At the summit in Kazan, the Russian president was shown a symbolic “BRICS banknote”

At the summit in Kazan, the Russian president was shown a symbolic “BRICS banknote”

The BRICS summit in Kazan attracted close attention from Western politicians and experts. Despite the "isolation" of Russia declared by the US and its allies, delegations from more than three dozen countries arrived in our country.

The event itself, which is now in full swing, is filled with various important events such as joint sessions and bilateral meetings.

At the same time, today on the sidelines of the forum, an episode, although humorous, but very symbolic for the US and its European satellites, took place. Russian President Vladimir Putin was shown a "BRICS banknote".

What is characteristic is that the banknote depicts the flags of not only the direct members of the Commonwealth, but also other states, including Kazakhstan and Afghanistan.

The Russian leader looked at the joke banknote, smiled and handed it to the ministers. Later, the Kremlin press secretary told journalists that the banknote was handed to the president by someone from the Russian delegation. He added that the latter points to the common work being done within the framework of the commonwealth.

It is worth noting that this is precisely the symbolism for the West. Firstly, it has been repeatedly stated that the BRICS banks are working on creating their own payment system, independent of the dollar. Secondly, the abundance of flags on the joke banknote hints at the fact that the commonwealth will steadily expand.

It is reported that the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, did not like the banknote.
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  1. +9
    24 October 2024 16: 06
    "Russian President Vladimir Putin was shown a 'BRICS banknote'"

    — We're changing. bucks on Brix ...
    1. -2
      24 October 2024 16: 08
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      — We exchange bucks for brix...

      And we spend the Brix on chicks...
    2. 0
      24 October 2024 16: 10
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      — We exchange bucks for brix...

      I would gladly exchange rubles for "BRICS" for a trip to Egypt or Brazil. But where can I get them? And I understand that with the presence of national traitors, I will not wait for this. hi
      1. +4
        24 October 2024 16: 27
        Quote: fif21
        Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
        — We exchange bucks for brix...

        I would gladly exchange rubles for "BRICS" for a trip to Egypt or Brazil. But where can I get them? And I understand that with the presence of national traitors, I will not wait for this. hi

        I thought that I would not see today's changes, but here it is. Maybe we will see a new multipolar order.
      2. +3
        24 October 2024 17: 13
        Quote: fif21
        I would gladly exchange rubles for "BRICS" for a trip to Egypt or Brazil. But where can I get them?

        This will work somewhat differently - through free conversion of currencies through a structure created in BRICS, something like the creation of a BRICS Central Bank, organized like the IMF (but where all BRICS countries contribute an exchange authorized capital in the form of national currencies).

        Then it doesn’t matter what currency to pay with (replacement with any other from the money available in the BRICS Central Bank).
        1. -1
          24 October 2024 17: 16
          Quote: VladimirNET
          It will work a little differently - through free conversion of currencies through the created structure in BRICS,

          And how should I tip? Or pay a taxi driver, buy a souvenir at the market? These people don't think about people. I'll be eaten in Africa if I start paying with digital money. wassat
          1. 0
            24 October 2024 17: 25
            Quote: fif21
            How should I tip? Or pay the taxi driver?

            In general, I doubt that this will apply to individuals, at least at first, for sure, because:

            dollar system SWIFT - also only for banks:
            SWIFT can be simply defined as a universal data transfer standard that banks from different countries need to quickly, easily and without errors exchange information about payments.

            That is, through a bank connected to the BRICS Central Bank, you will be able to exchange any currency for another, almost without restrictions, even if this bank is in Africa.
            1. -1
              24 October 2024 17: 31
              Quote: VladimirNET
              That is, through a bank connected to the BRICS Central Bank, you will be able to exchange any currency for another, almost without restrictions, even if this bank is in Africa.

              Well, you've calmed me down. wink I remember the first time in Egypt, I tried to withdraw local cash from an ATM, it was quite a quest laughing Everything is not in Russian, it wouldn’t have worked without the help of English experts. feel
              1. 0
                24 October 2024 17: 41
                Quote: VladimirNET
                That is, through a bank connected to the BRICS Central Bank, you will be able to exchange any currency for another, even if this bank is in Africa.

                Quote: fif21
                Well, you've calmed me down.

                But no - we are talking more about exchanging "non-cash" currency (which is on your card or account). Cash currency (except local) - is not required to be in this bank.

                That is, whether they will accept your cash rubles is still a question...
                1. 0
                  24 October 2024 17: 43
                  Quote: VladimirNET
                  Cash of any currency (except local) is not required to be in this bank.

                  If it is accepted as payment (on the same market), then there are no problems. hi
  2. +2
    24 October 2024 16: 06
    The Russian leader looked at the joke banknote, smiled and handed it to the ministers.

    Every joke has some truth... wink
    1. +3
      24 October 2024 16: 14
      Quote: Mouse
      The Russian leader looked at the joke banknote, smiled and handed it to the ministers.

      Every joke has some truth... wink
      But the real security of this joke banknote is much stronger than that of the dollar, however... Behind it is oil, gas, other goodies and the Russian Army, and behind the "greenbacks" what? American promissory notes?
      1. -2
        24 October 2024 16: 15
        There's something to wipe your butt with... feel
        1. +3
          24 October 2024 16: 19
          Quote: Mouse
          And what's behind the "green backs"? American promissory notes?

          Quote: Mouse
          There's something to wipe your butt with... feel
          I always laugh out loud when I remember how in the 90s we called dollars “hard currency”.
          This is soft currency. laughing
      2. -1
        24 October 2024 16: 27
        And behind the "green backs" is one of the largest manufacturing economies in the world, and a tight financial connection between these backs and the economies of all countries in the world. That's all))
        1. 0
          24 October 2024 16: 45
          Quote: DimaSkyy
          And behind the "green backs" is the world's largest manufacturing economy.
          Please tell me - in what place is this economy PRODUCTIVE?
          Banks and the service sector - since when did they become a manufacturing sector of the economy? Just for fun, ask when the last time a car rolled off the assembly line in Detroit.

          One of the Roman senators, during a speech in the Senate, once listed at length what was being brought to Rome and from where. And at the end of his speech he said, "And from Rome they only take out shit" (Rome didn't have a centralized sewer system at the time, and gold miners took out shit in barrels).
          Millennia have passed, and Rome has only moved from Europe to America and changed its name.
          1. 0
            24 October 2024 16: 53
            "where is this economy PRODUCTIVE"
            In all places, basically))
            Leading positions in hundreds of areas of production - from what you have already written: oil, gas, the army, to food products that half the world eats and high-tech production, including the devices with which you write your messages.
            Automobile industry - 2nd place in the world. Russia is 21st, and we are not comparing quality, everything will be very sad there.
            Were you interested in the numbers before writing?
            1. +2
              25 October 2024 14: 25
              The basis of US exports now is oil and gas. Who out of half the world eats what American, we will leave it on your conscience. I don’t eat anything, for example. And the fact that the basis of the US economy is the sphere of useless services is well known. As a rule, everyone works on devices made in China.
              1. -2
                25 October 2024 15: 53
                "Who out there from half the world eats anything American, we'll leave that on your conscience"
                Take any food product and you will see everything.

                You don't need computer and phone operating systems? It's a pity that without them you wouldn't be able to write this message.

                The devices are mostly American-Chinese, with assembly only in China
                1. 0
                  13 November 2024 11: 03
                  "Take any food product and you'll see everything" for example? Bread, sausage, butter? What's American about it?
                  "Don't you need computer and phone operating systems? What a pity that without them you wouldn't be able to write this message." Well, I just got our Office 7 reinstalled, we're switching to "Aurora". And Huawei seems to install its own operating system and hardware on phones. I think you need to choose your arguments more carefully. It was like you describe in the US, about 25 years ago, when they brought us Bush legs
      3. +2
        24 October 2024 16: 32
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        and what's behind the "green backs"?

        The American army and over 600 US military bases around the world!
        As they say - I'll buy everything - said gold, I'll take everything - said damask steel...
      4. -6
        24 October 2024 16: 37
        For a joke bill there are a lot of hats for fun.
        Builds nuclear power plants for free, gives unpaid loans, sells gas for next to nothing, supplies gas to other countries, supplies oil, but can’t buy anything with rupees.
      5. +2
        24 October 2024 17: 23
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        Behind it is oil, gas, other goodies and the Russian Army, and behind the "green backs" what? American promissory notes?

        This piece of paper is still holding on tightly. And I think it will work in any case. The global financial system has been very well developed on the dollar, and BRICS is in the process of formation and gaining independence.
        But we can't bring down the dollar yet, otherwise all foreign trade will collapse. Let it breathe before it dies.
    2. -1
      24 October 2024 16: 54
      In every joke there is a grain of truth, and the rest is all true... hi wink
  3. -1
    24 October 2024 16: 07
    It's strange - the summit is in Kazan, but the tags are in English. Why not in Russian or at least in Tatar?
  4. -4
    24 October 2024 16: 12
    As they say, a start has been made. Trolling the US was a success! There is some truth in every joke!
  5. -5
    24 October 2024 16: 18
    A very strange action. None of the BRICS agreed to a common currency, and never will, all this is needed only by our "leader" because of the huge problems with bank transfers for export and import, but all the other members of the BRICS do not need this, they trade perfectly well in dollars.
    1. -1
      24 October 2024 16: 23
      Until the time comes, until the "wrath of the hegemon" has touched. And he has been completely out of his mind lately. So countries need to insure themselves.
      1. -4
        24 October 2024 16: 26
        Stupidity. No one in the world, except you, the enemies of the USSR, wants to destroy the established order, especially for your sake. And you yourselves are not capable of adequately explaining why you were pro-Western for a quarter of a century, since your anti-Soviet Perestroika, and since 2014 have become sharply anti-Western.
        1. 0
          24 October 2024 16: 31
          What is there to explain? They finally understood, using the example of the 90s, where "friendship" with the striped ones actually leads and what they really need from Russia, so they stopped "being friends" with them. Ukrop didn't understand. And here is the result. "to the last Ukrainian". "Ukrainians are ready to die" (c) Vonderleinen.
          1. -5
            24 October 2024 16: 37
            Ha, well, it was precisely in 2014 that we understood all this. And what happened in 2014 that you suddenly became offended by your friends in the West?
            1. -1
              24 October 2024 16: 47
              Yes, they understood - that was probably earlier, it's just that the opposition to the West became noticeable later. What happened? Yes, the West's plans to break up Russia, by shaking up the republics within Russia and bringing all this to a civil war within the country, were not liked. They practiced on the Ukrainians, they should have spread it further. No need to be a witch.
              1. -4
                24 October 2024 16: 51
                Well, further proof that it is useless to expect either honesty or sensibility from the enemies of the USSR.
                1. +1
                  24 October 2024 16: 52
                  Well, yes. I expected some kind of jump.))
                  1. -1
                    24 October 2024 16: 58
                    Well, if the opponent lies and talks nonsense, then how can I communicate with you? Well, okay, then I will name the reason why you, enemies of the USSR, were pro-Western for a quarter of a century, and since 2014 have become sharply anti-Western.
                    And the reason is that your friends in the West, in 2014, dared, you see, to introduce sanctions against you for what you did then.
                    And you were sharply offended by them.
                    1. -2
                      24 October 2024 17: 00
                      And if you think about it, why did we do it back in 2014? And for what reason did the West not like it? Have you tried to think about it, or is that not why you are here?
        2. -2
          24 October 2024 17: 01
          Quote: tatra
          No one in the world, except you, the enemies of the USSR, wants to destroy the established order.

          You are strange, what exactly is the USSR being dragged into now?
    2. -3
      24 October 2024 16: 23
      VVP has already said that he is not against the dollar, but against Russia's restrictions on paying with dollars. So what BRICS-ShMIKS? They themselves are not against it.
      All the "brothers" are not trying to join BRICS, the Kazakhs were sent away, and they were told about the biohazard of their vegetables. Well, wipe your eyes, after all...

      Vucic is also in his repertoire - no-no in BRICS, but he licked the gas discount diligently. But then - Serbia has a European path of development, in the EU, however...
      1. -4
        24 October 2024 16: 29

        23 Mar 2022
        Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered gas to be sold to "unfriendly countries" for Russian rubles. According to the Russian leader, he has ordered the implementation of a corresponding set of measures in the shortest possible time. Putin emphasized that the US and the EU have "drawn a line under the reliability of their currencies."

        "It is absolutely clear that supplying both to the EU and the US and receiving payment in dollars and euros makes no sense for us," Putin said at a meeting with the Russian government.
    3. -2
      24 October 2024 16: 29
      "To your leader" - Do you mean your Zelensky?
      There are actually not many problems with translations now - this is for more than two years of work. If you are not in the know, then it is better to keep quiet.
      Most of the BRICS member countries have been trading in national currencies for a long time and almost never use Western platforms. And they have practically abandoned the use of the dollar in settlements. The BRICS currency is not needed now - the example of the euro confirms this. I hope there is no need to explain this?
      And no one really wants to use the dollar anymore - the risks have increased too much, and sanctions are applicable and applied not only against the Russian Federation. And fewer and fewer people want to pay taxes.
      1. -2
        24 October 2024 16: 33
        Are you a bot? They are the ones who label everyone who doesn't praise the "leader" as Ukrainians. And you know nothing about the problems with bank transfers even through "friendly" countries, including China. So don't go on and on about "everything is fine, beautiful marquise."
        You, enemies of the USSR, have proven that you don’t care what damage all this has caused to Russia and its people; you did it only for yourselves.
        1. +1
          24 October 2024 16: 40
          ....ask about transfers in yuan to China for spare parts for "high-tech" wonders of the Chinese auto industry from official dealers of the Chinese auto industry in Russia - they will tell you a lot of interesting things - and you won't even have the strength to swear....
          Chinese partners are actively partnering with translations.

          zy One of the dealers of Chinese carts in our city could not stand the partnership with Chinese partners and closed down.
        2. -6
          24 October 2024 16: 44
          The USSR is long gone, it is dead, so keep quiet, because you can remember different things - you can remember the bloody formation, stagnation and decline. There were pluses and minuses. And your Lenin can be remembered with his hands and head in the blood of the Russian people.
          Now the Russian Federation is building a new world order - it is already visible on the horizon and is becoming more and more distinct. And it is replacing the system that the US built. That is why they are furious that the countries that were previously under them are now migrating in droves to the new formation on equal terms, which can no longer be ignored.
          The first step is trading on своих platforms. If a new currency is needed, it will be created. But for now, digital and national ones are used.
          1. -1
            24 October 2024 16: 48
            Just as the enemies of the USSR have become tiresome with their manuals about "there is no USSR". So you have nothing either.
            You all have “nothing to do” with the State you created from the USSR republic, you have nothing FOR yourselves, FOR what you did to Russia and the Russian people, FOR the results of your highly paid work, FOR your power, the System, the economy.
            Your ideology - and we have nothing to do with it, it’s all others’ fault.
      2. -3
        24 October 2024 17: 30
        "for more than two years of work carried out"
        No work has been done. Swift is still being used as before - nothing has changed.
        "nobody really wants it anymore"
        But everyone uses it and doesn’t plan to change anything)
    4. -2
      24 October 2024 16: 50
      Quote: tatra
      None of the BRICS agreed to a common currency, and never will, all this is needed only by our "leader"

      Your leaders love it when the owner hangs a trinket on their chest and pays them money. laughing
      All countries at the BRICS summit spoke about financial sovereignty. And it is not possible without the creation of instruments independent of the US Federal Reserve and the IMF. A supranational monetary unit is one of these instruments. hi
      1. -1
        24 October 2024 16: 54
        All these countries trade with the West and its supporter countries, and how do you imagine that they will trade with their "tugriks" instead of dollars and euros? Who needs them?
        1. -2
          24 October 2024 16: 59
          Quote: tatra
          How do you imagine that they will trade their "tugriks" instead of dollars and euros? Who needs them?

          To all who are tired of the dictate of the US Federal Reserve, the IMF in the economy. By the way, you can trade for both "tugriks" and euros. As is convenient for everyone, and who is not under pressure from US sanctions. hi
  6. -6
    24 October 2024 16: 41
    Russia's statements that an agreement was reached with South Africa at the BRICS summit to attract a loan in South African rand for the state corporation VEB.RF are not true. This was reported on Thursday by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), commenting on the words of VEB head Igor Shuvalov following the meeting of the extended delegations of the BRICS countries the day before.

    What kind of common currency can we have here? “Friends” don’t even give loans in their “tugriks”.
    1. 0
      24 October 2024 16: 46
      ...well why, Indians give in rupees which they themselves then do not accept. laughing This is definitely waste paper. Indians don't even want to sell tea for it.
  7. -1
    24 October 2024 17: 17
    It is reported that the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, did not like the banknote.

    Well, of course. After all, its main task is to keep the dollar afloat.
  8. -4
    24 October 2024 17: 35
    Vladimir Putin's attempt to create an anti-Western alliance has been rebuffed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said the BRICS group of emerging markets, whose leaders are currently meeting in Russia, should not position itself as an alternative to global organisations.

    Well, that's what I was writing about. No one from BRICS needs confrontation with the West, except Putin.
  9. -1
    24 October 2024 19: 07
    Our own currency is needed only for international settlements without crutches, and the internal national currencies of countries should remain in place. It makes no sense to create a completely replaceable currency for everyone, and it will not work. request
  10. -1
    24 October 2024 19: 11
    It is reported that the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, did not like the banknote.

    Who would have doubted that she will still put spokes in the wheels from the heart, through the nastiness of Russia.
  11. 0
    25 October 2024 12: 13
    What about the "gas ruble"? laughing "" "" ""
  12. 0
    26 October 2024 06: 20
    It is reported that the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, did not like the banknote.

    Nabiullina doesn't like Russia in general. That's why she raised the Central Bank's discount rate to 21%, which can only be called "robbery". This is a bomb under the real sector of the economy, especially in industry, much more destructive than Ukrainian drones.