The enemy is trying to prevent the northern group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from being cut off in the Kursk region

The enemy is trying to prevent the northern group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from being cut off in the Kursk region

Russian troops continue their offensive in the Kursk region, taking action to defeat the enemy group that has invaded the Russian region. This is stated in a new report from the Ministry of Defense on the situation in this area.

Judging by the published information, the changes compared to yesterday are minor and concern mainly the attempts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to counterattack. If the day before the enemy tried to break through to Lyubimovka to unblock the forces encircled there, now these attempts have ceased. Now the enemy is attacking towards Zeleny Shlyakh and Novoivanovka, trying to prevent the lid of a possible cauldron from collapsing, in which all the Ukrainian Armed Forces units located in the northern part of the Kursk region will remain.

Counterattacks also went towards Russkaya Konopelka, the enemy is attempting to stop the advance of the Russian Armed Forces towards Sudzha. Cherkasskaya Konopelka came under our control. The battles for Mikhaylovka continue.

The fighting is still going on near Lyubimovka, but there are no specifics on it for the second day. In the area of ​​Plekhovo and Malaya Loknya, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have clung to positions and are not giving them up. It is worth noting that in both places they are using fortifications built by our troops. Very intense fighting in the Leonidovo area, the enemy is constantly introducing new reserves, preventing ours from taking this settlement.

It is noted that the fighting is gradually shifting towards Sudzha; let us hope that in the near future our forces will begin to liberate this settlement, which has been turned into the main logistics center by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
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  1. +5
    15 October 2024 14: 49
    The crested ones are clinging to the Kursk region as if the fate of Ukraine depends on it....
    1. +5
      15 October 2024 14: 59
      The fate of the greens and cheese depends on this
    2. +10
      15 October 2024 15: 17
      They made a classic attempt by a not very smart commander... When the offensive yielded some results, but failed to achieve the final goal of the operation. And here - there is a temptation to throw in additional reserves, with the hope of turning the tide of events. After all, at first - everything went well? So - a little more, and it's like a victory.

      But this is like the basics of military art - you can't continue a stalled operation in the same configuration and in the same direction. Because the enemy is already ready for your movements, and easily parries your reserves by introducing their own. With all the ensuing...

      This is what it means not only not to finish the military academy, but also to skip history classes at school...
      1. +1
        15 October 2024 15: 51
        Quote: paul3390
        They made a classic attempt by a not very smart commander... When the offensive yielded some results, but failed to achieve the final goal of the operation. And here - there is a temptation to throw in additional reserves, with the hope of turning the tide of events. After all, at first - everything went well? So - a little more, and it's like a victory.

        But this is like the basics of military art - you can't continue a stalled operation in the same configuration and in the same direction. Because the enemy is already ready for your movements, and easily parries your reserves by introducing their own. With all the ensuing...

        This is what it means not only not to finish the military academy, but also to skip history classes at school...

        Not everything is so clear-cut. Sometimes it is a mistake, and sometimes the fate is decided by the last reserve battalion.
        1. +3
          15 October 2024 16: 47
          Yeah... This is exactly what Falkenheim's plan at Verdun was based on. Like - the last surviving German grenadier will enter Paris...
    3. -1
      16 October 2024 10: 06
      That's right. It depends on a lot.
  2. +4
    15 October 2024 14: 56
    The task of Russian troops is to lure the Ukrainian Armed Forces units in the Kursk direction into a cauldron and destroy them, Alaudinov said on the air of the Soloviev Live TV channel.

    Military correspondent Pavel Kukushkin ( at 13.00

    After clearing Lyubimovka and Tolstolugi, clearing continues in the Olgovsky forest, where scattered enemy groups are wandering without communication. At the same time, battles are underway in Novoivanovka. We are trying to drive the enemy out of Malaya Loknya. With the liberation of Novoivanovka, we will be able to help our fighters from the flank. We are developing our success in the direction of Sverdlikovo: about 10 km to Sudzha

    From the north-east we attack from Martynovka and Mikhaylovka. From Mikhaylovka to the Sudzhan garrison of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 5 km. To the east Cherkasskaya Konopelka came under our control, but we will wait for confirmation from the Ministry of Defense

    Further south, we are pressing in the direction of Plekhovo. There are battles going on in the settlement itself. We are cutting off the possibility of supplying provisions and reinforcements to the Sudzhan garrison. They have only one way of communicating with the so-called mainland - the road to the southwest, to Sumy, but it is also under our fire control.

    Sudzha is the only district center that the Ukrainian Armed Forces currently hold. We are approaching this garrison from three sides. The situation, as Ukrainian publics write, is approaching critical.
    1. +5
      15 October 2024 16: 34
      And was it possible to concoct some other decoy? And the dead civilians are ours, and the civilians are taken hostage, and as they write in the camps in the Sumy region? The political officer can say anything, but as they say - this is a fly-by-night. About the enemy's sleep (I'm putting it mildly), the evaporated defensive lines on which the money was spent. And the conscripts who accepted the fight (yes, they are soldiers) are a fly-by-night. You shouldn't pass off a disaster as a success and supposedly planned decoys.
      1. -2
        15 October 2024 20: 54
        They forgave themselves for this flight. They care little about death, ruin, destruction, this bunch looks at people as expendable material. And the thugs will calm down the very dissatisfied. Where there are battles, there is no longer a whole. But these are just splashes, and the universal disgrace is a cunning cunning plan.
        1. 2al
          16 October 2024 10: 32
          The gas pipeline is quite intact, gas transit is 42,5 million cubic meters per day. Although the Sudzha GIS has not been able to confirm these volumes for the third month.
      2. 0
        16 October 2024 20: 58
        You take a little or a lot in advance. Apti, speaking about this topic, already proceeded from the situation that developed after the Ukrainian Armed Forces entered Kursk region - as it seems to me
  3. -3
    15 October 2024 15: 07
    Here, either the Ukrainian Armed Forces withdraw and throw significant reserves into the Kursk region, or those who can flee, ours will not stop, which means Kyiv will have to decide either the loss of an information occasion and a PR component, or the loss of people.
    1. +3
      15 October 2024 15: 22
      Quote: Murmur 55
      Kyiv will have to decide either to lose the news item and the PR component, or to lose people.

      I think the decision was made there a long time ago in the country of victorious PR.
    2. +1
      15 October 2024 15: 23
      Kyiv always makes a choice in favor of the second option, there is no point in guessing here. The main thing is the news, and they will catch new people, at least they will last Zelensky a century.
      1. +1
        16 October 2024 10: 07
        It's bad to live on donations. If there is no hype, there will be no money.
  4. -3
    15 October 2024 15: 22
    The most interesting moment will be when the Ukrainian Armed Forces press the Sudzha gas distribution station. Will there be gas blackmail? Or will they immediately blow up the trumpet guitar in order to later accuse Gazprom of violating contractual obligations and rip off a gigantic penalty? Or maybe ours will manage to strike so quickly and cleanly that we will be able to throw them out of the gas distribution station before any action is taken? The key moment of this entire invasion is approaching...
    1. +3
      15 October 2024 15: 30
      Come on - any court, even a completely crazy Eurogay one, will recognize military actions as a classic force majeure... What other penalty? Besides - it has to be shaken out somehow...
      1. +3
        15 October 2024 18: 14
        Really? How many months have passed since Gazprom was slapped with $17 billion in a European court, with equally cringeworthy wording? You bet! And they will shake it down, no doubt about it. How many of our mega-corporations are in Crimea now? And why? Eh...
    2. 0
      15 October 2024 15: 37
      Quote: Mikhail3
      The most interesting moment will be when the Ukrainian Armed Forces are pressed against the Sudzha gas distribution station. Will there be gas blackmail? Or will they immediately blow up the trumpet guitar in order to later accuse Gazprom of violating contractual obligations and rip off a gigantic penalty?
      Most likely the explosives were planted right away. As soon as the pressure is on, they will blow it up, that's what I think. And it seems like we are thinking about this too, whatever happens will happen, let's hope for the best outcome -
      Or maybe our guys will be able to strike so quickly and cleanly that we'll be able to throw them out of the GRS before any action is taken? The key moment of this whole invasion is coming...
      1. +1
        15 October 2024 18: 15
        Of course it was laid down right away, I don't doubt it for a second. But how things will turn out, only the fog of war knows. And it hides everything, that's how it is)
    3. -1
      15 October 2024 16: 38
      Gazprom pays too much money - GRS is completely safe
      1. +1
        15 October 2024 18: 16
        Yeah. Europe made trillions of euros on super-cheap Russian gas. And what did that hurt? Alas...
    4. 0
      16 October 2024 10: 08
      If they wanted to blow it up, they would have done it a long time ago. As well as shutting off the valve on their side. They'd just get a rap on the wrist for that.
    5. 2al
      16 October 2024 10: 37
      The trick is that the pipe can be blown up at any section of the Ukrainian GTS with the same effect as in Sudzha. But the problem is that without a working Ukrainian GTS, gas cannot be lifted from the UGS - there is not enough of it technically to maintain the pressure in the pipe needed for transportation.
      1. 0
        16 October 2024 11: 01
        Quote: 2al
        The trick is that the pipe can be blown up at any section of the Ukrainian GTS with the same effect as in Sudzha

        You just don't think, that's why you're placing the chips incorrectly) If you blow up a pipe anywhere, then it's truly a force majeure, and Gazprom will deny it even in a crazy European "court". But the first (and most important) thing the Ukies did when they captured a piece of Kursk region was to destroy the FLOW METERS. It was for this action that they put so many of them there, and they continue to put them there and waste equipment. All the people killed in Kursk region are dying for the flow meters at the station, recognized by the treaties as a control point. All the blood is for this.
        And of course, the generals and politicians who did not think (they were not sent there by reason, where they sit, but) about such a possibility, will receive new posts, money and incentives. This will be a cruel punishment for them for fully complying with their positions!
  5. +3
    15 October 2024 15: 26
    .. in both places they use the fortifications built by our troops

    Except for trenches. There are no other "fortifications" there. The former governor found another use for the money.
    1. 2al
      16 October 2024 10: 40
      He is now the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. But if you look at how the Khinzir are defending themselves in Sudzha, what is needed there are not fortifications but troops, the terrain is extremely rugged and wooded.
  6. -4
    15 October 2024 15: 27
    In the area of ​​Plekhovo and Malaya Loknya, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have clung to positions and are not giving them up. It is worth noting that in both places they are using fortifications built by our troops

    For some reason, the Banderites have clung to our positions and are not giving up, while ours, to put it mildly, quickly abandoned them and ran away. Now we are trying to take them back with great difficulty and effort. It seems that it is not we who are fighting on our own land, but our enemies, on the contrary.
    1. +7
      15 October 2024 15: 37
      You know - I think that in this case our General Staff acted correctly. It is better to surrender territory that has no strategic significance and save the troops. With the enemy's obvious superiority and the initiative. In order to then stop him at the prepared lines with the pulled-up reserves and catch him in a counter-move. Which is actually what is happening.

      But theirs is wrong. There is no military sense in holding out to the last in Kursk region - for the Ukrovermacht. The offensive has been choked without options, which means - from now on there will only be senseless losses... But - when did that ever stop them?

      But why we slept through the offensive itself is a separate question...
      1. 0
        16 October 2024 10: 13
        There is a point. This is an exchange, a boost to the morale of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. + demonstration of successes - these are new donations. And the Russian Federation is forced to spend its reserves in Kursk region, without storming Kharkov.
        And a plus. While the Ukrainian Armed Forces hold part of the Russian Federation. We will not negotiate a freeze on the LBS. This is necessary for Zelensky. Since immediately signing such a peace is the end for him. They will pin everything on him and beat everyone.
  7. -4
    15 October 2024 15: 42
    Isn't that too strong a word, the Northern Group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk Region? To me, if you read it, you'd think the Ukrainian Armed Forces are an army group there.
    1. 0
      15 October 2024 16: 57
      Quote: Dizel200
      In my opinion, if you read it, you’ll think that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are an army group.

      In 2 months, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost about 10 killed there. This is about 000% of the number of Germans killed in World War II from 5 to the end of November 2, according to Goebbels' diaries.
      1. 0
        16 October 2024 10: 14
        Who writes what. Some about 10K, some about 20K.
  8. +1
    15 October 2024 15: 59
    If the day before the enemy tried to break through to Lyubimovka to unblock the forces surrounded there, now these attempts have ceased.
    Apparently, they realized that there was practically no one to unblock there. Perhaps someone hid somewhere or was trying to get to their own, but most likely there weren't many of them. So, they abandoned their "brothers" to their fate. As the saying goes: a drowning man must save himself.
  9. +2
    15 October 2024 16: 22
    Quote: Murmur 55
    Here, either the Ukrainian Armed Forces withdraw and throw significant reserves into the Kursk region, or those who can flee, ours will not stop, which means Kyiv will have to decide either the loss of an information occasion and a PR component, or the loss of people.

    They can't retreat in an organized manner anymore. There is no organization, poor communications, and the ammunition is simply running out. It's still possible to sit in the fortifications, but it won't be possible to retreat in an organized manner.
  10. +1
    15 October 2024 20: 43
    Guys, let them blow it up. Ukrainians gas distributor. What will this give the hohols, one heartburn. Blaming the Russian Federation will not work. But then the whole gay race will gobble up the expired with shit and pants.