Stormtroopers are the elite of the army, not a guardhouse for the lazy

Stormtroopers are the elite of the army, not a guardhouse for the lazy

There are military professions that are much talked about, much written about, but few know about. And not because information about these professions is classified, and the specialists themselves carefully hide their work. On the contrary, there is a lot of information, but from those who "heard somewhere, spoke with someone" and the like. One of these military professions is... a stormtrooper.

Thanks to the Internet and the media, today almost any motorized rifleman can call himself an assault trooper. He took part in capturing an enemy strongpoint, stormed enemy positions, which means he is an assault trooper. But who in the infantry has not stormed? Who has not taken strongpoints? Alas, but such an erroneous opinion has taken root in the minds of people far from the army.

Somehow we quickly forgot the video address of the late Wagner commander Yevgeny Prigozhin, in which he practically cursed the army command for trying to use attack aircraft to capture or defend enemy strongholds. And this was not a concern for his own PMC, but for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the company.

To understand the difference between an infantryman and an assault trooper, let me remind you history during the Great Patriotic War…

How Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasilevsky took Koenigsberg in 1945... He had at his disposal soldiers who had been through fire, water and copper pipes, including those who fought in Stalingrad.

But the marshal understood perfectly well that even these fighters without special training would not take the city-fortress, and the losses would be enormous. That's when it was decided to use assault groups, which were based on Stalingrad soldiers. They had experience of war in the city, in urban development.

I will not go into the history. There is a lot of material on the capture of Koenigsberg. If you are interested, you can find it in the public domain. From personal experience, I remember a veteran neighbor who had a medal "For the capture of Koenigsberg." Three years at the front, and in the company of the same veterans, after the "People's Commissar" one, he often said: "Over the entire war, I fought for four days when Koenigsberg was captured. The rest was just work..."

Who are stormtroopers and how are they different from motorized riflemen?

I'll start with the basics.

An assault soldier is a specialist in attacking and storming enemy positions in urban areas and well-equipped in engineering terms. Hence: an assault soldier must have the skills to capture buildings and structures, equipped enemy positions, including pillboxes and bunkers.

Thus, the group’s task is to capture the point and hold it until the main forces (infantry) arrive.

If you watch the videos carefully, of which there are many on the Internet, you can easily recognize a stormtrooper by his equipment and weapons. Most stormtroopers have a radio with an earpiece. Something that ordinary infantrymen do not have.

On combat tactics.

After capturing a building or trenches, the defense is taken up by a cover group, machine gunners, grenade launchers and other specialists. The group is engaged in clearing the captured positions. If the enemy goes on the counteroffensive, and there is no way to hold the positions. The stormtroopers are the last to retreat...

But these are only visible differences. There are invisible ones too. I am talking about preparing for an assault. Ideally, an assault is simply the capture of enemy positions that have already been prepared in advance. But that is ideal. In war, reality is often far from this.

Let me repeat, the assault is the final stage of the operation. The result of many days of work by the commanders and fighters of the group. The area where the work will take place has already been meticulously studied. The time for the attack has already been chosen. Even the weather has been taken into account. Evacuation points and routes have already been thought out in case of failure of the operation. The necessary ammunition and equipment have been received and distributed.

The cover group is already training with the fighters on a mock-up of the facility. Intelligence is working out possible routes for the enemy to receive reinforcements. Communications have been tested and methods for transmitting information have been coordinated in conditions where the enemy uses special means to suppress frequencies. The artillerymen already have the exact coordinates of the targets that must be destroyed before the attack…

This is far from the entire list of events that are carried out before storming a serious object. But I think this is enough to understand what the success of the stormtroopers depends on. But, on the other hand, this does not diminish the heroism of the fighters themselves.

On that side, it's not the boys who are holding the line either. They also know the tactics of assault units. So even hand-to-hand combat is far from uncommon during an assault. Just as the ingenuity of the fighters is not uncommon. For example, using some communications to get to the rear of the defenders.

If there is time and opportunity to carry out all the above-mentioned activities, losses in such an assault will be minimal, even in the event of an unsuccessful attack. Simply because many people work for the stormtroopers, from drone operators to doctors. I am not afraid to even write, the entire organism of the army works. And in an organism there are no secondary parts...

I think the reader already understands how stormtroopers differ from motorized rifle and other units. It is also clear why paratroopers and marines most often join the stormtroopers.

Home-grown "stormtroopers"

Now about the sad.

About those very home-grown "stormtroopers" who suddenly appear in units and formations of our army. It is sad to read the reports that Ukrainian media spread about unsuccessful assaults or the defeat of our stormtroopers in some direction. It is clear that most of these reports are not confirmed, but there are some that are confirmed.

Why is there a "rebirth" of stormtroopers? Why did the elite of the ground forces suddenly become easy prey for Ukrainian saboteurs and special forces?

In my opinion, the main mistake we make today is underestimating the professionalism of fighters.

Only in Hollywood movies do universal soldiers exist. You can't be a pro at everything. Yes, stormtroopers can remove a mine or fry танк, but a professional sapper will do it many times faster, much more efficiently. We need professionals. Narrow-profile specialists. Highly qualified ones at that.

I will return to the actions of the PMCs as the most hyped events in the media. How exactly is this line drawn there? A tanker, that means – know your vehicle thoroughly and be able to fight in this vehicle so that everyone around you envies you. A stormtrooper, that means – there is no one better than you in this matter. The fighters are proud of their military specialty and constantly improve in it.

The death of the Goodwin and Ernest group is being actively discussed on the Internet now. What I haven't read about it these days. How many curses directed at the commander. How many demands to the commander, to the Minister of Defense, to the Supreme Commander to punish the guilty.

It feels like it's been clear to everyone for a long time. They investigated it themselves, they convicted it themselves, and they passed the sentence themselves. Is this the army or Batko Makhno's gang? There is a higher command, there are specialists who have been tasked with sorting out the situation. Until the results of the investigation are officially announced, I am sure of it, the "punishers" should shut up.

But the essence of the problem does not change from my opinion. Everything looks quite simple there. This is purely my opinion, not claiming to be the ultimate truth. The regiment commander received information that the enemy will attack in some area. The regiment commander is an experienced soldier and has known since 2014 how to act in such situations.

All free men to the line and to the area of ​​a possible breakthrough! Stop the fascists and, if possible, go on the offensive. The situation is quite in the spirit of the militia of that time. Stop at any cost! Donetsk is ours! Let me remind you, the regiment commander is a Hero of the DPR.

And the clerk began to "search" for the personnel. He found them! Including two motorized riflemen, Goodwin and Ernest. Note, not the reconnaissance crew. drone, but simple motorized riflemen. So they are listed in the regiment. And then everything is simple. Forest belt. A group of "newly-minted stormtroopers" and... a terrible death in fire.

But, getting back to our topic, even if there had been no drone strike on the forest belt, the fate of the group was sealed. They were really going to their death. Goodwin was right when he recorded his last video. They were going to their death simply because they were not professionals!

Then there would have been a battle. Loss of communication between the fighters and commanders. In conditions when they have to fight in unknown terrain, the fighters lose their bearings. Add to this the losses, the impossibility of evacuating the wounded and other accompanying... Like the lack of training to fight independently, in conditions when decisions must be made independently and quickly...

This is what I call "homegrown stormtroopers". To gather all those who for some reason found themselves outside their unit and throw them into the fire... This is not called "plugging a hole in the defense", it is called something else. The same definition that we give to the Ukrainian assaults in the Kursk region.

We "kill" the stormtroopers ourselves

It's interesting how thoughts are born in my head. I wanted to write just an informational article about stormtroopers, but in the end it turned out to be almost an obituary for stormtroopers. We are killing stormtroopers! We are depriving the fighters of these units of pride in their specialty!

What word comes to mind when you hear the word "stormtrooper"?

Just be honest, for yourself. A suicide bomber! A man who sees death nearby in every battle. And not just sees it, but often even fights it in order to survive and win. People die everywhere. War is war. But like this, face to face, with a knife in hand or the last bullet in the chamber…

Often, according to the stories of the stormtroopers themselves, those who for some reason "didn't fit" into other units come to their unit. And not only motorized rifle units, but specialized ones. You are not fit to be a tanker, but you are just right for the army's elite, the stormtroopers. It turns out that it is not an assault unit, but some kind of penal company. How should a fighter feel for whom this unit is his native unit?

But that's not even the main thing. Stormtroopers are a "special commodity". Every fighter in the group is worth its weight in gold. The success of the operation depends on each fighter. An untrained soldier comes. When to train him? For the command, the group in full force must work. What remains? Training during the battle? If you're lucky. And for the soldier himself, and the group as a whole...

The attitude towards stormtroopers needs to be changed. The SVO has changed quite a lot in the understanding of modern warfare, including assault units. We are learning, the enemy is learning. But Kursk Oblast has already shown how important well-trained mobile groups of stormtroopers are. And such groups are now operating on our side in Donbass.

We can't let the situation slide. A stormtrooper is not a suicide bomber. He is a top-class professional, and we need to treat him as such. Until our commanders understand this simple truth, it will be difficult for us to win...
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  1. +4
    26 September 2024 06: 18
    There is enough video evidence of real battles of stormtroopers...there are no words.
    It’s hard for me to comment on something that I haven’t experienced first-hand.
    I hope our leadership in the Ministry of Defense will systematize, study and draw the right conclusions about the role of attack aircraft in modern combat, taking into account the experience of the Air Defense Forces.
    1. +12
      26 September 2024 07: 52
      I didn't understand about the "guardhouse for the negligent"... Who is this about, Staver? Who gave up their lives at the whim of the "commanding fathers"?
  2. +28
    26 September 2024 06: 20
    "Punisher" should shut up.
    - an order came not to rock the boat?
    1. +6
      26 September 2024 06: 29
      This instruction is permanent.
      Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
      1. +3
        26 September 2024 14: 44
        But we don't see a single Cato up there.
        1. 0
          26 September 2024 17: 59
          Only Pontiuses and far from Pilates
          Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
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  5. +20
    26 September 2024 06: 47
    I am not a military man, but from the article I still do not understand how to properly use "stormtroopers" and who exactly they are, we have all stormtroopers on the front line, it turns out that this is reconnaissance, and assault, and holding, and everything else comes out, well, and they differ in equipment, namely the presence of a radio like Baofeng, and a headset. About assault formations last year, an article was published by the same author about what happiness it is to be a stormtrooper. Also, judging by the article, I understood that the stormtrooper storms exclusively urban development, and everything else is stormed by infantry, but apparently they are not stormtroopers, so we are not talking about them. As for me, with the existing weapons, the assault should be carried out in the form of occupying positions previously destroyed by other types of weapons, artillery, aviation, missiles, drones, and so on, without direct direct contact with the enemy, and his subsequent cleansing if necessary. But it doesn't look like an assault on fortified positions filled with the enemy, with the support of other branches of the armed forces, and the assaulters with Chinese radios, with the support of infantry fighting vehicles and a couple of tanks, running in an open field under heavy fire, to at least some kind of shelter. Then you won't have enough attack aircraft, let alone elite troops...
    1. +9
      26 September 2024 06: 51
      In my opinion, with the existing weapons, the assault should be carried out in the form of occupying positions previously destroyed by other types of weapons, artillery, aviation, missiles, drones, and so on, without direct contact with the enemy, or his subsequent clearing.

      Absolutely right. Only this is relevant for a modern, developed army.
      For the Laotian army, this is fantasy.
    2. +5
      26 September 2024 07: 21
      Yes, as if the experience of the Great Patriotic War was used... An assault group - infantrymen in protective breastplates, sappers, often a tank or self-propelled gun. This is all tested and tested. Another thing is that they were quite numerous. They attacked armies, not platoons... And who wants to go to their death now? I look at the people around me... Yes, they are often ready to help, even the youth. But to the army, or to the assault? No thanks
      1. +6
        26 September 2024 08: 37
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        often a tank or self-propelled gun.

        No assault is possible without a means of destroying machine gun nests and sniper positions. So the assault group must be supplied with such means, and directly as a gift, not available on request. The difference is too big...
        So either a self-propelled gun, or a tank, or at least a couple of anti-tank rifles. This is if we count from WWII.
        Now - rocket launchers capable of dealing with a fortified enemy position. This is in addition to a tank or self-propelled gun.
      2. 0
        26 September 2024 09: 42
        I recently watched an interview with a company commander, almost verbatim: if you want to volunteer, ask to join the assault troops (infantry), and there the commander will determine your abilities and, if necessary, send you, be it to the "birders", machine gunners, rabovtsy, etc.
        1. +5
          26 September 2024 10: 10
          Or in Ernest and Goodwin
          Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
    3. +16
      26 September 2024 08: 40
      Quote from turembo
      I still didn't understand from the article how to use "stormtroopers" correctly

      The author of the article clearly doesn't understand it himself)
      1. +7
        26 September 2024 12: 30
        Quote: Mikhail3
        The author of the article clearly doesn't understand it himself
        Rather, the author understands this somewhat one-sidedly, emphasizing the assault on urban development. If we talk specifically about assault groups, their appearance was a consequence of the positional stalemate of the First World War. Assault groups were most famous among the Germans. By the end of the war, they created dozens of entire assault battalions operating according to a new scheme, and even shock divisions consisting of assault troops. There is a book by Bruce Gudmundson - "Stormtroopers: The Breakthrough in German Army Tactics, 1914-1918".
        It all started not with battles in urban areas, but in trenches, where stormtroopers preferred grenades, and later, submachine guns (it was the Germans who began using them in their assault groups).
        In WWII, we created assault engineering and sapper brigades, and our assault troops gained the greatest fame in the SN-42 steel chest armor.
        If it can be said that the deadlock of positional warfare gave birth to assault groups, their importance in the SVO is also largely due to the oddities of this military operation. Frontal assaults and self-restraint of the type "and we haven't even started yet" forces our soldiers to compensate for the selfish interests of oligarchs in battles, and the murky and cunning plans of politicians before "partners" with their exploits.
        1. +1
          26 September 2024 12: 39
          If we talk about WWI, the British used assault groups no less, and maybe even more, than the Germans. Moreover, some of them went on assaults not even out of necessity, but simply out of boredom. People could be understood - a month in a damp autumn trench, and your joints are no longer good for anything. After demobilization, you are guaranteed to die of hunger in a ditch - the state was not at all generous with military pensions back then. So why not run to the enemy trenches, amuse your anger while your joints are still bending, and die anyway.
          Such an assault is simply a fight with the use of firearms. So these assault troops preferred knives most of all, as well as various kinds of homemade cold steel, from maces and poleaxes to various kinds of indescribable spiked-bladed monsters that they managed to mold in trench workshops.
          As far as we can understand, stormtroopers as a science should have started developing at the moment when the DShB began to be created in the USSR. I wonder what the current situation is in this area?
          1. 0
            26 September 2024 14: 19
            Quote: Mikhail3
            As far as one can understand, assault as a science should have begun to develop at the moment when the DShB began to be created in the USSR.

            Not quite, with the appearance in the USSR of a large number of helicopter units, it was possible to create airborne assault brigades intended for actions in the interests of tank and combined arms armies of the ground forces. Soon, airborne assault brigades began to be called airborne assault brigades, and in the late 1980s they were renamed again, this time into separate airborne brigades, transferring them from the Ground Forces to the Airborne Forces.
            By the mid-1980s, the Airborne Forces themselves included regiments and divisions, while the Ground Forces had their own airborne assault units and subdivisions, separate brigades and battalions. They are known as airborne assault brigades (AAB), which were a kind of reserve and striking force of the military district they were part of, but in addition, separate airborne assault battalions were also in the Marines, and the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR had airborne assault maneuver groups (AAGMG).
            The differences between the VDV and the DShB were not only in subordination, but also in tactical tasks, the depth of action behind the front line, etc. Thus, VDV units could theoretically be dropped to create a bridgehead to a depth of up to 300 kilometers, while the DShB mainly up to 50 km. The methods of landing and delivery means also differed. The VDV were supposed to mainly attack the enemy by dropping airborne troops, and the DShB were more focused on the landing method. The main air transport in the VDV was the IL-76, from which parachute jumps were made, as well as the landing of equipment. In addition, the AN-2 was used for training jumps, in the DShB parachute jumps were made mainly with the help of MI-6 or MI-8 helicopters.
            The Airborne Forces and Airborne Assault Battalions have no direct relation to the modern concept of "attack aircraft", unless the paratroopers are thrown into frontal assaults in the North-Eastern Military District.
            1. +2
              26 September 2024 17: 27
              The Airborne Forces and Airborne Assault Battalions have no direct relation to the modern concept of "attack aircraft"
              That is, it is not that at all. Thanks for the clarification. How is our military science doing? Is it spending budgets properly? What about a set of instructions for modern attack aircraft? Well, a set of training, some techniques for work, weapon assemblies for tasks? Do they already exist?)
        2. +3
          26 September 2024 18: 27
          It has long been said: the feat of some is the result of incompetence, or sloppiness, or sabotage of others...
  6. +6
    26 September 2024 06: 50
    A little clarification, the first specialized assault units appeared in 1943 by order of May 30, 1943. How they were formed, what they were armed with is easy to read, everything is available.
  7. +12
    26 September 2024 06: 53
    Everything is very complicated and simple... It all starts with the presence of combat-ready units, focused not on biathlons and parades, and having real STATE combat-ready units, not paper ones! The basis of everything is the officers and commanders who were successfully destroyed. The presence of show-off fools, thieves in the upper echelons of power is precisely what forces us to urgently give birth to "stormtroopers"... with all the consequences!
  8. +12
    26 September 2024 06: 56
    The death of the Goodwin and Ernest group is currently being actively discussed on the Internet.

    Until the results of the investigation are officially announced, I am sure that the “punishers” should shut up.

    They announced it the day before yesterday. Everything is under wraps. As if anyone doubted it.
  9. +17
    26 September 2024 06: 56
    It is difficult to comment on this article without falling under the article on discrediting the army. You start to talk about military problems, and they immediately ask you whether you served there or there, and they say, I served there as a senior officer, and you are talking heresy. And Russian citizens who served and did not serve, housewives, have a question: how did all this happen?
    In principle, an assault trooper can be trained from six months to a year. This is from the experience of the Soviet army. During the training and training, he must knock down a machine gun, having fired from 5 thousand to 10 thousand shots. Learn to shoot from all types of RPGs. Learn to lay anti-personnel mines.
    Another issue is a fire strike on enemy positions before an attack, an offensive sweeping away all artillery and UAV operators. Also a fire strike on an advancing enemy, and here sweeping away all.
    We have the weapons for this.
    No matter what, we will win! soldier
    1. +4
      26 September 2024 07: 25
      It's hard to comment on this article without getting into trouble.from the article on discrediting the army.

      You are saying everything correctly, but no matter how the "watchers" look at such a development of events, the army is being discredited by people (and random people, not officers) serving in it - by their actions, and not by us - by those watching this...
    2. -5
      26 September 2024 10: 16
      Another issue is a fire strike on enemy positions before an attack, an offensive sweeping away all artillery and UAV operators. Also a fire strike on an advancing enemy, and here sweeping away all.
      And also a fire strike on a standing enemy, and also a fire strike on a sleeping enemy... You can immediately see the "senior officer".
      Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
  10. +7
    26 September 2024 07: 04
    How Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasilevsky took Koenigsberg in 1945…

    That's the problem.
    It's the 21st century. And it seems like the world's second army has the best weapons.
    And they fight according to the manuals of Marshal Vasilevsky.
    1. 0
      26 September 2024 07: 23
      Quote: Heda
      And they fight according to the manuals of Marshal Vasilevsky.

      Stormtroopers and assault group tactics are generally German from WWI. But judging by the endless assaults on powerful fortifications head-on. The military considers the strategy and tactics of WWI to be the standard
      1. +2
        26 September 2024 08: 36
        The basis of the tactics of the Reichswehr stormtroopers in WWI is covert approach to the object of attack. And another thing is preventing enemy reserves from reaching the attacked object. There are no direct instructions about frontal assaults in German manuals.
        1. +1
          26 September 2024 08: 48
          Quote: saigon
          The basis of the tactics of the Reichswehr stormtroopers in WWI is covert approach to the object of attack. And another thing is preventing enemy reserves from reaching the attacked object. There are no direct instructions about frontal assaults in German manuals.

          If we move on to WWII tactics, then it begins that there is no need to storm anything, you need to surround, cut off and go deep. winked
          If we take American modern tactics. There is nothing about assault there either, aviation with artillery should work the enemy to the level of soft dough. And then the troops will move forward, stopping when any resistance is detected and ordering air and artillery strikes on the identified points. Thus, they should fight exclusively for self-defense and holding the front. Without any assaults.
          1. -5
            26 September 2024 13: 18
            Quote: BlackMokona
            If we take American modern tactics. There is also nothing about assault, there aviation with artillery should work the enemy to the level of soft dough.

            Yes, that's true. But this is only possible when your financial and production capabilities are immeasurably superior to your opponent's. IMMEASURELY. Hundreds of times.
            During the Great Patriotic War, the Americans outnumbered Germany by only tens of times. And so they ran away, outrunning their own squeal every time the Germans began an offensive. Now the Taliban have established financial flows, and the US has fled Afghanistan with the same unthinkable speed. If the Ukrainians had attacked the US, they would have captured it from coast to coast long ago. In fact, this is exactly what the US and NATO were counting on in the current NVO. That the American army and the Russian are the same thing)
    2. +9
      26 September 2024 08: 09
      And what do you find wrong with the experience of two world wars? By the way, Vasilevsky took Koenigsberg in 6 days. The problem is not that we are fighting according to outdated tactics, but that for the sake of "politics" we are fighting in defiance of it. So, a deep bow, honor and glory to our soldiers on the front lines.
      1. 0
        26 September 2024 09: 04
        And what do you find bad about the experience of two world wars?

        Are you seriously?
        What's wrong with meat storms?
        When an infantryman is a cheaper expendable material than an artillery shell.
        When you are sent to the front as if to the grave.
        If you like this experience, then please, grab your rifle and go ahead, shouting “Hurray!” to take the heights.
        1. +4
          26 September 2024 11: 03
          Stop talking nonsense, better open a history textbook and refresh your knowledge (if you ever had it). Read how many artillery barrels participated in the artillery preparation during the assault, how long did it last during the breakthrough of truly fortified positions? And then begin to judge the methods of combat operations.
        2. -1
          26 September 2024 11: 26
          The fact is that the infantry has a very high chance of dying. To protect the infantry means not to spare shells and bombs, to protect the infantry means not to spare the enemy.
    3. +7
      26 September 2024 09: 32
      And they fight according to the manuals of Marshal Vasilevsky.
      Like, Königsberg was filled with corpses during the "meat" assaults?
      1. +1
        26 September 2024 14: 30
        The same thing is said about Sevastopol, that during the liberation, the storming of Sapun Mountain, blood flowed in streams, but in reality 8 thousand died, not a few at all, but this reduced the 17th German-Romanian army to dust.
    4. +2
      26 September 2024 10: 22
      I'm afraid they fight according to Schweik's manuals
      Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
    5. +3
      26 September 2024 15: 28
      If they had fought according to his manuals, we would have already reached the borders with Europe.
  11. +6
    26 September 2024 07: 21
    Stormtroopers are the elite of the army, not a guardhouse for the lazy

    It seems like the title is correct...
    A tanker means – know your vehicle thoroughly and be able to fight in this vehicle in such a way that everyone around you will envy. A stormtrooper means – there is no one better than you in this matter.

    the thoughts seem to be correct too, i.e. "a pie maker shouldn't make boots..."
    but where do such conclusions come from, after the correct words:
    The death of the Goodwin and Ernest group is being actively discussed on the Internet now. What I haven't read about it these days. How many curses directed at the commander. How many demands to the commander, to the Minister of Defense, to the Supreme Commander to punish the guilty.

    what does the Internet have to do with it? - the whole country is watching the chaos... everyone sees it and draws certain conclusions...
    after all, if we break away from the specific topic of discussion, then 2 burnt helicopters in Siberia are the same kind of outrage, only in a "childish imagination", without documents "closing it"...
    Why was it necessary to write this?
  12. +20
    26 September 2024 07: 51
    It’s strange, but the article was classified as analytics: some kind of improvisation in style, I woke up and thought about it.
    "Analytics": the regiment commander doesn't know who does what in the regiment? And sends high-class specialists to... "peel potatoes" because the "clerk" found out what unit they are assigned to?
    Seriously? Is that how it works in the army?
  13. Des
    26 September 2024 07: 57
    From the author's article: "And the clerk began to "search" for personnel. He found them! Including two motorized riflemen, Goodwin and Ernest. Note, not the crew of the reconnaissance drone, but ordinary motorized riflemen. That's how they are listed in the regiment."
    In the regiment, everyone knows who does what. And especially the regiment commander. And especially the clerk. It is impossible for them not to know this.
    Therefore, no matter how they hide behind the order, this is settling scores with those they don’t like.
    1. -3
      26 September 2024 08: 39
      Are you absolutely sure that a rifleman is a regimental commander? This is not even a battalion commander level, this is a company commander's concern. The regiment commander has more than enough worries, and if the headquarters is doing a bad job, the regiment commander won't find time to sleep.
      1. 0
        26 September 2024 10: 26
        The regiment commander has more than enough worries

        that's why he needs it
        and if headquarters

        Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
      2. Des
        26 September 2024 10: 36
        Quote: saigon
        Are you absolutely sure that the shooter is at the regimental commander level?

        Yes, I served in such a regiment. The regiment commander "knew" the regiment. Of course, not all the privates (but many), but he knew and valued the specialists. And he personally knew the necessary specialists, who were assigned to other positions (this happens). Because nothing happened in the regiment without his knowledge. The regiment became the best in the district.
        A lot has changed since then.
        As they say, each next one was worse than the previous one.
        But that's not the point. Any specialist should be used for his intended purpose. There was such an order (even before the war). And then little attention was paid to it, because life forced them to solve the tasks set. But these are tasks of peacetime and not in personal interests.
        Here the regiment lost necessary, expensive, experienced specialists.
  14. +3
    26 September 2024 08: 08
    I have been alive for a long time and the term "stormtrooper" (in relation to people, not equipment) evokes only two associations in my memory: one in a brown shirt, the other in white and black armor. Frankly speaking, armies need not only soldiers, but also equipment capable of breaking through enemy defenses in difficult situations and conditions of dense fortified buildings. The word "building" refers not only to residential buildings in cities and large villages, but also to complexes of specialized long-term fortifications. When attempting to take them by attacking conventional forces, the attackers will suffer huge losses. This is because "conventional forces" are primarily personnel from conscripts (1-3 years of average training in a specialty) and mass-produced equipment (just for those who learn to use it for the same 1-3 years). And to storm the "building" we need exactly the kind of specialists and equipment who have been learning this for many years - like "alphas" and "knights". They need to be formed and trained from contract soldiers. Then, from them, form battalion-level assault groups and plan their use for their intended purpose.
  15. +14
    26 September 2024 08: 09
    We learn, the enemy learns.
    That is, during the period of the Chechen wars, from the 90s to 2009, they learned nothing. However, now it is the SVO, and then it was the KTO. These are two very different things.
    It will be difficult for us to win...
    It will be difficult for us to win, because there is no advantage in weapons in all types.. Vasilevsky, the author remembered.. Vasilevsky, during the storming of Koenigsberg, only one gun per square kilometer was..400
    1. 0
      26 September 2024 14: 34
      There is an advantage. You can't compare Ibbo, you didn't live under Ukraine.
  16. 0
    26 September 2024 08: 13
    In the Russian army, stormtroopers are the elite, but the SHTURM, unfortunately, is also a way of killing unwanted and inconvenient people, even if they have previously brought enormous benefit to the army and could bring no less benefit in the future.
    And, considering the fact that Puzik and other Puziks WILL NOT EVEN BE PUNISHED for this kind of murder - they committed it "according to the law and regulations"! - all smart, talented and ideological people should better stay away from the army and Puziks - so as not to "enter a minefield", to eliminate the risk of falling under the command of another Puzik.
    1. Jan
      26 September 2024 22: 28
      I agree! But where can a poor patriot go?
  17. 0
    26 September 2024 08: 27
    Apparently, the Author does not have much military experience.

    Everything is much simpler and more logical.

    The stormtrooper is the one who is appointed (this is a universal principle).

    The question of qualification and combat training are also universal questions, Suvorov trained stormtroopers on a model of Izmail, which is a classic example of proper stormtrooper training. But there are also negative historical examples, there are more of them.

    The losses of the attack aircraft are relatively high for obvious reasons.

    Also, one should not confuse stormtroopers with special forces, which can sometimes be used as stormtroopers.
  18. +3
    26 September 2024 08: 28
    The author writes that the stormtroopers are the elite of the army, specialists in storming fortified positions. And then

    The stormtroopers are the last to leave...
    And they should be the first! How can you leave the elite to strut their stuff if it's not their job at all? It's not their qualifications, and they won't be of much use, but there are still a lot of losses among them.
    1. Ray
      26 September 2024 12: 07
      And they should be the first! How can you leave the elite to strut their stuff if it's not their job at all? It's not their qualifications, and they won't be of much use, but there are still a lot of losses among them.

      Don't even talk about it. The author wrote some kind of nonsense, speaking in Russian.
      It turns out that the stormtroopers are supposed to both storm and hold on to the last. Well, by that logic, it really is some kind of penal battalion.
      1. -1
        26 September 2024 12: 12
        Well, it has long been accepted practice in any troops to put chronic brawlers and troublemakers at the very front. They are in their right place there. If a person is active and angry, an assault is just right for him) But if he is a big, cowardly man who loves to pick on the weakest (alas, there are many of them), then he will carry the machine gun to the first bullet. His comrades will not let him run away, and hiding behind them will not work.
        But this is about good commanders. Bad ones, and especially criminals, have always used this method to eliminate unwanted ones. Everything depends on the command...
  19. +5
    26 September 2024 08: 30
    Half of the article is about Ernst and Goodwin. And the text, as usual, is rather murky. Is it true that these two recorded an appeal about drug trafficking in the regiment, after which they immediately died? Or is it a fake? In general, the Internet remembers everything...
    1. +1
      27 September 2024 11: 05
      Look at Klimov's latest interviews on "Aurora" or read his TG channel. Very, very many emotions if you look at the situation on TG, but overall, I would say this is a reflection of a picture opposite to the author's. To put it mildly.
      The topic is extremely murky and extremely stinking, the very fact that it is crawling out from under the carpet is extremely harmful, and the fact that certain smart alecks-authors are pedaling it in a loyal vein makes an already bad situation even worse. Now what is happening around this story is rigidly divided into 2 camps typical for our country - "Nothing happened, everything is ok-normal, and the victim himself fell on the knife 7 times" and those who paint pictures from the pen of the Marquis de Sade of varying degrees of infernality. Even if we take the truth somewhere in the middle, we have very, very big problems "under the hood".
      1. +2
        27 September 2024 12: 22
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        The topic is extremely murky and extremely stinking, the very fact that it is crawling out from under the carpet is extremely harmful, and the fact that certain smart-ass authors are pedaling it in a loyalist vein makes an already bad situation even worse.

        The topic would not have been harmful if there had not been “personnel changes” in the regiment, but if there had been a quick investigation, after which the mouthpieces of the Ministry of Defense would have come forward with a reasoned description of the events.
        If there was drug trafficking, then it would be most useful in all respects to admit it. Yes, there was, we put these people in jail (since we are so humane), and those people are shamefully thrown out of the army. People would immediately feel genuine concern for themselves, and conversation on equal terms. Yes, there are criminals and crimes. But we look for them and punish them, without hiding the problems. All the foam on the Internet would pour dirt, but it would not stick to people's consciousness, despite the eternal mumbling, like, "the people won't understand." The people understand perfectly well when they try to blind them with "personnel changes."
        There was no - present the reasons for creating exactly this situation. Again, people will understand, and the real information will still spread. At the moment, the authorities are acting surprisingly stupidly, growing public indignation. The people are drawing conclusions, and they are clearly not in favor of the authorities. Such actions are definitely harmful to the state
  20. -3
    26 September 2024 08: 34
    It was smooth on paper. The use of specific units is a very complex issue - the battalion commander is given a task - responsibility for failure to fulfill it. The whole problem is (any stormtrooper will confirm this) that there are NO two identical assaults. And how things will turn out in a specific battle (who will die and who will live) NOBODY knows until the end.
  21. +4
    26 September 2024 08: 36
    Or maybe air defense is not elite, or aviation, snipers, tankers? Any soldier is elite, if he is well trained.
  22. +4
    26 September 2024 08: 54
    "terrible death by fire."
    I read exactly the opposite here.
    That they are almost deserters and freeloaders, slandering "respected people"

    And whom to believe?

    IMHO, I saw similar videos from the Cossacks of the Russian Spring, about the strange deaths of Cossacks and the involvement of the LPR authorities in this

    You know the fate of the fighters of the Russian Spring. You know the fate of the current authorities of the LPR and DPR too.
    conclusions are drawn.
  23. +5
    26 September 2024 09: 31
    We do not have a VUS assault aircraft. Just as we do not have a VUS UAV and light UAV operator. Hence the staffing, equipment and training. The assault is carried out by infantry, joint or separate units. Incredibly brave men. And the creation of specifically regular assault units, with all the necessary support and training, is truly the most important matter.
  24. +6
    26 September 2024 09: 34
    and in the company of the prematurely deceased Prigozhin, when new arrivals entered, they were picky about selecting stormtroopers. I wasn't there myself, but a familiar employee of the company told me clearly... "where would you go in the stormtroopers, grandpa... you won't even run 100 meters in a bulletproof vest... better go and turn the steering wheel".... and he's still turning the steering wheel for the third year... and doesn't want to go anywhere.
    to make maximum use of a person based on his physical and psychological capabilities. It is for such individual units that the personnel holds on, knowing that for their fathers-commanders they are not gray cattle, continuously replaced by new ones, but a superbly tuned military mechanism, where each person is exactly in his place....and each one can be relied on to the end in battle.
    Only the paratroopers, marines, special forces can boast of such an attitude towards their fighters... and earlier, the now-defunct Wagner and the USSR border troops.....
  25. +6
    26 September 2024 09: 35
    I'm just wondering how many volunteers from the political elite, say from the United Russia party, signed up for the military elite - the stormtroopers.
    1. +3
      26 September 2024 10: 55
      Quote: Idle_piston
      I'm just wondering how many volunteers from the political elite, say from the United Russia party, signed up for the military elite - the stormtroopers.

      Why, there were specific cases in the media - when there was a choice between SVO and prison, some chose SVO. But this did not always help.
      1. +1
        26 September 2024 12: 40
        Our mayor of Sochi was arrested right in the SVO the other day, he wanted to avoid being jailed and ran away to the SVO in advance
        1. 0
          26 September 2024 12: 53
          Quote: Nastia Makarova
          Our mayor of Sochi was arrested right in the SVO the other day, he wanted to avoid being jailed and ran away to the SVO in advance

          The Duma is thinking of a new law here, just so that from prison - to the SVO. Maybe that law is just for such cases. But still, first you have to put someone in jail.
  26. +2
    26 September 2024 12: 26
    And what about our troops, or have they changed their combat regulations in two years? There are motorized rifle units that must perform these tasks: 1 company storms, 2 consolidates, 3 builds defenses. The next assault is conducted by the second battalion in the same sequence, then the company troops change places for rest and replenishment of personnel. And now a motorized rifle regiment is women, conscripts and other GPVS, so they raked a company from one regiment and the men work until they run out. We need to change a lot and make the system flexible, so that if necessary, you can take at least five PK, at least ten, into a group, but now it is written for everyone AK, one RPK and one PK and that's it, if you want to live, go look for it yourself.
  27. +3
    26 September 2024 15: 10
    Article in "Krasnaya Zvezda" from 23.09.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX "Baptism of fire of the VKS motorized rifle regiment".
    A regiment consisting of contract soldiers of the Aerospace Forces was sent to the Kursk direction.
    "...The basis of the motorized rifle companies are fighters who were previously engaged in the protection and defense of spaceports, airfields and other VKS facilities. The regiment includes representatives of the engineering and technical staff of the Air Force, space forces and air defense forces..."
    Are our affairs really so bad now that it is necessary to expose the Aerospace Forces and the protection of airfields and strategic missile bases?
    In Russia, stupidity is a convenient disguise for betrayal and sabotage, and it is treated with understanding.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if behind every fool and corrupt official there is already an agent of the Anglo-Saxons, directing his actions in the right direction.
    Can you imagine what a picture is emerging all over Russia!
    Remember the recent explosions at the colossal missile and weapons warehouse in Toropets.
    1. +2
      26 September 2024 15: 40
      Russia's problem here, as everywhere, is that all its systems of governance are left to their own devices, corrupt and/or already controlled by the enemy.
      Russia, instead of a dead multi-party system, needs a new, united mass ruling people's party open to the broad masses of the population, which, like the CPSU before, will be present everywhere where the people of Russia work and serve, and will direct and control all processes.
  28. +1
    26 September 2024 17: 19
    In my opinion, the author himself invented the definition of a non-existent military specialty "stormtrooper", fantasized about the functionality for this specialty and then began to heroically fight against everything that does not fit this definition and does not correspond to this functionality.
    It turned out so-so.
    ... the assault is the final stage of the operation. The result of many days of work by the commanders and fighters of the group. The area where the work will take place has already been scrupulously studied. The time for the attack has already been chosen. Even the weather has been taken into account. Evacuation points and routes have already been thought out in case of failure of the operation. The necessary ammunition and equipment have been received and distributed.

    The cover group is already training with the fighters on a mock-up of the facility. Intelligence is working out possible routes for the enemy to receive reinforcements. Communications have been tested and methods for transmitting information have been coordinated in conditions where the enemy uses special means to suppress frequencies. The artillerymen already have the exact coordinates of the targets that must be destroyed before the attack…

    But what if the task of taking an enemy stronghold is assigned to a motorized rifle unit, then all this does not need to be done? All this is a "distinctive feature" of the "assault troopers", and the task of the regular infantry at this time is to smoke on the sidelines?
  29. 0
    26 September 2024 20: 49
    I don't understand a damn thing what the article is about, why the article, does the author even have any idea about assault units? And did he even serve?
  30. Aag
    26 September 2024 21: 55
    What a headline!
    What a picture!!!
    Hmm... "Condescended" to the text of the article...
    Excuse me, - although I graduated from military-political, and although there were always conflicts between the faculties (ours, - engineering, and two faculties of political workers, for OS, mines, and - for PGRK, - A fucking difference for a Political Commissar / in a good sense of the word! /), but, I didn’t expect such a thing even from Staver. I rewrote all the Statutes, to please the “new trends”... Even if you kick me / preferably with justification! /, - but, honestly, I don’t understand, - apparently, - this is how it is now accepted, - “flying” around the agenda... (((
  31. Jan
    26 September 2024 22: 17
    I agree with the author! Stormtroopers have long been asking to be made into a separate branch of the armed forces! But the cart is still there. Our stripes-wearers keep looking askance abroad and, as in the good old days, say: they don’t have any, so we don’t need any either... Although there should be a sea of ​​experience and information: for example, the Mannerheim Line and Konigsberg were taken by stormtroopers! And this is special training and equipment! And we have the 41st again and are throwing everyone into battle, covering themselves with orders from above, once again filling the enemy with the corpses of their soldiers!
  32. 0
    27 September 2024 00: 39
    Because of careless officers today, a stormtrooper is a death sentence. And there are a lot of careless ones.

    The provision of assault aircraft is now also at the level of infantry during the war in Afghanistan.

    Assault battalions should have their own UAV platoons, their own tank companies and their own artillery battery, at least 120 mortars and platoon sappers. That is, everything that is needed for an assault.
  33. P
    27 September 2024 03: 54
    Even a well-trained and equipped stormtrooper is a suicide bomber. It is impossible to reconnoiter and rehearse an assault on a model if the enemy has broken through the walls for his passages and filled unnecessary rooms with garbage, mined and camouflaged false passages and dug passages in front of the object and into neighboring ones. Even if the stormtroopers are supported from the outside, pulling back the defense forces, even if artillery preparation is carried out, all the same, the stormtrooper is a suicide bomber, the only difference is in time
  34. +1
    27 September 2024 10: 58
    Until the results of the investigation are officially announced, I am sure that the “punishers” should shut up.

    But the essence of the problem does not change from my opinion. Everything looks quite simple there. This is purely my opinion, not claiming to be the ultimate truth. The regiment commander received information that the enemy will attack in some area. The regiment commander is an experienced soldier and has known since 2014 how to act in such situations.

    Staver as an author no longer exists for me after this. There is more than enough data in this story to at least not bother with covering up the commander.
  35. 0
    27 September 2024 11: 41
    So it would be nice to send negligent military leaders who could become real military elite to the stormtroopers as soldiers.
  36. -1
    28 September 2024 16: 21
    Staver was also given a chance to suck on the anti-crisis along the line of nightingale droppings in the washing of bellies. 30 pieces of silver are 30 pieces of silver
  37. 0
    30 September 2024 09: 43
    It's not quite true about Ernest and Goodwin, they weren't plugging a possible breakthrough, they were specifically going to storm Ukrainsk. And as for the regiment commander, the commander needs to understand his subordinates, especially since they are already elderly, volunteers and competent ornithologists, of which there are few