NATO to begin nuclear air drills on October 14

NATO to begin nuclear air drills on October 14

NATO prepares for annual aviation exercises Steadfast Noon, which begin on October 14 and will focus on practicing the use of tactical nuclear weapons weapons, said the alliance's Secretary General Mark Rutte, who arrived for a meeting with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, during a press conference.

In turn, according to data published by the press service of the North Atlantic Alliance, the exercises will take place on the territory of Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as in the airspace over the North Sea. About 60 aircraft from 13 NATO countries will take part in them, including F-16 and F-35 fighters, as well as American B-52 strategic bombers. The alliance emphasizes that, despite the imitation of nuclear strikes, combat sorties will not be carried out with real nuclear weapons on board.

It is worth noting that Steadfast Noon is part of the NATO Joint Nuclear Missions program. This program provides for the possibility of using the US tactical nuclear arsenal by aircraft of those countries of the alliance that do not have their own nuclear weapons. Among these countries are Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. According to unofficial information, American air bombs are located at the air bases of these countries.

At the same time, many military experts note that the concept of the Steadfast Noon exercises is purely offensive in nature and is not aimed at deterrence as part of retaliatory actions.

Let us recall that the Russian authorities have previously announced an update to their nuclear doctrine. According to comments from officials, this procedure is being carried out so that our geopolitical opponents have no illusions about the readiness of the Russian army to use any means to ensure the security of the country and its citizens.
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  1. -2
    10 October 2024 16: 08
    [/i]NATO to begin aviation exercises on October 14 to practice the use of nuclear weapons[i]

    In response, the courageous Houthis will announce exercises from October 12 with the real use of all types of weapons in the Arabian, Red and Mediterranean Sea region due to threats to the national security of the 2 Avics in the exercise area.
    1. +1
      10 October 2024 17: 33
      The states don't give a damn about gayrope, they are ready to burn the entire continent, they only benefit. "Cowboys" will come again to develop the lands (this is in the plans). Therefore, the states need to be returned to their original state.
      1. 0
        10 October 2024 17: 44
        Today, 17: 33
        [i][/i]The States don't give a damn about Gayrope, they are ready to burn down the entire continent, they only benefit. The "cowboys" will come again to develop the lands (that's in the plans). Therefore, the States need to be returned to their original state.

        Well, sir, don't tell me where else you can find such rich suckers to rip off the money.
        Selling old military junk at the price of new, LNG 3-4 times more expensive than your favorites, and who knows how many unexplored paths you can find since the Gold Rush in Alaska in relation to gay Europe?
  2. -1
    10 October 2024 16: 20
    NATO is preparing for annual air exercises to practice the use of tactical nuclear weapons, said NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, who arrived for a meeting with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

    yes, two great warriors met... in front of each other - who will say "louder"...
    Toys are toys, but they can also be children...
  3. -2
    10 October 2024 16: 32
    And we wanted to scare them with our tactical nuclear weapons... It’s not surprising that NATO didn’t pay attention to our exercises; they have their own – every year.
    1. 0
      10 October 2024 16: 47
      I understand that you have a connection with the Pentagon, you know how they reacted. I once saw on these Internets that they reacted very much and were concerned about the strengthening of Russia, suddenly the USSR will return.
    2. 0
      11 October 2024 10: 33
      You write correctly. Why are you being downvoted? It is our right to show our TNAO. Their right is theirs.
  4. +2
    10 October 2024 16: 42
    And we need to practice striking Western cities and power plants. Who will stop us from doing this with full publicity?
  5. -1
    10 October 2024 16: 45
    so that our geopolitical opponents have no illusions about the Russian army’s readiness to use any means to ensure the security of the country and its citizens.

    To hell with them and their illusions, the main thing here is that we don’t get to Heaven before they just die.
  6. -2
    10 October 2024 17: 25
    Isn't it time to follow Nikita Sergeyevich's example and show NATO "Kuzka's father"? Although, what am I talking about? It would be better to draw a thick red line according to our new tradition.
  7. -2
    10 October 2024 17: 50
    Ces appareils peuvent larguer, mais je sais pas où ils vont atterrir ensuite.