IDF Spokesperson Says Iran Tried to Launch Missile Attack on Dimona Nuclear Center

IDF Spokesperson Says Iran Tried to Launch Missile Attack on Dimona Nuclear Center

During yesterday's massive rocket The Iranian military attempted to strike the alleged nuclear center in the city of Dimona during a strike on Israeli territory, the IDF press service reported.

Let us recall that earlier the Israeli army announced an attack with 180 missiles, most of which were allegedly intercepted. At the same time, Iran announced 450 munitions fired, including hypersonic ones.

At the same time, the Islamic Republic authorities emphasized that yesterday's attack was a "retaliation" operation for the murder of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and other crimes of the Netanyahu regime. At the same time, Tehran declared that the operation was over, calling on the Israeli authorities to refrain from responding. Otherwise, the military-political leadership promised a larger-scale attack.

It is worth noting that this warning does not seem to have had any effect on Israel and its allies. The authorities of the Jewish state have already stated that they will definitely respond to the attack by Iran. Washington has also spoken out in support of the Netanyahu regime.

What is characteristic is that Israel has threatened to strike the nuclear facilities of the Islamic Republic. Against this background, the above-mentioned statement by the IDF press service looks like a possible informational preparation for the upcoming operation.

After all, Tehran’s alleged attempt to hit nuclear facilities in Dimona is a “cast-iron” pretext for carrying out a similar strike.
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  1. +1
    2 October 2024 15: 52
    [/i]IDF Spokesperson Says Iran Tried to Launch Missile Attack on Dimona Nuclear Center

    It is characteristic that Israel has threatened to strike the nuclear facilities of the Islamic Republic. Against this background, the above-mentioned statement by the IDF Spokesperson's Service looks like possible informational preparation for the upcoming operation.[i]

    So, for all their sins against the lives of innocently killed Palestinian civilians, they have designated a promising target for a future attack by the IRI!
  2. 0
    2 October 2024 15: 52
    Well, Israel doesn't have nuclear weapons. You can't specifically hit something that doesn't exist)) This IDF is strange. They come up with something that Israel doesn't have again after a while
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 16: 02
      Today, 15: 52
      [/i]Well, Israel doesn't have nuclear weapons. You can't specifically hit something that doesn't exist)) This IDF is strange. They come up with something that Israel doesn't have again after a while

      Well, my dear sir, how naive you are and you were able to look all the way into the 20th century and believed the words of the then Prime Minister Golda Meir.

      [/quote]“Firstly, we don’t have nuclear weapons, and secondly, if necessary, we will use them”[i][Quote]

      Proofs in the studio?
      1. 0
        2 October 2024 19: 18
        What proof are you talking about? I didn't understand the question.
  3. +3
    2 October 2024 15: 58
    Too shy to ask...
    What's there at Sheremetyevo?
    Have you seen the reverse flow of 500s yet?..
    1. +1
      2 October 2024 16: 10
      I dare to_notice_
      Today, 15: 58
      [/i]I'm embarrassed to ask...
      What's there at Sheremetyevo?
      Is the 500s backflow not yet in sight?[i]

      Sheremetyevo, to be honest, is not in high esteem these days, and I'll also reveal a state secret - I saw ukhilants somewhere on the southern border closer to the Turks
      with Banderreich with the dense dreams of the occupiers (backpacks) full of 700s with fresh-smelling paint!
  4. +3
    2 October 2024 16: 06
    I dare say. I'm more interested in the Hasidim in Uman - do they dance incendiarily?
    1. +2
      2 October 2024 16: 55
      There is a slightly different problem. Uman, it can be surpassed and this Jewish invasion is wilder than the local villagers. There, it is true, you have to use markers to draw which faucet is which and where it turns, but in the end, Uman made money on this, otherwise they would have started beating the Hasidim.
  5. 0
    2 October 2024 16: 22
    [/i]The IDF Spokesperson's Office stated that Iran allegedly attempted to launch a missile strike on the nuclear center in Dimona[i]

    Here is the insatiable vanity of vanities and all sorts of vanity - it's Rosh Hashanah outside, and they only care about war, no joy in life?
  6. 0
    2 October 2024 16: 24
    Who will let these fugitives back, unless after a meeting with Major Deriglazov!)) Everyone there probably said something, commented on more than one article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  7. +2
    2 October 2024 16: 30
    After all, Tehran’s alleged attempt to hit nuclear facilities in Dimona is a “cast-iron” pretext for carrying out a similar strike.

    It's like Colin Power shaking a washing powder in a test tube at the UN podium.
    There are facts, but we cannot reveal them!
    Or in Western terms, "Highly Likely".
  8. +2
    2 October 2024 16: 38
    This nuclear center must be destroyed first.
  9. +2
    2 October 2024 16: 40
    If Israel strikes a nuclear facility, there could be a leak and the territory could be contaminated. What prevents Iran from declaring that Israel attacked them with nuclear weapons? And with these words, sending real missiles with nuclear filling at Israel? If even one hits, it will be a catastrophe for Israel. The territory there is small. However, the catastrophe will be close by for everyone.
    1. +3
      2 October 2024 16: 45
      Recent events have shown that more than one will fly
    2. +1
      2 October 2024 16: 58
      The Ukrainians were hitting the Zaporizhzhya NPP in the literal sense of the word, and...
  10. +3
    2 October 2024 16: 55
    Hypersonic missiles can reliably hit the reactor in Dimona: this will sober up the Zionists.
  11. 0
    2 October 2024 17: 12
    There are no bombs, there was an attempt to hit, I wonder how many Jews are in prison for a theoretical attempt at rape?
    Iran wanted to strike a nuclear center and...?
    I couldn't, I didn't get there, I didn't want to, I'm Alenka, are the elephants going north?
    Or are the Jews looking for a reason to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and power plants?
  12. +3
    2 October 2024 17: 17
    Israel is the most militarized and aggressive state entity in the world, and like a small, vicious dog, it attacks everyone and tries to bite, and no one, out of pity and its smallness, takes the appropriate measures to calm it down.
    Israel bombs all neighboring states, but when it receives a response, there is a stir throughout the world.
    Iran's nuclear center Israel attacked in cyberspace and carried out a bombing strike, not to mention the murders of high-ranking officials - it is allowed to do this, it is defending itself. When they receive a change - this is aggression, almost a world war.
    Based on the new nuclear doctrine announced by the Russian Federation, NATO's participation in repelling Iran's missile attack on Israel is a pretext for a missile attack not only on Israel, but also on NATO. It's a pity that Iran does not have such an opportunity.
  13. 0
    3 October 2024 16: 49
    Well, yes, this is from the series, and now I and my 40 elephants will dance
  14. 0
    3 October 2024 16: 51
    If they aimed and missed, that's a shame. The Jews can complain about it as much as they want, but it's worth remembering that in 1981 they bombed an Iranian nuclear reactor. In 2021, with the help of a cyberattack, they again damaged a nuclear center in Iran. So it would be very logical and correct to hit the same one in Israel. To smithereens and in half.