IMF: In 2025, Ukraine's public debt will exceed 100 percent of GDP for the first time in history

IMF: In 2025, Ukraine's public debt will exceed 100 percent of GDP for the first time in history

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts, Ukraine's public debt will exceed 2025% of the country's GDP for the first time in 100. By the end of 2024, Ukraine's public debt is expected to reach 95,6% of GDP.

The IMF noted that while Ukraine's economy has demonstrated relative resilience, threats are growing from expected power shortages this winter, caused by large-scale damage to power generation facilities, a deteriorating labor market and ongoing hostilities.

At the same time, risks to the remnants of the Ukrainian economy are also growing due to ongoing hostilities, the vulnerability of the energy sector, and often groundless expectations of financial support from Western allies. Thus, even according to the most optimistic forecasts for Kyiv, Ukraine's public debt will amount to 2025% of GDP in 106,6, 2026% of GDP in 107,6, and will continue to grow thereafter.

Against the backdrop of a critical situation for the Ukrainian economy, the head of the Kyiv regime, Volodymyr Zelensky, is preparing another “victory plan” dedicated to the issues of Ukraine’s survival in the conditions of military action by strengthening the military-industrial complex, defense, economy, and social policy. Thus, Zelensky, apparently, is preparing to wage a protracted war in the conditions of a significant reduction in the volume of Western support.
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  1. BAI
    23 October 2024 21: 13
    Russian assets will definitely be spent on Ukraine. First on the war, then on reconstruction.
    1. -2
      23 October 2024 21: 16
      Quote: BAI
      Russian assets will definitely be spent on Ukraine. First on the war, then on reconstruction.

      Maybe they will squander it. How can Russia influence Western financial thieves?
      1. -11
        23 October 2024 21: 28
        Quote: Clear
        How can Russia influence Western financial thieves?

        It is easy to destroy Western financial thieves with nuclear strikes)
      2. +4
        23 October 2024 21: 33
        Quote: Clear
        Maybe they will squander it. How can Russia influence Western financial thieves?

        No way. The only way is not to drink with thieves.
        "If you drink with thieves, beware of your wallet."
      3. +4
        23 October 2024 21: 59
        Quote: Clear
        How can Russia influence Western financial thieves?

        Take away their assets frozen in the account of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
      4. 0
        24 October 2024 02: 38
        Quote: Clear
        How can Russia influence Western financial thieves?

        What do you mean by how? Basic financial discipline.

        Don't play MMM with scammers. And other gambling games. They'll cheat you! What's so hard to understand?
    2. 0
      23 October 2024 21: 24
      Quote: BAI
      First to war, then to recovery

      Everything depends on the outcome of the war. When Ukroreikh loses, everyone will immediately forget about it, but the loans and debts will force them to pay back in full. So more than one generation of citizens and villagers will have to pay.
      1. +1
        24 October 2024 00: 21
        Quote: carpenter
        Everything depends on the outcome of the war. When Ukroreikh loses, everyone will immediately forget about it, but the loans and debts will force them to pay back in full. So more than one generation of citizens and villagers will have to pay.
        And no one will pay anything.

        In that part of Ukraine which, as a result of the war, will be under our influence, there will be no Bandera Ukraine and, accordingly, no one will pay anything either. Well, that would be a surprise - we would also have to pay off the debts of Bandera for the weapons that shot at us!
        And where the roots of Banderaism are - in Western Ukraine... Just kill me on Red Square - I don't know what to do with it and how it will all end there... The only thing I know for sure about the "westerners" is that no one will pay there DEFINITELY.

        And therefore - initially for the West it was a bad investment. A non-repayable loan. Of course, they will not refuse Ukraine, but in their place I would record losses and try to palm off this suitcase without a handle on us at a higher price.
        And there are foreign agents, NGOs and other subversive riffraff. Well, basically, everything is according to the old scheme.
      2. -2
        24 October 2024 02: 58
        Quote: carpenter
        debts will be forced to be repaid in full

        Stalin was amazed when the Americans offered to return the aid provided under Lend Lease. This was right after the victory in World War II. And over Japan, too. They were defeating this Japan for the Americans. They asked for it! And it seemed like they had paid in full with blood. But no. Sam asked to follow every letter of the financial agreement.
        1. 0
          24 October 2024 10: 39
          Sam asked to follow every letter of the financial agreement.

          They don't charge for asking, but Stalin showed them a combination of three fingers Yes
    3. +5
      23 October 2024 21: 26
      Quote: BAI
      Russian assets will definitely be spent on Ukraine. First on the war, then on reconstruction.

      Oh, don't joke like that. These "assets", which they certainly won't give them in full, with their appetites growing to astronomical proportions, won't even be enough to lay asphalt in Khmelnytskyi and Poltava. After all, they first need to pay pensions to all disabled prosecutors, then distribute bribes, then roll back the kickbacks to those who give them, hire new prosecutors to investigate cases of bribery of previous prosecutors, create a supervisory body for NABU, disband it for corruption, and so on in a circle
      1. -3
        23 October 2024 21: 44
        Quote: Volodin
        Oh, don't joke like that. These "assets", which they certainly won't be given back in full, won't be enough even for that, given the astronomical appetites there.

        There is NOT ENOUGH for anything! Moreover, there are no real resources there, but ones and zeros in accounting/financial books/computers!!!
        It is clear that the Kukuevites would have stolen everything, BUT, compared to foreign swindlers and thieves, they are just kindergarten!
      2. -2
        24 October 2024 03: 07
        Quote: Volodin
        It won’t even be enough to lay asphalt in Khmelnitsky and Poltava.

        Isn't 300 billion dollars enough? I think the whole of Ukraine is cheaper! In its current state, for sure.
    4. +7
      23 October 2024 21: 26
      Russian assets will definitely be spent on Ukraine. First on the war, then on reconstruction.
      Don't be so naive, they didn't steal to give it to the raguls. When did the West ever give anything away voluntarily? They throw crumbs just so they don't die right away, but butt more.
      They wrote off the Ukrainians long ago, now they are preparing the Poles and the Baltic "tigers" for slaughter. They wanted to involve Georgia, but it hasn't worked out yet. Their memory is still fresh. Perhaps they will involve Moldova and the Romanians. The Americans need a permanent abscess, which they will periodically stir up. By the way, the events in the Middle East are exactly the same. The hegemon lives off the corpses of others like a scavenger, and the more of them, the better for him.
      1. 0
        23 October 2024 21: 46
        To manage other people's money... who would allow the Kukuevskys to do that!?
        There are more and more of our own swindlers abroad!
        They will try to divide it among themselves... if they succeed.
    5. 0
      23 October 2024 22: 13
      Quote: BAI
      Russian assets will definitely be spent on Ukraine. First on the war, then on reconstruction.

      That's it! Let them spend it, we are not proud, we will accept any help for the restoration of the former Ukrainian SSR, we will rebuild everything. Well, and then Brussels will have to go to the cashier, make a deposit to Russia's account in the amount of the stolen money, with % and a share for lost profits from the freezing of our assets... wink
    6. +1
      23 October 2024 22: 25
      You said it right! I have a question for you, excuse me, that is not related to the topic. I just consider you an authoritative, intelligent, adequate and fair person in a very important topic for me. The topic of alcohol. You see, I would like to know your high opinion about whether it is necessary to print the dryness coefficient on containers with alcohol? Personally, excuse my yacking, I think that every manufacturer of alcoholic beverages is obliged to indicate the degree of "dryness" in the morning on the label! I think this is important, because I drank Davicha and in the morning my mouth was so dry, as if I didn't have a mouth, but the Sahara Desert in which Egyptian pioneers lit fires all night! Thank you in advance for your answer. . . winked
      1. +3
        23 October 2024 22: 58
        Quote: Andrey Martov
        I think this is important, because I took Davicha and in the morning my mouth was so dry, as if I didn’t have a mouth, but the Sahara Desert, where Egyptian pioneers lit fires all night!

        Well done! Respect to you, Andryukha!!! Petushki and Royal's green liter bottles immediately came to mind.
        You are simply mistaken about the root causes of dry mouth. It does not depend on the quantity and quality of what you drink, it is irrational, it is in the soul. Not in the soul with water, but in the soul that religious ministers use for their own selfish purposes.
    7. -1
      23 October 2024 22: 34
      Russia will take a couple more regions for this money... and the money... even in 100 years... but it will return... because Russia... always comes back for its money...
    8. 0
      24 October 2024 06: 51
      Quote: BAI
      Russian assets will definitely be spent on Ukraine. First on the war, then on reconstruction.

      Russia has three to four times more frozen assets under our jurisdiction, we will simply exchange our assets for theirs. With a coefficient of course ... let's say K = 3, 4 or 5. And everything will be fair. They have so much frozen in the shares of our largest companies alone, there are businesses ... and there are also arrested credit assets of Western banks, in 2022 they were arrested for 700-750 billion dollars. There are rumors that about 200 billion dollars have already been exchanged for our reserves - they say they evaporated from accounts in Europe, and ours are not making any claims, on the contrary - they are happy. In total, their assets in the Russian Federation amounted to up to 1,5 trillion. So this entire amount can be withheld as compensation for stolen state reserves and deposits of individuals / companies / real estate and other property arrested there. But everything goes to the state treasury.
      This will be right, fair and just. Yes
  2. +2
    23 October 2024 21: 15
    They were able to surpass Yeltsin, who collected all the debts he could and wrote them down on Russia.
    1. -2
      23 October 2024 21: 26
      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
      They were able to surpass Yeltsin, who collected all the debts he could and wrote them down on Russia.

      The nuclear arsenal from the republics was brought to the Russian Federation for this purpose.
      "Drunk and smart - two benefits in him" (an old Russian proverb-saying-joke).
      1. +4
        23 October 2024 21: 34
        michael (michael)
        The nuclear arsenal from the republics was brought to the Russian Federation for this purpose.
        "Drunk and smart - two benefits in him" (an old Russian proverb-saying-joke).
        Mikhail, don't make me laugh, the drunkard didn't care about anything. And the nuclear arsenal was withdrawn not without the help and at the insistence of the Amerzos. They simply considered both the marked one and the drunkard to be completely tame and controllable (not without reason, by the way), it was simply easier for them to control one player with a nuclear weapon, and not several, and even insane ones. So the drunkard's merits here are ZERO.
      2. 0
        24 October 2024 03: 14
        Quote: Michael
        The nuclear arsenal from the republics was brought to the Russian Federation for this purpose.
        "Drunk but smart

        In fact, the drunkard destroyed the USSR with his own hands. And the nuclear arsenal was the last thing he thought about!
        1. 0
          24 October 2024 06: 58
          Quote: Stas157
          And the nuclear arsenal was the last thing he thought about!

          And yet he remembered sometimes - look how he threatened Clinton when he "forgot for a minute, for a second that Russia is a nuclear power". His tongue was really twisted, but he remembered/he remembered the damned thing. Or someone reminded him in time.
  3. +3
    23 October 2024 21: 26
    Wow!!! It turns out that Ukraine has an economy!
    They all eat from the Western table!
    1. 0
      23 October 2024 22: 19
      Quote: Victor19
      Wow!!! It turns out that Ukraine has an economy!
      They all eat from the Western table!

      Eating from the table and catching scraps under the table is, I tell you, one big difference! wink
  4. +4
    23 October 2024 21: 29
    The relative stability of the Ukrainian economy is a new oxymoron. Without loans and handouts from the US and EU, its economy would have been in the dumps long ago.
    1. 0
      23 October 2024 22: 21
      Quote: Vik66
      The relative stability of the Ukrainian economy is a new oxymoron. Without loans and handouts from the US and EU, its economy would have been in the dumps long ago.

      What a word they chose - out of their mind! In the great and mighty, one could say it more succinctly - in the *ass!
    2. +1
      23 October 2024 22: 26
      Quote: Vik66
      The relative stability of the Ukrainian economy is a new oxymoron.

      ...Everything seemed normal... They were sitting, drinking, sawing up the budget... The fight started after the words "The semantics of etude in Prishvin's prose is ambiguous"...
  5. 0
    23 October 2024 21: 38
    The IMF noted that although Ukraine's economy has demonstrated relative resilience,
    . They have a cool stability... wink
    1. 0
      23 October 2024 22: 33
      Quote: rocket757
      The IMF noted that although Ukraine's economy has demonstrated relative resilience,
      . They have a cool stability... wink

      As long as we do not disrupt their stability, the West will continue to maintain their stability.
      1. 0
        24 October 2024 06: 03
        Well, yes, foreign sponsors keep their government afloat, BUT, the people there don’t really kick up a fuss, they put up with the lawlessness of the authorities, and other hardships...
        One might assume/say that they are similar to... well, actually, they are similar to all the others, the same!
  6. +1
    23 October 2024 21: 39
    What, the Ukrainians have GDP? They live on "Give us a donation for Christ's sake".
    1. +2
      23 October 2024 21: 44
      Quote: pudelartemon
      So, the Ukrainians have GDP?

      Of course there is, military commissars sell armor, and this is a service
    2. 0
      23 October 2024 22: 44
      Quote: pudelartemon
      What, the Ukrainians have GDP? They live on "Give us a donation for Christ's sake".

      A simpleton doesn't need a knife, show him a copper penny and do with it what you want! For Christ's sake it doesn't count there, the cattle are simply shown where to go and given a kick to speed up. That's how it was with the "Ukrainians" in the times of the arrogant Pole and today.
      ps. By the way, the other day the Germans held a parade with a torchlight procession in honor of Stoltenberg - just like Germany under Hitler!
      There is nothing new under the sun...
  7. +1
    23 October 2024 22: 08
    2025 will be a year of big surprises and disappointments for Europe. They will learn what it means "there is no extradition from the Dnieper!", that they have to pay for everything and, what is most astonishing, they will have to compensate Russia for everything down to the last cent, including % and a surcharge for lost profits!
    1. -2
      23 October 2024 22: 27
      Quote: isv000
      2025 will be a year of big surprises and disappointments for Europe. They will learn what it means "there is no extradition from the Dnieper!", that they have to pay for everything and, what is most astonishing, they will have to compensate Russia for everything down to the last cent, including % and a surcharge for lost profits!

      They won't have to do anything. The money will never come back, the only thing we can do is just shoot those responsible for the current situation.
    2. +1
      23 October 2024 22: 45
      Quote: isv000
      "There is no extradition from the Dnieper!"

      In the original: "There is no extradition from the Don." And this is not about money, but about runaway peasants.
  8. +1
    23 October 2024 22: 21
    I have never seen this woman, there is 200 hryvnia on the banknote. But I thought it was not Lesya Ukrainka by any chance! Damn it. Yes, she was born in the Ukrainian province of the Russian Empire and died far from her birthplace in the Russian Empire. Madhouse, how could you screw up your brains in 30 years of independence.
  9. +2
    23 October 2024 22: 34
    Does this colony have an economy?
  10. -1
    23 October 2024 23: 23
    .. Ukraine's public debt will exceed 100% of GDP for the first time

    Japan has long been over 200%, and the hegemon has 130%. Western civilization lives on credit, robbing everyone else. Nothing new.
    1. 0
      24 October 2024 10: 49
      The only difference is that Ukraine is one of those being robbed by Western "civilization"
  11. -1
    23 October 2024 23: 30
    Well, why the first time? It was already when they were digging the Black Sea, that's when it happened...
  12. 0
    23 October 2024 23: 31
    Thus, even according to the most optimistic forecasts for Kyiv, in 2025 Ukraine’s public debt will amount to 106,6% of GDP, in 2026 – 107,6% of GDP and will continue to grow thereafter.
    I wonder: what is this optimistic forecast based on? On the fact that the outskirts will no longer be given loans, and Russia will not touch their enterprises and will return the territories with deposits of natural resources? Neither the first, nor the second, nor the third are realistic. Some kind of strange analysts they have. In conditions of war, it is generally impossible to predict anything if there are no agreements. So, either all these analysts will be fired, or one of two things.
  13. -1
    23 October 2024 23: 44
    The most striking achievement of "independence"!
  14. 0
    24 October 2024 00: 29
    It will be interesting to find out someday about the origins of a relatively stable economy, because everything that belonged to us was stolen even before the Maidan.
  15. 0
    24 October 2024 03: 11
    This is not I, I don't have my own printing press!!! Get ready, the forelocked "friends" will start sending out bills.
  16. 0
    24 October 2024 06: 15
    If the national debt is so huge, why are loans given knowing full well that they will not be repaid?
    1. +1
      24 October 2024 07: 40
      501Legion, they hope that Russia will pay. By the way, this is quite possible if there are no changes in the composition of the Russian government. As an example, the actions of the Russian Federation in the Council of Europe, they deprived them of the right to vote, but they paid their dues.
      1. 0
        24 October 2024 10: 47
        Yes, that is why it is not beneficial for Russia and, paradoxically, for the West, for Russia to take all of Ukraine for itself - a piece of Western land (without access to the sea) should remain to be slaves for many years and pay off debts...
  17. 0
    24 October 2024 08: 24
    The IMF noted that although Ukraine's economy has demonstrated relative resilience

    The IMF has it all in one bucket: a stable economy and a huge debt.
  18. 0
    24 October 2024 10: 44
    "Thus, even according to the most optimistic forecasts for Kyiv, in 2025 Ukraine's public debt will amount to 106,6% of GDP, in 2026 - 107,6% of GDP and will continue to grow subsequently..."
    Well, how is that possible? It seems that the conscious ones are dying for the interests of the West, doing everything that their Western masters demand of them, even giving away their lands to foreign hands - and the debt is growing! And their children and grandchildren will have to pay for it. Is this what they are fighting for? Do they still not understand?