Technodictatorship and technopoly: what the future holds for us

Technodictatorship and technopoly: what the future holds for us

Any essentially leftist theory proceeds from the understanding historical as endless progress (“from the darkness of the past to the light of the future”) and evolution as a gradual turn towards justice [2]. This view of history, according to the author, does not correspond to reality and is a delusion.

At the same time, the right views history in terms of cycles, postulating it either as a movement along a kind of spiral, all forms of which have cycles beginning with birth and ending with death, or as a gradual degradation of political and spiritual forms.

The ideas of cyclical development were supported by Giambattista Vico, Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee and others. Historical "optimists" were often unable to explain the problems of the modern world, and their utopian theories collapsed after a collision with reality, while right-wing "pessimists" gave much more accurate forecasts of the development of civilization.

Globalization has seriously undermined the efforts of national states – in the conditions of a unipolar world, when supranational structures actually dictate their will to states, there are several powerful groups of influence that are fighting for a “new world order”. The author will not consider all these forces within the framework of this material (otherwise it would be too voluminous), the emphasis will be placed only on one of the possible development trajectories – the globalist liberal project of “technodictatorship”.

In the material "Towards Technocratic Totalitarianism" the author of these lines has already outlined the direction in which modern civilization is moving. Here this issue will be examined in more detail and from a slightly different perspective.

Technocratic dictatorship, capitalism and socialism

In his time, Augusto Del Noce criticized the modern technocratic society based on scientism. By technological society, Del Noce did not mean a society characterized by scientific and technical progress, but one characterized by a purely instrumental approach to rationality. In a technocratic society, a person finds himself in a moral concentration camp if he does not agree with "science" and the ideological trend of the moment.

Transnational ruling elites are interested in replacing left-liberal democracy with technocracy, and these processes have already been launched. Technocracy is hostile to human freedom: at the top of its power structure are technocrats who are interested in total control over the individual. They are the ones who manage and distribute resources. Thus, technocracy gives rise to a new form of totalitarianism, which is facilitated by scientific achievements that could theoretically be used to liberate man.

David Hughes in his book "Covid-19, Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy" believes that technocracy has been incubated in China for decades with the support of the Rockefellers, and now that its effectiveness has been proven, the goal is to implement it in the West [3]. According to Hughes, “the transnational ruling class began a war against the rest of humanity in 2020,” and the coronavirus pandemic was the first step in a “global upheaval.”

Hughes' book is in places quite interesting and thought-provoking, but it contains a lot of dubious conspiracy theories, historical inaccuracies, and his arguments sometimes seem more than questionable. Hughes blames oligarchic capitalism, which is in crisis, and "the breakdown of class compromise." However, it would be a mistake to think that technocratic totalitarianism is a product of capitalism, because it felt just fine in socialist systems.

In leftist theories, the social universe is usually presented as something that must be optimally, efficiently, mechanically organized. Qualitative aspects of the social are often rejected; quantitative aspects come to the fore.

For decades, the Soviet Union was the embodiment of historical and cultural eclecticism, and its contradictions were successfully hidden by the efficient operation of a developed state apparatus and the principle of centralization of power. What was important to one person was considered important to everyone, and what was the rule for one was the rule for everyone. Individual decisions were replaced by a centralized approach, and nationality, history, traditions, ways of thinking and aspirations were considered insignificant details in the context of the vast Soviet system.

V. I. Lenin and the communist leaders imagined the structure of society as a machine-mechanism, entirely in the spirit of mechanistic totalitarianism. Thus, in his programmatic work “The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Power” (March 1918), Lenin directly compared the national economy to a clock mechanism. He wrote:

“Neither railways, nor transport, nor large machines and enterprises in general can function properly if there is no unity of will that binds all available workers into one economic body that works with the regularity of a clockwork mechanism. Socialism is born of large-scale machine industry” [4].

In Stalin's USSR, the phraseology of leaders at all levels was saturated with mechanicisms - words and phrases from the language of mechanics. Trade unions and the Komsomol were considered quite officially as the drive belts of the party.

This phraseology has also penetrated into songs. aviation The march “We are born to make a fairy tale come true” had the following words: “and instead of a heart – a fiery motor” [5]. And in A. Gastev’s poem “Growing from Iron” the lyrical hero feels iron blood in his veins, steel shoulders grow on him, and he merges with the iron of the building.

In Gastev’s “new world,” workers were to become nameless units, “adopting the designation of a separate proletarian unit as A, B, C, 325, 0,075, and so on.” “Machines will turn from being controlled into controllers,” and the labor movement will approach “the movement of things in which there is no longer a human face, but rather even, normalized steps, faces without expression, a soul devoid of lyricism, emotion measured not by a cry or laughter, but by a pressure gauge or a taximeter.” This terrible utopia was satirically depicted by Yevgeny Zamyatin in his science fiction novel We [6].

Socialists believe that in modern capitalist states people have become slaves to "alienated" forces: money, the market, and the material things they themselves have produced. People in this system are cogs in a huge mechanism, and they are forced to perform certain operations in accordance with the principle of the division of labor. This is partly true, but even under socialism (the experience of the USSR is a clear confirmation of this), people were just cogs in the system, called upon to follow the goals of the state.

In the 1910s, the idea that people would work like parts of a precision machine was unrealistic and utopian, which explains the failure of “war communism” (which envisioned centralized state control and the absence of a market). Lenin’s mechanical state was in many ways similar to Tatlin’s tower.

Thus, technocratic dictatorship and mechanistic thinking are equally characteristic of both capitalist and socialist systems. Moreover, modern globalist technocrats have drawn many ideas from Marx's communism. They, like Marxists, are also materialists, rationalists, supporters of the "scientific approach" and the primacy of economics over politics (Lenin wrote - "politics cannot but have primacy over economics").

In their scientific-technocratic society, the individual, deprived of all cultural and spiritual values, becomes completely dependent on the state and society. He is limited in his basic biological needs, cut off from other people and any higher ideals.

Technodictatorship as a replacement for democracy

"At present, man has decisively conquered nature with the help of technology, but it is technology that has conquered, not man. Man has simply exchanged one form of subordination for another, and his new master has become even more powerful than the previous one,"

– Arnold Toynbee wrote at one time.

To some extent, this is true, since the technological progress we are witnessing is changing our perception of reality on many levels. Technocracy is becoming an alternative to traditional democracy, since it is, according to some liberal ideologists, better able to cope with the challenges of modernity.

Why? Because technocracy, based on process and data optimization, offers long-term strategies and instant responses to social and economic changes. It is based on rational materialism, while completely lacking a moral and ideological basis.

That is, power in a technocratic society is not a means to achieve some high goal – it is the goal itself. All according to J. Orwell: "Power is not a means; it is an end. Dictatorship is not established to protect the revolution. The end of repression is repression. The end of torture is torture. The end of power is power."

As Professor Peter Lewandowski notes, the construction of the concept of the future technocratic government will be based on two theoretical concepts: technopoly (proposed by Neil Postman) and technocracy.

Technopoly, according to Neil Postman, is a state in which technology is so dominant that culture seeks any solutions in technology and submits to it. Postman called technopoly a form of totalitarian technocracy, and, in his opinion, the United States is an example of technopoly [1].

Postman was extremely critical and pessimistic about technopoly and identified some important elements that make up this concept: bureaucracy and technical equipment. Bureaucracy, or the “tyranny of administration,” is not based on intellectual or moral theories, but has appropriated the right to resolve moral and ethical dilemmas from purely mechanistic-materialistic and scientific positions [1].

Technical means are used by bureaucrats to control information and thus help control entire societies by providing appropriately processed information. This is explained by the need to act “accurately and efficiently.” [1].

The rationale for technocracy as a political system is explained by the need to achieve “sustainable economic growth.” Given that this goal is characteristic of liberalism in general, democracy and technocracy converge in this. But technocracy does not require democracy.

As Lewandowsky notes, technocracy may be a “natural consequence of democratic rule,” since democracy, with its highly materialistic, pragmatic, and scientific view of the world, promotes the growth of technocracy. Western countries are already experiencing a depletion of democratic potential, and there are certain tendencies toward the establishment of technocratic rule.

Bureaucratic control, which is an integral part of technocratic management, is, according to Postman, essentially a form of tyranny. Postman views it as a manifestation of totalitarianism [1].

In a technopoly, no one can be an authority because, being human, he operates with the most fallible system of thinking, which is ambiguous and biased. Therefore, one should rely not on a person, but on a machine. The human individual and his cognitive process are limited by technology, displaced by bureaucratic procedures, or replaced by automated technical solutions.

In the future technodictatorship, therefore, the key role will be played not by man, but by the machine, and key decisions will be made by bureaucrats, which will be based on purely mechanistic grounds in the spirit of: “a computer has mathematically proven that the death of two million people from the side effects of a drug may be 50 thousand less than from a virus, therefore this is a necessary sacrifice that must be made for the future of humanity.”

Visible power and real power

Despite the fact that democracy in Europe and the West, as has been said many times, has degenerated into a left-liberal dictatorship, formally democracy still exists. Politicians continue to maintain the appearance that politics is a clash of leaders and parties, expressed in periodic elections, but at the same time the power of these politicians is in fact severely limited. In addition, only the right candidates, from the right parties, always win.

The decline in the number of people willing to vote in elections shows that many voters understand that behind the democratic facade of what is considered traditional politics, there is another, real power. But real power, like true reality, is not easy to find. People live in a reality shaped by the media and mass communication, their consciousness is subject to manipulation, so not everyone thinks about it.

People are hypnotized by images of material abundance and technological omnipotence. There is no longer much need for politics, political participation and activism. Materialistic rationalism reduces human nature and human life to simple material interests and desires; it has become an instrument for satisfying appetite. It is the intellectual basis of technocracy, which is characterized by an emphasis on the precision of mechanics and mathematics.

The direct application of scientific rationality to political decision-making implies technocratic totalitarianism, not democracy. Such a regime would create a programmed society in which people would become automatons serving the system.

The abstracting, rationalizing tendencies of modernity have torn people away from their roots, changed their nature. As a result, people become rootless atoms, selfish and striving to maximize their opportunities. They are manipulated by more powerful forces – the state, transnational corporations, capital.

The main actors in modern capitalism are transnational corporations, global capital, which is doing everything to completely destroy national capital (and has achieved great success in this).

Transnational corporations patronize supranational production processes, monopolize global communication and transport systems, controlling raw materials, labor resources, primary and secondary markets. Some of the largest companies have maritime fleets, which can compete with the fleets of the largest countries (Exxon).

Transnational corporations view the world as a single market, a "large trading center." The national interests of states are of no importance to them. Corporations and transnational structures aim to subjugate national elites and states.


The modern liberal globalist project can develop either along the path of a left-liberal dictatorship or along the track of a technocratic dictatorship (technodictatorship). The third option - a conditionally right-conservative project - will not be considered within the framework of this material (it was briefly mentioned in the material "The world will be divided into two camps”: what could be the contours of the new world order in the coming years").

There is no fundamental difference between them, since they are following a similar trajectory, but there is still a certain difference - a left-liberal dictatorship will provide for the liquidation of the middle class in its current form and the creation of a two-class society - a very small global elite (upper class) and the bulk of the population (lower class), that is, a kind of equalizing "communism for the poor" (equalization in poverty is exactly what communist projects led to).

The standard of living will be average for everyone, and this threshold will probably be somewhat lower than now, but not as sad as shown in some dystopias. The role of national states will probably be purely statistical (that is, they will not die out completely yet, but they will not play any significant role in world politics, it will be determined by other players), and national elites will “merge” with global elites.

In a technocratic dictatorship, the existence of a large "lower class" is not required, since widespread automation and robotization of production will lead to the working class as such ceasing to exist. People will be replaced by robots - experts are already saying that robotization and automation will lead to the disappearance of certain professions. On the contrary, in this scenario, the existence of a large "lower class" will be a problem, and it will be solved by far from humane methods - wars, epidemics, etc.

Использованная литература:
[1]. Piotr Lewandowski. Technocratic totalitarianism as a response to the crisis of democracy. Studia Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, 2023. s. 25–40.
[2]. Moiseev D. S. Methodological problems of defining political significations in the modern world // Science as a public good: a collection of scientific articles. Vol. 2. [Electronic resource]. - Moscow: Publishing house "Russian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science", 2020. [3]. See David A. Hughes. "Covid-19", Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy (Volume 1). Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
[4]. Lenin V. I. Complete Works. Edition 5. Volume 36. – Political Literature Publishing House, Moscow, 1969.
[5]. For more information about this, see: Balashov L. E. Errors and distortions of categorical thinking. – M.: Academia, 2002.
[6]. Quote from: Priestland D. P. Red Flag: A History of Communism; [translated from English] / David Priestland. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2011.
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  1. +6
    28 September 2024 06: 34
    When the development of science and technology began to seriously change the way of life and everyday life of mankind, many began to think that it would radically change life. But this was a fatal mistake.
    Any technology is just a tool. The main thing is the psychology of people as a biological species. Yes, you can find, so to speak, good and bad people, but in general, people do not change. This is what Machiavelli wrote about in his "Prince" and this is why the attempt to build communism ended in failure, although at first there were successes and very serious ones. Therefore, the essence of human society does not change despite any technological changes.
    And that is precisely why all ideologies are of little importance - you can believe in whatever you want, but the mechanisms of the state's functioning remain unchanged, no matter what the idealists believe.
    1. +12
      28 September 2024 08: 10
      The very essence of communism implies the creation of a new man as a bearer of the communist worldview. And the initial successes were precisely connected with the fact that there were enough such people. But the Soviet Union suffered defeat in the Great Patriotic War, having lost a critical number of convinced communists. Which served as the reason for its subsequent collapse.

      Alas, they were unable to replenish them, and our leaders, for various reasons, paid more and more attention to the purely material aspect, ignoring the ideological one. Thus, rapidly sliding into a specifically bourgeois morality of consumption. But it was precisely the creation of alternative meanings that was the main goal of the early Bolsheviks.

      I've always liked this Greek story as an example of this:

      At the Olympic Games, a Spartan athlete was offered 30 talents to lie down. He refused - and won. After the competition, he was asked irritably:
      --What is that victory to you, Spartan, since you refused such a heap of gold?
      And he answered smiling:
      -- From now on, in battle, I will go in the center of the first rank of the phalanx, covering my king with my shield. You won't understand.
      1. -12
        28 September 2024 09: 23
        Quote: paul3390
        The very essence of communism implies the creation of a new man as a bearer of the communist worldview.

        The very essence of the creation of a new man may belong to God.
        Communism is a utopia. The existence of such a socio-economic formation is impossible a priori, because as long as there remains at least one person with a consumer essence on Earth, as long as the thirst for profit does not disappear from people's consciousness, all this is nonsense.
        To begin with, humanity needs to decide on wars and the parasitism of national elites...
        1. +12
          28 September 2024 09: 37
          As the classics teach us, communism, though primitive, is a natural form of human society. We existed in it for at least 100 thousand years, and that's not counting the earlier sapiens. And only in the last 10 thousand years have we switched to exploitative forms of relations. So, what kind of utopia is that?

          Besides, look at our history. Time after time, people tried to build something similar to socialism or even communism. There are plenty of examples, starting with Urukagina in Sumer and ending with Paraguay in the 19th century. Yes, they failed, but first of all, because of the lack of understanding of the processes taking place. But they tried hard! Why do you think that? Personally, I think it was because they subconsciously understood that what was happening was not natural for the human being.
          1. -7
            28 September 2024 10: 55
            We existed in it for at least 100 thousand years, and that's not counting the earlier sapiens. And only in the last 10 thousand years have we switched to exploitative types of relationships.

            This suggests that communism is a "cave" ideology and is only possible in caves. laughing
            With the growth of labor productivity and cultural development, human society began to stratify because people discovered that they had different talents and this
            the process is not reversible, with the development of technology and culture, so to speak, the demand for people with different talents changes, and hence the division of material goods within society and this can no longer be changed!
            We need to accept this fact and start working on society FOR people, and not ON people for some ideology!!!!
            1. +12
              28 September 2024 10: 59
              "God created people different, strong and weak, but then Colonel Colt came and vulgarized everything" - attributed to Conan the Cimmerian...

              That is, you fundamentally do not consider it possible for a person to do something not only for his own personal benefit and pocket? Well, well...

              In fact, it is social altruism that distinguishes us from animals... Only we are capable of it.
              1. -6
                28 September 2024 11: 06
                What do social altruism and communism, which involves the enslavement of some people for the benefit of others, have in common?

                "God created people different, strong and weak, but then Colonel Colt came and vulgarized everything" - attributed to Conan the Cimmerian...

                This advertising slogan has nothing to do with reality! This is an innovation that changed the world, bringing to the forefront those who could not cope with the leaders of the past before the Colt
              2. +3
                28 September 2024 12: 58
                It is precisely social altruism that distinguishes us from animals... Only we are capable of it.

                Pavel, don’t you think that the article is an accurate description of the transition of the human community on Earth to the civilization of ants or, worse, termites? wassat )))
                1. +1
                  30 September 2024 09: 56
                  John Widom - "Go to the Ant". hi
          2. -4
            28 September 2024 11: 04
            Quote: paul3390
            So what kind of utopia is this then?

            Well, here it is, arising in the inflamed brain.
            "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" - where was that? At best - socialism with a distribution system.
            You see, what a difference there is between the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the reality of life - members of society do not want to share their abilities, which they do not have, and their needs are not limited. This is where the imbalance between what is produced and what is consumed comes from. And if there are countries in the world with different socio-economic formations, then it is practically impossible to resolve this in favor of communism...
            In fact, the school of the builder of communism in the USSR could not achieve success in the communist attitude to work only because of the rotten consumer nature of man. A citizen of the USSR could not overcome his craving for acquisitiveness, and this is the main criterion.
            Quote: paul3390
            But they tried hard! Why do you think that?

            That's why they tried, because they didn't lead their peoples through the desert for 40 years and couldn't wait for those who remembered the old life of consumption and preferred personal egoism to altruism to die out...
            1. +4
              28 September 2024 12: 15
              It is, of course, all true, but there are nuances:
              1) needs are by their nature very limited: a person cannot eat more than the volume of his stomach, and this is on average 1-1,5 liters; a person cannot watch films or listen to music more than 24 hours a day - and then why do we need all that is written and filmed? ... But desires are limited only by the flight of fantasy: to fill the stomach with some exotic, to watch and listen to something that will cause intense emotions every time ... Therefore, living according to needs is a completely rational and feasible option, in contrast to "living, satisfying all desires" - which is possible only for a small number of people and then, as a rule, at the expense of others;
              2) Indeed, a culture of desires can be cultivated, which is essentially what Moses did. But, as the last 2000 years have shown, the result of his experiment in spreading a model of behavior based on personal egoism cannot be considered successful: it is enough to look at how everyone else began to treat the "chosen people" after that...
              1. +4
                28 September 2024 14: 09
                Quote: BMP-2
                a person cannot eat more than the volume of his stomach, which is on average 1-1,5 liters;

                Right after the soldier's lunch (2 kg of food and drink), we bet a chervonets with one soldier. He agreed to eat 50 eclairs with butter cream (weight of 1 piece is 100 grams) and 10 glasses of coffee with condensed milk in half an hour. Total - another 7 kilos of high-calorie food. Together with lunch - 9 kg.
                And he ate it. And with pleasure. Especially since it was free... and they even gave him a chervonets. -)))) lol
          3. 0
            28 September 2024 11: 38
            natural form of human society. We have existed in it for at least 100 thousand years
            It's called the "human herd" Yes .
          4. -2
            28 September 2024 13: 03
            Quote: paul3390
            How the classics teach us

            Any philosophical construction is a lie. Be it Marxism, be it Freudianism, or some kind of fascism or Ilyinism, there are plenty of them. Everything is a lie.
            And in the USSR (under Brezhnev), people had already “digested” Marxism and were indifferent to it... it practically didn’t interfere.
            And nostalgia for the spirit of the USSR is in no way connected with Marxism-Leninism. No way!!! Nostalgia for purity and friendliness... nostalgia for the belief that we lived then in the best, kindest... and most powerful country... and that there was a wonderful future ahead.
            Alas... this turned out to be a misconception.
          5. -2
            30 September 2024 11: 16
            We existed in it for at least 100 thousand years, and that's not counting the earlier sapiens. And only in the last 10 thousand years have we switched to exploitative types of relationships. So - what kind of utopia is that then?

            Primitive communism existed until man learned to create surpluses in food and other useful things, before that there was no point in enslaving others, while man lived by hunting and gathering, he could only feed himself, but with the development of crop production and livestock farming it turned out that it was possible to take away surpluses from man, as a result inequality arose, exploitation of man by man and returning back to universal equality, when everyone is on the brink of survival, became impossible, partly this was possible during the Civil War, when everyone was equalized with the help of the food tax, as well as on collective farms, when they worked for "labordays", but only the NEP and other economic measures made it possible to increase labor productivity due to the economic interest of the worker.
            1. +1
              30 September 2024 11: 43
              learned to create surplus in food

              Oh, come on! Let's take as an example - let's say five hunters killed a mammoth. They butchered it, ate some of it, and dried the rest or even put it in a glacial pit. Did they create a surplus of food? Of course - you can eat a mammoth for a looooong time. The women gathered mushrooms and berries, dried them for the winter. Did they create a surplus of food? There you go. It seems they've always been able to create them - there was simply no particular need. Whatever you say - with the abundance of animals and other natural resources at that time - you'd have to be smart to die of hunger...

              The transition to agriculture is one of the strangest moments in human history. For it was not an improvement, but a clear deterioration in people's lives. At least in the early stages.

              As an example - the Indians of the Great Prairies. Let's say the Pawnee - they were also engaged in agriculture. And their neighbors - despite the seemingly positive example under their noses, they point-blank refused to dig the earth. Why? And the Pawnee themselves - clearly said that they were doing this only because the gods told them so. If not for this - they would not bother with such nonsense.
              1. -1
                30 September 2024 12: 49
                If everything was so great for hunters and gatherers, an abundance of food and a good life, then they would quickly multiply, the population of the earth would quickly reach 8 billion and exceed this number, meanwhile we know very well that the population of the earth grew extremely slowly and the explosive growth occurred precisely in the last centuries. It is easy to guess why: the population was regulated by hunger, nature could not feed a large number of people.
                1. +2
                  30 September 2024 16: 48
                  No - the population was regulated by the colossal infant mortality. Because it is certainly easier to take care of and save a child in a warm house than in a hunting camp.

                  Look at all the anthropological studies of early Neolithic burials - hunter-gatherers are generally noticeably larger and healthier than farmers... From hunger or something?

                  But in general - of course the planet cannot feed a billion pure hunters, what is there to argue about...
        2. +5
          28 September 2024 11: 21
          Quote: ROSS 42
          The existence of such a socio-economic formation is impossible a priori, because as long as there remains at least one person on Earth with a consumer essence, as long as the thirst for profit does not disappear from people’s consciousness, all this is nonsense.
          Launch nanotechnology (in the original sense, not Chubais's) and everyone will have everything. Who will you sell what to if everyone has everything? Another question is - how will it all end? How to make people continue to do something if they have everything?
          1. +1
            28 September 2024 14: 15
            Nanotechnology won't be able to create everything in the world, but it will 100% create other needs laughing
            It's endless, the service sector is endless!
      2. -1
        28 September 2024 11: 16
        Quote: paul3390
        The very essence of communism implies the creation of a new man as a bearer of the communist worldview.

        That is why it is impossible.
        Quote: paul3390
        But the Soviet Union suffered defeat in WWII, losing a critical number of convinced communists.
        So what? Does this serve as some kind of justification? All people die. If not in war, then from illness, accidents and banal old age. But those who are born after them must take the place of the dead - there are no irreplaceable ones, there are irreplaceable ones. Even geniuses are replaced - the death of Lomonosov or Mendeleyev does not mean the end of scientific development, even if those who replaced them were inferior in abilities. This is life. And if there is no one to replace the deceased bearers of an idea, then the idea is not viable.
        Quote: paul3390
        I've always liked one Greek story as an example of this.
        There are, were and will be such people, but they are not the only ones.
        Quote: Dart2027
        you can find, so to speak, good and bad people, but in general people do not change
    2. +10
      28 September 2024 10: 12
      Quote: Dart2027
      The main thing is the psychology of people as a biological species.
      ...but in general people don't change.
      ...and that is why the attempt to build communism ended in failure

      1. Psychology is subject to excuses, and we have seen this more than once.
      2. They certainly do change, but it takes a lot of time and effort.
      3. Not because of that, but because of several fatal mistakes. But, since this was the FIRST
      great experience, it was extremely difficult to avoid them, especially in such a "friendly environment" of capitalist hyenas...
      1. -2
        28 September 2024 11: 04
        Quote: Doccor18
        Psychology is subject to excuses, and we have seen this more than once.

        So where are these changes?
        Quote: Doccor18
        They certainly do change, but it takes a lot of time and effort.

        A million years?
        Quote: Doccor18
        Not because of that, but because of several fatal mistakes. But since this was the FIRST
        great experience, it was extremely difficult to avoid them, especially in such a "friendly environment" of capitalist hyenas...

        So it was foreign capitalists who organized the criminal chaos of the 90s?
        1. +9
          28 September 2024 12: 16
          Quote: Dart2027
          So where are these changes?

          Well, compare the mass heroism at the front and in the Soviet rear during the Great Patriotic War and during WWI. These wars are separated by only one generation...
          Quote: Dart2027
          A million years?

          As history has shown, just thirty years of persistent, comprehensive work have already yielded a good result. But what if they had continued moving in the same direction? But they turned off the path and after two generations they came to the logical result: the collapse of the country, criminalization
          and the general rapid degradation of society...
          1. -3
            28 September 2024 13: 01
            Quote: Doccor18
            Well, compare the mass heroism at the front and in the Soviet rear during the Great Patriotic War and during WWI.
            During WWI, it was possible to openly sling mud at the country and call for defeat. In WWII, anyone who opened their mouth without cause was immediately put up against the wall.
            Well, we can also remember how far the Germans reached at different times.
            1. +2
              28 September 2024 17: 10
              Quote: Dart2027
              Well, we can also remember how far the Germans reached at different times.

              Of course you can. And you can also remember the successes of France in the first and second world wars. And it immediately becomes clear that what you wrote is banal demagogy.
              1. -2
                28 September 2024 18: 49
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                And we can also recall the successes of the same France in the First and Second World Wars.
                And also don't forget who thwarted the Germans' attempt to take France out of the war with one blow. And it immediately becomes clear that what you wrote is banal demagogy.
                Quote: Dart2027
                During WWI, it was possible to openly sling mud at the country and call for defeat. In WWII, anyone who opened their mouth without cause was immediately put up against the wall.
                There is nothing to object to in this regard?
        2. +2
          28 September 2024 14: 58
          The destruction of the state reached the point of lawlessness. And there was no way it could have happened without the efforts of the West
          1. -2
            28 September 2024 15: 30
            Quote: stankow
            there was a destruction of the state. And there, without the efforts of the West,

            So in the USSR the entire leadership worked for the USA? How wretched was the Communist Party that it came to this.
      2. -3
        28 September 2024 14: 59
        . They certainly do change, but it takes a lot of time and effort.
        3. Not because of that, but because of several fatal mistakes. But, since this was the FIRST

        It is possible to change people's view of the situation and we have indeed seen this many times: yesterday we were all Russians, today in 404 Russians have become "not brothers", and tomorrow we will celebrate our COMMON victory together and they will be sincerely happy that we won TOGETHER wink
        But, this does not change the essence of a person, people are born different, some are individualists, others are modest, some do not tolerate criticism, others do not have their own point of view, some are powerful intellectuals, and others are thick-headed jocks and so on ad infinitum! It is impossible to make people the same and equal, someone due to their qualities will be more successful than others!!!!
        Socialism, which awakened people to revolution, was based on the expropriation of the expropriators laughing like it's fair to share wealth, only in the Soviet version they banned the very type of people who created that wealth, so society stopped developing and the experiment ended in failure, in China they drew conclusions and there the Communist Party is still in power and is trying to understand something and somehow transform the idea, and we again plunged into capitalism!
        1. +3
          28 September 2024 15: 13
          Quote: Eroma
          infinity! It is impossible to make people the same

          Naturally, who claimed such a thing? Not identical, but with equal opportunities to realize their desires in development (education, work activity, self-development).
          Quote: Eroma
          Only in the Soviet version they banned exactly the type of people who created these very riches

          Created? At the expense of slave labor of tens of millions?
          Quote: Eroma
          China has drawn conclusions and the Communist Party is still in power there

          We also have a Communist Party in parliament, but both here and in China we have capitalism, without any “ifs” and “maybes and somedays”...
          1. -3
            28 September 2024 16: 38
            Created? At the expense of slave labor of tens of millions?

            Is it slave labor now too?
            The world is moved by people who have an entrepreneurial spirit! Other people, despite all their intelligence and hard work, are not capable of this! It's just a FACT. Enterprise pushes a person to generate an idea and implement it, such a person pulls up others to implement the idea, those who are smart, handy, etc., and together they change the world, enriching it with something new!
            In the USSR, entrepreneurship was prohibited, speculation meant a prison term, exploitation of a person, by a person is taboo! And the result, empty shelves, and citizens dissatisfied with their life and, as a result, the collapse of the system!
            Tell me, what is an enterprising person who can't sleep on ideas guilty of before people? Why were they simply banned instead of being included in the new society?
            1. +5
              28 September 2024 17: 04
              Quote: Eroma
              It's just a FACT. Entrepreneurship pushes a person to generate an idea and implement it. Such a person, in order to implement the idea, pulls up others, those who are smart, handy, etc., and together they change the world, enriching it with something new.

              And there were VERY many such creative people in the USSR, because how else can we explain the rise of domestic science to unprecedented heights? Yes, we still live in what was born/conceived more than thirty years ago. Wasn't all of this created by enterprising people?
              1. -4
                28 September 2024 18: 28
                No, all this was created by scientists and engineers, solving problems understandable even to a hedgehog and therefore quite consciously understood by the governing nomenclature (education, medicine, housing, food, transport, etc.), there was almost unlimited funding for science, especially against the background of competition and general confrontation with the West and this gave results in science, but how many innovations and revolutionary discoveries were introduced to improve people's lives? No one needed it because there were simply no people willing to deal with these issues!
                I'm not saying that the USSR is a complete bummer, it showed the power of the new economy, but it also failed to deal with its weak points and judging by the comments, people don't even realize what the real problem is, relying on dogmas! laughing lack of enterprise lol
          2. +1
            29 September 2024 17: 00
            Quote: Doccor18
            Naturally, who claimed such a thing? Not identical, but with equal opportunities to realize their desires in development (education, work activity, self-development).

            So are you talking about socialism or communism? These are not necessarily combined concepts at all.. For some reason, many people do not distinguish between them..
            1. +4
              29 September 2024 18: 10
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              So are you talking about socialism or communism?

              For now, about socialism as the first stage of communism. For many, communism sounds like a utopia. Maybe so, if you look through capitalist glasses. But if you purposefully and competently move towards a socialist society, then communism will not seem such a phantasmagoria...
              1. -2
                29 September 2024 18: 19
                Quote: Doccor18
                And if we purposefully and competently move towards a socialist society, then communism will not seem like such a phantasmagoria...

                Socialism is already quite good in Sweden, but somehow they don't seem to have any desire for communism... yes, in many countries there are good social guarantees... You shouldn't interfere with them... communism is necessarily socialism, but socialism is not necessarily communism... and by the way, I like Swedish socialism more than communist... the social guarantees are actually the same, but there are no mandatory marches under the Red Flag, membership in the Communist Party for growth, forced rallies, party organizers with the authorities to fire a good specialist "non-party and unreliable", iron curtains and slogans (that's how it should be) in honor of the Leader... just live and work and everything will be... by the way, the Swedes are communists in some way - they live in communes - almost the entire country... and in reality, flaunting their money is considered "yuck"... You should read a little about Swedish socialism for ordinary Swedes... that's why - socialism - I am all for it, and I don't want to see the above-mentioned attributes of communism in our country... you can't force people to be communists, and in the last decades in the USSR they have been diligently doing this... although what could you do - when there is no communist party in the souls of the people en masse? Well, a system wildly tied to one party - it turns out to be very unstable...
                1. +5
                  29 September 2024 22: 17
                  Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                  Socialism is already quite good in Sweden

                  This is self-deception. There was no socialism there and there is none. "Showcase" or "social" capitalism of the Scandinavian type became only a forced measure in the strategic struggle with the true (from a scientific point of view) socialism of the USSR. No private ownership of the means of production is the law of socialism. This was not the case in Sweden (and other "islands of capitalism with a human face"), which means there was no socialism there either. Due to the early development of states (the period of primary
                  capital accumulation, inclusion in a limited number of metropolises), a small indigenous population and, partly, proximity to the USSR, a high standard of living was established there. But as soon as the main geopolitical and ideological enemy, in the form of the USSR, disappeared, capitalism began to show its true face - a bestial grin. The middle class, as the basis of Europe in the second half of the 1th century, began to shrink rapidly, including in the Scandinavian countries, but: 2. the cost of living is becoming prohibitively expensive. 3. the famous trade unions, which once had real power, turned into a semblance, led by wedding generals on the feeding of the oligarchy, XNUMX. the exploitation of hired workers from less prosperous countries of Eastern Europe becomes the key to maintaining a high standard of living for the indigenous population. Conclusion - it is wrong to apply the concept of socialism to a capitalist country with a high percentage of expenses on social needs from the taxes collected.
                  Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                  I like Swedish socialism more than communist.

                  This is your choice...
                  Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                  mandatory marches under the Red Flag, a position in the Communist Party for growth, forced rallies, party organizers with the power to fire a good specialist "non-party and unreliable", iron curtains and slogans (that's how it should be) in honor of the Leader are not provided...

                  Everything you listed is not socialism, but methods of its destruction through coercion. Socialist ideology, simple and understandable, should become a guiding star for every person in the country, then no one will need to be forced to "walk with flags and learn chants"... Every proletarian, first of all, lives and works for his people, for their good, including for the good of his/her family. If we have to force the proletarian to work/study/celebrate, then what kind of socialism are we talking about? It doesn't exist yet.
                  Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                  You can't force people to be communists

                  Not impossible, but impossible. You can become a communist only through independent work and understanding of the essence. A party card/membership is not equivalent to the title of communist.
                  Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                  In the last few decades, the USSR has been diligently working on this.

                  Which was a deliberate line of traitors and enemies of socialism, the result of which was the catastrophe of the first socialist state. So, I don't think it was just a mistake.
                  1. -5
                    29 September 2024 22: 32
                    Quote: Doccor18
                    No private ownership of the means of production - this is the law of socialism. This did not exist in Sweden (and other "islands of capitalism with a human face"), which means there was no socialism there either.

                    this term "Socialist property" was invented exclusively in the USSR to explain that only they have the right socialism... to stretch it to the whole world is wrong... by the way, Stalin did not think that it was necessary - the absence of private property)
                    Quote: Doccor18
                    But as soon as the main geopolitical and ideological enemy, in the form of the USSR, disappeared, capitalism began to show its true face - a bestial grin.

                    That's it, what I wrote about the Swedes TODAY, when the USSR has been gone for 30 years, and socialism is flourishing there..
                    Quote: Doccor18
                    Conclusion: it is wrong to apply the concept of socialism to a capitalist country with a high percentage of social spending from collected taxes.

                    I absolutely disagree with this interpretation, which again denies the existence of socialism in anyone other than the USSR. My conclusion is that only a country (and not necessarily a communist one) with a high level of income and no corruption can afford high-quality socialism.
                    Quote: Doccor18
                    Everything you listed is not socialism, but methods of its destruction through coercion.

                    no, these are methods of destroying first of all communism, and not socialism. You, on communist dogmas, attribute socialism exclusively to communism, whereas in the absence of the USSR, it exists “alive” which can be seen and touched. you understand, it exists, but communism does not, and this is the main fact against your position. namely fact..
                    1. +5
                      30 September 2024 09: 21
                      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                      This term "Socialist property" was invented exclusively in the USSR

                      Where should it be invented? In the USA? laughing
                      i.e. there is no "free" education or "free" healthcare, these services are paid for indirectly through taxes instead of being paid for directly by the consumer... Given the 25% value added tax, the average Swedish worker earning around $45 a year will pay around 000% of their income in taxes. With average housing costs ranging between 70-20% of income and the generally high cost of living in Sweden, there is very little left for the average worker to spend on discretionary spending or to save.
                      As a result, while Sweden has greater income equality than, for example, the United States, wealth inequality in Sweden is among the highest in the world. The richest 1% of the population owns up to 40% of Sweden's wealth, compared with about 35% in the United States. The richest 10% of Sweden's population owns 69% of the country's total wealth. Because of the difficulty of accumulating wealth, two-thirds of wealth in Sweden is inherited, compared with one-third in the United States. This low intergenerational mobility means that much of Sweden's wealth is controlled by several generations of Sweden's aristocratic and former gentry families. It has been estimated that just one family, the Wallenberg family, may own up to 2% of the Swedish stock market. Sweden is hardly a model of equality - high confiscatory taxes mean that birthright matters more than merit, and it is very difficult for a Swede with an average or even high income to accumulate wealth and escape state care. High taxes and an expanded welfare state have not made Swedes more equal, they have simply made most people dependent on the government.

                      Add to this the unemployment that is growing every year, the mortgage market crisis and the economic crisis that are so typical of a standard capitalist state and we get real "Swedish socialism" fellow
                      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                      By the way, Stalin did not think that this was necessary - the absence of private property)

                      Private property or private property of the means of production? I don't recall any privatization of factories and plants under Stalin... Or are you talking about artels? That was a forced and purely temporary measure, as soon as state industry (especially light industry) got back on its feet after the bloody war, all the artels gradually disappeared. By the way, Khrushchev incompetently and shovel-wise (by directive) destroyed the artels, which had a negative impact on a small but very sensitive sector of the economy for the population, and that was not just a mistake either...
                      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                      My conclusion is that only a country (and not necessarily a communist one) with a high level of income and no corruption can afford high-quality socialism.

                      You are confusing concepts again. The well-fed life of 40-60% of the middle class and 2-5% of the elite will never fit into the concept (extremely simple and correct) of socialism.
                      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                      No, these are methods of destroying, first of all, communism, and not socialism.

                      They never got to communism in the USSR, which is natural, because even the norms of socialism began to be shaken and replaced with false concepts already in the mid-50s. So it was socialism that was destroyed systematically, sophisticatedly and for a long time (almost forty years). But there was no communism. So how to destroy something that does not exist?
                      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                      You, on the basis of communist dogmas, attribute socialism exclusively to communism, whereas in the absence of the USSR, it exists “alive” and can be seen and touched.

                      Well, try it. Just try starting with the lower classes of Swedish society, with seasonal workers, and not with the wealthy aristocratic families of Gothenburg and Stockholm. Yes
                      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                      you understand it exists,

                      Only when they really want to see him, but this is not a fact at all, but an obsessive state, forgive me.
                      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                      but there is no communism

                      I absolutely agree. No. You have to grow up to it. This is the highest stage of social and individual development.
                      1. -4
                        30 September 2024 11: 36
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        Where should it be invented? In the USA?

                        well, if we're talking about socialism in general: The ideas of socialism were first outlined in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, in the dialogues "State" and "Laws" and no socialist property was proposed... and also... "market and non-market" socialism was proposed, outside the teachings of communism... You say that only non-market exists, although all theorists except Marx also recognize market socialism... i.e. if we discard the communist theory of socialism, a whole bunch of theorists and practitioners professed and implemented it in the history of mankind.. for example, the term "state socialism" arose in Germany at the end of the 19th century: this is how German socialists called the elements of social security for workers introduced by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.. simply put - "communist socialism" is an ideal (which, as we know, is unattainable).. but simpler socialisms, and at the same time not falling apart - a whole bunch in history have been and are.. therefore it is fundamentally wrong to say that only communist socialism exists..
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        Or are you talking about artels? So it was a forced and purely temporary measure.

                        it's just a theory.. it seems to me that the USSR would not have collapsed if the idea with the artels had not disappeared because of Khrushchev, because there would have been no problems with "chewing gum and jeans"...
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        You are confusing concepts again. The well-fed life of 40-60% of the middle class and 2-5% of the elite will never fit into the concept (extremely simple and correct) of socialism.

                        no, I'm talking about everyone who wants more having a chance to achieve it, and not about giving something for free to slackers.. otherwise, in the US (and not only) there is "excellent" socialism - they give blacks housing, benefits, and they don't give a damn - why bother with such socialism.. middle class status - if you don't slack off, when 40-60% of it can reach 95% of the population, given that there are skilled workers and farmers - the majority are middle class..
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        The USSR never reached communism, which is natural, because even the norms of socialism began to be undermined and replaced with false concepts already in the mid-50s.

                        precisely because it is an ideal and it is unattainable.
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        Just try starting from the lower classes of Swedish society, from seasonal workers, and not from the wealthy aristocratic families of Gothenburg and Stockholm

                        I was talking about neither of them - why go to extremes? For example, I was talking about an ordinary worker and a miner... who, in your opinion, is the "middle class", and not in a big city...
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        Only when they really want to see him, but this is not a fact at all, but an obsessive state, forgive me.

                        Well, in this style I can answer you that there is no communist socialism and never was wink
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        I absolutely agree. No. You have to grow up to it. This is the highest stage of social and individual development.

                        yes, the ideal state of society from imperfect people... you can of course believe that it is possible, but... everything will break against "imperfect people" - and this, by the way, is the practice of history...
        2. +1
          28 September 2024 15: 16
          from the type of people who created these very riches
          It is unlikely that he considered the division of his already created wealth to be fair.
          1. -3
            28 September 2024 16: 20
            What, from your point of view, is a fair division of the profits earned by a business?
            Enlighten please
            In any team, no matter under capitalism or socialism, there is a hierarchy that implies different responsibilities per unit of working time! And how do you want to fairly divide this responsibility? Like the director of the plant should receive 10 times more than the floor cleaner, but the turner should receive no less than twice the director's salary?
            How would you estimate the cost of a mistake by a turner and, for example, a chief engineer? And their salaries should probably be almost the same?
            What does it mean to fairly divide the company's profits between teams, how much of his profit should a person give who created this company in the first place, risked his property by taking out a loan on his house, dealt with all the problems and finally rocked the business, how much should he give of the profits to people who are generally ready to run away at any moment and most of whom, in principle, don't care what happens to the business and the person who created this business?
            How do you see justice in this case?
            1. +3
              28 September 2024 17: 15
              Oh, the supporters of correct capitalism have arrived, who are quite happy with the current rotten system. And the fact that we have a demographic catastrophe and a third world war on the horizon, which are the consequences of this rotten capitalist system, does not bother them at all. After them, even a flood. So let's do without this cheap, thoroughly false moralizing.
              1. -2
                28 September 2024 18: 47
                Nothing to say on the matter?

                After them, even a flood.

                Now there is a SVO, the volunteer movement is flourishing and volunteers are spending billions on snacks of all sorts of things needed for the army! Are these citizens chipping in 50 rubles per person? No, the main source of money for volunteers is business! Which cares. You look at a few and judge everyone, in the same way you can judge all people by a few scumbags and morons, this is not right.
          2. -3
            28 September 2024 19: 01
            He hardly considered the division of his already created wealth to be fair.

            What do you mean by wealth? Personal property or everything including factories and ships?
            If personal property, which by the way usually makes up a tiny part of the value of all assets for large businessmen, means that people invest their earnings back into business, and do not spend them in casinos, on a fleet of yachts or villas!
            And as for all money in general, each profession has its own tool, or asset with which a person does his job, for example, for a peasant it is land (does it bother you that a city dweller has no land, but a peasant has hectares?), for a driver, a tool is a car, etc., for businessmen, the tool is money, operating with money he creates various benefits for people, therefore he has a priori more money than anyone else!
    3. mz
      28 September 2024 11: 57
      Quote: Dart2027

      Any technology is just a tool. The main thing is the psychology of people as a biological species. Yes, you can find, so to speak, good and bad people, but in general, people do not change. This is what Machiavelli wrote about in his "Prince" and this is why the attempt to build communism ended in failure, although at first there were successes and very serious ones. Therefore, the essence of human society does not change despite any technological changes.
      And that is precisely why all ideologies are of little importance - you can believe in whatever you want, but the mechanisms of the state's functioning remain unchanged, no matter what the idealists believe.

      Communists and idealists are at different poles. Communism is based on a materialistic basis. Personally, I can count only three real attempts to build communism (maybe I'm wrong and there were more) - the USSR, China, Vietnam and ALL of them faced a harsh aggressive reaction from capitalist states and TNCs, which spared no resources to destroy the "sprouts of communism". "Being determines consciousness", therefore, with the appropriate socio-economic basis, psychology will adapt to the demands of society.
      1. 0
        28 September 2024 12: 03
        Quote: mz
        Communists and idealists are at different poles. Communism is based on a materialistic basis.
        There is no trace of materialism there. Materialism is
        Quote: Dart2027
        The main thing is the psychology of people as a biological species. Yes, you can find, so to speak, good and bad people, but in general, people do not change. This is what Machiavelli wrote about in his "Prince" and this is why the attempt to build communism ended in failure, although at first there were successes and very serious ones. Therefore, the essence of human society does not change despite any technological changes.
        Which is what happened. And the idea that it is possible to raise a new humanity is idealism.
        Quote: mz
        and ALL of them faced a harsh, aggressive reaction from capitalist states and TNCs, who spared no resources to destroy the "shoots of communism"
        Also remember the tales about the Dallas plan. Yes, they fought against it, but the collapse of the USSR and the rejection of communism in China are purely internal processes.
        Quote: mz
        Being determines consciousness
        Psychology defines both being and consciousness.
        1. mz
          28 September 2024 12: 16
          Quote: Dart2027

          The main thing is the psychology of people as a biological species. Yes, you can find, so to speak, good and bad people, but in general, people do not change.

          Are you so sure that the psychology of some Rothschild and an Andaman aborigine or a Papuan is the same, or the average modern American (German, Pole, Russian) and a person who lived 20 thousand years ago on the edge of a glacier or 10 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia? They are all one biological species. The psyche of all people is formed in the environment in which these people live, and is not inherited genetically.
          Quote: Dart2027
          but the collapse of the USSR and the rejection of communism in China are purely internal processes.

          These processes would only be purely internal if the USSR and China were completely isolated from the rest of the world.
          1. -1
            28 September 2024 13: 03
            Quote: mz
            Are you so sure that the psychology of some Rothschild and an Andamanese aborigine or Papuan is the same, or of the average modern American (German, Pole, Russian) and a person who lived 20 thousand years ago on the edge of a glacier or 10 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia?
            The entire history of mankind that we know, and this is several thousand years, represents the same performance with different decorations. And indeed - the highly educated Rothschild is the same cannibal as the much less educated Roman patrician or medieval duke.
      2. +5
        28 September 2024 12: 19
        Quote: mz
        USSR, China, Vietnam

        Comrade! What about the DPRK and Cuba?
        1. mz
          28 September 2024 15: 24
          ]Quote: mz
          USSR, China, Vietnam

          Comrade! What about the DPRK and Cuba?[/quote]
          Oh, thanks, I forgot! Cuba - I agree, but the DPRK - I don't think so.
          1. +1
            28 September 2024 16: 04
            Quote: mz
            DPRK - still no

            1. mz
              29 September 2024 01: 13
              To be honest, I can’t give you a reasoned answer; I don’t have any reliable information, but from what I have (I doubt it myself), it’s more likely that it was built there from the beginning and eventually a caste division of society was formed with very limited social mobility.
    4. +1
      28 September 2024 20: 59
      Quote: Dart2027
      Yes, you can find, so to speak, good and bad people, but in general people do not change. This is what Machiavelli wrote about in his "Prince" and this is why the attempt to build communism ended in failure, although at first there were successes and very serious ones.

      Experts in human souls and other experts in human nature traditionally do not see beyond their noses and do not understand anything about these very souls. And rightly so. Why strain your brain? Your head may hurt if you are not used to it.
      1. -1
        28 September 2024 22: 08
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        Experts in human souls and other experts in human nature traditionally do not see beyond their noses and do not understand anything about these very souls.

        That is, there is nothing to argue.
        1. +1
          28 September 2024 22: 09
          Quote: Dart2027
          That is, there is nothing to argue.

          Is there anything to object to there? You don't even understand what Marxism is about, and yet you pompously talk about the utopian nature of communism.
          1. -1
            28 September 2024 22: 51
            Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
            You don’t understand at all what Marxism is about, and yet you pompously talk about the utopian nature of communism.

            Please show me humanity that lives according to the precepts of Marxism.
            1. +1
              28 September 2024 22: 55
              Quote: Dart2027
              Please show me humanity that lives according to the precepts of Marxism.

              Marxism is not about covenants. It is about a scientific understanding of the world. So right now he lives according to Marxism.
              1. 0
                29 September 2024 07: 13
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                Marxism is not about covenants. It is about a scientific understanding of the world.
                That is, there is no such people and the construction of communism is a utopia.
  2. +3
    28 September 2024 06: 38
    So this is what a post-industrial society is like... The author correctly noted about the removal of voters. And this was done on purpose.
    1. +8
      28 September 2024 07: 56
      What we are rapidly moving towards, I would characterize as digital neo-feudalism. Because in the conditions of the finite planetary market, capitalism will inevitably begin to protect clusters controlled by various groups in order to prevent competitors from entering and to firmly fix the position there for their descendants. Because what scares a capitalist most of all? Taking away from his children and grandchildren everything they have acquired. After all, they can easily turn out to be lazier and more incompetent than their ancestor. And it is precisely the feudal consolidation of the right of unconditional ownership that clearly warms the bourgeois heart...

      Well, total digitalization will provide a new version of serfdom. When, say, a person without a corporate card and a social account is simply deprived of any opportunity to exist. And where will he go then, except to toil for the corporation? And then passing this responsibility on to his children?

      Hello, O New Marvelous World... Unless, of course, we stop all this by finally grabbing our heads and bringing back socialism...
      1. -5
        28 September 2024 08: 35
        Quote: paul3390
        What scares a capitalist most? Taking away from his children and grandchildren everything he has acquired

        No. It doesn't scare me.

        They themselves send their children and grandchildren to be educated and brought up by our enemies. They are robbed of their capital and property, which they have earned "by labor beyond their strength". They are hung by scarves in bathrooms, but they still run there...

        There is no rich kid who hasn't squandered his father's legacy...

        "Globalization is an objective process of concentration of the productive forces of humanity according to a certain concept of management"

        Globalization is an objective process, but who will lead it is subjective. Globalization, like technological progress, cannot be stopped. It can only be led.

        It is not in Ukraine that Russia is defending its right to carry out globalization in the Russian way.
        1. +5
          28 September 2024 10: 38
          There is no rich kid who hasn't squandered his father's legacy...
          The children and grandchildren of the Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers - they didn't waste anything.
          1. -2
            28 September 2024 10: 43
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            Children and grandchildren of the Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers

            I'm talking about "ours".
            The Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers - these are the wallets of the globalists.
            There their children are “trained” according to a different program.
          2. +4
            28 September 2024 10: 48
            Are you sure? Are you that aware of who is really managing the fortunes of these families now?
            1. 0
              28 September 2024 10: 57
              Quote: paul3390

              Money for us is a means of survival. Money for globalists is a means of controlling us (full-scale picture):
      2. +4
        28 September 2024 10: 46
        Quote: paul3390
        Because in the conditions of the finiteness of the planetary market, capitalism will inevitably begin to protect clusters controlled by various groups in order to prevent competitors from entering them.

        Or it will begin another redistribution in the form of a new world war...
        1. +1
          28 September 2024 10: 49
          Or so. But - I still think it's unlikely. In our times, the risks of losing everything even in case of victory are too great.
          1. +5
            28 September 2024 10: 53
            Quote: paul3390
            In our times, the risks of losing everything even in case of victory are too great.

            For whom? For those who arrange everything, there are practically no risks. That's why they do it time after time. But for tens/hundreds of millions of performers, the risks are significant, but that's just "statistics"...
            1. +4
              28 September 2024 11: 44
              For those who are satisfied with everything, there are practically no risks.
              Yes. When you leave the bunker after the radiation has subsided, there is a high probability of finding out that you are not a multi-billionaire with shares in giant corporations and a dozen personal villas and planes, but simply an old dude who does not know how to hunt or even pick mushrooms and there is no place for you among the survivors in the new world. And there is no court or police that will restore your justice.
              1. +3
                28 September 2024 12: 05
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                Coming out of the bunker after the radiation subsided

                Well, why are you going to extremes? These guys are far from stupid, and they never cross "red lines".
    2. +5
      28 September 2024 12: 17
      Well, the author has really deprived humanity of all development options except liberal ones! laughing
      Regarding the content of the article: as one of the classics, disrespected by the author, said: "The sleep of reason produces monsters!"
  3. +9
    28 September 2024 06: 54
    What is this article about?
    1. +3
      28 September 2024 07: 12
      laughing Eh, I also had a hard time getting through it. I was at odds with the theorists of the ML, the history of the CPSU, ML philosophy and scientific communism. And when they pulled me by the ears into the party, in the mid-80s, I went and refused.... Probably in vain... recourse
      1. +5
        28 September 2024 08: 35
        Luminman, dmi.pris1:
        What is this article about?

        Eh, I also had a hard time getting through it

        I agree with you, colleagues!
        New models, concepts, conclusions. Almost the truth... However, like any knowledge, the new is all models. Models are always subject to revision.

        It is interestingly written and reads without rejection. But help me with this paragraph and conclusion:

        "...Moreover, modern globalist technocrats have taken many ideas from Marx's communism. They, like Marxists, are also materialists, rationalists, supporters of the "scientific approach" and the primacy of economics over politics(Lenin wrote - "politics cannot but have primacy over economics")..." But the meaning of Lenin's phrase is completely opposite - "politics cannot but have primacy over economics" == politics can have primacy over economics, and considering Lenin's imperative == politics has, must have primacy over economics... Therefore, this paragraph means that ideology stands above economics, and not just rational, mechanical rules and algorithms.
        This doesn't mean that the future is better because of this, but this gives an opportunity for ideas, other… to bring about changes in the globalist… liberal ideology…
        1. +2
          28 September 2024 10: 54
          And before that he wrote - politics is a concentrated expression of economics...

          As for me, Ilyich meant that one cannot exist without the other. And politics is first because it is a consequence of the economic system.
    2. 0
      28 September 2024 23: 04
      Quote: Luminman
      What is this article about?

      It doesn't look like anything. Moreover, there is a feeling that the author is cheating. In any case, "left" and "liberal" are completely different movements, calling them all "left-liberal" the author separates himself, but does not admit which movement he is ready to include himself in. Although only the ultra-right with their alternative in the form of a return to the savagery of the Middle Ages remains.
  4. +6
    28 September 2024 07: 05
    All these thoughts of Western scientists collapse on national peculiarities. And socialism in all countries was different, and capitalism of the East and West are not similar to each other. Initially, capitalism was a society of taxpayers. Those who paid high taxes had more rights. And how it changed when it went to the East. Ants, bees - also cogs in their families. And even feed parasites. THEN a society where work is not held in high esteem has no future at all. If parents work, and children squander their money, then grandchildren will beg for alms. So goes a Japanese proverb.
  5. +8
    28 September 2024 07: 45
    however, even under socialism

    The author does not take into account one consideration... One can argue for a long time about what was in the USSR, socialism or state capitalism, but one thing is clear - this is not quite what the Bolsheviks, and Marxists in general, originally intended to build.

    And the reason for this is obvious - military confrontation with Western capitalism. Which was and remains incredibly strong. And as a consequence - the maximum concentration of all forces of the Country of Soviets was required. And this inevitably gives rise to some form of totalitarianism. In our case - the dictatorship of the party. After all, only this allowed us to win the Great Patriotic War and achieve military parity with the West in the future. Yes - Trotsky was right, characterizing the USSR as a degenerate workers' state, and predicting the degeneration of the party elite with the subsequent betrayal of the cause of socialism. But - did Comrade Stalin have any other path in such a situation? Oh, I doubt it...

    I am saying all this to say that when modeling the future, one should not accept the realities of the Soviet Union as the only option for socialist development. Under different conditions, everything could look completely different. More in line with the original vision of the classics. And no one is stopping us from taking into account all the mistakes of our great predecessors when building the USSR 2.1.
    1. +10
      28 September 2024 09: 21
      was it in the USSR, socialism or state capitalism
      What is there to argue about? The resulting excess profits went into someone's pocket individually? To the directors of enterprises, collective farms, state farms? To the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the General Secretary? Or were the state dachas personal property, etc. The author is a "revolutionary conservative" in his views, a fan of Ilyin's philosophy, and this article was written from this point of view.
      1. +1
        28 September 2024 09: 27
        Yes - I also think that it is not the form of ownership that is important, but in whose favor the profit is alienated. But - still, the means of production in the USSR belonged to the state, and not directly to the people in the form of, say, work collectives. Thus - there are some grounds to consider this state capitalism. Although debatable.

        But again - direct public ownership and direct public administration were simply impossible in those conditions. Because they would not have allowed the necessary concentration of resources and efforts to achieve rapid military parity with Western capitalism. With all the ensuing consequences.
        1. +4
          28 September 2024 09: 31
          after all, the means of production in the USSR belonged to the state
          And the state wasn't a workers' and peasants' state? It belonged to partycrats who came from Mars?
          1. +3
            28 September 2024 09: 40
            Well, there is no need to argue with me on this topic, I don't share this point of view. But - it does exist, and it needs to be countered with something.

            And again - the USSR was different. Agree - Stalin's was somehow not very similar to Gorbachev's, was the earth glassy to him?
            1. +4
              28 September 2024 09: 45
              You know, from the very beginning of the creation of the RSDLP, namely from the second congress, there was a struggle between two views for the vector of development of Russia, in the event of the victory of the revolution. And this struggle continued when the RCP(b)-CPSU was created, in the end, they won, let's call them "Mensheviks".
              1. +1
                28 September 2024 09: 51
                I wouldn't call them Mensheviks... Because in the end, alas, the banal bourgeois degenerates and renegades won.

                In general, the main disagreements between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks were in the paths of development. The Mensheviks believed that socialism should appear as a result of the natural development of production relations, and Lenin - that there is no time for this and no one will allow this to happen, and therefore - a forced option is possible, when socialist relations are introduced by directives and compulsion. Because for this - there are all the prerequisites in society.
                1. +3
                  28 September 2024 10: 12
                  I wrote, let's call them conditionally, but if we talk about the Mensheviks, in reality, they were renegades.
                  as a result of the natural development of production relations
                  Socialism appeared in Europe as a result of natural production relations, who owns the means of production there? Yes, it seems you are a Menshevik. laughing
                  socialist relations are introduced by directives and coercion.
                  The decree on land, on workers' control, on power (power belongs to the Soviets) is it forced? That is, the means of production and power should flow from the bourgeoisie to the workers and peasants by evolutionary means? And do you think now that the oligarchs should follow the same evolutionary path? My slippers are torn from laughter. hi
                  1. -1
                    28 September 2024 11: 46
                    Socialism appeared in Europe
                    There are plenty of elements of socialism in European society.
                    1. +2
                      28 September 2024 12: 16
                      Nonsense. It's full of elements of social democracy. Because socialism is, first of all, public ownership of the means of production. Without that, what can we talk about? What other elements of socialism? That's what it means to skip Marxism-Leninism at the institute...
                      1. -1
                        28 September 2024 12: 23
                        skipping Marxism-Leninism classes at the institute...
                        I didn't see it... I only saw the burials of both comrades.
                        What other elements of socialism?
                        "to each according to his needs."
                      2. +1
                        28 September 2024 12: 32
                        You have some kind of clip-comic perception of serious things. Is it because of your stay in Bourgeoisie? Well, how can you judge socialism by a short slogan??? And the slogan itself was - to put it mildly, so-so... Introduced into circulation back in the middle of the 19th century by Blanc.

                        And what is this manner of taking a phrase out of context? For Marx's full thought sounds like this:

                        In the highest phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of man to the division of labor has disappeared; when the antithesis between mental and physical labor has disappeared along with it; when labor has ceased to be merely a means of life, but has itself become the first need of life; when, together with the all-round development of individuals, the productive forces have also grown and all the sources of social wealth have flowed in full flow, only then will it be possible to completely overcome the narrow horizon of bourgeois law, and society will be able to inscribe on its banner: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”!

                        Well, what of this is there in your blessed Europe?
                      3. 0
                        28 September 2024 12: 38
                        Marx's thought sounds like this
                        "You should live and die in London, and be buried in the best cemetery" laughing It is unlikely that he included this thesis in his writings, but his actions show that this was precisely the thought he was thinking. Yes .
                        At the highest phase of communist society
                        Thank goodness we haven't reached that point here.
                        What of this is there in your blessed Europe?
                        Even if you simply feel "sucked up" about working, your basic needs - housing, food, clothing, medicine - will be denied by society.
                      4. man
                        28 September 2024 20: 08
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        skipping Marxism-Leninism classes at the institute...
                        I didn't see it... I only saw the burials of both comrades.
                        What other elements of socialism?
                        "to each according to his needs."

                        This is not an element of socialism, but of communism. Even I, a techie, know this. smile
          2. 0
            28 September 2024 11: 24
            Quote: parusnik
            But the state was not a workers' and peasants' state
            Quote: parusnik
            Did it belong to party officials who came from Mars?
            Yes, it belonged to the party bosses. But they weren't from Mars, they were locals. They started up here.
        2. +3
          28 September 2024 09: 36
          And how is the owner of the means of production going to give his excess profits to the needs of the rest of the population? It is his private property and he can dispose of it at his own discretion. If he wants, he can build a hospital, or if he wants, he can buy himself a castle. If he wants, he can sell the means of production to someone else, along with the workers.
          1. +1
            28 September 2024 09: 44
            But this is how, for example, in Rome during the era of the Principate and especially the Dominate. wink

            The emperor decided that he urgently needed funds for a war, payments to the plebs, or the construction of something grand, and the owner of the means of production happily provided them. winked And if it doesn’t provide it, or at least not very happily, these means of production will immediately have another owner, a more conscious one. crying
            1. +3
              28 September 2024 09: 47
              The Emperor in Rome was not a beggar, but was himself the owner of the means of production. Proceed from this first of all.
  6. +5
    28 September 2024 08: 01
    and nationality, history, traditions, ways of thinking and aspirations were seen as insignificant details in the context of the vast Soviet system.

    On the contrary, the Soviet communists created not only a Soviet State, but also a Russophile one, but also respected the national traditions of the peoples of the USSR, and very carefully treated the history of their country before the October Revolution, and were engaged in its positive propaganda.
    It was their enemies who divided the USSR into their anti-Soviet-Russophobic States, rejected the entire centuries-old history of their country and people before they captured the USSR. And they created the System in all the republics of the USSR they captured exclusively for themselves - for their enrichment, their parasitism at the expense of others' labor, their freedom of irresponsibility and impunity.
    1. +1
      28 September 2024 11: 26
      Quote: tatra
      but also Russophile
      Quote: tatra
      but also respected the national traditions of the peoples of the USSR
      Quote: tatra
      and were very careful about the history of their country before the October Revolution
      No, or rather, not right away.
  7. man
    28 September 2024 09: 07
    Modern globalist technocrats have taken many ideas from Marx's communism. They, like Marxists, are also materialists, rationalists, supporters of the "scientific approach" and the primacy of economics over politics (Lenin wrote - "politics cannot but have primacy over economics").
    But then it turns out that Lenin was not a Marxist smile request
  8. +1
    28 September 2024 09: 13
    Technodictatorship and technopoly: what the future holds for us

    Complete usurpation of power by small groups of people, for whom the “lower classes” of the population will work.
    And this:
    In a technocratic dictatorship, the existence of a large "lower class" is not required, since widespread automation and robotization of production will lead to the working class as such ceasing to exist. People will be replaced by robots - experts are already saying that robotization and automation will lead to the disappearance of certain professions. On the contrary, in this scenario, the existence of a large "lower class" will be a problem, and it will be solved by far from humane methods - wars, epidemics, etc.

    Comparable to the theory of building socialism in a single country...
    1. +1
      28 September 2024 10: 24
      Quote: ROSS 42
      ... experts are already saying that robotization and automation will lead to the disappearance of certain professions. On the contrary, in this scenario, the existence of a large "lower class" will be a problem...

      If a!
      If the World continues to adhere to the Biblical concept of building an unjust World, where man is a wolf to man.

      There is no need to be afraid of robotization.
      The problem of "extra people" is far-fetched. As an example. When the "iron horse" (tractor) appeared, which replaced the peasant horse, it led to a reduction in the rural population, which was in demand elsewhere - factories, plants, cities, construction sites... etc.

      With robotization, production output increases, sometimes several times over. This output must be backed by money supply. The question is how to distribute this money supply. You can endlessly increase the zeros on the bank account of individual "individuals" and then a problem with "extra people" really arises, or you can direct the money supply to people: reduce the retirement age, send women who have two or more children to support into retirement regardless of age, reduce the working day to 4 hours... etc.

      The lower class is the one who produces the product, and the upper class is the one who only consumes it?
      1. +6
        28 September 2024 11: 17
        Quote: Boris55
        With robotization, production output increases, sometimes several times over.

        This is only useful under socialism, under people's power. This is how the reduction of the worker's working day and his release for self-improvement and raising children should have taken place.
        Under capitalism, the liberated workforce will be thrown out onto the street. No one is going to support this mass or train it.
        1. 0
          28 September 2024 11: 38
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Under capitalism, the released labor force will be thrown out onto the street

          I agree. This is exactly what is happening. Therefore, it is necessary to change the concept from unfair to fair.

          Quote: ROSS 42
          Nobody is going to support this mass or train it.

          The greatest secret of all bourgeois is knowledge, knowledge of management. It is this that allows them to appoint exorbitant salaries for themselves. So that people do not think about life, they are forced to work from morning till night, so that their only thought is only about their daily bread...

          By the way, Stalin planned to reduce the working day to 6 hours. The freed time was supposed to be spent on family and self-education.
  9. +1
    28 September 2024 11: 12
    Victor, by publishing this article, you are becoming like the idealist philosophers of the past, who believed that when a thing is not named, it does not exist. But it is also a thing - the history of public petty-bourgeois socio-economic structures, cooperatives and corporations. Self-governing, self-regulating and self-developing enterprises and organizations of the educated and skilled working population - corporate owners. These structures are the direct heirs of the ancient "demes" of self-governing territorial communities that formed the foundation of the Kleisthenophian Athenian democracy. The difference between them and modern structures is only in one thing: instead of slaves, they exploit machines, mechanisms and software for cybernetic devices. And in your deterministic, hopeless dualism of "either a social state or an oligarchy", a third subject of Public power appears - the petty-bourgeois producing middle class of small and medium-sized collective owners-townspeople and rural owners. Do you really think that oligarchies or "national" states is it possible to destroy the NATURAL desire of people for their own management and cooperation? And the ETERNAL HISTORICAL STRUGGLE between the aristocracy, oligarchy, "horsemen" and "zeugites" will be stopped? Personally, I do not think so. Since, in my opinion, humanity will develop not along the path of the imposed dualism "oligarchy - state", but along the INTEGRAL direction "thesis - antithesis - synthesis". And the future of national states, in my opinion, COMPLETELY depends on their transformation into public - state power. Where the above-mentioned self-governing, self-regulating and self-developing structures of public power will be built in and integrated into district, city, regional and state power, on the rights of corporate OWNERS of production, engineering, infrastructure and agricultural enterprises and organizations. And technologies, bureaucracy and ideology will only SERVING the goals and interests of the political-economic structures of collective owners. In general, in our world, it is impossible to "determine" everything, since God, at a minimum, loves the TRINITY).

    P.S. The general is higher than the specific. No.
    Is the particular higher than the general? Also no.
    1. +2
      28 September 2024 12: 18
      instead of slaves they exploit machines, mechanisms and software of cybernetic devices

      No, they still exploit slaves. Who service and create machines, mechanisms and software for cybernetic devices...
      1. +2
        28 September 2024 12: 19
        This means that this is no longer democracy.
  10. +3
    28 September 2024 12: 07
    Let's start with the positive - and the positive is the very fact of the author's desire to comprehend the global problems of our time and determine the vector of development of the future. The author asks questions and thinks, and this in itself is wonderful. Such authors should be loved and appreciated.
    Now about the negative - the author in vain in assessing the possibilities of development of the capitalist future constantly writes about communism. Firstly, it has nothing to do with globalism, and secondly, the author is mistaken in its interpretation both theoretically and (which is strange since the author probably lived in the USSR) practically. The idea that communism is a technocratic utopia of a mechanistic state seems to be copied from Western propaganda of the 50-70s and Hollywood films. In reality, communism is the embodiment of dialectical change, it is always unequal to itself and contradictory - this follows from the very essence of the doctrine. It strives for the disappearance (at the first stage of radical transformation) of the state, "a leap from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom", its essence is liberation from the power of the economy, or as B. Groys elegantly put it, "The communist revolution is the transfer of society from the medium of money to the medium of language."
    Well, in a practical sense, this was known to every Soviet citizen: Soviet socialism was controlled with the help of words, decrees, party ideology, one way or another understood by its bearers, and not at all with the help of economics and some impersonal forces.
    As for globalism itself, it is a very complex and voluminous topic, connected both with the awareness of the finiteness and exhaustion of the earth’s resources (which means the end of classical capitalism) and with the improvement of techniques for managing (manipulating) consciousness.
    Here we need to take a long time and carefully examine the issue, separating political nicknames (democracy, dictatorship) from technological processes, and from economic interests and issues of dominance over property.
    To put it very briefly and roughly, what currently dominates is what the author calls a left-liberal dictatorship (although there are several very different sub-variants).
    By the way, in the context of the topic, we can advise the author to think about two processes that humanity is facing - editing the human genome and implantation of various invasive devices into the human body.
    1. +1
      30 September 2024 10: 54
      You, as always, understand the topic deeper than the author of the article.
      The development of technology itself is an unpredictable process. Now it is spontaneous and chaotic, not directed by anyone, aimless (or rather aimed at immediate benefit).
      And in general, technology, like any tool, is an extension of the will of the one who holds it in his hands.
  11. +3
    28 September 2024 14: 51
    .the widespread automation and robotization of production will lead to the working class as such ceasing to exist

    Author, eh author. Have you ever seen production? Have you ever been in the workshop?
  12. +1
    28 September 2024 15: 33
    "In a technocratic dictatorship, the presence of a large "lower class" is not required, since the widespread automation and robotization of production will lead to the working class as such ceasing to exist." - there can be no technocracy, just as there can be no "universal automation and robotization", since this "system" is possible only in an absolutely stable environment. In unstable environments, which have been, are and will be throughout human history, these "technological systems" are not capable of functioning. Therefore, if you want to think about the future - think about survival in a primitive form.
  13. +2
    28 September 2024 20: 52
    I don't know what you were smoking there, author. But it's better not to smoke that stuff anymore. To classify typical rightists as leftists and in general this whole stream of consciousness regarding the USSR is a really heavy hallucinogenic.
  14. 0
    29 September 2024 05: 27
    Only socialism and Soviet power will save this world.
    In relation to Russia, we need to start with the abolition of private ownership of land. Of course, not under this government.
  15. 0
    29 September 2024 12: 42
    The human being is essentially technocrat.

    Go to any museum. History is presented there in detail. The history of different species of animals is described by comparing their bones. The history of the human species is characterized by the possibilities of production, expressed in the objects created. Created by human labor.

    An animal's consumption item is something that exists in nature in a ready-made form. A human consumption item is something that is created in social production.

    With the transition from herd existence to social-production interaction, the biological needs of animals were supplemented by needs generated by social production. In contrast to the biological needs of animals, the main human need that distinguishes them from animals became joint production activity.

    The need for joint activity exists even when each individual producer opposes another alien activity that is competitive with him. And in this case he still produces together with others, since he ensures joint existence in society, outside of which the human individual cannot arise and exist in human quality.

    Man himself, through his social production, creates his own special man-made natural habitat with its special subject diversity. In the human habitat there is specific industrial metabolism with the surrounding natural environment.

    The evolution of a natural biological organism with the emergence of tool use gave rise to a new form of life with a new metabolism and a new direction of evolutionary development, called human existence.

    The developing possibilities of production increase the diversity of human needs. The development of production activity leads to the complication of social communications and to the complication of the social-production organism itself. By producing the surrounding objective environment, a person produces the conditions of his life, and his new needs, and himself as a person, and his social human relations.

    Soon this still biological natural being will be able to free itself from the slavery of its biological body and build its organism from any substance most suitable for achieving the set goal. For example, for mastering the macro and microcosm.

    The term "homo sapiens" (reasonable man), introduced in the 18th century to designate one of the biological species of humanoid animals, wrong.

    The social organism, of course, still uses biological objects as carriers of social creation and human reason. Human thinking is still provided by the work of the animal brain. But the human mind is not a product of biological evolution. The human mind is a product of the evolution of social production, a product of the social-productive organism. The functional development of social consciousness and human reason (as the general in the particular) occurs beyond the space of the functional development of biological species of living nature.
    Soon, a human being will be able to free himself from the slavery of his biological body and build his organism from any substance most suitable for achieving the set goal. For example, for mastering the macro and microcosm.

    Producing a form of life different from that of the animal world, its technogenic space and the time necessary for it, in the future man will inevitably separate from the unreliable body of the beast, provided by nature for the short life of its cells, and will spread his virtual existence outside of time and space to the entire universe and use it to master the macro and microcosm.

    If we consider the communist theory of Marxism as a real history of the development of a social-production organism, then the inevitability of the transition from capitalist to communist socio-economic relations in the course of technological production development becomes obvious. To the organization of production in the entire country, as in one factory, with a single collective owner of this factory, belonging to all citizens of the country equally.

    According to the law discovered by Marx, production relations concerning the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of produced material goods must correspond to the form of development of productive forces. Unity of production organization (as in one factory) requires unity of the management system. Common ownership of the means of production requires public control and public agreement on the goals of production and the order of distribution of public goods. As in a community.

    All the fears expressed in the article about the "technodictatorship" and "technopoly" are generated by the organization of private capitalist production (as one wishes), in which the owners of the means of production are concerned only with ensuring their own private well-being. All other people for them are only a means of ensuring their well-being and dominant position, in which state law, expressed in laws, is the will of the ruling class.
  16. +1
    29 September 2024 17: 25
    The problem of humanity's movement toward a technocratic dictatorship must be considered in the spectrum of all theoretically possible paths of its development. Only then will it become clear that this "nightmare" is connected with a more or less conscious choice from other alternatives.
    For me, approaches to the development of humanity are divided into two fundamentally different directions.
    They can be conditionally called “closed” and “open”.
    1. The “closed” direction is a product of capitalism and does not imply moral and social improvement of man and society. Only the limitations in which they are located are improved, while the protection of man and society from their imperfection falls on a specially created habitat.
    The legal mechanisms and enforcement apparatus of this environment are developing with the use of science and technology. Chips implanted in the brain, neural networks predicting human reactions, systems for creating illusions, etc. are appearing. This can have its effect, but within the framework of old tasks.
    Such an environment still requires a master who benefits from his position and exploits the people under his control. After all, man and society remain imperfect.
    A person locked in such a digital concentration camp alone with his own imperfection and the imperfection of those around him will experience even greater torment because he will be deprived of even an “outlet” in the form of hope and a “bright” perspective. This is a dead end for the development of man and humanity.
    Such a society will have no future and will quickly die out or degenerate.
    2. “Open” – is associated with the development of the socialist approach as an intermediate stage of development of man and society on the path to a just society on the planet.
    Socialism develops and educates a new free man, who does not need technical and legal restrictions because each person makes his decisions based on the interests of the whole society. The problem of the imperfection of man and society is solved by their development.
    This is an evolutionary and historical process, in which the gradual education of society and man is carried out, with the replacement of legal restrictions with moral and ethical ones. In such a society, a system of control over its members is also necessary, which can be digital. Any system of education of man and society, including the school we are accustomed to, contains control functions.
    It’s all about what kind of society this control serves, in whose hands it is and for what purpose.
    In socialism, society itself controls itself – the entire people, who set themselves tasks for the sake of their development.
  17. 0
    30 September 2024 12: 58
    Dear Victor Biryukov, he wants us all to "open our eyes" to the "truth of life" that awaits our children and grandchildren.... That is, the whole world and we, together with it, are "moving" into Orwell's "1984" or into "Animal Farm"..... As the ancients said: the point of view depends on the point of sitting.... Nothing more... "Sitting" in state-oligarchic capitalism, in the stage of its strengthening and development, will lead Russia to Orwell's "times", together with the remnants (possibly) of Europe and overseas territories... And, an attempt to keep a "good face" under capitalism, in Russia, using even a "Gagarin smile" and "soul-stirring" calls for patriotism, the Russian world, the historical destiny of Russia - all these are words, words and words that are only for a part of the population, and the rest are busy with banal survival in the "environment" of constant growth in prices for everything and everyone, omnipotence and the lawlessness of bureaucracy and the total thievery and crookedness of its "best part", the decline in the quality of education, upbringing and the complete facelessness of culture... The development of science and technology is only good when it is good for the whole society and not for a select group... And the good of the WHOLE society, under capitalism, is the "horizon line" that you will never approach (social - optical illusion)... The conclusions, according to Viktor Biryukov, are terrible, by definition... This means that the Government must decide radically, so as not to "fall" into Orwellian "times", so vividly presented by Viktor Biryukov....
  18. 0
    1 October 2024 10: 37
    The word LEFT-liberal amuses me. Because I want to ask what's on the right? Probably the author is on the right. The only thing that liberals and communists have in common is progress, archaism is not close to them. The best option is technocracy (communism), the worst is fascism, conservatism, solidarity and other so-called "patriotism".