The UN has received and is “conducting an analysis” of a video of the shooting of Kursk region residents by Ukrainian Armed Forces militants

The UN has received and is “conducting an analysis” of a video of the shooting of Kursk region residents by Ukrainian Armed Forces militants

During the invasion of the Kursk region, Ukrainian militants, and it is hard to call them military personnel, not only looted, mocked those who did not have time or were unable to leave the temporarily occupied borderland, killed our fellow citizens, but even boasted about it, filming corresponding videos. The criminal neo-Nazi essence of the Kyiv regime is most evident here.

On the eve, October 1, employees of Russian security forces told RIA "News", which was found on the Go-Pro action camera of a liquidated Ukrainian soldier, a video recording of the shooting of civilians by Ukrainian militants in the Kursk border area. In the footage, the Ukrainian soldier, in a dark room of one of the houses, hears a cry: "Don't shoot!" But after that, he still fires several shots from a machine gun in the direction of the screaming. In the light of the flashes from the shots, a person in a wheelchair is visible, and to the right of him is the body of another, most likely already dead, civilian.

Later, not far from the place where the Ukrainian neo-Nazi, who had a video camera attached to his helmet, was killed, Russian military personnel found a passenger car. Jewelry was found in its glove compartment. According to a representative of the Russian security forces, the discovery may be related to the murder of civilians.

Russian diplomats have already handed over yet another piece of evidence of war crimes by Ukrainian Armed Forces militants to the United Nations. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is already aware of the video showing Ukrainian Armed Forces massacring civilians in the Kursk region, and is currently analyzing the data.

Colleagues know about the video recording and are analyzing it

— said the organization's official representative Elizabeth Throssell.

However, one should not expect anything significant from the UN. This organization has long since turned into a platform where they only discuss what is happening in the world and make loud statements. The General Assembly and the International Court even make some decisions, but the US and Israel don’t give a damn about all this. A similar situation will probably be with the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists, because Washington and its Western allies forgive the Zelensky regime, as long as it acts in their interests, practically everything.

After the Hitler government came to power on January 30, 1933, Germany set a course for eliminating the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles, which defined the terms of peace and established the borders in Europe following World War I. On October 19, 1933, the German government announced the country's withdrawal from the League of Nations, which is considered something of a predecessor to the UN.

To confirm this decision, a referendum was scheduled for November 12, 1933. The overwhelming majority of Germans supported the proposed decision. This was the first referendum held in Germany under the Nazi dictatorship.

However, not only in Ukraine, but also in the “enlightened” West, rewriting is in full swing story of those times. They obviously forgot that for the fascists everything ended with the Nuremberg Tribunal. And Ukrainian accomplices of the German-German invaders in the liberated territories were hanged, including by local residents. On January 28, 1946, the Kiev trial ended. The Nazis and their accomplices were hanged in the center of Kyiv. There is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity.

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  1. +17
    3 October 2024 13: 55
    UN is a dirty word! How much time can you waste on them??
    1. +4
      3 October 2024 15: 03
      The authority of the UN is now falling as never before!
      For example, two international scandals recently occurred within the walls of the UN.

      FIRST. For the question of the Russian journalist, officially accredited from the Russian Federation to the UN, to Annalena Baerbock: "Are negotiations with Russia necessary now?" - Baerbock not only demonstratively ignored his question, but also this Russian journalist of ours as part of the RF representatives to the UN the pro-American pocket UN LEADERSHIP illegally excommunicated him from the UN, banning him from working in the UN at all.
      In other words, The UN leadership illegally and voluntaristically stepped with its dirty pro-American feet into the compote of international law regarding the Russian, purely sovereign internal-national law of the Russian Federation itself and trampled on Russia in its international rights in the UN itself!

      The SECOND scandal, which is already completely laughable! Namely.
      Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has declared UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres persona non grata in Israel, stressing that he was now banned from entering the country.
      A UN member state has banned entry to the UN Secretary General! This have not happened before.

      See more - The UN has taken up arms against the legal work of a Russian journalist: the scandal has shown the helplessness of the organization Published 2.09.2024/2/2 -
      1. +9
        3 October 2024 15: 35
        Quote: Tatiana
        The UN's authority is currently declining

        An absolutely toothless, useless and controlled community. Even worse than the World League of Sexual Reform. Yes
      2. +2
        3 October 2024 20: 09
        Tatyana! You are right! But nobody needs the truth. feel
        1. +4
          3 October 2024 23: 44
          Quote: Jupiter
          Tatyana! You are right! But nobody needs the truth. feel

          Alas. Without TRUTH we - the state forming the Russian people and Russia - will perish as a people and a nation! And with us then all the other small peoples of Russia! Only they do not understand this.
          1. +3
            4 October 2024 04: 30
            Quote: Tatiana
            Alas. Without TRUTH we - the state that forms the Russian people and Russia - will perish as a people and a nation!

            Tatyana, what do you want from others - if WE OURSELVES took the Azov people to Turkey for vacation?
            Documented sadists and criminals?
            1. 0
              4 October 2024 15: 20
              Quote from tsvetahaki
              Tatyana, what do you want from others - if WE OURSELVES took the Azov people to Turkey for vacation?
              Documented sadists and criminals?
              Say "thank you" for this to the behind-the-scenes Mr. Abramovich, the sly, Eastern Erdogan, and the two-handed, creative liberal politician in the field of Russian history, Medinsky, who was then heading the Russian delegation in Istanbul for negotiations with Ukraine!

              The natives and survivors of the Leningrad blockade already know Medinsky and will never forgive Medinsky for installing the Mannerheim memorial plaque in St. Petersburg, which they, with their protest pickets and "vandal" actions on this sadistic memorial plaque (they poured red paint on it, hit it with axes, etc.), forced the St. Petersburg authorities to tear it down in the city!

              On June 16, 2016, on the birthday of Finnish Marshal Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (1867-1951), a memorial plaque in his honor was ceremoniously unveiled in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg). Military cadets marched past the plaque.
              The opening was attended by officials: the then head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergei Ivanov (born 1953), the Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky (born 1970) and the former head of the Central Election Commission Vladimir Churov (1953-2023).
              Moreover, one of those who participated in the ceremony of unveiling the Mannerheim plaque in St. Petersburg, Vladimir Medinsky, previously wrote about the marshal in his book "War. Myths of the USSR. 1939-1945":
              Mannerheim was friends with the Third Reich not out of fear but out of conscience... The blockade of Leningrad and the starvation of almost a million city residents became possible because the Finns closed their half of the ring

              A memorial plaque to Mannerheim was unveiled in St. Petersburg -
        2. +1
          3 October 2024 23: 56
          Margaret Thatcher, back during Gorbachev's rule, once said that in Russia, only 15 million Russians are enough to live there and serve the West! So that they can extract Russian minerals for the West. And the West does not need more Russians in Russia for this!
      3. +1
        6 October 2024 06: 46
        Quote: Tatiana
        The authority of the UN is now falling as never before!

    2. +2
      3 October 2024 18: 08
      It should be renamed ORN, the Society of Disunited Nations. It has ceased to be a platform for finding compromises. It is simply a scandalous bazaar.
  2. +2
    3 October 2024 13: 58
    One should not demand too much from the UN. The global standoff has paralyzed this organization, which is now cautious in and out of place for fear of causing discontent among powerful countries.
    1. +3
      3 October 2024 14: 17
      Quote: Knizhnik
      Don't expect too much from the UN.

      That's right, it's an organization that needs funding, clerks, space, etc. Until there is an alternative currency to the dollar to pay for all of this, the UN will be loyal to the West's instructions.
      1. +2
        3 October 2024 14: 30
        Quote: Azim77
        That's right, it's an organization that needs funding, clerks, space, etc.

        Yes, the countries of the world represented in the UN pay dues and want something in return, but the golden billion has usurped this organization and turned it into its instrument for governing the rest of the world.
      2. 0
        3 October 2024 18: 02
        Quote: Azim77
        That's right, it's an organization that needs funding, clerks, space, etc. Until there is an alternative currency to the dollar to pay for all of this, the UN will be loyal to the West's instructions.

        The UN has degenerated and degraded like the CPSU in the USSR and the League of Nations before them, and the EU is following the same path.
    2. -1
      3 October 2024 14: 21
      Too shy to ask...
      And what will happen to the UN from strong countries?
      Will they stop paying contributions?
      Or will they send frost from New York?..
      1. +2
        3 October 2024 15: 11
        Nothing will happen to her. Because the UN is just a "tool" in the hands of the US to help achieve US goals.
    3. +1
      4 October 2024 09: 37
      Quote: Knizhnik
      One should not demand too much from the UN. The global standoff has paralyzed this organization, which is now cautious in and out of place for fear of causing discontent among powerful countries.

      Let's put it more simply - "a laundress for laundering the dirty operations of the Chief Bourgeoisie". Giving "legality" to their scams.
      1. +2
        4 October 2024 09: 58
        Alas, the Chief Bourgeoisie does not need laundresses.
        Today, the UN is some kind of bureaucratic structure trying to create the illusion of its supranationality and even independence. In reality, it is toothless and useless. The main task of the UN now is its own survival. Hence the toothlessness and half measures. As you can see, many international affairs are resolved without the UN, and quite effectively.
  3. +3
    3 October 2024 14: 00
    There is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity.
    - there should be no forgiveness or justification for non-humans, and it should be the same this time!
  4. AAK
    3 October 2024 14: 00
    I would like to hope for a truly real punishment for the Banderas and mercenaries for the crimes they have committed, but I believe it will happen as it did with the Azovites after Mariupol. Here, for 8 years of the Donbass epic and more than 2.5 years of the SVO, our leaders have not even taken measures to legally recognize the former Ukrainian SSR as a terrorist state, its state structures as terrorist organizations, and "unfriendly" countries as accomplices of terrorists, and the Sun-faced One himself is silent on this issue like a fish on ice...
    1. 0
      3 October 2024 14: 12
      Ukrainian Armed Forces militants raped a resident of Kursk Oblast and cut off her head, a resident of the Sudzha area said. The footage of his testimony was provided by the Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Rodion Miroshnik.
  5. +1
    3 October 2024 14: 01
    The importance of the UN has been reduced to zero.
    It is, at present, a completely useless organization.
    We need a new union of countries that will be truly independent.
    And the American pocket UN must disappear.
    1. +1
      3 October 2024 14: 37
      Quote: Leshak
      We need a new union of countries that will be truly independent.

      It is quite possible that this could be similar to BRICS as an alternative to the other pole.
  6. +5
    3 October 2024 14: 02
    The situation is wild, of course. About two thousand Russian residents are hostages, a counter-terrorist operation has been declared, and the terrorist leaders feel completely safe. Of course, there may be some very cunning and deep combination here, but in fact it is being carried out at the expense of the patience of ordinary people.
  7. 0
    3 October 2024 14: 02
    evidence of war crimes committed by Ukrainian Armed Forces militants
    This is evidence of the crimes of officials who slept through the occupation of the Kursk region.
    mock those who did not have time or were unable to leave
    Did anyone warn them?
  8. +1
    3 October 2024 14: 04
    Very good and correct photo at the end of the article. It would be nice to repeat it.
  9. +1
    3 October 2024 14: 08
    video footage of the shooting of civilians by Ukrainian militants in the Kursk border area.
    Will anyone from the Russian military command be held accountable for what happened?!!!!
  10. +2
    3 October 2024 14: 14
    It seems like everyone doesn't give a damn about the UN these days...
    Anyone who is not too lazy hi
  11. 0
    3 October 2024 14: 17
    Only in the modern world, there will be no tower, at most they will kill you in a combat clash, the rest will run away or just sit for a long time. request
  12. +2
    3 October 2024 14: 18
    Determine, search and punish, and all this will have to be done by ourselves.
    1. +1
      3 October 2024 19: 00
      Greetings Victor! hi there is no faith in their investigation. They will probably drag it out, drag it out under any pretext, so as not to investigate in our direction. And hide
  13. 0
    3 October 2024 14: 20
    Non-brothers made a video where our soldiers allegedly filmed the execution of Ukrainian prisoners and supposedly posted it online. I have no doubt that our video about the execution of civilians will be recognized as a fake, and their staging (although most likely it was our prisoners who were shot and filmed) will be recognized as genuine.
    1. -2
      3 October 2024 15: 14
      Not "most likely". This video showed the shooting of our people, at the beginning of the Ukrop invasion of the Kursk region.
  14. 0
    3 October 2024 14: 21
    The UN is investigating everything with their eyes closed. They don't want to see footage from Lebanon or the ruins of Gaza, for example?
    1. 0
      3 October 2024 15: 17
      They don't investigate anything. At all. They just give the necessary verdict.
  15. 0
    3 October 2024 14: 27
    UN All video evidence will be studied and for a very long time. The result............. and photos on the other hand do NOT need any evidence. That's how the UN is set up. Isn't it right?
  16. Msi
    3 October 2024 14: 47
    We need to cut off the head of this Ukrainian Nazi and preserve it in alcohol. Then we'll go and look at it in the Kunstkamera. We'll call the exhibition "A Sincere Ukrainian"...
  17. +1
    3 October 2024 14: 58
    Pour la région de Koursk "ils analysent" pendant combien de temps ?
    Pour Bucha ils ont condamné avant d'analyser et même avant de voir...
    Ce monde à 2 poids 2 mesures me révulse!

    How long have they been "analyzing" the Kursk region?
    They were convicted of the row even before the investigation and even before they saw...
    This world of 2 measures and weights disgusts me!
  18. 0
    3 October 2024 16: 59
    A similar situation will probably occur with the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists,
    When the international tribunal consisting of judges from the BRICS countries starts sitting in Lviv, then all the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis will be condemned and the sentences will be carried out. Although there will be more than one international tribunal for Ukraine, there will also be one for Israel and the USA... As soon as the military tribunal of the BRICS countries holds its first session in Washington, the wars on planet Earth will immediately end.....
  19. +1
    3 October 2024 21: 23
    Quote: Tatiana
    The SECOND scandal, which is already completely laughable! Namely.
    Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres persona non grata in Israel, emphasizing that he is now banned from entering the country.

    The Zionofascists haven't even started yet!
    Soon the UN Secretary General will be declared the instigator of the Holocaust, the leader of the Black Hundred pogromists and a Russian anti-Semite.

    This is their (the Zionists’) basic principle: to declare everyone who disagrees with their opinion to be anti-Semites and to set all of world Jewry against them.
    Soon in European, African and North Caucasian kahals (Mountain Jews, who own 90% of Moscow's commercial real estate), Jewish children will be frightened by the Nazi Holocaust Guterres.

    All the media controlled by the Zionofascists, all over the world, will raise such a howl that Hutterish will hang himself, cover himself with a sheet and crawl towards the nearest cemetery.

    This is how world Jewry works - they attack one person with all their might and grind him into dust.
  20. +1
    4 October 2024 06: 53
    What does the UN have to do with it? Is Russia itself incapable of dealing with these executioners and freaks? If not, then all we can do is stop perceiving our country as a great power and get used to the role of constant complainers and petitioners in the international arena. However, our Foreign Ministry is already doing everything it can to achieve this.

    The invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region, the suffering and murder of civilians is a disgrace for which no one has been held accountable.
  21. 0
    4 October 2024 08: 20
    Regarding Ukraine, it should and must be done: it poses a real threat to the lives of Russian citizens, nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, no real movement is yet visible from the authorities.
    1. 0
      4 October 2024 12: 08
      Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
      Regarding Ukraine, it should and must be done: it poses a real threat to the lives of Russian citizens, nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, no real movement is yet visible from the authorities.

      Because Putin's government values ​​the lives of foreign citizens more than the lives of its own people. Our government loves Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Ukropiteks, but hates the Russian people in principle.
  22. 0
    4 October 2024 11: 50
    Against the backdrop of constant talk about the need for a peaceful solution and Russia's agreement to negotiate, it is hard to believe that Zelinsky and his thugs will be hanged in Kiev, as in 1946. There was not even a single attempt to simply liquidate them.
  23. 0
    4 October 2024 12: 06
    Here's what's interesting. No one has been found guilty of surrendering the border areas of Kursk Oblast. And there are tens of thousands of refugees and hundreds of our citizens killed there. But the state very quickly found the culprit of the attack of a 13-year-old jerk in a Chelyabinsk school on his classmates. The deputy director of the school is under investigation, and he apparently should personally search all the schoolchildren.
    A real state of clowns.
  24. 0
    5 October 2024 00: 37
    You've found someone to turn to. The UN has long been speaking out against Russia on all fronts.
  25. 0
    5 October 2024 13: 16
    UN laughing. Don't make me laugh!
  26. 0
    6 October 2024 11: 58
    The UN has long since turned into a Glasses. Whoever needs it, has it. A useless gathering.
  27. 0
    7 October 2024 09: 18
    As a citizen of Russia, I am outraged by the fact that Russia did not do something, but someone simply said something, without conducting any analysis, collecting evidence, etc., they accuse Russia WITHOUT PROOF, and what they are doing Ukrainians, the Poles, they immediately do some kind of analysis, check the reliability of video evidence, etc., and then announce: "They did NOT find anything." That's how the WORLD is structured in our present time.
  28. 0
    9 October 2024 09: 36
    What's the point? It'll be shelved anyway because it doesn't correspond to the agenda.