Retired US General Mark Milley Admits End of US Hegemony

Retired US General Mark Milley Admits End of US Hegemony

Against the backdrop of geopolitical changes taking place in the world in recent years, many experts, including Western ones, have noted the decline in the role of the United States in world politics and the strengthening of other centers of power.

Some American figures also acknowledge this. According to retired General Mark Milley, who previously served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army, American hegemony is a thing of the past.

Milley noted that today there is no longer a unipolar world dominated by the United States, and we live in a multipolar world in which China and Russia are capable of challenging Washington.

We are now living in a multipolar world. There are three superpowers - the US, Russia and China. During the Cold War there were two superpowers, after the Cold War there was said to be a unipolar era, when for a short time the US was the only superpower. Today, obviously, we are living in a multipolar world.

- said the general, adding that the world has become much more complex than it was recently.

According to the new US national security strategy adopted back in October 2022, Russia and China were openly named as Washington's strategic opponents.
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  1. +4
    29 October 2024 10: 47
    Retired US General Mark Milley Admits End of US Hegemony

    We are now living in a multipolar world. There are three superpowers - the US, Russia and China. During the Cold War there were two superpowers, after the Cold War there was said to be a unipolar era, when for a short time the US was the only superpower. Today, obviously, we are living in a multipolar world.

    Has he finally seen the light and is saying smart things or is he bluffing?

    Is this the same one who was the chief of staff of the Yankee Sri and was responsible for the grunt offensive in 2023?
    And he chickened out after the failure?
    And now he's woken up and wants to make history by writing his memoirs?
    1. +7
      29 October 2024 11: 00
      It's a strange trend - after retiring, American retired generals become remarkably smarter!
      1. +1
        29 October 2024 11: 20
        retired generals

        and politics
    2. -4
      29 October 2024 11: 09
      Has he finally seen the light and is saying smart things or is he bluffing?
      They are in the midst of an election campaign, this is for domestic consumption.
  2. +1
    29 October 2024 11: 00
    Probably this is the only one who understood what was going on, the others don’t get it.
  3. +1
    29 October 2024 11: 03
    Sobering up, realizing this fact will be painful for the USA! And look, maybe there will be a Maidan in the USA, there have already been warning signs. Nobody has cancelled the boomerang of life!!!
  4. +3
    29 October 2024 11: 04
    Everything is always more visible from the outside... Yes
  5. 0
    29 October 2024 11: 06
    He was General Milli and became General Micro.
  6. +3
    29 October 2024 11: 13
    It didn't start in Ukraine or Syria. The Yankees themselves started it back in Yugoslavia. And even earlier, EBN and co. had taken out the GSVG and subjected the group to an unheard-of, unprecedented in history plundering, which was never investigated. Which opened the way for the Yankees to aggression, which caused the beginning of the end of the hegemon.
  7. +2
    29 October 2024 11: 16
    The overseas colony has never been a superpower. "Churchill came up with all this in 1918..." It must be admitted that the brilliant strategists of the Old World did as they should with the occupation of the American continent. The natives did not hold out for long. They could not do the same with Eurasia, but the devils are trying.
  8. -1
    29 October 2024 11: 20
    Too shy to ask...
    Or maybe they should be sent into retirement right after the Western Point?!..
    The world would be more harmonious.
  9. +1
    29 October 2024 11: 48
    Quote: Boniface
    Retired generals are becoming wonderfully smarter!

    As there:
    When you're not there, they say such things about you.
    When I'm not there, they can even beat me!
  10. -1
    29 October 2024 12: 17
    I wonder if when Biden resigns, he too will wake up, oh, will he see the light?.. wassat
  11. ada
    29 October 2024 13: 00
    Previously I read his last name as "milley", approximately in our manner - "milai", I suppose that word-mongers and linguists find something in this.
    He says what he has to say - what he was ordered to broadcast on air, there are no "liberties in retirement" there, but corpses - yes.
  12. 0
    29 October 2024 15: 14
    The world will become multipolar when the "poles" will have different types of exchanges with the environment. For now, there is a general unification of the capitalist type. It is strange when in Russia, which has completely joined in someone else's way of life, they broadcast about multipolarity. Millie is in a hurry.
  13. 0
    29 October 2024 17: 24
    Captain Obvious, however. When 22 top officials and representatives of two dozen countries and international organizations come to Russia for the BRICS summit, this somewhat undermines the thesis about Russia being isolated. It hits the eye. It means that Russia is needed and important for the global majority.
  14. 0
    29 October 2024 23: 43
    A retired general can say anything. Listen to our Ivashov.
    1. 0
      30 October 2024 07: 39
      A retired general can say anything. Listen to our Ivashov.
      Ivashov doesn’t just speak, he prophesies like a seer! fellow stop laughing
  15. 0
    30 October 2024 07: 38
    We are now living in a multipolar world. There are three superpowers - the US, Russia and China. During the Cold War there were two superpowers, after the Cold War there was said to be a unipolar era, when for a short time the US was the only superpower. Today, obviously, we are living in a multipolar world.
    - said the general, adding that the world has become much more complex than it was recently.
    Good morning America! We are awake! fellow No. belay And so, to understand the simple, it was necessary for military actions to begin in Ukraine, just like in Palestine, an economic collapse in the EU and a migration crisis in the USA, not to mention the deterioration of political and economic relations with the Russian Federation. fellow