Thermonuclear "Rose" of 1961. Isn't it time to repeat it?

Thermonuclear "Rose" of 1961. Isn't it time to repeat it?

"Rose" 1961

From the outside, the situation looks on the verge of absurdity – Western countries are seriously discussing permission to carry out missile strikes deep into Russian territory. If we assume that the Kyiv regime acquires the most modern means of long-range fire destruction, then Moscow and its suburbs will be in the affected area.

Even the thought of such a possibility a couple of years ago should have caused a panic attack among the Western military and political elite. But now they are considering whether to allow it or not. NATO militarism has to be stopped by direct warnings from the Russian president.

Among the possible options for retaliatory or preventive measures on the part of Russia, strikes against NATO countries (primarily against the logistics hubs of Poland), nuclear strikes against Bandera decision-making centers, and expansion of supplies are being considered. weapons opponents of Washington and Brussels, as well as full-scale tests of strategic nuclear missile weapons.

The best way to bring the enemy to his senses would be, of course, direct losses in manpower and material resources, but a direct escalation with unpredictable consequences is also likely. The American president has already been reminded that it is his sacred duty not to enter into war with a nuclear power. But still, direct nuclear strikes on his satellites could make old man Biden go off the chain.

At the same time, Russia, or more precisely the Soviet Union, already has experience in effectively convincing the enemy of the illegality of its actions. With the help of nuclear weapons, of course.

We are talking about 1961, when the intransigence of the United States led to the most serious Berlin crisis. The NATO alliance was literally preparing for war with the Soviet Union. Despite the fact that even then the risks of total mutual destruction were almost 100 percent.

Flight trajectory of R-12 missiles during the "Rosa" exercise. Drawing by M. A. Basov. Source:

The situation in 1961 largely repeats modern events. Starting with the West's preparations for war with Russia and ending with the withdrawal of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty concluded in 1996. Vladimir Putin did so in November 2023, and Nikita Khrushchev ended a similar moratorium in the summer of 1961, three years after it was signed. In the autumn of that year, the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee sanctioned the Rosa exercises on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago.

In the journal "Science. Society. Defense" the author A. I. Yasakov writes regarding the reasons for the "Rose" exercises:

"To demonstrate to the world and, above all, to potential enemies, the ability of the Soviet nuclear weapons complex to create charges of enormous destructive power, in the range of several tens and even hundreds of megatons, i.e., as well as their availability in the USSR; in conjunction with the second manned flight of the Soviet spacecraft-Earth satellite Vostok-2 planned for August, the decision on which was made on the same day, July 6, such a demonstration was aimed at eliminating any aggressive plans of even the most zealous Anglo-Saxon political and military hawks."

63 years have passed since then, but, unfortunately, nothing has changed – overseas hawks still see Russia as either completely destroyed or in a humble pose of submission.

Briefly on the Rose exercises of 1961.

They used medium-range R-12 missiles with a yield of one megaton and 650 kilotons. Four missiles were supposed to leave from the vicinity of Salekhard for the testing ground on Novaya Zemlya – two blanks and two live ones. On September 3 and 4, missiles without nuclear warheads were tested; high-explosive warheads were placed in their place. Everything went as planned – undershoots and overshoots on the target were a few hundred meters. Considering the range of 850 km and the potential power of the charges, this can be considered trifles.

On September 12, an R-12 with a thermonuclear warhead was sent to the target at the testing ground. Everything went as planned and even exceeded the plan – the explosion power was 1,1 megatons instead of the estimated one. Four days later, the second combat missile also worked. Only here the explosion power exceeded the estimated one by 30 percent. In TNT equivalent, the devices recorded 900 kilotons instead of 650.

Garrison on Novaya Zemlya

"Rose", among a number of measures taken by the Soviet leadership, became one of the reasons for the peaceful resolution of the Berlin crisis. Despite the fact that the Russians Tanks were the first to retreat from Checkpoint Charlie, the Americans were unable to achieve their goals. The Berlin Wall was quickly erected in the GDR, which lasted until 1989.

"Rose" 2.0?

History suggests that in world politics only the language of force is understood. It is desirable that this force be thermonuclear. At present, Russia and NATO countries use "soft power". What this leads to can be seen in news tapes.

The use of nuclear weapons to bring the enemy to a state of sanity has probably not yet arrived, but it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of such steps. Moreover, in Russia they are increasingly talking about the need for full-scale tests of thermonuclear weapons.

One well-known program on a central TV channel suggested building plywood models of central London and Washington on Novaya Zemlya. And, of course, hitting the buildings with a Bulava. State Duma deputy Andrei Kolesnik echoes:

"We shouldn't relax. We need to carry out a nuclear explosion somewhere, at some testing ground. Nuclear tests are currently banned here, but maybe people should see what all this actually leads to, they should hear. If we lift the moratorium, maybe humanity will think again."

The command of the Central Test Site on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago in the Arkhangelsk Region very promptly reported on its full readiness for testing activities.

Before seriously considering nuclear testing on Novaya Zemlya, it is necessary to understand several arguments.

First, the 1961 test site and the 2024 model are slightly different.

The area several hundred kilometers around the archipelago is much more populated than it was 63 years ago. The Bulava, which they want to use to hit the models of NATO capitals, carries six warheads of 150 kilotons each. In terms of power, it is very comparable to the first combat R-12, tested during the Rose exercises. But then the radiation cloud was tracked at a distance of up to 750 kilometers from the center, and then simply abandoned. But how many thousands of kilometers will the radioactive contamination spread this time?

The second thing that all nuclear testing supporters should remember is the Northern Sea Route, into which Russia has invested and will continue to invest hundreds of billions of rubles.

Even underground tests on Novaya Zemlya will seriously contaminate the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Will our still allies from China take the shortest route to Europe on their dry cargo ships after such a performance?

This is why the initiative to conduct nuclear tests on its own territory looks like a shot in the foot. This is why Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov commented on rumors about possible tests:

"Moscow can conduct nuclear tests, but it will not if the US refrains from them. The infrastructure of the nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya is in full readiness, this is a reaction to the US steps in this area."

What would make the Americans test nuclear weapons remains a mystery. The United States is currently threatened exclusively by Russian strategic weapons. There is no hint of the situation that arose during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, when Khrushchev placed medium-range missiles right at America's gates.

Despite all of the above, the possibility of full-scale nuclear missile tests cannot be ruled out. Just not on our own territory – the risks and consequences are too high.

When the policy of “soft power” towards overseas hawks has completely outlived its usefulness, the Bulava can be detonated in the Atlantic Ocean. On neutral territory, but in strategic proximity to Washington. The damage to the environment, which some people are concerned about, will not be much greater than the consequences of the disaster at the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima. And the military-political effect of the Bulava or Yars in the Atlantic will be similar to a nuclear explosion. In the literal and figurative sense.

But when rational arguments do not work on opponents, you have to take risks.
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  1. +15
    28 September 2024 06: 30
    Why bother, next to Washington? Maybe straight to it, because the author dreams of a nuclear war in every article, here it is guaranteed. And as one person says, "We will go straight to heaven, and they will just die", so I want to remind you, we will die too. And Mr. Fedorov will not get to heaven, no matter how hard he tries.
    1. -12
      28 September 2024 06: 43
      Quote: Alexey 1970
      Why bother, next to Washington? Maybe right there, because the author dreams of it in every article about a nuclear war

      The West needs to be given a clear picture of what will happen to the world after the use of thermonuclear weapons. They simply forgot 1961, it's time to remind them. I think they want to live in the White House too.
      1. +10
        28 September 2024 09: 36
        Actually, it's a double-edged sword. Recently, the West has been promoting the concept of a limited nuclear war, based on the fact that it will not cause much damage to humanity. And there are some grounds for this.
        Apologists for such a war cite statistics that show that the total damage from all nuclear weapons tests conducted, including those on the surface, did not cause any noticeable harm to people.
        The proposed test carried out will only confirm their calculations.
        Which, in turn, will give free rein to the hawks to stir up nuclear hysteria.
        So here you need to think and think before deciding on detailed steps.
        1. -7
          28 September 2024 15: 27
          did not cause any noticeable harm to people.

          what if a nuclear charge hits a nuclear power plant?
          how much pollution will there be?
          1. +4
            28 September 2024 17: 46
            And who will hit the nuclear power plant with a nuclear charge?
            It seems that there are many promising targets to strike.
        2. Des
          28 September 2024 16: 25
          Quote: U-58
          Recently, the West has been promoting the concept of a limited nuclear war, based on the fact that it will not cause much damage to humanity. And there are some grounds for this.

          There will even be a benefit - many global problems will be solved, it will be clear without any show-offs "who is worth what", etc.
          But all this is not in the territories of the "West".
        3. +2
          28 September 2024 20: 21
          Only all the conducted ground, underground, air, space and underwater tests were carried out spread out over almost 50 years (if we count the nuclear tests of the top five: USA, USSR, Great Britain, France and China). And not during the first couple of days of a nuclear war.
      2. +5
        28 September 2024 14: 11
        Quote: carpenter
        Quote: Alexey 1970
        Why bother, next to Washington? Maybe right there, because the author dreams of it in every article about a nuclear war

        The West needs to be given a clear picture of what will happen to the world after the use of thermonuclear weapons. They simply forgot 1961, it's time to remind them. I think they want to live in the White House too.

        If they have forgotten, then they are not afraid of anything.
        Does it hurt when you watch archived boxing fights from the 50s on TV while sitting on the couch? Especially if you've never done boxing and your last fight was in kindergarten...
        That's the problem.
        What was forgotten 2-3 generations ago is considered lost.
        And fear too.
      3. -1
        12 January 2025 07: 13
        You're a bit weak-willed, what if things don't go according to plan? Well, we'll show you Kuzka's mother from the UN podium and everyone will shut up. If you can't f..., don't torture your ass.
    2. Msi
      28 September 2024 06: 43
      Mr. Fedorov will not get into heaven, no matter how hard he tries.

      belay Why, do you have something personal with him? Did he steal your wife?
      1. -5
        28 September 2024 19: 55
        Why immediately grab a nuclear club with the radiation pleasure of the result? When Russia has one small thing with great capabilities - the "father of all bombs" ODAB-9000, the charge weight is 7100 kg - TNT equivalent - 44 tons! And a couple of such things would be sent to London to the addresses - the MI-6 building, which is clearly visible on the bridge and the Ministry of Defense building. The sight and smell of fried James Bonds and geniuses of military strategy would make a depressing impression on the feeblemindedness and courage of the Western leadership! And those who would come running to sympathize with them And maybe force them to turn on their brains - out of a sense of self-preservation! And even if their brains do not turn on - they are unlikely to want to be in the place of those whose remains they saw! To the question - "And why us?" You can give a polite answer - "This is a return gift from Russia for your "Storm Shadows"! For now it is non-nuclear, but if you insist, we can repeat it in a nuclear version!
    3. -5
      29 September 2024 10: 53
      Why bother, next to Washington? Maybe right there, because the author dreams of a nuclear war in every article, here it is guaranteed.

      Why are you worried? Do you want to be destroyed on principle by conventional weapons from Ukraine? Or do you think that if we continue as we are now, it won't reach you? Or are you, as those in power, afraid for your loved ones in Europe?
  2. -4
    28 September 2024 06: 38
    Somewhere in the Atlantic there is a bunch of plastic floating and littering, if the Internet is not lying. That's where we should throw a mace. And we'll test a rocket with a black and white particle and burn the plastic. Pure help for the environment.
    1. +10
      28 September 2024 06: 52
      Hmm, it’s strange, but when I say “scare the West,” for some reason, “Voronezh” always tenses up. winked Well, it turned out so strangely for some reason... Regarding the testing of nuclear weapons... here's the thing... where is all the plutonium, intended to replace the "rotten" one over many years in nuclear charges, of various types...? what In addition, nuclear warheads are such a thing where the nuclear charge, in addition to its degradation over time, also decomposes the equipment and other elements intended for its detonation with its radiation. Considering that the industry producing components of nuclear warheads using Soviet technology has most likely "rested in peace", then the operability of nuclear warheads and the warheads themselves... well, let's say... is highly questionable.
      1. Msi
        28 September 2024 06: 56
        the functionality of nuclear warheads and the warheads themselves

        Oh Monster, don't be afraid, it will definitely fly to the US if necessary. So you can buy a bunker for now, if you have some money...
      2. +19
        28 September 2024 08: 24
        As soon as the author wrote how the Russian president defends the country from the enemy by scaring him, I stopped reading. Once again, battles will begin on the red lines. Especially after the footage of the drone strike on the Kremlin. The insidious enemy got scared and began to pound not only Belgorod and
        Kursk with Voronezh and Bryansk, but also Murmansk, Ufa, Zngels, etc. Soon, out of fear, it will fly beyond the Urals. Author, it is better not to write black stuff, enough excuses for the armless, headless and the rest who have joined them.
      3. -6
        28 September 2024 11: 50
        The half-life of plutonium is 20000 years. And so everything is rotten in the Russian Federation.))) Go on living your dreams!
        1. -3
          28 September 2024 13: 10
          This problem is described in sufficient detail on the Internet using the example of American tactical nuclear weapons.
        2. +1
          28 September 2024 15: 56
          Plutonium is contaminated with decay products, the critical mass decreases. The charge may not work. If I am not mistaken, the charge replacement period is determined by the concentration of americium. It is from 10 to 28 years.
      4. Des
        28 September 2024 16: 29
        "They asked not to worry." Everything is fine, urgent issues are being resolved as planned).
    2. -3
      28 September 2024 12: 54
      We are talking about microplastic particles.
  3. +4
    28 September 2024 06: 58
    The best way to bring the enemy to his senses, of course, is through direct losses in manpower and material resources.
    This is a very sound idea. And this can be done even without using nuclear weapons, but for this you need real managers, and not those whose children study in France and Britain and their real estate is located there...
  4. BAI
    28 September 2024 07: 05

    History suggests that in world politics only the language of force is understood.

    Exactly. The policy of concessions is perceived as weakness, not a willingness to find a solution.
    Even underground tests on Novaya Zemlya will seriously contaminate the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

    What nonsense? During underground tests, contamination is only possible in an emergency situation - if there is a release. No emergency situation - no contamination. And emergency situations happen at nuclear power plants too. Chernobyl and Fukushima are examples of this.
    3. If the author is worried about pollution - it can be done in space. At the same time, we will burn NATO reconnaissance and communication satellites. There are hundreds, if not thousands of times more of them than ours. This, by the way, will be real immediate help to our people in the North-Eastern Military District.
    1. +5
      28 September 2024 09: 26
      A powerful nuclear explosion in space to destroy satellites is madness. All satellites will be covered, American, ours, Chinese, how do you think big brother China will react to such a demonstration of force? At most, they will block "import substitution" including communications and UAVs, or even impose sanctions, imagine our "Russian" Moskvich for 15 million, if we can produce it at all. Space will quickly restore the American group, there are doubts about Roscosmos, this is if the war with the USA does not start immediately. Help to the front will be about zero, we will lose intelligence for a long time, geraniums, calibers, kizhals are also a minus, KABY will fly somewhere there. The front will finally stop. Ukraine will be given the full range of weapons that they ask for. How will the countries of the "global south" react to the loss of their satellites? most likely the same sanctions. A couple of years in this regime and at peace negotiations we will not discuss Crimea and four regions of Ukraine, but whether or not parts of the Kursk region will be returned to us.
      1. +4
        28 September 2024 17: 35
        Quote: Skif3216
        All satellites will be covered, American, ours, Chinese, how do you think big brother China will react to such a demonstration of force?

        Perhaps in the same way as Russia to Toropets... that is, not at all.
        It's one thing to make loud threats and draw red lines (or give a Chinese warning), but very few can actually fight.
  5. +10
    28 September 2024 07: 13
    If we assume that the Kyiv regime acquires the most modern means of long-range fire destruction, then Moscow and its suburbs will be in the affected area.

    I understand that this is the main criterion for using nuclear weapons(
    1. +8
      28 September 2024 07: 23
      I understand that this is the main criterion for using nuclear weapons And that! Kursk region "is different", as well as strikes on radar stations, airfields of strategic aviation bases. Only Moscow recourse
      1. 0
        28 September 2024 07: 35
        something is starting to smell bad about this, the Uzbeks assigned Mashunya her place in the stall and Kalantaryan didn't decide, so just don't hit her on the head((
      2. +5
        28 September 2024 11: 55
        Quote: Alexey 1970
        Only Moscow
        Actually, Moscow has already been hit. And even the Kremlin. And not a whimper...
  6. -8
    28 September 2024 07: 31
    There is logic in the article, unlike the well-known TV show.
  7. -1
    28 September 2024 07: 57
    The US is not a "gambling Paramosha" either, but they definitely love to play! By the way, if the world's mass media, including the US and Russia, were at the same level as during the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis, then there would be no "global hysteria" about the world now supposedly being on the brink of a nuclear war. The US knows exactly where their red lines are in relation to Russia, and if they are crossed, that will be the end of both the US and Russia. So they know how far they can "play". And after Russia's victory in the North-Eastern Front, America will find its own expression that will not make them "lowered". But it's scary to even imagine what kind of expression the EU and the punks will have. These same people, in order to avoid the fate of the "lowered" after Russia's victory, can organize some kind of terrible nuclear catastrophe now and blame Russia for it. That's who Russia should be most afraid of now - the EU and Britain. These people in Ukraine have everything at stake. They are not fans at a football match, who would make some noise and then go home after their team's loss. The loss of "their Ukraine" would mean for them the status of being outcasts in the world. But no one has asked them yet - what is this EU anyway? How do the peoples of Europe "democratically" elect the government in this EU, all sorts of EU commissioners, parliament, etc. America will stand after Russia's victory in the North-East, but the EU, in my opinion, will collapse quickly and completely. That is why this EU is especially dangerous now...
  8. +2
    28 September 2024 08: 25
    Why is everyone talking about mace and sormat at once?
    For starters, we can demonstrate it tactically. At the same time, we can estimate the possible damage.
    1. +2
      28 September 2024 09: 31
      I think this will scare all our enemies...
      1. -6
        28 September 2024 10: 06
        Explanatory team to the studio.
        1. +6
          28 September 2024 10: 45
          Quote: The Meaning of Life
          Explanatory team to the studio.

          color blindness? can't see the red lines?
      2. -1
        28 September 2024 10: 07
        I think this will scare all our enemies...

        No, here you need a multi-pass with a twist.

        1. +3
          28 September 2024 11: 58
          There has been a solution for a long time, and not just one. Example:
  9. -2
    28 September 2024 10: 03
    And why did the author say that an underground nuclear explosion pollutes the atmosphere? ...
    And there is no doubt that the functionality of your nuclear weapons needs to be tested. All references to the fact that everything has been theoretically calculated on computers for a long time are unconvincing. They haven't tested it in reality for over 60 years. Where does this stupid conviction come from that a computer is enough?... After all, the fate of the entire country is hanging in the balance. Look, the States decided to test their Minuteman and... failed. In a combat situation, this means...
  10. +12
    28 September 2024 10: 05
    One well-known program on a central TV channel suggested building plywood models of central London and Washington on Novaya Zemlya. And, of course, hitting the buildings with a Bulava. State Duma deputy Andrei Kolesnik echoes this
    And such stupid people seriously hope to impress anyone? The effect will be like a reindeer herder storming a plywood Reichstag - only friendly laughter from them and bitter tears from us, because such stupid people we are being guided.
    Khrushchev demonstrated the presence of a NEW weapon, against which any air defense of that time was powerless. If Putin had been able to conduct exercises with the missile that he showed in the cartoon - which with a nuclear engine can go around the globe and attack the USA from any angle - it would have really had an effect. But it, like the Armata tank and a bunch of other similar ones - is just a sham for embezzling money and building official/general palaces.
  11. +7
    28 September 2024 10: 08
    The damage to the environment that some people care about will not be much more than...

    Two questions arise:
    - If it's not scary/not dangerous, why should the enemy be scared?
    - If this logic works, then we too can be forced to be accommodating if the Americans suddenly launch nuclear weapons somewhere closer to us, into neutral waters?

    In general, it seems like a completely commissioned article, a preliminary preparation of public opinion, which imperceptibly leads us all to the idea that the use of nuclear weapons is not at all scary.

    And for some reason all these authors completely ignore the fact that the Americans have exactly the same nuclear weapons.
    Something like in childish arguments: well, we are fine, but what about them all of a sudden?!
  12. +13
    28 September 2024 10: 38
    All these tests on their own territory, or strikes on the Yavorsky training ground, are similar to an attempt to annoy adults by relieving themselves in their own pants.
    1. +5
      28 September 2024 11: 15
      The world has become small and so that there are no consequences at all, yes, only in your own pants.
    2. +2
      28 September 2024 22: 57
      Quote: Victor Leningradets
      All these tests on their own territory, or strikes on the Yavorsky training ground, are similar to an attempt to annoy adults by relieving themselves in their own pants.

      THERE conclusions are made based on the number of successful launches of Sarmat (one conditionally successful) and based on the age of Satan.
      And despite the Poplars, Ashes and Maces, the conclusions are not at all joyful for US.
  13. -2
    28 September 2024 11: 18
    Well, actually, the damage from a thermonuclear explosion is not even close to the Fukushima emissions. Not even a hundredth part. Compared to Focus, any thermonuclear explosion is a vitamin.
  14. +6
    28 September 2024 11: 43
    Previously, the Medvedevs and Simonyans simply threatened to blow something up, but now they have apparently decided to raise the stakes.
    Put it on the table and start to measure openly who has the stronger and longer one. He hits, naturally.

    And since everyone is ashamed to retreat, a loss of face (even China is the guarantor of non-use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine), it will get worse and worse, more and more. Nakernyak and provocateurs will join in - Kedmi, Kim and other interested parties from the outside.

    In the meantime, we wait for more immortal works from an iPhone lover, and assurances that even 10 years of not fighting is nothing...
    1. +7
      28 September 2024 12: 14
      Here's the thing... I'd like to detonate a nuclear charge at a testing ground, both for testing and as a warning... But there is one "BUT", or rather two "BUTs". The first "BUT" is that the moratorium on nuclear testing would have to be violated, which would cause, let's say, an "ambiguous" reaction in the world... which is fraught with stronger obstruction and sanctions, and the second "BUT" is that there are no guarantees that this test will be successful due to the lost specialization, technology and degradation of personnel in terms of experience for such actions... A real ambush.
      1. -5
        28 September 2024 12: 25
        IMHO, it's far-fetched.
        Moratorium? You can always blame it on your opponents. Like, they did something and we're leaving the moratorium...
        Specialization? And who will say that? They will announce that everything is successful. And the old stuff needs to be checked from time to time...
        1. +6
          28 September 2024 13: 02
          Haven't you heard of tracking stations? There were times when unidentified explosions were detected - the Vela incident. But no one has yet had to pass off the absence of an explosion as its presence.
          1. 0
            29 September 2024 11: 10
            There was no talk of non-explosion. To blow something up - no great effort is needed. Just don't take the necessary measurements...
      2. +2
        28 September 2024 17: 48
        Quote: Monster_Fat
        But there is one "BUT", or rather two "BUTs". The first "BUT" is that the moratorium on nuclear testing will have to be violated, which will cause, let's say, an "ambiguous" reaction in the world...

        Look at Israel.
        He killed a bunch of civilians, including children, and the "world community" only supports him.
        Might makes right.
        About the weak (red lines) - everyone who is not too lazy "wipes their feet".
      3. 0
        28 September 2024 21: 26
        And also the third "BUT"
        Conducting a nuclear test opens up the right for some other countries to conduct nuclear tests as well. France has a bunch of uninhabited atolls in the Pacific Ocean where they have conducted tests before. The US also has a bunch of islands in the Pacific Ocean. China has a giant desert where they have conducted nuclear tests.
        So by conducting a nuclear test, we will only open the door for them to conduct tests for themselves.
        1. 0
          29 September 2024 11: 13
          But perhaps this is what they are trying to achieve.
          as an example - the quiet stagnation of the military-industrial complex throughout the world.
          And here's the HPP: we have 3000 of the latest ARMATs, unstoppable hypersonic weapons, Terminators, ground-based armed drones, Checkmate, and so on, so on...
          And after 24 the military-industrial complex definitely woke up in all countries, and streams of gold began to flow...
          1. +1
            29 September 2024 18: 17
            By the way, I'll say more. Considering that their military-industrial complex didn't have any "dashing 90s" or "slow stagnation in the 2000s", then pouring money into their military-industrial complex will lead to an increase in production and orders. While for some of our military-industrial complex enterprises, getting a large order is an opportunity to cover debts and, God willing, break even.
            Look at MiG, they created wonderful light aircraft. And now most of the enterprises are in ruins. I won't even mention the radio equipment.
    2. +2
      29 September 2024 11: 05
      China is a guarantor of non-use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine

      Won't China itself be shocked when it finds out what it is, in your opinion?
      1. -2
        29 September 2024 11: 16
        The phrases there are vague, but the attitude is expressed.
        And China, IMHO, politely reminded with its statements, in the media, to various Simonyans and Medvedevs that they shouldn’t talk too much about nuclear weapons.
        1. 0
          29 September 2024 11: 20
          The phrases there are vague, but the attitude is expressed.
          And China, IMHO, politely reminded with its statements, in the media, to various Simonyans and Medvedevs that they shouldn’t talk too much about nuclear weapons.

          It seems to me, my dear friend, that you are shifting the problem of leadership dysfunction onto those who have nothing to do with it...
          1. 0
            29 September 2024 16: 52
            SI probably didn’t report to me or to you how he connected with the Kremlin.
            And Mr. VVP also did not report, he asked not to develop the topic of various "experts"
            So "It seems to you", "It seems to me", "It seems to others"... they might definitely write about it, in about 20 years...
  15. +2
    28 September 2024 12: 21
    China has once again put a stop to all possible nuclear threats: “We call for an end to the threat of using weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear, chemical and biological weapons,” says a joint statement by 12 countries signed yesterday evening by China, Brazil, South Africa (essentially the backbone of BRICS), Turkey, Bolivia, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Zambia and Algeria.

    It is clear to whom this appeal is addressed. So, he is unlikely to use nuclear weapons, "Big Brother" is against it.
    1. +4
      28 September 2024 12: 29
      No... Here's the thing... You test a nuclear weapon, and it... zilch and that's it. And what are the consequences? Oh, very serious - the whole world begins to understand that there is no nuclear threat from the Russian Federation. That is, the last trump card is lost. And then... - hell. crying
  16. -5
    28 September 2024 12: 25
    It needs to be hit with a modern thermonuclear weapon of 1 Mgt. There will be almost no radioactivity left there.
  17. -1
    28 September 2024 12: 39
    I didn't understand the effect. Well, they'll blow it up in the ocean. So what? Everyone already knows that the Russian Federation has nuclear weapons.
  18. -1
    28 September 2024 12: 42
    Building life-size plywood versions of the centres of London and Washington is impossible and extremely expensive
  19. +8
    28 September 2024 12: 47
    And imagine if the money allocated for maintaining the SNF was stolen even more, and they are even less combat-ready than the army that they wanted to use to break Ukraine in one fell swoop in February 2022? "There won't be a nuclear war." If the state of conventional armed forces was tested in practice and shortcomings were identified, what about nuclear weapons that are not tested? Or is it just a nuclear bluff that remains, like red lines?
  20. +4
    28 September 2024 13: 16
    Times change.
    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics assumes
    commitment not to use nuclear weapons first.
    Then there was the USSR, and no one in the world did not risk competing with him militarily. He tried China, the events of 1969 on Damansky, but the SA sobered him up. Mao did not take risks. There were no more volunteers to pull the bear in his den. The Union was destroyed, everyone ran away to their national apartments, all the nuclear weapons were taken to the Russian Federation and they began to live in a "capitalist paradise". And then it turned out that the Little Russians had claims against the Great Russians and vice versa. They began to fight each other to the death, under the unanimous instigation of the USA and the EU. And so that both sides did not come up with an understanding, and what exactly are we fighting about? Among their own, the smart guys suggest starting to throw missiles with nuclear warheads. Then, for sure, the Russians will be screwed. There will be no one to ask questions, everything will turn into a radiation desert. The US and NATO will immediately provide nuclear charges and carriers. It will not be possible to play one-sided. What will happen next, few will be lucky enough to find out.
    1. -4
      28 September 2024 14: 02
      We need to learn from the Americans determination and courage. Without looking back at anyone, they dropped a nuclear bomb, and to strengthen their determination, a second one. They were capable of it. And they didn't care about anyone.
      1. 0
        29 September 2024 03: 40
        Quote: oleg353912
        We need to learn from the Americans determination and courage. Without looking back at anyone, they dropped a nuclear bomb, and to strengthen their determination, a second one. They were capable of it. And they didn't care about anyone.

        Great! Showed determination, etc. Next, it will fly otvetka and it started to grow. It won't be possible to sit it out behind the Urals, it will cover everyone.
        1. 0
          30 September 2024 14: 33
          Why do we need nuclear weapons then?
    2. Lad
      28 September 2024 15: 13
      And who did the SA sober up on Damansky? People were told that the SA tore everyone apart. And that everything was great. Because they always lied. But in reality, Damansky was given to the Chinese. The press simply did not inform the Soviet people about it. In the USSR (as now in Russia) any loss is easily presented as a win. And everyone swallows it.
      1. 0
        29 September 2024 03: 33
        Quote: Lad
        And who did the SA sober up on Damansky? They told people that the SA tore everyone apart. And that everything was great. Because they always lied. But in reality, Damansky was given to the Chinese.

        You are talking nonsense and it is outrageous that you are saying it categorically and confidently. The events of 1969 on Damanskoye and Lake Zhalanashkol have already been discussed on VO and everything has been laid out on the shelves, there is no point in returning to this topic in this article.
        1. Lad
          29 September 2024 11: 56
          That's what I'm talking about, that on VO (and not only here) local experts will "break down" anything. And in general, when you have a monopoly on information, any defeat can easily be presented as a clear victory. But to be objective, you need to at least sometimes read something other than VO. (Besides official information). But yes, if you read VO, then in principle you can read nothing at all, anyway it's clear that everyone was torn apart and always. In any conversation, the answer is known in advance.
    3. +6
      28 September 2024 20: 59
      Quote: Unknown
      And here it turned out that the Little Russians have claims against the Great Russians and vice versa. They began to fight each other to death, under the friendly incitement of the USA and the EU. And so that both sides would not come to the understanding, and actually because of what we are fighting among ourselves
      This SVO... was prepared for a very long time... for many years the propaganda on TV kept hammering and hammering that Ukraine was about to attack... and that the khokh*ly... are such and such "under-monkeys". Even Kovtun was hired for a lot of money to portray a disgusting, stupid guy.
      And all sorts of Solovyovs and Kedmi inflamed the self-esteem and arrogance of Russian TV viewers. Well, there "we just need to raise an eyebrow... for the ho*s to crawl on all fours". And so on.
      I suspect that on Ukrainian TV there was something like... only not about the eyebrow... but about all sorts of famines and the like.
      Even if you downvote it to the level of a private, I don't care. wassat minuses are not mines.
      And I really don't see a sensible way out of this trap... which is like forcing people to commit suicide. The only hope is for some kind of miracle.
  21. +2
    28 September 2024 14: 58
    Even underground tests on Novaya Zemlya will seriously contaminate the waters of the Arctic Ocean.
    Really? Did they tell the author of "Green Penis" this?
  22. +2
    28 September 2024 15: 42
    In 1961, the Strategic Missile Forces received new 2,3 Mt nuclear warheads for the R-12 and R-14 missiles, and later these same warheads were used for the R-36 missiles with a scattering MIRV. And the old ones had a maximum power of 900 kt with the same throw-weight. That's what they fired at the "Rose", and the same exercises were conducted in 1962. The old warheads gave an unstable energy release at the exit - a consequence of the unsuccessful design of the fuse. This was actually shown by test launches with the detonation of the nuclear warheads of the R-12 and R-14 MRBMs in 1961 and 1962.
  23. +3
    28 September 2024 16: 42
    As long as families of the so-called "Russian elite" live in their existing properties in London and Miami and spend there the money they earned in Russia "through hard work", the West has nothing to fear.
  24. -2
    28 September 2024 17: 28
    If you really want to. There is the Atlantic Ocean, enter it on a submarine from the South and detonate a 50-megaton nuclear bomb in neutral waters opposite Great Britain, so that the cloud of water and steam is visible to all of Europe. There is a submarine in the Russian Federation, make an unmanned submarine on its basis, equip it with AI. After the explosion, report that an accident occurred and the system self-destructed. There is no damage, but the entire Western public will see the nuclear explosion. No one will be able to prove the intent. There will be a big global Odessa noise. There will be no more sanctions, but there will be a positive shift towards Russia.
  25. on
    28 September 2024 17: 31
    But when rational arguments do not work on opponents, you have to take risks.

    From the South of the planet I appreciate these wise and necessary words
  26. 0
    28 September 2024 20: 35
    And if you arrange a spiritualistic session to summon the spirit of Khrushchev and ask what Khrushchev would do if he were the leader of Russia now... winked
  27. +3
    28 September 2024 22: 10
    The article and some comments make me remember the Soviet joke ".... And why us?"
    1. 0
      29 September 2024 11: 07
      Well, personally to you for all the good things
  28. 0
    5 October 2024 20: 08
    The damage to the environment will be incomparably less than from Fukushima, where the mass of radioactive material is an order of magnitude greater than that of a nuclear warhead. In addition, the warhead uses rapidly decomposing materials, unlike a nuclear power plant.
  29. 0
    18 December 2024 11: 23
    So, we need to set off an explosion in the Atlantic. Yes
    Or hit Kyiv with "Oreshnik", along Bankova Street 11 and throughout the entire government quarter. Yes
  30. -1
    12 January 2025 07: 05
    What roses do we have, a war in white gloves. They showed one hazelnut and shoved it up the ass. So, get ready for another five years. Then we will rebuild Ukraine. What if the brothers get offended? We can't stop deliveries, we shoved the fleet into the backyards, Business, and the beggars will surrender.