"The Intelligence Service Overslept Again": Ukrainian Military Public Confirms Russian Armed Forces' Entry to Levadnoye in Zaporizhia Oblast

"The Intelligence Service Overslept Again": Ukrainian Military Public Confirms Russian Armed Forces' Entry to Levadnoye in Zaporizhia Oblast

Ukrainian resources confirm the advance of Russian troops in the area of ​​the village of Levadnoye in the Zaporizhia region and even their approach to it, modestly keeping silent about the entry of assault groups into the settlement itself. This is reported by the Ukrainian TG channel "Mykolaiv Vanek", which monitors the situation at the front.

According to the resource, the assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces launched an offensive on Levadnoye, had a "partial success", having consolidated themselves in the forest belts and reached the village itself, but allegedly did not enter it. At the same time, the author of the channel criticizes the Ukrainian intelligence, which knew about the preparation of the Russian Armed Forces for an offensive in this area, but "overslept" and did nothing, which led to the loss of the strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. At the moment, as the channel claims, the Russian Armed Forces are standing right next to Levadnoye, have advanced towards Novodarovka and are preparing for further action.

The situation is almost like with Volchansk in May - we report that "we are ready", but it turns out that we are not ready. Also, intelligence provided absolutely all the data on when, by whom and how the enemy is going to go, but in the end, somehow the strongholds were lost.

- writes the resource.

But the military public Deep State claims that Russian troops did not enter Levadnoe, it allegedly continues to be under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Although the advancement of assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces in the Zaporizhzhya region confirms this. But this is normal, the enemy's resources always underestimate the successes of the Russian Armed Forces, exaggerating their own.

As reported the day before, Russian troops occupied the ruins of the small village of Levadnoye, located between Gulyaipole and Velyka Novoselka. Taking this settlement opens up the prospect of an offensive in three directions: on Gulyaipole, on Novoselka and even on the border of the Dnepropetrovsk region, which is no more than 10 km away.
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  1. +4
    13 October 2024 11: 22
    The hohols have one excuse: this village has no strategic significance and the pots and pans believe it.
  2. +2
    13 October 2024 11: 25
    At the same time, the author of the channel criticizes Ukrainian intelligence, which knew about the Russian Armed Forces’ preparations for an offensive in this area, but “slept through” and did nothing.

    It is not clear, is this author a commander of Ukrainian intelligence officers or something?
    1. +2
      13 October 2024 11: 32
      It's somehow illogical... the intelligence service knew everything, reported it, and she somehow slept through it all?
      Maybe "translation problems"?
      1. +4
        13 October 2024 11: 37
        Quote: rocket757
        It's somehow illogical... the intelligence service knew everything, reported it, and she somehow slept through it all?
        Maybe "translation problems"?

        Victor hi and this is as usual, so that every morning experienced subordinates come to the management with new data, they gradually give the information they have. Saved for tomorrow..., bam, and our assault is already in the forest plantation. lol
        1. +1
          13 October 2024 14: 04
          Who can understand them... internal problems.
          What is obvious, understandable, standard, any services do everything to raise, justify their importance and the methods used are... different.
        2. +2
          13 October 2024 20: 39
          I'll tell you from experience with the second Chechen war.
          So we learned from intelligence that about two and a half hundred militants were coming towards us. We reported to the regiment commander.
          He said, "Your call is very important to us, please stay on the line."
          And a day later (that is, the question was VERY long-awaited) these same militants came to our company, consisting of a platoon of the Syktyvkar riot police and reinforcements from the Vorkuta Ugro.

          Exactly the same here. You report, and the management either has its own priorities, or the rule "confirmation from 2-3 independent sources is needed" is activated.
      2. +1
        13 October 2024 11: 55
        It's somehow illogical... the intelligence service knew everything, reported it, and she somehow slept through it all?

        It's all very simple - a mismatch between the idea of ​​the situation and the real situation. Like, it was promised that everything would be calm, but then...belay
        1. 0
          13 October 2024 14: 07
          Maybe so... especially in the case when they try to cover up/cover up their incompetence, lack of diligence and skill with their fantasies, speculations!!! The final results are unpredictable.
          1. +1
            13 October 2024 15: 33
            The end results are not predictable.

            It is, in fact, very predictable - failure, collapse, other betrayals and a feverish search for scapegoats.request
            1. +1
              13 October 2024 15: 37
              Failure/collapse and other betrayal... one of the options.
              Nothing could have happened at all, but we are interested in the events that did happen.
  3. -2
    13 October 2024 11: 33
    more precisely, it would be like this: US Intelligence missed the preparation of the attack by the Russian Army, since resources are not endless, and were directed to the Middle East.
    1. 0
      13 October 2024 11: 51
      Der Nahe Osten wird der USA Ausstieg für ihren Ukraine Dilemma! Es dauert noch ein wenig aber es kommt!
      Und die dummen Westeuropäer stehen alleine da und überlegen logischerweise dilettantisch ob sie Bodentruppen/ "Militärberater" in die Ukraine schicken.
    2. -8
      13 October 2024 11: 52
      They can yawn and sleep as much as they want. The satellites are hanging, the information is coming in continuously, the computer notes the changes. And let the boss think, that's why he was put there.
  4. +6
    13 October 2024 11: 48
    At the same time, the author of the channel criticizes Ukrainian intelligence, which knew about the Russian Armed Forces’ preparations for an offensive in this area, but “slept through” and did nothing, which led to the loss of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ strongholds.
    What do you mean by "brotherly nations", we even have the same nonsense... Intelligence cannot do anything, it does not have the strength and resources, this is the business of headquarters and command, to whom intelligence reports what it has discovered from the enemy
  5. +6
    13 October 2024 11: 51
    Good news. American mercenary Nick Duckworth has been eliminated in the SVO zone.
    At one time, in the summer of 2023, he was lucky to survive a missile strike by Russian troops on a temporary deployment point for militants in Kramatorsk.

    Now they are reporting that Duckworth was eliminated in the Zaporizhzhya direction, his car was overtaken by a Russian FPV drone.

    The American ones have the biggest prize, not to mention the Colombian ones.
    1. +4
      13 October 2024 12: 16
      The Colombians are idiots. They don't know the situation. They think it's about the same as in their jungles when guarding drug plantations (only the forest is thinner and the weather is colder). And Darkvot knew the situation, but he went off to kill Russians again. That's where he belongs. Now the American asshole will have to vegetate forever with Bandera.
    2. -2
      13 October 2024 13: 02
      Quote: Comrade Beria
      The American ones have the biggest prize, not to mention the Colombian ones.

      And how many?
      1. +3
        13 October 2024 13: 09
        Read the Daily Express. It publishes the rates for foreign mercenaries that are set in the Russian army.
        1. +3
          13 October 2024 15: 21
          Quote: Comrade Beria
          Read the Daily Express. It publishes the rates for foreign mercenaries that are set in the Russian army.

          If I were in the Colombians' place, I would be offended - they were appreciated cheaper Romanian.....
          1. 0
            13 October 2024 16: 23
            So the Romanians are Europeans, and who are the Colombians? They are visiting cocaine dealers. lol
        2. +3
          13 October 2024 16: 20
          Quote: Comrade Beria
          Read the Daily Express.

          I have a hard time understanding how this works... First, we need to determine their affiliation... or do they all have LBS passports? Second, we need to determine who liquidated them. Even if we count everyone as a shaft and divide them into the entire unit, then first, the battlefield should remain ours, and second, this only works for stormtroopers...
          1. +1
            13 October 2024 20: 16
            Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
            Quote: Comrade Beria
            Read the Daily Express.

            Somehow I have a hard time imagining how this works...
            With all due respect to To Comrade Beria - found someone to believe... It's like confusing our "Express-Gazeta" with a textbook on ethics and psychology of family life. They sat in the editorial office, smoked something semi-legal, and, in accordance with their own rating considerations about the value of carcasses, made up a "price list".
            They can suck anything out of their office hookah - they know perfectly well that "tomorrow today will become yesterday" and no one will remember what they came up with in three days. Because they will come up with a new "sensation".
        3. 0
          14 October 2024 17: 59
          They may be citizens at home, but they are there with guns in their hands and it is not their home. And where, by the way, did the Daily Express get these prices?
  6. -2
    13 October 2024 13: 35
    C'est faux, le renseignement Ukrainien ne dort pas, il prépare la campagne de Moscou.
    Zelensky a de l'énergie à revendre donc la défense ne le concerne pas
    Evidemment, la fin d'un voyou est souvent tragedy... :)
  7. +3
    13 October 2024 14: 39
    Tsukurino liberated too, another "cauldron" is being formed in the Pokrovsky direction
  8. +2
    13 October 2024 18: 26
    The Russian tricolor flutters on the outskirts of the village of Levandnoye
  9. 0
    13 October 2024 19: 45
    Russian army liberated the village of Levadnoe in Zaporozhye
  10. -1
    14 October 2024 10: 45
    Quote: Ascetic
    another "cauldron" is being formed in the Pokrovsky direction

    Somehow the Russian Armed Forces switched to the culinary direction - the boilers cook well, the Kakelyas don’t have time to supply “products”.