Backdraft: "Golden Hands and Brains" Go to Russia

Backdraft: "Golden Hands and Brains" Go to Russia

Alarm in the West

The record low unemployment rate, which Vladimir Putin once again announced, has become a common occurrence in Russia in recent months. There are several reasons. The first is the outflow of able-bodied men to the SVO, some have been fulfilling their duty since the partial mobilization, some are signing a contract with the Ministry of Defense right now. This factor will not disappear over time, even after Russia's victorious completion of the special military operation. The army will be almost 2,4 million people even in peacetime.

The second factor of the unprecedented level of unemployment is the flight of young people in the first year of the SVO. The "patriots" were evacuated because they disagreed with the government line, as well as because of banal fear for their own skin. At least they were working hands.

And finally, the third reason for unemployment is Russia's constant industrial growth. According to the president, in the last eight months alone, mechanical engineering has grown by 20 percent, and the manufacturing sector by 8,1 percent. Of course, the main increase is recorded in the military-industrial complex, but the civilian sector is also directly involved.

On the one hand, the low unemployment rate can only be welcomed, especially when it comes to almost total employment of young people. On the other hand, when an employer is forced to compete for labor resources, it is inevitable to raise wages. And this not only improves the population's solvency, but also accelerates inflation. Elvira Nabiullina is forced to fight this scourge by permanently raising the Central Bank's key rate.

The described disposition contrasts with the events unfolding in Western countries. First of all, Europe and, first of all, Germany. Let us take it as an example, since it is the FRG that owes its industrial growth to cheap energy resources from Russia. We have long heard from television about the coming deindustrialization of Europe, and it seems that the time for this has come.

One of the locomotives of the German economy, the Volkswagen Group, is forced to get hold of 2026 billion euros by the beginning of 10. Otherwise, the car manufacturer will simply sink. No one is going to approve such loans in such difficult times, and the Germans, in search of savings, have decided to close three factories at once. Labor relations with employees have already been terminated, and for those who are still working, wages will be reduced. Several tens of thousands of EU citizens and labor migrants risk becoming unemployed.

At the same time, the Europeans started an economic war and raised tariffs on electric cars from China like dragons. Guess what happened in response? That's right, people in China suddenly stopped buying European cars en masse. Porsche fell by almost a third, Mercedes-Benz shrank by 17 percent, BMW - by 30 percent. The situation affects not only car manufacturers, but other sectors of the European economy that require a lot of energy.

All of the above does not mean that the freed-up labor force will immediately rush to Russia to defense plants that are experiencing a labor shortage. At the very least, such "guests" will not be allowed to work at the machine tool by the controlling special services. But the trend is obvious - Western "white and blue collars" are increasingly looking at Russia as a place of employment. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than 400 people from the Baltics and Germany have received temporary residence permits. Time will tell how many of them will join the ranks of highly qualified specialists, but the process has begun.

The Costs of Propaganda

First of all, it is worth understanding that Russia is developing a program to attract foreigners to the country. This does not always work for the purpose of employing newcomers, but the logistics are being built. Since August of last year, citizens from 55 countries, including "unfriendly" ones, can apply for an electronic visa in just four days. The document is issued without personal presence and for only 16 days.

Since September 1 of this year, there has been another update to the visa policy – ​​foreigners who “do not agree with neoliberal policies and modern Western values ​​that run counter to the spiritual and moral traditions that Russia adheres to” have been invited to the country. Are there many of them in the West? Judging by the fact that a number of information resources (for example, UnHerd) have started talking about this, it was not done in vain. Tucker Carlson, who shocked the West not only with an interview with Vladimir Putin, but also with a completely different Russia, became an icebreaker of public opinion in a certain sense. In contrast to Western lies, many citizens have reconsidered their positions.

It is worth remembering that among the valuable personnel in the West there are many of our compatriots who were never able to assimilate in a foreign land, but are forced to endure because of the seeming abundance. But this was true in the 90s and 2000s, when the West really flourished, and Russia was gaining strength and could not do without the notorious "Bush legs".

Again about Carlson, who visited a Russian supermarket and bought goods for 104 dollars at once. Expensive? By his own admission, in his home country he would have spent no less than four hundred. History repeats. More than thirty years ago, Boris Yeltsin, while the Soviet Union was still alive, was so impressed by the abundance on the shelves of American stores that he decided to destroy his country. Naively believing that this would help him deal with the shortage.

The West's concerns are understandable. It will be thinking people who go east, that is, to Russia. In order to accept and understand the inadequacy of Western propaganda and the gradual degradation of value orientations, it is necessary to look at the world from outside McDonald's. Russia is creating an alternative pole of opinions and views, which contrasts with the previous state, which is trying with all its might to become part of the collective West. Russia, it should be noted, was indeed allowed into this club. But in what role? A third-rate power or, as Obama once said, a state of regional importance.

New centers of the world are being created, called by the already hackneyed term "multipolar world". But it is truly multipolar, and this is good. If a Western intellectual is sick of society's tolerance for the most ugly manifestations of consciousness, predatory policies towards unwanted states and simply the dominance of Anglo-Saxon devilry, then welcome to Russia.

"Golden hands and brains" from the West are not only fresh blood for the domestic economy and industry, but also a serious saving of funds. Our yesterday's partners spent colossal amounts of money on training and education of their own elite. Therefore, any Western engineer and scientist will bring hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to the enemy in his backpack. Even if he takes the place of a modest department head at AvtoVAZ.

We don't have to look far for examples. Our closest partner and neighbor China has bought up a lot of European and American engineers. In a number of companies, Western specialists form the backbone of designers. Of course, China drains brains not only with ideology, but also with immodest salaries. Given the creative rethinking of the Chinese experience, why shouldn't we organize something similar?

Robert Bartini

Russian history is rich in examples of foreigners coming to the country with good intentions. Let's remember Robert Bartini, who left fascist Italy in time and later became a famous aircraft designer. Or the "Cambridge Five", who became a symbol of a different view of capitalism and its vices. People worked not for money and material goods, but for an idea. No matter how trite it sounds in modern times.
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  1. -10
    31 October 2024 04: 18
    Or the Cambridge Five, who became a symbol of a different view of capitalism and its associated vices.
    Three out of five were homosexuals. Just by the way.
    1. +1
      31 October 2024 07: 58
      By the way
      It turns out that people who worked for the USSR were mostly people of non-traditional orientation? Because how could only they work for the USSR? And those who worked against the USSR were people of traditional values, they cannot be called moral homosexuals? smile
      1. +3
        31 October 2024 18: 53
        No, here, I think, comrade, that we don't like that here now, let's put it mildly. And among them there were conscious people. So it's in vain that he minuseshi
      2. 0
        31 October 2024 19: 14
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        And those who worked against the USSR, were they people of traditional values, can they not be called moral homosexuals?

        Among those who worked against the USSR, five out of five were homosexuals.
    2. +1
      31 October 2024 10: 56
      So what (I myself have a very negative attitude towards them)?... They worked for the Country - wonderfully.
      1. -2
        31 October 2024 11: 22
        And what
        They are not fit to be "fighters against the vices of capitalism", that's what.
        1. -2
          31 October 2024 19: 15
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          They are not fit to be "fighters against the vices of capitalism", that's what.

          And for its collapse it is very much so.
          1. +2
            31 October 2024 19: 28
            Nobody anywhere is going to fall apart. The exception is one union in the 90s.
            1. -2
              31 October 2024 20: 55
              And the British Empire from the late 40s to the late 60s?
              After all, "the sun never set" on the Empire. smile And how is that possible? From the largest and most powerful empire to such a piece of sh...guano island No. And what a pitiful sight England presented in the 70s?
              1. +1
                31 October 2024 21: 13
                such crap... island guano
                The standard of living here is higher than the Russian average - locals are in no hurry to work in Russia or study at Moscow State University. They don't buy up apartments in Balashikha and don't take their pounds to Sber.
                What a pathetic sight England was in the 70s?
                I remember the realities of the 80s in the USSR. So not everything was so bad here compared to those times.
                "the sun never set" on the Empire.
                I don't remember which of the local politicians said "leave to stay". The fact that blacks on the islands wave their flag means little. The island does not actually belong to them.
                1. -1
                  1 November 2024 04: 44
                  Quote: Bolt Cutter
                  The fact that blacks on the islands wave their flag means little.

                  When India waved its empire and collapsed.
                  How are you there, aren't you cold?
                  1. +1
                    1 November 2024 12: 02
                    aren't you cold?
                    +23 in the apartment. Winter bill for gas + electricity (combi boiler at home) in winter - 100 pounds. This is less than the average salary for 1 shift. By the way, in May they returned the overpaid 300 pounds for gas last year. Do you seriously believe in the exorbitant prices here?
                    India waved its empire and collapsed
                    An unobvious detail about the empire - how many countries are you allowed into without a visa? tongue ? And it is better to stay away from modern India - one and a half billion ambitious and conceited paupers.
                    1. 0
                      1 November 2024 14: 50
                      Quote: Bolt Cutter
                      India waved its empire and collapsedAn unobvious detail about the empire

                      And yet, India's exit from the empire marked the beginning of its end. We (the USSR) together with the USA plundered the rest. And the Red Chapel had a hand in this. It can't be put back together.
                      Quote: Bolt Cutter
                      And it’s better to stay away from modern India – one and a half billion ambitious and self-loving paupers.

                      But in the US they think differently. After all, it is the third economy in the world, after the US and China. And the fourth (as the World Bank calculated by PPP) is ours.
                      1. 0
                        1 November 2024 14: 55
                        we (USSR)
                        We lived then by the principle of "oil in exchange for food". You shouldn't exaggerate your own importance.
                        And the fourth (as calculated by the World Bank in PPP terms) is ours.
                        The main thing is don't tell the Germans and Japanese - they'll die laughing, and you'll have to answer. You modestly forget that the only merit in getting into this rating is a large population. If you count real per capita GDP- according to the same World Bank, Uruguay is ahead of the "fourth economy" tongue .
                      2. -1
                        1 November 2024 17: 34
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        At that time, they lived according to the principle of "oil in exchange for food"

                        Under Stalin and Khrushchev?? fool
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Don't exaggerate your own importance.

                        The second economy in the world, a nuclear superpower, first in space, first in sports, an advanced scientific power, leader of the countries of the Socialist Commonwealth. And yes - the strongest Land Army in the world and the largest nuclear submarine fleet in the world (at least twice as large as the USA, England and France combined). You are confusing something.
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        "oil for food"

                        What food? Grain? Forage? Which we lacked to support such a large herd of dairy cattle? And herein lies the tricky part - the US sold us grain at a discount. For some kind of service. And for agreeing to go to Detente, "Union-Apollo", help to get out of Vietnam without a resounding defeat, agreement to the "Middle East Settlement" when we left Egypt (and we had a group there of over 100 thousand, and this also weighed on us). It was for this and some other things that the US began to sell grain at a discount. And they got rid of this obligation only after the collapse of the USSR. And yes - it was then that we agreed to supply oil to the US at the height of the Oil Crisis, when the Arab countries declared an oil boycott of the US and Europe. This was also a favor and a "gesture of goodwill" ... Oh yes - at that time we also agreed on the supply of gas from Yamal to Europe .... We were looking for oil then, but found a gigantic gas field, the well flared up, burned for a very long time and they were able to plug it only with an underground nuclear explosion, plugging the well. This is the gas we began to supply to Europe.
                        But we did not buy any food except grain, and some fruits, coffee, cocoa. On the contrary, having the largest fishing fleet in the world, we exported a lot of freshly caught sea fish and seafood. A fair share of these deliveries were made through gray schemes and the proceeds went into the pockets of the industry minister and the party elite.
                        But in the 90s, and in the 00s, wow! That's when we got hooked on imported food. And only then did we feel the difference between Healthy Food and this poison. It's good that this is already in the past and Russia not only feeds itself, but also exports food. And especially grain. Life is getting better.
                        As for 4th place among economies by PPP, that’s for the World Bank, they did the calculations.
                        And also, although oil and gas made up a significant share of the USSR's exports, we mainly exported high-value added products - machine tools and equipment, consumer goods, and even cars. And in terms of budget revenues, this was a pittance. But gas and, to some extent, oil were a stable source of currency. And indeed, the Kremlin's lazybones began to import more and more consumer goods to it from the mid-70s. And when prices fell sharply, it became noticeable. Not critically, but it was enough for the traitors to aggravate, inflate, and destroy.
                      3. -1
                        1 November 2024 21: 17
                        And do you really believe in all these fairy tales? laughing .
                      4. -2
                        2 November 2024 10: 11
                        I know that.
                        The text is short, there is nothing to add.
                      5. 0
                        2 November 2024 10: 45
                        I know it
                        And where is this successful, rich, fair state now, do you happen to know? And why, if everything was so wonderful?
                      6. -1
                        2 November 2024 12: 47
                        Roughly in the same place as the British Empire, which was also not wonderful.
                      7. 0
                        2 November 2024 12: 49
                        in the same place as the British Empire
                        The metropolis is such a part of the "golden billion". And what about the remains of the USSR?
                      8. -1
                        2 November 2024 14: 01
                        And the USSR's metropolis is Moscow. Everything is good there. And not only there, in the big cities it is better than in other European capitals.
                        By the way, Moscow is recognized as the best European capital in terms of quality of life and the state of urban infrastructure according to the European rating (just before the SVO). And Tucker, who liked Carlson there, was surprised by how much better it was than theirs, although he said that 20 years ago they had the same thing. And it's the same in many cities. You just haven't been to Russia for too long.
                        And the "golden billion" is no longer so golden, and not so much a billion. In the US, they are preparing for a Civil War, in Washington, in general - for street fighting... The gilding is falling off.
                      9. +2
                        2 November 2024 14: 08
                        Moscow. Everything is fine there.
                        The average Muscovite earns the same amount in a month as the average Londoner earns in a week. Prices are roughly the same for everything except excisable goods.
                        And the "golden billion" is not so golden anymore
                        Oh Shlomo, I wish you stood like that, like his Yes .
                        recognized as the best European capital for quality of life and state of urban infrastructure
                        You haven't been to Oslo, Amsterdam or Helsinki.
                      10. -2
                        2 November 2024 15: 37
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        You haven't been to Oslo, Amsterdam or Helsinki.

                        laughing So the commission that assigned first place to Moscow was from there. But somehow they didn't ask Boltorez's opinion. laughing
                      11. 0
                        5 November 2024 06: 30
                        Amsterdam and Helsinki

                        I will intervene in your dialogue and insert my comments...
                        I was flying through the Amsterdam airport, I can tell you that I was frozen like a gopher and the mice were running around in droves, not paying attention to people, and the airport is the face of the capital, I'm even afraid to imagine what the city looks like. If the main attraction is the red light district and the free zone for cannabis use, and there are urinals on the streets, then I'm afraid to even imagine...
                        I liked the airport in Helsinki, it was just confusing and there were a lot of people, it was before the SVO, the house of the ban on flights over Russia, I don’t know now... I haven’t been to the city itself...
                      12. +1
                        5 November 2024 13: 05
                        I was flying over Amsterdam airport

                        I haven't been to the city itself.

                        I did not read, but I condemn laughing .
                      13. 0
                        5 November 2024 15: 41
                        A visit to the airport was enough for me to form an impression of the city, "the theater begins with the coat rack"... And as for what kind of "Sodom and Gomorrah" is going on in the city itself, with these LGBT sabbaths, well, spare me this "quality of life and the state of the city's infrastructure"...
                      14. +1
                        5 November 2024 15: 43
                        "Sodom and Gomorrah" is happening in the city itself
                        There are no LGBT people with pink mops and buckets of Vaseline. laughing A very beautiful and comfortable modern city.
                      15. 0
                        5 November 2024 15: 48
                        And there are probably no red light districts, cannabis is not allowed, and there are no urinals on the streets...
                        Well, live in these "very beautiful and comfortable modern cities"...
                      16. +1
                        5 November 2024 15: 51
                        Urinals are not installed on the streets.
                        Is it better to relieve yourself in an alley?
                        there is no red light district,
                        Yes, so what? Even Stalin and the banned ISIS could not defeat prostitution.
                        cannabis is not allowed
                        There are more drug users in St. Petersburg than in all of Holland.
                      17. 0
                        5 November 2024 16: 06
                        Is it better to relieve yourself in an alley?

                        No, it's not better, but in normal countries like Russia, closed booths are installed for this purpose, and not like in Amsterdam, in the middle of the sidewalk for everyone to see...
                        Even Stalin couldn't defeat prostitution

                        This is not necessary, about prostitution during Stalin's time, give facts...
                        There are more drug users in St. Petersburg

                        We are actually discussing Amsterdam, how "modern" it is. If there is one in St. Petersburg, it is thanks to the same Anglo-Saxons, for whom it is one of the weapons in the fight against Russia. For this purpose, they entered Afghanistan, to increase drug supplies to Russia under the guise of allegedly "liquidating" "terrorist No. 1" Osama bin Laden, who was killed in Pakistan...
                        In St. Petersburg they are fighting it, but in the "modern" city of Amsterdam drugs are legalized...
                      18. +1
                        5 November 2024 16: 12
                        drugs are legalized
                        Only marijuana and truffles, and even then it’s almost exclusively a lure for tourists.
                        If there is any in St. Petersburg, it is thanks to the same Anglo-Saxons
                        And in London thanks to whom?
                        We're actually discussing Amsterdam.
                        The taste of oysters is worth discussing with those who have eaten them.
                      19. 0
                        5 November 2024 16: 26
                        The taste of oysters is worth discussing with those who have eaten them.

                        It was enough for me to see the airport to form my opinion.... A modern city should be modern in everything, including the city gates...
                      20. +2
                        3 November 2024 10: 10
                        You will still boast about dinosaurs from time to time, the importance is here and now, according to which the Russian Federation is a Latin American type of comprador raw materials economy with a standard of living several times lower.
                        In space, we are definitely not the first, past achievements are not enough to spread on bread, all that remains is to dream of victories in the galaxy in torn socks.
                        Here is the return stage that has flown back, show me the Russian one.
                      21. -1
                        3 November 2024 18: 22
                        Quote: nickname7
                        You will also boast about dinosaurs from time to time

                        I didn't catch it. And you, Zhenya, probably have a whole herd? How do they lay?
                        Quote: nickname7
                        what matters is here and now

                        Here and now, Zhenya, we are smashing the Ukrainian Armed Forces on all fronts, whose losses have long since exceeded a million (killed, crippled/invalid, deserters). Note that without superiority in manpower (now it is almost parity, but until recently and from the very beginning you always had a multiple advantage), we destroyed in battle practically (with very few exceptions) all of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' weapons reserves (and they were simply enormous - the arsenals of THREE of the best Soviet military districts + most of the weapons of the GSVG withdrawn from Germany - another powerful district), the overwhelming majority of Soviet-made weapons of the former "Warsawites" and a significant portion of Soviet-made weapons bought up by your sponsors all over the world. And now you have practically everything NATO ... and it is also running out.
                        Here and now we produce many times more than all of NATO+Co. tanks, shells, and other ammunition. And this, Zhenya, is the Economy, Industry, and personnel. Russia is the world's first grain exporter, one of the first gas exporters (it was first, now it's a question mark), we are increasing LNG exports, we are in the top three oil exporters, and one of the leaders in coal exports.
                        Is this raw material?
                        What can the US sell for export besides oil, LNG and coal, and even very expensive weapons? Another "gas station"?
                        Have our gas exports to Europe fallen?
                        But now the most powerful gas processing and gas chemical plants are being built in the Baltic and the Black Sea, the same as in the Amur. LNG plants at the exits of gas pipelines to the sea, fertilizer plants (a lot of gas is needed for this). After all, it is much more convenient and PROFITABLE to export fertilizers than LNG. The revenue is higher, it is no longer raw materials and energy, but a product of processing at a certain depth. In Europe, such plants have closed.
                        Quote: nickname7
                        The Russian Federation is a Latin American type economy

                        Tell me, Zhenya, in which Latin American country is there something similar to our Rosatom? smile And this is not just high technology - the highest.
                        Maybe there are production facilities for modern combat fighters there? smile Production of modern combat missiles of all classes, including hypersonic and ICBMs? lol Maybe they have a developed machine tool industry there? We almost lost it, but now look how it is being revived, and at the most modern, advanced level. Maybe they have a developed civilian aircraft industry there? No need to talk about Embraer, it already belongs to Boeing, and it never had its own engines. Maybe they know how to build ships, combat ships and submarines with nuclear power plants there? And that is oh so difficult. Maybe they have manned spaceflight? At least at the current level in Russia? Maybe they are capable of creating something similar to the Tu-160M? Su-57? Or at least the Su-75, which is supposed to take off for the first time in December?
                        Quote: nickname7
                        comprador raw materials with a standard of living several times lower.

                        Zhenya!! Where have you seen such a country in Latin America??
                        And Boltorez claims that the standard of living in the Russian Federation is 4 times lower than in England. Of course, one can argue about this, but it really is lower. But in Latin America??
                        And the compradors (they certainly exist) would have given Russia up long ago in the current conditions. However, it doesn't bother them. And why?
                        And regarding the raw materials economy... well, the US, besides oil, LNG and food, couldn't offer anything to China to even slightly balance mutual trade. So, is it also a gas station?

                        The World Bank calculated, based on PPP, that the Russian Federation is currently the 4th largest economy in the world, after the USA, China and India. We were surprised, of course, but they probably know better.
                        Quote: nickname7
                        Here is the return stage that has flown back, show me the Russian one.

                        Reusable launch vehicles make economic sense only if there is a need to launch a lot of satellites on a permanent basis. Musk needed something like this and he created it. Using, among other things, our developments from the Roscosmos archives, which he dug through for 2 years. We have known about such proposals since at least the 80s, but there was no economic need for them. Now there is. That is why both China and the Russian Federation are working on reusable middle-class launch vehicles. As well as on methane engines, which we wanted to install on the Angara back in the early 90s.
                        There is no need to boast, it is better to let them praise us.
                      22. 0
                        5 November 2024 06: 34
                        according to which the Russian Federation is a Latin American-type comprador raw materials economy with a standard of living several times lower.

                        And this is thanks to the Anglo-Saxons, who see Russia as a thorn in their side, and who, with the help of Russian comprodors, have made the standard of living like in Latin America...
    3. -1
      31 October 2024 15: 02
      I find it... um... strange to be interested in who and where the aforementioned characters were fucking 80 years ago. Just by the way.
      1. -3
        31 October 2024 15: 22
        I think it's... um... a strange activity
        It helps to see their probable motivation to work against their own country and system. Some of them almost seem to be communists.
    4. BAI
      31 October 2024 21: 23
      Burgess and Blunt are clear. And who is the third?
      1. +2
        31 October 2024 21: 45
        who's third?
        Donald MacLean, as historians believe. He, however, did not disdain women.
    5. 0
      6 November 2024 21: 59
      So what? Even a beetle is meat on a difficult road!
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. +4
      31 October 2024 05: 22
      Quote from turembo
      You see, we have capitalism here, we make money on everything

      I wonder how to formulate what kind of capitalism we have? feel
      1. +22
        31 October 2024 05: 25
        It seems to me that we have one of the worst capitalisms, I would call it feudal capitalism. It seems like there is a country, it seems like there is a constitution. There are laws, but each feudal lord does what he wants, often ignoring both the constitution and the laws, I would describe it this way, perhaps I am wrong of course, this is just an opinion, my humble opinion.
        1. +8
          31 October 2024 05: 27
          Quote from turembo
          I would call it feudal capitalism.

          What for! hi
        2. +10
          31 October 2024 08: 35
          You hit the nail on the head! Everything is correct, it is precisely the feudal-capitalist system that we have built since the early 90s. Where feudal bloodsuckers suck all the juices from the subsoil and serfs and instead of investing in the development of their country, they take the stolen goods to the West, where they plan to settle down and do business. Conclusion - our people are not on the same path with this government!
        3. +2
          3 November 2024 10: 19
          feudal capitalism

          Considering that the feudal lords live abroad, they are foreign colonizers.
      2. +5
        31 October 2024 07: 14
        there is no capitalism. cybernetic feudalism, when feudal lords do not need land. the second oil is enough.
        1. 0
          31 October 2024 07: 27
          Quote: Gardamir
          cybernetic feudalism

          What for! hi
      3. +2
        31 October 2024 08: 00
        Ordinary capitalism, is there some other capitalism with a cute Gagarin smile?
        1. 0
          31 October 2024 09: 17
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          Ordinary capitalism

          What for! hi
          1. +2
            31 October 2024 09: 20
            Here are three answers so far... I think that we have a bureaucratic oligarch-brother feudalism. Thank you all for your answers. hi
        2. 0
          31 October 2024 09: 59
          Ordinary capitalism, is there some other capitalism with a cute Gagarin smile?

          Come on, grown-up kids during perestroika hoped for imperial capitalism, not knowing that it was only allowed to the USA and its hangers-on.
          The rest of the world only accepts comprador capitalism, which they now don’t want to swallow. lol
          1. +2
            31 October 2024 10: 13
            What should I give up? Do you know a country with such a smile, where people are spiritually and culturally improving day by day, and material well-being is growing, there are no conflicts, everything is orderly and noble? laughing
            1. -4
              31 October 2024 10: 19
              What should I give up? Do you know a country with such a smile, where people are spiritually and culturally improving day by day, and material well-being is growing, there are no conflicts, everything is orderly and noble?

              You've gone too far. Many people still consider Finland, for example, to be paradise.
              1. +4
                31 October 2024 10: 22
                And is there paradise? I didn't know. Will we all get there? wink
                1. +2
                  31 October 2024 10: 31
                  And is there paradise? I didn't know. Will we all get there?

                  We've already got there. Heaven is not for everyone, only for the righteous.
                  Remember how the Muslims say that each righteous person is entitled to how many houris. True, no one asked the question, what are houris like in that paradise? lol
                  1. +3
                    31 October 2024 10: 50
                    I'm an atheist, I don't understand your gimmicks. hi
                    1. +5
                      31 October 2024 10: 57
                      I'm an atheist, I don't understand your gimmicks.

                      Well, I am an atheist too. The point is that our officials and oligarchs have already built a semblance of paradise in the Russian Federation for their beloved selves. Yes
                      1. +3
                        31 October 2024 10: 59
                        So it was clear from the moment when the land was distributed to us peasants. They took it from the collective farm and distributed it to us. laughing They freed us from collective farm and serfdom. laughing
            2. +1
              31 October 2024 18: 59
              Antarctica? laughing "" "" "
          2. 0
            31 October 2024 13: 06
            which they don't want to eat now. lol
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. -3
      31 October 2024 11: 02
      I would add... Even if these "geese-swans" return... "once a traitor - who will believe you..." (slightly paraphrasing) And not so "valuable" specialists left. Believe me, I understand this matter)
    4. +3
      31 October 2024 18: 55
      So now we need to take into account that now all salaries are indicated “gross”, before deducting the 13% tax. hi
  3. +8
    31 October 2024 05: 38
    Let's remember Robert Bartini, who left fascist Italy in time

    Robert Bartini, first of all, was a member of the PCI. During the Genoa Conference, his group monitored that there were no provocations against the Soviet delegation. Bartini was an active member of the PCI and, at the insistence of the Central Committee, note the Central Committee, was sent to the USSR. Let us also remember another Italian, Primo Gibelli, posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union in December 1936, he became one of the first foreigners whose services to the USSR were recognized with such a high award.
    He is the prototype of the main character from the movie "Courage", a test pilot. By the way, he was also recommended by the ICP to leave for Soviet Russia, not the USSR, he fought with Petliurists, Denikinites, Transcaucasian nationalists.
  4. +26
    31 October 2024 05: 50
    Oh, well this is a classic of the genre.
    "Don't worry," said Ostap, "my project guarantees your city an unprecedented flourishing of productive forces. Think what will happen when the tournament is over and all the guests have left. The residents of Moscow, hampered by the housing crisis, will rush to your magnificent city. The capital automatically moves to Vasyuki. The government comes here. Vasyuki is renamed New Moscow, Moscow - Old Vasyuki. The people of Leningrad and Kharkov grind their teeth, but can do nothing. New Moscow becomes the most elegant center of Europe, and soon the whole world."
    Unemployment is -1%, inflation is -8%, average salary is -87000 rubles. All Western engineers are running to get jobs at AvtoVAZ, which produces domestic cars that have no analogues in the world. Hooray!
    1. +19
      31 October 2024 06: 03
      All Western engineers are running to get jobs at AvtoVAZ

      Yeah, Musk is clutching his head, there is an outflow of employees from his company to Roscosmos. smile
    2. +6
      31 October 2024 06: 43
      A good quote and to the point.
      Nevertheless, some people are returning - I judge from my rather large circle of contacts there.
      A small number of business owners are returning - not only remote workers, and not many of them. Difficulties, unwillingness to adapt to new conditions, etc.
      I can't call them great and bright specialists. Remote workers have worked and will work abroad, business - well, the rentier will return, the owner of 5 apartments - this is, of course, a terrible boost to the economy.
      But those whom I really feel sorry for, as lost to Russia - alas, are needed there too...
      Regarding the passions with gender reassignment, etc. in schools. On the one hand, it is truly a nightmare, the idiocy is off the charts in the States and Canada.
      But on the other hand - it is easy to avoid by choosing a school (if there is a job, and we are talking about such). And ours are full not only in the States and Canada - in Mexico, Costa Rica and other Argentinas and better.
      As one of our great politicians said: “Not everything is so clear-cut.”

      By the way, for die-hard debaters and conscientious bloggers - in all countries in the malicious WhatsApp, Facebook, and the permitted Telegram there are a bunch of groups of emigrants (even by city), where you can get an impression of reality.
      1. +1
        31 October 2024 13: 25
        Quote from tsvetahaki
        It's really a pity, as they were lost for Russia - alas, they are needed there too...

    3. +9
      31 October 2024 11: 02
      Pure Manilovism. A catastrophic assessment of the number of those who left was voiced even before the start of the SVO. It was given by the chief scientific secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Dolgushin: the number of highly qualified specialists leaving Russia increased from 12 thousand in 2012 to 70 thousand in 2021. 400 people arrived, and in the other direction, according to the most conservative estimates from the same RAS, we get 2500 people who left only major scientists after February 22, the total number of those who left is estimated at approximately 10-12 thousand people. In addition to this, one can also estimate how much less often foreign scientists began to choose the opportunity to work in Russia. If in 2021 the share of cases when the place of work changed from foreign to Russian was 7%, then in 2023 it decreased to 2%. As the reasons for scientists leaving abroad after the start of the SVO, most scientists cite not only fears of repression or civic position, but also pure pragmatism - under sanctions, it is much more difficult to do science, participate in international collaborations, publish in scientific journals, and gain access to equipment. After the start of the SVO, Russia was excluded from a large number of international joint projects, including the Horizon 2020 project, a program of the European Space Agency. The names of Russian scientists were removed from articles by teams of the Large Hadron Collider, and foreign organizations banned cooperation with scientists from Russian state institutes. Affiliation with a Russian organization has become toxic. The largest outflow — 23% of all scientists who left — came from Moscow universities: Moscow State University, Skolkovo, and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The strongest graduates of master's and postgraduate programs now often decide to continue their scientific careers abroad at the very beginning of their studies. Now graduates of both 2022 and 2023 are actively leaving. The directions of migration have also changed. The pre-war top 3 consisted of the USA, Germany, and Great Britain. After the start of the Second World War, Israel took third place: the share of moves there increased by 175%. According to the Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics, Russia has already dropped to 11th place in terms of the number of international publications, returning to the level of 2016–2017.
  5. +10
    31 October 2024 06: 06
    People worked not for money and material goods, but for an idea. As trite as it may sound in modern times.

    And this is not a platitude. Material goods should go to those who are involved in their creation, and not redistribution. And no amount of honey will lure professionals into the company of speculators-burners who think only about their own pockets and in every way justify their self-interest to society...
    1. -8
      31 October 2024 09: 18
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Material goods should go to those who were involved in their creation, and not to those who redistributed them.

      Take it away and divide it among everyone? Shoot those who are not satisfied! And what about those who earned their billions with their minds, perhaps genius and persistence?
      1. +10
        31 October 2024 09: 23
        Quote: Edik
        But what about those who, with their intelligence, perhaps genius and perseverance, earned their billions?

        There are no billionaires in Russia who have earned billions through their intelligence, genius and persistence, except for Tatyana Vladimirovna Bakalchuk...
        * * *
        stop Ah...I completely forgot: Miller, Sechin and those 125 from the Forbes list
        1. -7
          31 October 2024 09: 29
          Quote: ROSS 42
          There are no billionaires in Russia who have earned billions through their intelligence, genius and persistence, except for Tatyana Vladimirovna Bakalchuk...
          Do you know for sure, are you sure? As always, you give alternative information....
          1. +1
            31 October 2024 09: 49
            Such people undoubtedly exist. However, their share is extremely small and roughly corresponds to the statistics of "success" on the stock exchange, i.e. something around 5%.
            At present, there will be fewer of them; the central bank has created all the conditions for this.
            1. -6
              31 October 2024 10: 00
              Quote: vadimtt
              However, their share is extremely small and roughly corresponds to the statistics of "success" on the stock exchange, i.e. something in the region of 5%.

              I like this better. So it means that this citizen was misleading me? And do you know for sure, are you sure?
        2. +3
          31 October 2024 10: 01
          Quote: ROSS 42
          There are no billionaires in Russia who have earned billions through their intelligence, genius and perseverance

          Durov. Kaspersky. Volozh. Galitsky. Tinkov. Gapontsev.
          I remembered it off the top of my head, but if I think about it, I'll remember it again.
          Maybe not billionaires in dollars, but definitely multimillionaires.
          1. -6
            31 October 2024 10: 24
            Mikhail, why are you doing this so quickly? Even with other people's hints to activate the movement of gray matter, when they get to something, they still forget it after a week. It doesn't fit into their worldview!
  6. +8
    31 October 2024 06: 33
    Yes, we have enough working hands in Rus', but thanks to all the vigorous activity of certain characters for a quarter of a century they are busy with God knows what... Look - from security guards of all stripes alone you can probably recruit a couple of combined arms armies. And this is with the police and the Russian Guard! I won't even mention the rest. This is what needs to be done urgently, and not lure foreigners...
  7. -7
    31 October 2024 07: 33
    With the right approach to the matter, such emigrants could be of great help to us. This is about foreigners. Our compatriots will have a very difficult time in their homeland in everyday life. If there is already suspicion in the media towards their citizens. What can we say about our former citizens who have returned. Changing the rhetoric to goodwill is a very difficult but necessary matter.
  8. +2
    31 October 2024 07: 47
    People really worked for the idea.

    Only today there is one idea - to line one's pockets, and this idea is the same in the West and in the East.

    Those who cannot find work at home willingly come to us - for example, in our building a team of Tajiks is doing the scheduled replacement of elevators. ALL my friends have exclusively Tajiks working at their dachas. It's scary to say about the IT sector - there are no people at all. After finishing the SVO, I hope the situation will improve, but I don't know how radically. I'm afraid the situation will change radically in another area...

    All is well, beautiful marquise.
    And things are going well for us...
  9. +1
    31 October 2024 08: 08
    and also because of the banal fear for one's own>author-->author writes his articles from the trenches between assaults. Only those who are risking their "skin" right there can write like that. It's nice, when the sea is raging and the wind is driving the waves, to watch someone else's war from the shore.
  10. +1
    31 October 2024 08: 41
    Again dreams.dreams....
  11. +12
    31 October 2024 09: 33
    Seriously, I can no longer tell the difference between Fedorov and Staver. Everyone has bitten each other.
    Europe is rotting, Russia is flourishing, we have victories in all directions, the enemy is fleeing, caps are flying, the economy is growing, all the smart Europeans want to move to us, and we don’t need the stupid ones, etc.
    In the late USSR, everyone on TV also exceeded the norms, broke records for milk yields and harvests, exceeded plans by 120-150%. But the picture broke as soon as you went outside.
    And now, when I go out into the street, I see the nice bearded faces of the Wahhabis around me, and not the Europeans who are striving to join us, with salaries at the level of 40-50 thousand before taxes, fucking toilet a Lada car for 2 million rubles, etc.
  12. +10
    31 October 2024 09: 49
    IMHO, it's time to put people in jail for fraud and deception in the media.
    "Backdraft: "golden hands and brains" go to Russia"
    The text describes this and that, but specifically on the topic:
    "According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than 400 people from the Baltics and Germany received temporary residence permits." And that's all.
    400 in total, compared to hundreds of thousands of Asians.
    Who, for how much, why - is not written. I assume that in 2 years of the SVO, Russians who could not find themselves abroad returned. Well, and strange, of course.
  13. +11
    31 October 2024 10: 05
    Unfortunately, we have to take the figures and many statements critically.
    For example, that public sector workers have become fabulously rich, and last summer they bought up all the diesel fuel in the South, by winter they ate all the eggs, and this year they have started to gobble up butter.
    There is no unemployment? It is just that those who yesterday, managing the enterprises and territories of the working man, teacher and doctor, despised and economically strangled them, are now quite logically faced with the fact that there is no one to fill the vacancies in factories, schools and hospitals.
    The army already has to be recreated practically from scratch at a high cost (not only in money).
    The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service still have this to look forward to - they have been severely destroyed by the reformers.
    Pensioners were scared out of work by a long-term halving of pensions (wisely! economically! thriftily!) putting them in a situation where they work as nannies and orderlies for 10 thousand rubles and receive 12-15 thousand rubles less than their pension, and on top of that, social tax for them is deducted at about 40% to the pension and other funds. This is sabotage, definitely.
    And now, when the personnel shortages in all the most important spheres are obvious, we take out our wallets and "buy" soldiers and officers, turners and milling machine operators, doctors and teachers, if not at home, then abroad. Yeah, right!
    Competing with Ozon, Sbermarket, despite the fact that most schoolchildren are oriented towards becoming bloggers, TikTokers or, at worst, civil servants.
    As a picture illustrating the insanity of "certain managers", here is an example: an acquaintance of mine, a worker with good experience in the prime of his life (30 years old), tried to get a job at a very well-known plant that had just celebrated its anniversary, grinding propellers for boats, not fishing or pleasure boats.
    They refused - he has no experience in grinding these products, and hiring him with training, as has been the custom since ancient times - our managers do not know this, they are not mature enough yet.
    And where the guy was supposed to gain experience in grinding the secret product "screw" is somehow unimportant to them, they have "criteria", they follow them. As a result, the workforce is separate, the vacancy is separate.
    Should we wait for foreigners who share our values?
    Clean your brains, gentlemen "managers", or honestly admit that you couldn't handle it and get out of the cart! Like that head Korkina, who brought the city to a Russian rebellion, senseless (or was it?) and merciless.
    And while the triumvirate of Siluanov-Golikova-Nabiullina will determine the general course, I personally do not believe that we are recovering organizationally and economically.
    And no foreigners or relocates will build our country for us.
  14. +11
    31 October 2024 10: 47
    The author is good to watch and listen to Solovyov, it will not lead to anything good. It is contagious for the psyche.
  15. +9
    31 October 2024 11: 47
    The authors are once again pouring out pure propaganda instead of a more or less sensible analysis.

    Let's take it as an example, since it is Germany that owes its industrial growth to cheap energy from Russia. We have long heard on TV about the coming deindustrialization of Europe, and it seems that the time has come for this.

    Again these mantras cheap Russian resources - German industry, it is still possible to understand if this applies to some chemical production built entirely on imported raw materials, but the auto industry is a completely different level, moreover, if the authors look at the history of the closure of plants by different automakers over the past 10 years, then their plants in different parts of the world were closed by Ford, Toyota, Honda, General Motors, Nissan, etc. miscalculations of marketers, management hit much harder than the price of resources, Volvo sold the production of passenger cars to Ford, in the 2000s Ford sold it to the Chinese and all this without any mantras about cheap resources, it's just that the auto industry is a high-tech and highly competitive production, one wrong step, a drop in sales, losses.

    One of the locomotives of the German economy, the Volkswagen Group, is forced to get hold of 2026 billion euros by the beginning of 10. Otherwise, the car manufacturer will simply sink. No one is going to approve such loans in such difficult times, and the Germans, in search of savings, have decided to close three factories at once. Labor relations with employees have already been terminated, and for those who are still working, wages will be reduced. Several tens of thousands of EU citizens and labor migrants risk becoming unemployed.

    At the same time, Skoda, which is part of the Volkswagen Group, is showing sales growth.

    Škoda Auto records strong financial figures in 2024
    2 August 2024
    Škoda achieved solid sales and financial results in the first six months of 2024. The key financial figures underscore the brand's strong position: sales revenue of €13.652 billion remains comparable to H1 2023 (-0.7%); operating profit rose to €1.149 billion (2023: +26.1%); return on sales increased to 8.4% (6.6%); net cash flow totaled €1.408 billion (+135.8%). The automaker delivered 448,600 vehicles¹ from January to June, 3.8% higher than in the same period last year.

    If the freed up labor migrants from Germany appear, then most likely they will go to the factories of another, more successful European manufacturer, and in Russia we have neither a market nor an auto industry that would employ the freed up German workers, if a crisis hits us like that, such as a collapse of industry, then they will most likely go to the USA and China

    Moreover, there was an article on TopWar about Mercedes and how early it is to shout "Mercedes-kaput"
  16. +6
    31 October 2024 12: 29
    When an employer is forced to compete for labor resources, it is inevitable that wages will have to be raised. And this not only improves the population's solvency, but also accelerates inflation.
    Ah, these serfs are preventing the fatherland from flourishing again. They'll get their 40 thousand and drive up inflation. Poor Elvira doesn't know what to do with inflation anymore, and how to restrain these rich lazybones.
    1. +6
      31 October 2024 12: 54
      Quote: Vladislav Markov_2
      They will get their 40 thousand and accelerate inflation.

      Inflation is really being driven up by payments. Only those who received 2022 thousand before 40 are now receiving 300+ during the war. And we have about 1 million people there. + bonuses for signing a contract + payments for injuries/deaths + the level of salaries in the defense industry has really jumped up significantly. That is, the same 40 thousand before the war are now 100+.
      There is no wage acceleration anywhere else. Or it is very specific and not noticeable in the masses.
      All statistics on salary growth are based on this very circumstance.

      Well, Elvira Sakhipzadovna fights for our good as best she can.
      The Central Bank has basically 3 instruments of influence on monetary policy. There are actually more, but here are the main ones:
      1. The key rate. Essentially the only tool available now, which our valiant Central Bank is waving around like a crowbar.
      2. Issuing bonds. Yes, they are issued, but no one needs them, by and large. Therefore, in fact, they are forced to be bought by state agencies. Which is essentially shifting money from the right pocket to the left.
      3. Currency interventions. But you can't do them now either, the exchange no longer exists, a significant share of the currency has been arrested abroad.

      As our brothers say, what we have, we have.
  17. +4
    31 October 2024 13: 56
    People worked not for money and material goods, but for an idea.

    The problem is that this idea does not exist now and cannot exist, since the constitution prohibits it.
  18. +3
    31 October 2024 18: 56
    The author is a dreamer, you called me that! laughing
  19. +1
    31 October 2024 19: 55
    Sorry, but this doesn't belong in the Analytics section. Opinion - yes. Opinions are private, contested, and can differ greatly from the opinions of the commentators.
    "...People worked not for money and material goods, but for an idea. As trite as it may sound in modern times..."
    Idea or ideology?
    Peace! Friendship! Equality! Brotherhood!
    Personal opinion is not an idea, but an ideology. Because it is not limited by geography or nationality.
    Let people fly like birds. This is my personal opinion, an idea.

    And a bit more...

    400 people decided to move to the Russian Federation... This is very little! Many times more have moved from some countries and already received citizenship. Even the State Duma is frowning about the quantity and quality of those who moved.

    You write "patriots"... So those who left the country hardly considered themselves patriots at that time. Maybe they don't consider themselves patriots now. Do many of VO readers consider themselves patriots of the Russian Federation?
    As the author of an analytical article in which you use the term "patriot", can you give a brief or detailed personal definition?

    Golden hands...
    In literature and in colloquial speech of our Russian language, this meant that a person knows how to do something not just, but to do it exceptionally well.
    And at present, golden hands can mean that the employer has to pay much more for professional suitability than he, the employer, wants/can pay.

    P.S. It turned out to be a bit of a mess.
  20. -1
    31 October 2024 20: 02
    Quote: Vladislav Markov_2
    When an employer is forced to compete for labor resources, it is inevitable that wages will have to be raised. And this not only improves the population's solvency, but also accelerates inflation.
    Ah, these serfs are preventing the fatherland from flourishing again. They'll get their 40 thousand and drive up inflation. Poor Elvira doesn't know what to do with inflation anymore, and how to restrain these rich lazybones.

    Well, you don’t sincerely believe that the Central Bank is fighting against the increase in wages from 40 to 60?
    The Central Bank, in my personal opinion, is fighting, or rather trying to fight, its own printing press.
    Only the Start button is in the control of the Government and the State Duma, and the Stop button is covered with blue tape. But the Central Bank should do something without touching the blue tape.
  21. 0
    1 November 2024 14: 08
    The article is cheap, low-grade propaganda.
    And finally, the third reason for unemployment is Russia's constant industrial growth. According to the president, mechanical engineering has grown by 20 percent in the last eight months alone.

    What a complete lie! The fact that 3 shifts of workers were assigned to old machines at the military-industrial complex plants does not indicate a constant growth of industrialization.
    Mechanical engineering in any country is characterized by the bearing industry. In the Russian Federation in 2000, 250 million bearings of all types were produced. In 2020, 37 million. In 2023, the same 37 million. WHERE is the development by 20%?

    Russian bearings have been rolled out
    Why metallurgists are reluctant to supply bearing production with high-quality alloys
    With the start of the SVO, the national bearing industry received a good chance to get out of the protracted crisis. However, the expected breakthrough did not happen. Russian metallurgists are not eager to produce complex high-quality alloys for bearing plants in the required volumes. State support programs have not really worked, the technological backwardness of Russian bearing manufacturers is growing, for which target programs are needed.

    And this is not only the population's better solvency, but also the acceleration of inflation. Elvira Nabiullina is forced to fight this scourge by permanently raising the Central Bank's key rate.

    HOW can you retransmit all this CRAP from Saphidzadovna!? HOW can a high rate curb inflation? People here take out loans to buy food, and because of a high rate they will "eat" less? Is it because of a low rate that eggs, milk and all dairy products are becoming more expensive? What kind of CRAP is this? I understand that people take out loans to buy cars and apartments. But the government has slapped such duties on cars that I don't even want to. And the developers themselves don't cheat themselves on real estate, they have a 500% profit, and the prices are sky-high. On the other hand, it is precisely the high rate of the Central Bank that RAISES the prices of food and household goods. Because any production exists thanks to the turnover of credit funds. They buy raw materials with them, modernize and expand equipment. Sometimes they even fill the payroll with credit funds. So, dear author, guess whose shoulders end up with the huge loan payments? CORRECT, on the shoulders of the buyer through price increases. Only an idiot doesn't understand this.
    It's disgusting to read such low-quality writing.
  22. +1
    1 November 2024 14: 26
    The described disposition contrasts with the events unfolding in Western countries. First of all, Europe and, first of all, Germany. Let us take it as an example, since it is the FRG that owes its industrial growth to cheap energy resources from Russia. We have long heard from television about the coming deindustrialization of Europe, and it seems that the time for this has come.
    One of the locomotives of the German economy, the Volkswagen Group, is forced to get hold of 2026 billion euros by the beginning of 10. Otherwise, the car manufacturer will simply sink. No one is going to approve such loans in such difficult times, and the Germans, in search of savings, have decided to close three factories at once. Labor relations with employees have already been terminated, and for those who are still working, wages will be reduced. Several tens of thousands of EU citizens and labor migrants risk becoming unemployed.

    Author, are you aware that in 2020 in Germany 1 MWh is 17 euros, or about 1500 rubles, in the same 2020 the tariff for the population in St. Petersburg was 4000 FOUR thousand rubles per megawatt hour!!! How did we think about our production? WHAT did we think about? Now they have 87 euros per MWh, or 9 thousand rubles translated at the exchange rate. We now have 8100 rubles for St. Petersburg enterprises per MWh. Are we also closing there, or what?
    According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than 400 people from the Baltics and Germany have received temporary residence permits. Time will tell how many of them will join the ranks of highly qualified specialists, but the process has begun.

    400 PEOPLE??? Not 40 thousand, and not even 4? No, I'm not mistaken? What does the author accept to declare "the process has begun" based on these not even crumbs, but microparticles? And how many qualified personnel have left the Russian Federation during this same time?
  23. 0
    1 November 2024 18: 44
    Quote from AdAstra
    So now we need to take into account that now all salaries are indicated “gross”, before deducting the 13% tax. hi

    The salary was always indicated as such, without deduction of personal income tax
  24. 0
    3 November 2024 20: 49
    Dear Evgeny Fedorov! You mentioned Robert Bartini, who came to the USSR in 1923, having accepted the communist ideology... And who of the outstanding and not so outstanding, NOW moved for permanent residence to the de-ideologized Russia, rushing from Orthodoxy and nationality to democracy and socialism, but remaining "under the shadow" of state capitalism????? At least a couple of names, to develop the topic! Statistics are important in such conversations...