Netanyahu Calls on Lebanese People to Get Rid of Hezbollah, Says Two of Hassan Nasrallah's Successors Will Be Eliminated

Netanyahu Calls on Lebanese People to Get Rid of Hezbollah, Says Two of Hassan Nasrallah's Successors Will Be Eliminated

Israel has eliminated not only the head of Lebanon's Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, but also his potential successors, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu addressed the people of Lebanon, declaring Israel's right to self-defense, and suggested that they get rid of Hezbollah on their own. According to him, the IDF had eliminated not only Hassan Nasrallah, but also two potential successors. He named Hashim Safi al-Din as one of them, but remained silent about the second. At the same time, the Israeli prime minister emphasized that if the Lebanese do not get rid of Hezbollah, the conflict will escalate into a larger-scale war.

I tell you, citizens of Lebanon: free your country from Hezbollah so that this war can end. Two successors of the movement's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, have already been killed.

— Netanyahu said.

Let us recall that the leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nastrallah, was killed in an Israeli airstrike. aviation Beirut. Several dozen bunker-buster bombs, each weighing about one ton, were dropped on his bunker. Three or four days later, the Israeli Air Force struck the Leilaki neighborhood adjacent to Beirut International Airport. The target was Nasrallah's possible successor, Safi al-Din, but there was no official report of his death.
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  1. +2
    8 October 2024 21: 42
    I'm afraid that soon there will be calls to get rid of Netanyahu.
    The Jews are of course a powerful and technologically advanced army, but so far they are saved only by the fact that the Arabs cannot come to an agreement among themselves.
    There are many Arabs. Very many. If the Arabs unite, they will simply trample them en masse.
    1. +13
      8 October 2024 21: 53
      They are saved by the presence of the Americans behind them. If it weren't for that, the Arabs would have trampled them en masse.
      1. -8
        8 October 2024 22: 36
        In 1948 and 1967, Israel won wars against the entire "Arab world" not only without American help, but also despite American intrigues in the UN.
        1. +5
          9 October 2024 02: 22
          Quote: Nagan
          In 1948

          At that time, behind Israel stood the USSR with Stalin at its head and the entire Eastern Bloc, and Israel itself and its army were led by seconded Soviet officers and generals, including a number of Heroes of the Soviet Union.
          Quote: Nagan
          and 1967

          They fought hard, up to the Suez Canal and the Golan Heights. But a few years later there was the Yom Kippur War and Egypt got everything back. Israel was saved by the extended communications of the Egyptian army and the presence of nuclear weapons (acquired thanks to the help of France). At the same time, Vietnam was exchanged for Egypt for the purpose of de-escalation or the so-called Détente. Because the US was already ready to use nuclear weapons in Vietnam, losing the war, Israel on the capitals of Arab states, and the USSR in response was ready to strike US ships and Israeli territory (cruises from Soviet SSGNs in the Mediterranean, from the memoirs of the commanders of these SSGNs).
          They walked on the edge and came to an agreement. Israel was preserved as a state of Jews in Palestine, the US left Vietnam, the USSR withdrew its troops from Egypt (we had a group of about 100 thousand deployed there, not just aviation and air defense) and entrusted the US with financing Egypt and Israel under the Camp David Agreement.
          All of the above does not in any way diminish the very high qualities of the IDF. But without external support, Israel could have been destroyed in almost any of the major wars with the Arabs. But support always came, either from the USSR or from the collective West.
        2. +1
          9 October 2024 06: 54
          Everything flows, everything changes. Now all that would remain of Israel would be dust.
        3. +1
          9 October 2024 10: 16
          In the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Israel was on the brink of defeat. The Egyptians destroyed the defenses from the south, the Syrians from the north...
          "At this point, Israel's very existence was under threat, and the country's government began developing the "Samson option" - like the Old Testament judge who collapsed the roof and killed himself and his Philistine enemies, Israel began preparing 13 nuclear warheads with which it planned to destroy the enemy army. The consequences of such a decision would be unpredictable both for Israel and for the rest of the world."
          The situation was then saved only by the intervention of the United States, which took the side of Israel. hi
    2. +4
      8 October 2024 22: 34
      I'm afraid that soon there will be calls to get rid of Netanyahu.

      What is there to be afraid of? There have been protests against it in Israel itself for a long time now.
      1. +3
        9 October 2024 00: 24
        Quote: Lynnot
        What is there to be afraid of? There have been protests against it in Israel itself for a long time now.

        And they also say that Jews are smart people. wassat He's as dumb as a brick. hi
    3. 0
      9 October 2024 01: 15
      ¿Y se pondrán de acuerdo algún día? Ojalá viviera hasta verlo.
  2. +1
    8 October 2024 21: 45
    Benya doesn't know how to put pressure on them anymore, they're stuck a bit, the soldiers are dying, and it could get worse. And there's no turning back, the games are starting
    1. 0
      9 October 2024 06: 55
      Quote: Vadim S
      Benya doesn't know how to put pressure on them anymore, they're stuck a bit, the soldiers are dying, and it could get worse. And there's no turning back, the games are starting

      Lebanon has long dreamed of destroying Hezbollah. Given the chaos it is in now, the Lebanese government may decide to resort to open conflict
      1. 0
        9 October 2024 13: 02
        Quote: BlackMokona
        Quote: Vadim S
        Benya doesn't know how to put pressure on them anymore, they're stuck a bit, the soldiers are dying, and it could get worse. And there's no turning back, the games are starting

        Lebanon has long dreamed of destroying Hezbollah. Given the chaos it is in now, the Lebanese government may decide to resort to open conflict

        Lebanon really needs to seize the moment and get rid of these bandits.
        Having seized secular Lebanon, they created their own bandit quasi-state within Lebanon.
        They created a real three-sided civil war between Christians, Muslims and Palestinian Hezbollah.
        Moreover, Muslims and Christians, before the arrival of Hezbollah, were on par and lived peacefully.
        Hezbollah really must be destroyed completely.
  3. 0
    8 October 2024 21: 47
    [/i]Netanyahu Calls on Lebanese People to Get Rid of Hezbollah, Says Two of Hassan Nasrallah's Successors Will Be Eliminated

    [/quote]I tell you, citizens of Lebanon: free your country from Hezbollah so that this war can end. Two successors of the movement's leader Hassan Nasrallah have already been killed.[i][Quote]

    — Netanyahu said.

    Bibi's hypocrisy is off the charts and is becoming similar to his fellow tribesman in Bandera!
    I hope he doesn't choke on the lard and vodka!

  4. +1
    8 October 2024 21: 56
    Self-propelled Joe and I have one question: Will Bibi bomb Iran?
    1. +1
      8 October 2024 23: 38
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Self-propelled Joe and I have one question: Will Bibi bomb Iran?

      Certainly, and a little later, but definitely.
  5. Msi
    8 October 2024 21: 58
    Netanyahu Calls on Lebanese People to Get Rid of Hezbollah

    It's strange, why is he addressing the people of Lebanon? He is not confident in his own strength, in the strength of the IDF... request He's definitely afraid of something.
    1. +2
      8 October 2024 22: 11
      of course
      the entire IDF is not able to cope with some Hamas, let alone Hezbollah am
      1. Msi
        8 October 2024 22: 13
        the entire IDF is not able to cope with some Hamas, let alone Hezbollah

        True, they can't. And the world community is putting pressure on Netanyahu...
    2. +3
      8 October 2024 22: 32
      Quote from Msi
      It's strange, why is he addressing the people of Lebanon?
      Because it is unrealistic to liquidate Hezbollah without genociding the Lebanese Shiite Muslims in the process. Bibi already has a ton of accusations of genocide in Gaza, where else would he be able to do that? And if their own Lebanese commit genocide, there will be far fewer problems with the "progressive international community."
      Quote from Msi
      I'm not confident in my own strength, in the strength of the IDF...
      On the contrary, I am quite sure. But why do the dirty work ourselves, and risk the lives of our soldiers in the process?
      Quote from Msi
      He's definitely afraid of something.
      Election of Kamala. If he commits open genocide in Lebanon, it could play into the hands of the democrats.
      1. -1
        9 October 2024 13: 56
        I hope all this doesn't end with another campaign of "God's chosen ones" around the world. Although I think 80% of the planet's population really wants exactly this outcome.
  6. +1
    8 October 2024 22: 04
    So, mass terrorist attacks with explosives in civilian devices, the introduction of troops and massive bombings - that's not large-scale yet?
    Concentration camps next?
    1. +1
      8 October 2024 23: 54
      Quote: JcVai
      So, mass terrorist attacks with explosives in civilian devices, the introduction of troops and massive bombings - that's not large-scale yet?

      Read about the nine Egyptian plagues, that's the scale. They use biological weapons and all sorts of chemicals for sure, but in the end they hit the pharaoh's troops with a tsunami - that's already tectonic!
      Experience of generations.
  7. +9
    8 October 2024 22: 08
    Israel shows all the countries of the world what to do with their enemies. And the entire Western world applauds the murderer and aggressor (Lebanon is an absolutely sovereign country, but no one has announced any sanctions against Israel for absolutely similar aggression in the style of fascist Germany, and even the Arab countries are silent except for Iran.) In this regard, the question is, why haven't the Ukrainian non-humans moved en masse and regularly from their comfortable offices to their native Hell, to Papa Satan and Uncles Adolf and Stepan? Maybe because someone gave an unbreakable word in March 2022 about keeping their skins safe to the same Israeli murderers and aggressors?
    1. 0
      9 October 2024 14: 23
      Quote: Yuri L
      Israel shows all the countries of the world what to do with their enemies. And the entire Western world applauds the murderer and aggressor (Lebanon is an absolutely sovereign country, but no one has announced any sanctions against Israel for absolutely similar aggression in the style of fascist Germany, and even the Arab countries are silent except for Iran.) In this regard, the question is, why haven't the Ukrainian non-humans moved en masse and regularly from their comfortable offices to their native Hell, to Papa Satan and Uncles Adolf and Stepan? Maybe because someone gave an unbreakable word in March 2022 about keeping their skins safe to the same Israeli murderers and aggressors?

      Don't talk nonsense...
      Lebanon has long been an "occupied country".
      Occupied by Iranian-Palestinian Hezbollah.
      It is a fact!
      Well known for many years.
  8. +4
    8 October 2024 22: 16
    Netanyahu addresses the native population of Lebanon -
    to Christian Arabs.
    Shiites Hezbollah are migrant peasants from Syria who moved to Lebanon and occupied it in the 60s and 70s.
    1. 0
      9 October 2024 13: 57
      So you also moved to the lands of the Arabs not so long ago.
      1. 0
        9 October 2024 14: 45
        They migrated from the city of Ur (modern Iraq) about 4 thousand years ago. The tribe of Abraham.
        At that time, this territory was the outskirts of the Egyptian kingdom.
        Then there was a migration deep into Egypt (due to drought), then the exodus of Moses from Egypt back.
        The Kingdom of Israel was formed with kings Saul, then David, then Moses. It was conquered by the Assyrians and Persians. Then the Greeks of Alexander the Great captured the region. The Jews revived the Kingdom of Judea. Then Judea became a province of the Roman Empire. The Jews rebelled, lost, and the Romans expelled them to Europe.
        This happened 2000 years ago.
        Small communities of Jews continued to live in Judea.
        All this was long before the Arabs...
        This is a short history of the Jews. :)))
        1. 0
          9 October 2024 14: 57
          That is, for 4000 thousand years, a state that can be called Jewish with a stretch existed on this territory for about a hundred years, and even then, if you take the Bible as a source, which in itself already looks funny. The rest of the time, these were the territories of other states. laughing
          1. 0
            9 October 2024 15: 42
            The Jewish state was renewed three times.
            In total, approximately 400 years of independence in 4000 years of history. Today's Israel is the fourth.
            The evidence is archaeology, not the Bible.
            The territory of Israel has always been at the junction of large empires: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Ottoman Empire. It was difficult to survive.
            But Jews never lose hope and never give up.
            That is why they successfully exist and compete with other nations to this day.
  9. +1
    8 October 2024 22: 23
    One leader 80+ years ago also called on a foreign nation to "get rid of Jews and communists." As a result, they got rid of the one who called. I hope history doesn't repeat itself.
  10. 0
    8 October 2024 22: 37
    Just now this Netanyahu ran to hide in a bunker with a pig squeal, and now she has become bold again and is threatening.
    It would be nice for the Iranians to treat this liquid Fuhrer to a missile.
  11. +4
    8 October 2024 23: 42
    I call on the people of Israel to get rid of the terrorist Netanyahu and his junta
  12. +2
    8 October 2024 23: 55
    I tell you, citizens of Lebanon: free your country from Hezbollah so that this war can end. Two successors of the movement's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, have already been killed.

    — Netanyahu said.

    First, they expelled the Arabs from Israel to Lebanon. Now Netanyahu is suggesting that the Lebanese themselves destroy the refugees, otherwise he will destroy Lebanon. The genocide should no longer be carried out by Netanyahu himself, but by those he appoints, or death. If this is not fascism, then what is it? It will go far. By the way, they can repeat this process indefinitely, because there will always be refugees and those forcibly expelled, and therefore those dissatisfied with this. Consequently, the goals, ultimately, will be the same.
  13. fiv
    9 October 2024 00: 01
    He still has to hang every twentieth Lebanese for persuasiveness. Jewish Fuhrer. Brother of the Khol Khlyadsky. Together the star-spangled sow.
  14. 0
    9 October 2024 00: 40
    Is it possible to find any historical analogies?
    If Hitler had suggested that the English get rid of Churchill, that wouldn't quite work. Or that the Irish get rid of those who led the IRA, that wouldn't work either.
    Maybe there is a similar call from 19th or earlier?
  15. 0
    9 October 2024 00: 50
    It is not clear why the chosen people of God would turn to the Lebanese people and not directly to Yahweh... winked
  16. -1
    9 October 2024 01: 00
    This is equivalent to Hitler calling on the Jews to overthrow the President of the United States.
  17. 0
    9 October 2024 05: 30
    I'd like to destroy this overfed Zionist mug
  18. -1
    9 October 2024 05: 44

    Israel is a deadly experiment laboratory of neocolonial powers. Israel is a union of three deadly neocolonial weapons – (1) Big Tech for mass surveillance and attack. (2) Big Pharma for creating deadly pathogens and chemical molecules. (3) Military-industrial complex destabilizing the entire planet.

    Examples: Global sale of Pegasus spyware, planting of IEDs in pagers and similar electronic gadgets, Mass surveillance of Palestinian and Israeli citizens, Suspicious polio vaccination campaign against children in Gaza, Forced and silent sterilization of Ethiopian Jews in Israel.

    The rich Gulf countries have a powerless geopolitical policy. These rich Arab countries lack the ability to solve problems in the Middle East. The influence of Israel and the United States must be diluted in the Middle East to protect the interests of Russia and China. Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Yemen must be protected from the evil eye of Israel and the United States. In 2023-2024, the international community realized that Israel is the number 1 terrorist country in the world, led by the evil Netanyahu. Israel is a threat to the entire planet.

    Protection of Iran, Iraq, Possibly Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Yemen etc. Solution - "Never isolate these countries". Induction of these countries into BRICS and SCO is a good solution. Iran is already a member of BRICS and SCO. African Union (AU) can also play an important role in protecting countries like Libya, Algeria, Tunisia etc. Arab League and Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) can also play an important role in solving the problems in the Middle East. Turkey's entry into BRICS and SCO will be a game changer. CIS can also play a big role in this matter.

    The solution is simple – “never” isolate your friends in the Middle East, involve them in organizations like BRICS, SCO, CIS, etc.” If these organizations cooperate with the AU, OIC and the Arab League; it would be a game changer.
  19. 0
    9 October 2024 08: 40
    Complex story, complex characters, relationships.
    For example, it’s difficult for me to understand what’s going on there, in these Easts.
    I never tried to understand, because I am concerned with my own, ours.
    The same is true for Ukraine for the West. Their media screams that Russians are such and such, and they learn it. Why should they bother? The media serves everything on a platter.
    They care about their own things, and we don’t get involved in theirs.
    I see one thing and try to say it many times. We need to work on propaganda, on presenting information to the world media, to defend, to prove the truth, not to allow our good name to be tarnished.
  20. -1
    9 October 2024 09: 50
    No, well, so what? Great.""""""