The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine predicts a reduction in the country's population to 25 million people by 2051

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine predicts a reduction in the country's population to 25 million people by 2051

By 2051, the population of Ukraine will decrease to 25,2 million people. This forecast is given by the government of the Kyiv regime in its Demographic Strategy. At the same time, the document emphasizes that it is extremely problematic to analyze various scenarios for the deterioration of the demographic situation in the country in the conditions of a military conflict.

In the Demographic Strategy presented to the public, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine relies on data from the Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the National Academy of Sciences, according to which, in 2001, the population of Ukraine was 48,5 million people.

On January 1, 2022, the population was 42 million people, and in July 2024 – already 35,8 million people

– Institute specialists warn, emphasizing that 31,1 million people currently live in the territory controlled by Kyiv.

Based on the population decline figures, demographers give a forecast according to which, in 27 years, only 25,2 million people will live in Ukraine. But here too they stipulate that, as they say, options are possible.

Analyzing the reasons that influence such a rapid population decline, experts highlight several factors. These include, of course, the military conflict with Russia, and the mass exodus of the country's residents abroad, and the rapid aging of the population. But experts say the main reason is the mass refusal of Ukrainians to have children. And this, it is worth noting, only happens in situations where people do not believe in the future.

Let us add that even this extremely sad forecast is still very optimistic. After all, by 2051 such a country as Ukraine may not exist at all. In any case, the current leadership of the state is doing everything possible for this.

According to independent sources, less than 25 million people already live in the territories controlled by Kyiv.
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  1. +12
    2 October 2024 13: 06
    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine predicts a reduction in the country's population to 25 million people by 2051

    Yes, they are great optimists. lol In reality, the number is already much less, if we count not by passports, but by heads.
    1. +10
      2 October 2024 13: 34
      I also think the forecast is very optimistic. But they count the new Russian territories inclusively. And Crimea too. I think that by the end of the war the population of Ukraine will approach 10 million.
      1. 0
        2 October 2024 14: 37
        Even this extremely sad forecast is still very optimistic. After all, by 2051, such a country as Ukraine may not exist at all. In any case, The current leadership of the state is doing everything possible for this.
        According to independent sources, Less than 25 million people already live in the territories controlled by Kyiv.

        That's right! And according to Washington's plans, even fewer will live! Namely.

        US State Department plan, voiced by Hillary Clinton in 2016, consists in reducing the indigenous population of Ukraine to 5 million with the subsequent REPLACEMENT of the remaining indigenous Ukrainian population on the territory of Ukraine exclusively by 15 million foreigners from the USA, and it must be assumed that they are of Jewish origin.
        According to Hillary Clinton, no more than 20 million people should ultimately live in Ukraine - and that's including American immigrants!!!
        True, Hillary Clinton did not indicate the planned timeframes for such a resettlement of Americans to Ukraine in her election race for the post of US President in the US State Department, but in Washington they have clearly already thoroughly compared, substantiated and calculated everything for themselves.

        Ukrainian Nazis are simply zombified by the external management of Ukraine and have no idea why and for whom they are actually laying down their own and other people's heads and lives in the US proxy war against Russia and the Russians!
        War criminal - agent of MI-6, CIA and Mossad - expired president of Ukraine Russophobe drug addict Jew Nazi Zelensky in this sense, the death (HOLOCAUST) of indigenous Russian Ukrainians and Ukrainians in general insidiously serves to help his masters in the West and at the same time coolly enriches himself personally with billions of American dollars on the blood of others in his own pocket!!!

        It is Russia that is saving the Ukrainian people from complete destruction, if anyone understands this!
        1. +1
          2 October 2024 14: 51
          By the way, according to the plans of the US State Department, in the name of the US "deep state", it is planned that the remaining native Ukrainians who remain alive, of whom there will be more than the planned 5 million native Ukrainians, if they do not leave Ukraine themselves, will be forcibly evicted by the pro-American occupation authorities to North Africa and the Middle East.
        2. +2
          2 October 2024 15: 35
          Well, 25 million, in the controlled territory, this is extremely optimistic. According to the assurances of Kyiv university professors, the current population is no more than 17-18 million. And by 2055, according to the assurances of the same Kyiv "professorship", Ukrainians may disappear as a people. So "glory to the Maidan".
    2. -4
      2 October 2024 13: 40
      The authors at least gave forecasts for Russia for comparison! We also have bad news - 120 million people by the year 50. Well, if our rulers do not open the borders completely and settle people from Central Asia.
      1. -3
        2 October 2024 13: 55
        And here, here comes news from Russian reality:
        .... Or follow this link:

        The question arises: "And what is the point of this?" winked
      2. +3
        2 October 2024 14: 11
        The birth rate increases only in patriarchal societies, but we have a matriarchy.

        When the birth of a child depends on the desire or unwillingness of a woman, the birth rate falls. In our country, a woman decides whether a child will live or not, a man is removed from the process. A man has few rights in principle in the Russian Federation under family law, essentially only obligations like alimony.

        The population is growing in poor patriarchal countries, so money won't fix this situation. And a return to a traditional society is impossible, because our society has been liberally feminized since the Soviet Union. We can try to equalize the rights of men and women, I think this is the only way Russians can survive.
        1. +1
          2 October 2024 14: 41
          Quote: Totor5
          The birth rate increases only in patriarchal societies, but we have a matriarchy.

          Society is built around the economy. And the developing capitalist economy launches a stratification of society by purchasing power, and people focus their efforts on the competitive struggle among themselves, and children are a great hindrance in this struggle. It is enough to look at the birth rate map - the more civilized the country, the lower the birth rate. In Africa, India, etc., the main layer of the population simply lives approximately the same shitty life, so they give birth without problems. I would even say that it is more profitable for capitalists to recruit temporary migrant workers than to raise their own. The market decided.
          1. +1
            2 October 2024 23: 17
            OK. But here's an example - the Southern regions of Russia - the economy is the same - capitalism, but the birth rate is much higher. So the economy is not always a direct connection with the structure of society.
            1. 0
              3 October 2024 05: 06
              Quote: Totor5
              the economy is the same - capitalism, but the birth rate is much higher. So

              So, the "Southern" (Caucasian) regional budgets are mostly formed at the expense of the federal budget.
              There are significant differences in housing and communal services tariffs, children's tariffs, etc. In general, they are "fed" by the whole of Russia. That's the kind of capitalism that exists.
              1. 0
                3 October 2024 06: 11
                Firstly, they are not in first place in terms of subsidies. Siberia is in first place.
                Secondly, how does this refute my example with capitalism both here and there? According to your ideas, free kindergartens and maternity capital should have increased the birth rate, but this is not the case. Rich people usually have many children, and poor people have camps. There is no need to simplify and reduce everything to old ladies.

                In my opinion, it is quite logical that it is not the economy that determines the presence of children, but the morality and traditions of society. Social networks give a woman a sense of being in demand, because they write there constantly and to everyone. The institution of family in the Russian Federation is largely destroyed - 60-80% of divorces and 38,5% of children are raised in single-parent families. Divorce is even beneficial for a woman in many ways, because she understands that the state and society will be on her side. If a woman understood that the child can stay with the father and she will have to pay alimony, how would the number of divorces decrease? A divorced woman is not condemned by society in any way, as is abortion. A man is generally excluded from the decision-making process about keeping or not keeping a child - everything is left to the mercy of the woman. Only recently the term RSP has been used, which instills at least some hope for the improvement of society.
            2. 0
              3 October 2024 13: 33
              Quote: Totor5
              Ok. But here's an example for you - the Southern regions of Russia - the economy is the same - capitalism, but the birth rate is much higher.

              More migrants come there, that's why the birth rate is higher. Somewhere it's higher, somewhere it's lower, but you need to take the country as a whole. And you didn't understand my comment: it's not about the money, but about the huge number of social levels of comfort and consumption, which exacerbate intraspecies monkey competition.
              1. +1
                3 October 2024 19: 47
                Comfort is different for everyone - for some comfort is family, for others comfort is getting up whenever you want. And this is determined by traditions, upbringing, sociology in general.
    3. +5
      2 October 2024 13: 41
      Yes, they are great optimists.

      What will remain of that country by that time...
    4. +7
      2 October 2024 13: 43
      In general, it's all a shot in the dark.
      Their forecast of the current population is, in my humble opinion, more or less adequate. But how to forecast for 27 years ahead is not clear at all. They most likely took the current population and calculated the mortality and birth rates trends, but this is complete nonsense, because now the main factor is migration, and it depends mainly on the course and duration of military operations, and no one really knows what, and most importantly when, will happen on the battlefield.
      1. -1
        2 October 2024 13: 51
        It only happens in situations where people don't believe in the future.

        Nonsense. On the contrary, the sweeter life is, the fewer children are born. "Childfree" arose and flourishes in prosperous European countries. But after wars there usually follows a demographic boom and a rapid restoration of the population to the pre-war level.
        1. +4
          2 October 2024 14: 01
          What boom if there are no men left after the war?
          We still have demographic holes after the world war.
          1. 0
            2 October 2024 15: 55
            The peak of the Soviet birth rate was 1985, were there not enough people? If you are interested in demography, then the management is not interested in it at all. There are four of us in a two-room apartment, where is there room for one more? As Bulgakov said, it all comes down to the housing issue.
            1. +1
              2 October 2024 23: 21
              I took courses on demography and the like back in university, I remember little, but I definitely remember the post-war waves of declining birth rates, which were calculated back in the USSR and which we have now.

              Children are like weeds - they can live anywhere. At my grandmother's we all lived in one room on spread-out beds (as she said) and she also made beds for guests on the rugs. Of course, it was a private house, but still, as a child, I didn't care about that. And there was also a cat and a dog, etc.
              1. 0
                3 October 2024 08: 48
                I am not an expert in modern statistics, but both my children were enrolled in kindergarten immediately upon birth, and as for children who can be like weeds, I absolutely agree.
        2. 0
          2 October 2024 15: 50
          These are two sides of the same coin. With children, everything is simple, the Soviet era is over, well, let someone look after them for an apartment, but don't expect love and affection. If they really live to old age.
      2. 0
        2 October 2024 15: 45
        We can not disagree.
    5. +3
      2 October 2024 13: 45
      That's exactly it. We count objectively. In 1991 there were almost 52 million. And on 01.01.2022 42 million. But here they considered Crimea and Donbass (8,5 million) theirs wassat , we subtract: 33,5 million. After the start of the Second World War, 7 million refugees and up to a million they will lose at the front, for example, 30% of refugees will return, we calculate: 33,5 - 7 - 1 + 2 = 27,5 million, say, by the end of 2025. Natural loss will accelerate, a bunch of men will be killed/maimed, the economy is in the ass, part of the country will be destroyed or simply not in good shape. So we finally calculate by 2050 like this: 27,5 - /15-20%/ = 22 - 23 million.
      This is the reality and the price for choosing European integration. And 25,8 doesn't look so cool, but they definitely won't see that. Unless they bring three million people from Africa...
      1. 0
        2 October 2024 13: 59
        Where did Ukraine get 01.01.2022 million on 42?
        The last census was conducted in 2001 and then they “counted” 48,4 million.
        They wanted to conduct a census in 2010 (or 2011), but at the last moment they were “embarrassed” to do it.
        They tried to estimate the population size for bread production in the country and it turned out that it doesn’t even reach 40 million.
        1. +1
          2 October 2024 14: 07
          Quote: Vladimir M
          We tried to estimate the population size by bread production in the country

          You need to count by sugar consumption. People eat much less bread now than they did in the times of our fathers and grandfathers.
          1. 0
            2 October 2024 14: 10
            Maybe we should count by sugar, but people have started eating less sugar now - after all, it's a "healthy lifestyle". But the fact that products are now full of "chemistry" is true.
        2. 0
          2 October 2024 15: 18
          Minus 8 million from 2001 to 2010? This was in a relatively prosperous decade, without any particular upheavals, with a certain economic growth and also with a comparatively high birth rate due to demographic changes and a favorable environment, in some places exceeding the mortality rate... Where were 8 million people supposed to go in that decade?
          1. -1
            2 October 2024 15: 28
            During these years, almost the entire adult population of Western Ukraine was working in Europe. Grandmothers, grandfathers and grandchildren remained at home.
            1. -1
              2 October 2024 15: 40
              This is not true. At that time, according to official estimates, the number of migrant workers was actually decreasing. Many people returned from work and settled down at home, or lived "in two houses". The total number of migrant workers during those years was estimated at 2 to 4 million in total, and reached its peak by the end of the 7s - early 90s; there was no way that 2000 additional million could have left during that decade. And they could not have died, because the mortality and birth rates were equal. So the results of the 8 census can be realistically stretched right up to the upheavals of 2001.
  2. +3
    2 October 2024 13: 14
    This means there will be more space at the trough.
    1. +3
      2 October 2024 13: 17
      There may be more space at the trough, but there will not be enough people to fill the trough itself.
      1. +3
        2 October 2024 13: 21
        It doesn’t matter, but there will be an opportunity to lie in the trough itself with a full sense of independence.
      2. 0
        2 October 2024 13: 24
        The trough itself will become smaller..
  3. +5
    2 October 2024 13: 18
    Will there even be such a state as Ukraine? That is the question!
  4. -1
    2 October 2024 13: 31
    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine predicts a reduction in the country's population to 25 million people by 2051

    Why does it matter to us?
    Are we, ourselves, doing well in this regard?
  5. +1
    2 October 2024 13: 32
    up to 25 million people by 2051
    What optimists they are
    and how many people currently live in the territory of Sharovaria?!
    I think that those who left will not return
  6. +2
    2 October 2024 13: 34
    Based on the population decline rates, demographers give a forecast according to which, in 27 years, only 25,2 million people will live in Ukraine.

    You probably can't find even twenty million there now.
    And even fewer people will want to return to a country destroyed by war.
    So will they really be able to "give birth" to so many? belay
  7. +2
    2 October 2024 13: 34
    And most of them will also be pensioners.
  8. +1
    2 October 2024 13: 35
    By mid-2025, after the referendum, there will be no state like Ukraine, it will be part of the Russian Federation, like Crimea. The name will be different. Like little Ukrainian or Russian Federative Socialist Republic of Ukraine. Like Crimea, RK.
    1. +3
      2 October 2024 13: 58
      No, no, enough, no Ukraine! Only regions, and no huge monster in the composition!
  9. +2
    2 October 2024 13: 56
    I thought they had around 20 million in the first year of the war. And now probably even less. And when the borders open, how many will be left?

    In general, I said right away that Ukraine is too big for Europe to digest. It needs to be reduced to about 10 million people, and apparently everything is heading in that direction.
  10. +2
    2 October 2024 14: 02
    There aren't that many people now. That's why the Bandera authorities were afraid to conduct a census - very ugly figures would have come out.
  11. +1
    2 October 2024 15: 02
    reduction of the country's population to 25 million people by 2051

    much faster
  12. +3
    2 October 2024 15: 11
    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine predicts a reduction in the country's population to 25 million people by 2051

    Well, it depends on how the graveyard goes, otherwise you won’t even count a million by 51, but in general the cabinet has very interesting plans, have they really decided to hold out until 2051?
  13. 0
    2 October 2024 17: 23
    What a joy, the neighbor's cow died. And what, is everything okay with our population? Since 1991, at least 2 million in the minus. And if you do not take into account the new regions, then another 4-5 million in the minus. Well, and 1.5 million from Central Asia, not taking into account their children born here.