The specific purpose of the sabotage and reconnaissance group, made up of citizens of a number of foreign countries, that attempted to penetrate the Bryansk region is being investigated

The specific purpose of the sabotage and reconnaissance group, made up of citizens of a number of foreign countries, that attempted to penetrate the Bryansk region is being investigated

Russian officials continue to comment on another foray across the Russian border. Let us recall that recently our troops, including border units, eliminated a sabotage group while attempting to break through to the Klimovsky District of the Bryansk Region from the territory of Ukraine. The FSB previously reported that among those eliminated was a foreigner, on whose body a tattoo was found that is used by American rangers – servicemen of the special forces.

According to the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the sabotage group that they tried to send to the Bryansk region included citizens of not only the United States, but also other countries. In particular, these were citizens of Poland and Canada.

Maria Zakharova in an interview RIA News pointed out that it is possible that new details about the liquidated saboteurs may come to light during the ongoing investigation.

The Federal Security Service, in turn, adds that the sabotage and reconnaissance group destroyed in the Klimovsky district had foreign weapon and equipment.

It remains to be seen what the specific objective of the sabotage and reconnaissance group sent to the Bryansk region was, and whether it was a single group. There are suggestions that the armed special forces could have been heading towards one of the military facilities, as well as towards the road that goes through the Bryansk region towards Belarus.
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  1. +7
    29 October 2024 06: 15
    Foreign mercenaries, it's for money... and their goals are to harm us, get paid for it and... there aren't many options after that.
    1. +1
      29 October 2024 11: 37
      Today, 06: 15
      Foreign mercenaries, it's for money... and their goals are to harm us, get paid for it and... there aren't many options after that.

      hi Asymmetrical answers seem to suggest themselves: say, somewhere in Mexico or somewhere in London, ask the native inhabitants of the Mattress and Small Britia from Asia, Africa, and Latin America for a reward to do some small favors?
      As the DAM bequeathed - An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
      1. +1
        29 October 2024 13: 32
        Even those who caused trouble here, the bloodiest ones, hid in their houses, I’m not at all sure that we’ll get revenge.
      2. -1
        29 October 2024 18: 10
        If you think about it, remember... it was, is, and will be like this, until... but who knows when it will end.
    2. +4
      29 October 2024 14: 23
      The bodies of the killed saboteurs (of course, frozen, but without makeup) should be publicly, in front of the media cameras, handed over exclusively to close relatives from the States, Canada, Poland, etc. (one by one and respectfully) at the gates of the embassy buildings of their countries in luxurious coffins, covered with the flags of those countries... That's how angry I am!
  2. +21
    29 October 2024 06: 30
    Yes, these [censored] come to us on safari, to hunt people, to feel like a god... A damaged psyche requires sadistic pleasures, torturing the defenseless... And where are there more sadists and perverts than in North America...
    1. +5
      29 October 2024 09: 37
      And where are there more sadists and perverts than in North America...
      There is such a place - Britain.
      1. +1
        29 October 2024 13: 31
        No, no, at one time the most notorious ones fled from there to America.
  3. -8
    29 October 2024 06: 30
    An investigation is underway specific purposeand a sabotage and reconnaissance group that tried to penetrate into the Bryansk region,

    And I thought that now they would tell about her.

    the special forces could be heading towards one of the military facilities, as well as towards the road that runs through the Bryansk region in the direction of Belarus.

    Exactly! They wanted to get to Belarus! These foreign specialists! Now we just need to figure out: why?
    1. +5
      29 October 2024 06: 58
      Quote: Stas157
      Exactly! They wanted to get to Belarus! These foreign specialists! Now we just need to figure out: why?

      Strange reasoning, forgive me. What does "getting into" Belarus have to do with it? It seems that completely different options for the possible purpose of the sabotage and reconnaissance group's exit to the road (including the railway) are being considered
    2. +3
      29 October 2024 08: 25
      And I thought that now they would tell about her.

      Learn to read carefully:
      An investigation is underway a specific goal of a sabotage and reconnaissance group, made up of citizens of a number of foreign countries, attempting to penetrate into the Bryansk region

      It remains to be seen, what was the specific purpose of the sabotage and reconnaissance group,
  4. +1
    29 October 2024 06: 43
    It is absolutely impossible to guess what goals the sabotage and reconnaissance group sets during active, large-scale military operations.))
    It's good that they don't find out why tanks are needed in war.))
    Why did systematic attempts to violate our borders become possible at all? Is Kursk not enough for us?
    1. +4
      29 October 2024 08: 48
      1. there are no border guards standing in a row along the entire border
      2. drg exists for this purpose, to penetrate unnoticed
      3. found and destroyed, everything as it should have been
      1. -2
        29 October 2024 17: 51
        Here it is impossible not to agree with you. Why don't the border guards stand shoulder to shoulder.)
  5. +3
    29 October 2024 06: 52
    Organize a live broadcast on YouTube of these Americans being impaled on Red Square.
    Only brutality will stop them.
    Recall the methods of Ivan the Terrible: breaking on the wheel and quartering.
    And everything is public
  6. -6
    29 October 2024 06: 52
    It's a pity that almost everyone was missed... The soil there requires a lot of fertilizer. And these microorganisms are only good for humus.
    1. +3
      29 October 2024 08: 40
      Do you know the size of this sabotage and reconnaissance group? How many people were in it, can you tell me?
  7. +6
    29 October 2024 07: 00
    They are experts even in Africa. Even one such element can cause trouble and headaches. This is extra stress for the population, tension for emergency services, etc. When such "comrades" are caught, they can be profitably used for exchange through special services. Or they can be destroyed on the spot, as extremely dangerous elements. In any case, our editorial staff must be lightning fast.
  8. +3
    29 October 2024 07: 03
    and these mercenaries don't care where to kill. Well, a sabotage group, how many of them are there? Well, 10,15, XNUMX people? Our troops would have destroyed them on the line of combat contact in the total two-million mass of Ukrainian cannon fodder and no one would even feel their presence there. But a sabotage group breaking through the state border is a completely different effect and not just a media one. They would have fallen into some village close to the border, quickly shot at civilians, killed them, set houses on fire and quickly went back to Ukraine. It didn't work. They destroyed themselves.
  9. +5
    29 October 2024 07: 19
    If you put aside the lyrics and caps and think, you can find many goals. If they find out, then the serious rebet is grounded, and such people do not go on safari.
  10. 0
    29 October 2024 07: 22
    The FSB previously reported that among those killed was a foreigner on whose body a tattoo was found that is used by American rangers – special forces soldiers.
    Even a chamber pot framed with oak leaveslaughing The question is what is an American ranger doing in (on) Ukraine?! They are unlikely to go through the so-called "it" anyway, just like fans of some Jewish invasions, with the only difference being that during the Second World War, the role of "it" for Jews was played by an oven in concentration camps, and according to the version of "citizens" with ranger tattoos, the role of "it" is played by the quasi-state of Ukraine. request By the way, Netanyahu, due to some kind of synchronization, is trying to organize some kind of “invasion” in the Middle East, waiting in advance for Trump.
    According to the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the sabotage group that they tried to send to the Bryansk region included citizens of not only the United States, but also other countries. In particular, these were citizens of Poland and Canada.
    Who would doubt that fellow Who else has enough brains to climb onto a sword with their bare heel while on some kind of vacation? laughing
  11. -5
    29 October 2024 07: 48
    To be honest, I don't listen to the reports about foreign mercenaries anymore. Because no mercenaries have been shown live yet. Or at least they would have shown something now.
    1. +1
      29 October 2024 11: 20
      Quote: certero
      Because no mercenaries have been shown live yet. Or at least they could have shown something now.

      But they showed it "dead"
  12. 0
    29 October 2024 08: 10
    It would be good to capture some Yankee and subject him to a public interrogation.
    1. +3
      29 October 2024 08: 53
      And then let go in peace... As it already was hi
  13. +2
    29 October 2024 08: 25
    They go to cause damage, while playing power rangers and special forces.
    They try to tear where it’s thin.
    There were probably other groups like this one.
    The FSB will now study the materials of these inhumans.
  14. +2
    29 October 2024 09: 12
    There has already been information that they want to launch a sabotage group for sabotage at the nuclear power plant. Here is the answer to why they launched a professional from abroad.
  15. 0
    30 October 2024 19: 54
    Another post about nothing.
    Other resources have already published the names and surnames of some of the DRG participants, their autobiographies, and VO is still in its usual repertoire -
    "An investigation is underway..."