Ukrainian Channel: TCC raids will continue, Zelensky needs 200 thousand mobilized by the end of the year

Ukrainian Channel: TCC raids will continue, Zelensky needs 200 thousand mobilized by the end of the year

Demonstrative raids of the TCC will continue, Zelensky set the task of mobilizing 200 thousand people by any means necessary to replenish reserves against the backdrop of catastrophic losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by the end of the year. This is reported by Ukrainian resources.

Complaints from Ukrainians about the lawlessness of military commissars will not affect the work of the TCC in any way; the police have also received orders not to pay attention to statements about illegal detentions of Ukrainian citizens as part of the ongoing mobilization. The whole point is that Zelensky gave the order to drive at least 200 thousand people into the trenches in three months. This should be enough for defense and replenishment of reserves.

The Kyiv junta has no less ambitious plans for next year - 600 thousand per year, i.e. 50 thousand per month. According to Ukrainian analysts, if this "plan" is fulfilled, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will gain an advantage in manpower over the Russian army, which is steadily recruiting 30-40 thousand contract soldiers per month.

It is the manpower that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will fight with next year. The losses in this scenario will be colossal, but Zelensky and Yermak don't care about them, they care about holding on to power and convincing their sponsors that they are the best "managers" for their game.

— writes the Legitimny TG channel.

So no complaints or statements will help; the Ukrainian people have become expendable material with the help of which the Kiev junta solves its problems.
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  1. +13
    13 October 2024 08: 50
    "TCK raids will continue, Zelensky needs 200 thousand mobilized by the end of the year" —

    — Concerts "Okeana Elzy" to every city of the independent country! ...
    (We kindly ask!)
    1. +4
      13 October 2024 08: 56
      This is already a passed stage. Tickets are already being dropped.
      If they had organized a performance of the 95th quarter with a leader at the head, then people would surely have flocked to them.
      P.S. But they'll put metal detectors at the entrance. You never know who might want to bring in some "iron" and weld it to Ze and his team.
      1. +2
        13 October 2024 08: 59
        “You never know who might want to bring in some ‘cast iron’ and give it to Ze and his team”
        1. +1
          13 October 2024 09: 00
          I also speak about it.
          But people will definitely flock there.
        2. 0
          13 October 2024 09: 13
          that's it... I wonder where they still get their small arms??? These aren't Soviet reserves, they should have run out a long time ago...
          1. +5
            13 October 2024 09: 24
            There are many videos of them running around with NATO rifles, and have been for a long time.
          2. +2
            13 October 2024 13: 10
            even if they ran out of Soviet AKs, then in Hungary, Egypt, Poland, Romania, Pakistan and Yugoslavia they make duplicates, not to mention China... and for 300 bucks... so finding an AK for the Ukrainian Armed Forces is a small problem...
        3. -2
          13 October 2024 10: 13
          No, that's bad form, what cast iron, pagers and walkie-talkies are in fashion now! laughing
  2. -1
    13 October 2024 09: 01
    Now they're going to catch children and send them to the front, bastards?
    1. 0
      13 October 2024 09: 19
      Children will be caught now

      They won't. And "read Soviet newspapers" less. The country's mob. potential is 10-15% of the population. Even at a minimum, they can handle 3 million. And considering the West's help with weapons - even more so. At the beginning of 1945, the USSR army was 11 million with a population of 170 million. That's 7%.
      1. +2
        13 October 2024 09: 30
        Quote: dauria
        The country's mobile potential is 10-15% of the population.

        Quote: dauria
        At the beginning of 1945 the USSR army was 11 million with a population of 170 million. This is 7%.

        So 10-15 or 7?
        Quote: dauria
        Even at the minimum they will pull 3 million

        Maybe the question is how much of them are left.
        1. Msi
          13 October 2024 09: 37
          Maybe the question is how much of them are left.

          Let's say 20 - 25 million population. 10 percent of 2 million. 1 million are already fighting, over 500 thousand killed.
          Well, it turns out that we need to call from Europe and return the wounded to duty as soon as possible...
          1. 0
            13 October 2024 10: 11
            Quote from Msi
            more than 500 thousand killed.

            More likely two times more, if not three times more. Plus cripples.
        2. -4
          13 October 2024 09: 40
          So 10-15 or 7?

          The Union had 7% at the time. It was quite enough. It is possible to catch up to 15% without damaging industry. Japan did not get involved - that's why they did not take everyone.
          They have 30 million left. We have 20 million hanging around in Moscow alone. Those same 2-XNUMX million easily. Just catch them.
        3. +3
          13 October 2024 09: 46
          Quote: Dart2027

          So 10-15 or 7?

          10-15. In the USSR, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, more than 34 million people were mobilized.
          1. Msi
            13 October 2024 10: 27
            In the USSR, during the Great Patriotic War, more than 34 million people were mobilized.

            Andrew, hi
            You can't answer from memory how the mobilization in 1941 went on the territory of modern Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics? In numbers...
            1. +1
              13 October 2024 12: 00
              Quote from Msi
              You can't answer from memory how the mobilization in 1941 went on the territory of modern Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics? In numbers.

              Unfortunately, I can't say offhand hi
            2. +2
              13 October 2024 13: 12
              Quote from Msi
              How did the mobilization take place in 1941 on the territory of modern Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics?

              I remember exactly that in terms of numbers in the Red Army, the Ukrainian SSR was in 2nd place, the Byelorussian SSR was in 3rd place in terms of numbers...
      2. +5
        13 October 2024 10: 08
        10, 15% sur combien d'habitants, quels est maintenant le pourcentage de population mâle adulte? Entre: les morts, ceux qui ont quitté le pays et maintenant même ceux qui ne sont pas encore la cible des rafles ont déjà quitté le pays. Par exemple + de 45 ans 4 enfants...enfui à l'étranger avec femme et enfants tant qu'il pouvait encore traverser la frontière...
        10/15% de quoi? Que reste t il?
        2000 morts/blessés par jour depuis 964 jours = 1928000 personnes !!
        D'accord parmi les blessés certains reviennent combattre.
        Après 2500 morts les Américains repartent en courant d'Afghanistan, mais lorsque des Slaves s'entretuent les USA continuent à jeter de l'huile sur le feu : jusqu'au dernier Ukraine

        10, 15% of how many residents, what is the current percentage of the adult male population? Between: the dead, those who left the country, and now even those who have not yet been targeted by the raids, have already left the country. For example, + of 45 years 4 children ... fled abroad with his wife and children, while he could still cross the border ...
        10/15% of what? What's left?
        2000 killed/wounded per day for 964 days = 1928000 people!!
        Well, some of the wounded are returning to battle.
        After 2500 Deaths Americans Flee Afghanistan, But When Slavs Kill Each Other, US Continues to Add Fuel to the Fire: Every Last Ukrainian
      3. +2
        13 October 2024 10: 53
        Yes, but times are different, in the USSR women and children made shells and plowed the fields, now this is unrealistic, the existing values ​​and legislation will not allow everyone to be put under arms, even 7%, even the USSR was tense about this, Ukrainians They simply won't be able to catch even 5%, the maximum punishment for evasion is prison, not execution or the gulag.
      4. -1
        13 October 2024 13: 38
        The country's mobile potential is 10-15% of the population.

        Even more. The total number of the Soviet army during the war was 34 million, 20 percent of the population.
  3. +6
    13 October 2024 09: 02
    The funniest thing is that their women are not against war, they are against their warriors fertilizing the land, so there is no one to feel sorry for there...
  4. +1
    13 October 2024 09: 04
    Not bad, 200 thousand by the end of the year! Zelya has an appetite though. Run, you shaggy ones, run!!!)))
    1. +6
      13 October 2024 10: 25
      Well, there's no harm in dreaming. For some reason, there are many theoretical mathematicians who calculated the theoretical conscription potential and decided that there are still plenty of soldiers. Life is different. One has syphilis, another has five children from three marriages, the third is working on the atomic bomb, the fourth's dad is in the Rada, he'll tear everyone apart, the fifth has just been registered, but he himself has been picking mushrooms in a swamp for six months, the sixth is a marathon prize-winner - he can't catch up... Life diverges greatly from the calculations on paper. And the quality of those caught is worthy of a separate article.
      1. +1
        13 October 2024 11: 14
        Here we also need to take into account that the smaller the percentage that remains, the less those who remain will want to go.
      2. +2
        13 October 2024 12: 11
        Quote from Pharmacist
        For some reason, there are a lot of theoretical mathematicians who calculated the theoretical conscription potential and decided that there are still a lot of soldiers.

        Alas, it is.
        Quote from Pharmacist
        Life diverges greatly from calculations on paper.

        It doesn't diverge. The problems of the Ukies are that they are still protecting their youth, those who are 25 and younger. And they are raking in those who are older than 25. This is where there is a real problem, because they didn't have many able-bodied people over 25 - many left for the long ruble, some to the Russian Federation, some to the West. Many fled with the beginning of the SVO. Many were buried in the SVO. And with these - yes, the Ukies are having problems now.
        But as soon as they drive generations of 18-25 years old to war...
  5. +1
    13 October 2024 09: 18
    It seems that this is NATO's decision. Manpower from Ukraine, weapons from them. Because their politicians have repeatedly said that the defeat of Ukraine is the defeat of NATO and a redivision of the world order. And they do not want to lose.
  6. +4
    13 October 2024 09: 21
    They kicked me in the liver, punched me in the eye, twisted my arms. "You're not a slave anymore, Taras," they said at the TCC.
  7. -9
    13 October 2024 09: 23
    And the most interesting thing is that 90% of the Bandera state are Maidanites, and they will get even more, this war will last another five years, until 2030. It's time for our top people to make decisions, and not worry about sanctions, our only friend is S. Korea, we have no one else to be friends with...
    1. +1
      13 October 2024 11: 16
      Of these 90 percent of Maidan supporters, half are only “vocal”, but they themselves prefer that someone else fight for them.
  8. -3
    13 October 2024 09: 31
    But how will the Russian Federation respond to this crowd? This is the question that worries me most.
    1. 0
      13 October 2024 23: 05
      The "solntsepeks", KABs and FABs will be responsible
      1. 0
        15 October 2024 00: 32
        Why didn't they respond in Kursk?
        1. 0
          15 October 2024 15: 40
          baby - are you normal? Why burn down your villages and towns???
          1. 0
            15 October 2024 20: 12
            Old man, look at Toretsk, Bakhmut... And not only... Are you blind?
            1. 0
              15 October 2024 20: 14
              Well, if you're so stupid that you confuse residential villages with towns with 200-300 residents, who is your evil Pinocchio???
              1. 0
                23 October 2024 21: 50
                Bakhmut - 200 residents!? Lord, where do you come from...
  9. +2
    13 October 2024 09: 47
    Border outposts in western Ukraine should be bombed with geraniums. Firstly, the border guards are full of crooks because they are far from the LBS, and secondly, so that they do not hinder the outflow of citizens across the border. You never know, they might even run there themselves.
  10. AVP
    13 October 2024 09: 47
    They can't keep up those numbers now. Why did anyone think they could keep up that much?
  11. +2
    13 October 2024 09: 52
    "...Zelensky s'est donné pour tâche de mobiliser 200 personnes par tous les moyens d'ici la fin de l'année..."
    Quelqu'un pourrait il faire comprendre à ce "clown" qu'il n'est pas dans un film que les centaines de milliers de morts ne vont pas se relever au clap de fin!?
    Il ya un quarteron qu'il faudra juger:
    - Hollande et Merkel pour ne pas avoir fait respecté les accords de Minsk
    - Johnson pour avoir fait annuler/rater les accord de 2022
    -Zelinsky pour envoyer des centaines de milliers de personnes à la mort pour la satisfaction de ses maîtres..

    "...Zelensky has set himself the task of mobilizing 200 thousand people by any means necessary by the end of the year..."
    someone, maybe he will let this "clown" know that he is not in the film, that hundreds of thousands of dead will not rise to the applause of the audience. the end!?
    There is a quadroon that will need to be judged:
    Hollande and Merkel for failure to implement the Minsk agreements
    - Johnson for forcing the 2022 deal to be cancelled/skippable
    - Zelinsky, to send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths to satisfy his masters.
    1. -2
      13 October 2024 11: 25
      Zelensky will not escape punishment for his bloody crimes, I hope! But the other three of these "four" will not be subject to our jurisdiction, we can only hope for the Supreme Court(
  12. BAI
    13 October 2024 10: 20
    What you chose is what you got
  13. 0
    13 October 2024 10: 31
    Quote: dauria
    Children will be caught now

    They won't. And "read Soviet newspapers" less. The country's mob. potential is 10-15% of the population. Even at a minimum, they can handle 3 million. And considering the West's help with weapons - even more so. At the beginning of 1945, the USSR army was 11 million with a population of 170 million. That's 7%.

    This does not include the damage to the economy. Considering that Ukraine as a full-fledged state essentially no longer exists. It lives only due to external infusions. It is possible to mobilize much more than the indicated figures.
  14. 0
    13 October 2024 10: 33
    Zelensky gave the order to drive at least 200 thousand people into the trenches within three months. This should be enough for defense and replenishment of reserves.
    By the end of the year, if this plan is carried out, such a number will fully enable them to conduct a local offensive operation. Considering that several thousand of their soldiers are currently finishing training in the West, in particular in France, an entire brigade "Anna of Kiev", which will most likely include mercenaries from France. In the same way, by the end of the year, the "Ukrainian Legion" will be trained in Poland, "reinforcing" it with the necessary number of "vacationers" from the Polish Army, etc., etc.
    Now there is a threat that they may embark on a new adventure, but now together with the Moldovan authorities, namely, to attack and liquidate the Pridnestrovian Republic. In this way, they remove the threat from the rear, gain access to a huge amount of Soviet ammunition and collect for themselves an "exchange fund" from our military personnel, their family members and those who do not want to accept Moldovan citizenship.
    1. 0
      13 October 2024 16: 54
      The ammunition depots are probably mined. But otherwise, it's quite possible.
      1. 0
        14 October 2024 09: 48
        Quote from solar
        The ammunition depots are probably mined.

        What one person has mined, another can always defuse. And we shouldn't discount the banal betrayal of one of the staff...
        1. +2
          14 October 2024 09: 56
          I think we are talking about an explosion in case of military actions, the warehouses there are not far from the border with Ukraine. But the latter is possible, of course.
  15. 0
    13 October 2024 10: 44
    The Ukrainians themselves should put an end to these cannibals.
    It is the manpower that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will fight with next year. The losses in this scenario will be colossal, but Zelensky and Yermak don't care about them, they care about holding on to power and convincing their sponsors that they are the best "managers" for their game.

    — writes the Legitimny TG channel.
  16. -2
    13 October 2024 10: 52
    No, well, you'd have to look hard to find such rams as the Khramadyans of Ukraine... We must give credit to the EU and the US - in 30 years they have made obedient biomass out of Ukrainians. They even go to their deaths, obediently and silently.
  17. +2
    13 October 2024 11: 01
    A country with a population of 14+ million before 40 has turned into a country with a population of 25+ million, while the mobilization reserve, according to various estimates, is 3-5 million, of which about a million are killed and seriously wounded, who will not return to the front. Until the last...
  18. +1
    13 October 2024 11: 21
    Excellent. The country that jumped on the Maidan to the chant "Hang the Muscovite on the gallows" must be destroyed. Have you decided to become vassals of the West? Then die for your master.
  19. -1
    13 October 2024 11: 35
    That's what interests me! Has land for new cemeteries in Ukraine already been allocated? Because I read somewhere that they have already run out of land for cemeteries.
    1. 0
      13 October 2024 12: 48
      There is so much land in Banderastan that it would be enough to bury the entire population, young and old, three times. But this land does not belong to Banderogeys, but to a Western master who has other plans for the land than burials with yellow-vomiting parapores. Western people are pragmatists and do not appreciate beauty. But I like the endless Bandera cemeteries with flags fluttering in the wind. Beauty!
      1. 0
        14 October 2024 11: 26
        And the rows of yellow and blue flags lined up in a straight line look great!
  20. -1
    13 October 2024 12: 53
    Zelensky Meat Processing Plant. Considering that all these people will have minimal training, they will not live long and will suffer. request
  21. 0
    13 October 2024 14: 14
    Let these Nazis themselves go to the front, it is their direct responsibility to defend their country, since they took an oath to the Ukrainian people to defend it, but in the end these tsk, cops, border guards, SBU and others mock people, kidnap and kill.
    There are plenty of military personnel and those who know how to handle weapons in Ukraine, but the government's goal is to destroy the civilian population and steal everything that is left.
  22. 0
    13 October 2024 17: 19
    Outrageous! Ukrainians are complaining... we need to urgently send a couple of hundred Geraniums to fight the TCC. We need to help the non-brothers in the fight against the TCC, and simply destroy this infrastructure. The coordinates of these establishments are known, air defense is unlikely to interfere. It is really possible to hold back this wave of grave-making
  23. 0
    13 October 2024 22: 32
    I'm a bit worried...
    Do we have enough ammunition? wassat
  24. 0
    14 October 2024 11: 44
    I wonder when this "expendable material" will start kicking?