New Japanese Foreign Minister: Tokyo's Policy Towards Russia Will Not Change

New Japanese Foreign Minister: Tokyo's Policy Towards Russia Will Not Change

The renewed Japanese government will obviously continue the general Western course with regard to Russia and the situation around Ukraine, which was confirmed by the country's new Minister of Foreign Affairs Takeshi Iwaya.

During his press conference, the new head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry noted that Tokyo will continue to support Ukraine and will also maintain the sanctions policy towards Russia.

The minister also supported the idea of ​​creating its own version of NATO in the Asia-Pacific region, aimed primarily against China.

Recall that Iwaya took up the post of Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs on October 1, replacing Yoko Kamikawa, who served in this post for just over a year. In 2018-2019, Iwaya headed the Japanese Ministry of Defense.

On October 1, the head of government in Japan also changed: Shigeru Ishiba, who previously headed the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan, became prime minister instead of Fumio Kishida.

It is worth noting that the post of Minister for Economic Cooperation with Russia, established in Japan back in 2016, was not mentioned during the announcement of the new composition of the country's government.

In recent years, Japan has begun to increase its military budget. A record military budget of $2024 billion was adopted for 56.
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  1. +10
    2 October 2024 12: 19
    Our strange desire to be friends with Japan has been running into open hatred from the Japanese for many years now. Why are our people trying to somehow appease them, they are an enemy, and an open one at that?
    1. +4
      2 October 2024 12: 24
      Because we had to put pressure on them first, not wait for the Americans to drop a bomb. Samurai understand only strength and serve only a strong Shogun.
      1. 0
        3 October 2024 00: 08
        Quote: KukuRuzvelt
        Because we had to put pressure on them first, not wait for the Americans to drop the bomb.

        You should open a history textbook to make it clear who was waiting for whom and who had to get where first... What kind of utter nonsense is this?!
    2. +3
      2 October 2024 12: 25
      The Japanese have a slave nature already at the genetic level; several generations have grown up under the occupation, and the occupiers order and grunt.
      1. +2
        2 October 2024 14: 30
        The Japanese slave nature is already at the genetic level

        There is a South Korean film where a Korean - the founder of some style of wrestling in Japan beat up an American soldier when he tried to rape a Japanese woman right on the street. Moreover, the Japanese police did not try to stop the American. An American patrol tried to detain the Korean, and the American soldier acted as a victim. When they say that Japan is an occupied country, it is a joke that has a grain of truth hidden in it.
        On the other hand, in the story "The Kremlin Campaign" the author described a case of three Chechens passing by trying to drag a girl they liked into a car right from the line on the street, standing at the dumpling house, opposite the Nakhodka police department. But no one in the line stood up for them, and the police officers, who were also in the line, turned away. G.G. took out a pistol and drove the Chechens away. Then he was taken out of the city by a friend of the deputy chief of the police department in the trunk of a Zhiguli, because a hunt had been declared for him.
        What I mean is that there are all sorts of circumstances.
    3. +5
      2 October 2024 12: 39
      Japan provided free economic aid to the USSR (Russia) in the amount of $15 billion and paid for the disposal of nuclear submarines. Yeltsin offered to return 2 of the 4 large Kuril Islands to Japan, but the Japanese decided that they could persuade them to give 4 and were mistaken. Already under Putin, the Japanese were again offered to return the same 2 islands, but on the condition that American military bases would not be located there. The Japanese Prime Minister honestly answered that he could not guarantee this and the offer was withdrawn.
      During the Soviet era, large volumes of timber were shipped to Japan, and Japanese electronics were shipped back. There is a well-known story about the Japanese selling two machines that were used to turn propeller shafts and blades (?) of Soviet submarines, which significantly reduced their noise level. The Americans were very angry, but of course they could not return the machines.
      1. +1
        2 October 2024 13: 36
        During the Soviet era, large quantities of timber were shipped to Japan.

        not only the forest, but also wild berries, even ferns were harvested and sent there, everything went through the procurement offices of the Consumer Unions, through the ORS of foresters...
        There is a well-known story about the Japanese selling two machines that were used to turn propeller shafts and blades (?) of Soviet submarines, which significantly reduced their noise level.

        they were not sold directly to the USSR
    4. +1
      3 October 2024 00: 01
      Quote: APASUS
      Our strange desire to be friends with Japan has been met with outright hatred from the Japanese for many years now.

      And how do these strange desires manifest themselves? In statements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Or maybe one of ours offered them satisfaction regarding the "northern territories"?
      1. +2
        3 October 2024 08: 03
        Quote: Hagen
        And how do these strange desires manifest themselves? In statements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

        In constant readiness to discuss something. It was worth stating once that this issue has been resolved and that’s it, but no. We are ready to talk to someone, discuss some conditions ............
    5. 0
      3 October 2024 12: 07
      Remind me what exactly Russia has done in recent years to appease the Japanese?
      1. +1
        3 October 2024 14: 10
        Quote: Kill the fascist
        Remind me what exactly Russia has done in recent years to appease the Japanese?

        She simply allowed negotiations on the islands. That was enough. The issue that was not discussed in principle was ready to be discussed.
  2. +1
    2 October 2024 12: 22
    "Tokyo's policy towards Russia will not change"

    — "The salmon splashed its tail on the wave
    The islands disappeared in the fog
    They will not return
    Humble yourself Nihon...
    © V.V.Vorontsov Islands of the Rising Sun of Russia.
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 13: 03
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      New Japanese Foreign Minister: Tokyo's Policy Towards Russia Will Not Change

      Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
      Every time I read your universal (in relation to Japan) quatrain, I wanted to understand why you attributed it (try to attribute it) to Japanese folklore: for tanka - short, for haiku - too long...
      For some reason I remembered a dialogue from the film “Pokrovskie Vorota”:

  3. +5
    2 October 2024 12: 25
    [/i]New Japanese Foreign Minister: Tokyo's Policy Towards Russia Will Not Change[i]

    Cut off the country-harakiri from the bioresources of the sea waters of Sakhalin, Kuril Islands
    + break the Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2 contracts with the participation of companies from enemy countries, let them buy LNG from mattress makers.
    1. +1
      2 October 2024 13: 09
      Quote: ZovSailor
      Cut off the country-harakiria

      And we can also suggest that they continue the dialogue in the event of the expulsion of American troops and military bases from Japanese territory - this is not an occupation at all... feel
      Actually, the idea was correct here:
      Quote: KukuRuzvelt
      Because we had to put pressure on them first, not wait for the Americans to drop a bomb. Samurai understand only strength and serve only a strong Shogun.

      So, what if they become annoying? Maybe I should also drop a couple of bombs, not on Japan, but so that they can be seen?
      1. +1
        2 October 2024 13: 37
        Ross xnumx
        Today, 13: 09
        [/i]And you can also suggest that they continue the dialogue in the event of the expulsion of American troops and military bases from Japanese territory - tea is not an occupation at all
        Because we had to put pressure on them first, not wait for the Americans to drop a bomb. Samurai understand only force and serve only a strong Shogun.[i]

        So, what if they become annoying? Maybe I should also drop a couple of bombs, not on Japan, but so that they can be seen?

        The first idea is global and it was necessary to fight for it even during the USSR, immediately after the death of the magnanimous Generalissimo.
        This concerns not only the samurai, but also the majority of countries of far from friendly disposition, such as, for example, the CMEA in the past gay Europe, but our leaders have become shallow and in the fights for the trough and the development of the leading and guiding role of the party, they have lost the main thing - the national security of the people and the state and the opportunity by force and with little bloodshed in those years of the powerful USSR to achieve the establishment of our rules, and not the Nagorno-Sakha ones.
        The well-fed diplomats in many countries that were unfriendly even during the Soviet era did not have an independent position, and in Japan, for example, they did not send out any preemptive signals.
        Unfortunately, the time was lost and now, I believe, it is the softness of our leaders not to respond preemptively to the samurai with economic and political methods, which I. Stalin spoke about, implying that this people understands only the language of force.
        And a demonstrative nuclear loaf is needed demonstratively for the Anglo-Saxons, but the leaders of the Russian Federation believe that the moment of truth has not yet arrived?
        1. +1
          2 October 2024 13: 41
          Quote: ZovSailor
          The first idea is global and it was necessary to fight for it even during the USSR, immediately after the death of the magnanimous Generalissimo.

          But he chose to restore the economy destroyed by the war and solve internal problems, when armed gangs of various surviving Banderites and other “forest brothers” were operating in the country, and all this under the threat of the West’s nuclear club...
          1. +2
            2 October 2024 14: 04
            Ross xnumx
            Today, 13: 41
            [/ I]
            The first idea is global and it was necessary to fight for it even during the USSR, immediately after the death of the magnanimous Generalissimo.

            But he chose to restore the economy destroyed by the war and solve internal problems, when armed gangs of various surviving Banderites and other “forest brothers” were operating in the country, and all this under the threat of the West’s nuclear club[i]

            I would not make such a categorical statement about the leader who spent a lot of energy and health in the name of the idea, the country and the people. Possessing negative qualities, like any person, he had his own vision of the country and his place in history.
            Despite the country being exhausted by war and destruction, a nuclear shield was created, largely thanks to our intelligence and scientific luminaries.
            According to the reviews of my ancestors and acquaintances who have already passed away to God, among Soviet people, despite the difficult situation in the post-war country, every year there was a feeling of contact with a small, like in childhood, happiness in the form of lower prices for various products and things, plans for the future of the family and children.
            Only after many years have passed can we, relying on political scientists, economists and scholars, provide evidence about the shortcomings of Stalin and other leaders.
            All of them have already entered world history and the history of our country, and in today's discussions we evaluate them as positive or negative, which is the subjective opinion and right, without any doubt, of each of us.
            1. +2
              2 October 2024 16: 29
              Quote: ZovSailor
              According to the reviews of my ancestors and acquaintances who have already passed away to God, among Soviet people, despite the difficult situation in the post-war country, every year there was a feeling of contact with a small, like in childhood, happiness in the form of lower prices for various products and things, plans for the future of the family and children.

              Yes Exactly! People simply believed that everything was being done for their benefit, because there was no display of luxury by high-ranking officials in the country...
  4. +1
    2 October 2024 12: 56
    AnnaLena... Borreli... Now these... hamadryas have taken over the Foreign Ministry...
    Sergei Viktorovich will soon have no one to talk to!
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 14: 13
      Who forgot who a hamadryas baboon is...
  5. 0
    2 October 2024 13: 34
    will continue the general Western course with regard to Russia and the situation around Ukraine, which was confirmed by the country’s new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Takeshi Iwaya.

    Yes, who would argue, changing your position abruptly is harmful - your lower back will hurt. If you haven't walked straight, there's no point in starting.
  6. 0
    2 October 2024 13: 52
    Come on comrade, you're on the right path, before you freeze, well, we'll wait, together with your sanctions, you'll be a pain in the ass
  7. +1
    2 October 2024 13: 55
    It is difficult to expect anything different in the foreign policy of a country that has been under American occupation for 78 years and has "lost face" in front of all of Southeast Asia, which they (Japan) raped and robbed... And our rather "clumsy" attempts to "establish" "friendship between homes" with an occupied country that does not have its own foreign policy and common sense, "drowned" in the constant humiliation of the "Japanese spirit" by the American presence...
  8. 0
    2 October 2024 15: 02
    Should we hold a referendum in Hokkaido?
    1. 0
      2 October 2024 15: 19
      "Should we hold a referendum in Hokkaido or something..."

      — "Don't be a fool, Japan,
      Those gas, you're freezing, I suppose.
      Sakhalin and Hokkaido are two coasts:
      Sake, vodka, pollock and salmon.
      Sake, vodka, pollock and salmon" ....
  9. 0
    3 October 2024 12: 07
    If it doesn't change, it won't change. Implant yourself with the poor guy's gills.
  10. 0
    3 October 2024 12: 17
    We are happy with this. Russia also does not plan to change the course of current relations with Japan. The issue with the islands must be closed once and for all.