US General: F-16s Transferred to Ukraine Are Significantly Inferior to Modern Russian Fighters

US General: F-16s Transferred to Ukraine Are Significantly Inferior to Modern Russian Fighters

Ukraine has placed its bets on American F-16 fighters, intending to use them to gain air superiority and establish control over the airspace. But there is one problem that Ukrainians need to know. The thing is that the “best” F-16 fighters are significantly inferior to Russian ones. This was stated by retired US Army General Gordon Davis.

In a conversation with representatives of the Business Insider publication, the general noted that the F-16 fighters transferred to Ukraine are already outdated aircraft and even installing modern systems on them, which the US is not going to do, will not allow them to fight on equal terms with modern Russian fighters used in the special operation zone. According to Davis, the F-16s have problems with range and protection.

Even if we install the most modern systems on these aircraft, they will still not surpass the best Russian machines in terms of performance. We can give the F-16 the maximum in terms of ammunition, EW, but they will still be somewhat vulnerable to ground attack. Defense, as well as for the most modern Russian fighters.

- added the general.

Earlier, Kiev stated that at the first stage they would not use the fighters they received near the front line or to fight Russian aircraft, but in the future they plan to gain air superiority. At the same time, Zelensky has repeatedly stated that Kyiv intends to change the situation in its favor with the help of American fighters.
21 comment
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  1. Aag
    3 October 2024 15: 44
    Oh, what! Who is the article and the clippings in it aimed at, intended for?
    For verification?
    1. Aag
      7 October 2024 01: 15
      Quote: AAG
      Oh, what! Who is the article and the clippings in it aimed at, intended for?
      For verification?

      They downvoted me right away... Not out of resentment.
      In misunderstanding...
      How to respond to all those who are... in the change?...
      What Konashenkov said regarding the UA VKS on the third day of the SVO, what you are now echoing about the pilots...
      E Yes, I would be glad to support you in delight!...
      But where do the "bangs", "ignitions", and "repeated detonations" come from?
      It seems that the enemy’s intelligence is working (our counterintelligence, apparently, is not doing its job, or, even worse, it seems, like with the Kursk region...).
      And here, IMHO, each of us needs to draw a line (not a red line) for ourselves: Who are you with?!
      Ah, I just can't... (((
      Well, I don't have the information!!!
      I am against fascism (as well as against capitalism - it will, it is, acquiring global proportions...), against the events in Odessa!!! Not that I am against it, I categorically do not accept it...
      A daughter, the second, was born from the second marriage, - he named her Victoria... I didn't really understand it, and I still don't... But! For myself and my loved ones I decided: in honor of the victory over fascism... I didn't set any murky goals, like "denazification", "demilitarization"...
      Okay, I'm a retired military man. But! How can the Supreme Commander-in-Chief formulate such tasks?! How will the Armed Forces carry them out later?
  2. +6
    3 October 2024 15: 48
    The Ukrainian Armed Forces don't have any normal pilots left, and after the Banderas destroyed the Antonov Design Bureau, they didn't have any aviation experts left - there was no one to suggest anything, and the "civilized" West is happy to get rid of outdated junk for free... in short, the West screwed the hoholokry insolently and rudely, and they - the hoholokry - didn't even know about it.
    1. +1
      3 October 2024 15: 55
      Quote: SEVERIN
      .. in general, the West abandoned the hoholokryts brazenly and rudely, and they - the hoholokryts - didn't know anything about it.
      And their sleep and spirit no one was interested and no one is interested in the future - their score is written down, and they will do as they please...
    2. 0
      3 October 2024 16: 04
      Yes, they are even very happy and do not want to understand that they were simply screwed and had in full)))
  3. +6
    3 October 2024 15: 50
    in the future it is planned to gain air superiority

    And also world domination, a language required to be studied all over the Earth, a flight to Alpha Centauri of a Svidomite cruiser of the Destroyer class, resurrection from the remains of Bandera's DNA and - finally, the creation of the Galactic Empire with him on the throne. Of course - with huts, jugs and pigs on each conquered planet.

    The fool riches with a thought ...
    1. 0
      5 October 2024 11: 58
      While in power, this liquid expired, dreams of a Narcotic Empire. With his coke. Sniff, and fly wherever you want: to Alpha Centauri, to Sirius... Just be careful: from the excess of the intoxicating substance - they will fly to Bandera laughing
  4. +5
    3 October 2024 16: 02
    It's just funny, MiG-31 or Su-30, 35 Fu-16 will be seen at 300 km and will be destroyed for sure at 120 km, and possibly even up to 300 km, and the Fu-16 airborne missiles will be seen only at 30-50 km and that's if you're lucky, and if the seeker is combined with IR and radar, then the Fu-16 has no chance at all, even their super-maneuverability won't help, here's where stealth technology and the Su-57 wouldn't hurt us soldier
    1. +2
      3 October 2024 16: 07
      Quote: air wolf
      The Fu-16 has no chance there at all, even their super maneuverability won't help

      And there was talk, talk. Yes, our pilots will be retrained in a week, maybe in a month, maybe in 6. And once they sit at the controls, the pieces will fly off into the back streets. And now everything is quiet in the media, practically not mentioned.
      1. +1
        5 October 2024 11: 53
        Don't forget about the maintenance and preparation for takeoff of this overseas equipment. And it's far from new, and... These are American planes, and they don't have them like people. Wrenches for nuts, go figure... Inch hi
  5. +2
    3 October 2024 16: 20
    Trying to draw profound conclusions by comparing the F-16 with modern Russian fighters is, to put it mildly, stupid. And it is completely unclear why a Russian Internet resource is engaged in such nonsense? Seriously speaking, one should compare the capabilities of NATO Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces. And even then, with major reservations.
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. +1
    3 October 2024 17: 59
    What a wonder. They would have also given us shelves from the First World War and would have been surprised that Russia has better planes.
    1. +1
      5 October 2024 11: 55
      Why? Airships straight away. And they would be surprised why Russian fighters are SO fast laughing
  8. +1
    3 October 2024 18: 49
    US General: F-16s Transferred to Ukraine Are Significantly Inferior to Modern Ones

    Yeah, that's weak. Ukrainians armed... They should have immediately brought the death star... Well, or at least ordered it from their military-industrial complex so that later it would supposedly be for them. In short, they need money
    1. -1
      4 October 2024 19: 22
      It could be useful 2/3 Star Destroyer "Victory class" or just the Super Star Destroyer "Executor". Remember that this ship has 144 Tie fighters and it can deploy up to 50 AT-AT that will destroy all Russian forces in Donbass.
  9. +1
    3 October 2024 19: 58
    But it’s not the fighters that fight, it’s the people in them that fight.
  10. 0
    4 October 2024 16: 59
    I'll take this opportunity to sell the Ukrainian flyers a piano. Or even two pianos. wassat
  11. +1
    4 October 2024 18: 56
    This was stated retired US Army General Gordon Davis.

    Oh, these retired generals! Truth-tellers and experts. We have one of our own, Solovyov's deputy, Comrade Gurulev. He's even worse than this Davis...
  12. 0
    5 October 2024 01: 17
    We can go our separate ways. The ruckus failed. Thanks to Davis. If he said so, then so it will be.
  13. +1
    5 October 2024 08: 29
    It's been 3 years since the supply of poor weapons to Ukraine...
  14. 0
    5 October 2024 12: 32
    The third year of the war should finally teach us not to imagine the enemy as a crowd of feeble-minded savages armed with spears with poisonous tips. Evaluations should be more objective.
    And the media has almost no information on f16. What are they doing now? Such silence does not bode well.
    Even the reports from our central television show what, to put it mildly, not at all new types of weapons we have at our disposal.