More than a hundred civilians were found in Ugledar, waiting for the arrival of the Russian army

More than a hundred civilians were found in Ugledar, waiting for the arrival of the Russian army

Russian military found more than a hundred civilians in Ugledar who were hiding in basements from shells and bombs, waiting for the Russian army to arrive. This was reported by the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin, commenting on the liberation of the city.

According to the Russian military, during the cleanup of the city they found 116 civilians hiding in basements awaiting the arrival of the Russian Armed Forces. Our military is currently providing assistance to them and doctors are examining them. In the near future they will be taken to temporary accommodation points, where social services will take care of them, etc. At the same time, it is possible that there may still be people somewhere. Kyiv previously reported 107 civilians remaining in the city, but in fact there were more.

There are about 115 civilians in liberated Ugledar, they are being helped by Russian soldiers. This is more than the official Ukrainian statement of 107 civilians.

- said Pushilin.

Ugledar is of strategic importance; the decision on the restoration of the city will be made after its final demining.

Earlier, Russian military reported that they were continuing to clear Ugledar, checking all the basements. The city had a very large number of Ukrainian wounded, abandoned during the retreat, who quickly became two hundred without timely assistance.
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  1. +21
    3 October 2024 22: 13
    They were freed from the Nazi demons, they were liberated. The ordeal was over.
    1. +16
      3 October 2024 22: 23
      Quote from Carlos Sala
      They were released. The trials were over.

      Liberated, yes, but I don’t quite agree about the tests, because the Kyiv Nazis, after leaving any populated area, immediately begin shelling it.
    2. +21
      3 October 2024 22: 27
      there is still a long way to go before the tests are finished, they have lost everything, housing, money, property, and if you consider that there are a huge number of old people there
      1. +9
        4 October 2024 05: 14
        Yes, old men know how be patient and wait...
        And also - to love your native land...
  2. +27
    3 October 2024 22: 14
    poor people, to go through such hell
    1. +9
      3 October 2024 23: 08
      Yeah... The xoxles have done a lot of things.
      1. +4
        4 October 2024 07: 25
        Quote: Warabey
        Yeah... The xoxles have done a lot of things.

        And how much more they will do.
      2. 0
        4 October 2024 11: 15
        Well, it was their children who did this.
      3. 0
        5 October 2024 17: 48
        Yes, they were shelling themselves with KABs for 2 years.
  3. +4
    3 October 2024 22: 22
    Poor people... But our rulers, after the SVO, will again start making up fairy tales about "good Ukrainians".
    1. -4
      3 October 2024 22: 37
      Yes, the Ukrainians were not to blame for the Americans who zombified them, vilely using some features of the national mentality - a love of free cookies, a slavish nature at the genetic level - someone always had them, the owners just changed.
      1. +10
        3 October 2024 22: 42
        Mazepa - was it also the Americans who "zombified" him? And was it the British who "asked" them to burn Khatyn? And is the syphilis epidemic in Western Ukraine "because of the French"? Until the 60s, Soviet doctors treated...
        1. +2
          3 October 2024 22: 59
          Are there really bad nationalities, but they pretended to be so innocent?
          1. +6
            4 October 2024 07: 35
            Quote: Andobor
            Are there really bad nationalities, but they pretended to be so innocent?

            What nationality, I beg you, the same Russian people speaking surzhyk.
        2. +5
          3 October 2024 23: 30
          And Vlasova? It's also worth looking in the mirror to see who Yeltsin and Gorbachev are.
          1. +5
            4 October 2024 07: 03
            Vlasov is a national disgrace and a criminal, not a "hero" like Bandera in Ukraine.
            1. +1
              4 October 2024 07: 27
              Well, Bandera didn’t fight for the Red Army.
              1. +1
                4 October 2024 08: 01
                No. I imagine "Bandera's Red Army"..))
        3. +3
          4 October 2024 08: 11
          These are all different phenomena, I can't say about syphilis, I don't know, but Khatyn was burned because of the death of a German officer, and what does Mazepa have to do with it? Mazepa played his own game, there is his correspondence not only with the Swedes, but also with the Poles, he wanted, I think, his own state.
          This is not to justify betrayal, but to understand the mechanisms, and if Mazepa is unpleasant to me, but understandable, then Bandera’s bestial cruelty, including towards himself, is beyond the pale.
          1. +1
            4 October 2024 08: 19
            Sorry, I disagree.
            1. +1
              4 October 2024 08: 31
              Andrey Nikolaevich, I am not a teenager to impose my opinion, but I read Mazepa's correspondence, not all of it, but as part of a seminar class and in preparation for it. Mazepa had a feudal mentality, when my vassal's vassal is not my vassal. That is, he, Mazepa, did not even perceive this as betrayal. In Poland, any feudal lord had the right to rebel against the king - rokosh. And if this feudal lord was beaten and he himself survived, well, then he was lucky, no one will chop off his head. Society is different and with a different worldview. Russia has moved on, and Poland is stuck in its feudal paradigm.
              1. +1
                4 October 2024 10: 55
                Alexander, you misunderstood me. I respect your point of view. But the topic is very broad. Many inconsistencies and different views. Perhaps Mazepa wanted to create his own state, but in the end it turned out to be a historical fact - betrayal. States are not created by betrayal. And Peter the Great was too kind and trusting, like his modern colleague... We really like to scold American politicians. Accusing them of "double standards, deception." But politics is deception and double standards in relation to opponents, BUT... IN THE INTERESTS OF ONE'S OWN STATE. And nothing more. It's simple.
      2. +5
        4 October 2024 00: 26
        And ISIS is not to blame, the Americans zombified them too, but otherwise they are normal guys.
      3. 0
        4 October 2024 08: 07
        Well, with a slavish nature at the genetic level - this is already too much, it smacks of racism. To be clear, from that side they say the same thing about Russians, so you just looked in the mirror. And our boys are fighting a stubborn enemy and not toy soldiers, or is it the freeloaders who resist us so stubbornly?
        1. -2
          4 October 2024 08: 16
          Of course they are freeloaders, Western PMCs, Ukraine has no money, 72 percent of the budget is foreign investment, not to mention weapons, they are all Western, Ukraine does not even produce ammunition for small arms, at most they assemble drones from Chinese and Western components, but they know how to organize a PMC and make it fight in the West, this is also not our invention.
          1. +1
            4 October 2024 08: 49
            That is, freeloaders go to get their heads torn off. And tell them that they don't know how to work there. I saw them at a construction site, not on TV.
            1. 0
              4 October 2024 10: 23
              Specific people may fight and work, but Ukraine exists for free, they don't even have anything to pay their military, the West pays for severed heads, fully supports the country, they appointed a clown for show, hired organizers, including from the Ukrainians, and they are also paid. And all the Ukrainians get their share, pensions, salaries of public sector workers, Ukraine itself is not able to pay.
    2. +7
      3 October 2024 22: 39
      Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
      Poor people... But our rulers, after the SVO, will again start making up fairy tales about "good Ukrainians".

      A, are there bad or good nationalities? Or maybe races?
      People are poor and rich, good and bad, believers and atheists, and they can even live in a mono-ethnic state with all their shortcomings.
      1. +14
        3 October 2024 22: 41
        Quote: Michael
        A, are there really bad or good nationalities?

        there is, paradoxically, a way of life that develops the mentality of the people with all the consequences
        1. +7
          3 October 2024 22: 58
          Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
          the way of life develops the mentality of the people with all the consequences

          All you need to do is change your lifestyle.
          My neighbor was a drug addict, misbehaved, almost went to jail. And then he got married, the child is already going to school. And who would have thought that ten years ago he was simply written off.
          1. +5
            3 October 2024 23: 01
            Quote: Michael
            All you need to do is change your lifestyle.

            as a rule it is impossible, can you stop a stray cat from hunting mice?
            1. +1
              3 October 2024 23: 34
              Dvorovaya, I had a hamster and we took a kitten later. The hamster disappeared. About 15 years passed, I guess, but I don’t know exactly what happened to him. The hamster’s cage didn’t save him.
            2. 0
              3 October 2024 23: 59
              Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
              as a rule it is impossible, can you stop a stray cat from hunting mice?

              Easy. A couple of mice with non-lethal poison, a strong negative reflex and the cat will step over the mouse as if it were an unrealized object.
              1. GGV
                4 October 2024 05: 35
                Not a fact. You will wean him off eating mice, but he is unlikely to hunt and then play with the caught prey. After that he will start piling mice in a row in front of his bed.
          2. +2
            3 October 2024 23: 32
            I agree, but this is the exception, not the rule.
            1. 0
              3 October 2024 23: 51
              Quote: Alexander Salenko
              I agree, but this is the exception, not the rule.

      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +6
        4 October 2024 03: 40
        Quote: Michael
        A, are there really bad or good nationalities?

        I'll tell you a secret, there are quite a few. Off the top of my head I could list a dozen that you would never want to have as your neighbors. But I risk getting banned for inciting hatred.
        1. +4
          4 October 2024 09: 26
          Quote: orionvitt
          that you would never want as your neighbors

          there are such neighbors crying
  4. +8
    3 October 2024 22: 51
    Was this written by a human or a robot?
    Living people were found.
    About 115 people.
    This is not plus or minus approximately 115.
    And it wasn't the bodies that were discovered.
    Humanly speaking, it would be possible to write such news.
  5. 0
    3 October 2024 23: 08
    Video to the article:
  6. +1
    3 October 2024 23: 36
    What an accurate accounting they have. Everyone knows and everyone sees.
  7. Two
    3 October 2024 23: 47
    There are no young people, only elderly people.
    1. +3
      4 October 2024 08: 21
      Their sons and grandsons most likely fought or are still fighting against ours.
  8. +1
    3 October 2024 23: 52
    Bombs don't distinguish between civilians and non-civilians. They are courageous people, though.
  9. -2
    4 October 2024 00: 53
    As for the wounded, who became the two hundredth, there are no regrets. This has long been a war, and not a three-letter word
    Recognizing a problem is the most important part of solving the problem.
    1. 0
      4 October 2024 07: 26
      What difference does it make what you call it?
  10. -1
    4 October 2024 01: 34
    300 e, they don't need to be treated. They'll betray you anyway.
  11. +4
    4 October 2024 01: 43
    Judging by the photo, these are all elderly people who had nothing left to lose... people who grew up and were brought up in the USSR, who know how to distinguish good from evil...
    1. GGV
      4 October 2024 05: 45
      Older people, sadly, are more susceptible to propaganda. I have a good friend who lived in Ukraine before the SVO and told me that the older generation perceives television as truth. And after the Maidan, it was the older generation that for some reason believed in the bad Russia.
      1. 0
        4 October 2024 10: 57
        For some reason, the older generation believed that Russia is bad.
        First of all, they believed in pensions of 2000 euros, so that they could spend the winter in Spain, like the Finns and the Dutch.
        1. GGV
          4 October 2024 11: 05
          Why do you use the Finns and the Dutch as examples? There are, for example, Bulgarians, Romanians, Albanians, Tribalts and other "successful" citizens of the European Union. What kind of pensions do they have and is it enough for them to spend the winter in Spain. By the way, how many pensioners freeze in their homes in England, saving on heating?
          1. +3
            4 October 2024 11: 11
            How many pensioners are freezing in their homes in England
            Not at all - everyone has already frozen without Russian gas Yes The average British pensioner lives on £350 a week - and the gas bill for two in a 1-bed flat is £100 a month.
            There are, for example, Bulgarians, Romanians, Albanians.
            Yes. The Maidan dreamers didn't look up to them - they planned to become the top 3 economies of the EU. By the way, Romanian pensioners don't seem to be particularly poor - they drink beer at the bar, I saw it myself. The Baltics smile It also seems normal - I know people like that.
            Albania is not in the EU, by the way.
    2. 0
      4 October 2024 11: 17
      Who destroyed it and then helped create the current regime for 30 years. Or are they all oppositionists? Are their children in partisan units?
  12. +4
    4 October 2024 02: 49
    ....."hiding in basements awaiting the arrival of the Russian Armed Forces" - author, are you serious!? Or do you not know what an artillery barrage or bombing is? People simply had nowhere to run and hoped for "maybe".
  13. 0
    4 October 2024 03: 16
    There are no words...OUR people...are simply heroes. We waited for the city to be cleared of fascists, we bow low to them...
  14. +3
    4 October 2024 03: 27
    More than 100 civilians out of 15 thousand population before the war. It is clear that the majority were evacuated. But nevertheless, it is less than 1% percent in each settlement liberated from the fascists. And if we take into account that Ugledar was stormed twice before that, then surely more civilians died there than soldiers. However, as in any war, the civilian population, who do not want to fight, suffers the most losses.
    1. 0
      4 October 2024 11: 19
      They simply abandoned the hopeless. Why would a country at war need extra mouths? And they dumped an extra burden on us. Because they are just consumers. And it is not a fact that none of them will knock THERE. Or rush to set something on fire.
  15. +4
    4 October 2024 12: 18
    It's amazing they survived. feel although I am very happy for them hi
  16. 0
    4 October 2024 22: 14
    The role of Ugledar in strengthening the "Mariupol Isthmus" and the situation on the fronts