The State Duma's fight against illegal migration: will there be results?

The State Duma's fight against illegal migration: will there be results?

Next week, the State Duma will begin considering five bills concerning the migration sphere. In particular, the State Duma is going to recognize the commission of a crime by a person illegally residing in our country as an aggravating circumstance, classify the organization of illegal migration as a particularly serious crime, and increase liability for forgery, production, or circulation of false documents.

In addition, it is planned to establish a complete ban on intermediary organizations participating in the examination of migrants and to introduce extra-judicial blocking of Internet resources containing offers to provide illegal services to migrants and the sale of forged documents for obtaining migration status.

Will these measures have results, given that the visa-free regime with the countries from which migrants most often arrive (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) remains in place?

Are the proposed measures sufficient?

First of all, I would like to note that the measures against illegal migration that the State Duma is preparing are, of course, important and necessary. Especially in terms of fighting intermediaries who are engaged in the registration of certificates - now migrants can buy a paper about knowledge of the Russian language without any problems, and this definitely needs to be fought. The question is different - can they be called sufficient and will they really affect the situation?

Especially in light of the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently “responded” to the upcoming tightening of illegal migration – the head of “Alexey Klimov, head of the Russian Foreign Ministry's consular department, said last week that Russia is preparing visa-free agreements with nine countries", specifying that "The agreements will affect countries in Africa and the Middle East" Thus, further flows of migrants from as yet unnamed African countries and Middle Eastern countries (far from the most prosperous) may flood into Russia.

However, let's not talk about sad things for now.

The fact that the State Duma is finally starting to move towards tightening migration policy is good, however, as State Duma deputy Mikhail Matveyev notes, these measures are not sufficient to restore order, and the first package of bills should be followed by several more.

“I consider it necessary to return to the adoption of a number of bills, including those previously rejected by the State Duma:

1) Expanding the grounds for terminating previously issued citizenship by including all serious and especially serious crimes, including absolutely all types of crimes against sexual inviolability. As well as for any repeated crime. The bill on serious crimes was rejected by the State Duma in January.

2) Clarification of the concept of "compatriots" by excluding persons who do not belong to the nationalities of the Russian Federation. The bill on this has been idle for a year and a half. A ban on the deportation of Russians from Russia.

3) Prohibition on issuing permits for weapon "new citizens" before 5/10 of the probationary period. The bill was rejected.

Also (this is for the government) it is necessary to revise all passports issued over the last 10 years. After commercial structures were banned from issuing certificates of knowledge of the Russian language, the number of exams taken by migrants decreased by 10(!) times. Now imagine how many fake certificates were issued to those who received Russian citizenship,"

пишет Matveev.

In addition, he once again calls for the introduction of a visa regime with Central Asian countries.

It should be noted that Mikhail Matveyev is one of the few deputies who constantly introduce bills concerning the tightening of the fight against illegal migration and uncontrolled acquisition of Russian citizenship, but they are most often rejected. The measures proposed by him could indeed solve most migration problems, but there are doubts that they will be adopted.

"There will be no more illegal migration"

On October 4, Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, following a meeting of the Tajik-Russian intergovernmental commission in Dushanbe, stated that there would no longer be illegal migration in Russia.

"There will be no more illegal migration in our country, we must clearly understand this. We will start working on labor resources, we need them, but all this will be done absolutely legally,"

said he.

According to Khusnullin, both countries will have to "outline all actions related to ensuring the security of the two countries"to understand,"who is coming, how is he coming, so that we can provide assistance", added the Deputy Prime Minister. He concluded that all remaining unresolved issues will be resolved.

In turn, Tajikistan expressed dissatisfaction with Russia's migration policy and made a number of claims to the Deputy Prime Minister. Tajik Prime Minister Kokhir Rasulzoda, who headed the delegation, stated that

"tendencies of widespread violation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of our citizens during the implementation of measures to regulate the migration field of Russia."

According to him, increasingly, citizens of Tajikistan are being denied entry or deported from Russia under the guise of ensuring security.

If Tajikistan is concerned, it means that border control has really been strengthened, which inspires some optimism, but how feasible are Marat Khusnullin's promises that "there will be no more illegal migration"? How can this be accomplished without introducing a visa regime?

There are no answers to these questions.

Coordination with the Tajik authorities in terms of providing information about migrants is, of course, useful, but there is no hope for the honesty of Tajik colleagues - what can we say if the Telegram channel of the Tajik Foreign Ministry still there is a message hanging that the Tajiks had nothing to do with the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall and that “dissemination of unverified and unreliable information may cause harm to citizens of Tajikistan» (?!).

As a conclusion

In early October, the regional music theater in Khabarovsk caught fire; migrants from Uzbekistan were doing repairs. According to investigators, the fire started during repairs on the roof of the building, for which people from Central Asia (citizens of Uzbekistan) were involved, and five of the eight of them were in Russia illegally. As a result, the Investigative Committee for Khabarovsk Krai opened a case on organizing illegal migration.

After this incident, Khabarovsk Krai Governor Dmitry Demeshin criticized the migration policy:

"All the workers who were doing repairs in the building turned out to be migrants, natives of one of the Central Asian republics. Five of them were in Russia illegally. Moreover, two of them had previously been issued court decisions requiring them to leave the country. How did it happen that they did not pay taxes, and the other three also had no right to work in our region? Where are the quotas being implemented? Where is the work of the migration services? I will ask the investigation to look into how the control measures were carried out and whether they were carried out at all."

It is surprising that the governor is not aware of what is happening in the migration sphere of his region and is only now beginning to get involved in the situation. But what is especially curious in this stories the fact that two migrants were given court orders requiring them to leave the country, but they continue to work quietly on construction sites.

Why is this possible? And when will this situation finally be corrected? These questions have no answers yet.
201 comment
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  1. +7
    7 October 2024 05: 33
    And when will this situation finally be corrected? These questions have no answers yet.

    Well...Rus' is silent...
    1. +1
      7 October 2024 05: 52
      Well...Rus' is silent...

      Rus' is not silent... in the words of Bastrykin, it has already said its "fie" to the State Duma.
      On forums, citizens are cursing the government's migration policy.
      And after Crocus, I also do not intend to remain silent about the lawlessness of migrants in our country. hi
      1. +37
        7 October 2024 06: 34
        And? Where will you go to shout? To the presidential administration? In general, these projects lack the most important thing. Labor migration without obtaining citizenship. Shift work with accommodation in labor camps. No families. That's it. This has already been tested in the Persian Gulf countries.
        1. -14
          7 October 2024 07: 06
          About camps and families - the most correct suggestion!

          The only question remains: who will do the work?
          That is why the government turns a blind eye and we cover the eyes of the relevant services with our own hands!
          1. +19
            7 October 2024 07: 20
            You have read (it is clear that you have not seen, as well as I) how their work is organized. Migrant workers, regardless of their nationality, live in fenced ghettos and are taken out to work. Citizenship and families are only in their homeland. That's all. About the corruption of security forces. I think that show trials are necessary. With serious conclusions. And we need to start with the heads of diasporas. If there is a person, an article will be found. All that is needed is WILL. Unfortunately, I do not see this. So, a bone to the electorate
            1. +7
              7 October 2024 08: 17
              Not really. I often visit the UAE, there is no feeling that you are in an Arab country, there is a feeling that you are in Pakistan. There are Pakistanis everywhere and a few Indians, they don't have any ghettos, the natives have their own areas and Pakistanis are just everywhere. The entire infrastructure of Dubai is made for them, except for expensive areas for tourists and areas for their own. You can meet a local Arab only and exclusively in a shopping center, the rest of the time they are either at home or in a car or in an office. It's really that simple.
              Well, you can say about the Arabs that they don’t like to work at all, they are incredibly lazy, but we are still a hardworking people.
              1. 0
                7 October 2024 09: 50
                I draw this conclusion from the story of my classmate, who has been working there for almost twenty years. He did not earn enough money to buy an apartment there, he lives in a dorm behind a fence. True, he has two rooms, amenities. A common corridor. He works as a manager at the terminal. I completely agree about the Arabs, a person who worked there simply hates them.
                1. man
                  7 October 2024 11: 35
                  Quote from: dmi.pris1
                  I draw this conclusion from the story of my classmate, who has been working there for almost twenty years. He did not earn enough money to buy an apartment there, he lives in a dorm behind a fence. True, he has two rooms, amenities. A common corridor. He works as a manager at the terminal. I completely agree about the Arabs, a person who worked there simply hates them.

                  What, a migrant hates natives? It can't be! What impudence! He lives in a two-room dorm alone!!! Not 20 mugs in a room!
                  And he still dares to act up??? Well, I'm sure you'll re-educate him?
                2. +1
                  7 October 2024 17: 34
                  Honestly, I can't believe the story about the "dormitory behind a fence". I've been there too many times and in different places and all for work (i.e. not a tourist) to see that all the workers live in ordinary houses and are not fenced in by any fences. So where he found a dorm behind a fence is unclear, maybe he was just really unlucky. And the prices for real estate there are astronomical, it's hard to make money on it.
            2. 0
              2 November 2024 09: 54
              That's right, there is no will to bring order to migrants. In such a state, migration policy is only a threat to Russians and the entire state. What is a diaspora? It is an organization for pressure and corruption on officials against the laws in defense of their own desires.
          2. +26
            7 October 2024 08: 19
            Do you seriously believe these fairy tales that there is no one to work? Ten years ago, doctors were fired en masse. But now there are only migrant doctors in clinics and hospitals.
            1. +14
              7 October 2024 09: 51
              Quote: Gardamir
              Do you seriously believe these fairy tales that there is no one to work?

              Another twenty years of this course of events, and there will really be no one...
              1. +3
                8 October 2024 10: 52
                That is, they have no work in their homeland, there is nothing to do there, am I right? Maybe then they should first think about their independence, why the hell do they need it, and ask to join Russia? Whether we accept it or not is another question.
                1. +3
                  8 October 2024 11: 03
                  Quote: Alexander Salenko
                  That is, they have no work in their homeland, there is nothing to do there, am I right?

                  Of course not. Why would they come here in millions, often living in absolutely brutal conditions? But here they have a guaranteed income, and they can support their families.
                  Quote: Alexander Salenko
                  Maybe then, to start with, think about your independence, why the hell do you need it, and ask to join Russia?

                  You reason strangely. The one who started the collapse of the Union really needs independence, because it is possible to rule undividedly on one's own piece of land, selling resources abroad, and live like kings. And the fact that up to 90% of the population suffers from this "independence" is the standard of peripheral capitalism...
                  1. 0
                    8 October 2024 11: 06
                    What's strange? To those who started the collapse of the Union under the delusion of years or feed the worms in their mass, this appeal is not to the authorities, if anything, let them figure it out themselves, and throw claims to the authorities as was already the case in Kazakhstan, I am not a fan of Mambets, but they showed dissatisfaction.
                    1. +1
                      8 October 2024 11: 09
                      Quote: Alexander Salenko
                      if anything, let them figure it out themselves and make claims to the authorities

                      laughing Oh well...
                      Quote: Alexander Salenko
                      I'm not a fan of Mambets, but they showed their dissatisfaction.

                      Firstly, it is not entirely clear who was showing what there. There are some opinions that it was just a squabble between "bais for flocks of sheep"...
                      Secondly, how did this "discontent" end? It ended with the introduction of troops, and not only our own, but also friends of friends...
                      1. 0
                        8 October 2024 11: 24
                        Well, before the troops were brought in, everything basically ended, because the Mambets weren’t organized and there was no leading and guiding party, and I’m not making fun of that at all.
                      2. +1
                        8 October 2024 11: 30
                        Quote: Alexander Salenko
                        Well, everything ended there before the troops were brought in.

                        Well, how can I say that? If we consider street pogroms as "everything", then maybe. But the bulk of the "dissatisfied", and high-ranking ones at that, understood that "everything" when polite peacekeepers appeared...
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. +3
              7 October 2024 09: 54
              Quote: Gardamir
              but now in clinics and hospitals there are only migrant doctors.

              And there aren't many of them anymore. There was an influx for a while, then they all quietly "dissipated". Apparently the incomes weren't satisfactory... wassat
              1. +2
                7 October 2024 22: 13
                They received a census and left for Moscow.
                1. +2
                  7 October 2024 23: 25
                  Quote: -Paul-
                  and left for Moscow.

                  Well, yes, they are more needed there...
            4. man
              7 October 2024 11: 44
              Quote: Gardamir
              Do you seriously believe these fairy tales that there is no one to work? Ten years ago, doctors were fired en masse. But now there are only migrant doctors in clinics and hospitals.

              And where did they put the Russian doctors? Did the migrants eat them out of hunger?
              1. +8
                7 October 2024 15: 01
                Everything is simpler, they kicked them out. The same with construction, locals are not hired for construction. And then they tell tales that they don't have enough workers.
                1. man
                  7 October 2024 15: 06
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  Everything is simpler, they kicked them out. The same with construction, locals are not hired for construction. And then they tell tales that they don't have enough workers.

                  Are you saying that migrant doctors also give kickbacks, like simple janitors???
                  1. +7
                    7 October 2024 15: 36
                    I don't know anything about kickbacks.
                    I remember that in my hometown, which is turning into a village, they closed the medical school about 20 years ago. And about 10 years ago, they were cutting doctors already in Moscow. I remember how Sobyanin, three months before Covid, called for closing hospitals because it seemed to him that there were too many of them.
                    I think it’s not about kickbacks, but about the Kremlin’s desire to replace natives with migrants.
                    1. man
                      7 October 2024 15: 46
                      I think it’s not about kickbacks, but about the Kremlin’s desire to replace natives with migrants.
                      Well, you are a grown man... Why the hell would the Kremlin replace Moscow doctors with migrants??? Have they retired or transferred to other, better hospitals...
                      1. +6
                        7 October 2024 16: 40
                        You can answer your own question if you answer why the Kremlin pays for gas transportation to Kyiv, which is more than a billion. Or answer why they are going to adopt a budget for next year that emphasizes optimization, not development.
                        There are many similar questions.
                      2. man
                        7 October 2024 23: 11
                        Quote: Gardamir
                        You can answer your own question if you answer why the Kremlin pays for gas transportation to Kyiv, which is more than a billion. Or answer why they are going to adopt a budget for next year that emphasizes optimization, not development.
                        There are many similar questions.

                        I think it would be more logical to ask the Kremlin people themselves about this. I can assume that it is the migrants who are forcing the Kremlin people to act this way.
                    2. 0
                      14 October 2024 17: 54
                      Quote: Gardamir
                      I think it’s not about kickbacks, but about the Kremlin’s desire to replace natives with migrants.

                      The point is that the management wants to save on wages and, at the expense of the savings, increase their own salaries or those of their escort secretaries. The technology is simple - to scare workers with layoffs in the hope that those who remain will work for two. That is why layoffs are carried out regularly. On the eve and at the beginning of the SVO, the management of the Aviation Industry began laying off aircraft engineers at Moscow aircraft factories. Existing aircraft enterprises were merged. At two of the three factories, a structural unit was laid off - for example, a machine repair engineer - and it was assumed that one person would travel to all production sites from Altufye to Tushino, managing to do the work of three people between hourly trips. As a result, the top managers of the aviation industry themselves understand the futility of their children working in aviation, and the boss with a salary of over a million rubles a month sends his son after university to try to trade real estate in one of the countries of the Persian Gulf.
              2. +2
                7 October 2024 19: 16
                So someone talked about a calling and that you need to go into business if your salary is small.
                And now suddenly, out of the blue, there are no teachers, no doctors...
                1. man
                  7 October 2024 23: 17
                  Quote: Sergey Zhikharev
                  So someone talked about a calling and that you need to go into business if your salary is small.
                  And now suddenly, out of the blue, there are no teachers, no doctors...

                  I can continue: there are no engineers, no physicists, no mathematicians, and there are many others we don’t have, or rather almost none, or have, but not enough sad sad sad
                  And what we have in abundance are chatterboxes and demagogues...
                  and even children know about thieves...
              3. 0
                14 October 2024 18: 13
                Quote: mann
                And where did they put the Russian doctors? Did the migrants eat them out of hunger?

                Already in 1994, a third or half of those born in the Moscow region and Moscow were from parents from the Caucasus and Central Asia. By 2024, they graduated from university and, without protection, went to low-paid jobs as doctors and nurses. Native Muscovites either sell medicines wholesale or work as cosmetologists after graduating. These companies try to hire girls with European model looks for reception.
            5. 0
              8 October 2024 16: 47
              Quote: Gardamir
              Do you seriously believe these fairy tales that there is no one to work? Ten years ago, doctors were fired en masse. But now there are only migrant doctors in clinics and hospitals.

              There are no people willing to work in the newly built hospital - neither ours nor migrants.
              The equipment has been purchased, but there are no specialists for it.
              1. 0
                8 October 2024 17: 25
                In Moscow there are four Turkic doctors for every Russian.
                1. +1
                  8 October 2024 17: 28
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  In Moscow there are four Turkic doctors for every Russian.
                  - because there your salary as a doctor is only starting at 150. And here at 000 is the upper ceiling.

                  Everything is as usual - Moscow is guzzling and wondering why there are so many migrants there.
              2. 0
                14 October 2024 18: 06
                Quote: your1970
                The equipment has been purchased, but there are no specialists for it.

                Now all the leaders of the Central Asian countries demand that their fellow citizens not go to work in Russia but work at home or in countries where they pay well, for example, in South Korea. It is quite possible that all of Bastrykin's actions to create a mass nightmare for people from Central Asia, if not inspired by the special services of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, are secretly encouraged by the politicians of these countries.
        2. +8
          7 October 2024 08: 53
          Well, why in camps? Let the employer rent an apartment for the migrant. I am not against the migrant living in good conditions, I do not treat migrants like animals.
          But if we oblige the employer to provide the migrant with all the conditions, won't he lose the desire to hire this migrant? Let him teach at his own expense, treat at his own expense, provide leisure. Let him at least take him to the Bolshoi Theater on weekends, if he loves migrants so much! But who will need such an expensive migrant???
          1. man
            7 October 2024 11: 06
            Let him at least take them to the Bolshoi Theater on weekends if he loves migrants so much!
            That's right! There are a lot of ballet lovers among migrants! fellow
          2. man
            7 October 2024 11: 47
            Well, why in camps? Let the employer rent an apartment for the migrant.
            If it's a penthouse, I'm going to immigrate! Just make sure it has an elevator!
            I can't even climb up to the 5th floor on foot anymore!!!
          3. 0
            7 October 2024 23: 19
            Then it should be an educated, high-class, truly valuable specialist who would justify his high cost. Such are needed. And we have enough of our own cattle who only want to reproduce.
        3. The comment was deleted.
      2. +10
        7 October 2024 06: 36
        Bastrykina, she has already said her "fie" to the State Duma
        Wasn't it this guardian of the law who extradited some faggot to Chechnya?
        1. -8
          7 October 2024 08: 18
          Don't touch Bastrykin, he is the last hope of the Russian people
          1. +7
            7 October 2024 09: 20
            Yeah, the "screw" rebelled against the whole "mechanism". It's not funny for you to believe in such a thing. And his subordinates at the local level are no less clumsy in this regard than the MDV ones.
            1. +3
              7 October 2024 09: 54
              What rebellion? He immediately apologized for his angry speech towards the Duma.
              1. +2
                7 October 2024 10: 39
                Yes, you are right, that happened. hi
            2. +1
              7 October 2024 17: 31
              The man is doing his job, isn't it noticeable? Wherever he intervenes, the situation takes a legal turn. What else do you need, for him to name all the stakeholders in the migration system and put them all in prison for life? I would like to, but the world is not quite that way. So the fact that he, being an unconditional part of the system, raises the issue in the right light and clearly takes action is already his merit. But if you want to believe that this is just a bone to the voters, that's your right.
          2. +6
            7 October 2024 11: 24
            What about the "guarantor"? No longer? Hopeless? Everything depends on him.
        2. +5
          7 October 2024 09: 55
          "It's different," you don't understand...
    2. -12
      7 October 2024 10: 01
      The real changes will begin after the Victory. And now they are simply indicating the direction of the coming changes.
      1. +3
        7 October 2024 14: 29
        At the current rate of progress, only migrants will celebrate victory and will
        1. 0
          8 October 2024 11: 07
          Quote: Ermak_415
          At the current rate of progress, only migrants will celebrate victory and will

          See you soon
    3. 0
      9 October 2024 23: 30
      parusnik(Alexey Bogomazov). October 7, 2024 05:33. New. Yours - "...Ndaaa...Rus' is silent..."

      "..And when will this situation finally be corrected? There are no answers to these questions yet.."
      ..... "Yes. uhhh. said Vorobyanonov... belay When and at what STAGE...!? am
      More than once already stages of a similar process can be found on the Internet:
      1. Mass immigration (invasion or organization of arrival)
      2. The emergence of diasporas
      3. Gradual takeover of economic spheres
      4. Ethnic terror against the indigenous population. murders and rapes
      5. Demands for additional political rights of autonomies
      6. Sharia patrols on the streets. Recognition of the laws of the host country as inferior to Sharia
      7. Open separatism. Genocide of the indigenous population
      What stage are we at!?

      09.10.2024. 14: 15
      …INmigrants from CIS countries want to control the actions of law enforcement officers during raids to identify illegal migrants in Russian cities. For this purpose, the diasporas plan to create security forces… bully
      …In Tyumen, they proposed creating an analogue of the Russian organization “Northern Man”. The initiators are diasporas, and the goal is to control the actions of local security forces during raids on illegal migrants am . This was a kind of response to the fact that Tyumen security forces allowed members of the "Northern Man" organization to participate in such raids, sources report…
      ..According to the migrant, another goal of creating security forces is to ensure the safety of foreigners. crying on the outskirts of Tyumen from attacks by local residents. What law enforcement agencies think about this is still unknown...
      ...They also want to create "vigilantes" from among migrants in Bratsk. This idea was put forward, as reported by sources, by a member of the Public Council at the Bratsk Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Makhmadiso Makhmadshoev, who is also the chairman of the Muslim community and the Tajik diaspora of the city. belay . Council members have not yet commented on the proposal…
      Blogger Sergei Kolyasnikov expressed his opinion. He emphasized that in Russia am Diasporas as criminal structures acting in the interests of citizens of other states must be prohibited by law. It is also unacceptable to create ethnic security structures in our country, controlled by diasporas, especially in light of Great Britain’s management of migration processes…
      This will lead to war and the division of Russia from within. Actually, which is what the Anglo-Saxons are trying to achieve. If the migrants want a diaspora and their own fighters am “Let them do it in Turkey and the UAE,” Kolyasnikov concluded.

  2. +13
    7 October 2024 05: 41
    I don't trust either the officials or the Duma. No matter how many laws you pass, they are like a drawbar in Russia, and who will monitor those monitoring those implementing the laws? In times of total irresponsibility...
    I'm only afraid that strict restrictions, laws and punishments will hit those who are going to honestly observe them. And those who don't care about them will just smirk.
    1. +8
      7 October 2024 05: 57
      The attack of ethnic minorities on the "Russian community" has begun.
      Chechnya's Human Rights Commissioner Accuses "Russian Community" of Working for Western Intelligence Services

      Let's see which way the wind blows.
      1. +9
        7 October 2024 06: 35
        The wind is blowing towards a new Chechen war.
        1. +8
          7 October 2024 08: 21
          Only now the Kremlin is on the side of the Chechens.
        2. man
          7 October 2024 11: 01
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          The wind is blowing towards a new Chechen war.

          Yeah, a second front certainly wouldn't hurt us.
      2. +5
        7 October 2024 06: 58
        I looked at the information about the "Russian community"...
        Honor God and serve Him alone – the first commandment, which established the norms of brotherly love and mutual support by which the Community is guided.

        For me, this way of posing the question is unacceptable...
        But in general, based on the policy of our authorities, attempts by Russians to self-organize will be suppressed (with the help of Chechens or without their participation), I believe.
        1. -3
          7 October 2024 08: 23
          And what formulation is acceptable to you? Believe in Lenin? Even if so, then it is worth concentrating on the second part "brotherly love and mutual support". You can be an atheist, a communist, a pagan, and even a Protestant, the main thing is to consider yourself Russian (sincerely, and not like some "model family men") and want to participate.
          The local authorities are increasingly supporting the Russian Community. These ideas have begun to penetrate the minds of more and more people in completely different positions and positions, and the process of self-organization of the Russian people from below can no longer be stopped from above, even with a great desire. But it seems there is no desire to stop it.
          1. +4
            7 October 2024 08: 36
            There is a lot of very controversial and ambiguous stuff in this code. I understand, of course, that those who formulated it tried to avoid any snag, so that there would be no reason to close down and ban the organization. But even such an introduction "for everything good and in general we are angels" is simply off-putting.
            All members of the Community, without claiming any power, are obliged to support the existing order in the country.

            This is nonsense, everyone is obliged to observe the laws, not just members of the organization. Migrant communities are very much trying to get into power, but Russians are not allowed!
            And not a word about what the organization wants to achieve...
            1. +4
              7 October 2024 10: 01
              Quote: Sunwenmin
              so that there would be no reason to close down and ban the organization

              Whatever is written there, even quotes from children's fairy tales, if desired, can be closed down unequivocally and harshly, but if you consider that it is on everyone's lips and in the media too, then this leads to very interesting thoughts...
              1. 0
                7 October 2024 10: 17
                Share your thoughts, I'm curious winked
                This is the first time I've come across a mention of this Russian Community here, it doesn't seem to be promoted much in the media... Although maybe I'm wrong... request
                1. +4
                  7 October 2024 10: 20
                  It's not that they're promoting it, but everyone knows about it. It's on everyone's lips. It's been around on the Internet for a long time, and everything is quiet, which means someone needs it...
            2. 0
              7 October 2024 17: 25
              Well, sit alone if everything repels you. This is the problem with us Russians, every smart person painfully knows how the world should revolve around himself, but when it comes to helping the world to revolve in the right direction, then "loguzngs repelve me". And people will continue to do the job, whether you like it or not. If anything happens, contact me, despite the fact that you do not want to join and participate, as a Russian person, you will be provided with support in case of problems (naturally, if you did not organize them yourself).
              And the fact that everyone must comply with the laws - well, that's great, that's a revelation of course! So let's all say it together "everyone must comply with the laws" and continue to live as we live. Then, having heard this, the diasporas and the corrupt officials in cahoots with them will immediately become pretty
              1. +1
                7 October 2024 18: 45
                I understand your attitude, your zeal for the cause. Take this unsolicited advice if you are part of this community: Post a list of specific things that people can do to help the community on the page. Without a pompous introduction, not with money. People who want to help but don't trust anyone (these are the times) will be drawn in and gain trust and connections with the community gradually.
      3. +2
        7 October 2024 09: 22
        Well, it's blowing from Chechnya.""""""
    2. +5
      7 October 2024 07: 17
      I agree with you. Only business needs workers. It will do everything to have more migrants.
      In Russia, labor productivity has been virtually stagnant for many years.
      Stagnation, old equipment.
      We are lagging behind global progress everywhere.
      Robots and mechanisms should replace people.
      In the world for every 10 tons of workers there are 151 robots, machines. In Russia there are only 11. What kind of development can we talk about?
      But it is troublesome and time-consuming.
      It's easier to steal and run.
      1. +7
        7 October 2024 07: 49
        In order for a capitalist not to look for easy ways, but to invest in modernization, automation and personnel training, the corresponding coercion from the authorities is required. And here the authorities do everything so that business "doesn't bother" and drives crowds of migrants at the first request. request
        1. +3
          7 October 2024 07: 55
          That's right, but our government has had its own business for a long time.
          Bees will pass laws against honey.)
          They will make a hole in the law and all of Tajikistan will squeeze through it.)
      2. +3
        7 October 2024 08: 22
        They tell you fairy tales, but you believe in the hands of business.
        1. -2
          7 October 2024 08: 23
          Gardimar, what do you call fairy tales?
          1. +3
            7 October 2024 08: 25
            that business needs hands. That's what they call replacing the indigenous people. And so that the people, like a frog slowly boiling in a cauldron, don't notice. They tell fairy tales.
            I wonder what the real population is in Russia*
            1. +1
              7 October 2024 08: 31
              Got it, Gardamir. I don't agree that there is some kind of conspiracy to replace one nation with another.
              Russia has its own elite and it will not give up power to anyone. It is impossible.
              Asians are far from the level of education, knowledge, and skills of Russians.
              There are too many problems with migrants.
              They are only good for a narrow range of tasks. But there is a need for a lot of migrants for low-skilled work.
              We can't do without Russians.
              1. +4
                7 October 2024 10: 03
                You see, none of those who destroyed the Soviet Union stayed in power. So today's Moors will bring in migrants and leave.
                1. -6
                  7 October 2024 13: 07
                  The Soviet Union collapsed on its own. Due to its economic insolvency.
                  Regions and republics refused to obey Moscow and pay taxes to it.
                  Socialism died on its own. Exorbitant military spending, thoughtless, huge aid to the poor from impoverished countries, an ineffective economy: money was invested, but there was no return.
                  Now Leninist socialism does not exist anywhere in the world.
                  1. +9
                    7 October 2024 15: 22
                    By the way, capitalism didn't take hold right away either. For example, in France, it took the fourth time. And the fact that Russia has rolled back, not even to capitalism, but to feudalism, is not an indicator that socialism is not viable.
                    By the way, now there are also military expenditures, also aid and debt forgiveness for the poor, who do not even support Russia in the UN. There is no economy, they pave the street twice a summer.
                    Personally, I like Stalin's socialism.
                    1. -2
                      7 October 2024 15: 28
                      Real socialism is well developed in Europe now. Sweden, Norway, France. Fair redistribution of public funds according to the principles of social justice
                      The rich pay high taxes, luxury is taxed heavily, etc.
                      The poor receive large amounts of support.
                      1. +1
                        7 October 2024 15: 39
                        Well, you see, you know it yourself.
                      2. 0
                        8 October 2024 11: 02
                        There is no socialism there, don't tell me nonsense, there is forced redistribution to make a showcase for people like you. The capitalists were simply forced to share at a certain point so that the "infection" of communism wouldn't devour them.
              2. +4
                7 October 2024 10: 10
                Quote: Stardock
                But a lot of migrants are needed for low-skilled work.
                We can't do without Russians.

                What are you saying? Builders, right down to foremen and crane operators, drivers, right down to heavy-duty cranes and fuel tankers, doctors, teachers and kindergarten teachers, police officers and military personnel, administration workers, etc., etc. Russians everywhere too... Look around, take a closer look.
                1. +1
                  7 October 2024 13: 10
                  So I say that we can’t do without educated Russians (Russians, Tatars, Belarusians, etc.).
                  Tajiks - to the construction site!
              3. 0
                24 October 2024 15: 48
                Quote: Stardock
                Asians are far from the level of education, knowledge, and skills of Russians.

                Furniture for Putin was purchased in Tajikistan. In Russia, wood processing is catastrophically behind the level achieved in Tajikistan.
                1. +1
                  24 October 2024 17: 20
                  Obviously these are exclusive handmade items made from rare types of wood. Definitely not mass produced.
                  In the USSR, they made about 200 tons of machines of various profiles. Today, only 8 thousand. Machine tool building is dead in Russia.
                  1. 0
                    24 October 2024 20: 04
                    Quote: Stardock
                    Obviously these are exclusive handmade items made from rare types of wood. Definitely not mass produced.

                    Tajik engineers intend to surpass Russia and Iran in the performance characteristics of their military drones.
      3. +2
        7 October 2024 08: 43
        Quote: Stardock
        Only business needs workers.

        I was riding on a train recently, the track workers were fiddling around at a stop... most of them were from Central Asia... Russian Railways is not a private business, it seems.
        1. +7
          7 October 2024 09: 25
          Then it’s strange to call them “OJSC” and not “GUP” if it’s not a “private business”. hi
        2. +3
          7 October 2024 10: 12
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          Russian Railways is not a private business.

          Yeah, I guess...
        3. 0
          8 October 2024 17: 04
          Quote: 2 level advisor
          Quote: Stardock
          Only business needs workers.

          I was riding on a train recently, the track workers were fiddling around at a stop... most of them were from Central Asia... Russian Railways is not a private business, it seems.

          There are no people willing to work for 45. People are leaving Russian Railways little by little - low wages, overtime...
          But the roads need to be repaired in any case.
      4. 0
        7 October 2024 10: 21
        Okay, we'll buy a robot. But someone has to "teach" it, someone has to repair it, and someone has to operate it. And educated, experienced personnel are needed everywhere. Well, maybe the requirements for operators will be softer: "press the button and you'll get the result. Didn't work? Report it here."
        1. +1
          7 October 2024 13: 23
          A country with higher labor productivity develops and becomes richer faster.
          We stand still with the slave labor of Tajiks.
    3. 0
      8 October 2024 10: 58
      Well, in general I don't agree about the laws, if we digress from the topic, I lived in Ukraine, it was easy to get around there, in Russia it's harder, the only thing I can say is that there are many correct things, and the requirements for transport and for trips of organized groups, for security. But a lot of paperwork is spent.
      1. 0
        8 October 2024 11: 58
        It seems to me that basing your argument on the logic of "it's nothing here, compared to the place where it's a total horror" is not a very convincing argument. There are so many laws, and they are so confusing, that an ordinary non-lawyer doesn't have much chance of figuring it out.
        And as for paperwork and bureaucracy, it's hard to breathe now...
        1. 0
          8 October 2024 12: 00
          It seems so, because I don't know better, except for childhood memories of the USSR. I suppose that you have approximately the same ideas about our big country, plus or minus, and you didn't live under Ukraine. By the way, even under it, at different times, it was very different.
  3. +11
    7 October 2024 06: 03
    Bees versus honey? Bastrykin has already said everything about the State Duma. If the Duma does pass anything, it will be like steam on a whistle, only to reduce the pressure of its "constituents" and continue the masturbation and import substitution of the indigenous population of Russia at the same pace.
    1. +8
      7 October 2024 06: 28
      The State Duma can pass as many wonderful laws as it wants, but if the state itself, represented by the police, the prosecutor's office, and the courts, ignores its law enforcement duties and sabotages even current laws, and often simply cooperates with and condones the illegal activities of diasporas, and there is no authority over them, except for Bastrykin, then why should they suddenly implement new "good" laws? Maybe with the rearrangement of beds, measures should sometimes be applied to girls too?
      1. man
        7 October 2024 11: 28
        Maybe when rearranging the beds, it is sometimes necessary to apply measures to the girls?
        So use it, damn it! Or are the migrants also in the way?
        1. +7
          7 October 2024 11: 33
          The guarantor is satisfied with everything. Apparently, this is another cunning plan or a deal that the people are not supposed to know about.
          1. man
            7 October 2024 11: 40
            Quote: g_ae
            The guarantor is satisfied with everything. Apparently, this is another cunning plan or a deal that the people are not supposed to know about.

            Don't try to pull the wool over my eyes! Have you volunteered? You have volunteered. Now change girls! You can find the addresses of brothels on the Internet. Just don't even think about recruiting migrants!
            1. +1
              7 October 2024 12: 00
              That's it! If you search for spare passports, the "migrants" are already there. God's chosen ones, for sure.
  4. +10
    7 October 2024 06: 13
    Something is not clear - how are migrants who received passports better than illegal ones? Are they smarter, kinder, more tolerant?
    Well, and about the "illegal ones".
    The article is called "The State Duma's Fight Against Illegal Migration" - at the same time, the article seems to clearly show that there is "the appearance of a fight against illegal migration."
    What is this chatter for???
    1. +2
      7 October 2024 06: 26
      Exactly, it only dawned on me after your comment: the Duma is an organ legislative authorities, and the authorities must fight anything illegal executive. And neither one nor the other works. lol angry
    2. +2
      7 October 2024 10: 16
      Quote from tsvetahaki
      Something is not clear - how are migrants who received passports better than illegal ones?

      They are legal. Which means they are no different from you and me, so why equate them with some "illegal" stop "You reason apolitically"... No.
    3. 0
      24 October 2024 15: 52
      Quote from tsvetahaki
      Something is not clear - how are migrants who received passports better than illegal ones?

      It means that the passport is issued to a person in whom the state is interested. If the system of issuing passports to new citizens is flawed, then Bastrykin should terrorize the employees of passport offices and not migrants.
  5. +2
    7 October 2024 06: 23
    Unfortunately, this is not enough, these measures will not solve the problem at all. Will there be fewer migrants? No, they will not, will they be controlled better? Also no. It turns out to be something to distract attention, but this is already a positive result. In theory, the policy should be such that it is simply not profitable to hire a migrant, you have your own hands. Responsibility of employers is also necessary, they shout that they do not have enough people, and they are pushing for import, but the responsibility is zero. These measures taken do not stop this migration conveyor in any way.
  6. +8
    7 October 2024 06: 31
    They turned Russia into a thoroughfare for all sorts of scum! Not only should a visa regime be introduced here, but they should also check the ALREADY issued citizenships, because passports were handed out like flyers! In general, the ears stick out from the "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, Marrakesh, December 11, 2018", when our government signed this agreement hi
  7. +7
    7 October 2024 06: 32
    The government headed by Putin will not solve the migration problem as we would like. They have their own plans, fear of spoiling relations with Central Asia, using migrants as a lever of pressure on the indigenous population.
  8. +5
    7 October 2024 06: 39
    There is a very good guarantee against migrants entering our country, this is a high fence and a visa regime
    1. +8
      7 October 2024 08: 23
      Unfortunately there is no guarantor for this guarantee
  9. +8
    7 October 2024 06: 41
    Here we can still argue about what is more dangerous - illegal migration now, or legal migration in the future, if in both cases the main issue is not resolved. And the main issue is that the creation of organizations of nationalities and diasporas of these migrants is still not prohibited and is still not recognized as structures of organized criminal groups. The fact that in Russia the Russian people are not allowed to create organized Russian diasporas with the strictest hierarchy and discipline to protect Russians in Russia and solve the problems of Russians here, but other peoples in Russia, especially migrants, are allowed to do this, this alone is already injustice. Injustice is putting it mildly, because it is the leaders of the diasporas of all sorts of Tajiks and other Armenians in Russia who are the tip of the iceberg over today's illegal migration. And if this migration is also fully legalized with such only proposed measures of "protection", then the leaders of the diasporas will only sigh that now it will be easier for them to bring their fighters to Russia under the guise of migrants, because during illegal migration to Russia all sorts of incapacitated, sick and really poor Uzbeks and Tajiks were flocking. With the onset of organization, it will be easier for the atamans of the organized crime groups of the diasporas to filter out the quality of fighters they need, under the guise of legal migrants.
    As for obtaining Russian citizenship by migrants, categories of knowledge and proficiency in the Russian language should be introduced. For all sorts of janitors temporarily working in Russia, the category of proficiency in the Russian language is satisfactory, for all sorts of temporary migrant taxi drivers it is good, and for applicants for Russian citizenship, the category of knowledge of the Russian language should be the highest. There will be a national accent, but they must speak and write Russian very well. This should be MANDATORY! In order to obtain Russian citizenship, a migrant must also pass an exam on knowledge of the basics of Russian history and the general provisions of the Russian Constitution. Well, that Russia has never occupied any peoples and even taught the natives to poop by taking off their pants and sitting down, as for migrants' knowledge of Russian history. And that Crimea and Donbass with Kherson and Zaporozhye are Russia, as for migrants' knowledge of the Russian Constitution
    1. 0
      24 October 2024 16: 05
      Quote: north 2
      , and for applicants for Russian citizenship, the category of knowledge of the Russian language must be the highest.

      I was told how a Turkmen took an essay on the Russian language at the Phystech. When he brought the examiner the text of the essay "Natasha Rostova: 1) young, 2) kind, 3).. 4)... 5)... 6)..." He was told that this was not enough. But after looking at what the Turkmen wrote under 7)... and 8)... the examiners took the essays away. The applicant had won several Olympiads 5 years earlier and had brilliantly passed the exams in mathematics and physics, which had already predetermined not only his admission to the Phystech but also brilliant achievements in science. A formalized exam in the Russian language can simply become a wall on the path of development for representatives of non-Russian nations. Very often at exhibitions you can see how Russian and Chinese engineers understand each other tolerably well in broken English, while a Chinese woman hired for $100 a day to translate for them, who almost graduated from Moscow State University or Moscow State Pedagogical University, nervously presses the touch buttons on her iPhone, trying to set up the translator to work with technical terms.
  10. BAI
    7 October 2024 07: 00
    1. The severity of laws is compensated by the non-obligatory nature of their implementation.
    2. All this is a semblance of struggle. The struggle is the elimination of the need for migrants, but we are told everywhere that we cannot live without qualified, hard-working specialists from the remote villages of Central Asia.
    1. +1
      7 October 2024 07: 22
      We need to increase labor productivity, introduce robots and automatic machines.
      Where can I get them?
      1. man
        7 October 2024 11: 24
        Quote: Stardock
        We need to increase labor productivity, introduce robots and automatic machines.
        Where can I get them?

        Go to SVO, there are machine guns and even robots there
        1. +3
          7 October 2024 13: 27
          There is a video from the workshops where they make Kalashnikovs. There, Izhevsk
          . manual labor all around.
          1. man
            7 October 2024 15: 03
            Quote: Stardock
            There is a video from the workshops where they make Kalashnikovs. There, Izhevsk
            . manual labor all around.

            There they are "to the village, to their aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov"
            1. +2
              7 October 2024 15: 04
              Sorry, Tula is not a village.)
              1. man
                7 October 2024 15: 12
                Quote: Stardock
                Sorry, Tula is not a village.)

                It wasn't me, Griboyedov... who messed up... with his church-parish education... probably got a bad grade in geography smile
                1. +1
                  8 October 2024 17: 09
                  Quote: mann
                  Quote: Stardock
                  Sorry, Tula is not a village.)

                  It wasn't me, Griboyedov... who messed up... with his church-parish education... probably got a bad grade in geography smile

                  At that time, Saratov was a real backwater
                  1. man
                    8 October 2024 18: 18
                    Quote: your1970
                    Quote: mann
                    Quote: Stardock
                    Sorry, Tula is not a village.)

                    It wasn't me, Griboyedov... who messed up... with his church-parish education... probably got a bad grade in geography smile

                    At that time, Saratov was a real backwater

                    There are so many golden lights
                    On the streets of Saratov
                    There are so many single guys
                    And I love a married man
                    Unfortunately, these lines from the song are the only thing I know about this city. smile . Well, and what stands on the Volga, from the school geography course...
                    Hi, haven't seen you for a long time. smile hi
                    1. -1
                      8 October 2024 19: 05
                      Quote: mann
                      Quote: your1970
                      Quote: mann
                      Quote: Stardock
                      Sorry, Tula is not a village.)

                      It wasn't me, Griboyedov... who messed up... with his church-parish education... probably got a bad grade in geography smile

                      At that time, Saratov was a real backwater

                      There are so many golden lights
                      On the streets of Saratov
                      There are so many single guys
                      And I love a married man
                      Unfortunately, these lines from the song are the only thing I know about this city. smile . Well, and what stands on the Volga, from the school geography course...
                      Hi, haven't seen you for a long time. smile hi

                      Still a wilderness, alas. Everything is in the region, but everything is the same.
                      Samara - as before - rules, and we are somewhere on the sidelines...
  11. -2
    7 October 2024 07: 05
    The essence of the problem. Medium and large businesses have faced an acute personnel problem over the past 20 years. Their business could not work, could not bring in the necessary income.
    Business did not even think about using new technologies, buying new technologies. In agriculture, manual harvesting of vegetables and fruits will continue. People crawl on their knees, weed and harvest.
    Technologies of daytime Rome.
    Our labor productivity is 10 times less than the European one. Construction, housing and communal services, agriculture, transport are the domain of migrants.
    Russia opened the gate and a flood of citizens with a criminal past, infected with the plague of Wahhabism, extremely radical views, with concepts and culture incompatible with our traditions, poured in.
    Business received income, and society faced many well-known social problems.
    The latest high-profile cases are armed seizures of people in the colonies of Rostov and Surovikino.
    The events in Crocus have once again demonstrated the complete helplessness of the security forces.
    Almost in the center of Moscow, surrounded by several large bases, security forces were unable to help people, let alone other places.
    It's scary to even talk about the corruption component of the well-known control bodies. Migrants paid everyone. Money flowed like a river.
    Crime among migrants is off the charts. The figures are horrifying.
    It's good that they finally paid attention to this issue.
    We should have thought about demography in Russia 20 years ago.
    But do we have people in power who think about tomorrow?
    I do not see.
    1. +7
      7 October 2024 08: 05
      In agriculture, manual harvesting of vegetables and fruits will continue
      Absolutely right. And for pennies, our locals don't want to work for these pennies, they work on a rotational basis, they go to Moscow, to Krasnodar, the owner hires migrants or even our Caucasians, there they have a really hard time with work, in the same agriculture and there are many reasons why, one of them is standardization, so that the products meet European standards. For our fish industry, we need a laboratory, a modern one.. But there are no specialists who would work on the new equipment.. What's the point of the owner buying it..
      1. +2
        7 October 2024 08: 16
        That's right. Specialists are needed to operate machines and robots. But no one wants to invest in their training for the future.
        Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.
        Laws change every month. My own also started suddenly, the ruble exchange rate is jumping
    2. -6
      7 October 2024 08: 57
      Our labor productivity is 10 times less than the European one.

      why not 100 times?
      By what criteria do you evaluate it?
      according to the criteria of the red bit?
      1. 0
        7 October 2024 12: 58
        Quote: In terms of labor productivity, agriculture in Russia lags behind Europe by almost five times. This is stated in a report by the UK Office for National Statistics, which analyzed this indicator for nine sectors of the economy in 2017.
        1. -2
          7 October 2024 13: 51
          Quote: In terms of labor productivity, agriculture in Russia lags behind Europe by almost five times.

          Can you tell me how this service calculates the "performance" itself?
        2. BAI
          7 October 2024 16: 15
          Office for National Statistics, UK

          Well, these will count. Especially when it comes to Russia.
          1. -1
            7 October 2024 17: 57
            Low Labor productivity is 5 times less, which means that the salary will also be 5 times less.
            This is a key point.
            So don't ask why they pay so little.

    3. -1
      7 October 2024 09: 00
      Construction, housing and communal services, agriculture, transport - the domain of migrants

      here, you are right: the level of management and execution in these industries is "at the very bottom" (as my neighbor in the village says about such managers - "total mediocrity with golden toilet handles") - therefore, whoever works there will be needed (in demand)...
      1. -1
        7 October 2024 13: 01
        These are industries where there is a lot of low-skilled labor.
        Russians don't go to work there
        1. +1
          7 October 2024 13: 49
          These are the industries, where there is a lot of low-skilled labor.

          so what is the reason? - you tell about the reasons and not about their consequences...
          1. +1
            7 October 2024 13: 51
            The reason for inviting migrants is post. Labor in Russia is very cheap.
            Almost slaves - earthmovers are cheaper than the simplest excavator.
            1. +1
              7 October 2024 13: 52
              Almost slaves - diggers are cheaper , the simplest excavator.

              Well, I should have started with a post like this...
              and then - labor productivity is 10 times lower... and what kind of labor????
              1. -1
                7 October 2024 13: 54
                Any labor related to the production of this product.
    4. man
      7 October 2024 10: 55
      It's scary to even talk about the corruption component of the well-known control bodies. Migrants paid everyone. Money flowed like a river.
      But what rich migrants come to us. Not migrants, but oligarchs. And why the hell do they come to us then, they could have divided it up and lived in their homeland request
      Ah... I see.. they are coming to corrupt our famous control organs. fellow Although stop they are already corrupt... Life is a complete mystery...
      1. +4
        7 October 2024 11: 08
        they come to corrupt our famous control organs
        good laughing Migrants, this is the 5th column, have corrupted our famous organs laughing Here the ears of the Anglo-Saxons are clearly sticking out, the Englishwoman is shitting wherever she can laughing
        1. man
          7 October 2024 11: 21
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          they come to corrupt our famous control organs
          good laughing Migrants, this is the 5th column, have corrupted our famous organs laughing Here the ears of the Anglo-Saxons are clearly sticking out, the Englishwoman is shitting wherever she can laughing

          Exactly! These are not just migrants, but MI6 agents! Everything fell into place!
          I'll go check our janitor's broom, there's clearly a radio transmitter hidden in it. fellow
          1. +5
            7 October 2024 11: 46
   would be better to check the State Duma deputies here, that's where their rookery is.. smile
            1. man
              7 October 2024 11: 54
              Quote: kor1vet1974
     would be better to check the State Duma deputies here, that's where their rookery is.. smile

              We have done our job, we have identified the origin of the migrants!
              Now I'll find the transmitter and report it to the FSB! "Maybe they'll even award us... posthumously..."
      2. +1
        7 October 2024 13: 25
        A little from thousands of emigrants, and the controller (out of many) will have enough for a buck.
        There are several million migrants. Nobody knows for sure.
        1. man
          7 October 2024 14: 58
          Quote: Stardock
          A little from thousands of emigrants, and the controller (out of many) will have enough for a buck.
          There are several million migrants. Nobody knows for sure.

          You underestimate the controller's appetite, it's just a bastard request
          By the way, what is hidden behind the code "oebashka", a banal shirt or sex with a migrant? smile
          1. +3
            7 October 2024 15: 08
            Sorry, I wrote it in the car. My finger is big, and my smartphone is small.
            I am against same-sex relationships! ))
            1. man
              7 October 2024 15: 20
              Sorry, I wrote in the car.
              I understand you, I also have an adenoma. sad
              The finger is big, but the smartphone is small.
              So be glad it's not the other way around. smile
              I am against same-sex relationships! ))
              You don't have to giggle, I'm against it too. angry
              1. +2
                7 October 2024 15: 22
                It's better when the finger is big and the screen is big.)
                1. man
                  7 October 2024 15: 49
                  Quote: Stardock
                  It's better when the finger is big and the screen is big.)

                  Especially the 21th
    5. -1
      8 October 2024 17: 13
      Quote: Stardock
      Crime among migrants is off the charts. The figures are horrifying.

      Of the 980 crimes in 000, 2023 were committed by foreigners and stateless persons.
      0,4% of the total number of crimes committed by citizens of the Russian Federation.
      Of these, about 9 are crimes related to document/passport forgery.
  12. +6
    7 October 2024 07: 05
    another game, declare all migrants legal. only they have more privileges than the native population
    1. +2
      7 October 2024 07: 40
      Quote: Gardamir
      declare all migrants legal
      In the US, legalization of illegal immigrants is very common. As a result, in some cities in the southern states, Latinos have already reached the threshold of half the population wink
      1. +7
        7 October 2024 08: 29
        Yes, but Latinos are white Christians, albeit with their own peculiarities, and Wahhabis from the Middle Ages with ancient beautiful traditions like pedophilia and incest are coming to us. There is a difference
    2. man
      7 October 2024 15: 41
      Quote: Gardamir
      another game, declare all migrants legal. only they have more privileges than the native population

      Are you jealous at all? smile There really is something to it, spending the night in a bug-infested place with a dozen unwashed men is so romantic... I spent 50 months in the barracks with my classmates almost 3 years ago, a bathhouse once a week... You won't believe it, if I had a time machine, I would go back without hesitation, just to lose that fifty cents... ah, youth, there is nothing better..
      1. +1
        7 October 2024 16: 30
        It's interesting about the bug infestation. That's probably why they drag the children's wife and parents to Russia, the wife gives birth again.
        1. man
          7 October 2024 22: 55
          Quote: Gardamir
          It's interesting about the bug infestation. That's probably why they drag the children's wife and parents to Russia, the wife gives birth again.

          What surprises you? The motives are obvious to me, to live a human life.
          A woman's influence ennobles even on a submarine, as I recently read on VO.
          About the bedbug infestation, these are my guesses, in our barracks there were, as I now understand, body lice. An unpleasant thing. Men without a woman's hand, when access to water is limited... in general, what a life.
          By the way, our compatriots, when emigrating, usually also take their families with them.
          I don't see the point in such empty articles that don't offer any way out of the situation, a recipe, or advice. Why then inflame people? Especially at a time when we are gradually becoming outcasts in the rest of the world. So that the author can earn some extra money?
  13. +4
    7 October 2024 07: 35
    They're chewing snot again!
    Are you waiting for the next "CROCUS"? am

    Prohibit bringing families for people coming to work + no citizenship for them!

    They have their own homeland, let them live there - they earn money here (on a rotational basis), raising our economy!
  14. +2
    7 October 2024 07: 41
    What results, if "himself" said, digitize and continue. Accordingly, laws will be adopted in this spirit. That's all. They will continue to carry as they did before.
  15. +11
    7 October 2024 08: 07
    The thing is that our “leader” has put himself in such conditions that even the Presidents of Muslim States on the territory of the former USSR have begun to make claims against him, such as
    Tajikistan Claims 'Violation of Rights and Freedoms' of Its Citizens in Russia
    , and he won’t want to spoil relations with those who still agree to communicate with him normally.
    1. -13
      7 October 2024 08: 38
      Quote: tatra
      our "leader" put himself in such conditions

      Are you sure he is himself?

      What is the article about? About the draft Law. There will be a new law, and there will be corresponding decisions. Let me remind you that executive power The President's powers are limited by laws.

      RF Constitution: Article 105
      1. Federal laws are adopted by the State Duma.
      1. +8
        7 October 2024 08: 42
        Ha, yes, we know that the ideology of our "leader"'s rule is in the style of "The Tsar is good, the boyars are bad." The enemies of the USSR are the same, just as they all have "nothing to do" with what they did to Russia and the Russian people, so their "leaders" have "nothing to do" with all the bad things in their rule.
        1. -10
          7 October 2024 08: 44
          Quote: tatra
          The good king is the bad boyars

          And are the boyars good? Then why are the Laws like this?
          1. -10
            7 October 2024 08: 54
            About the "work" of the Duma.

            We are talking about the dominance of migrants, about the shortage of labor, and at the same time the Duma is passing a law banning the sale (adoption) of children to unfriendly countries, but resale through friendly countries - is it possible? In general, how can one talk about selling living people, Russians, to who knows who. It is necessary to completely close this business.... By the way, in the USA ("the stronghold of democracy"), this is completely prohibited.
            1. -9
              7 October 2024 09: 19
              I wonder if the one who downvoted me is for the slave trade of our children?
          2. +4
            7 October 2024 10: 18
            Quote: Boris55
            And are the boyars good? Then why are the Laws like this?

            Both are worse! (c)
  16. +5
    7 October 2024 08: 07
    The article raises even more questions than it asks. But there are some answers.
    1. Will the measures be sufficient?
    And for what, actually, are they sufficient? What indicator will be considered as such? Obviously, migration cannot be stopped, since our population is slowly dying out and will have to be replaced by someone. The only question is the timing.

    2. There will be no more illegal migration.
    The only way to achieve this is to remove all restrictions, then any migration will be legal :) In all other cases, this statement is from the category of "there will be no more crime"
    It will be like any other type of crime - the only question is the size.

    3. Enforcement of migration laws.
    If other laws are observed as they are, then why expect that the immigration laws will be better? When the traffic police (they are now the traffic police again, right?) indignantly reports that a driver has been stopped for whom 1 fines have been issued, then why wasn't this driver stopped at least at the first hundred?

    The problem with migration is a reflection of our general problem with the implementation of existing laws and regulations.

    "The severity of Russian laws...".
  17. +1
    7 October 2024 08: 08
    This is capitalism. No one can stop migration. Even in the USA.
  18. +5
    7 October 2024 08: 12
    All this is pointless without sending home at least ten million people who received passports as compatriots, but are not. These ten million will drag their relatives and friends to Russia by all means, and against such a mass of the population and the flow they organize, the current reduced security structure, by the way, beginning to be saturated with people from the Caucasus regions and Central Asia, simply will not stand. And by the way, the most important issue is internal migration!
  19. +7
    7 October 2024 08: 36
    All these measures are a thrashing, a fight (or imitation?..) with consequences, not causes. The first measures, as I see it, are the introduction of visas, the elimination of the mechanism of dual citizenship with the Tajiks and a total revision of the citizenship already issued over the last 10 years, at least. There is someone to work, no need to talk, we need to pay decently. There is nothing impossible in the steps I have voiced, and this is only a small part of the necessary measures. But, here is the question of questions, will the authorities decide to do this? The question is probably rhetorical...
  20. +2
    7 October 2024 08: 40
    from what I read, what will really change is that for a crime (for example), not 7, but 8 years will be given to a migrant... a powerful strengthening of the fight... and we must understand that we are not talking about illegal migration (which Khusnullin focused on), they are almost all here legally, without "forging documents", but about their number and legalization...
  21. +3
    7 October 2024 08: 40
    I support Matveyev's proposals.
  22. +7
    7 October 2024 08: 53
    The State Duma's fight against illegal migration: will there be results?

    the article could have been called: "fighting windmills..."
    First of all, let the State Duma decide what is more important to it: its own business or the interests of the state...
    1. +1
      7 October 2024 13: 55
      Quote: Dedok
      The State Duma's fight against illegal migration: will there be results?

      the article could have been called: "fighting windmills..."
      First of all, let the State Duma decide what is more important to it: its own business or the interests of the state...

      Are there people outside the madhouse who would choose the second option?

      In a modern capitalist society, the authorities will not willingly and without coercion serve anyone's interests other than their own pockets.
  23. +8
    7 October 2024 08: 59
    Marat Khusnullin stated that
    "There will be no more illegal migration in our country, we must clearly understand this. We will start working on labor resources, we need them, but all this will be done absolutely legally,"

    The food is fresh, but it's hard to get dirty.
    Marat Khusnullin, as the chief builder and recipient of kickbacks from this business, is one of the main lobbyists for migration.
    Migration benefits too many people. Including the leader of the nation, whose people are dying at the rate of a million a year, and the good old man has to tell everyone how Russia has become more beautiful under him.
  24. +4
    7 October 2024 09: 15
    The border must be locked! No migration - no problem.
    1. 2al
      7 October 2024 10: 00
      Not on lock but under lock and key, there should be developers of this lawlessness or digging dugouts and fortifications on the border of Bryansk, Belgorod and Kursk regions.
      1. +2
        7 October 2024 10: 04
        And this is also the way to stop the bacchanalia in the sphere of mineralization.
  25. +3
    7 October 2024 09: 16
    "Next week, the State Duma will begin considering five bills concerning the migration sphere. In particular, the State Duma intends to recognize the commission of a crime by a person illegally residing in our country as an aggravating circumstance, classify the organization of illegal migration as a particularly serious crime, and increase liability for forgery, production, or circulation of false documents."
    This should have been done 10 years ago, but we continue to laugh at the Tribalts and other Finns.
  26. +3
    7 October 2024 09: 49
    I would like to know what “legal migration, illegal migration, illegal migration” is, in which laws - instructions - regulations - etc. are these concepts clearly and unambiguously indicated (explained).
    1. +3
      7 October 2024 10: 16
      I suspect that "legal" migration is those who pay. Those who do not pay, or pay "indirectly" - illegal.
  27. 2al
    7 October 2024 09: 58
    The governor does not have and will not have questions for the owner of the company that used illegals to perform the work? Who and at whose expense will compensate for the damage due to the violation of safety regulations and work rules?
  28. +7
    7 October 2024 10: 10
    WHAT is the difference in principle between legal migration from Central Asia and illegal migration from Central Asia? Both are equally hostile to Russians... all because for 30 years they have been told in schools about us as colonizers of Central Asia and what negative consequences Russian and Soviet colonization had for their native countries...
    1. 0
      7 October 2024 15: 17
      You know, they talked a lot about colonization during the Soviet period. Only then they were talking about colonization during the times of the Russian Empire.
      1. +5
        7 October 2024 15: 27
        But in our cities they are not beating the Russian Empire, but the Russian Federation... and try to object to them even with words - you are guaranteed to be labeled a Russian fascist... and try to object with action - Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is at your service!
        1. 0
          8 October 2024 14: 37
          That's right, there will be a flood of complaints from diasporas to the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee against the Russian community.
  29. +7
    7 October 2024 10: 10
    But what is especially curious about this story is that two migrants were given court orders to leave the country, but they continue to work quietly on construction sites.

    I repeat once again the truism: in _THIS_ country there are TWO!!!! states.
    It is checked up on itself.
    One state is the state of ordinary citizens who must comply with ALL laws. The second state is those who spit on the laws. We DO NOT HAVE A MECHANISM for the unconditional implementation of court decisions by BUSINESS, there is NO CRIMINAL LIABILITY for failure to comply with decisions!!! Any businessman of average skill and above can spit on court decisions with impunity, because "No need to harass business" @ Putin V.V.
    Therefore, the second state lives by the principle "court decisions are executed only by cowards, fools and suckers. Well, and also ordinary citizens"
  30. +6
    7 October 2024 10: 40
    Russia is preparing visa-free agreements with nine countries,” specifying that “the agreements will affect states in Africa and the Middle East.”

    Everything is in the style of Putin and United Russia, one step forward and two steps back.......
  31. 0
    7 October 2024 11: 35
    There may be results, but not on a global scale, since the point of no return has been overcome, and further measures will lead to escalation. This happens when the patient is inoperable, there is a risk of killing or causing serious harm. hi
  32. +4
    7 October 2024 11: 37
    These events are a distraction... the Duma hasn't passed anything sensible for ten years now... the government is more anti-people than ever... the country is essentially dying
  33. +6
    7 October 2024 12: 24
    "The State Duma's fight against illegal migration" sounds like a joke. In the best case, the State Duma will issue a couple of regulations so that society can "let off steam," and the "drugstore" will issue instructions to the media not to blow up the migrant issue. By the way, it won't issue them, but it has already issued them because in crime reports the word "migrant" has been replaced with "foreign citizen."
  34. +4
    7 October 2024 13: 13
    There is no real justification for importing drug and murder specialists from Central Asia to Russia. This is pure ideology. And fighting ideology is difficult, and even scary. Although once you start, it will be easier.
  35. +3
    7 October 2024 13: 42
    All this blah-blah... The problem is not in the migrants themselves. Some of them really work and live according to Secular laws. But in their numbers and in the diasporas, which are essentially national organized crime groups.
    When the mass of migrants becomes critical in the state (this includes "newly minted citizens" who are already legally citizens of the Russian Federation), they begin to live by "their" laws, spitting on the Secular laws of the State, and in this they are actively helped by the diasporas.
    The application of punishment according to Secular laws for violators and criminals does not give results. For them with their "tribal" relations there should be only collective punishments. This was proven in his time by Ermolov A.P. And Kadyrov R.K. established "order" in Chechnya through collective punishment. Otherwise it does not work with them - mentality and nothing can be done about it.
  36. +3
    7 October 2024 14: 03
    They will, but only when relatives of deputies sit in the same class with children of migrants.
  37. 0
    7 October 2024 15: 16
    I would immediately cut them off and not allow migrants from Central Asia to enter with an angry look from under my brows.
  38. Aag
    7 October 2024 17: 38
    ... Without even delving into the text of the article, the authorship... (Nooo, - I read it. To the author, - THANK YOU!), dear forum members! Check out the frequency of articles on this topic, the number of comments under each of them!!! And, - you will understand the scale of the Catastrophe ((to which we are being led)...
  39. 0
    7 October 2024 18: 01
    Unfortunately, no one is doing this specifically on a scientific basis or with practical knowledge, it just happens from time to time when some high-profile crimes are committed.
    And we need to do it seriously. From raids on immigrants to control where a migrant goes to work, everything connected with them, housing, food, health care, labor protection.
    Everyone entering Russia to work must be fingerprinted and have their genetic material collected.
    If you are caught in any violation of Russian laws, there will be immediate deportation, even at the expense of the state, not to mention criminal offenses.
    Entry into Russia only with knowledge of the Russian language.
    Regional centers for distribution and control of migrants are needed. The governor's office, the police must clearly know how much, where the migrant works, where he lives. The migrant himself or his employer must pay for treatment.
    A migrant, especially from Central Asia, is almost immediately visible, and he must be constantly checked in any place for documents, registration and, most importantly, where he works. If he doesn’t work, he goes to a temporary detention center, then a suitcase, a train station, his native village. soldier
  40. 0
    7 October 2024 20: 53
    I propose a simple measure - to introduce criminal liability for the FACT OF illegal stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation. Now for this there is an administrative fine and deportation. But what is needed is a year of imprisonment. And only then deportation and a lifelong ban on entry to Russia. And whoever violates this ban and somehow illegally enters us again - he will be imprisoned for 5 years.
  41. 0
    7 October 2024 22: 29
    Quote: Doccor18
    Another twenty years of this course of events, and there will really be no one...

    incomes do not ensure the reproduction of the labor force in the regions (small towns and urban-type settlements), and megacities cannot reproduce the labor force, they only consume it.
    Provide jobs to small towns in Russia and there will be new residents, but the government is not interested in this. It is better to build schools in Tajikistan and storm the small dungeon
  42. 0
    8 October 2024 14: 35
    In order to get results, we need to actually start doing something, and not just pretend to be fighting the insane migration policy that Putin is pursuing.
  43. 0
    8 October 2024 14: 49
    Nothing will happen to the migrants, it is profitable for businesses to hire them, so they hire them. I spent a week and a half in Moscow in a hotel, only migrants as servants, one bragged that he found himself a Muscovite, all the transportation, migrants, at the construction sites - migrants. And it concerns not only Moscow, in Crimea, whether the bridge, or the Tavrida highway, or the Sevastopol opera house, who doesn't build it?
    Questions should be asked not to migrants but to the state, whose state is this, is it ours or not quite? The question is not about the so-called "churkas" but about those who protect them. We used to make fun of Europeans, how they openly scam in Montmartre in Paris, my son-in-law saw it. Isn't it the same with us?
  44. 0
    9 October 2024 00: 12
    "Next week, the State Duma will begin considering five bills concerning the migration sphere. In particular, the State Duma intends to recognize the commission of a crime by a person illegally residing in our country as an aggravating circumstance, classify the organization of illegal migration as a particularly serious crime, and increase liability for forgery, production, or circulation of false documents."

    Author's articles almost always evoke a willingness, if not to agree, then not to argue, and not even to write comments.
    And this time I won’t argue, but I will express my own opinion...
    The State Duma is like a snail in the speed of making decisions that are not directly and clearly approved by the President.
    When it was necessary to carry out a partial mobilization (everyone can treat this as they see fit), the Decree was sufficient. Neither the first, nor the second, nor the final hearing in the State Duma took place. Here is the Decree for everyone. Carry it out!
    Personal opinion... Crookedly, slantedly, stupidly, maybe even with self-interest (I don't know, I just assume that for every thousand honest people there will be at least one selfish one), but they did it. And the State Duma wasn't needed.
    And now the fight against illegal migration has begun in the State Duma. Are they waiting for the President to bark a Decree? Without that, it's scary to say the wrong thing, to pass the wrong law?
    And these are the ones who represent the voters? There are Deputies in the State Duma. Do you know many of them?
    Abakarov, Agayev, Azimov, Arshba, Ayupov, Bayguskarov, Barakhoev, Bashankaev, Wasserman, Gadzhiev Abdulkhakim, Gadzhiev Murad, Gadzhiev Ruslan, Hartung, Hasanov, Gekkiev, Gilmutdinov Dinar, Gilmutdinov Ildar, Gimbatov, Damdintsurunov, Delimkhanov, Kara-ool, Kim , Kochiev, Kogan, Kulieva, Kurbanov, Lechkhadzhiev, Loor, Makiev, Mutsoev, Nurbagandov, Nuriev, Saraliev, Saryglar, Suleymanov, Taymazov, Taisaev, Tarbaev, Tatriev, Ten, Uzdenov, Umakhanov, Farrakhov, Khamzaev, Khamitov, Khasanov, Khinshtein , Khubezov, Tsed, Tsunaeva, Shaikhutdinov, Shkhagoshev, Yagafarov. These are the State Duma Deputies according to
  45. 0
    9 October 2024 00: 30
    Have you heard of many Deputies? I have heard of some.
    If anyone decides to accuse me of chauvinism, I have heard of a few Deputies with surnames similar to Slavic ones.
    Deputies, personal opinion, got into the State Duma, and now they either quietly serve as deputies, or are absent from meetings "for good reasons", or become Deputies.
    I don't like how and what Khamzaev, Khinshtein, Slutsky, Fetisov, Ostanina, Mironov, Kozlovsky, Delimkhanov, Wasserman, Nuriyev are proposing. But I haven't even heard of many names in the State Duma.
  46. -1
    12 October 2024 09: 59
    The situation on the labor market is simply catastrophic and therefore nothing will change. We will not survive without the labor of migrant workers. And all these efforts of the State Duma are only a statement of the complete helplessness of this strange organization. Well, another way to calm the natives, like, we are taking measures. And they have only one measure - to tighten, ban, imprison - they simply do not know any others
  47. 0
    13 October 2024 11: 48[media=]
  48. 0
    13 October 2024 20: 42
    All migration will be legal, no matter what it is!