Kamala Harris Insults Leaders of Russia, China, North Korea and Hungary

Kamala Harris Insults Leaders of Russia, China, North Korea and Hungary

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has once again stooped to openly insulting leaders of other countries with whom the current White House administration, to put it mildly, does not have good relations. On CBS, Harris made insulting remarks about the leaders of China, Hungary and the DPRK.

Although, as they say, nothing foreshadowed it initially... The host casually noted that Harris's Republican rival Donald Trump likes to mention "close communication" with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Chinese President Xi Jinping and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. And then Kamala Harris, as they say, broke through.

Dictators, authoritarian leaders and people who have been well described as murderers

– the US Vice President said.

She added that foreign leaders could manipulate Donald Trump. However, she did not specify who exactly was manipulating her...

It is worth noting that insulting remarks about foreign heads of state have already become a hallmark of Kamala Harris's election campaign. Earlier, she allowed herself to insult the Russian president.

The Russian embassy in Washington immediately responded to this. The diplomatic mission emphasized that the vicious statements of the American administration were a consequence of the fact that the United States cannot deal with Russia and inflict a strategic defeat on it.

We are outraged by the unacceptable statements made by US Vice President K. Harris towards Russian President V.V. Putin. We are forced to state that rude language has become a habit among the current so-called American statesmen. This situation only speaks of the frustration and impotence of the ruling circles in Washington. Due to the impossibility of dealing with the Russian Federation and inflicting a "strategic defeat" on it, their speech apparatus channels anger and offensive rhetoric

– noted the Russian Embassy in the USA.

They added that the American authorities will have to come to terms with the fact that the Russian Federation is pursuing an independent foreign policy based on national interests.

Such escapades are an insult to the entire Russian people, who demonstrate unwavering unity around the leader of our country.

– the diplomatic mission emphasized.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
    1. +16
      9 October 2024 09: 41
      she just got confused as always and described herself and her friends
      1. +3
        9 October 2024 09: 47
        It's not clear about Hungary!
        1. +14
          9 October 2024 09: 54
          Quote: K._2
          It's not clear about Hungary!

          Orban has become brazen!! After his trip to Kyiv, he visited Moscow (!), Beijing (!!) and Trump (!!!)
          1. +4
            9 October 2024 14: 02
            Boorish language has become a habit among today's so-called American statesmen.

            This is the "exceptional nation" in all its glory. Yes
            "Every nation has the government it deserves" Yes
            1. -1
              10 October 2024 15: 20
              Here we have it. More precisely, us.
              1. 0
                10 October 2024 18: 28
                Quote: Olive1
                More precisely, us

                I sympathize with you very much, you probably relaxed and immediately... Yes
    2. +21
      9 October 2024 09: 52
      No need for verbal abuse, just send her bananas. If she complains, tell her there's a lot of calcium in them.
      1. +7
        9 October 2024 10: 06
        Quote from Silver99
        No need to verbally abuse her, just send her bananas.
        Only then a garland and a ukulele - so that she laughs louder.
        1. +6
          9 October 2024 10: 13
          She already laughs loudly like a horse that has been given oats. What will happen if she is given a garland with a ukulele??? She might dislocate her jaw - have pity on the granny... laughing
          1. +2
            9 October 2024 10: 16
            Quote: Nexcom
            What will happen if they give her a garland with a ukulele???
            Whatever the child amuses himself with, as long as he doesn't press any buttons...
            1. +6
              9 October 2024 10: 18
              Well, they are unlikely to let her decide, much less trust her with where the buttons can be pressed...
              She is no better than Samokhodny in intelligence. Just a talking mouth...
      2. +3
        9 October 2024 10: 40
        Quote from Silver99
        No need to verbally abuse her, just send her bananas.

        Better a vibrator or a carrot. For her appearance - just right.
  2. +5
    9 October 2024 09: 41
    What's wrong with that, what did you expect from such a fool from the alley... although no, she's from the prosecutor's office...
    In principle, everything is clear with her and those who stand behind her, and it’s not even bad if you figure it out!!!
    It will be much worse if those who really start and manage to return the striped ones to their former positions in the world come to power.
    1. +2
      9 October 2024 10: 09
      Victor! Didn't anyone notice that she insulted not only the leaders of other countries, but also Trump? laughing It turns out, according to her, that he is a puppet on strings wassat
      And Trump is basically uncontrollable by anyone except himself and unpredictable. Just like last time he turned his election promises in completely different directions
      1. +2
        9 October 2024 11: 06
        And what is wrong?
        Their level of "political discussions" has long been at the level of market squabbles...
        They cannot be changed, printing is useless to them... the simplest, and most reasonable, is perhaps complete ignorance.
        We are who we think we are, how we behave, and we can look back at those whose opinions are interesting to us, important...
        Nobody is interested in this petty fool, and perhaps it is not important... although they will have to pay attention to those who stand behind her and rule, alas, that is exactly how it is.
        1. +2
          9 October 2024 11: 23
          Nobody is interested in a fool, and that's not it is important

          That's right, it doesn't matter! This is just a puppet on a string, like other puppets ---- Obama, Clinton Guaido, Tikhanovskaya ..... DOLLS of transnational
          1. +2
            9 October 2024 15: 09
            Let's assume that Obama was puffing and puffing at something, trying to do things his own way... and now, offended, he's sitting on the sidelines and not showing off.
            1. 0
              9 October 2024 15: 14
              So is Biden from transnationals. Their system works, appoint anyone.
              I would like Trump to be elected so that he can disperse this whole crowd.
      2. 0
        9 October 2024 17: 31
        Quote: Reptiloid
        Victor! Didn't anyone notice that she insulted not only the leaders of other countries, but also Trump? laughing It turns out, according to her, that he is a puppet on strings wassat
        And Trump is basically uncontrollable by anyone except himself and unpredictable. Just like last time he turned his election promises in completely different directions

        The aunt boasted that she sleeps with a Glock under her pillow.
        Afraid? Or doesn't understand?
        1. 0
          9 October 2024 17: 37
          sleeps with a Glock love

          As for being afraid, ----that's different, completely different. sad
          1. 0
            9 October 2024 17: 39
            Quote: Reptiloid
            sleeps with a Glock love

            As for being afraid, ----that's different, completely different. sad

            It SLEEPING with a Glock???? belay belay belay
            1. +1
              9 October 2024 17: 48
              What should we think about their perversions? Trump versus the blue-pink. In fact, it is very interesting how their elections will go. I hope some kind of turmoil begins.
              1. +1
                11 October 2024 09: 21
                Unrest in the United States would be very useful now, let them settle scores with each other.
                1. 0
                  11 October 2024 10: 21
                  There will always be turmoil there for our joy. But it would be better soon! Their evil perverted shooters would go and kill everyone in a row! All sorts of BLM gangs and others would be formed, by nationality. The military, of course, would start participating. On Trump's side, probably? And the police would naturally kneel... And at the same time, crowds of Latinos would cross the southern border of the USA. These crowds would grow every day, more and more! Our Country would supply friendly rebels with something from the old stockpiles of the Ministry of Defense! Muslim terrorists, seeing SUCH a riot, would start blowing something up there...
        2. +1
          11 October 2024 09: 19
          Kamala didn't brag because she was very smart; her intellectual level is well below the baseboard.
          1. 0
            11 October 2024 10: 09
            You'd think she'd be afraid, or someone would lamb her. laughing fears and hopes wassat
            1. 0
              11 October 2024 10: 30
              Just now I saw a mistake in the text! PC --- enemy agent!
              I have corrected it MULTIPLE TIMES, I think I made the word --- WILL ENCASE! On Kamala, naturally.
    2. +4
      9 October 2024 10: 49
      In the US, we need to differentiate between federal prosecutors and "state" prosecutors. There are federal prosecutors appointed by the federal government, they are professionals. And there are prosecutors who are part of the state government system. Most of them are elected. They have a legal education, but are largely politicians. Sometimes they later become deputies at various levels, mayors, governors. Harris belongs to this second category.
      1. +6
        9 October 2024 11: 09
        Honestly speaking... it doesn't matter which one she is from...
        A strange woman is being promoted to the very top... which means someone needs it.
        1. +4
          9 October 2024 11: 29
          Grandma, strangely enough, is being moved

          That's what I'm talking about! A woman, a black woman in management --- that's a big ++++. According to their modern logic! Maybe there is something else that is "positive", or non-standard in our opinion. laughing
          1. +3
            9 October 2024 14: 58
            Quote: Reptiloid
            That's what I'm talking about! A woman, a black woman in management --- that's a big ++++. according to their modern logic!

            So you're also a lesbian? belay
            1. +2
              9 October 2024 15: 09
              As soon as I read it in the search engine, it turns out that yes! The title somewhere says that it is downright combative! This is an advantage for the Americans laughing How many fighting men are there in power? And obvious Russophobes?
          2. +2
            9 October 2024 15: 11
            Screw them... if they don't change anything, it's worse for them.
            1. 0
              9 October 2024 15: 17
              These are always fighting against the Russian Federation. By the way, even if we have opposition or traitors, there are some among them too. And the Ukrainian terrorists are also gay for some reason.
              1. +1
                11 October 2024 09: 25
                Marginals, they are all like that, or rather, not like all adequate people.
                1. 0
                  11 October 2024 10: 36
                  Perverts and misanthropes. Some of them fled to Gayrope, some of them were put behind bars here. We need to reduce their numbers somehow! what recourse
  3. +8
    9 October 2024 09: 42
    "Kamala Harris has once again stooped to openly insulting the leaders of other countries" -

    - She didn’t even raise the issue, she and Biden are on the same level in this matter...
  4. 0
    9 October 2024 09: 45
    This act was noted in our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    Russian Embassy: Harris's insult to Putin speaks of US authorities' impotence
    US Vice President Kamala Harris's offensive remarks about Russian President Vladimir Putin are unacceptable.REGNUM
    According to Russian diplomats, US representatives resort to offensive rhetoric due to the impossibility of dealing with Russia and inflicting a "strategic defeat" on it

    Kamala Harris Insults Leaders of Russia, China, North Korea and Hungary
  5. +8
    9 October 2024 09: 45
    What do you want from a woman-hahachi, who achieved everything through bed!? Of course, you can say it more rudely, but the rules of the site...
    1. +1
      9 October 2024 10: 39
      That's not how you achieve something, that's how you get through...
    2. +2
      9 October 2024 10: 41
      Quote: Lemon
      What do you want from a hahachi woman,

      Is it really possible to fall in love with her? Well, if, of course, you live with her for a year on Pluto, then maybe.
      1. +1
        9 October 2024 10: 52
        It seems that once, in her youth, the influential and authoritative mayor of Chicago was her lover.)
    3. -7
      9 October 2024 11: 38
      Can you prove it?
  6. +5
    9 October 2024 09: 47
    Yes, they don’t know politeness..... Yes
    When there is nothing to say and they can't back it up with arguments, they resort to personal attacks....
  7. +5
    9 October 2024 09: 50
    "...their speech apparatus sewers anger and offensive rhetoric""

    Did they just say that? Is it from the word "sewage"? wassat
  8. +11
    9 October 2024 09: 52
    Personal insults are the face of Western diplomacy. And now about our agent "Hurricane Milton". The agent has gone wild and has grown to the level of "five". 5 million residents are fleeing Florida to the north. There are kilometer-long traffic jams on the highways. Oil refineries in Florida have been shut down. 17% of gas stations are already empty of fuel. Construction debris from the last hurricane has not been removed in Florida. It will fly like a projectile, sweeping away everything in its path. A 4,5-meter surge wave is expected, St. Petersburg (American) will suffer especially. Self-propelled Joe and Flounder Grayling, where the hell are you! Where, where - in the ass.
    1. +4
      9 October 2024 10: 15
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Self-propelled Joe and Flounder Grayling, where the hell are you? Where, where - in the ass.

      That's where they belong!
    2. 0
      9 October 2024 10: 54
      The problem is that Florida's governor is a Republican. If the state government doesn't handle the consequences of this natural disaster very effectively, it could hit the Republicans too.
      1. +2
        9 October 2024 11: 18
        Quote: Sergej1972
        The problem is that Florida's governor is a Republican. If the state government doesn't handle the consequences of this natural disaster very effectively, it could hit the Republicans too.

        Pfff... he'll talk back and shift the blame: "We did everything we could in the current situation. We could have done more, but the damned Democrats gave your money to Ukraine. "Where is your compensation?" - you ask? Ask Biden and Kevensky!".
  9. +3
    9 October 2024 09: 59
    Harris, not a very smart woman, is almost the first case when the Democrats nominated a candidate who is not of outstanding abilities.
    1. +5
      9 October 2024 10: 15
      Quote: Cartalon
      The Democrats have put forward a candidate who is not of outstanding ability.

      It's easier to manage like this. She won't be the one "steering" it. tongue
    2. 0
      10 October 2024 16: 48
      if you think that trump will be friendly to russia just because he worked a while for kgb, look at your own svr and think again!
      If you think Trump will be friendly to Russia just because he spent some time in the KGB, look at your own SVR and think again!
  10. 0
    9 October 2024 10: 01
    So Kamala is a prosecutor, not a diplomat, what do you want from her?
    1. +1
      9 October 2024 10: 56
      You need to know the American system of government. "Real" prosecutors are federal prosecutors, appointed by the federal government. And prosecutors (attorneys), elected by the population or (less often) by representative bodies, who are part of the system of government of individual states, are politicians to one degree or another.
  11. +4
    9 October 2024 10: 03
    Kamala Harris Insults Leaders of Russia, China, North Korea and Hungary

    When God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of reason. And here - the punishment is double: not just the absence of reason, but also its replacement by absolute stupidity. And such, punished by God, want to rule the whole world!!!
  12. +1
    9 October 2024 10: 04
    All prosecutors in all countries are the same - impudent, boorish, but deathly afraid of their own superiors.
    1. +1
      9 October 2024 11: 01
      The Attorney General of California is an elected and largely political position. He is elected by the people of the state at the same time as the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and several other top officials of the state of California. Moreover, candidates are nominated by political parties.
  13. +1
    9 October 2024 10: 11
    Despite the fact that the USA is ruled by some idiots, the country lives and develops systematically. The damned capitalism will not die.
    We have the smartest people in power, the most brilliant geopoliticians. But we can't prevent the collapse of the USSR, or get out of the war in Ukraine, which the stupid ones have been preparing since the 90s.
    All this is strange.
    1. +1
      9 October 2024 11: 39
      All this is strange

      Naturally. Their management system has been honed over a couple of hundred years of capitalist development. With all the screws of feedback with the population and safety valves for releasing steam. The top brass has power, the people have strong trade unions. Like in a toilet cistern - in addition to the float level regulator, there is a mandatory overflow tube. Since 1917, we have been regulating it manually. So it turns out - sometimes there is no water in the cistern, sometimes we flood the neighbors. Even the shooting in Novocherkassk did not teach us anything. Teachers' strikes in the US are planned - once a month, like a fire drill.
    2. 0
      10 October 2024 00: 02
      Quote: glory1974
      there is no escape from the war in Ukraine

      During this time, the US got involved in wars in Yugoslavia, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and hit Iranian and Yemeni missiles. For what: So that Kosovars could disembowel raped and murdered Serbs for transplant organs, and Ukrainians could take captive Russians and their dead comrades, including Colombians serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces?
  14. +5
    9 October 2024 10: 11
    As psychologists say, switching to personal insults is an indicator of the speaker’s weakness and low self-esteem.
    Camilla herself admitted her weakness and stupidity. request
  15. +1
    9 October 2024 10: 18
    She looks like basketball player Scottie Pippin, Jordan's teammate, from the Chicago Bulls
    1. +3
      9 October 2024 10: 32
      At least he has achievements
  16. +5
    9 October 2024 10: 24
    People like her will let even more migrants from criminal countries into the US and bring the country's economy to the state of a pauper. I think that such a president will be beneficial to China, North Korea, Iran and, of course, our country.
  17. kvv
    9 October 2024 10: 25
    Kamala is the best option for the presidential elections, if Trump is elected, then the hassle of negotiations and promises will begin again, and as a result, as usual, "they deceived the fool..." and the war will drag on even longer
  18. +4
    9 October 2024 10: 28
    This should be done at an official level, not to express indignation, but to state that insults from the mouths of the mentally handicapped are not insults. The lack of politeness and diplomacy in a politician is an admission of serious problems with intelligence.
  19. +1
    9 October 2024 10: 38
    The Foreign Ministry, as always, expressed itself weakly and vaguely. Moreover, it did not answer, but noted. Ambassador to the USA Antonov should be replaced by someone more outstanding.
    1. +2
      9 October 2024 11: 27
      Quote: smart fellow
      The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as always, expressed itself in a weak and vague manner

      This is how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should speak out – they are diplomats, not stand-up comedians.
      It's just that against the backdrop of speeches by American Secretaries of State, European Borrelias and Ukrainian Kulebas, everyone is beginning to forget what diplomacy is. People are beginning to get used to the bazaar-diplomatic style and many think that this is how it should be.
      1. +2
        9 October 2024 12: 42
        The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should speak like this – they are diplomats after all

        This statement could have been made for any reason or without reason, it is empty shaking of the air. What semantic load does it carry? Who is it addressed to? What is the expected effect?
        1. +1
          9 October 2024 12: 59
          Quote: smart fellow
          This statement... it's just empty talk.

          Which statement would you consider useful?
          1. +2
            9 October 2024 13: 08
            Semantic load.
            This should be a warning about the inadmissibility of such statements.
            Who is it addressed to?
            Addressed to K. Harris and/or the current US presidential administration since she is the current Vice President of the US.
            What is the expected effect?
            Stop making such statements, because besides Kamala, Blinken also made such statements. And Biden called Putin a dictator.

            However, this statement is an expression of emotions and a complaint that they themselves are bad.
            1. -1
              9 October 2024 14: 02
              Quote: smart fellow
              warning about the inadmissibility... Addressed to K. Harris and/or the current administration of the US President... Stop such statements

              Excellent plan. How do you imagine its concrete implementation?
              1. 0
                9 October 2024 16: 32
                Excellent plan. How do you imagine its concrete implementation?

                Should I write another application? I'm not interested in that, that's already work.
                1. 0
                  9 October 2024 20: 16
                  Check out the genesis of the "China's Final Warning" meme
                  1. 0
                    10 October 2024 04: 37
                    "Final Chinese warning" is an idiom in Russian that refers to threats that are known to have no immediate effect.

                    This statement is not even a threat, but a cry into the void.
                  2. +1
                    10 October 2024 05: 19
                    "China's Last Warning"

                    The Chinese made such statements in response to violations of their air and sea space. These are routine statements and they were obliged to make them, otherwise they would have recognized the right of the Americans to violate their borders. That is, there were two options: either violate the US air and sea space themselves, or make a statement.
                    In this case, I would say that Russian officials are not hinting at Kamala's bed-sexing or her Jamaican-Indian origins. And as for Biden and Putin, Putin doesn't call Biden "Sleepy Joe," "Old Yeller," as the Americans do, or an old senile man, but he can!
                    Think about Blinken yourself.
                    1. 0
                      10 October 2024 14: 14
                      Read Dmitry Medvedev's telegram. P.S. After reading the comments, it seemed like I was the only one reading it.
                      1. +1
                        10 October 2024 15: 09
                        Read Dmitry Medvedev's telegram.

                        I don't want to. Moreover, it (telegram) is already under control.
                      2. 0
                        10 October 2024 15: 13
                        What scares you about reading other people's channels?
                      3. 0
                        10 October 2024 15: 13
                        I just don't want to. I'm not interested.
                2. +1
                  10 October 2024 00: 38
                  Quote: smart fellow
                  Should I write another statement? I'm not interested.

                  I see. So you know exactly what should happen, but you have no idea how to do it.
                  1. 0
                    10 October 2024 03: 46
                    Children call it "daring".
                    1. 0
                      10 October 2024 13: 43
                      Quote: smart fellow
                      Children call it "a dare"

                      I don’t know how it is with you... your children, but I’m just stating a fact.
                      1. 0
                        10 October 2024 14: 00
                        Unlike you, I will not get personal. Sorry if you took this as an insult. See my comment above. Reply Sumotori_380 (Boris).
                      2. -1
                        10 October 2024 14: 09
                        Quote: smart fellow
                        See my comment above

                        This one, as I understand it:
                        Quote: smart fellow
                        I would say that Russian officials are not hinting that...

                        A comment unworthy of a real diplomat, who, moreover, does not look like a warning about inadmissibility and will certainly not stop such statements in the future. Just a boorish attack in the spirit of all sorts of kulebas at the level of Samdurak.
                      3. 0
                        10 October 2024 15: 10
                        It's just a boorish attack in the spirit of all sorts of kulebas at the level of "I'm a fool myself".

        2. +1
          10 October 2024 00: 04
          Quote: smart fellow
          What semantic load does it carry?

          Convinces Comrade Xi that immediately after Mr. Putin and Russia, the US will take on him and the PRC.
          1. +1
            10 October 2024 03: 45
            Convinces Comrade Xi that immediately after Mr. Putin and Russia, the US will take on him and the PRC.

            The Chinese don't know this? American generals and admirals openly declare to the media that there will be a war between China and the United States. And China is preparing for war. It is strengthening its military potential and strengthening its military alliance with Russia against the American military bloc. Joint exercises are being conducted with us, both on land and at sea and in the air. Look for: patrolling strategic bombers near Alaska and Japan, naval exercises between China and Russia.
            Only Russia is now spending resources on restoring tanks and guns from the last century, and the enemy is the Ukrainians. China is preparing to enter into an open military confrontation with the United States and is spending resources on building destroyers and frigates, aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, aviation and, of course, ammunition, but not artillery shells, but modern missiles.
            In Chinese films, the enemy is no longer terrorists, but Americans. For example, the film "Born to Fly" ("King of the Air" in Russian translation). Recently, many films and series have been made about the Korean War, where the Chinese fought against the Americans. For example, the "Battle by the Lake" dilogy and others.
            The site's refrain is comments like "China is not our friend", "China is not an ally, but a temporary fellow traveler", and the like. Let's recall history (not when Russia was dividing the "Chinese pie" with other imperialist powers, but the relationship with the CPC). When Stalin made the decision to supply weapons to China for the war with Japan, he preferred the Kuomintang because it had a multi-million army. And the Kuomintang used Soviet weapons against both the Japanese and the CPC troops. Soviet historians write that the USSR gave captured Japanese weapons to the CPC, but they were already obsolete at the beginning of WWII. And the CPC then fought with the Kuomintang for another 4 years. In a Chinese TV series, Mao holds a meeting and asks what is needed for a war with the USA. He is told: aircraft and T-34-85 tanks, which had proven themselves well in Korea. Mao goes to Moscow and asks Stalin for air support and tanks. He is denied air support, and instead of tanks he is given a tour of a tank factory.
            This is real politics. Belarus and the DPRK need the Russian market of 140 million and Russian resources, and China needs the whole world, at least without the United States. China produces 10 times more coal than Russia. Since 2018, China's share in global steel production exceeds 50%, in 2023 it was 54%. Russia's share is 4% (2023). In addition, Belarus, unlike the DPRK, cannot defend itself independently. Therefore, Iskanders with nuclear warheads were transferred to Belarus and Russia can provide military support to Belarus without officially entering into a hypothetical military conflict between Poland and Belarus.
            This is how it works, in my understanding.
  20. 0
    9 October 2024 10: 38
    foreign leaders can manipulate Donald Trump. However, she did not specify who exactly is manipulating her...

    like who?
    Vladimir Vladimirovich himself suggested that all of Russia vote for her lol
  21. +2
    9 October 2024 11: 03
    Behind the back of the self-propelled grandfather she was silent and there could still be hope for her normality. Now she is simply forced to voice something from the podium and not always through a teleprompter. Here are the first "pearls" that have come. There will be many more interesting things to come.
  22. 0
    9 October 2024 11: 23
    Who described it, auntie? The journalists you bought. Or supposed oppositionists, but in fact your lickers.
  23. 0
    9 October 2024 14: 43
    Is she trying to impersonate Panikovsky? "Pitiful, insignificant people! But I respect you, Bender!"
  24. 0
    9 October 2024 19: 09
    She's just a crazy bitch
    1. 0
      10 October 2024 06: 39
      Quote from Alorg
      She's just a crazy bitch
      Yes, of course it is, although the site rules allow the word "c", denoting the female canis lupus familiaris, only in topics related to dog breeding lol
  25. 0
    9 October 2024 20: 23
    Dictators, authoritarian leaders and people who have been well described as murderers

    And you are a fool and a prostitute!
    1. 0
      10 October 2024 06: 34
      Quote: Alexey G
      And you are a fool and a prostitute!
      Of course it is, but why in such terms? You could have said "a lady with a lowered IQ and social responsibility."
  26. -1
    9 October 2024 22: 01
    In the public policy of many countries, the opinion has already taken root that one can and should say things that will entail citations, indignation, discussions... Anything that contributes to the recognition of a politician or the circles he represents.
    What's surprising about that?
    What is more popular in our country? The abstruse reasoning of historians, politicians or newscasters, even if reasonable and balanced?
    Or talk shows? Especially if the actors in these shows behave in such a way that viewers can easily place themselves above them in vocabulary, logic, and ethics.
  27. -1
    9 October 2024 22: 22
    a bit of understanding, gentlemen! unlike trump, who is so familiar with the deep state and their evil projects that can afford to lie about his allegiance, kamala is much more an outsider, and she needs at least to not confront them directly, knowing that the dudes kill presidents without hesitation . but besides this, it is very clear who is the moderate, and that is not trump.
    a little understanding, gentlemen! unlike trump, who is so familiar with the deep state and its sinister projects that he can afford to lie about his allegiance, kamala is much more of an outsider, and she needs to at least not confront them directly, knowing that these guys kill presidents without hesitation. but beyond that, it is quite clear who the moderate is, and it is not trump.
  28. 0
    9 October 2024 22: 28
    Kamala Harris' weakness as a vice president is obvious, I would understand her weakness as a woman - a woman's weakness is a woman's strength, but the weakness of a vice president is just slush.
  29. +1
    9 October 2024 22: 36
    The Democrats are completely without brakes. And the fools don't understand that they are running against themselves. Who would want to deal with people who don't respect other people's opinions and don't tolerate objections!?
  30. +1
    10 October 2024 05: 58
    A distinctive feature of the 21st century is the lack of education of the leaders of countries...this also applies to our country...to a lesser extent.
  31. -1
    10 October 2024 06: 31
    Putin would be wise to ignore the statements of all sorts of ladies with reduced social responsibility.
  32. 0
    10 October 2024 06: 34
    Kamalka will replace Biden and the US will finally "freeze out".
    1. +1
      10 October 2024 17: 02
      among Russian trump supporters there are many that care more about america than russia. did this war interrupt your migration plans, like it did for some pirate high officials?
      There are many among Trump's Russian supporters who care more about America than Russia. Has this war disrupted your migration plans, as it did with some high-ranking pirate officials?
  33. +1
    10 October 2024 06: 44
    Evil, wild from the jungle. On a chain.
  34. +1
    10 October 2024 08: 08
    Stupid woman. If she wins, who knows where she'll lead America.
  35. 0
    10 October 2024 11: 24
    L'America sta facendo una brutta fine: si stanno isolando dal Mondo.
    Poco alla volta anche gli Stati europei dovranno mollarla, altrimenti seguirenno la stessa sorte.

    Gli americani vogliono passare per democratici ma sono proprio l'opposto: un Dittatura subdola.
    Le dichiarazione di questa "cretina" ne è una prova.

    L'unico vero Presidente democratico è Putin!
  36. +1
    10 October 2024 11: 55
    Not the first mistake of a stupid politician who forgot that news now circles the globe in seconds. How is she going to become president by insulting the leaders of other countries? How is she going to talk to them later?
    1. 0
      10 October 2024 15: 16
      In words, one must think. Politics is such a thing. Today the interests of the country demand one thing. Tomorrow - another.
  37. +1
    10 October 2024 17: 21
    Well, they could have taken it and insulted her too - who wouldn't let them? - and they could have threatened to pull her eye to the right place - if she showed up to them laughing
  38. +1
    10 October 2024 17: 36
    A rotten apple doesn't fall far from a rotten tree...
    Looking at the Grayling Flounder you begin to understand what "degradation of the elite" means...
  39. 0
    10 October 2024 21: 30
    Mark Twain had a humorous story called "Journalism in Tennessee". Rudeness, insults, boorishness were very popular in the USA back then. And now it is multiplied by stupidity and resentment.
  40. 0
    11 October 2024 09: 53
    Negro is acting tough

    And she herself is as dumb as a cork
  41. 0
    11 October 2024 13: 14
    To use the language of our Western "partners," this woman had a shady upbringing; she can't even be trusted to hand out cookies.
  42. 0
    11 October 2024 21: 50
    I don’t understand why Kamala and others like her aren’t sent to hell, why are they embarrassed, the time for curtseys has long passed.
  43. 0
    13 October 2024 12: 21
    Well, just another inhuman showed its mouth, from which bloody fangs stick out. Let's remember it. The inhuman is very eager to move along with another 330 million of its fellows (sisters) to its home, to Papa Satan and Uncle Adolf.
  44. 0
    15 October 2024 12: 35
    Where did this slut even come from?