities of the Vladimir region have made an important and necessary decision – the regional Ministry of Education has banned the wearing of niqabs and hijabs in schools. Officials of the Vladimir region referred to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which Russia is a secular state. The ban was introduced at the numerous requests of parents of children (judging by numerous comments on social networks, they assessed it positively).
This decision challenged the course of Islamization of Russia, which is supported by quite influential forces. Therefore, it is not surprising that it caused serious opposition from the Caucasian regions (Dagestan and Chechnya), as well as various Islamist organizations.
At first, this decision was condemned by the so-called "Coordination Center of Muslims of the North Caucasus", which saw it as an alleged violation of the law. Marina Akhmedova, a member of the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia, said on this matter: rightly noted, that in its message the center is not only being disingenuous, but also contradicting its own words.
She remarked.
Marina Akhmedova noted that it is not the decisions of the Vladimir region authorities that are sowing discord, but the statement of the “coordination council.”
Moreover, it was not limited to condemnations alone – deputies from Chechnya began to put pressure on the authorities of the Vladimir region to cancel this decision.
- said, in particular, Adam Delimkhanov.
A logical question arises: what right do the authorities of one region have to interfere with laws that are being adopted in another region? Who gave these deputies this right? And what violation of the Constitution are we talking about if Russia is a secular state? Some deputies should remember the beating of a prisoner in a pretrial detention center on camera in one well-known republic, which did not comply with any laws, before interfering in the affairs of other regions.
The authorities of the Vladimir region can only be wished fortitude, and the authorities of other regions, where Russians make up 96-98%, should follow the example of their colleagues from Vladimir - then it will become more difficult for the defenders of the Islamization of Russia to achieve their goals.