In Ukraine, the media was called upon to “correctly” cover the topic of mobilization so as not to create a “negative image” of the TCC

In Ukraine, the media was called upon to “correctly” cover the topic of mobilization so as not to create a “negative image” of the TCC

Against the backdrop of the recently launched raids by the TCC in Ukraine, where military commissars began to “visit” entertainment venues, shopping centers, and even gas stations in large cities, local media are actively covering every episode of the “mass capture” of future soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At the same time, the Ukrainian National Council on TV and Radio recommends that the media “correctly” cover the topic of mobilization so as not to create a “negative image” for the TCC.

The department calls for careful verification of the information provided, and it is better to take it from official sources. In addition, Ukrainian media are strongly advised to "carefully" quote those who were allegedly forcibly mobilized.

As stated by representatives of the National Council on TV and Radio of Ukraine, compliance with these recommendations is directly related to the protection of national security, since a negative public perception of the work of the TCC could disrupt mobilization.

In other words, Ukrainian media were “hinted” that the topic of mass capture of people on the streets and in entertainment venues of large cities, as well as other malicious violations of the law by military commissars, is now taboo. Considering that since 2022, the Zelensky regime has completely “cleaned” the information space of unwanted media, there is no doubt that many will listen to the recommendations of the above-mentioned collegial body.
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  1. +3
    15 October 2024 17: 37

    Almost 90% of all thermal energy generation in Ukraine has been destroyed or damaged, - Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmyhal.

    Interesting confessions began to emerge before winter.

    and the attacks on the energy sector continue.
    1. +5
      15 October 2024 17: 46
      We've been told for 10 years about the Outskirts freezing. I'm tired of listening to this nonsense.
      1. +3
        15 October 2024 18: 33
        This is a blow to industry, we, without any war in the 90s, while studying in schools, sat in classes in jackets, the ink in the pen froze, and this is not beyond the Arctic Circle and not even Siberia, but warm sunny Crimea. For your information, frostbite can be obtained even at positive temperatures, in the cold the amount of calories consumed increases, they will heat with gas, we do not turn off the gas, buy generators, my relative acquired one long ago.
        You probably don't know what it is to have no electricity at all, but I know, during a blackout. And if it's not a problem for me to go down from the 9th floor and then go up, then there are 4 pensioners living on my landing and only one of them has children and grandchildren in the same apartment.
        In other words, without any war they created problems for us, and if you think that they don’t feel them there, then you are very much mistaken.
        1. -1
          15 October 2024 18: 40
          As for winter, I know quite a bit about it, because I live in the north.
          And I know about the southern cold, because I grew up in the south.
          As for the total lack of electricity, that was true in the 90s. Although back then, all of Georgia was heated by Iranian gas heaters.
          20 years have passed since then.
          Bringing a hundred or two thousand gasoline generators to the Outskirts is not an insurmountable problem. They already brought a lot last winter.
          And the fact that the mob there will feel something won't make me feel any warmer. Nothing will change for me. The Bandar-logs won't capitulate.
          1. 0
            15 October 2024 20: 55
            I'm not arguing about your competence, I'm not an electrician myself. But I know what a blackout is and nobody brought us a lot of generators. The problem was solved by throwing a new branch to Crimea. And the generators don't work from the wind either, my son-in-law bought some in Kyiv, they didn't give them to him, but he bought them - they save money.
            1. -1
              15 October 2024 23: 08
              Yes, no one delivered to you. We solved the problem in a different way.
              They are bringing in more for the Bandar-logs and will bring more. It will not be easy, but they will not freeze people in their apartments, like in besieged Leningrad.
      2. -1
        16 October 2024 07: 35
        I spent the whole winter combing through enemy media, wanting to see the population freezing. I didn't find anything. The points of non-violence stood idle all that winter. But you could find this... January 2024. Very far from Moscow. Solnechnogorsk, Nagatino and.. of course Podolsk. That's how the residents had fun there back then....
        1. -1
          16 October 2024 09: 17
          That's what I'm talking about. Our propagandists are even more stupid liars than those from the Outskirts.
    2. -1
      15 October 2024 19: 01
      There, the nuclear power plants give out a lot of power, and until the fascists knock them out, they won’t freeze.
  2. +2
    15 October 2024 17: 44
    Western masters insist on lowering the mobilization age
    This was stated by MP Maria Ionova.
    She also added that the mobilization campaign had failed and that it was necessary to change the methods of conscription.
    Meanwhile, Zelensky's adviser Leshchenko confirmed that the US requires Ukraine to mobilize people from the age of 18, arguing that 19-year-olds were called up for the Vietnam War.

    If you cut a tree, do it at the root. In this case, the demographic tree of Ukraine.
  3. +2
    15 October 2024 17: 50
    The Ukrainian National Council on TV correctly made it clear to the "independent" Ukrainian media that they should shut their mouths, otherwise they too would be mobilized laughing
    1. +1
      15 October 2024 21: 01
      Quote: golen
      The Ukrainian National Council on TV correctly made it clear to the "independent" Ukrainian media that they should shut their mouths, otherwise they too would be mobilized laughing

      Winter can be called - "not warm summer"...
      decipher TCK - Тuristic Цcenter Кbusiness trips...
      the growth of cemeteries is called - dynamic development of funeral services...
      retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces - shortening the route of delivery of reinforcements and ammunition...
  4. 0
    15 October 2024 17: 57
    Well, the Kyiv regime needs meat to throw weapons against the Russian Federation, it will give a golden billion! But why the Russian Federation does not destroy the Kiev regime and its leaders is a big question!
  5. 0
    15 October 2024 18: 20
    I've never liked recruiters anywhere... to say that these ones in particular are somehow special? That's unlikely.
    The general situation in that area is the responsibility of... politicians and the leadership, i.e. those whom the local people themselves brought to power, allowed, which is essentially the same thing.