Anatoly Wasserman: “I am a Stalinist”

Almost half of Russians in one degree or another positively assess the role of Stalin in our stories. In an interview with Anatoly Wasserman ILI AZAR (“”), the mythology of modern Stalinism was embodied with almost exhaustive fullness.

Anatoly Wasserman: “I am a Stalinist”

- You are in favor of returning the name Stalingrad to Volgograd, and six days a year seem insufficient to you. Why?

- (sighs) Mainly because I really do not like slander. Over the past seven or eight years, I finally became convinced that all the dogs hanged on Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili are strangers. That he is accused of crimes that were not at all or that were committed by other people. And in the crimes with which he himself struggled as much as he could.

Another thing is that his strength and capabilities were extremely limited. I myself worked for a long time as a political consultant and during that time I had a lot of cases to make sure that the capabilities of any leader were small, especially when he wanted to do something that was not liked by his subordinates.

In the activities of Dzhugashvili it was manifested very clearly. For example, there is quite reliable evidence that he with all his forces opposed the Great Terror, that the terror was initiated by the efforts of two groups whose interests coincided. This is, firstly, middle-level party secretaries - regional and republican, and secondly, one of the groupings in the leadership of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, who believed that the role of the commissariat in determining the country's policy should be greater.

Unfortunately, a significant part of the recording of the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU on June 1937 was destroyed, so it is difficult to say how things really developed on it. But according to all the indirect data, it is clear that the decision about the Great Terror was pushed by rank-and-file members of the Central Committee, where the majority were regional secretaries, and the Politburo headed by Dzhugashvili strongly resisted.

We often find ourselves in the thrall of a picture painted by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, - according to it there was a one-man tyrant who controlled everything and who all obeyed simply out of fear. Whereas the people's commissar of internal affairs, and the secretary of the Central Committee, Nikolai Ivanovich Ezhov, was not even formally subordinate to Dzhugashvili. As a party discipline, he could follow the decisions of the Central Committee, but not the sole decisions of the secretary general.

Moreover, under Khrushchev, an event occurred that completely reversed this picture. I mean 1957 the year when the Politburo decided to send Khrushchev to resign, but two of his supporters - Defense Minister Zhukov and Secretary of the Central Committee Furtsev - urgently organized a plenum of the Central Committee, and he dismissed all the Politbureau except Khrushchev. This is a very real balance of power. When the Plenum took up some position, the Politburo could no longer resist it. I can talk for a long time, but it would be safer to name two books where the then picture is objectively expounded: “Khrushchev. The creators of terror ”Elena Anatolyevna Prudnikova and“ Ina Stalin ”by Yury Nikolaevich Zhukov.

So, I do not see any valid reasons for renaming Stalingrad to Volgograd and I consider it necessary to return the name taken away unreasonably.

- This is a rather unorthodox look at Stalin. Do you think so long?

“Back in 2004 — 2005, I was piously convinced that the bloody tyrant Stalin simply did not manage to kill the whole country by a miracle, I unconditionally believed in Nikita’s grandfather’s tales. Fortunately, I have since become familiar with a variety of materials from a variety of studies, both for and against, compared them and made sure that Khrushchev was composing stories about a bloody tyrant, standing in front of a mirror. That is, he attributed Dzhugashvili all his own shortcomings. It was Dzhugashvili who actively and in various ways tried to resist the Great Terror. It was he who, through the January-February Plenum of 1938, pressed through a ruling by which the party organization did not have the right to immediately exclude arrested persons from its ranks, and was obliged to monitor the entire course of the investigation. It was he who, with a series of personnel manipulations, replaced Yezhov with Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria, who, thanks to the previous experience of the KGB work, did not fall into the traps that Yezhov had placed in his time, his closest subordinates, and managed to stop the meat grinder of terror.

- That is, this Beria stopped the terror?

- It is Beria. 17 November 1938 of the year he became the people's commissioner and immediately gave a series of orders that stopped the terror. Moreover, since by that time he had been the deputy commissar deputy for several months and was oriented in the internal kitchen, he achieved that the subordinates could not commit a coup. Then all the blood shed by Ezhov was piled on Beria, but in reality he carried out only the Great Purge. In 1939 — 40-s, most of the crimes of the Great Terror were investigated and most of the perpetrators incurred deserved punishment. True, not all: for example, Khrushchev, on which blood to the holes in the nose, survived.

Khrushchev beautifully out of responsibility. At the end of 1937, he offered to inspect the state of affairs in Ukraine, headed the inspection commission, and she naturally came to the conclusion that things were going badly. The entire leadership of Ukraine was withdrawn, many were later arrested, and the commission occupied the vacant posts almost at full strength. Khrushchev became the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and thus, when they analyzed what was going on in Moscow during the Great Terror, he stood aside. And in Ukraine, he very competently played the executive fool. Since they are always needed, he was scolded and not seriously punished.

- What about the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, the case of doctors?

- The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee is most likely a case organized with the direct participation of Dzhugashvili. Although it is impossible to exclude the excesses of the executor, when the matter was brought to a greater punishment than the one that was originally expected. There is a problem in international relations. The Soviet Union was the main organizer of the creation of the State of Israel and its victories in the war of independence. After this victory, Israel was forced to reorient to the United States of America, as it was in dire need of funds for the resettlement of immigrants and the restoration of what had been destroyed during the war. The USSR — itself devastated by the war — could not help, and the MUH, since the Cold War was already under way, in exchange for their help, demanded that Israel sharply turn its back on the Soviet Union. In politics, this is not forgiven to anyone. I don’t know whose idea, to put it mildly, is not a very bright head, came up with the idea to study the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the hope that, at least for fear of the fate of its relatives, Israel will reconsider this position. And then - the horse dose of stubbornness on both sides.

With the case of doctors all smarter. First, most of the defendants in this case are completely Russian. Secondly, apparently, the initial impetus for the case was the fact that a high-ranking doctor — not having a regular mass practice — has significantly greater chances of being mistaken than a private doctor who constantly works with many patients. Actually, the whole thing began with disagreements in the diagnosis of a member of the Politburo Zhdanov. When the investigation began, first of all, a couple of investigators, including the sensational Ryumin later, tried to get rid of this case as soon as they realized that the case was an appraisal case: there is no reliable evidence, but they have to rely only on conflicting expert opinions. Ryumin was later announced the main organizer of this case, but, as far as I understand, he was just trying to get out of it. Then someone started building anti-Semitic rumors around this case, despite the fact that the majority of the defendants in this case are perfectly flawless Russians. There were very few Jews there, but it was easier to make a fuss around this business, having laid emphasis on them. Anyone who is not involved in this case is Dzhugashvili because it was not possible for a person of rather serious age - and suffering from a fair bunch of diseases - to voluntarily order to arrest his attending physician without bothering to replace him.

“And the killings of Kirov and Meyerhold?”

- And why, one wonders, did Dzhugashvili kill Kostrikov (Kirov), who supported him in all internal feuds without exception? They were friends of houses from time immemorial, Kostrikov worked for many years in Transcaucasia, which Dzhugashvili, even when he moved to Moscow, was taken very close to his heart. Kostrikov often stayed at Dzhugashvili’s house. But this is not the case: when political interests compel one can forget about personal friendship. But there were no political interests to divorce them. Dzhugashvili had no sense in killing him.

As for Mayergold, the cat’s tears are molded to the cat. Karl Emilevich Mayergold, the Ostsee German, in the pre-revolutionary years, was renamed Vsevolod Emilevich Meyerhold and began to pretend to be a Jew, because the attitude towards the Germans was rather tense, and the intelligentsia considered the Jews to be an absolutely persecuted people. So, Mayergold wrote so much denunciations to his colleagues that sooner or later someone had to write a denunciation to him. It is not known who wrote, since the criminal cases of all those rehabilitated under Khrushchev were simply destroyed. There was only a certificate of rehabilitation. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to say who accused him of what.

I can give a generalized statistics. From 17 November 1938 to 22 June 1941, less than half of the convictions under the political articles issued during the Great Terror were revised. Of the 2,5 million, 100 000 (of 700) had time to revise the death sentences - those that did not have time to carry out - and about 1 a million non-death sentences. Of these, between 200 and 300, 000 - I don’t remember exactly, I read it long ago - were generally found to be unfounded, and those sentenced were fully rehabilitated, returned to their previous posts if possible. Even from 200 to 300, 000 sentences were re-qualified from political to purely criminal ones.

Why? The then Criminal Code was written in the 1922 year, edited in the 1926 year. At that time, they still quite sincerely believed that all crimes were committed due to some external circumstances - it means that circumstances need to be changed in order for a person to stop being a criminal, and it is ridiculous to punish a person for what he did under pressure. Therefore, for example, the maximum term for rape was five years. What should the investigator do if he sees that there is some kind of outright bastard sitting in front of him who in five years will not return to normal? He sees that a Komsomol member is raped and writes “an attempt on an activist of a public organization” - and this is treason against the Motherland, and you can give up to ten years. So, Beria ordered from all such sentences to remove the political component, leaving a pure criminal act, and continue not to arouse it under the policy. But since 1946, right after he left the post of People’s Commissar of the Interior, this practice has resumed, since the code has remained the same. Only with 1 in January of 1961, when the new Criminal Code came into force, did this push-up stop.

“You said that Stalin had no reason to kill Kirov.” So after all he was accused of unreasonable atrocities. And you whitewash him completely.

- As far as I can judge from all the world experience, people with murder delusions do not stay up in leading positions for a dozen years. And Dzhugashvili from 5 in May 1941 was the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, that is, he had the highest executive power in the country. I suspect that if his colleagues had reason to fear him, they would have found a way not to miss him in this place. In fact, he was dragged in for several years in a row. Back in 1930, Scriabin (Molotov) after Rykov’s resignation from the post of chairman of the Council of People's Commissars proposed Dzhugashvili for this post, but he flatly refused, and Scriabin himself had to sit in that chair for 11 years, constantly reminding Dzhugashvili that this was his place. Dzhugashvili went for it just before the war, when it became clear that the management chain from the analytical center, such as Dzhugashvili, had to be shortened to direct executors. For all his remarkable merits, Scriabin was not an analyst, but a strictly practitioner. Dzhugashvili differed precisely analytical abilities, for which the same Khrushchev declared him incapable of any analysis.

- That is, there is not a single death on Stalin's conscience?

- No, some death, of course, on his conscience. I think that if I were offered to judge those people whose fate was decided with the direct participation of Dzhugashvili, I would have decided the same way. For example, Postyshev, whom Khrushchev was the first to declare an innocent victim of bloody repressions, managed to be noted in Ukraine during the period of the famous Holodomor. The famine was then all over the grain-growing Russia, but it was in Ukraine that the local authorities thought of hiding the famine from the central leadership and as a result brought the matter to a natural disaster.

- That is, here Stalin had nothing to do with it?

- Well no. Here several unpleasant factors overlapped each other.

First, a drought, and a huge one, which struck not only our country. The same Galicians shout a lot about the Holodomor, although Galicia was then part of Poland. But the drought does not dismantle the boundaries, and she got most of Poland.

Secondly, the transition to collective methods of cultivation. Not all the leaders of the new collective farms could organize the work of the team — and there were plenty of people willing to take a ride on someone else’s hump and only pretend to work.

Elena Prudnikova in the magazine “Expert” published a series of articles where she analyzed the real state of agriculture in that period. It remains surprising that the number of victims was only 3 million. True, according to official data, the victims were 7 million, including 3 million in Ukraine, but this is the result of a statistical bias.

Simultaneously with collectivization, industrialization was going on, since the first was needed in order to introduce more efficient economic technologies and to use as much as possible the agricultural machinery that would be created in the new plants. In general, it worked, because after such a famine there was no longer a country, although before that the famine was very noticeable every four years.

In Ukraine, the demographic decline in population, that is, the difference between what was actually and what could have happened if there were no shocks, is three million, but of these, the excess mortality is only a million, and the other two are people, gone to work in new industrial regions. In new places, they indicated the nationality of "Russian", because only a fanatical separatist could have thought of calling themselves the contemptuous Polish nickname "Ukrainian." In our vocabulary this corresponds to the word "provincial". Only after the introduction of passports with the “nationality” column did the accounting system emerge from the words of the most accountable. Therefore, it turns out a huge decline in the population of Ukraine, but only an insignificant part (not more than a third) is associated with hunger. If we sum up the demographic loss data of all regions hit by hunger, 7 million are typed, but if we take the statistics for the country as a whole, then the demographic decline is 3 million, and everything else is such a migration.

- But you talked about Postyshev.

“He was one of those who led Ukraine at that time — and whose organizational shoals led to the fact that hunger in Ukraine was more acute than in other regions. In the “Raised virgin soil” the mass slaughter of working cattle in the Kuban is mentioned, because everyone hoped that they would eat their ox and work on the collective farm. And the collective farm has no other property, except that the members of the collective farm contributed to it. In central Russia, where mass slaughter was already experienced in 1921, they knew that it turned out to be a disastrous famine, since there was nothing to plow on. They took harsh measures there, threatened them with criminal penalties, and stopped the case, so after a drought, they were able to plant. And in Ukraine, the leadership did not notice it in time.

Putin gradually overcomes in himself the same delusions that I had overcome in myself seven or eight years ago.

Not to mention that Postyshev was one of the main organizers of the introduction of the very concept of "Ukrainian", and for this, in my opinion, he already deserved the death penalty - as the organizer of separatism.

By the way, another small but amusing detail: according to the number of people executed per capita, the regions headed by Khrushchev, Postyshev and Eyhe were in the first places in the Great Terror. Postyshev and Eiche were shot in 1939 year, and Khrushchev was the first to rehabilitate them and called the innocent victims of the bloody tyrant Stalin. So, sorry, who is the bloody tyrant here?

In general, unfortunately, it was only in the last decades that the then picture began to be revealed in all its details - huge archival funds were involved in the mass scientific circulation. It is important that they are huge, since it is easy to fake two or three documents. The entire famous Katyn special folder consists exclusively of fakes, and this has been proven long ago. Genuine there except a cardboard cover.

- That is, the Poles are not the NKVD shot?

- Of course. Moreover, the Germans themselves disclosed material evidence of their guilt in 1943, but then did not attach any significance to this. Modern researchers have looked closely at German documents and photographs of the 43 year and were convinced that they contain undisputed evidence of German guilt.

So, you cannot fake a large array of documents, as documents are interconnected. For example, 10 — 12 years ago, an article was published in Lechaim magazine that there was no plan for the deportation of Soviet Jews in 1953 in the year. In general, it is quite difficult to prove the non-existence of something, hence the presumption of innocence. Interestingly, evidence was found in the archives of the Ministry of Railways. It was found that traces of each deportation of the Soviet peoples remained.

By the way, there were a lot of them. For example, back in 1936, all Koreans were evicted from the Far East to Central Asia, because then the KGB could not distinguish them from the Japanese, and relations with Tokyo deteriorated sharply when Japan began the conquest of China, and we were afraid that the Japanese would send their agents under the guise of Koreans.

Since deportation is not a punishment, but resettlement for technical reasons, we prepared it very carefully. It was necessary not only to pre-order the rolling stock, adapted for mass transportation of people with a large household goods. It was necessary to bring additional food to the stations, to deploy a medical service. It was necessary to reschedule the transportation schedules to ensure the passage of additional levels. All deportations were left in the archives of the Ministry of Railways, and not only was there no evidence of the deportation plans of the Jews (one could say that all the documents were eaten by the bloody gebnya), but an enormous number of documents about current planning and current work remained, and they were in different archives are mutually consistent.

In addition, many memoirs were published, which were not published, including because they went against the current political line. The famous artillery designer Vasily Gavrilovich Grabin describes in detail the meeting with Dzhugashvili, at which he attended. From this description it is completely obvious: Grabin dealt with a first-class leader and manager from God, who simply had no reason to deal with massacres. He, on the contrary, squeezed everything out of people precisely by the will and precisely by managerial means, and not by surgical ones.

- You said that deportations are not punishment. Deportations of the Caucasian peoples, too?

- Looks like no. For a long time I myself believed that it was a punishment smeared evenly. For what the Crimean Tatars or Vainakhs managed to do during the war, according to the laws of wartime, almost every man of childbearing age should be shot or - under mitigating circumstances - imprisonment for 20 — 25. Since this would mean the total annihilation of all the people already in the next generation, they simply smeared this punishment evenly around the whole people, and it turned out that they would be expelled.

But a book by Oleg Kozinkin was recently published, where he investigated the question: which peoples were deported and which were not. For deportation from the same North Caucasus, it was not enough to be guilty, but it was also necessary that the leadership of the relevant region could not guarantee the safety of cargo transportation. That is, the Vainakhs were located near one of the key deposits at that time, the Kalmyks were near the main routes of export of Baku oil to the center of the country, and they were deported. But other nations, which gave about the same number of defectors and collaborators, did not touch, because the leadership of these peoples proved that they could take the situation under control and prevent sabotage.

- So this was a humane idea?

- Yes, since any other options that were more in line with the written law would have resulted in a significantly higher number of victims.

- Maybe even now it is worth solving the problem of the Caucasus?

- No, now the problem of the Caucasus cannot be solved this way. Now, our external enemy, fortunately, is not on the territory of our country, and we can afford a less fast-acting tool. In particular, deal with the same Vainakhs, combining local whip and federal gingerbread. Chechnya was headed by one of the former militants, who knows well how they act, and while he successfully fights with them, Chechnya receives quite substantial subsidies. There are not so many direct subsidies from the federal budget, contrary to legends, but the fact that the share of tax revenues remaining in Chechnya, the largest in the country, is much more serious help than external subsidies.

But if it came to open confrontation, then we would have to consider the issue of deportation seriously.

- So already two times there was an open confrontation.

- No, I mean open confrontation not with Vainakhs. At the same time, we also fought against the external enemy, who used the Vainakhs as his weapon.

- So the militants are financed by Arab countries.

- Yes, but so far it has not reached an open war with an external enemy, it is possible to limit the supply of militants, and therefore there is no need to resort to acute measures. If such a need arises, it is not from the fact that the evil Putin gored the good Medvedev, but from objective reasons with which both Putin and Medvedev are equally considered.

- Who is the external enemy?

- (sighs) The United States of America has long been the only export product left - instability. I proved it with elementary economic arithmetic. So, as long as they do not risk introducing instability into our territory directly on the wings of the B-52 and the "tomahawks", because they know that they will get the change in the same coin. So for now, we can allow ourselves to be kind.

- How old is there?

- Hard to say. The fact is that there are several opposing processes in the United States themselves. For them, the ideal option would be out of the WTO, closing the borders for imports and restoring its own production. But such a move is very beneficial to manufacturers, but disadvantageous to merchants. I have said and written many times: a very long time there has been a clear confrontation between production workers and traders. Although these things seem to be interconnected, but, roughly speaking, the merchants do not care what to sell - domestic products or imported ones, and therefore the opposition is objective. Accordingly, in the same United States of America, starting with the assassination of John Fitzgerald Josephovich Kennedy, the producers are traditionally grouped around Republicans, and traders around the Democratic Party. In my small homeland, Ukraine, production workers are grouped around the Party of Regions, and traders have chosen the party of the red part of the political spectrum. In Russia, production workers group around Putin, and traders around Medvedev, and, as far as I can tell, completely independent of the will of Putin and Medvedev themselves, they simply turned out to be the most convenient crystallization centers.

- So how many deaths on Stalin? Ten thousand or how much?

- On his conscience the death of about a thousand people whom he knew personally and with whom he worked. But here, not everything is clear. For example, Marshal Egorov, with whom Dzhugashvili was on the South-Western Front during the Polish 1920 campaign of the year, was included in the list of persons suspected of crimes involving the death penalty (the so-called first category) three times. Twice Dzhugashvili himself deleted him from this list. It is not known what arguments he gave for the third time: during rehabilitation, the case was destroyed.

There is a sin after the knowledge, when we evaluate events based on what we know now, and do not think at all about what these events were like for people who lived then and knew only what was available at that time. So, proceeding from the post-knowledge, they are trying every now and then in various variants of alternative history to replay the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. But still, even among the most avid alternatives, the war first develops extremely unfavorably for our country. With the most successful hands, it is possible to win not in four years, but in three.

- And the fact that the war began to fail for the USSR, Stalin is also not to blame? He's a commanding staff cut out.

- From June 1937 to June 1941, about 37 — 38 000 people of middle and senior commanders dropped out of the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Of these, for reasons related to political distrust, approximately 9000 people. Of these 9000 people, 5000 people were subsequently arrested and convicted. The rest dropped out of the ranks of the Armed Forces due to illness, death, attaining the maximum age, and most of all for drinking, party and dancing with fights. Of the total number of retired people, about half were subsequently returned to the Armed Forces, including 5000 people who were dismissed due to political distrust, and 2000 were convicted under the “treason” clause. This is not like a massacre.

The reasons for military failures in another. For the same four years, the USSR Armed Forces have grown fivefold. The existing higher military institutions simply did not have time to train commanders. In addition, in order to become a commander, you need to stay at least two or three years ago at the previous post, and it is important not to skip steps. Because if you command a regiment, you must set the battalion's combat missions, but for this you need to know its capabilities.

Army General Pavlov, who commanded the Western Front at the beginning of the war, is often accused of treason. There are some reasons for that - it hurts strangely that he behaved in the last pre-war days. But one of the most serious charges against Pavlov is the loss of command and control. This is indeed an absolutely unforgivable sin for the commander, and it deserves the death penalty. With the start of hostilities, he began to rush along the divisions of his front, trying to give immediate tasks to each of them. While he was in one division, others did not know what to do.

Why is that? Because Pavlov actually commanded no more than a division, then he went through several steps of a military career as chief of the Main Armored Directorate and, accordingly, did not have a division command skills. Therefore, he did not know what to demand from the army.

At the beginning of the war, we were experiencing growth sickness at its peak. When the lieutenant aviation in a couple of years he turns out to be a lieutenant general and leads the USSR Air Force — and this is exactly what happened with Rychagov — it is clear that he will make one managerial failure after another.

By the way, about Rychagov. At the next meeting, Dzhugashvili talked about a huge number of accidents. Literally every day at least one military plane crashed. Levers said: "You are forcing us to fly on the coffins." Dzhugashvili sharply accelerated his usual passages around the office, changed his face and said: “You shouldn't have said so” - that is, not only with an unusually strong Georgian accent, but also with an error in constructing the phrase. Again, walked back and forth and dismissed the meeting.

Usually, immediately after this, in the stories about Rychagov they say that he was arrested and shot in October 1941. So at the same time they miss that the meeting was held in January, and he was arrested on June 24. According to the results of the meeting, he was removed from his post as Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and sent to the Frunze Academy to complete his studies on what he did not have time to learn in practice. It was the Air Force commander who was responsible for accepting aircraft at the factories, and if he stated that he was being forced to fly on coffins, then this means that he tried to transfer responsibility for Dzhugashvili for not fulfilling his official duties. I suspect that any of the subsequent Soviet leaders would not be limited to sending Rychagov to study. He was arrested after two days of war became obvious complete failure of aviation.

- That is, Stalin - a brilliant commander in chief?

- Not brilliant, but very talented. He became commander-in-chief when a serious failure was revealed with the then people's commissar of defense, Marshal Tymoshenko. Initially, the role of Dzhugashvili was only to listen to the opinion of several military experts - Tymoshenko, the Chief of the General Staff Shaposhnikov and several other people, compare their decisions and estimate which ones are correct. He began to make independent strategic decisions only in 1942.

At first, these were quite obvious solutions, such as the need to press under Rzhev, even though Rzhev himself did not decide anything. The point there was simply in the configuration of the road network of that time: it determined that the side that lost ground in the center immediately got in trouble on the flanks of the front line.

The unobvious strategic decision dates back to 1944. "Ten Stalinist strikes", when the sequence of strikes was chosen such that the Germans constantly tried to transfer troops from one sector of the front to another and were constantly delayed. This is the highest strategic pilotage. And this was his first decision, which certainly deserves the highest praise.

Prior to that, he made decisions obviously necessary, but such that no one else could take responsibility for them. Who, besides him, could take responsibility for dismantling the already launched Baikal-Amur Mainline and moving the sleepers to the left bank of the Volga, in order to unexpectedly for the Germans to build a railway there and ensure the accumulation of troops for the famous Stalingrad counter-offensive?

- But what about the accusations of excessive casualties of the Soviet army during the war?

“If we count the results of the entire war, then even according to the most advantageous estimates for our enemy, for every three enemy soldiers there were four dead Soviet soldiers. This is quite a decent level of losses.

Such a situation was formed because in the beginning we were losing far more than they were, but at the end of the war they were losing more. The causes of losses are objective. Just look at Poland. Until the mid-1930s, it was militarily stronger than Germany. The Poles even planned offensive operations against East Prussia from the beginning of the war. On September 1, hostilities began there; on September 17, the government was evacuated from Poland. For nine months, a strange war continued with France, which had almost the same number of armed forces as Germany, and covered with a huge fortification line - the Maginot Line. France had more tanks, and her tanks were more powerful than the German. And her army was generally considered the strongest in Europe. On May 10, 1940, Germany went on the offensive; on June 22, France surrendered. Against the backdrop of these events, it is somehow difficult to blame Dzhugashvili.

- You consider him the most powerful leader of the 20th century and one of the most powerful leaders in the whole history of Russia.

- Yes exactly. Because I see what he did and what others did.

- And among the Russian leaders, who else is comparable with him?

- Catherine the Great, absolutely no doubt, Peter the Great, with some reservations, since he, unlike Dzhugashvili, did not spare people. Perhaps, Alexander III the Peacemaker, but this is debatable. Under him, serious industrialization began, but unlike Dzhugashvili, he did not control the direction of industrialization. It is known that half a century before the First World War, Russia showed the best development rates in the world in terms of formal indicators. But let's see the share in world production of the three most rapidly developing countries: the United States of America, the German Empire and the Russian Empire. We take as a starting point 1874 year - for 40 years before the start of the war. Although the pace of development was better in Russia, but at the same time, its share in world production over the years lagged behind the shares of Germany and the United States of America. We ran ahead of everyone and still lagged behind, because we not only developed the economy for foreign investment, but also created conditions for the most favorable conditions for investors. The French have invested very large funds in the Russian railways, but they developed mainly roads running in the latitudinal direction - from central Russia to the western border. The French were interested in the fact that in the event of the outbreak of hostilities to speed up the mobilization of the Russian army. As a result, already in Soviet times, it was necessary to develop railways of the meridian direction. We had to finish them.

- And Putin?

“For the time being, I basically see that Putin is gradually overcoming in himself the same errors that I had overcome in myself seven or eight years ago.” I hope that he will continue on this path and become the leader of the highest level.

- Liberal misconceptions?

- Not only. The concepts of liberal in our country, unfortunately, are interpreted rather vaguely. But unlike Medvedev, he never said anything like a recognition of Soviet guilt at Katyn. Unlike Medvedev, Putin has never said that it is necessary to privatize everything immediately. In my opinion, he is gradually retreating from the fiery liberalism and libertarianism, which he was infected with in the St. Petersburg mayor's office under Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak. He is more difficult to do this way, because he has less time for distracted thoughts. But it is moving in the right direction.

- In the direction of state socialism, which you now profess?

- Yes. Recent research with my participation has revealed that by the 2020 year conditions in the field of information technologies will mature, making socialism in all respects more profitable than capitalism. Moreover, it is already clear that, in principle, it is possible to make a new transition from capitalism to socialism in the unstressed mode, that is, so that no one is hurt and everyone gets more than he lost. But so far it is known only at the level of the theorem of existence, that is, it is not yet clear exactly how to do this. Some features of the transition route have yet to be explored, but I hope that we will have time to complete these studies long before 2020.

The Bilalov and Magomedov brothers start to get into a lot of trouble, which means that the Silver Rain radio station and the Dozhd TV channel may soon reduce their salaries to their employees.

In our country, socialism is traditionally associated with a deficit and with a gulag. So, the deficit really was - due to the limited information technologies - and, accordingly, in the new socialism it will be overcome. But associating socialism with the gulag is at least illegal, and we need to get rid of this false association long before 2020, so that we will meet the immense expansion of human capabilities with joy, not with fright.

- GULAG what - was not there too?

- So it is now, but it is called GUIN. And there are many more people per capita in it than in the GULAG. And in the United States of America has its own prisons. In addition, in the 1930-s there were camps of public works - in terms of content worse than our GULAG. There are always places of imprisonment and, I am afraid, there will always be.

But socialism as a whole did not depend on the presence of the Gulag. The myth started by the Americans is very popular among us that Soviet goods are cheaper because they used forced labor in the USSR. Given the content of protection, given the inevitably low productivity of forced labor, it is unprofitable. In the USSR, they knew this - and used the slightest opportunity to disperse more people into their homes. Even those convicted of collaborating with the Germans during the war reduced their sentences several times in order to quickly throw them out on loose bread. The myth came from the fact that the best way to make money on the market is to nationalize losses and privatize profits. In the United States of America, the practice of transferring prisoners to work in private firms is very common. Responsibilities for the maintenance and protection of the state bears, and the company receives a net profit. In total, and the prisoner's labor is less profitable there, but since the losses go to the state, the company can reduce the price. Here they transferred their idea to us.

- From the denial of the Gulag close to the denial of the Holocaust.

- I, as you understand, the person interested. I have no doubt that the Germans really destroyed something between 5 and 6 for millions of Jews in Europe. Although at first the Germans considered the final decision to evict all Jews somewhere far away from Europe and in the 1940 year they even planned to evict Jews to Madagascar. But there is evidence that the British opposed this plan. Only after first Estonian and then Latvian Nazis reported that all Jews in the territory entrusted to them were physically destroyed, the Germans thought about such a solution and in 1942 they made a decision: since there are no other options, then you can get rid of the Jews by physical destruction. I note that in Kiev’s Babi Yar Jews were shot not so much by Germans as by local policemen.

I do not deny the fact that the National Socialists hate the Jews that they exterminated the Jews regularly and regularly, but there are many interesting details even in this fact that show that they had many accomplices.

As for the Gulag, if we proceed from Beria's rehabilitation, we can assume that there were from 1 million to 2 million that did not deserve such a fate, but in general, the Gulag under socialism is not inevitable and, moreover, socialism is absolutely not interested in the Gulag.

- And by 2020, should Putin turn Russia into the realm of state socialism?

- No, it's not about Putin and not in Russia. The transition to socialism will be beneficial all over the world at the same time. By 2020, the total computing power of the entire global computer park will be sufficient so that you can calculate a complete, accurate optimal plan for the entire world production in less than a day.

- And now?

- Now it will take about a thousand years. That is, it is a global transition. Another thing is that a country that begins to prepare in advance will be able to make the transition in more comfortable conditions. Therefore, I hope that our training will begin long before 2020.

- Last year was the rise of the liberal opposition. Not afraid that they can prevent the transition?

- Last year's rise of the liberal opposition prevented only the most liberal opposition. She quickly showed how her is small and how she is empty. She could not put forward an alternative program. Do not consider Kasparov's words that the current government wants to steal and kill and not give the opposition this right as an alternative program. I don’t think that Kasparov really believes that the right to steal and kill should be given to him, I think that he made a reservation, but no one from the opposition anyway suggested anything better. So I think that as the ideological and financial support stops, this movement will come to naught. Ideological support comes from abroad from lovely organizations like the Cato Institute. Material support will also run out: the Bilalov and Magomedov brothers start to get into a lot of trouble, which means that the Silver Rain radio station and the Dozhd TV channel may soon reduce their staff’s salaries.

- Do you consider Navalny and other oppositionists enemies of the country?

- Of course, they are not enemies of the country, but the question is what they consider to be their country and what kind of future they want for it. A person who believes that Russia will be better as a supplier to the West of cheap oil, cheap labor and cheap parts for people can quite sincerely believe that this is good. But I do not consider myself obliged to share this opinion. It is not about hostility as such, but only about what a person sincerely considers useful for a country that, in the opinion of the overwhelming majority of citizens, is deadly for this overwhelming majority.

- You use the word "execute" quite easily ...

- Almost until the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet law the term "capital punishment" was not, was the highest measure of social protection - the death penalty or expulsion from the USSR without the right of return. This is, in general, logical. Society simply defended itself against people who were dangerous to it. And he did not care: send a man abroad or to the next world. If only no more mischief.

The only problem is that after 2020, due to general socialism, there will no longer be a place where such people could be exiled without harming society. Accordingly, it is necessary either to execute such people, or to look for means of re-education. I hope that they will find quickly enough.

- Will Liberals be executed?

- Those who, on the basis of their liberalism, perform an act harmful to others.

- Mass rallies - it is harmful action?

- No, this action is sometimes stupid, but not harmful. But, for example, the fragmentation of the unified energy system of Russia is an objectively harmful action. Although I once supported him and even led him news a tape on a reform-related website, but when in a little over a year of such work I figured out a little about energy issues, I doubted the need for such a transformation. And then, based on the results of our entire management, I was convinced that planting the so-called economics instead of political economy is an objectively harmful action: a person trained in this way cannot perceive the entire economy as a whole and therefore is doomed to make decisions at his post with a high degree of probability although useful in a local place, but harmful to the economy as a whole. Therefore, the entire staff of the Higher School of Economics - with the exception of teachers of mathematics or foreign languages ​​- will have to be transferred to work not related to education and upbringing.

- Well, at least not to execute.

- Executed for actions that really take someone's life more or less directly. And here it is enough to apply a measure of social protection.
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  1. +30
    11 March 2013 06: 58
    and I agree with him ... I also consider part of myself a Stalinist, because Stalin did a lot for the diligent, but now everything is being watered and watered with mud ....
    1. +9
      11 March 2013 07: 08
      Quote: sasha 19871987
      but I agree with him ... I also consider myself a Stalinist, for part, Stalin did a lot for the effort, but now everything is being watered and watered with mud ..

      I fully support 200%
      1. -18
        11 March 2013 07: 47
        laughing The question of who did what is not worth it as such .. Nobody is against the achievements of the country under his leadership ... The question is, Wasserman contradicts himself. Stalin doesn’t get anything at all. Everyone else did, and he is white and fluffy ? But after all, if according to V. Stalin a brilliant leader, then why couldn’t he lead? Why did others lead? Everything in the article is very controversial ...
        1. +8
          11 March 2013 08: 59
          I hope that in 2013 we will lose Medvedev-Khrushchev with all sorts of dvorkovich, who some whitewash, and they are in fact lobbyists of commerce, but you can see about Dvorkovich’s wife here
        2. vilenich
          11 March 2013 09: 33
          Quote: domokl
          Everything is very controversial in the article ...

          The saddest thing is that our generation is apparently not destined to learn the whole truth, but if we nevertheless judge by the achievements of the country that were achieved during the leadership of Comrade. I.V. Stalin, then he is destined for a worthy place in history.
          PS. I liked another phrase, however, not the topic:
          But, for example, the fragmentation of the unified energy system of Russia is an objectively harmful action. Although I supported him at one time and even ran a news feed on the reform website, but when a little over a year I figured out such a job in energy issues, he doubted the need for such a transformation.

          And we want from the ministers, whose previous activities were far from the sphere of activity of the ministry, to achieve success in needlework! God forbid they should at least figure out what they are managing, and not just deal with cutting budget funds!
          1. +4
            11 March 2013 11: 31
            With this quote, the author sentenced the traitor Chubais.
            1. vilenich
              11 March 2013 11: 45
              Quote: Ross
              With this quote, the author sentenced the traitor Chubais.

              Yes, I think this is also to a large extent the activity of Serdyukov and others like him.
          2. +4
            11 March 2013 16: 39
            Quote: vilenich
            The saddest thing is that our generation is apparently not destined to learn the whole truth

            Nobody is destined to learn the whole truth. It’s simply because the truth is the facts as presented by a person, and this person always has his own views, his passions, his priorities ...
            Another thing is scary, in my opinion ... Now there are so many people arguing on the principle-There are two opinions, one of mine, the second is not correct. I read the comments and was horrified ... During the period from March 5 until today I was already an ardent anti-Stalinist, and an ardent Stalinist ... And without changing the tone and letter of their comments. People do not want to think .. People want to repeat.
            1. vilenich
              11 March 2013 18: 22
              Quote: domokl
              People do not want to think .. People want to repeat.

              Maybe it’s not worth talking about everyone. After all, there are a sufficient number of individuals with a firmly established opinion on many aspects of our lives.
              Of course, I lamented that our generation could not find out the truth, and apparently the next one too, but expressed my firm conviction that JV Stalin had a worthy place in history.
        3. explorer
          11 March 2013 11: 12
          The possibilities of any supreme power are limited:
          angry Here AUTHORITIES are now fighting corruption and excesses in the housing and communal services,
          and the result .... belay
        4. Cheloveck
          11 March 2013 11: 19
          Quote: domokl
          The question is, Wasserman contradicts himself. Stalin didn’t get anything at all. Did everyone else, but is he white and fluffy? But after all, if according to V. Stalin a brilliant leader, why couldn’t he lead? Why did others lead? Very controversial in the article ...

          Do you know how you differ from Wasserman?
          But everything is simple: he knows how to analyze and compare, you do not.
          I’ll try to explain on modern analogies.

          So, Putin is positioned as a statesman, but he has to maneuver between "ours" and "yours", otherwise he will fly off his post in five minutes.
          Where did Putin try to start?
          From the most important thing: the nationalization of the Central Bank, but failed. This is due to all the troubles of modern Russia that it cannot independently finance itself, and he understands this.
          So does Putin rule the country or not?
          1. +2
            11 March 2013 12: 41
            Quote: Cheloveck
            From the most important thing: the nationalization of the Central Bank ...

            Still would! The last of the American presidents who tried to do something like this was Kennedy. How it ended is known ...
            Quote: Cheloveck
            ... but it didn’t work out ...

            Maybe I'm wrong, but for some reason it seems to me that for Stalin everything would have worked out fine. Maybe I just tried badly?
            1. +3
              11 March 2013 16: 09
              Quote: Ribwort
              Maybe I'm wrong, but for some reason it seems to me that for Stalin everything would have worked out fine. Maybe I just tried badly?

              - Stalin and Trotsky, about whom I learned a lot on the next branch of interesting things (I didn’t give such quotes at the institute of school history and the history of the CPSU, emphasizing the differences on some little things that I didn’t understand - they called Trotsky an opportunist, and what this means, no one explained). The first time I learned about Trotsky from Starikov’s books, I’m gaining knowledge and just crap, as the seven bankers learned to destroy states (rather big states!) And put crooks here) butted for fifteen years, if not more! At the same time, Trotsky, of all resources, has political capital and power, and the support of semibankers.
              And the current liberals in power have enormous material resources (I strongly doubt that the Potanin-Friedman adhere to the ideology of Russian statehood, if the Russian citizen - who is the main investor in Skolkovo personally voices Putin's request to transfer the Russian cultural heritage to America! And is not shy!), Support State Department, the same Central Bank in the hands of + plus all this, almost all the media! Not a damn yourself vrazhin! Compare with Trotsky - the name made at the revolution and the post, plus the State Department. And that’s all.
              I do not belittle Stalin, just evaluate the current enemy by the ones I have listed.
          2. 0
            11 March 2013 16: 46
            Quote: Cheloveck
            But everything is simple: he knows how to analyze and compare, you do not.

            You are probably right. I am analyzing in a slightly different vein. But I won’t argue ... Anatoly is a great encyclopedist, but the analyst is still mediocre.
            Quote: Cheloveck
            So, Putin is positioned as a statesman, but he has to maneuver between "ours" and "yours", otherwise he will fly off his post in five minutes.
            Naturally ... Only if you explain the ignoramus, then we should start a little earlier ... Putin went to power as a person from the EBN team. That is why he only worked for the first time, which he pulled his people to key posts ...
            Quote: Cheloveck
            So does Putin rule the country or not?

            Good question ... And you can just read the answer from Wasserman ... Anatoly repeatedly spoke and wrote in support of Putin ... I singled him out as the president, who is not only respected (unlike DAM), but also afraid ...
            1. Cheloveck
              11 March 2013 17: 34
              Quote: domokl
              Naturally ... Only if you explain the ignoramus, then we should start a little earlier ... Putin went to power as a person from the EBN team. That is why he only worked for the first time, which he pulled his people to key posts ...

              Hehe ... And Stalin, then, immediately came with a ready-made team?
              Let’s come up with the same standards. smile
        5. pavlo
          11 March 2013 15: 37
          read carefully - do not rush-analyze !!!
      2. Border k
        11 March 2013 13: 38
        Here are those and Hebrew hi
    2. +13
      11 March 2013 09: 45
      Quote: sasha 19871987
      and I agree with him ... I also consider part of myself a Stalinist

      I must say that when I read this article a few days ago on another resource, I was very surprised ... I was surprised that such a "transformation" also took place ... and the more I observe Russian "democracy" and the faces of the Kremlin kleptocracy, the more Stalinist becoming ...
      1. S_mirnov
        11 March 2013 15: 44
        Wasserman is clearly disingenuous. You cannot be a Stalinist and at the same time support the modern power of the merchants. There is a fundamental difference, idiological.
        Stalin relied in his actions on the people of the USSR, respectively, and defended the interests of the people of the USSR. And the people paid him back during the Second World War and after their faithful service.
        GDP in its power is based on the oligarchic elite or on anyone but the people (people are simply afraid of it like fire)
        . Accordingly, protects the interests of anyone but the people.
        Therefore, the defenders of GDP are often uprooted in an uncomfortable position, forced to admit that such obvious enemies of the people as Chubais, Gaidar, Serdyukov, Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov find themselves in the GDP camp. And the true patriots of the country - Ilyukhin, Kvachkov, Petrov, Parshev, etc. - in the camp of opponents of GDP.
        And since the proponents of GDP adhere to the bipolar model of Russia (either for GDP or for the State Department), the patriots of Russia are also assigned to the State Department camp.
        The position of Wasserman is very clear, so to speak, both by yours and ours, but this position is very precarious, although it leads to an increase in momentary popularity.
    3. stroporez
      14 March 2013 12: 17
      the jubilee of Operation Overlord is just approaching. and all "common people" have a task - to throw feces on these "wild, dirty, Russian barbarians" to the maximum and take away their victory
  2. Zhzhuk
    11 March 2013 07: 07
    read the article on the main nodes (I confess) I do not believe him !!!!!!!!!!! the population hates traitors and he just wants to grease and stay at the trough, the lies from TV no longer work, there are alternative sources, in particular, this site, it is simply evident from the hopelessness that he gave this interview. there is a saying YOU CAN'T RESIST _ HEAD, I sense a whole legion of "STALINISTS" like Nemtsov Chirikova Zhirinovsky Kudrin Navalny will appear soon No.
    1. +7
      11 March 2013 07: 26
      I rather do not trust. Muddy, like that. A man is smart and erudite, but two plus two, only this year add up? And before, he had no information and the logic was completely absent?
      1. +9
        11 March 2013 08: 18
        In fact, Wasserman declared himself a Stalinist very long before the start of a new population of Stalin in the country. This is his position and I am not going to condemn it, but I myself can’t say anything about this topic, since I did not live at that time. We'll wait and see when the archives will be available to the average person and then a lot will become clear.
        1. Border k
          11 March 2013 13: 56
          Well, Duc archives are that tu-tu, for which "thanks" to the main accuser
          1. Beck
            11 March 2013 21: 30
            Wasserman, that Mikoyan will attach himself to anyone who is in power. He will sing and sing any songs. And - God save the tsar ... and the International, and Eh cudgel with a stick .... We have enough brains. And the insight is enough, looking at the weather vane of political winds. And there is no difference in which direction the weather vane shows. For any direction, Wasserman will find the right words to express the balm.

            Another of the same on a television channel jumped, Kurginyan. All praised. Until then, he was insistent that the foam from his mouth went to one of the pro-government rallies. So they removed him after that, the authorities, out of sight and out of mind.
            1. 0
              13 March 2018 13: 05
              Wasserman objectively studied this historical period of the state on the basis of documents from many sources, I do not see bias in his statements
      2. +7
        11 March 2013 09: 50
        family tree
        Quote: perepilka
        A man is smart and erudite, but two plus two, only this year add up?

        So it was precisely because of "intelligence and erudition" that it took so long to add up - two plus two.
        He says that it was necessary to compare DIFFERENT archives. Firstly, they are different, they are hundreds and thousands, and, secondly, there are tens to thousands of documents in each of them. Agree, this is a little more - two plus two ...
        Plus article, read it before 8.03.13, there was time to think it over.
        That someone would bring it to Putin (article) ??? request
        1. S_mirnov
          11 March 2013 15: 48
          wrote koment, but I see here he will be more out of place. Sorry to repeat:
          Wasserman is clearly disingenuous. You cannot be a Stalinist and at the same time support the modern power of the merchants. There is a fundamental difference, idiological.
          Stalin relied in his actions on the people of the USSR, respectively, and defended the interests of the people of the USSR. And the people paid him back during the Second World War and after their faithful service.
          GDP in its power is based on the oligarchic elite or on anyone but the people (people are simply afraid of it like fire)

          . Accordingly, protects the interests of anyone but the people.
          Therefore, the defenders of GDP are often uprooted in an uncomfortable position, forced to admit that such obvious enemies of the people as Chubais, Gaidar, Serdyukov, Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov find themselves in the GDP camp. And the true patriots of the country - Ilyukhin, Kvachkov, Petrov, Parshev, etc. - in the camp of opponents of GDP.
          And since the proponents of GDP adhere to the bipolar model of Russia (either for GDP or for the State Department), the patriots of Russia are also assigned to the State Department camp.
          The position of Wasserman is very clear, so to speak, both by yours and ours, but this position is very precarious, although it leads to an increase in momentary popularity.
      3. Avenger711
        11 March 2013 14: 33
        The point is not the availability of information, but the desire to receive it, and a person may not have motives to engage in history.
      4. +2
        11 March 2013 17: 54
        At first, liberal ideas look very attractive. If you are gay, you can be without fear of beatings and persecution. Allowed is not prohibited by law. Relationships outside of marriage - but for God's sake, this is your personal business and your personal life.
        Against the background of Soviet continuous duties, we recall that the Octobrook, pioneer, Komsomolets were obliged - there are continuous duties and almost no rights)))) - liberalism with continuous rights looks attractive, so many were liberals, especially in their youth. This is later, when you live in a society where no one owes anything to anyone, including society, you begin to clumsy and understand something.
        I am not a liberoid, but I no longer perceive the manifestations of excessive Soviet collectivism, as in the old Soviet film "Girls". Something there is some kind of collectivism - only the main character of the film wins from him, he decided to show who he is and what he is, and he doesn't care that the whole team is left without hot food because of this sense of collectivism. He decided to ask something - the whole team is obliged to throw it off, and comrade K. Zadar got it - then without regrets you can crush the granted -)))))
        No, guys, I'm not a liberoid, but I'm not particularly going to that terry scoop either - because in any team there will be someone who is the most "collective" and who for some reason will get all the dividends of this collectivism, and the rest will only be left without hot food and money in exchange for the joy of seeing the successes of the "collective" itself.
        Somehow I am for a middle ground and I am sure that it is -))))
    2. +11
      11 March 2013 07: 30

      To believe or not to believe is your right. But when people like Wasserman take the side of the Russian Idea, I think it’s stupid to push them away. Let him be a scoundrel for you, but he will be OUR scoundrel.

      God, like Russia, are not scolded! This is proved to us by the evolution of Wasserman from a liberal to a statesman and patriot. This proves us, in the end, life!
      1. Goga
        11 March 2013 07: 45
        nokki - Colleague, how the interviewer from turned around! And to challenge either intelligence or facts is not enough, he spits with clichés - "bloody repressions ..." political opponents in concentration camps, before him only foreign prisoners of war were placed there, and only then they began to blame Bronstein (Trotsky) on IS - "Stalin's camps ...", after all, how does it work when they drive people into camps - this is progress and revolution, and when they were driven into camps created by them - "Gevolt"! - bloody terror ... fellow
      2. Zhzhuk
        11 March 2013 07: 46
        Honestly, I did not understand about our villain, as long as the country is strong they will sing the right songs, let the slack stick a knife in the back. I do not urge to hate, just do not want to be deceived at what time ....
      3. -2
        11 March 2013 07: 50
        Quote: nokki
        But when people like Wasserman take the side of the Russian Idea, I think it’s stupid to push them away.
        Excuse me, what is the Russian idea? How are we used to throwing words without investing any sense in them ... And why is the Russian idea so Russian that for its propaganda people are needed to put it mildly, not of Russian nationality?
        1. Zhzhuk
          11 March 2013 08: 12
          It’s not that Wasserman is a Jew, my physics teacher was Jewish and try to tell her something bad about Stalin and communism, by all means, arranged a blast. Intuitively, I do not believe him.
          1. FOX.
            11 March 2013 09: 20
            Quote: Zhzhuk
            It’s not that Wasserman is a Jew,

            According to the site Jews and Judophiles, I am a terrifying anti-Semite and "Natsik", although I have nothing to do with either one or the other. I have always said and will repeat that I am an anti-Zionist and I love my Motherland and my people very much and I hate their enemies.
            So Wasserman is Russian in spirit (although he is a Jew "by passport") and for me he is a friend and ally in the struggle for the formation of a powerful and prosperous Russia.
            The question of returning to socialism is very pleasant to discuss (after all, this meets many of our aspirations), but, unfortunately, so far only at a purely theoretical level, although we terribly want to live in a socially just society. Abramovich and Prokhorov will not go anywhere, and the Rothschilds with the Rockefellers and the Morgan will not die out overnight ...
            The Russian government (and speaking of power we most often mean Putin) cannot but understand that we cannot remain a country exporting raw materials. After all, this already affects national security, and it is simply not possible to establish effective production in modern conditions, and there is a need to recall the effective experience of past leaders. JOSEPH VISSARIONOVICH STALIN WAS THE MOST EFFECTIVE !!!
            1. Gari
              11 March 2013 11: 14
              I completely agree with you, the main thing is not in the passport, but in fact in spirit, Stalin was Georgian in origin - and what, but in spirit in life, as a Real Russian patriot!
              One must love and be faithful to one’s Motherland.
              1. +2
                11 March 2013 16: 52
                Quote: Gari
                One must love and be faithful to one’s Motherland.
                Do you think that only the Stalinists and the so-called do the patriots love their homeland? Go out and ask 200 people and everyone will answer we love and want good for her ... Only now in reality it turns out that good is good for discord ...
                1. S_mirnov
                  11 March 2013 18: 30
                  “Only in reality it turns out that good is good for good.” - Just to love the Motherland is not a sufficient condition for its prosperity. You also need to be able to think with your head. Most citizens understand that the USSR lost the war to the United States, but they stubbornly cannot admit that the losers will be occupied and draw correct conclusions on the current state of affairs in the Russian Federation. So they think that they lost the war, but there are no consequences, they didn’t do it, but "we’re working from our knees." And in order to really get up from your knees, you must first throw off the enemy who has settled on you!
                2. Gari
                  11 March 2013 20: 49
                  I wrote about Stalin as the leader of a great country, which he made a great and actually made
        2. -2
          11 March 2013 08: 42
          Quote: domokl
          And why is the Russian idea so Russian

          I live for the Motherland and God.
          1. +2
            11 March 2013 16: 54
            Quote: nokki
            I live for the Motherland and God.
            Gennady, but the Americans do not live for this? Or the Syrians? And the rest? Just God is called differently .. That's all ...
            1. S_mirnov
              11 March 2013 18: 32
              "Gennady, don't the Americans live for this? Or the Syrians? And everyone else?" - so let them live peacefully in their own country! And to stretch out your hands to the wealth of Russia, nefig!
        3. +11
          11 March 2013 10: 27
          Quote: domokl
          .And why is the Russian idea so Russian that for its propaganda people are needed, to put it mildly, not of Russian nationality?

          Because the Russian idea is the idea of ​​justice for all peoples. Russian this adjective applies to all peoples of Russia and the former USSR. Stalin, for example, called himself Russian from Georgians. But Stalin developed the idea of ​​Slavism, and did not at all seek to turn the Russian, Soviet people into rootless biomass, as the current liberalism is now striving to do.
          Here, check out
          . Htm
          Wasserman is an honest Jew, such, I would say, of Soviet hardening, in the good sense of the word, who is alien to the ideas of Zionism, but at the same time he does not forget who he is by nationality.
          1. Border k
            11 March 2013 13: 58
            Well, Russian is not a nation, nationality is a state of mind (s)
            1. 0
              11 March 2013 17: 01
              Quote: Border K
              Well, Russian is not a nation, nationality is a state of mind (with
              Then all the talk of Russian nationalists is nothing more than a bluff ... Cheburek, who has lived in Moscow for 20 years, has long been Russian .... lol
          2. +2
            11 March 2013 16: 59
            Quote: brutal true
            o Stalin developed the idea of ​​Slavism, and did not at all try to turn the Russian, Soviet people into rootless biomass, as the current liberalism is now striving to do.
            You probably have never been a new community of people — the Soviet people .. And I was .. Not Russian, not Jewish, no one, just Soviet people, if you will, Soviet people ...
            I always wonder how rhetoric is changing ... At the beginning we are talking about the Russian idea, Russianness as such, and then, suddenly, it turns out that we are internationalists ... Everyone who says that he is Russian is Russian ... And there are no other nationalities
      4. S_mirnov
        11 March 2013 18: 24
        “But when people like Wasserman take the side of the Russian Idea,” the only trouble is that, as they become (easily), they dump. We saw such politicians who, with the advent of perestroika, enthusiastically told how bad communists they were and how liberals at heart they were.
    3. +4
      11 March 2013 09: 49
      Quote: Zhzhuk
      he just wants to be smeared and stay at the trough,

      are you out of your mind? .... what trough? .. what do you even know about Onotol?
    4. Perch_xnumx
      11 March 2013 10: 42
      read the article on the main nodes (I confess) I do not believe him !!!!!!!!!!! the population hates traitors and he just wants to grease and stay at the trough, the lies from TV no longer work, there are alternative sources, in particular, this site, it is simply evident from the hopelessness that he gave this interview. there is a saying YOU CAN'T RESIST _ HEAD, I sense a whole legion of "STALINISTS" like Nemtsov Chirikova Zhirinovsky Kudrin Navalny will appear soon
      I have a pathological mistrust of the Jews, there were too many among them ... idols, too often they used people and the country for their own purposes, moved slogans and people fooled like fools. Maybe if I see a sincere Orthodox Jew standing for Orthodoxy then I will trust.
      There was Stalin and not him, this is history, but I’m not going to bow to him. Because only God saved the country from the catastrophe through the prayers of the saints, by the heroic efforts of soldiers, lieutenants, battalion commanders, generals, smart commanders such as Rokossovsky, Chernyakhovsky and many others.
      PS: the antichrist will also be a Jew since his mother will be a Jew, according to the predictions of Lorenius of Chernigov.
      1. Perch_xnumx
        11 March 2013 11: 11
        Who are more comrades Stalinists. Pathologically, I cannot stand these pluses minuses, and these fake epaulettes.

        - Almost until the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet law the term "capital punishment" was not, was the highest measure of social protection - the death penalty or expulsion from the USSR without the right of return. This is, in general, logical. Society simply defended itself against people who were dangerous to it. And he did not care: send a man abroad or to the next world. If only no more mischief.

        The only problem is that after 2020, due to general socialism, there will no longer be a place where such people could be exiled without harming society. Accordingly, it is necessary either to execute such people, or to look for means of re-education. I hope that they will find quickly enough.

        And whom we will write down to the objectionable Comrade Wasserman, those who disagree with us (for example, according to Stalin). This is justice. It is you who will take on the role of pardon or execute.

        Lavrenty Chernihiv:
        The Antichrist will be greatly trained in all the tricks of Satan, and he will do false signs.
        He will be heard and seen by the whole world.
        He will “stamp” his “people” with seals. Will hate Christians. The last persecution of the Christian soul will begin, which will refuse the seal of Satan.
        The persecution will immediately begin on the land of Jerusalem, and then the last blood will be shed in all places of the globe for the Name of our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Of you, my children, many will live up to this terrible time. The seals will be such that it will be immediately obvious: the person accepted or not.
        Nothing can be bought or sold to a Christian. But don't be discouraged. The Lord will not leave his children ... No need to be afraid! ..
        Churches will be, but the Orthodox Christian will not be able to go to them, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be brought there, and there will be all the "satanic" gathering ...
        And for this lawlessness the earth will cease to give birth, everything will crack due to lack of rain, will give such cracks that a person can fall.
        Christians will be killed or exiled to deserted places. But the Lord will help and nourish His followers. Jews will also be driven into one place. Some Jews who truly lived the law of Moses will not accept the seal of Antichrist. They will wait, look closely at his actions. They know that their ancestors did not recognize Christ as the Messiah, but even so God will give them that their eyes will be opened, and they will not accept the seal of Satan, and will acknowledge Christ and will reign with Christ.
        And all the weak people will follow Satan, and when the earth does not give a harvest, people will come to him with a request to give bread, and he will answer: “The earth will not give birth to bread. I can not do anything".
        There will also be no water, all rivers and lakes will dry out. This disaster will last three and a half years. But for the sake of His chosen ones, the Lord will shorten those days. In those days there will still be strong fighters, pillars of Orthodoxy, who will be under the strong influence of heartfelt Jesus prayer. And the Lord will cover them with His omnipotent grace, and they will not see the false signs that will be prepared for all people. “Once again I repeat that it will be impossible to go to those temples, there will be no grace in them.”
    5. Misantrop
      11 March 2013 12: 10
      Quote: Zhzhuk
      I do not believe him !!!!!!!!!!!

      Well, Wasserman is neither a Prophet nor a Messiah to believe him or not. lol
      IMHO people generally need to be trusted with extreme caution (namely, to believe, that is, to accept someone’s point of view without giving reasoning). You can believe the facts. And the more these facts and the higher their degree of reliability (I apologize for the tautology), the less faith will be needed as such. And it’s hard to blame Wasserman for not being informed. Yes, he can manipulate facts, draw attention to something, keep silent about something else, but he has not yet been noticed in outright lies and juggling
  3. +7
    11 March 2013 07: 18
    I liked the article ... HUGE PLUS,It is a pity that not all Russians share the Jewish beliefs
  4. +4
    11 March 2013 07: 28
    In my small homeland, Ukraine, industrialists are grouped around the Party of Regions, and the merchants have chosen parties of the red part of the political spectrum. In Russia, production groups are grouped around Putin, and traders are grouped around Medvedev, and, as far as I can tell, quite independently of the wishes of Putin and Medvedev themselves, they simply turned out to be the most convenient crystallization centers.

    Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. It’s cool to notice that the truth of the purpose of both of them is the same - to cash in at the expense of ordinary people, or the state.
  5. +2
    11 March 2013 07: 39
    History will put everything in its place.
  6. +1
    11 March 2013 07: 40
    Interesting thoughts ... It’s true that you don’t immediately perceive it ... fresh and original. Only as it knocks out the chair on which I sat all my life ...
    I am neither a Stalinist nor an anti-Stalinist. I agree that Stalin is an excellent leader, but that everything is done against his will ... I can’t believe it somehow ... Inconsistency, if an excellent leader, I could not know the situation on the ground, but if he knew, then the leader is so-so ... The contradiction in the article itself ...
    1. +5
      11 March 2013 08: 09
      I agree that Stalin is an excellent leader, but so that everything would be done contrary to his will ...

      Why so unequivocally: "everything is against his will"?
      I have never been either an apologist or an anti :)
      But, doubt about the omnipotence of temporary detention facilities, began to arise when he began to study the formation and development of the country's military-industrial complex, factories, technologies, etc.
      After all, everything was far from so cloudless, as it seems to many.
      Type: Stalin gave the order, and it appeared.
      We are people far from the revolutionary process. It is very difficult for us to imagine the then elite who came to lead the state from the fields of the Civil War. It's breaking up ... And, often, the inability to find oneself in a new quality. But the habit of command remained :))
      And where to get another elite? If civilian cut classes?
      All this is complicated.
      Of course, there was also the strongest multi-layer opposition to the Red Imperial IVS project, and there was a most severe personnel shortage. And the people, in general ... After all, they woke up the beast in Russian people.
    2. Kaa
      11 March 2013 08: 46
      Quote: domokl
      Stalin is an excellent leader, but so that everything would be done against his will ... I can’t believe it ..

      Here is just one little-known example: “As is obvious, Stalin had to wage a fierce struggle within the party and state leadership. He was not at all the omnipotent sole ruler, as they have been trying to inspire us for several decades now. Alas, the vast majority of researchers continue to hold on to the old scheme, according to which Stalin is always regarded as an absolute dictator. Only some make this conclusion with a minus sign, others with a plus sign. In fact, this approach is characterized by elementary naivety. Really, Is it not naive to believe that one person (even the most brilliant) can rule over gigantic bureaucratic structures (namely, the administrative apparatus of the USSR consisted of them)? Yes, he can limit their power, play on their contradictions, but complete control is impossible here. Moreover, a successful revolt of these structures against the leader with his desire for sole power is possible and even inevitable. And there are many examples where Stalin came across a secret and even obvious opposition from the majority of the top leadership.
      One example is that in 1944, Malenkov developed a plan for widespread political reform. It was aimed at strengthening the government - with the release of party structures from the administrative routine. In January 1944, Malenkov drafted a draft resolution of the Central Committee "On improving local government bodies." And there were very bold provisions. In particular, Malenkov proposed:
      "and) put an end to the established harmful practice of duplication and parallelism in the management of economic and cultural construction by local party and state bodies, with improper practice of substitution and depersonalization of state bodies and fully concentrate the operational management of economic and cultural construction in one place - in government bodies.
      b) strengthen state bodies with the most authoritative and experienced personnelcapable of ensuring a further rise in the work of state bodies and concentrating in the councils of republics and executive committees of the Soviets the task of managing economic and cultural construction;
      c) to turn the attention of party organizations to the all-round strengthening of state bodies, raising their role and authority, freeing party bodies from administrative and economic functions unusual for them, and establish the correct separation and division of responsibilities between party and state bodies;
      d) oblige party leaders in the field, restructuring relations with the Soviet authorities, to carry out political leadership of state bodies and political control over the correct implementation of party and government directives; ensure the correct selection and promotion of personnel in the state apparatus, steadily taking care of their ideological and political growth; expand political education among the working people, uniting the masses even more around the Soviets to support their events (Y. Zhukov. "Stalin. Secrets of power").
      Stalin supported Malenkov’s project, having personally imposed a “For” resolution on him. It was assumed that the Central Committee Plenum would be convened, which would decide the fate of the project. However, the Politburo rejected Malenkov's proposals - despite the will of the "tyrant."
      When Stalin returned to this idea in 1952, he was soon killed.
    3. dmb
      11 March 2013 14: 05
      I absolutely agree with you. It is poorly believed. Moreover, even the respected Wasserman does not provide evidence that this is true. Proofs are documents of that time with the corresponding resolutions, and by no means memoirs, janitors, cooks and drivers, to which current researchers, both supporters and opponents of a particular historical personality, love to refer. At the same time, the fact that this or that event is sounded the way the researcher would like, and not at all the way it really is, is slyly omitted. An unpretentious little thought that Stalin was an angel in the flesh, and everything bad was done against his will, appeared quite recently, exactly when the current ruler needed it. Apparently the court analysts considered that at this stage the "good tsar", who is being deceived by wicked unclean subjects, is the best excuse for failures in domestic politics. Pay attention, not a single of the mass of articles about Stalin that have appeared recently has not been mentioned without mentioning Putin in it, and only in the hope that he will continue the Stalinist cause. With all due respect to Wasserman, I still did not understand how information technologies overcome the shortage of a particular product, and how state socialism with information technologies differs from socialism that existed in our country earlier. To be honest, this is some kind of set of phrases devoid of any meaning.
      1. Cheloveck
        11 March 2013 14: 16
        Quote: dmb
        Moreover, even the respected Wasserman does not provide evidence that this is true. Evidence is the documents of that time with the relevant resolutions, and by no means memoirs, janitors, cooks and drivers, which the current researchers, both supporters and opponents of a particular historical person, like to refer to.
        Hmm. If Onotole had cited references to documents in an interview, he would have continued the transfer until the end of the year, if not longer.
        There are enough documents, references to them are given in all serious works.
        Read those books that Wasserman refers to, so at the end there is a list of all the sources used.
        If you wish, you can request copies in the archive, they will not refuse.
        1. dmb
          11 March 2013 19: 26
          You know, I read it. And therefore I wrote the above. In the lists of literature of the books of Prudnikova and Zhukov, there is not a single reference to archival documents. On the whole, I share Zhukov's position, but the authors mentioned are closer to fiction than to historical research. References to Chuev, who spoke not even with Stalin but with Molotov, to put it mildly, are doubtful. And how could the Stalinist Molotov tell Chuev that his life's work was criminal and unnecessary for the people. (This is not my business, but I evaluate a person's behavior). But the present-day Molotov granddaughter-parliamentarian of Stalin is still vilifying. While. About his grandfather, he says that he was a great admirer of Nikolai # 2. And who do you command to believe? In general, I expected more from the books of these authors. I recommend reading Bushkov. His conclusions are almost the same (except for the "timid" Stalin), but he cites facts to support them.
      2. +1
        11 March 2013 14: 30
        I read many comments ....... But Dmitry (DMB) decided to join you in the sense that more and more often Stalin is mentioned in the context of Putin.
        What is all this for?
        Raise a shaky authority? Feel the ground for change? Or convince us that Putin is the second Stalin and we don’t need a better one?
        1. S_mirnov
          11 March 2013 19: 03
          You think correctly.
          Yes, and a photo of Wasserman was picked up unsuccessful. If he was a Stalinist, then in his hands PPSh would have looked better, and on the wall a red flag. And what is really there?
  7. Che
    11 March 2013 08: 00
    I always copy Wasserman's articles for myself. Do not get tired to marvel at his mind. The truth is slowly penetrating into our society, intoxicated in 90 years. Respect article as well as Anatole.
  8. Suitcases
    11 March 2013 08: 12
    A man is smart and erudite, but two plus two, only this year add up?
    Totally agree with you.
  9. +9
    11 March 2013 08: 19
    The smartest man, the theme is super, he is for Stalin himself, hello to the hamsters.
  10. lechatormosis
    11 March 2013 08: 32
    ha ha WASSERMAN as always in his role.
    And the automatic rifle in the hands of a HINT is Doubted to everyone.
    1. Zhzhuk
      11 March 2013 08: 36
      Yes, you're right guy .. Especially the background of American or ..... dollars angry
  11. +3
    11 March 2013 08: 33
    Anatoly, as always, is an example of the correct presentation of thoughts: as accurately, comprehensively and reasonably as possible. Plus, naturally. good
  12. 0
    11 March 2013 08: 36
    well done fully support
  13. +2
    11 March 2013 08: 45
    The transition to socialism will be profitable all over the world at the same time.

    I also came to the conclusion that socialism will be profitable simply economically. The oligarchs of all stripes, having concentrated the monetary resources of the planet’s economy, essentially bleed it. If money does not spin, then it is no longer money but paper ...
  14. djon3volta
    11 March 2013 08: 45
    something often and a lot of topics about Stalin and the USSR on the site, almost 2-3 times a week .. I don’t mind, but there is something BUT! What articles do they want to show, tell, inspire? What type in the USSR or under Stalin we lived well, but at the present time, in which we live, that is, under Putin, everything is bad. There is a comparison between the Putin era and the era of the USSR. But for some reason the Yeltsin era is silent, I wonder why? I guess why the Yeltsin era is silent and they don’t remember much that under Yeltsin it was worse than under Putin, right? like that, just like that. therefore there are a lot of topics about the USSR and Stalin. why there are no comparisons of Stalin and Yeltsin? why there is no comparison between the USSR and Russia 1991-1999 years? they start everywhere - but under the USSR people lived, but under Stalin people lived ... yes they lived, I don’t argue, but what did people not live under Yeltsin? did they sleep and don’t remember how people lived under Yeltsin?
    is there at least one person who lived under Yeltsin better than under Putin? fellow if there is one, please write how he lived well under Yeltsin, and when Putin came he began to live worse and then very bad. show me who you are? where are you? laughing
    1. DYMITRY
      11 March 2013 09: 57
      Quote: djon3volta
      why are there no comparisons of Stalin and Yeltsin?

      And what to compare, in which industries? Stalin is the creator. Yeltsin is a destroyer. No intersection points for comparisons! If we compare Yeltsin with anyone, it’s with Trotsky. Here comparisons loom very brightly. Who and what destroyed more can be compared for a very long time!
      And comparisons between Stalin and Putin are rather made in the hope that Putin will follow in the footsteps of his great predecessor.
      1. +3
        11 March 2013 10: 03
        Quote: DYMITRY
        And comparisons between Stalin and Putin are rather made in the hope that Putin will follow in the footsteps of his great predecessor.
        What hope? For 12 years, GDP cannot make even 10% of what Stalin could. It was reliable 10 years ago, but now you understand that it is no longer with this rule. All credit of trust is spent in the light of what is happening.
        1. +2
          11 March 2013 11: 16
          For 12 years, GDP cannot do even 10% of what Stalin could ...

          To compare the influence of state leaders on processes, it is necessary at least that the initial situation is close.
          To make it closer:
          - let's "close" the country. We will introduce total censorship of the press, radio, TV, and the Internet;
          - choose one single batch. In general, that there was a party to all parties !;
          - We shoot 10 percent of the population, owning 90 percent of the national wealth;
          - We will immediately give foreign investment to the owners and thank them very much :))
          - we nationalize property;
          - we will cut out in the civil war all those who are dissatisfied, dissenters, and dissenters;
          - we will call a Leader from the chosen party, and after 15-20 years we will "ask" from him.
          Is it good?
          1. DYMITRY
            11 March 2013 11: 29
            Quote: BigRiver
            To compare the influence of state leaders on processes, it is necessary at least that the initial situation is close.

            Thank you Vladimir for the answer. I myself think about the same.
            1. 0
              11 March 2013 13: 04
              Smoke (1)

          2. +4
            11 March 2013 11: 42
            Quote: BigRiver
            let's "close" the country. We will introduce total censorship of the press, radio, TV, and the Internet;
            I am for it
            Quote: BigRiver
            choose one single batch. In general, that there was a party to all parties!
            Isn't United Russia the only one now? By the way, GDP is also there.
            Quote: BigRiver
            shoot 10 percent of the population owning 90 percent of national wealth
            At when it was recourse Less press should be read.
            Quote: BigRiver
            We will immediately give foreign investment to the owners and thank them very much :)
            And what did these investments give us besides the complete disruption and management of foreigners in our territory, and also the substitution of a gold reserve for green candy wrappers?
            Quote: BigRiver
            nationalize property;
            It is not much better when it is privatized by those whom you propose to shoot.
            Quote: BigRiver
            we will call a Leader from the chosen party, and after 15-20 years we will "ask" from him.
            And that GDP is not the leader of United Russia? Why then is he lobbying this party so much?
            1. +2
              11 March 2013 12: 04
              I am for it
              I would also be Za, but .., I can not :))

              Isn't United Russia the only one now? By the way, GDP is also there.
              If people refuse to vote for Yavlinsky, Nemtsov, but vote ..., you yourself know how, then we have several parties.
              I will tell you more. If Putin did not have such support from the population, there would be no support from the EP. This formation rests entirely on the President. These are sticky, but .. necessary executive powers in the Duma.

              At when it was Less need to read the yellow press.
              And I really say that it was. The main thing is that property must be taken from the bourgeoisie. Power is property.
              And the former owners themselves will go somewhere. Well, maybe teachers will go to school, al builders of BAM-2.

              And what did these investments give us besides the complete devastation and economic management of foreigners in our territory?
              I don’t own a macro situation. But, for individual business entities of their Khabarovsk Territory, I can report. Something is good.

              It is not much better when it is privatized by those whom you propose to shoot.
              I don’t know which is better at all: ((I can only say for myself. I don’t sit on the "tap" or state property, but I have my own business. And it’s hard for me to predict my reaction now, if they tell me come on, that's all for us , and go for a walk. Somewhere ...
              Well, the principle is clear, I hope?

              And that GDP is not the leader of United Russia? Why then is he lobbying this party so much?
              During the last 22 years, the government had its own parties. "Russia's choice", "Our home is a madhouse", etc. And it has always been the case that the regional bureaucratic men chose these parties for themselves and, showing loyal feelings, mobilized the population of their territory to the maximum.
              I think it’s clear why. Everyone wants to be in good standing, to have regular tranches for their territory, subsidies, subsidies from the center, and possibly to have orders.
              So, what you mean by "lobbying" is the ordinary desire of our regional elite to live well.
              1. +1
                11 March 2013 14: 39
                Quote: BigRiver
                I don’t know which is better at all: ((I can only say for myself. I don’t sit on the "tap" or state property, but I have my own business. And it’s hard for me to predict my reaction now, if they tell me come on, that's all for us , and go for a walk. Somewhere ...
                Well, the principle is clear, I hope?

                The whole question is what to own, how and where it came from.
                If you took possession of a plant by deception in the 90s, return it. If you built it yourself without criminal infusions of possessions, but do not offend people and do not break the law. I hope the principle is also clear.
                1. 0
                  11 March 2013 16: 59
                  baltika-18 (1)
                  The whole question is what to own, how and where it came from.
                  If by deception the plant took possession of the 90s, return ....

                  What are the deception criteria? These gentlemen became owners, acting according to the rules established at that time by the state. All according to the law.
                  Well .., you never know what the criminal law: // Like, these are your problems, people. It was necessary not to choose such a President, such a government and the Duma!
                  But, this is not the worst!
                  Most privatized property changed owners 2-3 times.
            2. DYMITRY
              11 March 2013 12: 48
              Quote: Mechanic
              Isn't United Russia the only one now? By the way, GDP is also there.

              Unfortunately, United Russia is a quasi-party created on the principle of not having a stamp; we will write on the toilet. To build a PARTY, you need an IDEA. United Russia has no idea. The CPSU (b) had an idea, and factionalism lay in the ways of implementing the idea. Yes, and the CPSU (b) factionalism ultimately brought to trouble. Even Stalin could not cope with this. On this occasion, the KAA has a very detailed commentary above. About Zhdanov’s initiative.
              Stalin had originally the best ideological platform. The people believed in a better tomorrow. And for this tomorrow was ready to make any sacrifice. Therefore, it was possible to carry out industrialization. It was possible to clear the Trotskyists almost to the end. It was possible to professionally reformat the mentality of the people. Because the people wanted it. We lived by the principle: let us tighten our belts now, but tomorrow our children will live in a better country in the world. And that generation saw these changes! That is why the vast majority of the older generation for Stalin are ready to break anyone! Because he did not deceive their expectations.
              Putin has no ideological support. The overwhelming majority of the population argues as follows: let him pick it there as he wants, if only it would not hurt us !!! And we will criticize !!! The heresy of Trotskyism penetrated very deeply into the souls. The whole propaganda machine of the 80-90s worked to develop this idea. They even formulated it: Enough to build, let's just live !!! Do not remember her? So, acting with the methods that Stalin acted will not work for Putin with all his will. This requires 100% popular support.
              Even in order to crush the inner-party opposition, Stalin took 15 years. from 1924 to 1939 And this is with 100% support from the population.
          3. +1
            11 March 2013 12: 47
            Quote: BigRiver
            - We will immediately give foreign investment to the owners and thank them very much :))

            Why not? I am not very strong in economics, so I ask knowledgeable people to enlighten me on the following point: Russia has quite a lot of funds in the West and in the USA in the form of "securities", debt bonds, etc. Under an extremely, I note, a low percentage, on which large sums are lost annually.
            For the country's population, the need for such actions is explained by the fact that an excess of cash in the country will lead to inflation, and will have an extremely negative impact on the economy ...
            In this case, why is our government trying to increase FOREIGN investments in the country when you can use these very own funds? Where is the logic here?
            1. Cheloveck
              11 March 2013 13: 17
              Quote: Ribwort
              Where is the logic here?
              And the logic here is infinitely simple.
              We have such a mechanism for the functioning of the Central Bank that it cannot directly finance the Russian economy and even produce monetary emissions without regard to the dollar.
          4. explorer
            11 March 2013 13: 35
            there is an objection:
            Stalin began by training and engaging cadres (at least temporarily with coinciding interests).
            And what has the current government done to conduct its policy in the specific principalities-republics? Put the watchers? So what..
        2. Kaa
          11 March 2013 17: 56
          Quote: Mechanic
          It was reliable 10 years ago, but now you understand that it is no longer with this rule
          "In 2000, and in 2008, oil costs the same - 23 grams of gold per ton, but in 2000 a Russian worker was paid 9 grams of gold a month, and in 2008 - 24,88, at the same oil price. A correlation is seen rather with the volume of production, but not with the price. to restore the previous level of income of the population, it is necessary to completely tear off the owners of the "Maybachs" from the pipe
    2. vilenich
      11 March 2013 11: 56
      Quote: djon3volta
      something often and a lot of topics about Stalin and the USSR on the site, almost 2-3 times a week.

      Do not be surprised at the frequent articles about I.V. Stalin, it was just March 5th (the 60th) from the day of his death, that is the appearance of a large amount of material and is timed to this date.
  15. Piterkras
    11 March 2013 08: 49
    That is why everyone who is not lazy is so attacking Stalin? But because Stalin was the best that Russia had at least in the last 1.5 centuries. All of these pigs and Mynkins defend the Western point of view. But the Western point of view says that Russians should not have pride in their history, for their victories. How much slander did not hang on Stalin, although it is clear that Stalin is a man not without sin, all the same, history will put everything in its place.
    1. +2
      11 March 2013 10: 47
      Quote: piterkras
      But the Western point of view says that Russians should not have pride in their history, for their victories.

      I would add that the Western point of view says that there should not be Russian at all!
  16. +1
    11 March 2013 09: 45
    Great Stalin, Wasserman smart. They would unite. And it would be better to give me a saiga from a photo. I would find optics where to apply besides a smooth-bore.
  17. yurypetrunin
    11 March 2013 09: 48
    I read to my wife about black holes on the Internet. Pictures showed. In a couple of billion years, we are finished. I got scared. had to reassure.
    The searches of scientists, including Wasserman, are not always perceived by ordinary people, as I, in real life, are often scared and distracted from reality.
    I did not read the archives, the works of the Stalinist-Anti-Stalinists, to which A. Wasserman refers, did not study.
    I describe that I remember myself. Der Yablonevo, Korablinsky district, Ryazan region
    My maternal grandfather, Ivan Mikhailovich Lagutin, was OBLIGED to grow tobacco for filicheva (I remember the word, I don’t know the meaning) shag. In the village There were no apple trees, the inhabitants cut their roots in order to destroy them — the apple trees were taxed. In addition to curses on the deceased
    (54-55 years old, I’m 10 years old), I didn’t hear anything from my grandfather when in the evening we had dinner with a kerosene lamp after work. I remember kerosene can be exchanged for a bottle covered with a rag stopper, only for eggs. Grandfather sent me after him.
    Der Ramen, Vyaznikovsky District, Vladimir Region, Homeland of my father. I don’t remember my grandfather, I don’t know his story, I lost track of them in those events. I remember my grandmother and aunts. Genesis I omit them, so as not to repeat. The pension for one is 12 rubles, for the other 16. It’s 60 years old. My father sent 10 rubles a month .... I came to the homeland of my ancestors in the aftercare time ... I only saw tears.
    Do not give the Lord repetition.
    I am the 7th dozen and I'm a Putinist! I voted for him, I support him, I agree with his actions (in my opinion, sometimes not tough enough) and I believe him. Yuri Petrunin.
    1. Zhzhuk
      11 March 2013 10: 24
      I was 23 in my childhood running around the train selling berries (I liked it). BUT life beat and from this I became stronger. I am for peace in the world but ... for every situation and person I develop criticism for myself and more in the soul of distrust and anger. I don’t like the general collision with Putin, and in horror at the fact that people went to rallies against him for 1000 rubles, with all due respect to his experience in running the country, I won’t take a word
    2. Cheloveck
      11 March 2013 12: 35
      Quote: yurypetrunin
      I describe that I remember myself.

      Or maybe you just had to work better?
      I describe from the words of mom and grandmother.
      The beginning of the 50s, Stalin is still alive. Kirov region, Yaran district.
      Mom leaves for the city, grandmother with her 10-year-old son (grandfather died in the Patriotic War) annually in November sends or brings to her daughter a half-calf calf or pig, a hundred eggs, a bucket of cottage cheese, about 20 kg of butter, a couple of buckets of honey. In the 56th, he gives money (half the cost) for building a house after the marriage of his daughter.
      Hmm, and they cut down the apple tree ....
      But on the father everything is as you have and even worse. Tambov region, Sosnovsky district.
      It was only in the 60s that I watched as a kid how they work on collective farms here and there, and this was not surprising to me. Hmm.

      Regarding pensions. Some collective farms paid pensions even before the general "pensionization" of the collective farm population to their former workers. For example, my great-grandfather in the 50s received an average of about 200 rubles a month from the collective farm, plus natural products (including kerosene) and firewood.

      So the question arises: did Stalin personally have to organize work on all collective farms, or was this, nevertheless, supposed to be done on the ground?
  18. +6
    11 March 2013 10: 02
    Reading articles and interviews onotole, for the umpteenth time I catch myself thinking that now it has been stated that recently it has been spinning in my head and it has been expressed very reasonably and ironically. The talent to catch and saddle the ideas that are in the air is also inherent in Wasserman as a sharp mind and almost flawless logic. My regards.
  19. +1
    11 March 2013 10: 11
    The "clever" Wasserman saw through only after 2005 and "overcame" liberal opposition. Now this wise guy says:

    The transition to socialism will become profitable all over the world at the same time. By 2020, the total computing power of the entire global computer park will be sufficient to enable you to calculate a complete, accurate optimal plan for all global production in less than a day.

    Only it will not be Stalinist people's socialism, Wasserman's "socialism" is called by the Orthodox the world kingdom of Antichrist. All will be calculated, counted, superfluous human mouths will be eliminated, but not "socially protected" the inhabitants of heaven.

    Moreover, it is already clear that a new transition from capitalism to socialism is, in principle, possible in an unstressed regime, that is, so that no one is hurt and everyone gets more than they lose.

    No one will "lose" anything, everyone will get more, both Abramovich and Wasserman, and simple Ivan. Oh, how it looks like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey. We already heard something like this in the late 80s and early 90s during the transition to capitalism ...
  20. +10
    11 March 2013 10: 13
    People are ready to patiently endure the most severe laws if they see that they are equally rigorously applied to absolutely all sectors of society. But a layer of untouchables is worth appearing and everything begins to crumble. First grumble, then rebellion. Not from the severity of the rules, as can be assumed, but from the fact that they are required to comply with laws that are not followed by those who established them. Therefore, if you really want to convince people to follow some rules that you set, take it as a habit to follow them yourself. (S. Sadov)
    JV Stalin really followed all the established laws. There are no relatives, godfathers, children of friends and the right people in leadership positions. Like no untouchables! And that was his strength! And this is so lacking for any leaders!
    1. lechatormosis
      11 March 2013 10: 39
      AHA SERDYUKOV living example, unsinkable aircraft carrier.
    2. Zmey_2Garin
      11 March 2013 12: 43
      Fidget, you fat-fat PLUS! This is what people call justice.
  21. +1
    11 March 2013 10: 50
    Very clever, and most importantly, evidence-based article and the position of a lot of knowledgeable and thinking people. I fully approve and support!
  22. +1
    11 March 2013 10: 50
    I liked very much.

    Quote: - And among the Russian leaders, who else is comparable to him?

    - Catherine the Great, absolutely, Peter the Great with some reservations, because he, unlike Dzhugashvili, did not spare people. Perhaps even Alexander III the Peacemaker ...

    - And Putin?

    lol Journalist zhzhot!
    1. +1
      11 March 2013 11: 46
      Catherine the Great, absolutely certain

      Despite the existing successes in expanding the state, another stage was passed under Catherine by 1917, when the obligatory noble service was canceled, the peasants were in the fortress of the nobles, and the noble was already free to serve or not. The principle of justice of the general state tax of all social groups was violated.

      ... However, a number of blows inflicted by the traditional model of statehood turned out to be irreversible in the long run. The model of universal state tax was destroyed. The removal from duty of the nobility of duty, while maintaining the peasantry in a serfdom, produced a social conflict in Russian society. The nobility lost their functional role in the class distribution of tax duties. From that moment on, tendencies developed that turned him into an "idle class." All subsequent attempts by Paul I and Nicholas I to return the nobles to the service were in vain ...
      ... A departure from the omniscience of serfdom caused moral and erosion of Russian society, reduced its internal consolidation. The ruling class in the era of Enlightened Absolutism of Catherine II developed its own understanding of morality, when human dignity applied only to the nobility. Relations between the landlords and serfs were based on the unlimited legislatively fixed arbitrariness of the nobles, who had all the full executive, judicial, police power over their landlord peasants. This gave rise to an ethical anomie in inter-divisive relationships and adversely affected the moral health of the nation ...
      ... One of the myths of Catherine’s rule is the statement of a significant increase in the well-being of the people. Both Catherine II herself and noble propaganda worked to form such a concept. The image of the “golden Catherine’s age” was created. However, statistics suggest otherwise. Catherine's rule accounts for a steady decline in the material well-being of the majority of the people.
      How to measure the social well-being of the population? One of the indirect indicators is the data on the average height of a person. With an increase and improvement in the quality of consumption, there is a tendency to increase the growth of the corresponding generation of newborns, and, conversely, in a situation of permanent hunger, its decrease. To assess this dependence in relation to the XVIII century allows the available statistics on the growth of recruits depending on the date of birth.
      It is found that it was from the Catherine era that the growth of newborns began to decline steadily. Moreover, this trend is recorded in all categories of the peasantry, indicating a general social pressure ...

      The average increase in recruit upon accession to the throne is 1635 mm, and in 1794 1592 mm i.e. a decrease of 43 mm or 2,6%. Here is the detail
  23. Net
    11 March 2013 10: 53
    Great article! For those who wish to think and analyze events. A personality of such a scale as Stalin cannot be assessed in principle from the stories of relatives, no matter how piercing it sounds. You really need to "come" to Stalin, you need to "understand." Understand that era, those people, those events. I personally discovered the real Stalin after reading his conversations with the German writer Lyon Feuchtwanger and the English writer Herbert Wells. I recommend to all!
  24. Gari
    11 March 2013 11: 37
    Over the past seven to eight years, I have finally made sure that all the dogs hung on Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili are strangers. That he is accused of crimes that were not at all or committed by other people. Moreover, in crimes with which he himself fought to the best of his abilities and capabilities.
    Well, since Wasserman had already changed his views and beliefs, he was an intellectual and was far from being a Stalinist.
    Yes, I was once again convinced that historians write history. As Khrushchev muddied everything and turned it over. I read somewhere, I don’t know if it was true that he said that they didn’t sleep under Stalin, we were awake, and now we’ll sleep, and we’ve overslept the Great Power . Another thing is that his strength and capabilities were extremely limited. I myself worked as a political consultant for quite some time and during this time I had many occasions to see how small the possibilities of any leader are, especially when he wants to do something that his subordinates do not like.
    There seems to be some truth in this, but how can we explain his mysterious death?

    Once again I am convinced of the greatness of Comrade Stalin, his talent as a leader, organizer and in the selection of personnel!
  25. +1
    11 March 2013 11: 48
    A lot of things have been written and filmed recently about Joseph Vissarionovich, and everyone is interested in the question why, despite all the slop poured on him and the stories about the tyrant, despot, the killer, the people remember him and remember him.
    And you remember the compiled inventory of personal items after death, here in my opinion where is the answer to all questions
  26. rodevaan
    11 March 2013 12: 42
    And why in vain to balabolit? And so everything is clear!
    Stalin did a lot for the country REALLY! There is no sense in listing the achievements of the country for his rule — their people already know and remember! And the people well remember how, under Stalin, their tails were pinched and Boschs were chopped off by the real enemies of the people - embezzler officials and parasites, who are now openly robbing the people and country in their places. Therefore, the enemies of the people, having seized power, as well as the 5th column, generously supplied from behind the hill, and the foreign ones themselves enemies, oh sorry - "partners" - with wild puppy delight, they dance on the bones of the great leader and pour out streams of dirt, shit and hatred on Stalin on TV, on the Internet, on the radio.

    But ordinary people already well understand all this (we don’t already live in the 90s, thank God) and spit on the rubbish and filth that the enemies of the people in power are trying to dictate and pour through their corrupt media.
  27. +1
    11 March 2013 12: 44
    Normal interview. The journalist, of course, is a little liquid (in a good way) against Wasserman
  28. -5
    11 March 2013 12: 50
    On a stake it bast, Stalin the Great man! Yes, their entire Communist Party, which has put everything upside down in Russia, deserves only condemnation. And do not talk about achievements and victories, the grief and the suffering that the Russian people suffered under the communist yoke are not smoothed out by any achievements. That is why this plague, called communism, a separate topic descended on our land.
    1. +5
      11 March 2013 13: 41
      Quote: Uncle
      That is why this plague, called communism, a separate topic descended on our land.

      Well, we never built communism. But what did socialism not please you? In comparison with it, I would call the current shit democracy, liberalism and other obscene terms a plague ...
      1. +1
        11 March 2013 15: 29
        Quote: Ribwort
        I would call the plague the current bullshit, liberalism and other obscene terms ...
        The workers of today's democracy, yesterday’s perestroika, yesterday’s industrialization and collectivization are the same. Former Communists or their children (the Gudkovs in particular) are sitting in the Duma. So what has changed with the change of state sign. authorities?
        1. +1
          11 March 2013 16: 25
          Quote: Uncle
          The workers of today's democracy, yesterday’s perestroika, yesterday’s industrialization and collectivization are the same.

          Did I talk about people? It was about ideology ... Or do you not see the difference?
          1. 0
            11 March 2013 16: 45
            And do you like the communist ideology? If we talk about the revolutionary years when Stalin became Stalin in the full sense, then the destruction of entire estates is good? Is the fight against Christianity and Christians normal? The elevation of a person as an idol, then Lenin, then himself, is this the same right?
            1. +1
              11 March 2013 17: 08
              Quote: Uncle
              And do you like the communist ideology?

              Socialist! No, are you deliberately distorting?
              1. -2
                11 March 2013 17: 39
                Quote: Ribwort
                Christ did not call for everything to be divided, taken away from the rich and distributed to the poor. He called for conscience so that every possessor shares with the have-nots. And what did the revolution do, to which Stalin, too, to put it mildly, had a hand? It ravaged the rich, and the poor generally cast aside below the poverty line. Who was nobody, he became nothing. And if the almighty Lord did not create artificial equality, then people certainly should not do this, universal equality is a myth. Hence socialism is a myth. Remember how they said that communism is the horizon of socialism, and what is the horizon? An imaginary line that cannot be reached. smile
            2. +1
              11 March 2013 17: 33
              And these estates were needed ?! Read Mikhail Babkin "THE RELIGION OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH AND THE OVERCOMING OF THE MONARCHY (BEGINNING XX CENTURY - END 1917)" and this spiritual class! From the elite for the Tsar during the abdication of Count Keller and Khan of Nakhichevan. It is also difficult to talk about the middle classes, the merchants financed the revolution (for example, Savva Morozov), the bourgeoisie, so they are the bourgeoisie, workers cut off from their roots and the basis of the revolution, who remains the peasants ?! Yes, they endured a lot and the injustice of tax since the 18th century (see above in my post), and not the fairness of land redemption payments, but unfortunately selfishness (yes, instilled by the elite) seized them too. If they were not tempted to support the Tsar (as the largest group in the state) and there would be no revolution, they could not stand this test of the Lord (and for Christians, the higher is more important) and left the Tsar too. It turns out the turmoil of the 17th and cruel times are only a consequence of the "choice" of the entire people. It seems that such "estates" are not needed, so the Lord erased them, and who, as an eraser, is not important. Stalin was the only one of all the leaders after the 17th who brought society closer to the Christian ideal and, above all, by personal example!
              1. 0
                11 March 2013 17: 53
                Quote: Orik
                And these classes were needed ?!

                That is, there is someone who decides who lives and who does not need to. And so they reasoned with Nikolai and his family. Eh, in vain he did nothing with the revolutionaries, sent them to settlements, they had to be shot, you look, and there would be no revolution.
                1. +1
                  11 March 2013 18: 21
                  Brother, this "someone" is our Lord! Moreover, God truncates a person's life out of His Love in two cases when a person has reached the highest point of spiritual development and is ready for the Kingdom of God, and when the last spark of goodness has extinguished in a person's heart and the meaning of his earthly life is lost.
                  Speaking of St. Tsar Nicholas, the parable of the evil vine growers comes to mind. Luke 20: 9-16

                  9 And He began to speak to the people this parable: one man planted a vineyard and gave it to the winegrowers, and went away for a long time; 10 And in due time he sent a slave to the winegrowers, that they would give him fruit from the vineyard; but the winegrowers, having nailed him, were sent away with nothing. 11He sent another slave; but they, having beaten and cursed, sent them away with nothing.12And he sent a third; but they too, having wounded him, drove them out. 13 Then the lord of the vineyard said, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son; maybe when they see him they will be ashamed. 14 But the winegrowers, seeing him, reasoned among themselves, saying: this is the heir; let’s go and kill him, and his inheritance will be ours. 15 And they brought him out of the vineyard and killed. What will the lord of the vineyard do with them? 16 He will come and destroy the winegrowers and give the vineyard to others. Those who heard it said: let it not be!

                  St. Nicholas was figuratively that "son" whom the Lord sent to the Russian people, he could not be formidable! God wanted his people to repent, and the people to kill the kind and gentle anointed one who was called to lead the people to repentance by his example. Love cannot be forced! God wants love for him not by compulsion, but as the free choice of a free person.
                2. Alexander 1958
                  12 March 2013 00: 24
                  Quote: Uncle
                  they had to be shot, you look, and there would be no revolution

                  But how - love your neighbor or turn your right cheek, and then your left? No.
                  Alexander 1958
                  1. 0
                    12 March 2013 16: 17
                    Don't talk about what you don't know. Only personal (!) Offenders need to substitute the left cheek. St. mit. Filaret of Moscow said "Love your enemies, destroy the enemies of the fatherland, abhor the enemies of God."
                    1. Beck
                      12 March 2013 16: 49
                      Quote: Orik
                      To substitute the left cheek is necessary only for personal (!) Offenders

                      The disciples of Confucius, 500 years before the new era, asked the mentor the ancient question of being.

                      - Teacher, if you hit one cheek, would you substitute the other?


                      - Not. Need to answer Justice.
        2. +2
          11 March 2013 16: 56
          Brother, do not idealize pre-revolutionary society. Ever since the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, there has been a Western shift, which entailed significant consequences and led to the 1917 revolution. Yes, early Stalin was different, the question is why ?! The latter came much closer to the ideals of Christianity, and ideologically destroyed the Russian people after 1953 (under Stalin, despite all the numbers of Russians growing !!!), those for whom the mamma became the meaning of life, in spite of any party ideals.
          As a Christian, he should know that the yoke is imposed on the people by the Lord for his hardheartedness. Stalin has nothing to do with it, and how can one be reasoned with hard-hearted ones, if not with formidable power ?! And we still live due to the Stalinist heritage.
          1. -1
            11 March 2013 17: 44
            Quote: Orik
            The latter came much closer to the ideals of Christianity

            Apparently destroying Christians. Let me remind you that near Moscow, in Butovo, from the 33rd to the 37th years, about 20 clergymen were executed.
            Quote: Orik
            that the yoke is imposed on the people of the Lord for his hardness of heart
            I agree, but "it is impossible not to come to temptations, but woe to the person through whom the temptation comes ...". Woe to the man who has become the executioner of the Russian people.
            1. +2
              11 March 2013 18: 43
              Judge as you know, but Stalin's "autocracy" before 37 is a big question. The number of the Russian people from 1926 to 1939 increased from 77,791 million to 99,591 million people, or 28,2%, and from 1939 to 1959 (despite the war) from 99,591 million to 114,114 million, or 14,58% ...
  29. +3
    11 March 2013 12: 57
    Stalin was fabulous white and fluffy, times then were frankly not the most merciful and not currently he alone used his power to the maximum, remember at least the role of Tukhachevsky in the "Spring" option if I am not mistaken in 1930, when, not without his help, they were destroyed several thousand former officers of the tsarist army ... According to the anti-Stalinists, it seems as if Stalin began every morning with the thought of SOMEONE TO KILL TODAY ..., but somehow they keep silent that Stalin came to power in a country destroyed by the civil war, but left from it in the country that defeated fascism, with a raised and developed industry, and so on. etc.
  30. wax
    11 March 2013 14: 21
    the entire staff of the Higher School of Economics - with the exception of teachers of mathematics or foreign languages ​​- will have to be transferred to work not related to education and upbringing.

    The author is looking at the root.
  31. aleks71
    11 March 2013 14: 42
    And outside the window, it is still snowing ... and the wind .. It's kind of sad .. It should already be SPRING ... 11 days already ... How soon ... Hurry to wait .....
  32. gorkoxnumx
    11 March 2013 14: 48
    Stalin did a lot but at what cost !!! At the cost of the lives of millions of people who died from slave labor !!!
  33. Polymer
    11 March 2013 15: 01
    It is very interesting to set out ... fuck ### th liberalism and political correctness will bring any social group to self-destruction ....
  34. +1
    11 March 2013 15: 18
    Stalin is now watered only by foolish people ...
  35. Pedro
    11 March 2013 15: 34
    And I thought Wasserman smart. Wrong.
  36. -2
    11 March 2013 15: 43
    Tolik you and "di" from, anya a Stalinist ...
  37. +1
    11 March 2013 16: 35
    The man is well done and does not hesitate to admit his errors. I was especially pleased at the end where the paragraph is about the electric power industry, since this is my immediate area of ​​activity. That's because when people who were at the plow said that you would kill the energy, they said that you do not understand anything. And then once again the networks through TOiRizatsiya deToirezi carried out, who will understand the topic, someone dough on this .... Now it seems like they are again probing all this just found the topic from Putin’s words that manufacturers should serve the equipment. And it seems that the correct overhaul should be done by manufacturers or at least with the help of their specialists (if these plants have such services and specialists in general), but these machinists want to hire plants to wipe the dust. All the same, there is not enough of such a comprehensively developed person for governing the country as Stalin, in order to disperse all this riffraff in state administration, Putin is not quite enough. Yes, I can also rank myself among the Stalinists perhaps.
  38. -2
    11 March 2013 20: 19
    My grandfathers cursed Stalin for this fucking "dispossession". When one was robbed of a horse (awesome wealth ... for a family of 8 children), and the other had 4 cows and an apiary (a family of 7 children), leaving the families to starve. And both plowed from dawn to dawn! The peasants were natural slaves ... my grandfather, who worked on a collective farm, received a passport only at the end of the 50s. Previously, they simply did not let me - so that I would not run away to the city "from the good life."
    Just do not say that Stalin is not responsible for this. Otherwise, it looks like an excuse for a mess that now - Putin, Medvedev, and the Duma, and the Government - all declare their responsibility for making decisions ... Just don’t give a damn, and what exactly is this responsibility expressed in? They will plant someone ali fined ... not clear request
    1. Alexander 1958
      11 March 2013 22: 54
      Quote: fero
      received a passport only in the late 50s

      So, by that time, Stalin had already been gone for 5-7 years, and the country was led by anti-Stalinists, and Stalin is to blame anyway? winked
      Alexander 1958
      1. Alexander 1958
        11 March 2013 23: 05
        For DMB
        Quote: dmb
        . With all due respect to Wasserman, I still did not understand how information technologies overcome the deficit of a particular product, and how state socialism with information technologies differs from the socialism that existed in our country earlier.

        Good afternoon1 I once saw a video of Wasserman on YouTube, he said that in the 60s, in my opinion, academician Glushko made an attempt to calculate with a computer the detailed output for each enterprise. But this turned out to be impossible, because the power of computers at that time was not enough. Machines with the required performance are expected around 2020. Then it will help to have real plans for each enterprise and in the economy as a whole.
        Purely technically, this can and will be possible, but does the elite in our countries need this? I doubt it ..
        Alexander 1958
      2. 0
        12 March 2013 18: 28
        Who created the system? Ilyich or what? .. What prevented Stalin from giving instructions to issue passports during his lifetime?
        It is difficult to think of food appropriation schemes more terrible than "weapons" against their own people.
  39. 0
    12 March 2013 10: 53
    When I read Comrade Wasserman's opuses, I remember an old anecdote when one Comrade. was asked whether he had any hesitation in the implementation of the party line? No, said the comrade, he hesitated along with the party line. What kind of Central Committee and its plenums can we talk about, when exactly Stalin brought the entire vertical of power to the highest form of authoritarianism and all the highest collective bodies of power, both party and economic, turned obedient mechanisms, servilely approving "on the machine" any sneeze of the "Boss" (or perishing under the machine gun without quotes). And this tradition has survived to this day. At the same time, the lackeys deliberately lifted the next "owner" to unattainable heights in order to do their little deeds in his shadow, and then blame all their sins on the "untimely departed" and kick his shadow with their feet, not allowing others to understand what is all the same good and / or bad he managed to do.
    If it was not possible to blame the predecessor, then there were external reasons such as "a surprise attack," "the machinations of the paid agents of imperialism," and so on. Then a new generation of "managers" came, revived the myths that these "managers" were most comfortable with at the moment and made it possible to justify the unsuitable methods that these managers used. So people were fooled then, and so they are now.
    Returning to the personality of the author, I will express my personal opinion: an educated encyclopedist-opportunist and a cardboard fool with a claim to objectivity and knowledge of what is inaccessible to us, the gray ones. And on the basis of this, another attempt to revise history, paid for in blood and sweat of millions of those who created this history and are creating this story not thanks to the “owners, but in spite of their“ efforts. ”Even when the“ owners ”forgot to feed and drink these millions.
  40. 0
    29 February 2016 13: 12
    Wasserman, like Stalin, uses the sophistry method.
    What is the essence of sophistry and its difference from dialectics? The essence of sophistry lies in the fact that these or other one-sided and abstract definitions are put forward in isolation, out of touch with the environment, individual cases, facts, examples are pulled out, and “conclusions” and “evidence” are built on this. And since "with the enormous complexity of the phenomena of public life, you can always find any number of examples or individual data in support of any situation"
    “In the field of social phenomena, there is no method more widespread and more untenable than grasping individual facts, playing with examples. It is generally not worth any work to find examples, but this has no meaning or is purely negative, for the whole point is in the historical concrete situation of individual cases. The facts, if we take them as a whole, in their connection, are not only stubborn, but also certainly a proving thing. Facts, if they are taken outside the whole, outside the connection, if they are fragmentary and arbitrary, are just a toy or something even worse. <…> We must try to establish such a foundation of precise and indisputable facts, on which one could rely, against which one could compare any of those “general” or “exemplary” reasoning that is so immensely abused in some countries today. For this to be a real foundation, it is necessary to take not individual facts, but the entire totality of facts related to the issue under consideration, without a single exception, for otherwise a suspicion - and a completely legitimate suspicion - inevitably arises that the facts are chosen or selected arbitrarily, that instead of an objective connection and the interdependence of historical phenomena in their whole is presented with subjective concoction to justify, perhaps, a dirty deed. And this happens more often than it seems "
    (T. 30, p. 349-356).
  41. The comment was deleted.

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