Iranian Official: We Notified US Through Qatar That Any Israeli Attack Will Invite Asymmetrical And Disproportionate Response

Iranian Official: We Notified US Through Qatar That Any Israeli Attack Will Invite Asymmetrical And Disproportionate Response

The Middle East news service Al Jazeera reports that official Tehran sent a letter to Washington warning against any attacks on Iranian territory and Iranian facilities.

Al Jazeera quotes a senior Iranian official, without naming him:

We sent a message to the United States via Qatar, informing them that any Israeli attack would result in an asymmetrical and disproportionate response.

The Iranian official added that Iran is ready to strike critical infrastructure in response to Israeli aggression.

From the material with reference to the official:

The time for unilateral commitments and restrictions is over. There is now a regional imperative to contain Israel and its madness.

Let us recall that the military-political leadership promised to strike Iran in response to rocket attack. However, there has been no retaliatory strike so far. One of the Israeli officials said that this was allegedly influenced by the Jewish New Year - the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, which is celebrated this year from October 2 to 4. However, the official did not say why Rosh Hashanah is such a selective holiday, since it does not prevent Israel from attacking Lebanon, but it does not give the opportunity to strike Iran.

Middle East experts believe that Israel is consulting with the United States on what Iran's response might actually be if the IDF decides to launch a significant strike against Iran and its targets in the region.

Meanwhile, the Western press says that Iran could become the owner of 2025 nuclear warheads by April 10.

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  1. +6
    3 October 2024 16: 56
    The time for unilateral commitments and restrictions is over. Now there is a regional need to contain... and his madness.
    fool When will we understand this? fool
    1. +10
      3 October 2024 17: 05
      Meanwhile, the Western press says that Iran could become the owner of 2025 nuclear warheads by April 10.
      The Persians were dishonest, they have a "deterrent factor" for the Jews, in the "exchange" the Persians will survive, Israel will stop polluting the world.
    2. +7
      3 October 2024 17: 12
      It’s just that Iran’s top leadership, and its elite in general, don’t have accounts in Western banks, they don’t have expensive real estate there, and their kids definitely don’t hang out in Paris or Londinium. That’s where the difference comes from.
      1. +4
        3 October 2024 17: 16
        Quote: paul3390
        It’s just that Iran’s top leadership, and its elite in general, don’t have accounts in Western banks, they don’t have expensive real estate there, and their kids definitely don’t hang out in Paris or Londinium. That’s where the difference comes from.

        Their leadership, of course, can be idealized as much as you like, but there is someone who convinced the top of Hezbollah, a significant part of its military wing and partly the IRGC to buy those same "maximum protected" pagers. There is also someone there who suddenly decided to send the president to the epicenter of bad weather in a helicopter, which even the air squadron itself had complaints about - and send him in such a way that "everything was investigated" literally in a couple of days. It is unlikely that it was just Akhmed from the bazaar.
        1. +6
          3 October 2024 17: 19
          Of course there is always a danger that individual characters can be bought off. Especially in the East. But I am talking about the elite as a whole. About its convictions, interests and aspirations.

          Alas - everything is clear with ours, the purpose of its existence is to steal as much as possible and dump it on the blessed West. With all the consequences that follow from this.. Although - the tongue does not turn to call all this vile riffraff by a loud term - elite..
          1. +3
            3 October 2024 17: 22
            Quote: paul3390
            Of course there is always a danger that individual characters can be bought off. Especially in the East. But I am talking about the elite as a whole. About its convictions, interests and aspirations.

            But how many of these "individual characters" are there? In addition to what has been described, there are numerous deaths of nuclear scientists, "heart attacks" of Iranian generals, and data on the whereabouts of those responsible for connections with Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah. In this regard, I personally am not completely sure that in the same Iranian elites there are no individuals who have long been publicly exuding the flame of patriotism, but in reality have been working in a completely different direction.
            1. +3
              3 October 2024 17: 25
              So, they are not finishing it yet.. We need to work harder in this area.. In general, the longer I live, the more I understand the reasons for 1937...
              1. 0
                3 October 2024 19: 23
                My applause, the same cuisine that I observe at home and it is extremely difficult to express myself without swearing.
            2. 0
              3 October 2024 18: 57
              En tout cas, les complicités existent partout à des degrés différents. Concernant les houthis, la façon dont sont recrutés les traitres est bien documenté dans certains articles, il ne faut pas accuser l'iran de tout et de rien. Est-ce l'iran qui a acheté les beepers du Hezbollah. Votre narrative fait actuellement le tour du web sans une moindre preuve.
      2. +1
        3 October 2024 17: 19
        Putin warned, persuaded, so now let them lick the place where the eggs were. request
        1. +5
          3 October 2024 17: 24
          So what? What's the result of his latest warnings? Look - the entire economic bloc is still being run by outright enemies of the people. Alligators and bureaucrats are still stealing, just as they always did. And so on and so forth. The use of his furrowed brows is as usual.
        2. +2
          3 October 2024 18: 05
          So the eggs should have been coated with blendamet, if you remember the 90s adverts
      3. 0
        3 October 2024 20: 01
        Do you monitor all the movements of the characters? what
    3. +3
      3 October 2024 17: 25
      "The first two years you work for the record book, the next two years it works for you." It seems our guys didn't do a very good job. They took a long time to get going. These bastards decided that they could ignore our warnings. Patience doesn't work with people like that. Chatter is nothing, reputation is everything!
    4. -2
      3 October 2024 19: 09
      Today, 16: 56
      [/i][quote][/quote]The time for unilateral commitments and restrictions is over. Now there is a regional need to contain... and his madness.[Quote] [/ quote]

      When will we understand this?[i]

      I would like to recall a phrase from the last century, but now on behalf of the IRI: “Firstly, we do not have nuclear weapons, and secondly, if necessary, we will use them.”
      And Iran has many friends, including comrade Kim Jong-un and others, so have the Yankees and the small-time Brits already screwed themselves if they even ran away from the Taliban in Afghanistan, not to mention the courageous Houthis?
      The time of truth has come, which in the near future will show whether our reasoning is correct or not?!
    5. -2
      3 October 2024 19: 26
      Today, 16: 56
      [/i]When will we understand this?[i]

      Are you in a hurry to get to Paradise?
      And did you ask your grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and relatives and neighbors? And there are more than 150 million of us Russians + Belarus + the so-called allies.
      I would also be emotionally in favor of using tough preventive knockout asymmetrical, not yet nuclear loaves, but quite lethal blows from the very beginning; after all, we all see how these mattress nikki and finely shaved tstsy kuna are in our working-class Russian, zero combat experience, only to drive the natives after carpet bombing and use proxies - Banderovites and other logs, tribolts instead of themselves.
      The whole point is that we still have things to do at home, but we can always have some fun.
      Why do we need a world without Russia?
  2. +5
    3 October 2024 17: 02
    The Americans will start to abruptly withdraw their aircraft carriers, just in case something happens.
    1. +2
      3 October 2024 17: 10
      Quote: Irek
      The Americans will start to abruptly withdraw their aircraft carriers, just in case something happens.

      exactly, if something is "planned"...consider it has begun.
  3. +3
    3 October 2024 17: 12
    Meanwhile, the Western press says that Iran could become the owner of 2025 nuclear warheads by April 10.

    The Dead Sea will become larger.
    1. 0
      3 October 2024 21: 37
      Old jew
      Today, 17: 12
      [/ I]
      [/quote]Meanwhile, the Western press says that Iran could become the owner of 2025 nuclear warheads by April 10.[Quote]

      The Dead Sea will become larger.[i]

      Since when did we start trusting some kind of fake Western press?
      And according to my trusted sources, this already exists and is quite ready for use; friends of Islam and enemies of the Anglo-Saxons and others will not let me lie!
      We are watching the actions of 2 AUG mattresses after Ike got a punch in the teeth from the courageous Houthis and the accidental collision of the supply tanker with an unidentified object! It turns out that the flyers cannot fly without kerosene, there is no need to wet the largest trough, but to bring out a less protected udder with suckers and a fluffy fox to all AUG groups!, how are there similar special tankers with a gulkin nose in the world, even commercial ones!?
      The moment of truth is already close even without the Dead Sea, it looks like Bibi doesn’t have any Faberge at all!
  4. +6
    3 October 2024 17: 18
    In my opinion, they are starting to stir up the topic of Iran’s nuclear weapons in order to create a coalition and attack the Persians as a gang.
    1. 0
      3 October 2024 18: 59
      Les perses s'en foutent complètement, ils savent à quoi s'en tenir. Eux aussi ont leur coalition dont certains membres sont très motivés.
      1. +1
        3 October 2024 19: 19
        I disagree. The Persians, although southerners, are not prone to emotional impulsive actions (unlike the insecure and hysterical Jews). They do not stir up war. And if they really do not have at least a few nuclear warheads, then the Western COALITION will crush them. It seems to me that the Jews will not dare to launch a ground operation against Iran even in tandem with the Yankees. Their maximum is prolonged air strikes. The Muslim world is disunited; the Iranians have proxies in the region, but this is more moral assistance than material. I will be glad to be wrong on this issue.
  5. -7
    3 October 2024 17: 30
    Israel will definitely respond, so we'll see.
  6. -1
    3 October 2024 18: 01
    Well said about asymmetry and "pleportion". The only bad thing is that it was not determined in which direction they are supposed: smaller or larger? lol
  7. -2
    3 October 2024 20: 15
    The existence of Israel is a threat to the geopolitical interests of Russia and China. Countries like Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc. must be protected and preserved at all costs. The new feudal landlords like Israel and India are creating chaos and pandemonium all over the world. The sadism and greed of these countries has no limits. The new feudal landlords and influential people are destabilizing this planet.

    Netanyahu and Modi are only concerned about their political careers. They create chaos for their personal gains. They never care about their citizens. Israel and India are deceiving the superpowers - the US, China and Russia. Even the British Empire was kinder and more sensitive to the Palestinians and Indians than Netanyahu and Modi. These two leaders would destroy this planet for their petty selfish and sadistic pleasures.

    Israel is a cancer that eats up money belonging to ordinary taxpayers in the West. Ukraine, Taiwan and India are following in Israel's footsteps. In 2024, Israel has become a burden on ordinary US taxpayers. The US, Russia and China should avoid power brokers like Israel, India, Ukraine and Taiwan. These Shylock countries manipulate and deceive countries like the US, China and Russia.