Russian electronic warfare intercepted Ukrainian aircraft-type drone near Kursk NPP

Russian electronic warfare intercepted Ukrainian aircraft-type drone near Kursk NPP

Ukrainian armed forces attempted to attack the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, one UAV aircraft type was intercepted in the Kurchatov area. This was reported by the regional authorities.

The Kiev junta continues to try to attack nuclear power plants, striking both the Zaporizhzhya and Kursk nuclear power plants. This afternoon, Russian systems EW managed to intercept a Ukrainian aircraft-type drone flying towards the nuclear power plant in the Kurchatov area. As a result of the UAV's fall, a utility building not connected to the nuclear power plant was damaged on the ground. The crash site is approximately five kilometers from the plant, a large column of smoke rises above it and secondary detonation is heard. The nuclear power plant itself is operating normally, the radiation background is normal.

In the Kurchatov area, a Ukrainian aircraft-type UAV was suppressed by electronic warfare. As a result of its fall, explosions occurred in an outbuilding unrelated to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Emergency services are working at the scene.

— said the head of the region, Alexey Smirnov.

Preliminary, the NPP was trying to attack the new Ukrainian jet drone "Palyanytsya". Some Russian resources report that Kyiv allegedly launched four more missiles towards the station, which were shot down by ours Defense, but there is no confirmation of this from either the regional authorities or the military.
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  1. -19
    3 October 2024 19: 16
    Fire from secondary detonation? At a nuclear power plant? Wonderful. There are already eyewitness footage of falling "fragments" circulating online. Tell us more about the S-400. And the results of the drone attack and the SAM system's operation.
    1. -2
      3 October 2024 19: 27
      Another dill has become active. smile
      1. +4
        3 October 2024 21: 26
        Well, let's start with the fact that it's not the NPP itself. There are plenty of personnel. Anyone who wants to can google it. The fields were burning.

        But he was flying to the nuclear power plant. Or thereabouts. That's obvious. Apparently, the drug fuhrer decided to blackmail NATO in the person of the Secretary General. Like, Israel is your favorite wife, but you don't give it to us. Oh, so we'll start nuclear terrorism here. Like, that's the message from a drug addict.
        1. +2
          4 October 2024 07: 13
          From the news:
          A large column of smoke rises and a secondary detonation is heard.

          What was exploding in the fields? Watch the video from the scene. Something is burning and exploding in the buildings.
      2. -4
        4 October 2024 05: 25
        Quote: running man
        Another dill has become active. smile

        It comes out from time to time if there is electricity in the batteries or in the network.
        It is necessary to continue the liquidation of the de-electrification of "404" to the level of a torch. Electricity for the Nazis of "404" is a great luxury.
    2. 0
      3 October 2024 19: 39
      Nothing was stated about "fragments", and the drone did not fall on the NPP itself (read carefully). Did you come up with this yourself to catch the hype? You can even tell who you are by your style.
  2. +12
    3 October 2024 19: 30
    In response, their nuclear power plants must be disconnected from the grid by destroying open distribution devices.
    1. 0
      3 October 2024 19: 52
      Today, 19: 30
      I agree,
      just not in response, but purposefully, it’s high time to remove the power engineering and 2022 kV switchgear together with 750 kV substations from 110.
      And the answer may be the destruction and expulsion of wild geese from the original Russian territory, including the Kursk region, and the Victory of our RF Armed Forces in the North-Eastern Military District!
  3. -11
    3 October 2024 19: 34
    I would hit the Western Outskirts NPP. We would see how the IAEA would sing. Now they will definitely remain silent or mumble something.
    It's time to answer, otherwise they've become completely insolent, and there will be more to come.
    1. -3
      3 October 2024 19: 47
      Olesya Lesya
      Today, 19: 34
      [/i]I would hit the Western Outskirts NPP. We would see how the IAEA would sing. Now they will definitely remain silent or mumble something.
      It's time to answer, otherwise they've become completely insolent, and there will be more to come[i]

      Calmness and sober calculation.
      Remove the power engineering and 750 kV switchgear in Bandershtat, as in Zaporizhzhya NPP.
      We'll always have time to have a blast.
      And you still have to give birth to and raise defenders of the Fatherland, improve the demographics!
      1. +1
        3 October 2024 19: 50
        Thank you. I will definitely give birth.
        Take out all the energy and don't spare them, how will they spend the winter there - I don't give a damn about them. Let them jump.
        But what kind of explosions were there on the video several times - it is not clear. The area is residential.
        1. 0
          4 October 2024 08: 21
          Well, almost like we spent the winter in Crimea, with the difference that no one will be pulling an energy bridge to them. How much puppy delight there was in our direction... they definitely felt better because they took a crap on our doormat. So now I know what a boomerang looks like. What did one of their guys say about who will go to school and who will hide in basements?
    2. -2
      3 October 2024 21: 27
      You can't hit the NPP anywhere, Chernobyl isn't enough for you. You just need to demolish the Kyiv hydroelectric power station dam and let half of Kyiv float, shit has already floated and it will just wash away.
      1. +1
        4 October 2024 08: 26
        The minus is not mine, although it is frankly deserved, so the historical center will be demolished, by the way it is very beautiful, and Obolon and Troyeshchyna will not suffer. And my opinion is that they need to do something, but not organize terror in response to their terror. Beat those who have weapons, who directly or indirectly serve the bearers of weapons and fuel.
    3. +1
      3 October 2024 23: 38
      Quote: Olesya Lesya
      Now they will definitely remain silent or mumble something.
      They will mutter that storing detonating objects near a nuclear power plant is, generally speaking, not a very good idea.
  4. +10
    3 October 2024 19: 38
    Secondary detonation at the drone crash site???
  5. +5
    3 October 2024 19: 43
    It seems that neither the tactical nuclear weapons exercises nor the changes in the nuclear doctrine reached their intended recipients.
  6. Hey
    3 October 2024 19: 44
    And what caused the primary detonation if the electronic warfare system was shot down? And what exploded secondly?
    Or have I forgotten how to read and understand Russian?
    1. -1
      3 October 2024 19: 48
      1 carburetor
      2 la charge explosive
    2. -3
      3 October 2024 21: 29
      This is new Ukrainian drone, more powerful fireball, shooting down is one thing, who knows what kind of warhead it was carrying.
  7. -3
    3 October 2024 19: 50
    Hypothetically, the terrorists got there, there will probably be some kind of answer. Whether it is proportionate or not, we'll see. But these "jokes" are getting too gloomy.
    By the way, an interesting moment: the little rat Zeleboba goes on tour to beg for money on the eve of each Ukrainian act of terror
  8. +6
    3 October 2024 19: 52
    The electronic warfare was successfully intercepted and the Ukrainian drone was dropped right on the B/K warehouse.
  9. +15
    3 October 2024 19: 53
    Explain to the "wretched one" about the "secondary detonation" of a shot down munition????? Bring the author to the studio!!!!!
    1. -10
      3 October 2024 20: 33
      ended up in a utility block (there is an agricultural one) on a vacant lot between the church and houses in the 4th microdistrict, where there were gas cylinders. They write from there.
      There is open terrain there, it is unlikely that there will be ammunition in a barn in the city.
  10. +10
    3 October 2024 19: 59
    What kind of nonsense is the author writing? What secondary detonation in the "utility building"? Before writing anything, familiarize yourself with the terms and definitions
    1. -3
      3 October 2024 20: 11
      I'll try to explain. If it's not a b/c but an outbuilding!? Well, that means the slate explodes.
    2. -3
      3 October 2024 20: 11
      Why nonsense right away?
    3. +2
      3 October 2024 20: 15
      In the morning, there was a cart that hit a warehouse of an agricultural enterprise with ammonium nitrate. I don't know if it was the same incident or another. But it could explode - it's a nightmare!
      1. 0
        3 October 2024 21: 48
        so she can explode - don't worry!

        saltpeter alone is not enough...
      2. -1
        3 October 2024 22: 02
        Our guys threw a bomb into the saltpeter in the Kursk region where the non-brothers are still hanging around.
  11. +4
    3 October 2024 20: 11
    Quote from Nesvoy
    Secondary detonation at the drone crash site???

    This is a new term. Previously, they wrote about claps and drone fragments.
    1. +5
      3 October 2024 20: 22
      It got to me. From now on, any place for storing explosive materials will be called a "utility building". Then, in articles, it is necessary to immediately indicate the VM index according to the classifier, so that it is clear to which area of ​​activity this facility belongs (how many authors have bred who do not have the slightest idea about the subject of writing). It is necessary to create a new list of terms and definitions, to understand what the author wanted to say
      1. +1
        3 October 2024 20: 29
        The author seems to have deliberately written with a fig in his pocket. Like they shot it down, but here's a secondary detonation.
      2. -2
        3 October 2024 22: 03
        Quote: Loha
        It is necessary to create a new list of terms and definitions in order to understand what the author wanted to say.

        Then it won't be interesting to read if everything is clear. But should I turn on my imagination?
  12. -3
    3 October 2024 20: 26
    Russian electronic warfare intercepted Ukrainian aircraft-type drone near Kursk NPP

    According to the new doctrine, isn't this a reason to finally wipe this terrorist state called Ukraine off the face of the earth? am
    1. -2
      3 October 2024 21: 50
      As I understand it, the downvoter supports nuclear terrorism.
  13. Uno
    3 October 2024 21: 23
    The major seems to have corrected everything correctly, but the author reads poorly)
  14. +1
    3 October 2024 21: 36
    "Ukrainian armed forces attempted to attack the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant..."

    Armed groups, henpecked junta, terrorists, bandits...
    Where did these half-trained, unorganized, and probably undisciplined, gatherings get such things that they can attack the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant???
    1. +1
      4 October 2024 16: 15
      that is, in your opinion
      these half-trained, unorganized, probably undisciplined, gatherings, armed with no one knows what or who, have such things

      They drove our army out of Kherson, Kharkov, etc.
      if they were like that we would have been holding parades in Lviv for a year now
  15. +2
    3 October 2024 22: 11
    Arrival at the ammunition depot in Kurchatov, Kursk region

    Z-propagandists raised a fuss that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were trying to attack the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, but local residents captured an explosion at a military facility of the Russian Armed Forces. In the video, a woman can be heard saying that "many soldiers ran out" from there.

    The Kursk Region authorities have officially confirmed that the shelling of Kurchatov did not affect the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. The missile hit an ammunition depot several kilometers from the nuclear power plant.
    1. +1
      4 October 2024 07: 41
      Options for the property of the "outbuilding": gas cylinders, saltpeter, ammunition....who else has options? Is this an information site or a dump?
      1. -1
        4 October 2024 07: 47
        Why carry a stream of empty talk from the source "some old lady said", this is direct help to tsipsota
  16. -4
    4 October 2024 05: 40
    I would like to see concrete evidence that the drone was flying specifically to the nuclear power plant.
    I can hardly imagine what they might look like. Perhaps a certified certificate from the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.)
    A fall 5 kilometers from the station is not yet proof.
    What if it's 50 kilometers? Is that evidence?
  17. 0
    4 October 2024 11: 01
    As a result of the UAV crash, a utility building not connected to the nuclear power plant was damaged on the ground. The crash site is approximately five kilometers from the plant, a large column of smoke rises above it and secondary detonation is heard

    A dangerous thing is an outbuilding. Secondary detonations have already begun.
    And yes, was it really a UAV that crashed? This usually happens when debris falls.
  18. 0
    4 October 2024 16: 52
    Quote: Ermak_415
    that is, in your opinion
    these half-trained, unorganized, probably undisciplined, gatherings, armed with no one knows what or who, have such things

    They drove our army out of Kherson, Kharkov, etc.
    if they were like that we would have been holding parades in Lviv for a year now

    So maybe we shouldn't call them armed groups?