"A scare shot": Russian Su-35 made the pilot of an American fighter nervous while observing a Tu-95MS in the Alaska region

"A scare shot": Russian Su-35 made the pilot of an American fighter nervous while observing a Tu-95MS in the Alaska region

A video has appeared online showing a Russian pilot apparently disrupting the “serene observation” of a Tu-95MS flight off the coast of Alaska. The Russian strategic bombers were on a routine flight, escorted by Su-35s.

At some point, an F-95 fighter jet, part of the so-called North American Command NORAD, appeared near the Tu-16MS. According to the Pentagon, it was not an F-16 that appeared, but an F-35.

The American fighter was moving on a parallel course with the Russian Tu-95MS, when suddenly our Su-35 flew at high speed just a few meters from the “American”, demonstrating its technical capabilities and weapons.

What happened next was what could be called a "scarecrow". The American pilot got pretty nervous, instinctively "pulled" the plane, which, among other things, ended up in the air flow from the Su-35 flying by.

Here's what the US military department said about it:

On September 23, 2024, NORAD aircraft conducted a safe and disciplined interception of Russian military aircraft in the Alaska Air Defense Zone. The behavior of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and put everyone at risk. That is not what professionalism in the Air Force is all about.

Traditional wording from the American side for such cases.
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  1. +41
    30 September 2024 22: 00
    A hooligan maneuver, but very competently executed. Excellent pilot!
    1. +34
      30 September 2024 22: 07
      Why hooligan? The American was on a crossing course, approaching the Tu-95. The Su-95 simply forced it not to get cheeky, but to lie on a parallel course. I'm interested in something else - where did the Su-XNUMX come from? The fighter didn't follow the Tu-XNUMX the entire way.
      1. +8
        30 September 2024 22: 22
        Quote: dauria
        I'm interested in something else - where did the Sukhoi come from? The fighter didn't accompany the Tu-95 the entire way.

        Why not? If we are talking about a significant flight range, then refueling in the air is possible. And even without refueling it can fly 3600 km.
      2. +10
        30 September 2024 22: 31
        That's right, the American's course was not parallel at all!
      3. +33
        30 September 2024 23: 02
        Quote: dauria
        where is Sushi from?

        That's what the American thought too
        1. -15
          1 October 2024 00: 12
          Quote: BABAY22
          Quote: dauria
          where is Sushi from?

          That's what the American thought too

          Computer game.
          1. 0
            Yesterday, 06: 57
            Computer game.

            It remains to be seen who "drew" it, us or the Americans? Was there a simultaneous video recording from our plane? It would be interesting to see everything together...
            But since there are already contradictions about the type of American aircraft, we say F-16, and they say it was F-35, then there is probably no such footage. Too bad...
          2. 0
            Yesterday, 07: 54
            That's right, it's computer animation.
        2. 0
          Yesterday, 07: 52
          Don't you need to look in the rearview mirror?
      4. +3
        30 September 2024 23: 09
        Good day! Well, naturally, the Su did not accompany the Tu-95 throughout the flight. I will say more: the Tu-95 circled all day, and the Sukhois landed three times to refuel. In the evening, they all landed at ONE airfield. If you look at the map, you will understand that there is only ONE such airfield. And for the Americans, it is no secret. I think they filmed a lot of times, from satellites, how our Sukhois stood, because it was clear. And on the day of the exercises, there were clouds...
      5. 0
        Yesterday, 06: 49
        This is how you should respond to the boundless impudence of the enemy. I remember from my service how the Americans violated all the rules of flights over our submarines in the Sea of ​​Japan, when they were not hiding, but were flying on the surface in neutral waters. For them, this became fun and training in attacking a ship. Although flying at a low altitude over a military ship of a foreign state is strictly prohibited by the IMO treaties. But they knew that we had nothing to respond with from the submarine and frolicked to the fullest.
      6. 0
        Yesterday, 07: 51
        So, there is a secret Russian airfield near Alaska.)
    2. +1
      30 September 2024 23: 28
      Well, damn, if an American pilot had done the same thing, do you think ours would have remained calm as a boa constrictor?
      1. +6
        1 October 2024 07: 08
        Quote from Nesvoy
        Well, damn, if an American pilot had done the same thing, do you think ours would have remained calm as a boa constrictor?

        Of course not! Ours would have shown his skills in response, and not have flown away.
    3. +6
      30 September 2024 23: 31
      Beautiful. They could have also sprayed the American with kerosene.
    4. -10
      30 September 2024 23: 43
      Quote from Sancheas
      A hooligan maneuver, but very competently executed. Excellent pilot!

      He just exposed himself to the F-16's gun. But otherwise, you can't deny his skill. good good good
      1. +11
        30 September 2024 23: 59
        And how much time does he need to turn on the gun, set the required radar operating mode, turn on the afterburner, catch in the sight... There will be no one left to catch.
        1. -3
          1 October 2024 00: 02
          Quote: ugol2
          And how much time does he need to turn on the gun, set the required radar operating mode, turn on the afterburner, catch in the sight... There will be no one left to catch.

          In an air battle, prepared by a pilot, all this is done much faster than is said, and even more so than is written.
          1. 0
            1 October 2024 00: 22
            Quote: Fitter65
            In an air battle, prepared by a pilot, all this is done much faster than is said, and even more so than is written.

            And in VarTank it's no less fast))). But on the couch))).
            1. -1
              1 October 2024 12: 49
              Quote: Michael
              And in VarTank it's no less fast))). But on the couch))).

              I don’t know about the vartank, I don’t play, but I rely on the words of a retired pilot, although he flew a Su-24, but he knows the essence of it better than me, a ground person.
          2. +5
            1 October 2024 00: 35
            Quote: Fitter65
            In an air battle, prepared by a pilot, all this is done much faster.

            Excuse me, were you keeping track of the time or just looking from the couch?
            1. 0
              1 October 2024 12: 51
              Quote: sanya_sergant
              Excuse me, were you keeping track of the time or just looking from the couch?

              Based on the words of a man who retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel, from the position of deputy commander for flight training.
          3. +2
            1 October 2024 10: 07
            Do you think in an air battle ours would start to do such a trick in front of the American's nose? ARE YOU IN YOUR MIND? He wouldn't even come close. The R-37 would have been sent to the rear hemisphere and that's it.
            1. -5
              1 October 2024 12: 54
              Quote: PROXOR
              Do you think that in an air battle ours would start to perform such a trick in front of the American's nose?

              But he did it.
              Quote: PROXOR
              I wouldn't even come close. The R-37 would have been sent to the rear hemisphere and that would have been it.

              That is, you think the American was completely blind and deaf. Look at the video, from what angle he was tracking our plane, to say that ours appeared unexpectedly for him, that he climbed under the barrel of the American, yes, that was unexpected for him. And that the American did not know about our plane, that is what our authors write, but the Americans do not claim in any way.
              1. 0
                Yesterday, 09: 50
                WELL, how would he see it in the rear hemisphere if the Su-35 pilot was working in passive mode? Yes, you can't let the R-37 through in passive mode, but the R-73 is easy. True, you'll have to catch up with this striped chicken calling itself a falcon.
          4. +1
            1 October 2024 15: 08
            Where is the fight coming from? Have we started a war with SASHA?
            1. -1
              1 October 2024 16: 23
              Quote: sifgame
              Where is the fight from?? have we started a war with SASHA?

              Out of nowhere, we are discussing joint maneuvering of aircraft of partner states
      2. -14
        1 October 2024 00: 36
        Discover DCS WORLD, gun selection is done by pressing 2 buttons.
        1. -4
          1 October 2024 13: 12
          Quote from Nesvoy
          Discover DCS WORLD, gun selection is done by pressing 2 buttons.

          So what? And why should I open DCS WORLD when I have friends who have been flying combat aircraft for 28-30 years, even if it's a Su-24. Again, pressing these two buttons takes a long time. From 1.5 minutes to 4 hours, or is it all done in a split second? The fact that you "flew" on a simulator doesn't make you an experienced fighter pilot.
      3. +5
        1 October 2024 05: 15
        let's not forget that there is also a gun on the Sukhoi, and ours destroyed the American
        1. -4
          1 October 2024 13: 07
          Quote: faiver
          let's not forget that there is also a gun on the Sukhoi, and ours destroyed the American

          Is there any photo control data? Let's not forget that a bunch of American air defense systems were monitoring this section of the sky, and then, as if from a time capsule or a plasma cloud, a Russian fighter jumped out, unnoticed until the very last moment. It flew past the American's sights and flew on. laughing laughing good Americans don't send up one fighter to intercept, usually a pair or even a flight. That's why our plane was not an expectation for them. That's his trick, yes, but everything else...
          1. +2
            1 October 2024 13: 14
            Well, I understand that Susha wasn't the only one there.
            1. -2
              1 October 2024 13: 20
              Quote: faiver
              Well, I understand that Susha wasn't the only one there.

              That's another question...
              1. +1
                1 October 2024 13: 29
                Excuse me, but you brought up a quantitative question for discussion:
                Americans don't send up one fighter to intercept, usually a pair or even a flight

                but we don't have the information, but we discuss what we see on the video, the authenticity of which is also questionable
                1. -4
                  1 October 2024 13: 33
                  Quote: faiver
                  Excuse me, but you brought up a quantitative question for discussion:

                  ours also usually fly in pairs, although there have been cases, and not infrequently, since the times of the USSR, when one plane would take off to intercept or escort.
                  Quote: faiver
                  but we don't have the information, we discuss what we see on the video,

                  What is there to discuss? Especially without detailed information. We use what the media presented to us. It would be fine if he beat the American on the race track, but this way...
                  1. +1
                    1 October 2024 13: 37
                    What is there to discuss?
                    - that's actually how it is, pensioners gathered on a bench in the yard to chat about nothing wink
      4. +4
        1 October 2024 07: 27
        Just exposed myself to the F-16's gun.
        Well, he came in from behind, could have used his gun, and there would have been no one to respond. The pilot was either an F-16 or an F-35,
        In the Pentagon's version, it was not the F-16 that appeared, but the F-35.
        , clearly didn't expect our Sushi to fly up from behind laughing and then I started twitching in surprise bully
        1. -5
          1 October 2024 13: 01
          Quote: Popandos
          he clearly didn't expect our Sushi to fly up on his tail, so he twitched in surprise

          Where did you get that from? Of course, I didn't expect ours to make such a maneuver, and I didn't even flinch, I just simulated shooting and guns at ours, if you look at the trajectory, that's how it was, only the Americans don't talk about it.
    5. +9
      1 October 2024 00: 29
      A real joke! But he was fast, he flew right past as if he was standing right by.
      So, regarding the "sai for scaring" - EXACTLY!
      The American was so absorbed in staring at the Tupolev that he couldn't see anything around him!
      1. 0
        1 October 2024 09: 37
        Yankee was clearly heading towards the Bear's crossroads, so he slowed down to give the Bear a hard time with his exhaust, he really concentrated on the nastiness and got... childish joy - his pants were full!
    6. +1
      1 October 2024 10: 35
      Why didn't the mattress airplane pilot see that a "dryer" was approaching him from behind? Or is this against the rules?)))
  2. +9
    30 September 2024 22: 01
    One less thong in your wardrobe!
    1. +1
      1 October 2024 01: 58
      Quote: Sebastian Aristarkhovich Pereira
      One less thong in your wardrobe!

      In the Russian language there is a forgotten feminative - pilotessa.
  3. +10
    30 September 2024 22: 02
    On September 23, 2024, NORAD aircraft conducted a safe and disciplined interception of Russian military aircraft in the Alaska Air Defense Zone.

    What nice guys. winked
  4. +10
    30 September 2024 22: 03
    The work of Vyasya Tsymbal lives on!
  5. +9
    30 September 2024 22: 03
    Penguins shouldn't mess with bears! Professionalism is a skill honed to perfection, performed with a cool head, which is what our PILOT demonstrated! And those scared freaks should go to a psychologist, and share their stories with the correspondents about the frostbitten Russians... respect to the pilot!
    1. +3
      30 September 2024 23: 23
      In the Pentagon's version, it was not the F-16 that appeared, but the F-35.
      Quote: Loha
      Penguins shouldn't bother bears!
      The Americans are lying, the plane was not an F-35 but an F-16, as ours said. Compare the top of the instrument panel, and there are no 4 antennas sticking out in front of the canopy (?) on the F-35 they are not found.
      If I am mistaken, correct
      1. +3
        1 October 2024 00: 03
        The community has already been determined - it's the F-16.
      2. 0
        1 October 2024 12: 52
        I doubted myself, but believed the author. But the gist is the same - don't bother, you'll get a slap on the cheek! The main thing is that our pilots are on top!
  6. +17
    30 September 2024 22: 08
    I enjoyed watching the video several times.
  7. +2
    30 September 2024 22: 09
    What were they thinking?))) Here is not here, and in the face, and in the face)))
  8. +4
    30 September 2024 22: 11
    The text of your comment is too short and in the opinion of the site administration does not carry useful information.
    Well, what else can I say? Gorgeous!
  9. +8
    30 September 2024 22: 12
    When such publications appear, I watch a professional commentary from the host of the TG channel "Fighterbomber". Here is his reaction:
    These are the kind of videos the country expects from the Ministry of Defense.

    Such actions.
    Such pilots.
    This is how it should be done.
    This is how we should teach
    This should be encouraged and rewarded.

    Today, this is mainly exclusively the initiative of the military personnel themselves, and in very rare cases, instructions from above.
  10. +3
    30 September 2024 22: 20
    I remember my father's stories, 1961 Tralflot (Murmansk) Our pilot shoots down an English, American reconnaissance aircraft and gets a burst of fire on board. The partners' plane crashes in neutral waters, our pilot swims on a "rubber band" to our islands and puts out the automatic beacon. He is rescued and half of the Tralflot's on-board trawler is sent to this area to trawle the wreckage of the plane in neutral waters and dump it in our waters. The partners swallowed and wiped their faces. What's the joke, let them say thank you to the navigator of the Tralflot trawler who noticed the partners' "rubber band", and what kind of fishermen are these who went fishing!!! bully Of the entire crew of the plane, only two remained alive. And according to the video - "He left here" sparkled with new colors. Hooligan.
    1. +3
      30 September 2024 22: 36
      I remember my father's stories, 1961 Tralflot (Murmansk) Our pilot shoots down an English, American reconnaissance aircraft and gets a burst of fire on board. The partners' plane falls in neutral waters, our pilot swims on a "rubber band" to our islands and puts out the automatic beacon. He is rescued and half of the Tralflot's on-board trawler is sent to this area to trawle the wreckage of the plane in neutral waters and dump it in our waters. The partners swallowed and wiped their faces. What's the joke, let them say thank you to the navigator of the Tralflot trawler who noticed the partners' "rubber band", and what kind of fishermen are these who went fishing!!! bully Of the entire crew of the plane, only two are alive. And according to the video - "He left here" sparkled with new colors. Hooligan.
      An important factor is the ability to use a compass + wind! bully
    2. +3
      30 September 2024 23: 02
      The trawler fleet that noticed the "rubber band" of the partners, and what kind of fishermen are these that went fishing!!!
      - they weren't fishermen, they were mattress poachers - after all, they probably wanted to catch all the cod from our waters with their rubber band, the bastards!
  11. +3
    30 September 2024 22: 21
    Whatever you say, it went off beautifully. And the pin dos on the base will replace the diapers and that's it.
  12. +8
    30 September 2024 22: 26
    I read that the Chinese have a pilot who almost rams the Americans, or has rammed them a couple of times. Some kind of crazy guy. So they have already started flying less close to Taiwan. Jackals understand only force.
  13. +3
    30 September 2024 22: 30
    The American pilot became quite nervous and instinctively jerked the plane, which, among other things, ended up in the air flow from the Su-35 flying overhead.

    So it's a surprise? So until the very last moment the American didn't suspect that our "hooligan" was approaching? In an F-35? Strange things are happening...
    1. +7
      30 September 2024 22: 42
      Quote: Vasyan1971
      So it's a surprise? So until the very last moment the American didn't suspect that our "hooligan" was approaching? In a F-35? Strange things are happening.

      He suspected, but he never expected such a maneuver next to him at close range. That's exactly what our pilot gave him. That's why the Americans came up with a corresponding comment:
      The behavior of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional and put everyone at risk.
    2. +6
      30 September 2024 22: 58
      I think it's an F-16. Almost 100%.
      1. +4
        30 September 2024 23: 04
        Yes, F-16. Here are the cockpits of the F-35 and F-16 (with the red arrow the direction of the camera)
        1. +1
          1 October 2024 00: 21
          The IFF antennas are located in front of the glazing on the 16th, but they are not there on the 35th.
        2. +1
          1 October 2024 00: 46
          The F-16 has a solid glass canopy without a metal arc, which is clearly visible in the photo.
  14. +1
    30 September 2024 22: 31
    Su-3 made an American in drifting))
  15. +2
    30 September 2024 22: 41
    and in the end his colleagues applauded and published the video...
  16. +3
    30 September 2024 22: 42
    This is not something that speaks of professionalism.
    ... Apparently, Yanka and I have diametrically different ideas about professionalism! Was someone hurt (diapers don't count)?! No! Do you want to watch the video again?! Yes!!! And if he didn't damage government property, then he's a professional, not a hooligan!
  17. +1
    30 September 2024 22: 53
    On September 23, 2024, NORAD aircraft conducted a safe and disciplined interception of Russian military aircraft in the Alaska Air Defense Zone. The behavior of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and put everyone at risk. That is not what professionalism in the Air Force is all about.
    - safe and disciplined interceptions cannot be done in principle if this is a combat maneuver, and mattress flyers are not suitable for this.
  18. +1
    30 September 2024 22: 54
    On September 23, 2024, NORAD aircraft conducted a safe and disciplined interception of Russian military aircraft in the Alaska Air Defense Zone.

    "I am an American pilot, I am within my rules."
  19. +2
    30 September 2024 23: 07
    in general, you need to look in the side and rearview mirrors, and not pick your nose and stare around, otherwise someone might catch up and overtake you))))
  20. -12
    30 September 2024 23: 13
    I am not seeing real video from the plane's camera, but inaccurate computer graphics. Reasons:
    - when the F16 plane tilts, the horizon line will not tilt. This does not happen
    - the planes are flying on intersecting courses, not parallel ones. This is impossible. The planes are not approaching each other.
    - F16 deviated to the right, but the silhouette of the Tu-95 did not disappear and moved in the frame. Spatial perception of objects is disrupted
    - I doubt very much that flying over the ocean, far from our airfield, and where there is no help to be expected, our pilot did everything as shown in this movie. Very risky. Why?
    There was no real danger to the bomber. It was a routine, ritualistic escort of the bomber.

    I think the computer graphics were edited based on the pilot's stories.
    1. +7
      30 September 2024 23: 32
      I think the computer graphics were edited based on the pilot's stories.

      Why would Americans do this? And even post it in the public domain?
      1. -4
        30 September 2024 23: 33
        Why do you think the movie was made by Americans?!
        1. +2
          30 September 2024 23: 48
          Quote: Stardock
          Why do you think the movie was made by Americans?!

          I think the computer graphics were edited based on the pilot's stories.

          Was it an American pilot who told Russian computer scientists how it happened?! laughing

          In general, we don’t care whether it’s a cartoon or a real video.

          But if they present what they want, then fdag in hand. There the experts will figure out where the video ends and the cartoon begins.
          1. -1
            30 September 2024 23: 54
            The film was shot based on stories from the American agency. See the article above.
            The techniques for driving away enemy aircraft with their evolutions without using weapons are well known.
            Computer scientists drew them.
            Don't like my version of the movie?
            Then please answer my above complaints about the video.
            1. +2
              1 October 2024 00: 14
              Quote: Stardock
              Don't like my version of the movie?

              For God's sake.
              Let it be a cartoon if you like it better. I don't care.
              But this doesn't change anything at all.
      2. +3
        30 September 2024 23: 36
        Because the Americans made the frightened statement that “The behavior of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, as well as unprofessional and endangered everyone” and posted a video as proof.
        1. 0
          1 October 2024 09: 05
          There are international minimum standards for permissible approaches of aircraft in the air.
          At least 100 meters in height, at least 300 meters in interval. I am writing from memory, and may be slightly mistaken in the numbers. . Experts, correct me if necessary.
          These norms have been violated, and here the Americans are writing their statements.
          So it was and so it will be. Information war.
    2. +5
      1 October 2024 00: 46
      So what do you have to say about the Americans landing on the moon? laughing
      1. -2
        1 October 2024 02: 52
        They were on the Moon. They were filming a movie in the studio.
    3. +4
      1 October 2024 00: 48
      This is a GoPro 10+ with a Max lens. And this is exactly how the image stabilization works there.
    4. +2
      1 October 2024 07: 09
      The camera position did not change, because there are such extreme cameras, according to the settings, they work. Accordingly, when the plane banked, the camera retained its spatial position, the plane did not change its vertical position, and therefore the Tu-95's position was retained...
      1. -3
        1 October 2024 08: 27
        Of course, there are cameras with gyroscopes that always work horizontally and vertically. But why would they be needed on a maneuverable fighter?
        This complicates the device and distorts the real picture.
        A fighter jet is not filming a movie. People responsible for objective flight control will understand the image perfectly well even without gyroscopes.

        In order for a filmmaker to eliminate the comments I have mentioned above, he still needs to work a lot, work with new programs, video editor tools.
        And this is troublesome. Laziness.
        The Internet is full of very realistic video cartoons supposedly from their own. Here, too, is a computer movie.
        1. 0
          1 October 2024 10: 56
          The fighter is not filming a movie.
          It is quite possible that he had the task of filming a "movie" about a bomber. For this purpose, they installed a camera on a gyrostabilized platform and undertook the approach. As for the purposes of filming, there are many options.
    5. +2
      1 October 2024 08: 37
      Stardock, you've probably seen in computer games that the grizzly shifts!
      Tilt your head to the shoulder!
      Has the horizon shifted?
      And the planes are getting closer, isn't it noticeable!
      The Tu-95 is a kilometer away from the American, maybe a little less.
      The course is to get closer; to get closer, they need another 15-20 seconds.
      1. -1
        1 October 2024 08: 51
        Eldorado, computer games with realistic images are developed by entire teams of high-class IT specialists.
        I have a friend like that. His salary is 550 thousand.
        Our news film is made by an ordinary autistic person who is familiar with web graphics.
        Just don't tell me that the Americans are threatening our bomber flying in neutral waters.
        Nobody needs a conflict.
        Our TV news constantly features video (real) from our planes' cameras. Compare. Where is the horizon?
        1. 0
          1 October 2024 09: 41
          I served in the 80s. Regiment of strategic aircraft carriers TU-95. City of Uzin. Ukraine.
          In the early 80s, the Americans shot down a TU-95 of our regiment in neutral waters.
          Afterwards they started sending them in pairs.
          1. -1
            1 October 2024 10: 42
            Eldorado, there were no facts of attack, deliberate destruction of the Tu 95 on duty.
            Why attack? Purpose?
            The deliberate destruction of a strategic bomber carrying nuclear weapons on combat duty is tantamount to a declaration of war.
            1. 0
              1 October 2024 11: 57
              This has never been reported before!
              And our regiment's plane was shot down...
              An unofficial version says that the missile carrier was destroyed by an American interceptor. This was not uncommon: Soviet aircraft were escorted by fighters from the United States, and this time, there was probably some incident that led to this. However, it was never proven, but this hypothesis seems the most logical, especially considering that this had happened before during escorts.
            2. 0
              1 October 2024 15: 19
              In some shaggy year, an American fighter shot down an American XB-70 Valkyrie bomber, it had no goal of shooting down its own plane, it was also escorting it, well, that's how it turned out, it was escorting too closely. And do you rule out this option with the Tu-XNUMX?
              1. 0
                1 October 2024 15: 25
                Sifgeim, in Russian the term "shot down" means - attacked and destroyed an enemy aircraft
                The term "unintentional mid-air collision" has a completely different meaning. Often both planes crash.
                Everyone knows that this is not an uncommon occurrence, especially when flying in a group, especially when maneuvering in the air.
              2. 0
                1 October 2024 15: 36
                None of the opponents of my version could present convincing arguments against it.

                One more argument.
                When I get into the wake, the plane starts shaking violently. Up to the point of engine surge.
                A smart pilot changes course and altitude. The video does not show such maneuvers.

                I wonder if there is at least one pilot among those writing on this topic?
  21. -1
    30 September 2024 23: 22
    And send torpedoes to both of them and write them off as accidental fright.
  22. -2
    30 September 2024 23: 25
    An American has shit himself, it happens
  23. +1
    30 September 2024 23: 40
    It's dangerous of course, but it doesn't affect them any other way.
  24. +8
    30 September 2024 23: 59
    laughing I love the "unprofessionalism" and "lack of discipline" of our pilots!
    1. The comment was deleted.
  25. +2
    1 October 2024 00: 29
    In pilot terms, this is flying within a millimeter of another plane.
    A hooligan, but a brilliant professional.
  26. +1
    1 October 2024 00: 34
    Where can you see that he got nervous?
    1. +1
      1 October 2024 01: 39
      And he shit himself...
      There's an American subsonic drone that got dangerously close to a Su-35, so the latter had to steer the plane away. Everyone forgot about that, because how is that different?
  27. The comment was deleted.
  28. +2
    1 October 2024 03: 27
    As soon as the penguin plane returns with an "unpleasant" smell in the cabin, there is a crack "..... unprofessional"!!! Well done guys, do it so that they don't suffocate from their ....
  29. 0
    1 October 2024 03: 33
    But there was nothing to prepare
  30. +1
    1 October 2024 03: 56
    "This is not what speaks about professionalism in the air force" -

    - This is what speaks about skill our pilots...
  31. +1
    1 October 2024 06: 26
    Looks like we have a new hit! How the video went viral after the Syrian "peek" into the Su-30 transport plane.
  32. +2
    1 October 2024 06: 42
    And how many lousy Outskirts F-16s have these mighty Su-35s already destroyed?
  33. BAI
    1 October 2024 06: 58
    The fuel could still be dumped
    1. 0
      1 October 2024 11: 20
      Quote: BAI
      The fuel could still be dumped

      If it were a Su-34, we could have a fecal matter. laughing
  34. +1
    1 October 2024 08: 00
    You cut it beautifully!
    He walked around as if he was standing...
    1. +1
      1 October 2024 09: 46
      so Yankees specially prepared a provocation and reduced the speed to the Bear's cruising speed of 700 km/h with its own cruising speed of 1200 km/h at such an altitude. So ours played with the turtle like a cheetah.
  35. 0
    1 October 2024 08: 02
    I completely agree with the Americans' statement here. And considering that our Ministry of Defense has traditionally been silent for a week after the incident, their version is now correct and an attempt to justify themselves will look ridiculous.
  36. 0
    1 October 2024 08: 24
    "Saechka for fright"

    Nicely cut, hooligan! Respect and admiration, but I think after watching this movie our hussar got it in the neck from his superiors! Although he is a good guy, you also need to know your limits.
  37. 0
    1 October 2024 08: 52
    Quite the opposite, this is a demonstration of our pilots' skills. Don't go near our strategists!
  38. -3
    1 October 2024 09: 24
    And where is the fear here?...
    ""The text of your comment is too short and, according to the site administration, does not contain useful information.""
    1. 0
      1 October 2024 11: 19
      Quote: vfwfr
      And where is the fear here?...

      With sound, at a good volume, watch)))
      1. 0
        Yesterday, 13: 44
        If Yankee did the same and ours said "nothing to himself", then that's normal)) For me, Yankee was surprised)
        1. 0
          Yesterday, 13: 49
          Ummm, urgently delete the veiled profanity. They are strict with this here, get a mustard plaster, this is like good advice)))
          Quote: vfwfr
          As for me, the Yankee was surprised)

          Well, you could say that. I was so surprised that my hands shook and my hands trembled, that even the steering wheel shook)))
  39. 0
    1 October 2024 09: 42
    Immense RESPECT to the pilot for his fearlessness, initiative and professionalism! More often like this!
  40. +1
    1 October 2024 10: 36
    oh mom i think i pooped my pants save my ass
  41. +1
    1 October 2024 11: 17
    There's also a funny soundtrack from the American's cabin. Still, how poor their language is for profanity! laughing But the penguin laid down a noble pile of bricks. laughing
  42. 0
    1 October 2024 12: 38
    I wonder if the American was unaware of our Sushka's presence nearby? what
  43. 0
    1 October 2024 13: 08
    Not only did they shit themselves, but they also cried about it, to the whole wide world.
    Once you've shit yourself, shut up!
  44. +1
    1 October 2024 15: 25
    Yeah, ours are amateurs again. But American pilots are professional and regularly putting bricks in their pants.
  45. +1
    1 October 2024 16: 55
    Quote: Fitter65
    Quote from Sancheas
    A hooligan maneuver, but very competently executed. Excellent pilot!

    He just exposed himself to the F-16's gun. But otherwise, you can't deny his skill. good good good

    Well, why, pray tell, write stupid... not very smart things? If all this was serious, then the pilot of the Sukhoi would have simply fired a burst from HIS gun. Fortunately, his position was ideal for this. Moreover, the American pilot, judging by his fear, did not see our plane at all.
  46. 0
    1 October 2024 17: 25
    If our pilot were not professional, there would be one less F-16 in the world...
  47. 0
    1 October 2024 20: 11
    To be honest, there is one thing I can't understand.
    Judging by the video, this maneuver was a complete surprise for the American, right?
    So, did nothing work for him, did nothing give a signal that something was approaching his side?
    Well, he doesn't evaluate the surrounding environment visually...
  48. 0
    1 October 2024 23: 43
    It looks like the car's tilt was corrected by the onboard electronics. It could have been worse.
  49. 0
    Yesterday, 07: 55
    Why did you suddenly decide that this was fear and not a cry of delight?
  50. 0
    Yesterday, 11: 43
    This is how the F-16 got its second jet engine, but there is a nuance: the second engine is inside the pilot's cabin.
  51. 0
    Yesterday, 16: 54
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