Kedmi spoke about how Russia could win a hypothetical nuclear war with the US

Kedmi spoke about how Russia could win a hypothetical nuclear war with the US

According to many political scientists and analysts, the geopolitical situation today is such that the probability of a nuclear conflict is higher today than during the Cold War. At the same time, the opposing sides are trying in every way to avoid such a scenario, since there will most likely be no winner in such a war.

However, in theory, there are still options to gain the upper hand in a nuclear confrontation. Thus, the former head of the Israeli secret service, Yakov Kedmi, in his recent interview spoke about how the winner in a nuclear war would be determined. What is noteworthy is that he only considered the strategy of ensuring victory for the Russian Federation.

According to the expert, if Russia and the US enter into such a confrontation, neither side will strike at decision-making centers, as it is useless. The Russian Federation has a Perimeter system that will automatically launch missiles at specified targets even in the event of the destruction of the military-political leadership. The Americans, according to Kedmi, also have a similar system.

Therefore, as the former head of the Nativ special service put it, the emphasis will be on a preemptive strike against strategic nuclear facilities so that the enemy cannot launch a retaliatory strike.

According to the expert, the main target for Russia in the US is 480 land-based strategic nuclear missile silos, 5 percent of which are on constant combat alert. In addition, it will be necessary to quickly sink 12 Ohio-class submarines of the US Navy, which, however, are under constant surveillance. Therefore, this is not an impossible task.

Finally, as Kedmi stated, the Americans will have 70 strategic bombers left. But, according to the expert, they can be destroyed last.

As the former head of the Israeli secret service put it, the B-52 is a "heavenly slow-moving aircraft." By the time it flies to the scene and launches its missiles, Russian MiG-31s ​​will certainly have time to intercept it.
81 comment
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  1. Msi
    26 September 2024 10: 46
    Well, Kedmi, everything is simple for him. He would do better to sit and keep quiet, and worry about his Israel. He's still egging us on. The situation is unstable as it is...
    1. +6
      26 September 2024 10: 57
      Well, Kedmi, everything is simple for him. He'd better sit and keep quiet.
      How will this chatterbox make a living then?
      1. Msi
        26 September 2024 10: 59
        How will this chatterbox make a living then?

        It depends on where he lives now. If we did, we would have enough different jobs, but in Israel I don't know how things are with work.
        1. +1
          26 September 2024 12: 13
          Quote from Msi
          ...he is currently living If we had

          It doesn't sound Russian at all, does it? Well, I'll tell you that it does. Yes
          And in your first comment you should write "and so". hi
          1. Msi
            26 September 2024 12: 33
            Somehow it doesn't sound Russian at all, no

            Sounds normal.
            And in your first comment you should write "and so".

            Thank you for the educational program...
            1. 0
              26 September 2024 12: 59
              Quote from Msi
              Thank you for the educational program...

              I beg you to keep me healthy! wink
    2. +1
      26 September 2024 11: 23
      Quote from Msi
      Well, Kedmi, everything is simple for him.

      yes, that's true, there's just no 100% probability in such things, and the percentages that fall out of the plan will come out in a decent number of missiles, of course some will be shot down by our air defense, but they will still arrive, and the weather forecast is a disaster
    3. -4
      26 September 2024 11: 32
      Today, 10: 46
      [/i]Well, Kedmi, everything is simple for him. He would do better to sit and keep quiet, and worry about his Israel. He's still egging us on. The situation is unstable as it is[i]...

      And did you say anything about Israel's forecasts for the next five years?
      Yasha fled from the Kibbutz, as the army and the front threatened Bibi.
      He's going to shoot everyone live on air, go to Elon Musk as a consultant, make a lot of money, that's it.
  2. +6
    26 September 2024 10: 47
    Oh how...! Easy and simple... lol ... Expert mlyn No.
  3. +12
    26 September 2024 10: 48
    This provocateur has crawled out from under the broom again negative
  4. +6
    26 September 2024 10: 53
    Well, look, we'll soon see Yasha again at Solovyov's. In the meantime, we'll allow reposts of his statements at Waldman's.
    And how is our E. Satanovsky doing after being banished from the air? Is his Institute of the Middle East still alive or has it moved to the Far East?
    1. -2
      26 September 2024 11: 21
      Quote: Saburov_Alexander53
      Well, look, we'll soon see Yasha again at Solovyov's.

      The two tankers have something to talk about. wassat And about nuclear weapons he is talking nonsense. In the US the press is discussing the budget of the Russian Federation (it has not yet been submitted to the Duma)! Who is leaking the information? The financial block of the Russian Federation? hi
      1. +1
        27 September 2024 09: 32
        In the US the press is discussing the Russian budget (it hasn't been submitted to the Duma yet)! Who is leaking the information?

        Anything can be discussed, and there are probably open positions with figures in any budget, and closed ones. So the question is, what are they discussing in the US? And what secrets can there be when the budget will be submitted for discussion to our Duma in general figures? There can be nothing secret, with such a mass discussion among four hundred deputies. And everything secret is discussed in narrow committees, with special clearance for secrecy. And even if there are traitors among this narrow group of those admitted, it is unlikely that the US will so easily expose them, bragging that they already know everything about our budget.
    2. 0
      30 September 2024 19: 42
      Why was he removed? He seemed to be a competent political scientist, when he was on air on a state radio station in 1917, I clearly remember that he warned that we would fight with Ukraine, that they would engage in nuclear blackmail, that they would take civilians hostage, blow up dams, and so on... it sounded very fantastic, However, he was removed from the air then too
      1. +1
        1 October 2024 09: 35
        Why was he removed?

        Who are you talking about, Kedmi or Satanovsky? All the media wrote about the scandal with Satanovsky because of his statements about the Foreign Ministry officials Bogdanova and Zakharova and discussed it on all the talk shows.
        They parted with Kedmi without any big scandals when he started justifying the carpet bombings in Gaza. And to all the reproaches against him that more children and civilians were dying there than terrorist fighters, he had one answer: - They were given time and a warning to leave the areas in Gaza, and if they did not obey, let them blame themselves... Then they began to give him examples of strikes on columns of refugees from Gaza, i.e. on those who obeyed and left their homes... But Yasha had an answer ready for this too: - Militants were hiding among the refugees, eluding the blows of retaliation. And if the civilians did not drive them away from themselves, then let them get it along with them...
        This is what he is like, Yasha Kedmi! He advised us to act the same way in Ukraine, and to grind cities and their inhabitants into dust if they do not want to leave.
  5. +1
    26 September 2024 10: 53
    He knows everything..)) And where they will hit and where they shouldn’t.)) Now the eloquence of the “experts” will increase many times over after the meeting of our Security Council.
  6. +5
    26 September 2024 10: 54
    The ICBM silos are a slow-moving target, but the rest are a problem. At the X hour they will easily disappear into the vastness of the air and sea oceans. Why doesn't Kedmi say anything about Israel - there is one problem with them, it is difficult to hit, but if you hit them? They will look for Moses again. laughing drinks What nonsense I read.
    1. ada
      26 September 2024 12: 10
      Quote: tralflot1832
      ICBM silos are a low-mobility target...

      I would say that it is generally very difficult to move. laughing
      The promised land will have to be targeted somehow and with something anyway, since they are 100% involved in planning the preparation and implementation of a comprehensive nuclear attack on our US Armed Forces facilities.
  7. +8
    26 September 2024 10: 56
    Well, since Kedmi said it's nothing to worry about, then get out your nuclear loaves, we'll drown Ohio like kittens in a bucket. At the same time, we'll throw a couple to him back home, so that he won't teach the hohols any more and won't fool around with pagers.
    1. 0
      29 September 2024 18: 57
      He also forgot about Poseidon, when we blow the whole world to smithereens, no B52 will help!
      We will knock down the B52 like sunflower seeds, but he forgot to write that the planes do not have to enter the airspace and a collision with the MIG 31 is unlikely!
  8. +3
    26 September 2024 10: 56
    The US Navy's 12 Ohio-class submarines, which are, however, under constant surveillance. So it's not an impossible task.

    Oh yeah) You can immediately see the "expert" from Solovyov's show. It's good that he hasn't sunk them off the US coast yet. laughing
    1. 0
      29 September 2024 19: 09
      I wonder what he's going to sink them with? Probably fishing with a rod. We don't have a large ocean fleet. There are no large anti-submarine ships or helicopter carriers, there are practically no destroyers left. Tracking them down with a submarine is quite a task, and their SSBNs also have protection.
  9. +2
    26 September 2024 10: 56
    Isn't he a planted Cossack? (I wonder why he changed his last name from Kazakov to Kedmi?) . . . winked
  10. +1
    26 September 2024 10: 59
    Kedmi made every effort to ensure that the SVO took place, he is a classic arsonist, I do not know what his interests are, but the fact that he made every effort for this war is not even discussed. Now he says that the Russian Federation can win in a nuclear war, this is all very much for a reason, someone apparently dreams of a new Israel in the territories that will remain after.
  11. +2
    26 September 2024 11: 03
    I read an analysis somewhere, in short, in a nuclear confrontation we have more chances. True, it wasn't Russia there, but the USSR, but still. If I remember correctly, the idea there is that the larger the country's territory, the greater its chances of survival. Plus, the US has oceans on both sides and an active supervolcano practically in the center. There was also a funny fact there, even if we launch all our warheads there, we won't cover the entire country. This is because many people think that there will be a nuclear fire across the entire continent. It was a funny article, I tried to find it but couldn't find it later.
    1. +2
      26 September 2024 11: 29
      Quote: KukuRuzvelt
      The larger the territory of a country, the greater its chances of survival.

      these are the bourgeois plans for a nuclear war with the USSR, they have been building them since the creation of the atomic bomb, there is also analytics
    2. +4
      26 September 2024 11: 31
      It wasn't Russia there, but the USSR, but still

      You read the wrong analysis. In the USSR, the population density was higher because there were very few people beyond the Urals. In 1978, before the cuts, the breakdown was 110 million for them, 130 million for us. This is not from the first strike, but for the entire third world war. And the slaughter was not started for a simple reason - in this case, the USA would lose Europe up to the Bay of Biscay. They started from the GDR to the FRG and Greece. An exchange of blows is not the end of the war, but only the beginning. At least that's what they "taught" us in military school.
    3. 0
      26 September 2024 11: 48
      I also read variations. In our country, Western Siberia is considered the safest in case of a BP.
    4. 0
      29 September 2024 19: 04
      In order to win a nuclear war, we must first put civil defense in order and create strategic reserves of resources. Is our civil defense in order? How many bomb shelters are functioning? What anti-radiation measures have been prepared? Who knows?
  12. +7
    26 September 2024 11: 05
    A hack analysis. It has long been established that in the concept of a retaliatory strike there is no need to hit the mines.
    1. +1
      26 September 2024 11: 19
      Yes, this is an analysis at the level of a schoolchild... In reality, there are so many variable factors.
    2. 0
      26 September 2024 11: 29
      Quote: kosmozoo
      A hack analysis. It has long been established that in the concept of a retaliatory strike there is no need to hit the mines.

      ) Why?
      1. Aag
        26 September 2024 14: 01
        Quote: poquello
        Quote: kosmozoo
        A hack analysis. It has long been established that in the concept of a retaliatory strike there is no need to hit the mines.

        ) Why?

        What's the point of destroying empty mines?
        1. -1
          26 September 2024 16: 42
          Quote: AAG
          Quote: poquello
          Quote: kosmozoo
          A hack analysis. It has long been established that in the concept of a retaliatory strike there is no need to hit the mines.

          ) Why?

          What's the point of destroying empty mines?

          depending on what, they may not start
          1. Aag
            26 September 2024 17: 51
            Quote: poquello
            Quote: AAG
            Quote: poquello
            Quote: kosmozoo
            A hack analysis. It has long been established that in the concept of a retaliatory strike there is no need to hit the mines.

            ) Why?

            What's the point of destroying empty mines?

            depending on what, they may not start

            Somehow you're not doing so well: neither with the Russian language (grammar), nor with logic...
            Regarding the Russian language, let others worry about it. Regarding logic: I don't want to justify the actions (actions or inactions) of Shoigu, but I have to admit - the renewal of the Strategic Missile Forces is significant... I don't justify the criminal omissions in... other types, branches of the RF Armed Forces, their structures! But, in the Strategic Missile Forces, - in technical terms, (performance characteristics, changes in organizational structures are not available to me, thank God!)... Externally: - yeah, - again training, Education of personnel under the pump... "Money is our everything!!! "...
            1. +1
              26 September 2024 18: 23
              Quote: AAG
              Quote: poquello
              Quote: AAG
              Quote: poquello
              Quote: kosmozoo
              A hack analysis. It has long been established that in the concept of a retaliatory strike there is no need to hit the mines.

              ) Why?

              What's the point of destroying empty mines?

              depending on what, they may not start

              Somehow you're not doing so well: neither with the Russian language (grammar), nor with logic...
              Regarding the Russian language, let others worry about it. Regarding logic: I don't want to justify the actions (actions or inactions) of Shoigu, but I have to admit - the renewal of the Strategic Missile Forces is significant... I don't justify the criminal omissions in... other types, branches of the RF Armed Forces, their structures! But, in the Strategic Missile Forces, - in technical terms, (performance characteristics, changes in organizational structures are not available to me, thank God!)... Externally: - yeah, - again training, Education of personnel under the pump... "Money is our everything!!! "...

              Somehow you have an overflow of shit, but in essence there is nothing, take a breath and continue in a more specific way
              1. Aag
                26 September 2024 19: 13
                Quote: poquello
                Quote: AAG
                Quote: poquello
                Quote: AAG
                Quote: poquello
                Quote: kosmozoo
                A hack analysis. It has long been established that in the concept of a retaliatory strike there is no need to hit the mines.

                ) Why?

                What's the point of destroying empty mines?

                depending on what, they may not start

                Somehow you're not doing so well: neither with the Russian language (grammar), nor with logic...
                Regarding the Russian language, let others worry about it. Regarding logic: I don't want to justify the actions (actions or inactions) of Shoigu, but I have to admit - the renewal of the Strategic Missile Forces is significant... I don't justify the criminal omissions in... other types, branches of the RF Armed Forces, their structures! But, in the Strategic Missile Forces, - in technical terms, (performance characteristics, changes in organizational structures are not available to me, thank God!)... Externally: - yeah, - again training, Education of personnel under the pump... "Money is our everything!!! "...

                Somehow you have an overflow of shit, but in essence there is nothing, take a breath and continue in a more specific way

                What specifics are you interested in?
                It seems I wrote it, so there’s no need to say more: there are a lot of reasons.
                Please explain the reason for your indignation.
                I have expressed my ambiguous opinion on what is happening more than once. It is clear that you are not obliged to either share my point of view or refute it, it is your choice (for now!). Why "for now"? Because Solovyov (and the Russian media are given to similar characters) is broadcasting something different from the aspirations of the People. Don't you think so?
                Now, excuse me, back to the beginning... Yeah, - 35 years have passed since I was in the reserve... (By the way, - By this time, you either hadn’t learned Russian, or you began to neglect its rules...)))).
                1. 0
                  26 September 2024 22: 02
                  Quote: AAG
                  Solovyov (and the Russian media are given to similar characters) broadcasts something somewhat different, different from the aspirations of the People. Don't you think?

                  I haven't watched it for several months now, so I can't judge
                  Quote: AAG
                  By this time, you either haven’t learned Russian, or

                  all three at once, this is not a dictation), but if you are going to point out the plucks - point out where it took place
              2. Aag
                26 September 2024 19: 27
                Quote: poquello
                Quote: AAG
                Quote: poquello
                Quote: AAG
                Quote: poquello
                Quote: kosmozoo
                A hack analysis. It has long been established that in the concept of a retaliatory strike there is no need to hit the mines.

                ) Why?

                What's the point of destroying empty mines?

                depending on what, they may not start

                Somehow you're not doing so well: neither with the Russian language (grammar), nor with logic...
                Regarding the Russian language, let others worry about it. Regarding logic: I don't want to justify the actions (actions or inactions) of Shoigu, but I have to admit - the renewal of the Strategic Missile Forces is significant... I don't justify the criminal omissions in... other types, branches of the RF Armed Forces, their structures! But, in the Strategic Missile Forces, - in technical terms, (performance characteristics, changes in organizational structures are not available to me, thank God!)... Externally: - yeah, - again training, Education of personnel under the pump... "Money is our everything!!! "...

                Somehow you have an overflow of shit, but in essence there is nothing, take a breath and continue in a more specific way

                In continuation of my previous message... In response to your post... - I hope - almost all ICBMs on combat duty will be launched... Well, just knowing the System... It is very rigid... People have changed.. Let them not be offended, - but not for the better... (the children of my fellow soldiers sometimes serve; the division headquarters - can be seen from the window.
                ... Alas, I am witnessing degradation...
                But! For the first, retaliatory (or, - preemptive strike, - I think, - the USSR has enough forces, resources, reserve reserves!).
                I didn't want to conflict with you in any way!
                I just wanted mutual understanding... feel
                1. 0
                  26 September 2024 22: 07
                  Quote: AAG
                  Almost all ICBMs in the BD will be launched

                  eh, I didn't mean ours, and hypersonic strikes from the Venezuelan region, for example, will catch the moment of launch
                  1. Aag
                    26 September 2024 22: 19
                    Quote: poquello
                    Quote: AAG
                    Almost all ICBMs in the BD will be launched

                    eh, I didn't mean ours, and hypersonic strikes from the Venezuelan region, for example, will catch the moment of launch

                    The launch will be detected. Well, - they could do that in the USSR... It doesn't matter, - hyper-, not hyper, - we've reached the stratosphere, - That's it! - notification, trajectory calculation, - AIR DEFENSE - FORWARD! : MiG-31 pilots sweating from duty in the cockpits, - Forward! (people closer to the topic, - please correct me! - but, we, the Strategic Missile Forces, were painted such a picture in the eighties...
                  2. Aag
                    26 September 2024 22: 32
                    Quote: poquello
                    Quote: AAG
                    Almost all ICBMs in the BD will be launched

                    eh, I didn't mean ours, and hypersonic strikes from the Venezuelan region, for example, will catch the moment of launch

                    With the new statements of the Supreme Command, the upcoming changes in the Doctrine, I will not sign anything!
                    I can guess... In general, - nothing good... In detail, - please, - not today,))) - it's high time to sleep... hi
  13. 0
    26 September 2024 11: 07
    Kedmi spoke about how Russia could win a hypothetical nuclear war with the US

    It cannot be said that Kedmi does not have interesting ideas on pressing Russian problems. But I cannot admit that he is right. Everything is too superficial and smooth.
    And about Israel's problems - in passing and evasively.
    And he did not serve in the Russian Strategic Missile Forces (or the US as well) to make assumptions about the launching of strikes by strategic nuclear forces.
  14. -2
    26 September 2024 11: 08
    Russian ICBMs are not even aimed at American Minuteman silos.
    It's useless. The Yars have powerful warheads for air detonation. These are destroyers of several naval and air military bases and a dozen million-plus cities.
    The weapon of deterrence.
    1. +1
      26 September 2024 11: 14
      Oh, you know everything, and you've been everywhere))! Now you know EVERYTHING about Russian ICBMs))! As always, though!
      voyaka uh
      Today, 11: 08
      Russian ICBMs are not even aimed at American Minuteman silos.
    2. +1
      26 September 2024 11: 33
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Russian ICBMs are not even aimed at American Minuteman silos.
      It's useless.

      ) You are just Captain Obvious, but you missed the demonstration of the destruction of bunkers on the SVO, naturally not with the Yars
    3. Aag
      26 September 2024 15: 55
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Russian ICBMs are not even aimed at American Minuteman silos.
      It's useless. The Yars have powerful warheads for air detonation. These are destroyers of several naval and air military bases and a dozen million-plus cities.
      The weapon of deterrence.

      "Where did you get the firewood?" (C).
      No, what you have stated is logically correct. But where does such confidence come from?
      Do you know how many flight missions are recorded in the on-board digital computer complex... This is what is already in the memory of the "flying away" carrier? And there is also the ground-based digital computer complex (GDC), which is what remains on the ground of the launcher (in the case of the PGRK (mobile ground missile system, of those available, according to official Russian media, are Topol-M and Yarus), on the OS (of a separate launch), which is silo-based, - there are even more possibilities...
      How long does it take to select a Goal from those previously entered into the BCVC, NCVC, do you know? And how much time is needed to enter new ones?
      I don't know the answers to some questions, and I won't voice the answers to others even after the non-disclosure agreement expires... I can say one thing: even when E.B.N. stated that Russian ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) were on duty with zero PZ (flight missions), - technically, organizationally, - everything was like that!... Only in seconds, fractions of seconds (hardware-wise) - everything returned to working "algorithms"! feel
      But in terms of selecting targets for a nuclear missile strike, I find it difficult to answer /at present/...Previously, each level of command had its own powers... (I won’t go into detail...).
      Sorry for the "extensive" comment (it seems that you speak Russian quite well...), explanations in brackets - for the broad masses of the people - without any offense; when "experts" talk - I also don't always understand - is this "Obzor" or a highly specialized forum).
      So! I heard that in the US Strategic Missile Forces there is no clear division in crew training, - they say, - we are really working, or, - it's just training (and their crew numbers are separated by bulletproof glass). We have a different... mentality, - until the "Bull's eye" lights up (the banner "COMBAT MODE" and "DR" (DUTY MODE) is on), - all this is training! And, by the way, - going back to the beginning, - the majority of these trainings are aimed, IMHO, at "maneuvering" forces and means, - eliminating irrelevant targets, introducing the most dangerous ones...
      He didn't reveal any secrets, he didn't disturb any state secrets - everything is in the public domain... (I'm amazed myself) belay - and why did they give us such a hard time for this?! - /they did the right thing...under the USSR!/).
    4. 0
      29 September 2024 19: 12
      What are you worrying about? Just hit it with Poseidon and that's it! Academician Sakharov also suggested using a high-power nuclear torpedo!
  15. -2
    26 September 2024 11: 14
    quickly sink 12 Ohio-class submarines of the US Navy, which, however, are under constant surveillance. Therefore, this is not an impossible task.

    : ((
  16. -2
    26 September 2024 11: 17
    For some reason, the respected expert completely "forgot" about land and sea surface carriers of cruise missiles. By the way, one destroyer of the Arleigh Burke type has about 40 launchers.
  17. -5
    26 September 2024 11: 39
    Kedmi, well, those shekels of this nonsense are not worth it, of course we will win, of course we will go to heaven((
  18. -4
    26 September 2024 11: 42
    Putin will never press the button.
    1. -1
      26 September 2024 17: 39
      Quote: Alexey Sommer
      Putin will never press the button.

      What does Putin have to do with it!? The "buttons" are actually pressed by the military - the DS commander.
      Supreme - makes the decision to use strategic nuclear forces.
      Elbrus/Cheget - generally on the "communication" line, not on the ICBM. And they are responsible for bringing the SBP combat equipment of the carriers to combat readiness (removing the KB from the carrots).
      1. Aag
        27 September 2024 18: 03
        Quote: BoA KAA
        Quote: Alexey Sommer
        Putin will never press the button.

        What does Putin have to do with it!? The "buttons" are actually pressed by the military - the DS commander.
        Supreme - makes the decision to use strategic nuclear forces.
        Elbrus/Cheget - generally on the "communication" line, not on the ICBM. And they are responsible for bringing the SBP combat equipment of the carriers to combat readiness (removing the KB from the carrots).

        Are you familiar with the Strategic Missile Forces command system?! I served there for quite some time... To understand, - everything below my command level, (my headache, sleepless nights,
  19. +2
    26 September 2024 11: 42
    The idea of ​​a possible nuclear war is slowly unraveling. Someone decided to thin out the population of humanity and change the government for this purpose. But people, especially literate ones, interfere.
    1. 0
      29 September 2024 19: 10
      It's all the Freemasons' fault!
  20. +1
    26 September 2024 11: 47
    Win a nuclear war, are you sure?
    Where are the syringes with haloperidol?
  21. 0
    26 September 2024 11: 53
    They told us about this at school during NVP. In my opinion, his "knowledge" comes from there too.
  22. 0
    26 September 2024 11: 55
    Mr. Kedmi, in words you are Leo Tolstoy, but...
  23. +2
    26 September 2024 12: 46
    I don't know about the US, but in Russia, since the 90s, the population has done everything to quickly destroy itself in the event of a nuclear attack. The people have made large cities overpopulated, moving even purely rural production closer to the center. As a result, there will be enough minimum means for the death of 90 percent of the population.
  24. +4
    26 September 2024 12: 51
    However, we must also understand that in a real nuclear war between the US and Russia, the winner would be the one who does not participate in it - China, since its two main competitors in the military and economic spheres would drop out of the race at the same time. winked
    1. 0
      26 September 2024 13: 13
      However, we must also understand that in a real nuclear war between the US and Russia, the winner would be the one who does not participate in it - China, since its two main competitors in the military and economic spheres would drop out of the race at the same time.
      It makes sense, but you forgot about India. It is enough to recall the sale of a large batch of MBTs against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis.request
      1. +1
        29 September 2024 16: 25
        Quote: oppozite28
        However, we must also understand that in a real nuclear war between the US and Russia, the winner would be the one who does not participate in it - China, since its two main competitors in the military and economic spheres would drop out of the race at the same time.
        It makes sense, but you forgot about India. It is enough to recall the sale of a large batch of MBTs against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis.request

        Delayed in replying. Was out of reach.
        However, I didn’t exactly forget about India, but rather didn’t mention it because it is not the force that will influence the establishment of the new world order that is currently being formed.
        India is more of a bonus, but it was not decisive, just like Europe.
        Whichever of the three "negotiating" centers of power (USA, Russia, China) wins India over to its side will undoubtedly receive more opportunities. hi
        1. +1
          29 September 2024 18: 54
          Delayed in replying. Was out of reach.
          However, I didn’t exactly forget about India, but rather didn’t mention it because it is not the force that will influence the establishment of the new world order that is currently being formed.
          India is more of a bonus, but it was not decisive, just like Europe.
          Whichever of the three "negotiating" centers of power (USA, Russia, China) wins India over to its side will undoubtedly receive more opportunities.
          Nyrobsky hi Rather, the Indian government adheres to multi-vectorism and does not lose control over the actions of partners in order to exclude negative factors in joint projects according to certain national characteristics of the Indian people and, by the way, it is not surprising that many aspects have proven themselves very well in work. For example, participation in the interstate association BRICS and maintaining relations with the United States both in the military and economic spheres despite the difficult international situation.
  25. 0
    26 September 2024 13: 05
    There will be no winners, but the Russian Federation will survive as a state!
  26. -2
    26 September 2024 13: 09
    A third force should bomb America with atomic bombs, this is a group of countries that have nuclear weapons and delivery systems. And that have a very big grudge against the USA. These countries need help so that their missiles reach and hit, but so that they are their missiles. And there can be no questions about the Russian Federation
  27. 0
    26 September 2024 13: 13
    According to the expert, if Russia and the United States enter into such a confrontation, neither side will strike at decision-making centers, as it is useless.
    Since the "decision-making centers" are London and Tel Aviv.
    Therefore, as the former head of the Nativ special service put it, the emphasis will be on a preemptive strike against strategic nuclear facilities so that the enemy cannot launch a retaliatory strike.
    I would like to see Yakov Kedmi in an army uniform and helmet, leaning on a shovel while digging a trench on the border with Lebanon in order to neutralize the threat of strikes on nuclear facilities in Israel and Iran.
    1. -1
      26 September 2024 17: 46
      Quote: oppozite28
      I would like to see Yakov Kedmi in an army uniform and helmet...

      KEDMI is actually a tanker. He fought as a captain, and was even shot down in a tank. He is a lieutenant general. Therefore, save the shovel for yourself, and KEDMI, if this happens, will definitely fight with his "brains". There is plenty of meat, brains have always been in short supply. (Learn your lessons! History) bully
      1. -1
        26 September 2024 18: 20
        He fought as a captain and was even shot down in a tank.
        He would have made an excellent taxi driver, but a bad taxi driver is one who doesn’t burn in a taxi. crying It's a pity you didn't add: he was burning in a tank, but unsuccessfully. By the way, remind me how many children from the RSFSR and the Russian Federation the department previously headed by Yakov Kedmi took to the territory of Israel?!
        So, save the shovel for yourself.
        Precisely for himself! And in what connection are you on "you"?! And the fact that Kedmi, who had previously visited the territory of the Russian Federation on numerous occasions, seemed to be praying not for the citizens of the Russian Federation, is beyond any doubt, especially indicative is the participation of Israeli instructors from the IDF (supposedly dismissed, as well as those on vacation) on the territory of Ukraine to train servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (we are not talking about the auxiliary power unit, but about the armed forces of Ukraine).
      2. -1
        26 September 2024 18: 50
        KEDMI is actually a tanker. He fought as a captain, and was even shot down in a tank. He is a lieutenant general. Therefore, save the shovel for yourself, and KEDMI, if this happens, will definitely fight with his "brains". There is plenty of meat, brains have always been in short supply. (Learn your lessons! History) bully
        Considering how beautifully the Israelis immediately flew into the so-called scam along with meat, brains and deficit, among other things, then Bibi and Kedmi would have eaten their kippahs under the light of Trump's torch winked But let's not disrupt the work of the spiral crying along which history develops feel
  28. +1
    26 September 2024 15: 26
    In order to win a nuclear missile war, we need to prepare for it in all directions. At first glance, we are doing nothing. Neither in the civil defense line, nor in testing charges, nor in protecting industry and transport... Sobyanin, however, is vigorously building the metro, he cares about Muscovites - well done
  29. 0
    26 September 2024 15: 32
    480 mines and try to find out which one has a missile and which one is a dud.

    We don't currently have a weapon that could hit 480 mines in the United States with one salvo.

    I wonder how many mines we have and how many of them are false? We have false mines, I hope?

    It won't be possible to track submarines either; they have too many boats and ships and we have too few.

    Well, airfields with B-52s can still be hit with a nuclear strike, but there aren’t that many such airfields.
  30. 0
    26 September 2024 18: 27
    The one who can win such a confrontation is the one whose only task is to destroy the enemy at any cost. To destroy or bring enemy countries to a state in which the previous state system and way of life will not be preserved.
    The one who is ready to die himself to destroy the enemy can win. Only in this case is there a chance not only to destroy the enemy, but also to stay alive. And if not, then they go to hell, we go to heaven.
  31. 0
    26 September 2024 19: 44
    Why do we always quote this rotten chatterbox? His predictions are always a shot in the dark. And his pompous and all-knowing appearance makes me sick. Solovyov created his publicity. But he missed the mark.
  32. -1
    26 September 2024 23: 32
    The goals of Russia's strategic nuclear strikes in a nuclear war depend on Russia's natural goals in that war.
    1. If Russia responds to a US/UK nuclear strike, then the task of the retaliatory strike will follow from the recognition of the fact that Russia will receive the blow dealt to it and will be thrown back in its development for a long time. Let's call it a serious, mortally dangerous, and long-term illness of the country.
    Russia's task will be, in turn, if not to destroy the USA/Great Britain, then to bring them to a similar state, so that for the longest possible time they will not have the opportunity to recover and take advantage of Russia's weakness, and not interfere with its recovery.
    2. If Russia is the first to strike with strategic nuclear weapons against the USA/Great Britain, which has not fulfilled the conditions of the Ultimatum presented to them and has not renounced a war with NATO countries and Japan, which is guaranteed to be disastrous for Russia, we see that striking the USA/Great Britain will lead to their retaliatory strike with strategic nuclear weapons, which will pursue the goals of point 1, with respect to Russia.
    The objective of Russia's first strike will obviously also be the targets specified in paragraph 1 in relation to the USA/Great Britain.
    3. Thus, no one will pursue the goals indicated by Kedmi - they devalue the sacrifices that both sides, based on the situation, have already made. The number of carriers and warheads on both sides is extremely limited.
    Naturally, Russia will not want to die in the slaughter of a war with NATO and Japan with many times superior forces.
    This means that it is necessary to force the USA/Great Britain to retreat, as the USSR did in 1962.
    1. -1
      26 September 2024 23: 57
      As for NATO countries and Japan, we will have to think about them “in the second approximation” as well.
  33. 0
    26 September 2024 23: 32
    Mr. Kedmi analysis is unreal. A nuclear war, even not with a full exchange, would rise a so large amount of ash that sun will be covered in northern emisphere with 99% of its population starving in 2 years. Nuclear war is not a possibility. Maybe the use of some tactical nukes could be considered but the negative aspects are bigger than positive ones. Who speaks in this way doesn't know the real effect of a massive nuclear exchange. Stop giving uranium to Western countries and then, when electricity will be lacking and our economies will fall, we will stop to help Ukraine. So war will finish. In the meantime could someone stop Israel? I understand self defense but we are far beyond it.
  34. 0
    27 September 2024 02: 36
    Well, here it is...our 21st century))))
    And once at school we watched "Guest from the Future" ))))
    1. 0
      27 September 2024 02: 51
      Quote: Evgeniy-Far Easterner
      And once at school we watched "Guest from the future")

      Well, now they've made a "remake".
  35. 0
    27 September 2024 07: 09
    Quote: Nyrobsky
    However, we must also understand that in a real nuclear war between the US and Russia, the winner would be the one who does not participate in it - China, since its two main competitors in the military and economic spheres would drop out of the race at the same time. winked

    It turns out that Kedmi provoked, and now has surfaced again, in the interests of China?
  36. Aag
    27 September 2024 18: 11
    Quote: AAG
    Quote: BoA KAA
    Quote: Alexey Sommer
    Putin will never press the button.

    What does Putin have to do with it!? The "buttons" are actually pressed by the military - the DS commander.
    Supreme - makes the decision to use strategic nuclear forces.
    Elbrus/Cheget - generally on the "communication" line, not on the ICBM. And they are responsible for bringing the SBP combat equipment of the carriers to combat readiness (removing the KB from the carrots).

    Are you familiar with the Strategic Missile Forces command system?! I served there for quite a while... To understand, - everything below my command level (my headaches, sleepless nights, sick, abandoned children - did not particularly worry anyone, except for individual commanders, to whom I am still grateful... My eldest daughter is already 36 (!) She got married last week!
    Thank you for your congratulations!