Ukraine's Ballistic Missile: How Russia Will Respond

Ukraine's Ballistic Missile: How Russia Will Respond
Running model of the Ukrainian "Sapsan"

Made in Ukraine?

The idea of ​​strikes deep into Russian territory is a landmark one for the Kyiv regime. As soon as Zelensky began to understand and, most importantly, accept the ban on NATO operations rockets, he immediately began to play a new card. The trump card, in his opinion, is the development of an "independent" operational-tactical missile on Ukrainian territory. If Washington and Brussels do not allow us to strike with their products, we will solve the problem ourselves.

The first cries about a ballistic missile date back to August 2024, and now Zelensky has confirmed the success of the flight tests of the product. However, he did not provide any specific facts. At least he attached a photo of the product, or something. It seems that the leader of the Kyiv regime intends to give the public, hungry for "victories", dosed information. Another month, and he will demonstrate a photo with a prototype of the missile at a press conference, and by the New Year, a video report will be aired. But let's put irony aside and try to figure out how realistic it is in modern Ukraine to build and bring a real ballistic missile to combat readiness.

"Yuzhmash" in Dnepropetrovsk

The collapse of the Soviet Union was a disaster for Ukraine, although it left Kyiv with a solid industrial and energy base as a legacy. Moreover, this legacy is not only unique, but also adapted for a nuclear war - the safety margin of individual objects is simply unique. This is one of the reasons why Russia still cannot disable the enemy's infrastructure.

In the missile program, the main player in Ukraine was Dnepropetrovsk with its Southern Machine-Building Plant and the Yuzhmash Design Bureau named after M.K. Yangel. In Soviet times, it was a strategic facility producing ballistic missiles for the army. Surprisingly, the "effective managers" of the new Ukraine did not immediately kill the enterprise, but let it suffer a little. After decades of ordeals, the enterprise accumulated significant debts to the state and was preparing for reorganization. More precisely, for deindustrialization. But the design and engineering potential of Yuzhmash was not completely lost. This was confirmed by Vladimir Putin:

Yuzhmash alone is worth something: it created intercontinental-range ballistic missile technology for the Soviet Union. They will increase [capacity] and do it.

But for this we need effective help from the Western masters of Ukraine and money. Lots of money. The creation of a medium-range ballistic missile costs at least one billion dollars. It can be cheaper, but more on that later.

The operational-tactical complex "Sapsan" can be considered a conditional prototype of the "Zelensky missile". The project was truly all-Ukrainian - almost 2013 million hryvnias were spent on it until 200. Up to 12 thousand people from all over the country were involved in the design of the product. In 2013, "Sapsan" was frozen, and after the Maidan, Kiev did not have the funds to restore the work. But the money was found among the Saudis, who decided to take advantage of Ukraine's Soviet legacy and get their own ballistic missile on the cheap. This is how the "Thunder-2" project appeared, on which Saudi Arabia spent several tens of millions of dollars. The finished sample was never presented to the customer, and later the SVO began.

It is worth making a digression here and emphasizing one idea. Since 2014, the Kyiv authorities have been pushing hard to develop their own OTRK. For example, Ukraine had a five-axle chassis specially designed for the Sapsan and Grom. Yes, there was a shortage of money for some things, and some were simply stolen, but sooner or later the Ukrainian Armed Forces would have received their own ballistic missile. Not the outdated, although widespread in Ukraine, Tochka-U, but a completely modern product with a range of up to 500 km or even more. Right next door to Russia. Western military technologies gradually penetrated deeper into the military sphere of Ukraine - the "sovereign" missile of the Kyiv regime would have ended up being a thoroughly redesigned ATACMS. And there was no need to deploy Tomahawks along the Russian border. A rhetorical question - could such a threat from a fiercely anti-Russian neighbor have become a reason for starting a special operation?

Russia's risks and countermeasures

In addition to traditional terrorist threats from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, ballistic missiles made in Ukraine can destabilize the fragile balance of nuclear powers. The fact is that 500-kilometer ballistic missiles not only reach the Moscow region, the Volga and Krasnodar, but also the facilities of the early warning system for a missile attack on Russia. These are the same over-the-horizon radars on whose operation the prompt response to nuclear missile launches from the United States depends. The enemy has already struck missile attack warning system nodes in Armavir, Orsk and Mordovia. While they were striking drones and did not cause any significant damage. But the fact remains that Zelensky has no restrictions on striking weapons, which he considers "independent." And if in the process it becomes necessary to provoke World War III, then so be it.

Let us recall that for Russia, blinding any component of the missile attack warning system is an act of attack and a direct threat to sovereignty. However, no one will demolish Kyiv with tactical nuclear weapons – the strikes will fall on the United States. This is precisely why Russia’s nuclear doctrine was updated, according to which an attack by the United States through its proxy Ukraine would mean a nuclear war. Therefore, it does not matter how the Kiev regime obtains its ballistic missile – whether it actually does so with its own efforts and brains, or simply by changing the numbers from an ATACMS that has been removed from storage. The involvement of the Americans and other NATO members in the Ukrainian military-industrial complex does not allow us to talk about any kind of design independence of the enemy.


Western missile technology, reinterpreted in the Ukrainian style, should not go unanswered by Russia. The logic is simple: you supply our enemy with critical knowledge and equipment, and we will do the same. Moreover, the United States has plenty of enemies. For example, the Yakhont anti-ship missile will greatly help the Houthis in their holy struggle against the American military in the Middle East. It would also be useful to Lebanon to neutralize the US Navy group covering Israel in the Mediterranean. It is safe to say that Washington's enemies can use a supersonic missile very effectively. The American electorate will definitely shudder. The US presidential administration definitely does not need this now, and until early November 2024, all of Zelensky's advances regarding missile strikes deep into Russia are ignored. But what will happen next?

As mentioned above, Zelensky's regime will not need hundreds of millions of dollars to create its own missile. It is enough to shake up the ATACMS components and pass off the finished product as its own. The situation is similar with production capacities. If we assume that Ukraine miraculously builds its own ballistic missile, where will it produce it? At the constantly shelled Yuzhmash? NATO countries will take on the lion's share of the burden, distributing the production of components among enterprises in Europe and the United States. The final assembly of finished missile blocks can be launched in Ukraine to divert attention. But this does not take NATO beyond the conflict in any way. Consequently, all foreign facilities engaged in work on the Ukrainian missile become legitimate targets for Russia. Only not for missiles, but for old and effective sabotage work. Overly zealous Russophobes in the West risk bringing a lot of smoke and fire to their homes. This needs to be explained as clearly as possible before the irreparable happens.
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  1. +13
    13 October 2024 05: 45
    Overzealous Russophobes in the West risk bringing a lot of smoke and fire into their homes.

    Well, they're not really taking any risks yet.
    1. +14
      13 October 2024 09: 11
      The collapse of the Soviet Union was a disaster for Ukraine
      How can you write such nonsense!!! The starting point compared to Russia - Ukraine was highly industrialized, with a uniform standard of living in the first approximation. Villages there did not die out, the population density was much higher than in Russia, many times more fertile, warmer...
      1. +6
        13 October 2024 09: 37
        Why is it nonsense? Despite the fact that Ukraine always screamed that it feeds the whole country, it was a subsidized republic, i.e. they invested more in it than they got from it. In the USSR, Azerbaijan (because of oil), Kazakhstan and Belarus (in certain periods), and of course, the RSFSR were profitable. So for Ukraine, it’s not that the collapse of the USSR was a big tragedy, but regular investments in it stopped.
        1. +12
          13 October 2024 10: 07
          Quote: Leontrotsky
          but regular injections into it stopped.

          The main tragedy of Ukraine was that the powerful potential of its industry was not provided with cheap energy resources in the form of its own oil and gas. And instead of establishing, and most importantly not losing the logistics chains built over centuries, with the same Russia, they began to tear them apart, engage in theft and speculation of Russian energy resources, and pursue an anti-Russian policy...
          1. +5
            13 October 2024 16: 53
            It was precisely the industrial potential of Ukraine that was provided with cheap oil and gas when it was part of the USSR. But for some reason, they decided in/in Ukraine that even after leaving the USSR, gas and oil would remain cheap for it. And it experienced the transition to market prices very painfully.
          2. +11
            13 October 2024 17: 12
            After the collapse of the Union, they kind of told Russia: "Your opinion is not interesting, we will soon become the Eastern European France, and you will remain Mordor." And with their own hands they threw away the potential that would have given them a comfortable life. Russia continued to give them gas at $50 per 1000 cubic meters, did not go into conflict for Sevastopol, tried to maintain cooperation in the engine/aircraft industry, etc. And these ones stuck their mugs up, a supernation of superheroes, don't go near them. Well, now here is the logical result. Half of the population remains from the Ukrainian SSR and will continue to fall, cooperation with neighbors is destroyed, the country is under external control. They've jumped too far.
        2. -2
          13 October 2024 10: 09
          Quote: Leontrotsky
          Ukraine... was a subsidized republic, i.e. they invested more in it than they received from it. In the USSR, Azerbaijan (because of oil), Kazakhstan and Belarus (in certain periods) were profitable, and of course, the RSFSR.

          This is a false statement. Or it is the result of false propaganda.
          During the USSR ( I speak only for the period 1970 - 1990. ) . Profitable were -
          Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, RSFSR and Ukraine. Other republics... either insignificantly (like Kazakhstan), or very noticeably (like Tajikistan), but were “fed”.
          But it was quite fair... and not at all offensive.
          1. +3
            13 October 2024 16: 13
            Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia
            And why these guys? What did they create to be profitable? Sprats, an RAF car and a VEF radio? That's not enough.
            1. +2
              13 October 2024 16: 55
              Quote: Aviator_
              And why these ones all of a sudden? What did they create to be profitable?

              They were never profitable, up to a third, and in Estonia almost half of the republics' budget was subsidized. But their industry worked, and agriculture was excellent, and the ports worked. They produced per capita approximately as in the RSFSR and Ukraine, but consumed significantly more and at the first level. They were never slackers (like the Armenians, for example), but they certainly lived beyond their means.
              But the Armenians... the level of consumption there was even higher than in Estonia, but they produced themselves... And no more than 50% of their budget was subsidized.
              1. +2
                16 October 2024 07: 46
                Quote: bayard
                But the Armenians... the level of consumption there was even higher than in Estonia, but they produced themselves... And no more than 50% of their budget was subsidized.

                Add Georgia here, this republic received the largest subsidies per capita in the USSR with minimal output. One fact - Georgia had the largest number of film studios in the USSR - 316, which shot 86 films approved for distribution. Every Georgian was a director of a film studio or other sharashka with minimal reporting on the expenditure of funds. And they consumed, it seems to me, more than the Balts. The Balts worked normally and did not steal.
                And half of Georgia's population moved to Moscow. Now the number of Moscow's Georgian diaspora exceeds the population of Georgia.
            2. 0
              13 October 2024 17: 04
              Quote: Aviator_
              "Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia"
              And why these ones all of a sudden? What did they create to be profitable?

              Labor productivity in the Baltic republics was one and a half times higher than the all-Union average. Allow me not to go into details. It's very, very long. I... not trusting the "experts" from the media, personally analyzed this issue... and very meticulously... and for a long time. About 15 years ago. How much each republic actually produced per capita, and how much it actually consumed. The Balts consumed only 96-97 rubles from every hundred earned. For comparison - the RSFSR consumed 99 rubles from every hundred earned. This is, of course... my own research. Cross-sectional... without any politics. But at least I know for sure.
              1. 0
                13 October 2024 17: 20
                Here is the data of the ever-memorable Yegor Timurovich in the book "The Death of the Empire".
                In it he cites data from the USSR Academy of Sciences. So, forgive me, but with all due respect to you, I will believe the data of Soviet scientists more.
                1. 0
                  14 October 2024 02: 52
                  Trust Gaidar? One of the main creators of the 90s? Eternal reshuffling and interpretation of figures by the author to suit himself, and it is hard to look at all the data by regions.
                  1. -2
                    14 October 2024 10: 10
                    So he cites figures from the USSR Academy of Sciences. Are you suggesting that we not trust scientists either? ))) Data by region? ))) You are suggesting that we turn to the statistics of the independent country, the same one that has already said more than once whose Ukraine fed the entire Union?))) And what is the point of spreading out across regions in such a centralized country as the USSR was.
                    1. +2
                      14 October 2024 11: 07
                      He cites data from his accomplice from the USSR Academy of Sciences. For regions of the RSFSR, where oil and gas regions account for the lion's share of its income.
                      1. -1
                        14 October 2024 23: 08
                        And the data from the Central Statistical Administration, which correlates well with the data from the USSR Academy of Sciences and which the communists cite, are also not impressive?)))
                        Why should we take data from those regions in particular? And most importantly, from where?
              2. +4
                13 October 2024 17: 59
                Quote: ammunition
                The Balts consumed only 96-97 rubles from each hundred earned. For comparison - the RSFSR consumed 99 rubles from each hundred earned. This is of course... my own research. Cross-sectional... without any politics. But at least I know for sure.

                Well, my own research... I come from the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia). ALL the "giants" - RAF, VEF, the Popov Plant, Alfa - are essentially assembly plants. All components came from Russia - the Yaroslavl Plant, the Voronezh Radio Plant. If, of course, profit is calculated from the final surplus value - then yes, they are heroes of labor, but when the supplies ran out, the truth came out. And this is the essence of the industry of the Baltic region. P.S. And they removed the rails and sold them to China. Because they were no longer needed.
              3. 0
                16 October 2024 07: 35
                Your research does not take into account the balance of prices in central planning. Prices for military products manufactured in the RSFSR were shamelessly underestimated. Accordingly, this balance of prices pulled out Georgia, Armenia, the Baltics, Uzbekistan, Stavropol, Krasnodar Krai and Ukraine. Consuming tanks is problematic, it was unprofitable to please Gorbachev's Agricultural Mafia. Prices for products from the Baltic and Caucasian republics were significantly overstated, especially in electronics.
                One fact: the VEF plant is the only civilian plant that consumed high-quality electronics for the defense industry. All other TV and electronics plants were essentially fed with defective electronic components. This is how individual republics were artificially fed.
                You can't even imagine how many factories were operating in the million-plus cities of the RSFSR, and how people worked there, in what conditions. Money didn't flow there like a river for automation, reconstruction of rest homes and sanatoriums, like in Moscow, Leningrad, Ukraine and the Baltics. Many factories remained at the level of the 40s in terms of equipment. No theaters, restaurants or stadiums in the cities. Only hard work and miserable summer cottages after work. And how can we talk about efficiency here, what can we compare here? There was no one to lobby their interests since 1956, the Dnepropetrovsk mafia and national personnel from the republics from the Khrushchev period were at the helm. The representation of the RSFSR in the government of the country was at a level not exceeding 25%.
          2. +2
            13 October 2024 17: 09
            Where did you get the data from? I am referring to Gaidar's book, "The Death of an Empire"
            1. +3
              13 October 2024 17: 19
              Quote: Leontrotsky
              Where did you get the data from? I am referring to Gaidar's book, "The Death of an Empire"

              I analyzed exclusively according to Soviet statistical reference books. And precisely for the reason that categorically I don't trust "reformers"... like Gaidar or Chubais -))))
              1. +3
                13 October 2024 17: 24
                Gaidar does not cite his own data, but statistical data from the USSR Academy of Sciences.
                1. +2
                  13 October 2024 17: 53
                  Quote: Leontrotsky
                  Gaidar ..... data from the USSR Academy of Sciences.

                  -))) Together with Academician Abalkin (whom I categorically do not trust), Gaidar was in a single... hm... gang... for the collapse of the USSR.
                  I analyzed it myself using reference books from the USSR State Statistics Committee.
                  1. +3
                    13 October 2024 18: 05
                    Well, that is, you suggest that we take your word for it and not trust the statistics provided by the USSR Academy of Sciences?)))) With such an approach, it is very convenient to "not trust" inconvenient statistical data. Do you, let me be frank, have an economic education? An economics degree, to have the courage to ignore academic data?)))
                    1. 0
                      13 October 2024 19: 02
                      Quote: Leontrotsky
                      Do you, let me be honest, have an economic education?

                      No. I don't have one. I completed a course in the Faculty of Mathematics at Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk).
                      Actually... I have already spoken out on this topic. Here on VO. And in more detail. Now everyone believes in what... they like.-)) As for academician Abalkin, I first learned about him from his extensive article in "Science and Life" for 1987. 37 years ago! ) Where he "proved" that in the technical field the USSR fell behind the West "forever". The funniest thing is that those models of technology that Abalkin cited as examples of backwardness are still working... that's what we rely on -)))))))
                      1. +1
                        13 October 2024 20: 13
                        And as for the representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who take the data of the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR and come to the same conclusions as the USSR Academy of Sciences, I understand that you also don’t believe it?)) In that case, on the basis of what statistical data did you come to your bold conclusions?))) And how did you manage to calculate that the Baltics actually consumed 96 rubles per hundred and not a ruble more?)))
              2. +1
                14 October 2024 06: 57
                So these data are not Gaidar's, but those of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he refers to them in his book. And if you took data from Soviet statistical reference books, then they could only be data from the USSR Statistical Administration Center, and therefore, you should have come to the same conclusions as the communists. And since there is no trace of this, the methodology of your calculations raises big questions.
          3. +3
            13 October 2024 17: 16
            The Baltics were non-subsidized in the USSR only in terms of current transactions. But in terms of all cash flows, they were not. The Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Novotallinsk Port, airports, factories, etc. - all of this was built at the expense of the Union budget.
            1. +3
              13 October 2024 17: 25
              The Baltics were the showcase of the USSR. And in terms of subsidies they were in second place after Georgia.
        3. +3
          13 October 2024 12: 14
          Leon, only the RSFSR and Belarus were profitable
        4. +3
          13 October 2024 12: 39
          Indeed - "why nonsense?" All more or less significant industry of Ukraine was in the most rigid way tied to cooperation with Russia. Sales were also mostly tied to Russia. And as soon as these ties (cooperative and sales) were broken, the fate of the industry of Ukraine was practically predetermined. The West keeps the industry of Ukraine "afloat" only to the extent that it is necessary for the confrontation with Russia. As soon as this necessity disappears, all this support will cease. The West does not need a competitor.
        5. +2
          13 October 2024 13: 33
          The situation in the three economic regions of the Ukrainian SSR must be considered separately. The Donetsk-Pridneprovsky region gave no less than was invested in it. The South-West received more than it gave.
          1. +5
            13 October 2024 18: 04
            Quote: Sergej1972
            It is necessary to consider the situation in the three economic regions of the Ukrainian SSR separately.

            The entire industry of the USSR was built as a single organism. And therefore, in any separated region, the entire industry died like a cut off finger.
        6. +4
          13 October 2024 14: 58
          Quote: Leontrotsky
          Ukraine always shouted that it feeds the whole country, it was a subsidized republic,

          Ukraine was a powerful republic within the USSR. But the independent grabbers, not caring about ordinary citizens, stole everything that was privatized or vulgarly sold it for cheap...
          At the time of its divorce from the USSR, Ukraine was one of the most powerful powers in Europe. She owned the third (!) Industrial power of the Soviet Union. And its then GDP was 29,6% of the level of Russia.
          Ukraine had rocket production, aviation, automobile and machine tool industries, developed metallurgy, oil refining and petrochemistry. And the presence of the largest shipbuilding center in the USSR in Nikolaev allowed many to be looked down upon. The level of consumption was 12,5% ​​higher than the Russian one. That is, the khokhly lived better than the average Russian.
          Ukraine today is one of the poorest countries in the world. Even Venezuela, which is on the verge of hunger riots, has a GDP 1,5 times larger than Ukraine's!
          But let's compare it with Russia. 25 years ago, Ukraine was no less economically developed than the RSFSR - about a third of the Russian population and the same third in terms of GDP.

          1. +3
            13 October 2024 16: 50
            So I don't deny that Ukraine was the most powerful and economically developed republic in the USSR. But how does that change the fact that it was subsidized? It gave a lot. But they invested even more in it.
          2. 0
            13 October 2024 17: 13
            Yegor Timurovich Gaidar, in his book The Death of an Empire, cites the following data. For 1988
          3. 0
            13 October 2024 17: 18
            Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
            At the time of its divorce from the USSR, Ukraine was one of the most powerful countries in Europe.

            The size of its economy was approximately equal to or slightly larger than that of France, and was roughly the same in relation to the economy of the united Germany. But already in 1992, rocket production, aircraft construction, shipbuilding (not only military), the electronics industry, and other industries began to rapidly shrink. All production giants were integrated into the unified economy of the USSR.
            As for the second-hand missiles, they were developed there (Thunder-2), tested and transferred to the customer (KSA), all the equipment, tooling and specialists remained there and if they were not destroyed by our missile strikes, they can now be simply moved underground (there are entire cities under industrial zones), and the West will help with components, equipment and money.
            For the author of the article, "Groi-2" is a Ukrainian rehash of the Russian "Iskander", the engines for which were going to be made in Pavlograd, where the engine itself with a composite casing was also developed (it was there that the USSR knew how to wind engines so well, specialists from Votkinsk trained there. But at the request of the USA, cooperation with the Russian Federation was terminated, "Iskander" received a metal engine casing, and all the documentation for "Iskander" remained in the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. It was on this basis that the project of our own OTRK "Sapsan" first appeared, and then "Grom-2".
            So they can do everything themselves, if there is funding and support for cooperation with components.
            They also laughed so much at their "Alder", but she drank blood...
          4. +2
            13 October 2024 21: 57
            Haven't you noticed the discrepancy in your text? A third of the industrial might of the USSR and at the same time 29,6 of Russia's GDP? In reality, Ukraine's share in the Soviet economy was about 16 percent. Which, by the way, is slightly less than the share of the population of the Ukrainian SSR in the population of the USSR. Again, the share of the Donetsk-Dnieper and Southern regions in the economy of the USSR was higher than their share in the population of the Union. But the Southwestern economic region, which, in fact, includes the "real", "true" historical Ukrainian-Little Russian regions, received more from the entire Union than it gave, although it had a developed agriculture.
        7. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        13 October 2024 10: 03
        Quote: Mikhail Drabkin
        How can you write such nonsense!!!

        And if you just add one word: "AT THE BEGINNING", so that the phrase sounds like:
        "The collapse of the Soviet Union was the BEGINNING of a catastrophe for Ukraine"
        How do you like that?
        Quote: Mikhail Drabkin
        The starting point compared to Russia - Ukraine was ...

        And here "WAS" is the key word. It remains only to understand how Ukraine was able to use that potential. And how much better the people of Ukraine began to live than in Switzerland, and this is exactly what they were promised when they gained independence.
        1. -5
          13 October 2024 12: 43
          Well, Putin also threatened that we would catch up with Portugal. We did, they built a bridge 500 meters longer.
          1. +1
            14 October 2024 10: 01
            Well, judging by the data published by the IMF regarding GDP by PPP, yes, they have overtaken. And not only Portugal))
            1. -2
              14 October 2024 10: 12
              And because prices fell, things became better for ordinary people.
              1. -1
                14 October 2024 10: 22
                Well, where did they fall? And considering the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation and its economy holding up quite well, given that the standard of living of ordinary citizens has not changed noticeably, and considering that the SVO is underway - the situation looks pretty good. For now, at least.
                1. -1
                  14 October 2024 12: 04
                  For ordinary citizens, nothing has changed. Loans are available, food prices are falling, cars are generally cheap.
                  1. 0
                    14 October 2024 23: 15
                    Should I remind you how many sanctions were imposed on the Russian Federation?))) Food, cars and credit rates are going up in both the States and the UK. The Fed raised the rate to 5% and this is despite the fact that the dollar is the world's reserve currency. And with all due respect to cars and loans - these are not essential items. And with food in the Russian Federation, everything is simpler than anywhere else. Almost everyone has either their own plot, or their mother-in-law's, or their parents', where they can grow everything their own and environmentally friendly. Have you picked up a shovel lately?)))
                    1. -2
                      14 October 2024 23: 25
                      shit... on sanctions, somehow it didn't stop the rich from getting richer. They never get tired of spinning the record about how bad things are in Europe, but we're doing well.
                      1. +1
                        15 October 2024 10: 08
                        How can you not care about sanctions? If such sanctions were imposed, especially in the context of market globalization, even on a hegemon, it would breathe heavily. And Russia, thanks in part to the competent policy of its leadership in this area, has achieved that the standard of living of its population has remained virtually unchanged, even under sanctions. I recall Europe - for this reason. It was cut off only from the Russian market, no sanctions were imposed against it - but the problems are obvious. And this is despite the fact that for the past 50 years we have been given the example of the European economy and criticized the Soviet and Russian ones. The rich are getting richer? Well, my friend, we have had capitalism for over 30 years. And for this socio-economic formation, one of the signature features is the presence of the rich and the poor. What do you want? Free education and medicine? Lack of wealth inequality? And did you come out in defense of the USSR in the 90s? Or were you all for the "market that will regulate everything"?
                      2. -2
                        15 October 2024 10: 19
                        You're telling me about competent leadership that has led the country to God knows what. To give a week's course of injections costs me 5 thousand with a pension of 30 thousand. My mother-in-law needs to take one medicine every month that costs 4,5 thousand with a pension of 18 thousand. And this is an achievement.
                      3. +1
                        15 October 2024 10: 26
                        My mother is also a sick person. And she needs medicine. Where do you live? Here in Yaroslavl, as a disabled person of the 3rd group, she receives most of the medicines for free. And the country, in many areas, has come to the point that even in the times of the USSR we could not dream of. And medical services, under capitalism, are paid for everywhere. In the States, filling a tooth will cost 4 thousand of their rubles. Why should it be different with us, with the same socio-economic formation? And once again I will repeat the question - What did you personally do to protect the USSR in the 90s, to receive all the medicines for free and, also, to receive free medical care. And to have a pension of 120 rubles, which was quite enough for many for a normal life.
                      4. -1
                        15 October 2024 12: 48
                        Well, of course, it's my fault that the KGB screwed up the country. And it's better to keep quiet about medicine, Covid showed what our medicine is capable of.
                      5. The comment was deleted.
      3. +2
        13 October 2024 13: 35
        However, the area of ​​black soil in Russia is much larger than in Ukraine. And in Ukraine there are territories with low-fertility soils.
      4. +5
        13 October 2024 14: 25
        Quote: Mikhail Drabkin
        How can you write such nonsense!!!

        Well, why nonsense? From the starting point you provided, the boundless greed and brainlessness of the political elites went into further development. Less than a quarter of a century passed, and the highly industrialized republic turned into a feudal nationalist misunderstanding. They, the Ukrainians, did not become like this in 2014. The embryos of modern Ukraine began to grow intensively back in 1989, when the people's movement of Ukraine received political legitimization from the central authorities of the USSR. It's like letting a one-year-old child out on the middle lane of the Moscow Ring Road and thinking that he will immediately become an equal participant in the traffic. Therefore, yes, for many republics of the former USSR, including Ukraine, the collapse of the USSR is a real catastrophe. Ukraine did not fit into sovereignty, unfortunately. The lack of strict control over it played a fatal role. However, EBN led the Russian Federation in approximately the same direction.....
      5. +5
        13 October 2024 15: 37
        Quote: Mikhail Drabkin
        The starting point compared to Russia was that Ukraine was highly industrialized, with a roughly uniform standard of living.

        That's all true, but there is a nuance. The industry of Ukraine was integrated into the overall economic power of the USSR, but outside of it it was deformed and completely redundant for the Ukrainians. A simple example is the same Black Sea shipyard. An industrial giant where the USSR's aircraft carriers were built. But it was not at all self-sufficient, since the "mince" for these ships was created in cooperation from all over the USSR.
        And in the end - it seems like there is industrial power, but it is impossible to build large warships for Ukraine, since Ukraine has neither the need for them nor the money for them. The Russian Federation had the need, but no money. Conversion also did not work out - Ukraine does not need civilian ships in large quantities, other countries do not want to buy them. And the West would rather see ChSZ die - so they tempted with large contracts, persuading the Ukrainians to cut up the Ulyanovsk for scrap, but they never ordered anything large...
        This is how the Ukrainian industrial giants suffocated - they were redundant for Ukraine itself, and unclaimed in the world.
        1. +1
          13 October 2024 22: 03
          I agree completely. It should also be added that there were serious differences in the sectoral structure of the economy of the Donetsk-Dnieper, South-West and South economic regions.
      6. +1
        13 October 2024 19: 44
        The villages there did not die out, the population density is much higher than in Russia, it is many times more fertile, warmer...
        Before the Chernobyl accident.
  2. +14
    13 October 2024 05: 46
    I will only say on my own behalf. With the desire and help of NATO countries, the Ukrainian Reich is quite capable of making a 500+ missile. And equipping it, for example, with a dirty charge. And you yourself understand what this threatens. Therefore, it is necessary to burn out with a hot iron even the desire to make it. Why have Yuzhmash, Motorsich, Kharkiv Tank and other enterprises not been destroyed yet!? I am sure that intelligence is aware of what and where they produce! The same sea drones that regularly try to hit the Crimean bridge. It is time to take on the Banderites harshly! Then it may be too late...
    1. +6
      13 October 2024 05: 58
      Electricity needs to be turned off. And I didn't understand. Where will the Banderites get the chassis from? It's not an easy task to make a multi-axle tractor. KamAZ suffered for many years (Platform-O) having spent huge amounts of money, and it seems like nothing really came of it.
      1. +1
        13 October 2024 08: 18
        The BZhRK can also be a spare chassis option, since there is an extensive railway network.
    2. +2
      13 October 2024 13: 27
      And what apocalyptic threat does a dirty charge pose, archer? During the existence of the union, there were such dirty charges... Chernobyl, Mayak, Chazhma...
  3. +6
    13 October 2024 05: 46
    The conclusion is that the West keeps both Ukraine and Russia on a leash and sets them against each other until they destroy each other. And we need to destroy both the West and Ukraine. soldier
    1. 0
      13 October 2024 10: 28
      Quote: V.
      The West keeps both Ukraine and Russia on a leash and sets them against each other until they destroy each other.

      You said it correctly... only it is necessary to add - "West"... also on a leash on a different... stronger leash.
      Quote: V.
      And we need to destroy both the West and Ukraine.

      Wouldn't it be better to first free yourself from the leashes and stop
      Quote: V.
      will destroy each other
      .. stop destroying each other?
  4. +2
    13 October 2024 05: 59
    I will not go into the technical and economic nuances of creating and producing a home-grown rocket. I would like to focus on this:
    But the fact remains that Zelensky has no restrictions on striking with weapons that he considers “independent.” And if in the process of this we have to provoke World War III, then so be it.

    Based on this, it should be noted that in war conditions, the guaranteed destruction of an enemy motivated by Nazi ideas would be an exceptional measure of social protection for Russian citizens.
    Russia has no right to leave alive the bearers of the ideas of destroying the Russian world in memory of the victims who were during WWII. And anyone who raises a sword against our country, our people must, must face the fate voiced in the film "Alexander Nevsky":
    “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”
    1. +4
      13 October 2024 07: 23
      Quote: ROSS 42
      In wartime conditions, the guaranteed destruction of an enemy motivated by Nazi ideas would be an exceptional measure of social protection for Russian citizens.

      Alas, there are no more "commissars in dusty helmets" in Russia, but there are thieves in general's uniforms, Abramovichs with iPhones for the Nazis, deals, concerns and other red lines.
      Impunity the Kyiv junta and its Western patrons, gives rise to permissiveness
      Nobody is afraid of Russia, let alone respected, so the threats and their nature will only increase.
    2. man
      13 October 2024 07: 47
      Based on this, it should be noted that in war conditions, the guaranteed destruction of an enemy motivated by Nazi ideas would be an exceptional measure of social protection for Russian citizens.
      Russia has no right to leave alive the bearers of the ideas of destroying the Russian world in memory of the victims who were during WWII. And anyone who raises a sword against our country, our people must, must face the fate voiced in the film "Alexander Nevsky":
      “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”

      At the same time, we must not forget that on the other side are our brothers, albeit lost ones!
      This is a civil war! And if you recalled the Great Patriotic War, then the contribution of Ukrainians to the Victory was enormous, as were the losses...
      1. +5
        13 October 2024 08: 10
        Haven't forgotten what today's Ukrainians "put" into the Victory, destroyed monuments and graves of the Great Patriotic War (by the way, not only Ukrainians are buried there) and made the fascists heroes, let me remind you who. "Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their silent consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth."
        1. man
          13 October 2024 11: 15
          Quote from: alexandre
          Haven't forgotten what today's Ukrainians "put" into the Victory, destroyed monuments and graves of the Great Patriotic War (by the way, not only Ukrainians are buried there) and made the fascists heroes, let me remind you who. "Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their silent consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth."

          Some of what you listed happened here too, especially under Yeltsin, and some of it also happened under Putin in a lighter version, when we stubbornly tried to get into the West's ass. And in some things we were even ahead of them, for example, I have never heard of the Nazi-clad scumbags in Ukraine! And do you remember the attempts to justify Mannerheim and the atamans who supported Hitler?
          In order to accuse, you yourself must be impeccable in what you accuse!
          1. +1
            13 October 2024 18: 30
            Quote: mann
            In order to accuse, you yourself must be impeccable in what you accuse!

            And what about the Nazi-giving scumbags here? They are sitting under Article 282. And what about the same ones in Ukraine? They are heroes there and they are fighting against us at the front. Only the monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are being torn down. So, shut up, champion of impeccability.
        2. 0
          13 October 2024 13: 56
          And this will pass (c) The Union, for example, needed a quarter of a century to remember the names of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Nakhimov, Ushakov.
      2. +5
        13 October 2024 08: 56
        Quote: mann
        And if you recalled the Great Patriotic War, then the contribution of Ukrainians to the Victory was enormous, as were the losses...

        In vain do you compare those Ukrainians who fought the enemy in the Great Patriotic War with today's scumbags-non-brothers. These are incomparable concepts!
        1. man
          13 October 2024 11: 42
          Quote: Good evil
          Quote: mann
          And if you recalled the Great Patriotic War, then the contribution of Ukrainians to the Victory was enormous, as were the losses...

          In vain do you compare those Ukrainians who fought the enemy in the Great Patriotic War with today's scumbags-non-brothers. These are incomparable concepts!

          Well, how many idiots were jumping there? A hundred, a thousand? Calculate what percentage of the population of Ukraine?
          I am generally against such comparisons; even my generation of the 50s was not even close to the generations that fought in the Great Patriotic War!
          These were completely different people, People with a capital letter, there will never be such people again... sad I was lucky, I still met people like... Alyosha Skvortsov from the immortal "Ballad of a Soldier", for me this is not a fictional image...
          Maybe that's why the remnants of conscience interfere with life...
      3. 0
        13 October 2024 09: 21
        Quote: mann
        At the same time, we must not forget that on the other side are our brothers, albeit lost ones!

        There are no lost brothers, only degenerates and reincarnates...
    3. 0
      13 October 2024 13: 28
      So why are you writing this? To justify the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine?
      1. +1
        13 October 2024 13: 35
        Quote from Sumotori_380
        Well, why are you writing this?

        I am writing this so that no one has any illusions that the amnestied Banderites of the 10s have become nobler than the neo-Nazis of the XNUMXs, so that they remember that you can't wash a black dog white. So that they know that real brothers will not kill their brothers because they speak Russian. And various degenerates, followers of the most violent inhumans, will try with all their might to cause as much harm and grief to Russian people as possible until they are crushed, physically destroyed.
        Quote from Sumotori_380
        Justify the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine?

        VGK voiced everything, and my thoughts are fantasies on a free topic.
  5. +6
    13 October 2024 06: 31
    Trump predicts the start of the TMV in a few months...I understand it precisely through the prism of this article. request
    We should not console ourselves with illusions that the elections in the US will resolve the conflict in Ukraine.
    We must prepare for the worst. request
    1. +6
      13 October 2024 06: 50
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      We must prepare for the worst.

      We need to prepare for a fixed match.
      But what it will be like and why this is our victory - we’ll see, they’ll explain it to us.
      1. +4
        13 October 2024 06: 55
        We need to prepare for a fixed match.

        And this option is not excluded.
        But not before the US elections. smile
        When it becomes clear who the Kremlin will be dealing with in the White House.
        1. man
          13 October 2024 07: 53
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          We need to prepare for a fixed match.

          And this option is not excluded.
          But not before the US elections. smile
          When it becomes clear who the Kremlin will be dealing with in the White House.

          The main question is the content of the "fixed match"...
    2. 0
      13 October 2024 13: 59
      For the beginning of a world war, the blocs of enemy states have formed. Do you see them?
  6. BAI
    13 October 2024 07: 06
    Until there are attacks on the West, the war will not end.
    Even Constantinople acknowledged that the policy of concessions to Russia made the likelihood of a world war prohibitively high
    1. -3
      13 October 2024 14: 02
      And has Tsargrad long since become an authority in the field of geopolitics?
  7. +1
    13 October 2024 07: 59
    Ukraine is carrying out drone strikes on many targets on Russian territory, many of the drones are of Ukrainian manufacture.
    What prevents them from using and using their own ballistic missile for this? The author correctly writes that the naive Arabs paid them for the work of creating such a missile. All the design documentation is there, they suffered and made the rocket fuel, the homing system is imported. This missile was made at Yuzhmash, there was a problem with the scale of production, because 10 missiles a year is not enough. Now Ukraine is working to increase missile production, including the Neptune manufacturer Artem Corporation. Many workshops are located underground. We'll see what happens next.
    1. +2
      13 October 2024 08: 56
      Instead of drones, ballistic missiles will fly. Ukraine is not a banana republic, but a former Soviet republic with a decent legacy in rocketry. Give it more time and it will make up for all that was lost.
    2. +1
      13 October 2024 14: 46
      Why should they suffer and produce something from scratch, if they can take bourgeois developments, and then ours will rename everything into Groms and Neptunes? According to our media, so many of them have been knocked down, probably Ukrainian producers themselves are in shock
  8. -5
    13 October 2024 09: 14
    Missiles and systems for use (by Urina, of course) have been made and are now being tested in full swing. They are called "Tyfon" (Tymofey). 1,8-2,5 thousand km. range. No less than 6000 "Sok!ra" (Tomahawk in our language) missiles have long been made for these systems (they are in Navy warehouses, waiting to be written off). This is what the Ukrainian "genius" has almost done, this is what we need to be ready for...
  9. -5
    13 October 2024 09: 16
    I have already written many times that by striking the Kyiv railway stations, the Boryspil airport, all the railway stations in the west of Ukraine, the transfer points and tunnels with TNW, we would quickly stop the war. Then, enforcement of peace. Dismantling and removal of all defense enterprises to Russia.
    1. BAI
      13 October 2024 10: 33
      What nonsense? What nuclear strikes on Ukraine? That's all the West is waiting for. That's their cherished blue dream. We'll get:
      zero military result
      we will litter our future territories
      we will appear before the whole world as a nuclear aggressor who has struck a country without nuclear weapons with nuclear weapons

      We need to hit the West, and the very distant one at that - the USA.
    2. +3
      13 October 2024 13: 45
      I have already written several times

      Based on your comment, we can accurately determine the location - Arsenalnaya St., 9, St. Petersburg.
    3. +4
      13 October 2024 14: 10
      Do you think our elite is so tempted by the fate of Comrade Un?)
      1. +2
        13 October 2024 20: 33
        And our citizens are not happy with this fate either. request
  10. -2
    13 October 2024 09: 16
    Water, talk and substitution of concepts.
    The whole article is spent chewing over things that don't exist.
    But they chew on it as if it exists.

    Ukraine has neither a Navy, nor an Air Force (at least according to the RF Ministry of Defense announcements), nor enough tanks, etc. But they keep on chewing over it, chewing over it, chewing over it... How will they respond to the Frigates/tanks/aircraft, etc.?
  11. +3
    13 October 2024 09: 26
    Concerns and mantras about the "brotherly people".
  12. -2
    13 October 2024 09: 33
    What's so complicated - dams on the Dnieper, gas pipelines, the center of Kyiv - there are so many goals that your eyes run wild.
  13. -1
    13 October 2024 09: 42
    They can do it, but they certainly won't reach the level of Iskander. It will be something like Iranian missiles.
    1. 0
      13 October 2024 20: 38
      They certainly won't reach Iskander's level

      Why is that?
      Ukraine is not Paraguay; they have the same Iskander’s developments even without NATO support.
      And with the support of the West, even more so.
      so don't doubt that they can do it, the only question is how much?
      1. +1
        14 October 2024 12: 48
        Iskander has proven itself to be a very good weapon in the SVO. Especially after the accuracy was adjusted. In fact, they are almost never shot down, they fly fast, now accurately and hit hard.
        While the conventional American equivalent is the Atakms, ours shoot down quite often.
        In other words, Iskander is exactly from the series that was highly rated and in fact turned out to be a cool weapon. (Unlike all sorts of Armatas and Terminators).
        Even about the help of the States the same rocket Ukrainians They won't be able to do it. They will be able to do something like dot-u with good accuracy.
  14. -3
    13 October 2024 09: 53
    Zelya will remain in history just like Hitler.
    Zelensky, who unleashed the Third World War... am
  15. +2
    13 October 2024 10: 16
    I still can't understand why they covered the middle wheels with a casing?
    1. +1
      13 October 2024 18: 38
      Quote: Zaurbek
      I still can't understand why they covered the middle wheels with a casing?

      1. 0
        14 October 2024 09: 31
        And why close the leading ones? And there should be at least 4 leading axes.
  16. -2
    13 October 2024 10: 27
    There is a war with the West, and the West is very mean, setting up Hitler and Zelensky against Russia. Any projects with the West must be banned at the legislative level.
  17. 0
    13 October 2024 10: 29
    A rocket is not a UAV, you can't make it in basements and sheds on your knee. This means that the main production will be abroad and finished products will be imported.
  18. -3
    13 October 2024 11: 41
    The first cries about the ballistic missile date back to August 2024, and now Zelensky has confirmed the success of the flight tests of the product.
    I wonder where in Sumeria one could conduct flight tests of such a product? In the Carpathians?
  19. Eug
    13 October 2024 11: 50
    In addition to Yuzhmash (the design bureau was called Yuzhnoye, not Yuzhmash, as in the article), there is also Pavlograd Mechanical, and NPO Hartron (in different years - P.O. Box A-7160, Design Bureau of Electrical Instrument Engineering, NPO Elektropribor), which developed the SU of both Satan and Energia. In Kharkov, there is also (at least in 2018) a software company that designs transport and launch containers and platforms on a wheeled base, alas, I forgot what it was called, but it was located in the Odesskaya-Osnova area. So there is more than enough potential.
  20. +3
    13 October 2024 12: 00
    Any enemy threats must always be taken seriously! stop fool
  21. -2
    13 October 2024 13: 10
    The response must be preventive destruction: 1) of research institutes and factories on the territory of Ukraine where it is being developed and produced; 2) if nuclear weapons are needed for this, so be it.
  22. 0
    13 October 2024 13: 21
    Ukraine's Ballistic Missile: How Russia Will Respond

    Wait and see...
  23. -2
    13 October 2024 14: 11
    Empty chatter with different variations since 2014 by our grief analysts. And the War is going on and Russian cities are being shelled. Maybe it's enough chatter and use your power. Or is bourgeois property in the way?
  24. +2
    13 October 2024 14: 19
    Washington shuddered and began to ask for forgiveness

    But no one will destroy Kyiv with tactical nuclear weapons – the strikes will fall on the United States.

    These are all our thoughts, and we are just sure that there will be no attacks, thanks to the red lines and concerns.
  25. -3
    13 October 2024 16: 21
    Here are two downvoters who showed up to my simple question, "Where can the Sumerians conduct flight tests of their wonder weapon?" There is nowhere at all, unless they take it to Europe or the USA. It must be acorn lovers grazing here.
  26. 0
    13 October 2024 21: 12
    Fedorov is definitely on fire!!!

    What the hell are the Atakms numbers? How does he imagine this? What won't we recognize in the Atakms wreckage? Especially since it has a range of up to 300 km.

    Ukraine has made Grom-2 and even fires it sometimes. The question is in serial production.
  27. +1
    13 October 2024 22: 20
    For some reason, in all the articles on VO, the US is designated as the main scapegoat. Does the VO editorial board know anything about the deal between the geostrategist and the City of London to destroy the hegemon as a competitor to the Britons? With the hands of Iran, the Britons decided to remove Israel from the geopolitical map, and with the hands of Russia, the US. And then will there be equilibrium?
  28. 0
    13 October 2024 22: 57
    Missile launches are tracked quite well, but there is no data yet that the Xoxls fired anything other than Tochka-U. Most likely, if development is underway, it has not gone beyond the scope of R&D.
  29. +1
    14 October 2024 02: 54
    Is it impossible to destroy Yuzhmash? Don't we have specialists in sabotage? Surely we do, and some skilled ones at that. Or what, "Oh, there are peeeeple there," and who dies here, a vegetable on a plate?
    Everything was going delicately, until the appointment of the new Ministry of Defense. It seemed that the eomerseaks were embarrassed to touch on something important.
    Maybe things will go more fun now, look how our guys did a very good job recently with the transports at sea near Odessa. We should do the same with the missile manufacturers, with such an impressive result.
  30. 0
    10 November 2024 11: 48
    Than, than - nuclear weapons. Only in this way will they understand us.
  31. 0
    27 November 2024 20: 33
    "This needs to be explained as clearly as possible before the irreparable happens." Dear Yevgeny Fedorov! When will it ever dawn on you that the US and its stooges don't give a damn about all your clear and unclear explanations? How many times do they have to multiply by zero all our warnings, admonitions, explanations, concerns, protests, disappointments and whatever else we have stated and expressed before it finally dawns on you that they don't give a damn about our words, even if we say them three hundred times in any combination? For it to dawn on them, we should have already, immediately after blowing up Nord Stream 2, destroyed, for example, the tunnel under the English Channel. Then it would have dawned on them. And when Finland declared that it wanted to join NATO, we should have presented an ultimatum that we were ready to immediately destroy their military bases, both naval and air. And this should not be muttering, as always, but a real ultimatum. And all we do is chatter and puff ourselves up, which no one has paid attention to for a long time. Even in the CIS countries, not to mention NATO. Why do we have Strategic Missile Forces, why do we have a submarine fleet? What sabotage in NATO countries are you talking about, when in Ukraine we haven’t really had much fun in this regard. In general, we fight in such a strange way that it’s amazing! There are more than enough slogans. For example, about saving personnel. We’ve been saving personnel for three years, and the railway in Ukraine, along which the Bandar-logs calmly (sometimes with delays, admittedly, of a couple of hours) transport personnel, shells, missiles, and tanks to kill our personnel, is still working and has never been paralyzed by us. Maybe we are not able to do this? Of course, we are. So what’s the matter? Or are sabotage not needed here or do we not have drone missiles? Think about this, and not about "clear explanations".