"Not called yet": Kremlin says it has not received requests for Putin's phone call with Scholz

"Not called yet": Kremlin says it has not received requests for Putin's phone call with Scholz

Berlin has not asked Moscow to organize a telephone conversation between German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said. According to him, Russia and Germany currently have nothing to discuss.

No, I didn't ask.

- Peskov said, answering the question “whether Berlin asked Moscow about a telephone conversation between the heads of the two states.”

He added that Vladimir Putin is open to dialogue, although at present there are no common topics of conversation between Moscow and Berlin on the surface.

Recall that the day before, the German publication Die Zeit reported that the German Chancellor plans to hold a telephone conversation with the Russian President in the near future. And other media outlets claimed that Olaf Scholz also intends to present his peace initiative, which envisages freezing the Russian-Ukrainian conflict along the current front line.

It should be noted that the peaceful aspirations of the German Chancellor, if they do exist, are quite understandable. Germany has turned out to be perhaps the main victim of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Under pressure from the United States, Berlin joined all of Washington's anti-Russian initiatives and spent about 11 billion euros on equipping the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Such extravagance, coupled with rising gas prices due to the refusal to purchase cheap Russian energy resources, led to serious consequences for the German economy. Many production facilities either closed down or chose to change jurisdiction, moving to the same USA.

Germany's GDP has been declining for the second quarter in a row, and economists' forecasts are not particularly optimistic. Of course, one phone call is unlikely to solve the existing problems, but you have to start somewhere.
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  1. +1
    2 October 2024 13: 57
    "I'm alive, he's dead - what should we talk about?"(c)
  2. +3
    2 October 2024 13: 58
    Berlin did not ask Moscow to organize a telephone conversation between German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    recourse But he blabbed to everyone. request
  3. +1
    2 October 2024 14: 02
    Call me, call,
    Call me, for God's sake.
    Through time stretch
    The voice is quiet and deep...

    ...How I want to hear a voice,
    Your long-awaited voice.
    1. +1
      2 October 2024 14: 39
      Hang up. This is a scammer(c)
    2. +1
      2 October 2024 17: 16
      "... How I want to hear a voice,
      "Your long-awaited voice" -
  4. 0
    2 October 2024 14: 07
    You can call, but what's the point? Or is this just advertising for your party that is failing local elections? And next year there are Reichstag elections - we need to come up with something.
  5. 0
    2 October 2024 14: 13
    Are there any advances in the political or economic spheres between us and Germany? What will this conversation give, with such an anti-Russian government in Germany. A play on words and nothing more, it's like talking to the Balts
    1. -2
      2 October 2024 14: 27
      Well yes, you, enemies of the USSR, conduct an evil foreign policy, and then you “get indignant” - why are so many countries against you.
      Out of nowhere, you managed to create your relationship with the enemies of the USSR in the West worse than the relationship between the USSR and the West was during the Cold War.
    2. 0
      2 October 2024 14: 30
      Quote: APASUS
      What will this conversation give, with such an anti-Russian government in Germany?

      Give it to whom? In Germany they think that this will give them a new chance to deceive Russia once again.
      1. 0
        2 October 2024 14: 33
        Quote: guest
        In Germany they think that this will give them a new chance to deceive Russia once again.

        Naivety is not a vice, but we must seriously understand that spitting into a well will not last long. And many in Germany understand this.
        1. 0
          2 October 2024 14: 36
          Quote: APASUS
          Naivety is not a vice, but we must seriously understand that spitting into a well will not last long.

          Well, so far Germany has succeeded and there has been no response from Russia. Impunity breeds permissiveness.
          1. 0
            2 October 2024 14: 40
            Quote: guest
            Well, so far Germany has succeeded and there has been no response from Russia.

            Why???? Germany flogged itself like a non-commissioned officer's widow. We didn't have to do anything...........
            Quote: guest
            Impunity breeds permissiveness.

            In this case, permissiveness gave rise to a change of power. I think it will be more interesting further on.
            1. 0
              2 October 2024 14: 41
              Quote: APASUS
              In this case, permissiveness led to a change of power

              Where did the power change?
              1. 0
                2 October 2024 14: 44
                Quote: guest
                Where did the power change?

                According to preliminary data, the turnout in the elections to the Landtag of Saxony was 75% (in 2019 - 66,6%, including 11% who voted by mail), in Thuringia - 73% (64,9%, 10%), i.e. significantly higher than last time.

                In Saxony, the CDU emerged victorious with 31,8% (32,3% in 2019). The AfD received just one percentage point less, with 30,8% (27,5% in 2019). As expected, the SSV came in third with 11,9%. These three parties received more than two-thirds of the votes. They were followed by the SPD with 7,3% (7,7% in 2019), the Greens with 5,1% (8,6%) and the FDP with 0,9% (4,5%), representing the “traffic light” coalition at the federal level. For the first time, these parties collectively fell below 15%. The Left suffered a defeat with 4,5% (10,4% in 2019), but remained in the Landtag thanks to two direct mandates.

                In Thuringia, the picture is different. With 32,9% (23,4% in 2019), the AfD was significantly ahead of its main rival, the Christian Democrats, for whom voters cast 23,7% (21,7%). A significant 15,6% went to the SSV, which received the right to become one of the main forces in the state parliament. Having lost a significant portion of the votes, the Left with 13,0% (31%) was able to maintain its presence in parliament. But the Greens and the Liberals will now leave it - they did not pass the five percent barrier. Their results are 3,2% (5,2%) and 1,1% (5,0%) (see Table 1). In this state, the traffic light parties together gained a scandalous 10,4%.
                1. 0
                  2 October 2024 14: 51
                  Despite good results, AfD will not come to power in any of these lands. Let's even imagine that AfD came to power in one of these lands; this would not affect the German government. A governor from the LDPR or the CPRF in some region of Russia would not mean that power in Russia has changed.
                  1. 0
                    2 October 2024 14: 53
                    Quote: guest
                    A governor from the LDPR or the CPRF in some region of Russia would not mean that power in Russia has changed.

                    You are confusing Germany and Russia. There, Lantag is endowed with real power and can pass legal acts to suspend the shipment of weapons, for example
                    1. 0
                      2 October 2024 14: 58
                      Quote: APASUS
                      There, Lantag is vested with real power and can pass legal acts to suspend the shipment of weapons, for example

                      No, it can't, the federal law always takes precedence over the state law. Quite an interesting thing, in some states there is the death penalty, but since it is prohibited at the federal level, it is impossible to apply it.
                      1. 0
                        2 October 2024 15: 09
                        Quote: guest
                        No, it can’t, there federal law always takes precedence over regional law.

                        There the spheres are divided, security and police are related precisely to the visions of local authorities.
                        Вот сайт Лантага https://www.landtag.sachsen-anhalt.de/ru/%D0%9F%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82/%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B3-%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8E%D1%89%D0%B8%D1%85
  6. +1
    2 October 2024 14: 18
    Maybe Scholz doesn't have money to make a long-distance call? He needs to take out a loan in the US for international calls.
  7. +3
    2 October 2024 14: 25
    The Kremlin really wants a call from its dear partner so that it can serve him gas on a platter again. The fact that soldiers and officers, as well as the civilian population of Russia, are dying en masse from German weapons does not particularly worry those at the top.
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 14: 32
      Quote: Vulpes
      The fact that soldiers and officers, as well as the civilian population of Russia, are dying en masse from German weapons does not particularly worry those at the top.

      Well, oligarchs don’t die from these weapons.
  8. 0
    2 October 2024 14: 51
    When the German military chancellor calls, Putin doesn't have to pick up the phone!
    What should Putin say to these military chancellors who are following in Hitler's footsteps!?
    Guys, next time leave out the word "chancellor"!
    Otherwise we will have to think that the Germans are as stupid as Chancellor Scholz!
  9. 0
    2 October 2024 15: 24
    Chancellors traditionally have an unfounded self-importance with regard to Russia. Gorbachev and Yeltsin spoiled us... They just don't want to believe that the time of dictatorship has passed. And Merkel was answered out of politeness, as a lady, when she demanded Crimea...
  10. 0
    3 October 2024 08: 32
    A world based on rules is a world based on the rules of Russia and China (should be). This is the question that can be discussed in this vein. Who agrees to accept our values ​​and our way of life and defend them? Together with us. Our mistake now is that the political and economic union (BRICS) is ahead of the military one, but it should be the other way around. We need to create a military alliance and strike.