Alaudinov spoke about two Russian fighters who spent almost two months breaking out of the Ukrainian Armed Forces encirclement in the Kursk region

Alaudinov spoke about two Russian fighters who spent almost two months breaking out of the Ukrainian Armed Forces encirclement in the Kursk region

Two Russian servicemen spent almost two months in the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk border area, after which they managed to reach the positions of the Russian Armed Forces. This was reported by the commander of the special forces "Akhmat" Apty Alaudinov.

The general published a message on his Telegram channel in which he said history about two soldiers who were surrounded during the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region. According to him, on August 7, 2024, during the fighting at a stronghold in the Zaoleshenka area, platoon commander of the 37th motorized rifle brigade Kurban Abdurakhmanov was wounded in the leg, and soldier Aleksey Sibiryakov, 19, stayed to provide assistance to him. They managed to leave their positions and move around the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for almost two months until they were able to reach their own. At the same time, they left with their service weapons, without abandoning it.

They spent two months behind enemy lines. Last night they came across the "Khokhla" detachment of the "Akhmat" special forces. (...) They lived behind enemy lines for two months, moved around all the time, were forced to hide, got out of encirclement, and even took their service weapons with them.

Alaudinov said.

This is not the first case of Russian fighters breaking out of encirclement in the Kursk region; earlier there was a story about four conscripts who spent more than a month coming out to their own. At the same time, they not only hid, but also collected intelligence information about the Ukrainian troops that had invaded the Russian region.
71 comment
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  1. +3
    13 October 2024 08: 24
    Well done guys. But did the UAVs really occupy such a large territory that it took our fighters two months to leave it?
    1. +20
      13 October 2024 08: 43
      Quote: Clear
      Did the Ukrainian army really occupy such a large territory that it took our soldiers two months to leave it?
      It happens in all sorts of ways... One of the veterans of either Chechnya or Afghanistan once told me that at headquarters they were saying to him in a raised voice, pointing a finger at the map: "What, can't you move tanks from here to here?!? It's only fifteen kilometers here..." "I can't," he said, "there's a 1800-meter pass on the way..." And when going around in the mountains, 15 can easily turn into 50. On the map, there's a dot and a small number that not everyone will notice, but on the ground, it's an insurmountable obstacle for equipment.
      Of course, there are no mountains in the Kursk region. But I, for example, personally witnessed how two soldiers spent six hours "crossing" a 20-meter-wide river - neither of them knew how to swim, they were looking for a ford...

      So, “not far” is a very, very broad concept in war.
      1. +11
        13 October 2024 09: 37
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        But I, for example, personally witnessed how two soldiers spent six hours “crossing” a 20-meter-wide river - neither one of them knew how to swim, they were looking for a ford...

        We drove for 2 hours in a UAZ through sparse forest with a forester - 6 km. Just sand, nothing more....
        1. +1
          13 October 2024 19: 06
          Quote: your1970
          We drove for 2 hours in a UAZ through sparse forest with a forester - 6 km. Just sand, nothing more....

          Quote: NC1982
          12 hours on an abandoned road in SUVs, 14 km.
          Soviet times, "Shishiga" (!) Uzgen area, Osh region, Kyrgyzstan. "Road" was laid. "Crushed stone" was covered. "Crushed stone fraction" is not in millimeters - in soccer balls - 2-4.
          9 kilometers - 7 hours. One way.
          I was going with my relatives to visit my cousin at a pioneer camp.
          It would have been better to go on foot - it would have been faster, and I wouldn't have gotten my guts beaten up in the back of the truck...
      2. +5
        13 October 2024 10: 39
        12 hours on an abandoned road in SUVs, 14 km.. And that's with snorkels, winches, shackles. As it should be
        1. +1
          13 October 2024 15: 02
          Quote: NC1982
          12 hours on an abandoned road in SUVs, 14 km.. And that's with snorkels, winches, shackles. As it should be

          It always takes us, Russians, to where the wolves are afraid to shit...
          p.s. NATO take note!
          1. 0
            13 October 2024 20: 03
            This is where all of NATO will meet its death, and there are plenty of such places in Russia, they are simply not marked on NATO maps, but we know.
    2. +16
      13 October 2024 08: 50
      On August 7, 2024, during the fighting at a stronghold in the Zaoleshenka area, the platoon commander of the 37th motorized rifle brigade, Kurban Abdurakhmanov, received leg wound

      You can't go far on a wounded leg. Even if the wound is minor (no bones are affected).
    3. +12
      13 October 2024 08: 59
      Rather, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are sitting only in forest plantations and villages and do not crawl out from there. There is no continuous occupation, no patrols at night, no outposts. This is what allowed our fighters to gradually (apparently at night) advance from the encirclement!
      Well done guys! Heroes!
      1. +7
        13 October 2024 09: 33
        Most likely, our assaults reached them, and they were simply hiding somewhere.
        1. +6
          13 October 2024 09: 58
          Quote from Ablet
          Most likely, our assaults reached them, and they were simply hiding somewhere.

          This seems to be true. Most likely they stayed on their support.
      2. -1
        13 October 2024 10: 03
        I don't believe it, I haven't heard of such a thing in many years of life, service and work here and there. It turns out: there are no cameras that the Fritzes and mercenaries immediately hacked and took control of, the Fritzes and mercenaries have no brains, no thermal imagers, either personal or on equipment and drones, no technical means of security and reconnaissance, electronic warfare and electronic reconnaissance, Ukrainians and the mercenaries did not interrogate the prisoners, the remaining locals and the agents from all sorts of "previously controlled smugglers and waiters" (this is the border that fed EVERYONE). The Fritzes went crazy from success, got drunk, went blind and sightless, and security and their mercenaries gave up on everything: on control of the rear and territory, on additional reconnaissance, they did not loot and did not look for valuables in EVERY crack and, on "what and who to rob". And, the fighters had invisibility caps and they ate with the help of the "Holy Spirit".
        1. -7
          13 October 2024 10: 20
          We must, we must believe, Alaudinov won’t tell us fairy tales.
          1. -3
            13 October 2024 10: 54
            We must, we must believe, Alaudinov won’t tell us fairy tales.

            1. 0
              13 October 2024 11: 45
              Quote: Konnick
              We must, we must believe, Alaudinov won’t tell us fairy tales.

              Were you having fun? Now read below to see if Alaudinov was telling the truth about the invasion of Kursk Oblast or not.
              Alaudinov believes that the actions of some leaders of the Russian Ministry of Defense led to the situation that has developed on the border between Russia and Ukraine.

              “Some of the leaders of the Ministry of Defense lied and lied, so much so that in the end they deceived themselves,” Alaudinov said in an interview with war correspondent Semyon Pegov near Sudzha.

              Oleg Tsarev also published a video in which Alaudinov says that the Ukrainian Armed Forces breakthrough into the Kursk region “has a last name, first name, and patronymic.”

            2. -5
              13 October 2024 15: 53
              This Alapiz...nov has said a lot. Should we believe him again?
        2. +1
          13 October 2024 12: 13
          Quote: Vetal999
          I don't believe it, I've never heard of such a thing in many years of life, service and work here and there

          That is, experienced Fritzes and mercenaries diligently and constantly monitored every meter of territory and every resident, on every house in the settlements and every second tree in the forest belts there were day and night surveillance cameras, not to mention personal monitoring devices and UAVs, and our illiterate and naive servicemen, who had absolutely no idea about this, of course, did not think of using any measures to mask their movements. It is also interesting how the electronic warfare and reconnaissance, mentioned by you, helped in tracking individual servicemen who retreated from their positions? Sorry, it is also hard to believe in this.
          1. -1
            13 October 2024 17: 20
            In the texts of the address "You" is written with a capital letter, otherwise it is illiterate to write. It is pointless to answer for someone who has not served in the army, he will not understand. If you want to understand, google it.
            1. 0
              13 October 2024 17: 50
              Quote: Vetal999
              In the texts of address, "You" is written with a capital letter, otherwise it is illiterate to write.

              In official, business and strictly personal correspondence - yes, with a capital letter. In Internet communication on forums everything is simplified, and has been simplified for a long time. If you so desire - write with a capital letter.
              Quote: Vetal999
              There is a desire to understand, google.

              Well, we were taught literacy, but they immediately switched to informal "you". Instead of writing, you could "google it". request smile
      3. -2
        13 October 2024 15: 07
        Quote: Boniface
        Rather, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are sitting only in forest plantations and villages and do not crawl out from there. There is no continuous occupation, no patrols at night, no outposts. This is what allowed our fighters to gradually (apparently at night) advance from the encirclement!
        Well done guys! Heroes!

        The fascists had everything, but Maresyev crawled out and continued to beat the bastard!
        Now these heroes face a more terrible battle - with officials and rear rats...
        1. 0
          13 October 2024 17: 04
          Maresyev crawled across our territory, not the Germans’.
          On April 5, 1942[9] in the area of ​​the Demyansk pocket (Novgorod region) during an operation to cover bombers in a battle with the Germans, his Yak-1 aircraft was shot down[10]. Maresyev managed to drag the plane across the front line to his territory, and 4 km north of the village of Rabezha, while attempting to make an emergency landing in the forest, it fell from a height of 30 meters.
  2. -19
    13 October 2024 08: 25
    Well, as soon as it got cold, we went out, but before that it was fine anyway wink
    1. +11
      13 October 2024 10: 34
      Quote: Citatelle 2013
      Well, as soon as it got cold, we went out, but before that it was fine anyway

      Judging by your comment, that's exactly what you would do. It's normal to write nasty comments while sitting in a warm place next to the refrigerator. crying
  3. -3
    13 October 2024 08: 26
    There are mostly fields there, minimum forest plantations. Where did they hide for two months? What did they eat? A murky story...
    1. +10
      13 October 2024 08: 43
      Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
      A muddy story ...

      A normal story. They hid, waited for the wound to heal, so that the commander himself could walk. But counterintelligence will still check them, you never know. They will quickly find out where they were hiding, how they walked, whether there was anyone outside, the technology has been worked out.
      1. -3
        13 October 2024 10: 23
        But counterintelligence will still check them,
        Yes, the quality of today's counterintelligence is very high, the late SMERSH people would be envious. So everything is really very good.
      2. +5
        13 October 2024 13: 03
        Quote: Vitaly_pvo
        But counterintelligence will still check them, you never know.

        My father met the war in summer camps near Brest. He escaped from encirclement
        only near Smolensk. He led a group of fighters, some in Red Army uniform, some in German, some in civilian clothes. The weapons were also varied. Our men mistook him for a saboteur. They wanted to shoot him. In the end, they left him to fight under his command. He was wounded near Smolensk, but that's another story.
  4. +1
    13 October 2024 08: 28
    TWO months within ONE region, however.
    1. -3
      13 October 2024 08: 41
      Quote: knn54
      TWO months within ONE region, however.

      Not one region, BUT ONE DISTRICT, one region! And even then, not all of it...
    2. +10
      13 October 2024 08: 45
      Considering the density of the enemy per square kilometer, it’s surprising that they got out at all.
      1. -10
        13 October 2024 08: 59
        This is what ...
        In Prague, in the Prague Official Gazette, I also read about a wagon train story, even better than this one. It was about a volunteer doctor named Josef Vojan. He served in Galicia, in the Seventh Jaeger Regiment. When it came to bayonet combat, a bullet hit him in the head. So they carried him to the dressing station, and he started yelling that he wouldn’t let them bandage him because of some scratch, and he went on the attack again with his platoon. At that moment, his foot was torn off. They wanted to carry him again, but he, leaning on a stick, hobbled to the battle line and began to fight off the enemy with a stick. And then a new grenade flew in and tore off his hand, exactly the one in which he was holding the stick! Then he threw the stick into his other hand and yelled that they wouldn’t get away with it! God knows how it would have all ended if the shrapnel hadn't knocked him out cold. He might have gotten a silver medal for valor, too, if the shrapnel hadn't hit him. When his head was blown off, it rolled for a while and screamed, "Hurry up, soldier, fulfill your duty quickly, even if death hovers over you!" (C)
        1. +3
          13 October 2024 09: 37
          Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
          When it came to bayonet fighting, a bullet hit him in the head.

          Yeah, and when there was a shootout, a bayonet flew into the head, piercing the Budenovka and the inquisitive brain.
          Incidentally, AllX_VahhaB If you want to get rid of cockroaches, teach them to read the Prague Official Gazette. Then, when they get hooked on the news, suddenly take the paper away. And then they'll all rush to your neighbors for the news.
          1. +2
            13 October 2024 10: 11
            Quote: Clear
            By the way, AllX_VahhaB if you want to get rid of cockroaches, teach them to read the Prague Official Gazette.

            Clearly, this "comedian" is just making fun of himself, citing a quote from the book "The Good Soldier Schweik". I wish I could see this "comedian" if he were in the guys' place, he would speak differently. But as it is, judging by everything, he is probably fantasizing, looking from the side, how he would have shown his heroism, knocking out a couple of tanks along the way and bringing back a dozen prisoners. Internet "heroes" are like that. lol
            1. +1
              13 October 2024 10: 18
              Quote: Montezuma
              Clearly, this "humorist" is just making fun of me by quoting from the book "The Good Soldier Schweik".

              Quiet, Sasha, don't touch the "humorist" or he'll crush you, us and... the Caucasus with quotes from Capital. Ah, I can't stand it anymore. crying AllX_VahhaB won't let you lie.
              1. -1
                13 October 2024 11: 54
                Quote: Clear
                AllX_VahhaB won't let you lie.

                What, you can't stand it? No... Nature, if it lacks in one place, compensates in another. So your health is great! good
                1. -1
                  13 October 2024 15: 06
                  Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
                  Nature, if it doesn’t give enough somewhere, it compensates in another.

                  You have compensation beyond the brim, you could say with a blanket.

                  Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
                  So your health is excellent!

                  You too, take care of yourself, remember you have only one you, you don’t have another you.
            2. 0
              13 October 2024 12: 12
              Quote: Montezuma
              I would like to see this "comedian" if he were in the guys' place, he would speak differently.

              And to see me, you had to go there in February/March 2015 wink
              WUS 674147
              1. 0
                13 October 2024 12: 37
                Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
                And to see me, you had to go there in February/March 2015
                WUS 674147

                Then your hints and references to the work of J. Hasek are even more incomprehensible. There are competent bodies for the final analysis of this situation and its appropriate assessment. You are probably familiar with the concept of the presumption of innocence, so there is no point in suspecting these guys of anything and making fun of them. This is purely my personal opinion.
                1. +1
                  13 October 2024 12: 44
                  Quote: Montezuma
                  Then your hints and references to the work of J. Hasek are even more incomprehensible.

                  But if you had visited it and seen it with your own eyes, then the references to Hasek would have become clear...
                  Quote: Montezuma
                  You probably know the concept of the presumption of innocence, so there is no point in suspecting these guys of anything right now.

                  I don't suspect them of anything, they're alive - and that's fine. By the way, I don't think they were recruited somewhere to be sent or something like that... No one would have recruited them there, they would have simply been killed, or at best taken for the exchange fund...
                  Quote: Montezuma
                  and make fun of it.

                  Well, don't take it amiss here - humor and sarcasm are sacred! In war, in multiples!
              2. -2
                13 October 2024 15: 09
                Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
                Quote: Montezuma
                I would like to see this "comedian" if he were in the guys' place, he would speak differently.

                And to see me, you had to go there in February/March 2015 wink
                WUS 674147

                I have never met anyone with such sparkling thoughts before or after. Have they changed their shoes on the civilian side (not the one they were thinking about)?
                1. 0
                  13 October 2024 16: 53
                  No... Ten years ago I was a romantically inclined pale youth with a burning gaze. I imagined everything as if it were the International Brigades in 1936 helping the Spaniards fight the fascist dictatorship! Apparently propaganda worked on me that way! wassat I even decided to spend my long northern vacation on this matter, fortunately I had experience and the appropriate military occupational specialty... And upon arrival, everything immediately fell into place - what kind of war is this, by whom, how and in whose interests is it being waged. And who and how is making money on it... Straight from the classics of Marx/Lenin...
                  And where were you in February 15?
                  1. +3
                    13 October 2024 20: 40
                    Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
                    And where were you in February 15?

                    Ask Alexey Alexandrovich (call sign in 2015 - Diky). My call sign is almost the same... winked
              3. +3
                13 October 2024 18: 55
                And to see me, you had to go there in February/March 2015 wink
                WUS 674147
                Father, a part-time geologist?! By the way, a cool pencil case with pencils feel good drinks
          2. 0
            13 October 2024 11: 50
            Have I already told you that you need to change your nickname to Dark? Well, you can't just flaunt your ignorance and lack of knowledge of the classics... wassat
            1. +1
              13 October 2024 15: 10
              Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
              Have I already told you that you need to change your nickname to Dark? Well, you can't just flaunt your ignorance and lack of knowledge of the classics... wassat

              I understand that my memory is bad, but learning Capital doesn’t go without a trace.
              I have no doubt that in terms of changing nicknames, and perhaps principles and conscience, you have no equal.
  5. +9
    13 October 2024 08: 40
    It's easy to criticize without putting yourself in the shoes of those who find themselves surrounded. You can hide in a barn on the outskirts of a village for weeks if there are plenty of enemy fighters around and you have no connection or idea where to go.
    1. -10
      13 October 2024 08: 47
      Quote from monetam
      You can hide for weeks in a barn on the outskirts of a village

      And where to get water in this barn? What to eat?
      1. Msi
        13 October 2024 09: 06
        And where to get water in this barn? What to eat?

        In the cellar, there are compotes and pickles. These are villages...
        1. -1
          13 October 2024 10: 27
          Quote from Msi
          And where to get water in this barn? What to eat?

          In the cellar, there are compotes and pickles. These are villages..

          The comrade, apparently, had never been to villages, and the cellar was terra incognita for him. smile
          1. -3
            13 October 2024 12: 18
            Quote: Montezuma
            The comrade, apparently, had never been to villages, and the cellar was terra incognita for him.

            Does every barn in your village have a cellar?
            1. 0
              13 October 2024 16: 34
              A village without a barn and a cellar? In Russia? Unless it's a Chukchi village? laughing
              1. -2
                13 October 2024 17: 14
                And, they are camouflaged from the Fritzes. And, only our resourceful warriors can find them. And, the Banderites do not climb there because they do not know, they are stupid and they are not ordered to rob. fool
      2. +1
        13 October 2024 09: 46
        Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
        Quote from monetam
        You can hide for weeks in a barn on the outskirts of a village

        And where to get water in this barn? What to eat?

        I believe that these questions are objective and need answers.
        The fighters will have to answer counterintelligence questions for more than one day. The VSU are also recruitment professionals.
  6. +5
    13 October 2024 09: 00
    My respects to these two fighters, they didn’t throw down their weapons, they didn’t go and surrender... it means that these guys have honor and courage and a sense of oath to their country. hi
  7. +6
    13 October 2024 09: 06
    Well done guys. Warriors. Men. Health. Good luck.
  8. +5
    13 October 2024 09: 27
    I read the comments - how many supermen there are who would have immediately broken out of the encirclement, and would have killed a bunch of enemies. I just don't understand - why aren't they there yet?
    1. +2
      13 October 2024 09: 50
      Quote: Dart2027
      I read the comments - how many supermen there are who would have immediately broken out of the encirclement, and would have killed a bunch of enemies. I just don't understand - why aren't they there yet?

      It is not clear how you read, almost all the comments are only in defense of the fighters, and only in some are there objective clarifying questions that arose regarding the period of "leaving the encirclement."
      1. +1
        13 October 2024 10: 08
        Quote: Clear
        and only in some

        It is about these few that I am writing.
        Quote: Clear
        some objective clarifying questions
        Are you sure you need to ask questions?
        The simplest option is that the fighters were hiding with one of the locals who found themselves under occupation, when the wounded recovered and the front line approached, they risked a breakthrough. What do you think will happen to those who hid them if this is announced publicly?
        1. 0
          13 October 2024 10: 13
          Quote: Dart2027
          Quote: Clear
          and only in some

          It is about these few that I am writing.
          Quote: Clear
          some objective clarifying questions
          Are you sure you need to ask questions?
          The simplest option is that the fighters were hiding with one of the locals who found themselves under occupation, when the wounded recovered and the front line approached, they risked a breakthrough. What do you think will happen to those who hid them if this is announced publicly?

          Let's fix it, this time was 9:50. Now questions of doubt have started appearing in the comments.

          Quote: Dart2027
          Are you sure you need to ask questions?

          Why not ask questions on an information resource!? Especially since this was stated by the respected (without sarcasm) Alaudinov, who recently said about the situation in the Kursk region (verbatim)
          Alautdinov: - "Some of the leaders of the Ministry of Defense lied, lied, so much that in the end they deceived themselves." And also (in the third year of the SVO): "We always have a major problem - the lack of communication between units. It turned out that when we arrived, we had no communication with anyone at all." And further: "From some of our areas, where some commanders were lying, the enemy calmly withdrew units, they were transferred here and were engaged in training. While it turns out that we were lying to ourselves, not we, but some so-called commanders. And their training, we must give them credit, was very serious. We have a lot of work to do in the coming weeks." And for understanding: "... There are quite a lot of enemies. In any case, there are thousands...
          1. 0
            13 October 2024 10: 59
            Quote: Clear
            Why not ask questions on the information resource!?

            Because some questions should be asked by those who are supposed to.
            Quote: Clear
            The fighters will have to answer counterintelligence questions for more than one day.

            It will be strange if this does not happen.
            But no one will describe in detail how they survived all this time. It is unlikely that they could have hidden without the help of the locals.
            1. 0
              13 October 2024 11: 19
              Quote: Dart2027
              It is unlikely that they would have been able to hide without the help of the locals.

              Well, you were the first to put forward this secret version.
              Then all the claims against Alautinov, who should not have leaked this information to the media before the investigation was completed.
  9. -1
    13 October 2024 09: 38
    According to him, on August 7, 2024, during fighting at a stronghold in the Zaoleshenka area, platoon commander of the 37th motorized rifle brigade Kurban Abdurakhmanov was wounded in the leg, and 19th soldier Aleksey Sibiryakov remained to provide assistance to him.

    What do you mean "stayed"? And where did the rest go? Did they leave or did they drive away, leaving the platoon commander behind, it turns out?
    And two months is a decent amount of time. Maresyev crawled 40-50 km in winter for 18 days.
    Someone voiced the story without caring that people might have questions. :((
    1. -2
      13 October 2024 09: 54
      Quote from solar
      Someone voiced the story without caring that people might have questions. :((

      Personally, it was because of this “someone” that I had doubts and questions, not to mention the attention of counterintelligence to the ill-considered coverage of the fact of the exit.
      Then there will be clarifications that ... they did not receive the order to retreat and the soldiers remained in their positions... and only then, risking their lives, they left...
  10. -1
    13 October 2024 10: 02
    there is nothing more to say... for the first time we have been waging a war on our own territory for three years and without any noticeable success... the territory of Ukraine affected by the war is only around Kharkov... and ours is Kursk, Crimean, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, and a number of other territories deep in the country... for several days now our jet planes have not been flying over Kuban at night, it is the Ukrainian Armed Forces that have reached the airfields near Maikop with their UAVs... the Chief of the General Staff is still in place. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are also in place near Kursk
    1. +3
      13 October 2024 11: 13
      Quote: Alexander Igorevich Rifeev
      there is nothing more to say... for the first time we have been waging a war on our own territory for three years and without any noticeable success... the territory of Ukraine affected by the war is only around Kharkov... and ours is Kursk, Crimean, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, and a number of other territories deep in the country... for several days now our jet planes have not been flying over Kuban at night, it is the Ukrainian Armed Forces that have reached the airfields near Maikop with their UAVs... the Chief of the General Staff is still in place. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are also in place near Kursk

      You are right, Victory can only be achieved by sharply increasing the combat capability of the army and its competent operational management.
      But this can only be done by allowing the Russian army to take control of military operations, while it is essential to defeat the fifth column of saboteurs inside Russia.
      1. +1
        13 October 2024 11: 37
        I completely agree with you...
    2. 0
      13 October 2024 16: 37
      It seems that it was not Gerasim who drowned Mu-mu at the time, but rather Mu-mu who drowned Gerasim...
  11. -2
    13 October 2024 14: 37
    They spent two months behind enemy lines. Last night they came across the "Khokhla" detachment of the "Akhmat" special forces. (...) They lived behind enemy lines for two months, moved around all the time, were forced to hide, got out of encirclement, and even took their service weapons with them. - Alaudinov said.
    This is what it means to know how to use a compass and a map. Get well soon!!! good drinks
  12. -2
    13 October 2024 14: 59
    Now Alautdinov is simply obliged to do everything so that the conscript and his platoon commander are not tied up. The soldier, in fact, is entitled to a hefty reward for saving the commander, and a veteran's machine gun.
    For his parents, he was missing for two months...
    But from now on he can move around the Caucasus as if he were at home.
  13. 0
    13 October 2024 16: 10
    They managed to leave their positions and move around the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for almost two months until they were able to reach their own.

    That is, they didn't just wait for the wound to heal before going out, but wandered back and forth through the rear. You can find food and water in abandoned houses, but not a telephone. Well, yes, well, yes. good
    1. 0
      13 October 2024 16: 38
      Nobody knows what the situation was like there, so gossip and speculation are not the best they deserve.