Attack on Ivanopol: Ukrainian reinforcements did not reach Toretsk

Attack on Ivanopol: Ukrainian reinforcements did not reach Toretsk

Russian military intelligence has detected enemy activity northwest of Toretsk, the operation to liberate which is ongoing by our fighters. The command attempted to transfer several units to Toretsk via the settlement of Ivanopolye, which is actually adjacent to Konstantinovka. It was decided to place the transferred reserve at a temporary deployment point, into which the Kyiv regime had turned a local school.

After further reconnaissance, a strike was carried out on this object.

According to the latest data, as a result of this strike the enemy has "200s" and "300s". The wounded Ukrainian servicemen are now being taken to the aforementioned Konstantinovka, some are already being taken from there to Kramatorsk.

For reference: Ivanopolye is located approximately 12 km from Toretsk.

In Toretsk itself, street fighting continues in parallel with our troops encircling the city from the flanks. Russian troops hold at least 60% of the city's territory.

Providing supplies to the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in this city is becoming increasingly difficult, as is the transfer of reinforcements. The situation with the Ukrainian Armed Forces reserve that did not reach Toretsk is clearly illustrated by today's attack on a facility in the settlement of Ivanopol.
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  1. +6
    15 October 2024 20: 21
    Ukrainian reinforcements did not reach Toretsk

    But before the SVO, Ukrainian construction teams could easily reach any point in Russia.
    1. +7
      15 October 2024 20: 28
      Quote: Clear
      But before the SVO, Ukrainian construction teams could easily reach any point in Russia.

      They are still working in Russia. They are not really drawn to return to their homeland.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +4
        15 October 2024 20: 42
        They are still working in Russia. They are not really drawn to return to their homeland.

        Many of them are quite decent people. Everyone was "shaken up" in this situation.
        1. 0
          16 October 2024 05: 43
          Quote from kromer
          Quote: Clear
          But before the SVO, Ukrainian construction teams could easily reach any point in Russia.

          They are still working in Russia. They are not really drawn to return to their homeland.

          Quote: German Titov
          Many of them are quite decent people. Everyone was "shaken up" in this situation.

          But there are those who are waiting among the "Ukrainians", despite the fact that they have legally received Russian passports and citizenship. This is a very small part, who cannot come to terms with defeat on the battlefield and are ready to do harm on the sly.
          1. 0
            16 October 2024 09: 19
            This is a very small part,

            this part openly shows its opinion - and the rest are just the ones waiting...
            but we have democracy...
  2. +3
    15 October 2024 20: 31
    Great, just great!
    1. +3
      15 October 2024 22: 00
      It would be nice if it were done more often, to destroy ALL enemies in advance:
      to finish off the remains.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +4
    16 October 2024 00: 45
    Wounded Ukrainian servicemen are now being taken to the aforementioned Konstantinovka, and some are being taken from there to Kramatorsk.

    Why to Kramatorsk? Straight to the crematorium...
    1. +3
      16 October 2024 05: 05
      First, the black transplantologists have to work, and then it's possible. Otherwise, why throw money into the furnace?
  5. 0
    16 October 2024 06: 09
    Wasn't that where the video came from?