Ukrainian Channel: The remnants of the 72nd Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who did not receive the order to withdraw from Ugledar, began to surrender

Ukrainian Channel: The remnants of the 72nd Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who did not receive the order to withdraw from Ugledar, began to surrender

The remnants of the 72nd Brigade, which never received an order to withdraw from Ugledar, began to slowly surrender. This was reported by the Ukrainian TG channel "Resident" with reference to a source in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As previously reported, Syrsky, dissatisfied with the attempts of the 72nd Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to leave Ugledar, never gave the order to retreat. And then it was too late, although the Russian troops left one dirt road to Bogoyavlenka conditionally free. Attempts to leave the city along it led to heavy losses, since it is under complete fire control. Against this background, Ukrainian soldiers from the 72nd Brigade began to surrender, so far mainly in small groups. According to our resources, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are no longer making attempts to leave Ugledar.

Our source in the General Staff said that in Ugledar, the Ukrainian Armed Forces units began to surrender to the enemy, since the retreat from the city is under fire control of the Russian army and we suffer heavy losses during the retreat. Syrsky never gave the order to withdraw the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Ugledar, which will cause the destruction of the 72nd Brigade.

- writes the channel.

At the moment, about half of the city remains under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and it is too early to say that we are about to capture it. In Ugledar, in addition to units of the 72nd Brigade, there are other formations that are putting up fierce resistance. And not all of the 72nd are going to surrender. But in any case, they have two options left - captivity with the possibility of staying alive or death during the fighting, since the city will be completely cleared.
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  1. +25
    30 September 2024 10: 00
    They surrender in the hope of being exchanged later; it is better to dispose of them.
    1. NSV
      1 October 2024 00: 58
      This is the only way it should be done!!!
    2. 0
      Yesterday, 10: 00
      Why do we need so many pigs in captivity, there are already enough of them.
  2. +1
    30 September 2024 10: 02
    The 72nd brigade surrenders, why don't they die, are they cowards? I wonder if there are commanders there or did they all run away?
    1. +10
      30 September 2024 10: 22
      Well, the article says that they are putting up a fierce resistance. Including this brigade of "black Zaporozhians". And few surrender. I don't know if it's true or not that they stopped taking them prisoner when the BK was shot, but apparently they know that nothing good will happen to them. I hope that those who are still captured will not end up in Istanbul.
      1. GAF
        30 September 2024 13: 25
        [quoteI don't know if it's true or not that they stopped taking them prisoner][/quote]
        The most brutal are civil wars, when brother can go against brother. In fact, there is a civil war provoked and supported from outside... Something similar happened in the Russian Empire after the 1917 revolution with the beginning of the civil war and the intervention of "predators" from all sides...
      2. +3
        30 September 2024 13: 53
        As for not taking prisoners? If they come out with their hands up, then it's probably a shame to shoot them, isn't it? Although, due to the excess of adrenaline and losses, anything can happen. Yes, prisoners are different. Yes, and we need to exchange them for something, someone. A difficult, ambiguous topic.
        1. 0
          Yesterday, 06: 17
          Yes, and we need to change it to something, someone.
          - and if it weren’t for this, then you would definitely shoot enemy soldiers who surrender?
          1. 0
            Yesterday, 10: 32
            Prisoners are not shot. This is fascism.
    2. +19
      30 September 2024 10: 24
      And why didn't our soldiers who surrendered die? Were they scared?
      I see you are ready to fight until your last breath, on the couch...
      1. +4
        30 September 2024 11: 54
        And why didn't our soldiers who surrendered die? Were they scared?

        Well, if we exclude the wounded, then yes, by and large they chickened out. Although many things happen in war, let's even remember the case when 12 people surrendered in Makeyevka (and were shot) or when, if memory serves, in the Kherson region the crew of a BMP 3, after they were shot down, held out to the last and all died heroically.
        1. +1
          30 September 2024 13: 27
          Quote: private person
          Well, if you exclude the wounded, then by and large they chickened out.

          The situations are different, but what if you have completely run out of BC and you are surrounded?
          1. +2
            30 September 2024 13: 59
            and if you completely run out of ammo and you are surrounded?

            You are right, situations can be different, but if you fired until the last bullet, thereby causing damage to the enemy, then most likely they will not take you prisoner. They will shoot you on the spot in the best case, and they can also mock you.
    3. +11
      30 September 2024 10: 38
      In addition to the units of the 72nd Brigade, there are also other formations that are putting up fierce resistance.

      There is no point in taking prisoners without ammo and with empty magazines.
      1. +4
        30 September 2024 12: 03
        Quote: frruc
        There is no point in taking prisoners without ammo and with empty magazines.

        And if he surrenders without a weapon?
        1. +2
          30 September 2024 15: 02
          And if he surrenders without a weapon?

          And then he will tell tales about how he was caught on the street, tied up and sent to the trenches. And instead of a machine gun, he was entrusted with a shovel or a ladle, and in general he is chronically ill and blind in one eye.
      2. +4
        30 September 2024 13: 29
        Quote: frruc
        There is no point in taking prisoners without BC

        Then they won’t take our people prisoner “without BC”, why advise such a thing?
        1. 0
          1 October 2024 08: 01
          Then they won't take our people prisoner "without BC"

          Do you think they are taking it now? There are plenty of videos on the Internet of how the bastards are shooting ours while taking our fortifications.
    4. The comment was deleted.
  3. +7
    30 September 2024 10: 05
    They have one order, what else are they waiting for? Those who want to live surrender, the crazy ones lie down
  4. Tim
    30 September 2024 10: 06
    Everyone wants to live, otherwise there will be destruction.
  5. -5
    30 September 2024 10: 09
    I wonder how many Ukrainian soldiers there are in total? The town is 4 square kilometers. 1,5x2 in size. There are only about a hundred buildings. If half of them, as they say, have ALREADY been occupied. Then what's the problem with pulling back and artillery the remaining 3-4 dozen? There are ordinary houses there. You can run away and there are no bunkers. In theory, each folded house is tens, or rather hundreds of 200 Ukrainian soldiers. What's the catch?
    1. +8
      30 September 2024 10: 17
      There are just ordinary houses there. You can run away and there are no bunkers.

      In fact, information was coming in that the city was seriously prepared in terms of equipping fortifications and underground shelters.
      1. -3
        30 September 2024 10: 32
        and when did the Ukrainian Armed Forces manage to do this? The city has been 2022-3 km from the Russian Armed Forces since the spring of 4. That is, in 2 years, the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed, being within the range of all types of weapons except small arms, and observed through ordinary binoculars. And having supplies along 2 roads among the fields. Were they able to build the Maginot Line? And what were the Russian Armed Forces doing? Drawing red lines?
        1. +6
          30 September 2024 10: 47
          and when did the Ukrainian Armed Forces manage to do this? The city has been 2022-3 km from the Russian Armed Forces since spring 4.

          Why do you count from spring 2022?
          They had much more time.
          1. -4
            30 September 2024 10: 54
            Did the Ukrainian Armed Forces plan to retreat to Ugledar BEFORE the fighting began?
            1. +2
              30 September 2024 11: 05
              How do I know what they were planning? But they were preparing for war thoroughly. And as I understand it, the events were carried out not only directly along the demarcation line that existed before the start of the SVO.
            2. +5
              30 September 2024 11: 22
              Since 2014, defensive fortifications have been built, as is customary in a city.
              1. -4
                30 September 2024 12: 15
                Seriously? Ukrainians have turned ALL their cities into fortified areas since 2014? And in Ugledar since 2014 they have been building shelters, underground galleries. Pillboxes. Clearing the sectors of shelling. And they knew EXACTLY where the front would come from. So a strike from Donetsk was more likely. They were preparing underground warehouses, emergency power and water supply systems.
                Maybe they also built a metro?
                1. +3
                  30 September 2024 13: 16
                  They are not fools, they entered, consolidated, erected defensive structures. If we had not been chlorinating with our ears in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions in the summer of 22, had not hung up United Russia banners, but had built a normal defense, the breakthrough in the autumn would not have happened.
                  1. -1
                    30 September 2024 13: 25
                    I repeat. The Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out all these works while being within line of sight and 3-4 km from the positions of the Russian Armed Forces? Ugledar is located like a pimple in the middle of fields, into which 1,5 roads lead. There are fields for several km around there. HOW did the Ukrainian Armed Forces manage to deliver materials and equipment there? In 2 years and who knows how many assaults there should have been a crater 5 meters deep there long ago.
                    1. 0
                      30 September 2024 13: 59
                      Just like in Avdiivka, they forgot about the so-called agreements, when they only counted the fares and the toads' heels, and then they said, well, they screwed us over once again.
                      1. -1
                        30 September 2024 14: 01
                        Avdeevka fortifications stood before the beginning of the SVO. Everything is clear there. But Ugledar was in the deep rear. I somehow have not heard about the powerful fortifications of Poltava
                      2. +2
                        30 September 2024 14: 30
                        If you haven't heard, it doesn't mean they aren't there.
                      3. 0
                        30 September 2024 16: 55
                        By the way, here is a link to the shelling of this mighty fortress.
                        As they say, it's better to see something once.
                        Quite about the Russian channel. You can see for yourself the powerful fortifications and the size of the city. as well as how difficult it is to control the access roads.
                        the force of the shelling, by the way. Keep in mind that this town has been under assault for 2 years now. And then compare it with Konigsberg. Which REALLY had a ton of fortifications and which was bombed for only a week.
                      4. 0
                        30 September 2024 19: 00
                        Before the assault, Königsberg had been repeatedly bombed by the allies, and the demolished rubble and destruction were done by them. The main burden of the assault was borne by the infantry and assault troops with powerful infantry support. Plus, the assault came from several sides, the city was deprived of ammunition and reinforcements, after the defense in the city was cut into several parts, communications were completely disrupted, Dyash's army surrendered, having suffered very heavy losses.
                        Let me repeat once again, it is absolutely impossible to compare the two wars blatantly.
                      5. +1
                        1 October 2024 14: 25
                        It's strange. But the city commandant thought differently.
                        And on April 6, the Russian troops began a general offensive of such power that I had never experienced, despite my rich experience in the east and west. About thirty divisions and two air fleets continuously bombarded the fortress with shells from guns of all calibers and "Stalin's organs" for several days. Wave after wave of enemy bombers appeared, dropping their deadly cargo on the burning city, which had been reduced to heaps of ruins. Our fortress artillery, weak and poor in shells, could do nothing to counter this fire. All means of communication were immediately destroyed and only foot messengers made their way by touch through the heaps of ruins to their command posts or positions. Under a hail of shells, soldiers and city residents huddled in the basements of houses, crowding there in terrible cramped conditions.

                        By the way, the city fell after 3 days.
                      6. 0
                        1 October 2024 14: 29
                        Memoirs are one thing, and documents are another. On the first day of the offensive, only 268 sorties were carried out due to bad weather, then mass raids were resumed when the assault troops entered the city, mainly artillery
                      7. +1
                        1 October 2024 14: 40
                        And?. On the first day 268, but on the second 4500. And the main work was done by the artillery. There were 5000 barrels. Including railway guns.
                        The headquarters provided the front with additional, more powerful means of suppression from the Supreme Command Reserve. By the beginning of the assault, the front had 5000 guns and mortars, 47% of which were heavy guns, then high-power and special-power guns - with a caliber of 203 to 305 mm.

                        This explains the extremely small losses in the infantry.
                      8. 0
                        1 October 2024 16: 39
                        And careful preparation, more than a month. There was a model of the city, photographed, and of course superiority in manpower, artillery, tanks. My grandfather stormed it, on Vasilevsky Square of modern Kaliningrad he was seriously wounded, then limped until the end of the war.
                      9. 0
                        1 October 2024 14: 06
                        No, he was not in the deep rear. Take a map and see how far it is from Ugledao to Graz 14 with DPR
                      10. +1
                        1 October 2024 14: 29
                        45 km. And note that we never broke through from Donetsk until 2024. But we came from the other side.
                      11. 0
                        1 October 2024 14: 53
                        45 km is deep rear for you? That's amazing. And what do you mean they came from the other side? Novotroitskoye-Olginka-Vladimirovka, considering that they got there quickly back in '22. Or was it necessary to go from Konstantinovka? And why? Because.....
                      12. +1
                        1 October 2024 15: 06
                        Well, not close. Considering that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were stationed 5 km from Donetsk.
                        We managed to break through to Ugledar only after Mariupol was cut off by the Kherson group. And from the Donetsk side we only got there a month ago. When we captured Vodyanoye. So it was only our breakthrough in the south that allowed us to reach the city at all.
                      13. 0
                        1 October 2024 15: 07
                        Take the map again, look how far it is from Ugledar to Vladimirovka and look for information about when we liberated it. And you are surprised.
                      14. +1
                        1 October 2024 15: 40
                        When did we get there? In March 2022. As well as to Mariupol. What did I write wrong? By the way, where is the miracle of fortification in Vladimirovka? So the Ukrainian Armed Forces fortified Makeyevka. Avdeeka too, dug in Ugledar, and here? Maybe there just aren't and weren't any miracle bunkers in Ugledar?
                      15. 0
                        1 October 2024 17: 24
                        Maybe because Vladimirovka is not so well located? There are, unexpectedly, no high buildings there. Maximum 5 floors, and no dominant height there. And the plant is located, again, in the very center of the village.
                      16. +1
                        Yesterday, 08: 05
                        Actually, Vladimirovka is HIGHER than Ugledar by 3 m. laughing
                        Have you even looked at the elevation map? There is a plain with elevation changes of 1-2 m per 1 km. All this nonsense about the huge Ugledar Mountains is an excuse for the Russian Ministry of Defense.
                        And there are no skyscrapers in Ugledar either. Well, if 9 floors are high-rises... Then probably 16-story buildings will become an insurmountable obstacle. laughing laughing
                      17. 0
                        Yesterday, 13: 14
                        I was there in person. And I can imagine what you are talking about. Let me remind you of yours: Ugledar is located like a pimple in the middle of fields, into which 1,5 roads lead. (C) There is a great view from that same pimple. From those same 9-story buildings. And the approaches to Vladimirovka are not visible. And really, who would be so stupid to make a defense hub on a commanding height, and where all approaches are clearly visible. What stupidity.
                      18. +1
                        Yesterday, 13: 46
                        And what are the heights there? Can you name the difference? If you've been there, you'll probably remember.
                        And about the nines. Do you think that the view from drones is worse? If it's all about
                        commanding heights
                        . then why haven't we been able to capture and hold Sinkovka for 1,5 years? Or break through to Gulyai Pole? There are no devyatines there.
                      19. 0
                        Yesterday, 14: 19
                        Our song is good, start over. So we started with the fact that Ugledar was prepared in advance. And what, according to you, why was it necessary to strengthen it in the deep rear? Well, 45 km, deep rear. I suggest finishing with an example from history, the Stalin line and, for example, the Ostrovsky fortified area. And look at how many kilometers there were to the border at the time of construction. P.S. I liked the drones and heights. These are not smart military men who organize observation posts from above (we can also remember the waste heaps, for which they fight like crazy). Completely stupid, because they are drones.
                      20. +1
                        Yesterday, 14: 30
                        Well then. We are waiting for at least one video with the mighty fortifications of Ugledar. Although maybe you can already show them. There are plenty of panoramas and videos from the city. Otherwise we can even reach the "eastern rampart".
                        Next. There is no need to substitute concepts. I have never claimed that high-altitude observation posts are not needed. The question is how critical they are today. And I gave examples where the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been holding the defense for years without nine-story buildings.
                        And there are no “commanding heights” or mighty rivers there, and no one has turned villages under the fields into fortresses.
                        By the way, just recently
                        mighty fortifications
                        laughed all over the first channels. It is very instructive today to re-watch performances from the 19-20s. And then watch how the same mugs and faces squeal "
                        huge bunkers and solid fortifications
                      21. 0
                        Yesterday, 15: 05
                        I have nothing more to add. About the first channel, this is a marker by the way)
                      22. +1
                        Yesterday, 15: 10
                        I don't know what kind of marker this is. Something like this was hung from every iron. This trend even got into books: "So what's up with the forelocks? Let's have a laugh."
                        I remember how we laughed for several days over how a boar broke through the border fortifications.
                        On this site too, by the way.
                      23. 0
                        Yesterday, 15: 17
                        And this is the second marker, when after the phrase that the conversation is over, the following comment is in response. Only part of the pensioners in the Russian Federation and comrades Ukrainians watch Channel One. The latter know almost to the point of quotations.
                    2. 0
                      1 October 2024 16: 40
                      Not in sports, it is hard to prove anything to people, the command is afraid to work properly on urban development because of the civilians, as a result of which they are then afraid of large losses when the infantry enters. Urban development itself is already fortified(((
                      1. +2
                        1 October 2024 16: 51
                        Are you serious? What other civilians? There have been 2 years of shelling there. Everything burned to the ground there and everything that could ran away. By the way, a couple of days before that, they were showing a video of a coal mine being shelled by a MLRS. The command wasn't too worried.
                        I understand that reinforced concrete buildings are fortifications in themselves. But in this case we have only 1-2 microdistricts in the middle of a field. This is not a city of 100 thousand. Not a huge industrial zone. And such a snag.
                        It is not Ugledar that is such a powerful fortification - it is we who have problems. And the sooner we acknowledge and realize them, the better for us. But until we pretend to be "impregnable" fortifications from every house, the more losses we will suffer.
                      2. +1
                        Yesterday, 09: 46
                        Yes, I agree with you, in the final stage everything comes to this, the civilians gradually disappear and the cities are in shambles
                2. 0
                  30 September 2024 13: 53
                  Quote: Single-n
                  Maybe they also built a metro?

                  Ugledar. Does the name of the city mean anything to you? Shakhty.
                  1. -2
                    30 September 2024 14: 00
                    Show me at least ONE mine in Ugledar laughing laughing
                    There are more than two kilometers of fields from the residential area to the mine. Theoretically, there may be adits to the city itself. But then why are the Ukrainian Armed Forces transporting supplies by land? And I'm trying to leave the city by planting
                    1. 0
                      Yesterday, 18: 12
                      In my opinion, you are throwing pearls, and they are being thrown to who knows who.
            3. +1
              30 September 2024 14: 43
              Quote: Single-n
              Did the Ukrainian Armed Forces plan to retreat to Ugledar BEFORE the fighting began?

              The West assumed that the war with the Russian Federation would only take place in the LPR and DPR (they WANTED such a local war), so what was there was strengthened, at least since 2014.
      2. +1
        30 September 2024 14: 00
        There are just ordinary houses there. You can run away and there are no bunkers.

        A multi-story building is almost a good fortification, and there are many of them.
  6. +11
    30 September 2024 10: 11
    How many prisoners are there in total? While the war is going on, they can be sent to BAM to build a second branch of the road.
    Or a bridge or tunnel to Sakhalin, cut down the forest for the future highway. By the way, there is also a need to build a second route to the ports. There is a lot of work. Work ennobles a person.
    1. +3
      30 September 2024 10: 36
      I think a little. Otherwise, they would have already been trumpeting it on all the news.
    2. +7
      30 September 2024 10: 52
      Or a bridge or a tunnel to Sakhalin,

      A tunnel would be better! And for it to be dug by hand! They dug the Black Sea.
      What would it cost them to dig a tunnel then?! wassat
      1. +4
        30 September 2024 11: 03
        Quote: your vsr 66-67
        Or a bridge or a tunnel to Sakhalin,

        A tunnel would be better! And for it to be dug by hand! They dug the Black Sea.
        What would it cost them to dig a tunnel then?! wassat

        The point is that this is too easy a task for the "diggers". wink a joke of humor
  7. +5
    30 September 2024 10: 28
    there is no need to divide the skin of an unkilled bear. otherwise, in a fit of joyful euphoria, we will again miss an unexpected blow.... Ukrainians know how to drag the victory PR blanket over themselves. we will not take Ugledar tomorrow... judging by the cities we have taken in the past.
    1. +11
      30 September 2024 11: 13
      And there is no need to take it now, these two dozen destroyed houses. They will die on their own in a week.
  8. +3
    30 September 2024 10: 59
    Now they will surrender, get some treatment, get fed up, exchange and go back into the trenches.
  9. -3
    30 September 2024 11: 09
    Wait! Are we fighting with Bandera fascists? If not, then there is no discussion. If yes, then the question is: is it possible to imagine during the Great Patriotic War, exchanges with the German fascist invaders? War is war. And, not SVO. We do not have a war. But the fascists are on OUR land. The fascists are bombing our cities, villages, factories, schools, kindergartens. Is this not a war? The fascists are killing our people. Creating concentration camps. And, is this not a war either? What is war according to the concepts of our leadership?
    1. +5
      30 September 2024 11: 23
      I don't care, I personally care more about the life of our fighter rescued from captivity. It's easy to draw parallels while sitting on the couch that are a priori incorrect
    2. +1
      30 September 2024 11: 41
      There is no answer to your questions and no clear answers are expected for now. For now, half-tones, half-hints, readiness for negotiations, changes in nuclear doctrine, etc.
  10. +2
    30 September 2024 11: 17
    These are the ones who should not be taken prisoner. They are motivated Nazis who will be exchanged at the first opportunity.
  11. +1
    30 September 2024 14: 08
    Will they take these creatures prisoner again?
    1. 0
      Yesterday, 07: 32
      And that's right. If they don't surrender, then some of ours will be lost during the cleanup, plus a soldier who knows he won't be taken prisoner will fight to the end. Do we need that? The main thing is to protect our own.
  12. +1
    30 September 2024 22: 18
    To the fan: so far I have only seen Ukrainians surrender in Mariupol. I mean the scale that is worth at least talking about.

    Heh, but the editor is rooting for the Ukrainians. ) Corrects definitions. )
    1. 0
      Yesterday, 07: 33
      And who are you? You probably work at the General Staff and they are obliged to report and show you the surrender?
      1. 0
        Yesterday, 12: 10
        I am here, I am here. The only thing they didn't show change in Mariupol was the vacuum cleaner. And you, but that's right.
  13. 0
    30 September 2024 23: 09
    "Ugledar meat grinder": Many "two-hundredths" are simply lying along the roads
  14. NSV
    1 October 2024 01: 03
    No, ours are there!!! Kill the hohol-pig!!! Enough!!! Remember how Khrushchev gave up Crimea!!!
  15. NSV
    1 October 2024 06: 54
    And why feed this pig-headed scum again at the expense of taxes???? The cartridge is much cheaper, and the black soil will benefit from these pots!!!
  16. 0
    1 October 2024 15: 43
    As the Ukrainian leadership stated, the commanders of the Ukrainian Armed Forces heroically managed to break out of encirclement and escape from the battlefield, the rest are surrendering or being destroyed!
  17. 0
    1 October 2024 17: 16
    nothing is clear. but let's say there was a brigade there, 3000 maximum. they wrote about their big losses. so how many of them could have been left. then.
  18. 0
    Yesterday, 07: 30
    It is strange that Ze did not award the brigade commander the rank of field marshal.
  19. 0
    Today, 18: 15
    I like the expression "it's best to dispose of everyone", did the person who writes this slaughter a chicken in the village at grandma's for broth? And if there are 300-500 people there, who will dispose of them? Maybe the "idea generator" himself will take a gun in his hands and shoot from morning till night? I wonder if he will go crazy?