Politico: Gulf States Do Not Support EU Position on Ukraine

Politico: Gulf States Do Not Support EU Position on Ukraine

The West's attempts to attract as many countries as possible around the world to its anti-Russian coalition are running into the reluctance of third countries to follow its lead. Another confirmation of this was the fact that the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf did not support the EU's position on the Ukrainian conflict, as reported by the American publication Politico.

A meeting of EU and Gulf leaders is scheduled to take place in Brussels tomorrow, and a draft joint statement was prepared ahead of it, in which the Europeans tried to include anti-Russian language, including a call for all countries to stop aiding Russia. However, the Gulf Arabs proposed more general language calling on all parties to stop sending weapons to the conflict zone.

The EU has so far failed to persuade the Persian Gulf countries to make a series of pro-Ukrainian commitments ahead of Wednesday's leaders' summit in Brussels.

- says the publication.

The only thing the EU has managed to achieve so far is the willingness of Arab countries to condemn the attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, but even here there is no direct mention of Russia, Politico notes. According to the authors of the publication, the first in stories The EU-Gulf summit was intended to demonstrate their unity on everything, but instead revealed the differences between the EU and the Arab states.
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  1. +5
    15 October 2024 14: 06
    As soon as a country or an individual politician begins to defend their interests, they magically become allies of Russia. This cannot but please, because everyone will stand up for THEIR interests to the end!
    1. +4
      15 October 2024 14: 20
      We will look at the decisions of the EU and the Arabs based on the outcome.
      Arabs are those guys who think one thing, do another, and talk about a third.
  2. +2
    15 October 2024 14: 07
    Hmm, the EU is collectively getting into debt, and decided to finance the oil Arabs instead of themselves, contracting 404 in the name of European solidarity, of course.
  3. 0
    15 October 2024 14: 15
    "European civilization" has so many times dipped its hands elbow-deep in the blood of Arabs (not to mention "foreigners") that its demands (and even requests) must be met with great caution (or simply ignored)...
  4. +1
    15 October 2024 14: 36
    No, mít tak obalenou hlavu je chytré, neunikají myšlenky. Biden by potřeboval taky nějakou plenu na hlavu, aby držel paměť. Jinak velký souhlas, že nesouhlasí s fašistickou EU.
    1. +3
      15 October 2024 14: 36
      Well, it's smart to wrap your head like that, your thoughts don't run away. Biden will also need a diaper on his head to keep his memory. Otherwise, many agree that they don't agree with the fascist EU.
  5. 0
    15 October 2024 16: 06
    condemn the attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, but there is no direct mention of Russia here either
    It's clear, the boomerang has returned, only now to the West itself. "We know that nuclear power plants are being shelled, but we don't know who," only now it's the other way around and not nuclear ones, but still. laughing
  6. 0
    15 October 2024 16: 48
    The EU has so far failed to persuade the Persian Gulf countries to make a series of pro-Ukrainian commitments ahead of Wednesday's leaders' summit in Brussels.

    - says the publication.

    And what did you want, that the Persian Gulf countries would follow gay Europe, which helps with weapons like the Arabs to kill Palestinians, Lebanese and other peaceful people of the Arab world, and obediently follow Nazi gay Europe?
  7. 0
    15 October 2024 16: 58
    "The EU has not yet been able to convince the Persian Gulf countries to take on a series of pro-Ukrainian commitments ahead of Wednesday's leaders' summit in Brussels"
    East is a delicate matter. wink
    "However, the Gulf Arabs have proposed more general formulations calling on all parties stop sending weapons to the conflict zone."
    The Arabs' proposals are worthy of the answers of the Delphic priestesses.
    It has long been no longer a sensation to see a destroyed NATO tank or armored vehicle, captured machine guns or anti-tank guided missiles, ... . Our people are fighting their own.