Zelensky: Trump Doesn't Know How to Stop the War

Zelensky: Trump Doesn't Know How to Stop the War

One of the candidates in the upcoming US presidential elections this year and former President of the country Donald Trump, who has previously spoken out several times about the situation around Ukraine, does not actually have a real plan to end this conflict, believes Volodymyr Zelensky.

I think Trump doesn't really know how to stop a war, even if he thinks he does.

- Zelensky said in an interview with the American magazine The New Yorker.

According to the illegitimate Ukrainian president, many world leaders and politicians were confident that they knew how to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, but as soon as they began to look deeper, they realized that they were wrong.

It's often the case with this war that the deeper you look at it, the less you understand.

- added Zelensky.

Let us recall that Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that he would quickly be able to find a common language with Russian President Vladimir Putin and put an end to the conflict in Ukraine. He also said that, unlike Biden, if he were the US president, there would be no conflict at all.

However, it is worth remembering that Zelensky became the president of Ukraine when Trump was in charge of the White House, and it was under him that the US began supplying weapons to Ukraine, which Trump himself spoke about in March last year.
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  1. +15
    23 September 2024 15: 37
    "Trump doesn't know how to stop the war" -

    — Stop financing and supplying Ukraine with weapons...
    1. +4
      23 September 2024 16: 00
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      — Stop financing and supplying Ukraine with weapons...

      And pass this on to your European allies...
    2. -1
      23 September 2024 16: 17
      Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      Today, 15: 37
      [/ I]
      [/quote]"Trump doesn't know how to stop the war"[Quote]

      — Stop funding and supplying Ukraine with weapons [i]

      Who will allow Ushatik to be shot?
      He already has 2 black marks, after which ordinary, normal ex-presidents do not survive!
      1. 0
        23 September 2024 16: 47
        So these were home-grown amateur killers who tried it. Not agents with two zeros.
        1. -1
          23 September 2024 16: 50
          Today, 16: 47
          [/i]So these were home-grown amateur killers who tried. Not agents with two zeros.[i]

          However, the message is clear to everyone: wallet or family!
      2. +2
        23 September 2024 17: 02
        He already has 2 black marks, after which ordinary, normal ex-presidents do not survive!

        All these "black marks" look more like a staged show to earn more votes. If they really wanted to remove them, they would not have applied them, they would have removed Kennedy's example, no security would have helped.
        1. 0
          23 September 2024 18: 46
          private person
          Today, 17: 02
          [/ I]
          [/quote]He already has 2 black marks, after which ordinary normal ex-presidents do not survive![Quote]

          All these "black marks" look more like a staged show to earn more votes. If they really wanted to remove them, they would not have applied them. Kennedy's example, no security helped.[i]

          Then, even more so, let's watch his hands and everyone will be happy.
          The show goes on, everyone is participating.
        2. 0
          24 September 2024 00: 10
          looks more like a staged show

          It's a pretty show - shooting an ear with a rifle. It's cooler than hitting an apple on the head with an arrow.
          1. 0
            24 September 2024 15: 58
            No one shot the ear, a tiny explosive charge was attached behind the ear, the bullet flew half a meter from the head (if there was one at all).
        3. 0
          24 September 2024 07: 18
          Quote: private person
          He already has 2 black marks, after which ordinary, normal ex-presidents do not survive!

          All these "black marks" look more like a staged show to earn more votes. If they really wanted to remove them, they would not have applied them, they would have removed Kennedy's example, no security would have helped.

          Is the US getting smaller?
          They sent a man into space in the 60s. They killed the president on the move from a great distance.
          And now? And now they can't take people off the ISS and twice they missed a motionless person at close range...
      3. +3
        23 September 2024 19: 57
        I think all the assassination attempts on Trump are just a show - we'll see.
        1. 0
          23 September 2024 21: 30
          Today, 19: 57
          [/i]I think all the assassination attempts on Trump are just a show - we'll see.[i]

          Whatever the performance, there comes a denouement and an ending, and some spectators like to clap their hands.
      4. +1
        23 September 2024 20: 30
        If the long-eared one suddenly becomes the president of the USA, then this little Jew might still have time to lick his boots.
    3. 0
      23 September 2024 16: 53
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      "Trump doesn't know how to stop the war" -

      — Stop financing and supplying Ukraine with weapons...

      Trump can order Zelensky to capitulate: and the war will end. wink
      What is there to know? laughing
    4. +1
      23 September 2024 16: 57
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      — Stop financing and supplying Ukraine with weapons...

      Or throw him out of the country publicly and order him not to be accepted in Europe.
    5. 0
      23 September 2024 17: 37
      This is not enough. The "deep state" in the United States needs to refuse to continue the war.
    6. 0
      24 September 2024 15: 57
      — Stop financing and supplying Ukraine with weapons...

      And open a western front against the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  2. +6
    23 September 2024 15: 39
    Zelensky meant that Trump does not know how to end the war on terms acceptable to Zelensky himself.
  3. +7
    23 September 2024 15: 42
    It would be cool if Trump responded to this:
    - I really don’t know... who Zelensky is.
  4. 0
    23 September 2024 15: 43
    The deeper you look into a pile of cocaine, the more you understand that you don't understand a damn thing in this life)))
  5. +2
    23 September 2024 15: 51
    If the World hears a Crazy Clown, then the World has gone mad... It's time to end this circus. And Zzzzzzzzz!!!!! First of all - in the UK. The rest - Shut up!!!
  6. 0
    23 September 2024 15: 57
    It's simple: surrender Great Britain, Germany and France, annexing them to the Russian Federation. And then, under the state program, they will supply gas to the borders... It will all end quickly... Well, and Zelensky and Co. will take him to his drama club.
  7. +2
    23 September 2024 15: 58
    Zelya bude velmi překvapený, jak rychle válka skončí. Sami Ukrajinci jen čekají, až Trump vyhraje volby a sami zlikvudují tu hereckou atrapu. Trump nebude žádat ochranu pro Zelyu, lid Ukrajiny si to s ním vyřídí sám, pokud nestihne utéct do královského sídla v Anglii mezi své ochránce - fašišty.
    1. +5
      23 September 2024 15: 58
      Zelya will be very surprised how quickly the war will end. The Ukrainians themselves are simply waiting for Trump to win the elections and will eliminate the fake actor themselves. Trump will not ask for protection for Zelya, the people of Ukraine will deal with him themselves if he does not manage to escape to the royal residence in England among his patrons - the fascists.
  8. +4
    23 September 2024 16: 12
    "Zelensky: Trump doesn't know how to stop the war" .. Boo ga ga ... A small monkey imagined himself a world-class politician ... Zeleno is in fifth place. Sitting under a bench and picking his nose .. eating boogers. A pathetic nonentity.
  9. +1
    23 September 2024 16: 20
    I think Trump doesn't really know how to stop a war, even if he thinks he does.

    - Zelensky said in an interview with the American magazine The New Yorker.
    Yeah, the whole world knows, but what if he doesn't??? Stop supporting Ukraine with weapons and money and in a couple of months it will ask for peace itself
  10. -1
    23 September 2024 16: 21
    [/i]Zelensky: Trump Doesn't Know How to Stop the War[i]

    After getting acquainted with the work of Kvartal-95 and personally the artistic art of the highest mastery of the pianist, the genitally shot Ushatik can advance far and make a fateful decision for the countries and the world unequivocally and without discussion!
  11. +2
    23 September 2024 16: 27
    The dog barked at Uncle Sucker.
    1. +1
      23 September 2024 16: 35
      Quote: pudelartemon
      The dog barked at Uncle Sucker.

      Dog . drinks . And Alabai with a Caucasian Shepherd dog... The cur barked at the sucker uncle.
      1. +1
        23 September 2024 17: 49
        It's hard to disagree. And the cur is expired, too. wassat
  12. +2
    23 September 2024 18: 04
    Trump: "Zelensky doesn't know shit."
  13. 0
    23 September 2024 20: 21
    Trump is a "chess piece" in a complex "multi-move" game of the global "behind the scenes"... He will do whatever he is ordered to do (if he wins the elections)... But for now, all the promises, proposals, wishes and plans coming from his lips are a "lure" for "weak-minded" voters, nothing more... Even the "stoned" Zelya understands this...
  14. 0
    23 September 2024 20: 31
    Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that he will quickly be able to find common ground with Russian President Vladimir Putin and end the conflict in Ukraine

    These election promises are amusing
    Well, what exactly will happen if, having won (suddenly!) the presidential seat, he forgets his words?
    He doesn't need another term - this will be his second term anyway, if he wins.
    What will happen?
    Yes there will be nothing
    In my memory, so many different promises were made by so many different presidents!
    And exactly the same number of times, suddenly, magically, they forgot everything, finding themselves in their chairs
    One more chatterbox, one less - history will write it all off...
  15. 0
    23 September 2024 20: 52
    I believe that Trump does not really know how to stop the war, even if he thinks he knows how to do it, Zelensky said in an interview with the American magazine The New Yorker.
    You definitely won't talk to chimeras laughing
    It often happens with this war that the deeper you look at it, the less you understand, Zelensky added.
    Zelensky should look at Kamala Harris less, especially listen to her laughter feel crying