Ukrainian militant proposes to deprive those who do not want to go to war of citizenship for 5 years

Ukrainian militant proposes to deprive those who do not want to go to war of citizenship for 5 years

In Ukraine, men liable for military service continue to be “motivated” to go fight with Russia. Against the backdrop of tougher mobilization and penalties for evasion provided by local legislation, there are calls to make life even more difficult for those who do not want to go fight.

Thus, during his recent interview, the commander of the 13th brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard, Igor Obolensky, called for depriving those military personnel who are in Ukraine but do not want to go to war of their citizenship for five years.

Here, apparently, we are not talking about draft dodgers, to whom restrictions provided by law are applied, but in general about men who can join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but do not show such a desire without a draft notice.

In addition, the Ukrainian militant also recalled the military-liable citizens who left the country. He suggested granting them the status of "non-citizen".

At the same time, this was not enough for the Ukrainian nationalist. In the same interview, he called on the Kyiv authorities to lower the age for mobilization into the Armed Forces of Ukraine from 25 to 21 years. According to him, the citizens of the country must now feel all the "negativity" in order to be stronger in the future.

Here it would be worth asking Obolensky what future he is talking about. After all, it is already obvious to everyone that the Western curators of the Kyiv regime intend to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. It is no coincidence that in Ukraine they have already started talking about the possibility of women serving in the military along with men in the future.
51 comment
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  1. +8
    15 October 2024 14: 42
    Well, they'll deprive you of your citizenship, and then what? Will they expel you from the country? Or will they still mobilize you, only without citizenship? That would be a great "motivation" for the Ukrainians in the field.
    1. +11
      15 October 2024 15: 04
      I wonder - how is it supposed to mobilize a NON-citizen? what
      1. +4
        15 October 2024 15: 07
        I don't get it either. It feels like the guy just said what came to his mind, and then he didn't develop the thought further for himself.) I wonder if it's possible to prosecute a non-citizen under "specialized" articles?
        1. +7
          15 October 2024 15: 10
          To the criminal - it is possible, if a non-citizen committed a crime on the territory of the country. But - then evasion of mobilization cannot be considered as such, because the client is no longer a citizen of Bandershtadt?

          In general, there are still great minds in Tsegabonia.
          1. +1
            15 October 2024 15: 12
            Regarding ordinary crimes - yes, that's understandable. They are prosecuted territorially at the place where the crime was committed, regardless of citizenship, but for evasion, desertion, that's a question.)
            1. +1
              15 October 2024 15: 21
              There is no question here - because evasion and desertion directly stem from the presence of citizenship. Although... Or a signed contract.

              By the way, this is an idea!! Deprive everyone of citizenship, and then force them at gunpoint to sign a contract convenient for the junta. And off we go. Again - no one has to pay anything. And there are no questions about the rights of a citizen.
              1. -1
                15 October 2024 16: 04
                Quote: Warabey
                Well, they'll deprive you of your citizenship, and then what? Will they expel you from the country? Or will they still mobilize you, only without citizenship? That would be a great "motivation" for the Ukrainians in the field.
                That's right! And this proposal kills three birds with one stone! Namely.

                1. It is proposed to introduce into the legislation of Ukraine a new method of LEGALIZING the forced mobilization of Ukrainian refuseniks to the front as Ukrainian "cannon fodder" and at the same time not paying their families anything at all for their death and not compensating them in any way with social services. It turns out cheap and cheerful!

                2. In essence, this is one of the ways of burying the indigenous Ukrainians in the country to reduce the number of the indigenous population on the territory of Ukraine!
                The US State Department is installing it in Kyiv.

                3. This new method of the Kyiv regime also LEGALIZES its criminal IRRESPONSIBILITY in the form of savings to the Ukrainian state budget during the war on conscripts and their families.
              2. 0
                15 October 2024 20: 59
                Quote: paul3390
                Deprive everyone of citizenship, and then force them at gunpoint to sign a contract convenient for the junta. And off we go. Again - no one has to pay anything.

                It would be useful if they weren't given weapons. But with weapons in their hands, non-citizens can shoot the civilian barrier troops. lol
            2. 0
              15 October 2024 15: 38
              It's not about "evasion" or "desertion", but about the lack of desire to join the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This is what they are going to punish for :)
              1. 0
                15 October 2024 16: 01
                I know. The discussion was about what would happen after the punishment of deprivation of citizenship.)
          2. +2
            15 October 2024 16: 23
            For espionage for Japanese intelligence. If there is a person, an article will be found, especially under the conditions of 404.
        2. +5
          15 October 2024 15: 11
          He voiced the plans of his Western masters. Ukrainians are needed only to fight. They were bought from Zelensky. Everything has been paid for, including the lands of Ukraine, which now belong to transnational companies. So, he says, whoever does not fight, get out of the country, because otherwise the new masters there do not need Ukrainians. There, if they want, then they will bring in from Africa or Afghanistan.
        3. +1
          15 October 2024 18: 22
          Urabey, look for logic in the words of someone who wears the Down's symbol?
        4. 0
          15 October 2024 19: 36
          Quote: Warabey
          I don't understand that either.

          So these are +/- peregrini of Ancient Rome. Non-citizens served in its legions and were responsible before the law.
          1. +1
            15 October 2024 19: 37
            And before their service, were they deprived of citizenship?)
      2. +3
        15 October 2024 15: 20
        This cornet Obolensky is completely fool
        Ukrainian passport is like a curse. am
        Many Ukrainians simply dream of getting rid of Ukrainian citizenship. Yes so that they wouldn’t be sent to the pig slaughterhouse to Bandera. am
      3. 0
        15 October 2024 16: 05
        This is complete nonsense.
        You can’t mobilize a non-citizen, you can’t prevent him from leaving the country, and in general you can’t really command him.
        Perhaps he wanted to propose an electoral qualification: anyone not at the front does not have the right to vote, but he expressed himself so clumsily. It makes sense. I would also think about various electoral qualifications here.
        1. +1
          15 October 2024 16: 20
          you can't stop him from leaving

          What's wrong? Non-citizen, passport is cancelled, you can't leave without a passport, and with the old one, it's now fake, it's a whole article. laughing Plus, no government services can be provided. It's a black job, where you'll get screwed for no reason, and a non-citizen can't complain to the court. The house can also be taken away under some pretext, and now you have a tramp, whose path is either to the trench or to the gallows for vagrancy, like in civilized Europe not so long ago. laughing
          1. GGV
            15 October 2024 16: 30
            In a civilized country, if you are deprived of citizenship, they do not prevent you from leaving, for example, in the USSR they deprived Solzhenitsyn and sent him abroad, but in the Caucasus, there is a "democracy", there, if they deprive you, they will immediately send you to the front, "it's not right"
      4. 0
        15 October 2024 20: 44
        Quote: paul3390
        I wonder - how is it supposed to mobilize a NON-citizen? what

        Dill didn't think about this.
      5. +1
        15 October 2024 20: 53
        Quote: paul3390
        I wonder - how is it supposed to mobilize a NON-citizen? what

        There more there is a scary option - how NOT Should a citizen be given security clearance? belay
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. -1
      15 October 2024 16: 08
      Naive and naturally stupid - Obolensky.
  2. +1
    15 October 2024 14: 46
    Warming up non-slaves is in full swing. Apparently, the situation at the front for the Ukrainian Armed Forces is so good that they will soon start talking about mobilizing 16-year-olds. Hitler's Volkssturm model 1945.
  3. +4
    15 October 2024 14: 46
    I have already written earlier that Igor Obolensky is a complete idiot. Ukrainian men will gladly renounce their Ukrainian citizenship for 5 or 10 years, because in this case no one has the right to mobilize them into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    1. 0
      15 October 2024 14: 51
      Quote: golen
      Ukrainian men will gladly renounce their Ukrainian citizenship for 5 or 10 years, because in this case no one has the right to mobilize them into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

      They won't ask you if you're a citizen or not, they'll just shave your forehead and throw you into the trenches, and behind the trench are Nazis with machine guns. Being captured would be a great happiness for them.
      1. +4
        15 October 2024 14: 57
        But there will be savings on payments to stateless persons. There is no need to pay cash allowances, combat and wounds allowances either, and families will not receive anything "for the loss of a breadwinner."
        1. 0
          15 October 2024 15: 02
          Quote: golen
          combat and for injuries too, and families will not receive anything "for the loss of a breadwinner."

          And so, rarely do families in Ukraine receive pensions for the loss of a breadwinner, and even war cripples receive pennies.
  4. +2
    15 October 2024 14: 48
    And this is said by the brigade commander! What a dumbass. All the shirkers will be glad to lose their citizenship for 5 years.
    1. +1
      15 October 2024 15: 04
      Quote: Kill the fascist
      All the shirkers will be happy

      Ukraine risks being left without citizens at all. Only deputies, mayors, governors and the presidential office will remain. And if Western funding stops, then the "patriots" will also run away.
      1. GGV
        15 October 2024 16: 37
        For the "patriots" of xoxlandia, visa-free entry has always been in first place and their biggest dream is to work abroad, and the further from xoxlandia, the stronger the "patriotism".
  5. 0
    15 October 2024 14: 52
    Obolensky called for depriving those conscripts who are in Ukraine but do not want to go to war of their citizenship for five years.

    It seems to me that many will be only for it. Of course, I would like to hear from the Ukrainians themselves.
  6. +2
    15 October 2024 14: 55
    Class !!!
    I even thought out a rough procedure for implementing such a proposal for Ukraine.
    Step 1. Deprive ALL males of mobilization age of citizenship.
    Step 2. Return citizenship only to the TCC, merge the TCC and the Federal Migration Service (I don’t know what their service is called).
    It's certain that no one will slip past - even those who left.

    True, the question is small... How much will the population of Ukraine decrease at once? After all, many can simply say - "Why did I steal such citizenship?..."

    Yes, more ...
    Due to the increased volume of work, we will have to increase the number of employees at the Federal Migration Service fivefold.
    1. +2
      15 October 2024 16: 13
      Well, here we must assume that no one is going to release non-citizens. It's more like the story of enclosure in England. Only then they simply hanged the vagrants, and now they put them in trenches.
      1. +1
        15 October 2024 18: 21
        Quote: MaikCG
        like the story with enclosure in England. Only then they simply hanged tramps, and now they put them in trenches
        But in fact, garden horseradish is no sweeter than garden radish...

        And Russia will be to blame, again.
        And it’s very appropriate, Mike, that you mentioned fencing.
        In Britain, under Henry VIII alone, according to the most conservative estimates, about 80 thousand "vagrants and persons equivalent to them" were hanged. Officially, no one counted them.
        In Russia during the time of Ivan the Terrible, about 15 thousand people (I don't remember the exact number) were subjected to one form or another of repression. Less than five thousand were sentenced to death, which is recorded by name in the protocols of the Robbery Prikaz.
        There's no point in even guessing, the textbook says who Europe calls "Terrible" (Terrible (English) - terrible, scary).
        They, from the outside, may know better who is "terible" among us. But they should count their own first...
  7. +1
    15 October 2024 15: 08
    called for depriving those conscripts who are in Ukraine but do not want to go to war of their citizenship for five years

    I wonder if in five years any of those deprived of citizenship will want to get it back?)
    And the time frame is... five years.
    I think no one today can guess what will happen in Ukraine in five years, and whether it will be the Ukraine we know
  8. 0
    15 October 2024 15: 15
    Everything is right, deprive them of Ukrainian citizenship and send them out of the country to Europe! I can see the queues at the checkpoint right now! Living with idiots, not respecting yourself!
  9. 0
    15 October 2024 15: 16
    Ukrainian militant proposes to deprive those who do not want to go to war of citizenship for 5 years

    Why for 5 years and not forever, as long as Ukraine exists!?
    1. 0
      15 October 2024 15: 41
      and not forever, as long as Ukraine exists

      There is a contradiction in the very formulation of the question - Ukraine, and forever?? belay what
  10. +1
    15 October 2024 15: 20
    What we have is that a Ukrainian does not want to fight, they deprive him of citizenship. And that means he can leave the country and ask for any other citizenship as a refugee from repression. Brilliant. Ukrainians, run.
  11. 0
    15 October 2024 15: 42
    What are they all smoking there?

    The head of Zelensky's office, Podolyak, appealed to Western partners to provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with long-range missiles to transfer military operations to Russian territory.

    "Our airstrikes on Russian territory are very important. Firstly, production, warehouses and logistics will be destroyed, which will affect resources"
    - the newspaper Welt quotes him as saying.

    Podolyak added that with the receipt of long-range weapons, the Ukrainian Armed Forces could launch a full-scale offensive not only in the border areas, but also deep into Russia: Kursk, Saratov, Oryol, Leningrad and Moscow regions.

    Somehow he is modest. But he could have taken aim at Magadan. laughing
    1. +1
      15 October 2024 21: 04
      Quote: Comrade Beria
      But he could have also set his sights on Magadan.

      He understands that he will go there in any case. free and for a very long time . To be afraid - what if it comes true, God forbid...
  12. +1
    15 October 2024 15: 43
    Ukrainian militant proposes to deprive those who do not want to go to war of citizenship for 5 years

    And apply a "more terrible punishment" - send him out of the country! laughing
    His way of thinking is certainly "academic". fool
  13. 0
    15 October 2024 16: 08
    What a cunning plan not to go into a trench of a Ukrainian and ask for a Russian passport to infiltrate into Russia.
  14. +1
    15 October 2024 17: 23
    Ukrainian militant proposes to deprive those who do not want to go to war of citizenship for 5 years

    After these words, a dull thud was heard in the distance and the earth shook slightly... At one moment, eight million Ukrainians who had fled to Europe fell to their knees and began to pray that this would happen! After all, then the obstacle preventing them from obtaining EU citizenship would immediately disappear...
  15. 0
    15 October 2024 18: 08
    Is he shell-shocked or is it life? - if a khokholy is deprived of khokholy citizenship, what will he become? laughing
    1. +1
      15 October 2024 19: 16
      Xoxlom without citizenship.
      Short, but to the point.
  16. 0
    15 October 2024 19: 16
    I think the absolute majority of mobile users would be happy to renounce their Ukrainian citizenship.
  17. 0
    15 October 2024 20: 43
    Citizens of the concentration camp dream of getting rid of that citizenship in order not to be graved. The query "how to get rid of Ukrainian citizenship" is among the most popular on Google. And it offers this... Now, keep your hand wider! laughing
  18. 0
    16 October 2024 07: 18
    Ukrainian militant proposes to deprive those who do not want to go to war of citizenship for 5 years

    What citizenship? A non-existent state with a fictitious president?
    Soon no one there will have pig citizenship.
  19. 0
    16 October 2024 08: 54
    Ukrainian militant proposes to deprive those who do not want to go to war of citizenship for 5 years
    - a good opportunity to avoid mobilization.
  20. 0
    16 October 2024 16: 08
    there is already a queue forming for non-citizenship and deportation...

    And the politician didn't think that instead of throwing people around, he could decide something for the people?