FSB shows footage from the site of the liquidation of saboteurs in the Bryansk region

FSB shows footage from the site of the liquidation of saboteurs in the Bryansk region

The FSB has published new footage from the site of the liquidation of foreign saboteurs who tried to penetrate into the Bryansk region from the territory of Ukraine. This was reported by the FSB Public Relations Center.

Russian security forces have published a video from the scene of the liquidation of four saboteurs in the Klimovsky district of the Kursk region on October 27 during an attempt to violate the state border. The footage shows that the saboteurs had a solid supply of weapons, ammunition and explosives, judging by the equipment, they were going on a deep raid with the task of carrying out sabotage activities. And judging by the personal belongings, among which were two Canadian flags, a prayer book in Polish, a notebook with notes on tactical training in English, all the saboteurs were foreigners.

Let us recall that the sabotage group, which attempted to penetrate into Russian territory, was spotted in the area of ​​the uninhabited village of Manev in the Klimovsky district of the Bryansk region. During the battle, border guard forces destroyed four saboteurs, and the rest were covered with fire as they retreated into Ukrainian territory. artillery and blows missiles.

Preliminary, the group could have included up to thirty saboteurs, their target could have been military facilities both in Russia and Belarus. It is much easier to penetrate the neighboring republic through the Bryansk region than from the territory of Ukraine.
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  1. +15
    29 October 2024 09: 57
    Throw them in a manure pile, it will be better for the plants
    1. +10
      29 October 2024 10: 02
      Quote: alex83
      Throw them in a manure pile, it will be better for the plants

      Into the dung heap of the USA and their stooges from NATO. This is an invasion of NATO troops into Russian territory. To be honest, but lying politicians say that this is a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group. hi
      1. +7
        29 October 2024 10: 41
        Into a dung heap and dump it at the embassies of these countries
      2. -4
        29 October 2024 11: 06
        The name does not change the essence of the act itself. Peaceful civilians do not care what name this breakthrough attempt will have. The death of people on our side will be death first and foremost, and only then will it get a name. Those who died in Crocus City Hall do not care where and under whose leadership the terrorist attack was prepared. There is no need to always see only the negative and try to throw it on.
        1. 0
          29 October 2024 13: 26
          Quote: Normal
          You don't have to see only the negative all the time and try to throw it on.

          Throwing in positivity leads to squinting. hi
          1. 0
            29 October 2024 15: 54
            Quote: fif21
            Throwing positivity into the mix leads to squinting

            You act as if throwing negativity at someone will lead to something good.
            1. 0
              29 October 2024 16: 19
              Quote from: nik-mazur
              You act as if throwing negativity at someone will lead to something good.

              Better a bitter truth than a sugary lie. hi
              1. 0
                29 October 2024 16: 24
                Quote: fif21
                Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie

                Well, first of all, it’s not cloying, but sweet.
                Secondly, there is a persistent feeling that critics and all-suckers care not about the truth, but about bitterness. And if there is a choice between the sweet truth and the bitter lie, then the lie will win.
                By the way, examples here are found and not so rare.
                1. 0
                  29 October 2024 16: 31
                  Quote from: nik-mazur
                  Secondly, there is a persistent feeling that critics and all-round losers are not interested in the truth, but in bitterness.

                  You have the wrong impression. It is true - NATO troops invaded the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. This time the border guards fulfilled their military duty. But the reaction of the towers causes bitterness and shame for Leopold the Cat. hi
                  1. 0
                    29 October 2024 16: 40
                    Quote: fif21
                    The reaction of the towers causes bitterness and shame for Leopold the Cat

                    You speak some kind of jargon that is unknown to me - without a translation into normal Russian it is not clear why you are so ashamed.
                    1. 0
                      29 October 2024 16: 44
                      Quote from: nik-mazur
                      You speak some kind of jargon that is unknown to me -

                      laughing In the great language of Jasop. lol If you think that in the Russian Federation you can say whatever you think, then you are mistaken. bully
                      1. 0
                        29 October 2024 16: 48
                        Quote: fif21
                        If you think that in the Russian Federation you can say whatever you think

                        I don’t know what you’re talking about – I calmly say everything I think.
      3. +2
        29 October 2024 13: 01
        Quote: fif21
        This is an invasion of NATO troops into Russian territory.

        And why shouldn't the Foreign Ministry put on a straight face and issue a statement that a combined NATO military detachment from the US, Poland and Canada attacked the border of the Russian Federation without declaring war and was destroyed on our territory. Call a meeting of the UN Security Council, demand an international investigation, accuse NATO of aggression and unleashing a war against the Russian Federation, put the Strategic Missile Forces on full combat alert, warn the residents of Washington, Ottawa and Warsaw to immediately leave these cities within 10 hours. Well, we can think of something else. Yes
        1. +2
          29 October 2024 13: 07
          Quote: LIONnvrsk
          bring the Strategic Missile Forces to full combat readiness, warn the residents of Washington, Ottawa, Warsaw to immediately leave these cities within 10 hours. Well, we can think of something else.

          On this major note, throw in the joint and, next time, roll the goat's leg more thinly.
          But overall, everything is correct. Geese in the freezer, so that the tattoos don't spread, and photo-video on the high stands. UN? No. Dead office. We need to work directly with the enemy population...
          1. +3
            29 October 2024 13: 18
            Quote: isv000
            On this upbeat note, throw in the joint

            No, let's go for it! And then we need to announce that because of NATO aggression, we are forced to ask our allies for help and introduce North Korean troops into the Kursk and Belgorod regions! Yes
            And yes, I don't smoke. The doctor said that it's better to have a glass of white vodka than to smoke! Well, how can you not listen to the doctor! lol
        2. 0
          29 October 2024 13: 31
          Quote: LIONnvrsk
          Well, we can think of something else.

          Everything has already been thought up in the plans of the General Staff of the Russian Federation. Political will is needed to firmly defend the interests of one's country. Appeasement of the Bandera regime, after a military coup, is costly. hi
          1. +1
            29 October 2024 13: 41
            This should be thought up at the Main Political Directorate, but comrade Mekhlis L.Z. is not there now.
            1. 0
              29 October 2024 13: 47
              Quote: Grencer81
              This should be thought up at the Main Political Directorate, but comrade Mekhlis L.Z. is not there now.

              laughing Invite Solovyov to GlavPUR wassat The same butcher, only viewed from the side. hi
              1. +1
                29 October 2024 14: 28
                Mekhlis was a fanatic of the inquisitorial type.
                And Solovyov is a weather vane.
  2. +10
    29 October 2024 09: 57
    Judging by their personal belongings, which included two Canadian flags, a prayer book in Polish, and a notebook with notes on tactical training in English, all the saboteurs were foreigners.

    What a bouquet! I hope that the retreating ones were also covered on Ukrainian territory. am
    1. +5
      29 October 2024 10: 06
      A pair of every creature...
    2. +1
      29 October 2024 12: 02
      .....judging by the personal belongings, which included two Canadian flags and a prayer book in Polish

      It is unclear why these items are needed for a long raid. It is a pity that there were no prisoners. Now they will probe the border in other areas.
  3. +6
    29 October 2024 10: 03
    Judging by their personal belongings, all the saboteurs were idiots.
    1. 0
      29 October 2024 10: 15
      And what "personal things" specifically?
    2. +1
      29 October 2024 10: 23
      I don't know about things - the FN Minimi with a couple of interchangeable barrels in the photo would be useful to me.
      I would install it on the balcony, to drive away scooterists and the like with warnings, and again it could shoot down drones if pressed. Total profit.
      1. +1
        29 October 2024 13: 09
        Quote: hhurik
        I would install it on the balcony, to drive away scooter riders and others with warnings,

        There will be a tipsy scooter rider who will charge with "fly"...
        1. 0
          29 October 2024 18: 30
          It is necessary to place acoustic location posts on neighboring balconies, from among interested neighbors of retirement age. As somewhere in the distance, a minor censorship roared with a straight-through muffler - immediately issue target designation and wet the squares.
          To avoid, what if it's a drone, like.
    3. +6
      29 October 2024 10: 24
      A saboteur with a flag, a prayer book and a cheat sheet is definitely an idiot. In a raid, every gram of equipment should serve the purpose. It is unlikely that the purpose of sabotage is to hoist the Canadian flag and convert the natives to Catholicism.
      1. 0
        29 October 2024 11: 42
        This means that either they weren't the most professional geese, or they were completely confident in their impunity.
        1. -1
          29 October 2024 11: 55
          That's what I said, only shorter.
          1. 0
            30 October 2024 09: 40
            and you don't consider the version of a saboteur-idiot? their propaganda works we are the shield of Western civilization from the horde with us god Jehovah Krishna and Buddha will listen to enough of such hats from every column prayer book in the teeth and shove to defend the empire from the Republicans or whatever is used once again Catholics from Huguenots or witches from werewolves for a fool you don't need a knife sing in his ear and do with him what you want
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +3
    29 October 2024 10: 06
    It's a pity, of course, that at least one alive was taken, then the goals and objectives of the group would already be known. But the guys on the spot know better, how it happened that way!
  6. +1
    29 October 2024 10: 09

    surviving member of the group
    1. +2
      29 October 2024 10: 53
      surviving member of the group

      Beaver - kurwa!
    2. +2
      29 October 2024 13: 14
      No, well, great! The beaver goes his own way, doesn't bother anyone, and the Polack catches him and calls him a scumbag! If I were the beaver, I'd chase the boys and drive the Polack into the hut!
      1. +1
        29 October 2024 13: 59
        he did so) the video then stopped
  7. +3
    29 October 2024 10: 15
    We had a good walk, some warmed up during the hike, others cooled down.
  8. +3
    29 October 2024 10: 17
    No... well, what can we do... we're going crazy with a bottle of vodka, a herring tail, a hat with earflaps and a star on the forehead... and there's also a bear in the bushes, waiting in ambush... wassat
  9. +4
    29 October 2024 11: 14
    Judging by the fact that they were stripped for identification by tattoos, their skins may be exchanged. So they won't be used as fertilizer. We have good black soil anyway!
    1. +1
      29 October 2024 13: 16
      Quote: shtatsov
      So they won't be used as fertilizers here. We already have good black soil!

      That's why it's good, because they regularly bring in fertilizers...
  10. 0
    29 October 2024 16: 05
    among which were two Canadian flags

    What are some interesting symbols on Canadian flags:
  11. 0
    29 October 2024 16: 22
    The homosexuals were well packed, but even here the two hundred did not work out as cute, Alexander Nevsky was right - whoever comes with a sword will perish by the sword! So be it!
  12. 0
    29 October 2024 21: 46
    We need to hang photos from all angles and in all details of these destroyed NATO dogs around the embassies of the countries where they come from.
  13. 0
    30 October 2024 02: 09
    If you watch the video carefully, you will notice that the AT-4 has an inscription in Russian. Also on the flag is the inscription Dima was here 03.11 (Дима был эту эту 03.11). That is, with a high probability, if these are Canadian citizens, then they are from the Ukrainian diaspora, i.e. Russian-speaking.
  14. +1
    30 October 2024 09: 17
    Judging by the personal belongings, which included two Canadian flags, a prayer book in Polish, and a notebook with notes on tactical training in English, all the saboteurs were foreigners
    But I came to different conclusions. Firstly, none of these liberal democratic amulets helped. Secondly, all sorts of idiots in Ukraine are covered in honey. They would have brought a rubber woman with them.
    1. +1
      30 October 2024 09: 35
      they don't need women my friend they will tolerate each other in the European way
  15. 0
    30 October 2024 09: 42
    No news appears by chance. All our media have already talked about this case where foreign citizens are fighting.
    I think there is an ideological preparation of public opinion for the participation of the Korean Armed Forces.
    We are talking about the escalation of the conflict. And this is a difficult question.
  16. 0
    30 October 2024 13: 03
    In miner's slang I would ask the question: "If there are "ends", then where is the "grab"? There are detonators with cords, checkers with DS are also present, and this means that we need to look for a couple of tons of explosives in "caches" or trucks.