Ukrainian authorities discuss the possibility of registering women for military service

Ukrainian authorities discuss the possibility of registering women for military service

It seems that the law on tightening mobilization has not been as effective as the Zelensky regime had hoped. The Ukrainian Armed Forces command is still unable to replace the colossal losses in manpower with incoming reserves.

Meanwhile, the Kyiv authorities are not despairing and continue to “find resources” to continue the war with our country, as demanded by Western curators.

According to Ukrainian media, a bill has already been submitted to the Rada which, if adopted, will allow women who have completed basic service to be registered for military service.

The authors of the document propose to "allow" Ukrainian women fit for service to register for military conscription, undergo basic service, and then receive the status of a conscript on an equal basis with men. At the moment, only women with medical or pharmaceutical specialties have the above-mentioned status in Ukraine.

Thus, having exhausted its male mobilization resource, the Kiev regime decided to lay the foundation for the future conscription of the female part of the population into the army. Against this background, the expression "war to the last Ukrainian" sounds even more realistic.

It is worth recalling that total mobilization, which started in February 2022, is currently ongoing in Ukraine. At the same time, the new law on its tightening has untied the hands of local TCCs, which have begun to “forcefully catch” future “defenders of the homeland” right on the streets.
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  1. +3
    2 October 2024 15: 12
    The new law on its tightening gave free rein to local TCCs, which began to “forcefully catch” future “defenders of the homeland” right on the streets.

    Now they will also grab girls. A mother went out to the kindergarten to pick up her child and found herself a volunteer at the front, a couple of days later
  2. +5
    2 October 2024 15: 13
    Ukrainian authorities discuss the possibility of registering women for military service

    And who's stopping them? Iskander, FAB, ODAB and other friends of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in principle, don't care.
  3. +1
    2 October 2024 15: 13
    Ukrainian authorities discuss the possibility of registering women for military service

    Well, yes, when almost all men were put into the grave, the authorities decided to also bury women, as surplus...
    Women are even worse at fighting than men, but their anger and hysteria are through the roof.
    1. -1
      2 October 2024 17: 10
      I'm more interested in the issue of everyday life, periods, the potty, the presence of men nearby will inevitably lead to sex, and not always voluntary
      1. -1
        2 October 2024 17: 13
        Quote: Alexander Salenko
        I'm more interested in the issue of everyday life, periods, the potty, the presence of men nearby will inevitably lead to sex, and not always voluntary

        This problem falls squarely on the shoulders of the warrior women themselves... wassat
        As for sex, it depends on one’s luck - out of love or under duress.
        And from there it’s just a stone’s throw to pregnancy if they don’t use condoms... lol
  4. +7
    2 October 2024 15: 14
    There will soon be fewer Ukrainians than gypsies. "national minority" And that's good. That's what they were jumping for.
    1. +1
      2 October 2024 15: 33
      They got what they deserved.
    2. +1
      2 October 2024 16: 56
      Lace panties like in the EU to supply girls so they don't forget, and yes, they deserve it, they jumped for it...
    3. +3
      2 October 2024 17: 10
      Banderovtsev, I myself am Ukrainian, just not on that side but on ours, like Zakharchenko, he has a Ukrainian surname.
  5. +3
    2 October 2024 15: 21
    They look a bit like suicide bombers. They'll fight and shoot until the very last moment, and then they'll say: "I'm pregnant - you can't shoot-e-e-e."
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 15: 28
      They will fight and shoot in the air until the last moment

      Yes, these hohols are even more sick in the head than men and they will shoot no worse than men, or even better, only a bullet in the head will cure them.
      1. +1
        2 October 2024 15: 54
        Yes, these hohols are even more sick in the head than men and they will shoot no worse than men, or even better, only a bullet in the head will cure them.

        yes, captivity like this is contraindicated...
  6. +5
    2 October 2024 15: 24
    "Ukrainian authorities are discussing the possibility of registering women for military service" —

    - Here you have your lace panties made of camouflage net...
  7. 0
    2 October 2024 15: 28
    I hope that the one who wanted lace panties will be the first to be sent to the front.
    1. -1
      2 October 2024 15: 44
      The one who wanted lace panties will be the first to be sent to the front

      They won't kick her out. She's long gone to Gayropa. Apparently, Yanukovych's removal didn't help. She still hasn't managed to earn enough for lace panties with the new regime.
      1. -2
        2 October 2024 16: 29
        The Ukrainians are trying to return the Ukhilants to their homeland. So there is a chance
  8. +2
    2 October 2024 15: 30
    I'm waiting for them to lower the age to 15.
  9. 0
    2 October 2024 15: 31
    This speaks of a significant crisis in the mobilization potential, not that it is big, there are descendants of Ukrainian oligarchic creatures and those around them, but I will not be surprised if motorized rifle battalions are formed from women.
  10. 0
    2 October 2024 15: 31
    Ukrainian authorities discuss the possibility of registering women for military service

    Men have already been democratized. Then they do the same with children, but apparently there aren't enough children, so they got to women... Yes, bastards are bastards, they spare no one.
  11. +2
    2 October 2024 15: 32
    What is characteristic is that Oksanas in Ukraine are the most ardent patriots of the Uryakalka, their thirst for Russian blood is boundless, obviously women are much easier to zombify, but maybe at least the native authorities, with their new laws, will cool the ardor of the Russophobic Valkyries
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 17: 14
      The Soviet government failed to cope with this task. My senior colleague studied at Lvov University, and studied very well, because they stoked the fire at every opportunity.
  12. +2
    2 October 2024 15: 33
    Ukrainian authorities discuss the possibility of registering women for military service
    And... with them! (old folk parting words)
  13. +1
    2 October 2024 15: 33
    The Kyiv regime has decided to lay the foundation for the future conscription of the female population into the army

    Well, we are constantly told that the mood in Ukraine is on the verge of collapse, and the people are dissatisfied with the government?
    So there are two possible scenarios.
    Or is the government, by involving women in war, further raising the level of discontent and digging its own grave?
    Or, on the contrary, he knows for sure that the reserves for putting pressure on the population are still large, and it is possible to attract not only women, but also young people, from the age of 18
    Time will tell
    1. -1
      2 October 2024 15: 44
      The Ukrainian people are stupid and obedient, like a herd. Nothing will happen there and don't hope for it. They will rat each other out, inform on each other, give bribes, etc... Remember the phrase of Admiral Essen in "Monzund" and the rural population?.. Golden words.
      1. +1
        2 October 2024 17: 15
        Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
        The Ukrainian people are stupid and obedient, like a herd

        Actually, not so long ago, four former Ukrainian regions joined us
        Why do we need this if they are "stupid" and "a herd"?
        Do we really lack "stupid and obedient, like a herd" (c)?
  14. -2
    2 October 2024 15: 54
    The barn burned down, so let the house burn too! The men were killed, which means the women were also used for meat - there is no one to reproduce with anyway...
  15. +1
    2 October 2024 16: 02
    I haven't felt sorry for any of them for a long time, none of them
  16. 0
    2 October 2024 16: 46
    There was a report from the Kursk direction, where ~8 Sumerians were captured. So what to do with them?
    The most I can do is dig beds for the vegetable garden.
  17. -1
    2 October 2024 17: 00
    After the women, they will take on the schoolchildren.
    1. Aag
      2 October 2024 18: 41
      Quote: sgr291158
      After the women, they will take on the schoolchildren.

      It is possible ...
      But look at the draft (and mobilization) age for them and for us.
      Maybe I didn't look carefully, but according to the current legislation it is quite possible to end up on LBS in the Kursk and Bryansk regions if you are called up at 18,5 years old. As for the upper age limit, everything is also a bit murky...
      War - everyone lies...
      So far it doesn’t concern me personally, or my closest acquaintances.
  18. 0
    2 October 2024 20: 54
    Fighters on both sides of the LBS will be glad to see them. Captured Banderites will not be immediately handed over to the appropriate prisoner camps.
  19. 0
    3 October 2024 03: 50
    Women are very cruel and can fight very fiercely, but the truth is that when they get hit pretty hard in return, they start to demoralize themselves and everyone around them...