Israel's Foreign Ministry Declares UN Secretary General Guterres Persona Non Grata

Israel's Foreign Ministry Declares UN Secretary General Guterres Persona Non Grata

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has been declared persona non grata in Israel, the country's Foreign Minister Israel Katz said. He said the UN Secretary-General is banned from entering Israel because of his refusal to condemn missile Iran strike.

Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran's heinous attack on Israel, as almost every country in the world has done, is not worthy of setting foot on Israeli soil. This is the Secretary General, who has yet to condemn the massacre and sexual crimes committed by Hamas murderers on October 7, and has not contributed to the decisions to designate them as a terrorist organization.

- Katz said.

He also accused Guterres of supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and promised to continue to defend the country's national interests.

Israel will continue to protect its citizens and maintain its status and national honor with or without Antonio Guterres

– promised the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

It is worth noting that the indignation of Israeli diplomats was caused by a publication authored by Antonio Guterres on a social network, in which he simply called for a speedy ceasefire in the Middle East, without even mentioning Iran or Israel.

Recall that the day before, Tehran launched a massive missile strike on Israeli territory, calling it a retaliatory action for the murder of Hamas Politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh and the liquidation of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. Israel has already promised to launch a retaliatory strike on Iran.
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  1. +5
    2 October 2024 14: 18
    Finally he got the job he deserved!
    1. +6
      2 October 2024 14: 21
      I dare_notice hi, I won’t be surprised if this post is deleted and backtracked, I’m talking about the UN.
      1. +4
        2 October 2024 15: 13
        The world is ready to fight again... and divide territories again...
        And then... the winner will write new rules (laws) for everyone else.
        Will another collective supranational body be possible after all this? I don’t know.
        I just know that the so-called democracy that everyone was striving for turned out to be a pile of shit.
  2. +19
    2 October 2024 14: 19
    That's the whole story about what the UN is, the League of Nations version 2.0.
    1. +1
      2 October 2024 15: 07
      Well, yes, it didn’t work out to get out of it and justify Israel in its good deeds, as well as to condemn Iran in response, and therefore general and neutral words about peace.
      It is clear that if Iran is condemned, the rest of the world will be outraged, and if not condemned, then only Israel - they chose the lesser of two evils. But if Israel had been punished more harshly earlier for its genocide of Arabs (and with pagers, too), then there would have been no response from Iran, and this is a complete miscalculation of the UN, which is controlled by the hegemon. It was necessary to impose at least minimal sanctions on Israel, but now everything, the time for correcting the situation has been lost.
      I wonder what Kedmi is saying there, is the nuclear weapons going to strike at those encroaching on the exclusivity of the chosen ones?
      1. 0
        2 October 2024 16: 47
        I wonder how it is possible to seriously punish Israel with the help of the UN? what
        1. 0
          2 October 2024 16: 48
          Quote: leks
          I wonder how it is possible to seriously punish Israel with the help of the UN?

          And how do other countries punish with the help of the UN?
          1. 0
            2 October 2024 16: 49
            Well, you answered a question with a question, and that's not an answer. request
            1. -2
              2 October 2024 16: 52
              I give you a hint for self-knowledge. North Korea and Iran, what happened to them and who contributed. The Internet to the rescue.
              1. +2
                2 October 2024 16: 58
                Are you in the field of miracles or something))) Do you think you are Yakubovich?
                In order to introduce any sanctions, the UN Security Council needs to adopt them, and in order to adopt them, the veto right must be overcome at the very least. Now the question is, how are you going to introduce sanctions against Israel with the help of the UN?!
                1. -2
                  2 October 2024 17: 04
                  I don't understand people who first tell you what to do to do something, and then ask the question "how to do it". Well, read your own answer in the previous sentence.
                  1. +2
                    2 October 2024 17: 17
                    You wrote about punishing Israel with the help of the UN! You were only asked how to do it, and you carefully avoided answering it. And now you write with a smart face that you don't understand such people.
                    In general, it's a mutual misunderstanding!
                    I will only add that Israel's allies will not allow any sanctions to be introduced in relations with Israel. They will simply use their veto power. hi
        2. 0
          3 October 2024 22: 34
          Quote: leks
          I wonder how it is possible to seriously punish Israel with the help of the UN? what

          Elementary, it is enough to declare it an aggressor and introduce sanctions. If the Security Council adopts it without a veto, then even the Americans will be forced to introduce sanctions against Israel.
          1. 0
            4 October 2024 01: 18
            There are 5 permanent representatives on the UN Security Council: Russia, the USA, England, China, France.
            "A decision of the UN Security Council is taken only if the votes of all permanent members of the Security Council coincide.
            This provision is interpreted as a veto right of a permanent member of the Security Council"
            Do you think the US and England will use their VETO power or not?
            The question is rhetorical!
            1. 0
              4 October 2024 11: 35
              The answer is not rhetorical, perhaps yes, perhaps no.
              Israel's position in the US is supported by evangelical Christians and the Jewish community. As whites are replaced in power, they are weakening.
              America abandoned Israel once during the Suez crisis, and it can do it again.
              1. 0
                4 October 2024 12: 31
                Israel's position is based on the fact that it is the main ally of the United States in the Middle East and no one in the United States in their right mind would abandon such an ally.
                So, your wishes are just your wishes, nothing more! hi
                1. 0
                  4 October 2024 23: 53
                  Israel's position can be based on whatever it wants, but the US has abandoned so many of its "main" allies, and will abandon this one too.
                  The world is changing and the United States is changing, the balance of power is shifting from West to East.
                  1. 0
                    6 October 2024 10: 35
                    The world does not change according to your wishes!
                    It may take decades for anything to change.
                    Can you give an example of which of their allies have the US abandoned over the last quarter century?! So that they would just go and refuse their obligations.
                    As they say, wagging your tongue is not like carrying sacks hi
                    1. 0
                      6 October 2024 21: 09
                      Do you have such a short memory that you measure life in 25 years?
                      For example, they abandoned their "allies" in Afghanistan, handing them over to be slaughtered by the Taliban. They abandoned the Kurds, using them in the war with ISIS and then exposing them to Turkish tanks.
                      But the world is not changing according to my wishes, it is simply changing and the USA is losing its leadership position.
                      1. 0
                        7 October 2024 06: 35
                        laughing Was it you who wrote them down as allies or was it carefully implanted into your head in business programs that they are allies. fool
                        You will also list African tribes from Africa as their allies and shout that they were cheated. fool
                        "And the US is losing its leadership position" is a direct phrase from the TV program that I wrote above laughing
                      2. 0
                        7 October 2024 13: 04
                        What and who hammered into my head is none of your business. You better figure out who hammered into your head that Israel is an ally of the US, a state in which anti-Semitism, racism and neo-Nazism have deep roots. Ford alone is worth something.
                        The elite group in power will change and the Jews will be dumped after the Afghans, as is customary in America.
                      3. 0
                        7 October 2024 14: 05
                        Quote: Dima68
                        What and who hammered into my head is none of your business. You better figure out who hammered into your head that Israel is an ally of the US, a state in which anti-Semitism, racism and neo-Nazism have deep roots. Ford alone is worth something.
                        The elite group in power will change and the Jews will be dumped after the Afghans, as is customary in America.

                        Guys like you have been telling this nonsense since the 60s of the last century!
                        The dollar is about to collapse, the US is about to collapse, Israel will fall as a state under the onslaught of the Arabs laughing
                        Well, how did it come true?! laughing
                        I repeat for those who don’t understand that Israel is the main ally of the USA in the Middle East and such allies are not thrown away, not only that in the event of a big mess the Americans and NATO will fight for this state, but you continue to cry.
                        As they say, there is no harm in dreaming, so go ahead and dream Yes .
                        The facts only say one thing, that this will not happen in the near future and in the medium term as well.
                        And what will happen in 50-100 years, you will be absolutely indifferent to what happened to these countries hi
                      4. 0
                        7 October 2024 16: 10
                        Have you taken off your rose-colored glasses for a long time? The US has already lost its global leadership, already.
                        As for Israel, we'll see.
                      5. 0
                        7 October 2024 17: 03
                        Quote: Dima68
                        Have you taken off your rose-colored glasses for a long time? The US has already lost its global leadership, already.
                        As for Israel, we'll see.

                        laughing laughing laughing yeah, in your pink world it's possible!
                        Stop watching shows for
                        d-lov might help.
    2. 0
      2 October 2024 20: 32
      Quote: Murmur 55
      That's the whole story about what the UN is, the League of Nations version 2.0.

      Rather, it is already the League of Sexual Reforms - Ostap Ibrahimovic was very precise in his formulations.
  3. +24
    2 October 2024 14: 20
    I wonder if Antonio Guterres has already thrown away his phone and pager? feel
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 14: 45
      Well, he's not a Palestinian leader, he's just a UN leader. Such a position wouldn't hurt a fly.
  4. +6
    2 October 2024 14: 20
    "UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has been declared persona non grata in Israel"

    - Celebration international law or rules? ...
    1. +4
      2 October 2024 14: 59
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      — The triumph of international law or rules? ...

      International rules-based order. wink
      1. +1
        2 October 2024 15: 09
        Right on target. What rules do you need to understand yourself? No one can read them anywhere, otherwise suddenly these are not the most convenient rules and new ones will appear.
        1. +3
          2 October 2024 15: 18
          Where the rules of the game do not allow winning, English gentlemen change the rules.
          © Marxist-Zionist Harold Joseph Laski
  5. 0
    2 October 2024 14: 22
    Israel knows how to turn even neutrals against itself laughing
  6. +12
    2 October 2024 14: 25
    Israel has given up on all UN resolutions since the early years on resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and now has declared the Secretary General persona non grata. Where is the "international local committee" looking?
    1. +4
      2 October 2024 14: 37
      kor1vet1974 hi, Israel has an indulgence from the chairman of the "local committee"
      1. +3
        2 October 2024 15: 03
        Quote: Murmur 55
        Where is the "international local committee" looking?

        To the side historical homeland, of course. wink
      2. +1
        2 October 2024 15: 18
        Israel has an indulgence from the chairman
        And who is the current Chairman of the UN Security Council-International Local Committee?
        1. +2
          2 October 2024 15: 22
          kor1vet1974, and who now decides where "democracy" is and where tyranny is? Who has long been deciding which country is good and which is not so good? Who has long been taming all these UN, OSCE, IAEA, IOC, and other supposedly independent organizations, and the UN is just a wedding general and even more authoritative.
  7. +8
    2 October 2024 14: 26
    The Jews' conceit is off the charts. They have surpassed the Americans. Or they have always been like that.
    1. +8
      2 October 2024 14: 39
      There have always been such people. And I know of all the Jews who are very good at self-esteem. A national trait, however. But the key word in the word "self-esteem" is precisely "opinion".
    2. 0
      2 October 2024 15: 13
      I lived side by side with Jews, everything seemed to be fine, but my classmates and neighbor in the entrance, wearing a pioneer tie, talked about the coolness of the IDF and drew non-Soviet stars on tanks. But Jews can't have fascism, but for some reason the Jewish elementary school teacher had all the Jews as excellent students.
    3. +4
      2 October 2024 15: 46
      Quote: th.kuzmichev
      The Jews' conceit is off the charts. They have surpassed the Americans. Or have they always been like this?

      And how many reproaches and universal lamentations there were, like "stop blaming the Jews for everything." They are the poor things, who suffered from the Nazis, and the communists, and the Christians, and the Muslims, and the whole world. And the bankers are not Jewish and there is no and cannot be a Zionist conspiracy, they are simply defending their country, and all that sort of thing. It turns out that everything that was said about the Jews is absolutely true (and even then not the whole truth). The Palestinians are also defending their land, where, by the way, they lived long before the Jews arrived.
  8. +1
    2 October 2024 14: 27
    The chutzpah of the Jews has no limits. Israel is the favorite wife of the USA, which controls the eunuchs in the UN.
  9. 0
    2 October 2024 14: 28
    No matter how I feel about the Jews, there is a lot to learn and adopt from them, they don’t give a damn about anything or anyone, but great Russia is concerned about everything
    1. +4
      2 October 2024 14: 44
      Greatness does not consist in considering everyone but yourself a fool.
      1. 0
        2 October 2024 15: 11
        Quote: th.kuzmichev
        Greatness does not consist in considering everyone but yourself a fool.

        The strength of a fool is that a smart person is powerless before him! (c)
        p.s. This is not for you. hi
      2. +2
        2 October 2024 16: 45
        Quote: th.kuzmichev
        Greatness does not consist in considering everyone but yourself a fool.

        But it’s also not about agreeing that everyone around you calls you a fool.
        And greatness also lies in grandiose accomplishments in the name of one’s people, in defending state sovereignty by any means and methods, without regard for shouts and insults.
        Patriotism cannot be insulted. Avarice and self-interest are worthy of condemnation.
    2. +1
      2 October 2024 15: 16
      They are nobody and they can't call Israel if external support ends one day. Jews couldn't create their own state, and therefore they don't have a state mentality. It is not a self-sufficient state.
      1. +1
        2 October 2024 16: 47
        Quote: Alexander Salenko
        This is not a self-sufficient state.

        Like the Outskirts, which is also dominated by Jews. It turns out that Jews can only parasitize, but not create.
    3. +1
      2 October 2024 15: 57
      Frankly, I don't know what we can learn from the Jews. Maybe just impudence. But that's for the time being, while the US covers for them. The impudent ones will get their comeuppance sooner or later. I know one thing. Maybe not all over the world (?), but in the Middle East and the Muslim world they are "loved" so much that they can't even eat. If something were to happen to the US now (and the American empire is already on the wane), the "grateful" neighbors of the Jews would simply slaughter them. All of them. And on October 7th they would show them off as a joke. So who will accept those who survive from all over the world, such unfortunate people, as always "offended" by someone and persecuted by everyone? It seems to me, as always, Russia.
    4. 0
      3 October 2024 22: 38
      Quote from: alexandre
      No matter how I feel about the Jews, there is a lot to learn and adopt from them, they don’t give a damn about anything or anyone, but great Russia is concerned about everything

      And what is the result? A bomb shelter in every apartment and almost 1% of the population are war invalids. This is in a country that has not fought against an equal enemy since 1973.
  10. +2
    2 October 2024 14: 29
    Some are rolling this world, others are running alongside and shouting: where is it rolling...
  11. +6
    2 October 2024 14: 31
    Israel's Foreign Ministry Declares UN Secretary General Guterres Persona Non Grata

    Now comes the most interesting part. In response to the attack by the head of the Israeli MFA, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres will award the head of the MFA of this country for services to peace.
    No other secretary has been able to damage the UN's prestige in such a way.
    1. +2
      2 October 2024 15: 07
      In my opinion, it is just the opposite: Israel is trying to restore the UN's prestige with this show. They say they have disagreements and the UN is against something (although what exactly it is against remains unclear to this day). As if the UN is not subject to Israel's striped masters and is fair. Although in reality, the UN is useless at all if we are talking about Israel's conflict with its neighbors.
  12. +2
    2 October 2024 14: 32
    then the next logical step for Israel would be to withdraw from the UN
    1. -1
      2 October 2024 14: 46
      Well, yes, on the same day as Armenia from the CSTO, they will slam the door, yeah.
    2. -2
      2 October 2024 14: 53
      At this rate, he will expel all the undesirables. laughing laughing
  13. bbb
    2 October 2024 14: 33
    Katz offers to surrender.
    1. +2
      2 October 2024 14: 52
      Quote: bbb
      Katz offers to surrender.

      The wording from the film is not suitable here, now the correct one would be:
      Katz offers the UN to surrender at his discretion.
      The aggravation of megalomania with the connivance of the West is evident.
      1. bbb
        2 October 2024 14: 52
        That's what I meant......
        1. 0
          2 October 2024 14: 54
          Quote: bbb
          This is what I had in mind.

          I clarified, just in case. Your observation is absolutely correct. drinks
  14. +6
    2 October 2024 14: 34
    for the sake of truth the Jews have gone completely mad, their attacks on sovereign states are normal, but when they got punched in the face in response, the UN should immediately condemn it
    1. +2
      2 October 2024 15: 30
      And note that no one bothered to figure out whose idea it was to hold a music festival with naked girls right on the border with the zealots of Islamic traditions, who missed these very borders, leaving them without protection, surveillance and who ultimately benefited from this (some are expanding the occupied territories, others are raising their military-industrial complex and economy, others are simply dying...)
  15. +2
    2 October 2024 14: 34
    The UN should decide and not some celebrities decide something themselves and declare themselves persons. Israel has long deserved all the sanctions in the world. I wonder why the Russian Federation does not impose sanctions or Muslim countries do not break off all relations with them. Or to sit on all the chairs at once is the fate of many
  16. +4
    2 October 2024 14: 38
    This Katz does not suggest surrender.
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 14: 47
      He offers to surrender to others laughing
  17. -2
    2 October 2024 14: 40
    Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran's heinous attack on Israel, as almost every country in the world has done, is not worthy of setting foot on Israeli soil. This is the Secretary General, who has yet to condemn the massacre and sexual crimes committed by Hamas murderers on October 7, and has not contributed to the decisions to designate them as a terrorist organization.
    - October 7 of what year? - Israel does not specify what events are being discussed, if there is no explanation, I demand that I too be declared persona non grata in Israel.
  18. +3
    2 October 2024 14: 42
    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has been declared persona non grata in Israel, the country's Foreign Minister Israel Katz said.

    And Katz doesn’t suggest surrendering? belay
    Departure from the canton! fellow laughing
    Are you whining?
    Why didn't you whine when houses in Gaza and Beirut were leveled? When women and children were killed with exploding pagers? When civilians fleeing were shot with machine guns?
    Burn in Hell!!! deserve it!!! am
  19. 0
    2 October 2024 14: 43
    Well, the UN tried very hard, and for many years, to become a nominal and indecisive organization.
    Now the UN is simply a department of the US Foreign Ministry with a completely uninitiative team.
  20. +3
    2 October 2024 14: 45
    Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran's heinous attack on Israel, as almost every country in the world has done, is unworthy of setting foot on Israeli soil.
    The Israeli leadership went into hysterics. They were scared after all, it turns out that even outlaws can be scared when they get hit in return. Again, who is "almost all the countries of the world"? "The Great Seven" - the US and their sixes? That's not even 1/4 of the world, not even in terms of territory, not to mention the population. Iran hit Israel very carefully - no civilians were harmed. Unlike how Israel razed residential areas of the Gaza Strip and Beirut to the ground.
  21. -2
    2 October 2024 14: 48
    And if some person wants to visit religious sacred places, and not Israel as the purpose of the visit, will this also be prohibited?
    1. -1
      2 October 2024 14: 55
      The guy will have to join Hezbollah or something similar. laughing laughing
  22. -1
    2 October 2024 14: 56
    His position has long been that of a wedding general...
    And, for some reason, I doubt that he planned to come to Israel.
  23. 0
    2 October 2024 14: 57
    Israel's Foreign Ministry Declares UN Secretary General Guterres Persona Non Grata

    Jews have gone completely nuts
    the site's policy is enough, I wrote (Jews), but they changed it to Jews
    1. -1
      2 October 2024 15: 01
      Quote: alexbor
      Jews have gone completely nuts

      They have such a roof that anything is possible.
  24. +2
    2 October 2024 14: 59
    This is such a disgrace (Shvonder)
  25. -1
    2 October 2024 15: 01
    Well done Jews, but what can you say, there are no red markers and no concern. There is war, and in war all means are good.
  26. 0
    2 October 2024 15: 07
    And in the movie Katz suggested surrendering, but doesn't it seem like Israel is losing its last shores? Without the UN, there would be no Israel.
  27. 0
    2 October 2024 15: 13
    Meanwhile: "The Russian Foreign Ministry reported that Russia strongly condemns the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and calls on Tel Aviv to immediately cease hostilities and seek peaceful solutions to the Middle East conflict." At the same time, no harsh statements are made towards the Kremlin! Probably: A. The Kremlin has its own people. B. The Kremlin is higher in the hierarchy than the UN. C. "That's a completely different matter." Choose the answer(s) yourself. )))) In general, apparently, when creating most "international organizations" and during their "exploitation", the influence of the Zionists is so great that they can afford any attack against them. And if we assume that these organizations were created in the interests of the Zionists, then the reaction to the "neglect of his duties" by the UN Secretary General is understandable.
  28. -2
    2 October 2024 15: 23
    powerful step)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  29. -1
    2 October 2024 16: 02
    As for me, this Guterres is a complete piece of crap on an American salary, but he can also say: "What am I doing in this lousy Israel that they wouldn't let me in there? For God's sake, I never even thought of going there!"
  30. 0
    2 October 2024 17: 08
    And now sanctions have been imposed against the UN, though from the Jews and from the "immeasurable Jewish resentment at the injustice" that someone supported the wrong person. A circus with horses.
  31. -1
    3 October 2024 11: 58
    Guterres has been declared persona non grata in Israel. Netanyahu is doing what the US tells him to do.
  32. 0
    3 October 2024 22: 40
    What a load of nonsense! The hypocrites who started the war using a false flag and attacked themselves, in the name of all Palestinians, now even after the second aggression, call retaliation an attack. In general, the Jews have always lied, that's their essence. They lied, starting with the absurd formation of the Arabs on the land. Every year, like a virus, they destroyed everything around them and used any pretext for their expansion.
    Initially, the war allegedly started by terrorists is nothing more than an operation, when stupid and corrupt leaders of small groups were appointed to break through the border. The Jews, as always, brought a sacrifice in the form of their civilian and unnecessary officers. The finished cattle work in Mossad, as well as in any Western intelligence. It is not a fact that the sacrifice was accepted by their bloody deity, because it is not a fact that it did not die.
    All the evil of the 20th and 21st centuries bears the mark of the participation of Jewish evil. I hope that there is an end to everything.
  33. 0
    4 October 2024 04: 13
    The area of ​​Israel is 22 thousand square kilometers. This is only a square of 200 km x 110 km. Is there really no such free land anywhere in the world where Israel could be resettled in its entirety? For example, in Australia. And then all wars in the Middle East would immediately cease forever.